Can we just talk about how good Watamote was? And how disappointing it is there isnt an continuation ):
Watamote is the best
There is a continuation.
It's called read the manga faggot.
No. The manga becomes a yuri harem.
well that's the destiny of any shit series though
I wish to meet a Tomoko in real life. I would do my best to deserve her.
>girls can't be friends with girls without lezing out
I hate this meme.
Tomoko never should have made friends she doesn’t hate
I wish to be__ a Tomoko in real life. I would do my best to deserve myself and make sure others deserve me.
Is talking about social issues and peer pressure taboo in Japan now, or you have to make it subtle?
based tomoko triggering fat losers have sex incel
Anime art style is so ugly compared to the manga. I wish they tried to replicate it better. All of Tomoko's merchandise is of her ugly bootleg Lucky Star anime appearance.
Give me the REAL Kuroki.
They are both cute for different reasons user.
I still like anime style but only for few characters, most background and secondary (many of those become more important later) looks generic.
first loser spotted kek
You should feel lucky there is no continuation considering how shitty and generic the manga has become
final bump
As long as you remember to say "no homo" first.
she's so beautiful
Haven't seen her in a while, do you think she's found some new socially awkward student to focus on?
Following the manga was like watching the mangling of Alice Doesn't Live here Anymore into "kiss my grits" stretch out over the span of several years.
Bocchi is better
Will Mako finally get a chapter this week?
The manga did end up moving away from something that made it more unique, but it did so by letting Tomoko develop as a person. I'm just glad to see her grow up.
Exactly. Original season was great, I tried reading manga but she became a normie. All I want is to relate to a character so much but instead she is a girl. I want dark comedy, awkwardness and for reality to always win. Reality is not you suddenly find a bunch of friends who are also gay for you. That was pandering and all true fans dropped it