"user your date is here"
"user your date is here"
Other urls found in this thread:
does she have my pizza?
I specifically requested Illya.
Give her back and request one that isn't burnt
thanks for letting her in kuro
What's a good place to take Kuro on a date?
Nice to meet your daughter, now let's go
Pound Town?
my dick
An ice cream parlor
Thanks okasan
>mother whores out her daughters
Best trope.
An all-hours public bathroom full of fat old men.
Excuse me, I ordered Neapolitan
Pen Island
Ah thats hot
patrician's taste
Iri only whores out Shirou
Will Smith you shouldn't be posting here
Kuro is so cute here holy shit, I would scoop her up and take her out for icecream
But that's your mother... well, ok.
Best answer so far. Also the zoo or take her to see a movie.
>mother whores out her daughters
No doujins
>Father creates her daughters and then breeds them
No doujins
Someone draw me stacked MILF Kuro with the deadmom hairstyle.
So brown Sella with tits?
Huh where’s miyu?
Or brown Leysritt with different hair.
My dick sitter Sella is so cute
On my dick.
Excuse me! I only said she was cute and I'd take her out for ice cream. Nothing lewd, only wholesome ice cream for a good girl like Kuro, because people like ice cream.
(None of that lewd popsicle shit either)
Illya can come too if she'd like.
You want 9fag, zoomers.
>ha ha ha...that won't fit.
ok fine, not cringe, but only if you bring home some ice cream for irisviel too
>sexualizing kaleids
Loli should be bannable offense
You have to go back.
All the way to Avalon.
no doujins of prisma maybe... but unrelated to the series there are a few of mother whoring daughter/s
You have to get naked
Kuro should let her hair loose more often
This why we cant have nice things, try cripplechan or Yea Forums next time.
You HAVE to go back.
>This why we cant have nice things
What are you on about? It's a fucking cartoon.
>What's a good place to take Kuro on a date?
lol u tk her 2da bar|?
What does the same show?
>not taking both out on a date
>mfw the studio sexualized the kaleids
>now the canon says that illya is quite puffy down there.
I'd rather have irisveiel desu
f... for example?
>Delicious brown
>That voice
Muh dick
What part?
based and iripilled
Why is Kuro brown again? If we didn’t see how she was created you’d think the logical conclusion is that Iri got blacked
Why did my date bring her blacked daughter with her?
Maybe she want you to show her the ropes you know.
I want to spoil Kuro. She is a miracle of the universe and her redemption arc is unironically the most kino moment in all of Prisma.
High IQ post
Mizuryu Kei Land.
But anime is literally just Japanese cartoons
Hell, the name "anime" is short for animation
Are you upset that people are referring to anime by what it technically is?
based fuck pedos
I'm more intro adult women or milfs and not into little children
How do I convince Kuro to sleep with me?
There's a special place in hell for you
"Mother are you implying I would date a brownskin? How preposterous, get out of my sight harlot, before I make you disappear! - unsheathes katana-
Depends user, are you Emiya Shirou?
Thank you!
Anywhere with ample room. I want to be able to pick her up, toss her in the air, catch her, and repeat.
Did Shirou fuck her cunny?
I want to marry Illya!
Well then, tell her you love her and wish to sleep with her. After some embarrassed blubbering on her part she'll probably take you up on the offer with glee!
Happy courting, Shirou-user!
Sometimes you just have to rip Miyu's clothes off and just fuck the shit out of her.
Kuro pls
How often?
holy fucking kek
Only sometimes?
what is happening here
thank you
I'm literally old enough to be her father though.
She's speaking to Kuro, who is user (you).
Her date is another person viewing this thread.
a-are you saying we are illya?
My wife Kuro is so cute.
you must go back child
Try 198132 on nhentai
Love Hotel
Dr Gil putting his medical license to good use
>they take her to the public bathhouse and treat her like a princess
>Kuro spends an hour talking with all of them about their problems with their daughters and granddaughters, improving their lives and the lives of their families with her suggestions
whats that number for and is nhentai safe?
>this new
thats probably where you belong if you think someone not knowing some dumb meme should go there
>"Hello Kuro-chan, shall we goin?"
But Kuro would just recommend them to fuck their granddaughters.
it's got popups. I think ublock takes care of it.
Someplace where we can evade taxes together
Yes, that would improve their lives. Kuro would encourage about two dozen men to rape.
Thailand or Eastern Europe.
She is into that
too old
Reminder that deep down Kuro is a pure maiden. She uses the most conservative and inefficient method of obtaining mana that she needs to live and has blushed when confronted before.
She incorporated the Archer class card whom emulated EMIYArcher. He’s brown due to mana poisoning or something like that.
Chuckie Cheese, kids love that place.
I only date whites, no offence.
Kuro a shit
Holy fuck user I was just reading the chapter where this is showcased to post as proof.
She really is such a misunderstood girl.
Ps: I know you meant to say efficient.
IQ 200 post
Duh, Kuro is outward lewd but pure on the inside.
Illya acts pure outwardly but is incredibly lewd on the inside.
butter baste
She also isn't interested in doing anything with strangers, let alone sweaty middle-aged men.
honestly had the more accurate take on these scenarios. (More likely she'd scold the men and cause them to rethink their life choices)
Ahhh Kuro really is the best.
There's a beast hidden within Illya, and it's quite frightful.
>ehentai for retards/normalfaggots
Yes, cheese pizza
we need a edit with the terry a davis about the 45
Illya is a rapist. Males, females, balding old fatmen. It doesn't matter she wants to desperately fuck everything.
She's 11.
Thats why she gets away with it
On the Richter scale
just fapped to this: dropbox.com
Is there any more godtier games like this one?
Here's something to put things into perspective:
Illya only *THINKS* she's 11. Her body however, knows the truth, though this does cause slight dissonance between her thoughts, and body. Hence unexpected fetish switches for maids, and pining for her onii-chan.
See? A perfect handwave!
niceu baito
Rough anal with Kuro!
>Sexy as hell game, ready to fap all night
>Its actually had barely any of the planned features added
Kuro naizuri though, so 10/10
What the fuck are you doing, you lunatic!
Bring me taiga!
She's 11 in hexadecimal, so legal in my state.
Don't worry guys, I've got this!
Could all the kings men put illya back together again?
holy shit based
Can we just skip straight to marriage?
She's so cute!!!
You can't marry little brown girls
but they're the best so yes you can
thanks lad
My daughter wife Kuro is cute and smushy.
This is probably the first time i see Kuro in a non-lewd way.
What say we dispense with the formalities and get straight to the fuckin', sweetheart
is this fake?
if I could fuck a voice i'd fuck chiwa's voice
You have to go back.
No u
Only based post in this thread.
"I ordered the large. Don't mind that they mixed it up with some chocolate tho."
Imagine dating a cockwhore like Kuro who'll jerk the guy off next to her when you watch the movies together.
Good taste, but for me it's Sawashiro.
Clever girl.
That's kind of hot.
How the fuck is this cocksucker not banned yet?