3-gatsu no Lion

I'm halfway through season 1 of 3-gatsu no Lion. It's pretty fucking good so far, anons.

I've read that season 2 is even better.

I also get the feeling I'm in for emotional heartbreak.

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Akari a cute
Kyōko a cunt

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I couldn't make it past a few episodes because shogi isn't interesting to me

I wasn't expecting something this THICC to appear, either

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Yeah I found the first few episodes a bit slow, but I kept going because I've read that it gets really good.

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First season is better in my opinion. The plot takes a major break for Hina's bullying PSA, for several episodes straight everyone will be jerking over how HINA STRONK and cry about it or their own weakness. By second half it'll go back to its former glory, though, but not much of the plot will advance. Mostly Souya, Shimada, Takahashi pulled it from being bad. Bullying took way too much time.

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aaaaaaaa god damn it user.

I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Hina is precious.

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This cunt right here...

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3-gatsu no Lion is one of the best anime that Yea Forums barely talks about.
Personally I liked season 2 a bit more, one reason may be the bullying, but also the tournaments and more focus on Shimada.

Attached: [Erai-raws] 3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_15.58_[2018.03.24 (1280x720, 134K)

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It's so good

Shimada is an amazing character but really they're all excellent



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I'm up to episode 13, and Rei has just mentioned Shimada.

I look forward to it user

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Dumping some reaction images

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Whore who sleeps with old men for money.

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Ok I'm done with the reaction images.

season 3 fucking WHEN


Hina is a shining ray of light
best girl of all time


Nikaido is the best.

It was a great adaptation but I could barely feel the Shaft style of animation in this

>watched long, detailed anime about shogi, go, mahjong for years
>haven't learned shit about those
Sorry elevens, can't get your silly games through my thick skull

Beep beep canon coming

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No worries filthy gaij- I mean, good friend, we've made an video for you

>I've read that season 2 is even better.
It's just how the sequel phenomenon works for series with narrow audiences. The first season filters out all non-hardcore fans so the echo camber becomes even more extreme. It's extremely rare for a sequel season to be notably better than the first.

Any news?


Seoson 3 when?

I like Kyoko

I would hatefuck that.

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I didn't see this before.

Every scene Kyoko appears in becomes gold. Imagine the hatesex.

This smile inspired beautiful words.

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