The Quintessential Quintuplets Anime Gets 2nd Season

>"The special event for the anime based on Negi Haruba's The Quintessential Quintuplets (Gotōbun no Hanayome) manga revealed on Sunday that the anime will get a second season."

Who /HYPE/ here? We all know who know who is going to win right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hell yeah this is getting a 2nd season

This shit is a fucking cash cow

Please don't insult yotsuba like that

Imagine nutting all over this face


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Fuutarou chaddest moment soon. God I love him so much

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Great, more of my wife Nino.

Ichika a best
Miku a second best
Nino a shit. A SHIT

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You mean MY wife Nino

>5toubun gets a 2nd season
>KO still no anime announcement
Fuck this

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what the fuck is KO

Cant wait for everyone to hop on the Nino train.

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Lurk more newfag

On the bright side, if you ever get an anime it's bound to look better then ours.

Animeonlies better get ready for the unstoppable force that is the Nino Train.

Then again, S2 will probably end with the confession, right? I doubt it'll get to Scrambled Eggs.

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Not by the same studio, I hope.

S1 adapted four volumes. From where it left off to the end of scrambled eggs is another four volumes.

5Toubun is their post of gold, do you really think they will let another studio take it over

That's not how studios work

I like all quints except for Ichika. I would prefer an Itsuki victory but I'm fine with any quint except Ichika winning.

Hot side character

Itsuki has smelly farts

Itsuki IS lolikano. Don't let hopefags brainwash you with Yotsubas attire change means shes lolikano crap

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>Itsuki is obsessed with her dead mother
>Fuutarou is obsessed with his dead mother
What did Negi mean by this?

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Nino and photo
>Nino keeps family album in her room
>Nino takes lots of photos
>Stalker plotline likely centers on Nino
>Shotarou's meeting with Lolikano was because of problem with camera
>Lolikano was the one suggesting they take a photo together
Nino is main girl, lolikano, the kisser, and the bride.

Fuu and the quints have the same mom and no one wins because they're all related.

You got 3/4 right.

>who said only Fuutarou could pull the O MY MOTHER'S BREAD asspull?

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Ok se we were expecting ~30 chapters left or so, but with this second season, it's at least double of that, right?
I don't think there's this much of a chance of the series ending before the anime, and I don't expect this S2 to be much earlier than 2020, which is already ~40something chapters from now. Add the anime running time plus a give it or take it, and there should be ~60 chapters.

Which is weird, because doesn't want to stretch and we're already in May of their third year. Will we spend half a year on Summer Break?
>yakuzaman did it, so can Negi

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Which is ironic, because Fuutarou has never, ever, said a single thing about his dead mom. He was always bent on making Raiha happy.

I got my gf some Nino ribbons at a convention and she's really happy. Is this thread okay with 3D?


Wasn't his main goal to be necessary to someone?

pic or it doesn't happen, user.

>Climax of arc
>Way more fags getting into this manga
>Endless threads to visit

Fuck, at this rate, the everyday will be a party

S1 adapted 32 chapters.

KyoAni still has plenty lined up before they do KO.

He's become necessary to Miku. Who else would try so hard to improve their bad cooking skills?

is your gf an IRL Nino?


no, but is

Personally I'd be willing to bet that we're about ~40 chapters from the end (early 2020ish) and they rush production for this like they did for S1 and we get it in fall 2019.

Ok? But what matters is when the season is airing.

>we're already in May of their third year
Friendly reminder that the chapter was September of their 2nd year, which is 8 months ago in manga, and they still need to go 11 more months before their graduation. It's not even half now.

44th for despair

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Not gonna happen. The only thing that wretched studio cares about is their own IP. You should know this after they dropped Maid Dragon.

>the chapter was
The chapter 1 was

You again? Get lost.

>ever picking up whores: the manga

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Unless they come out and confirm it's being animated by a new studio, there's no reason to behyped

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only if you make her cosplay Nino complete with uniform/cardigan

Graduation is in March, so 10 months.

Kyoani has plenty lined up that they won't bother with KO at all

Ichika a best, A BEST

Ninope a shit, A SHIT

When though?
People will forget it in 2020 so they have to be quick.

>a series about soft-prostitution
Yeah, right. Even Act-Age is more believable with its negative chance than this.

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>no one can get miku to cheer up except fuutarou

What did negi mean by that?

I'm hyped because more people will be on the Nino train which means more official Nino merch.

How did we go from this

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>negative chance
I thought Act-Age is pretty popular? I heard the start was abysmal but it recovered or something.

There's a chance all her greatest scenes will look like this

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Fuutarou's stance looks like that gay porn screenshot.

It is, I have no idea what that user means by a negative chance.

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I meant negative chance of being adapted by kyoani.
Act-age is super good and I recommend.

The problem with this logic is how easily Negi can do time skips. Remember during the final exam arc where they were apparently studying together for a total of 3 months and we got those final exams and everything important that happened in those months within 5 chapters. There is a reason we meme time skips so much in these threads. They aren't uncommon nor are they unexpected by this point.

>Itsuki is obsessed with her dead mother
But Itsuki is also obsessed with his real father
And Itsuki also obsessed with Rena
And obsessed with Lolikano
And obsessed with food

What a cesspool of a character Itsuki is

>After 68
Fuutarou is only Chad with Ichika, Yotsuba, Miku, Itsuki and he is only Shytarou with Nino

>But Itsuki is also obsessed with his real father
Because of her mother's words

>And Itsuki also obsessed with Rena
Itsuki is obsessed about herself?

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Miku winning in 85

user...... I

Is Yotsuba the turtle in this race for the Fuutlong? Despite looking like a rabbit, she's pretty slow.

Yes, she'll win the Ninobowl after both of them get rejected

yes, Miku is the winner
yes, Miku is the bride
yes, 5toubun end at chap 85

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2 in season 2
2 is Nino
Season 2 is Nino's season!

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No Yotsuba is the ground they are running on

it's all planned from start

> character is her lowest point
> chapter is a turnaround point
> character at her highest point the very next chapter?
Go back to storytelling class 101.

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From an antagonist turn in to best girl
How can Negi do it?

Me on the left

5toubun no Hanayome is the official romanisation

True, she is already pushing daisies, very astute of you user!

me behind you

Which one?

Get fucked, KOfaggots. And your piece of shit MC is neither human nor realistic.

Is that matter?

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Five-Toubun no Hanayome*

Was Rena secretly the 6th sister, and Itsuki swallowed her while in their mother's womb?

>4 Prostitutes no Hanayome

>badly animated haremshit gets S2
>Kaguya doesn't
There's no God in this world.


Maybe, but it would be quite the twist for her to win, seeing as how every other girl has gone quite the distance to win and she has even motivated, carried(both literally and figuratively) and put almost everyone else’s happiness above hers in almost every situation. If she truly loves Fuuts she needs to take her own advice and be a bit more selfish and even then Negi would probably have to give her some kind of trump card or the other contenders need to shoot themselves in the foot like Ichika.

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wait,there're 4 of them now?
> I dropped it when the second girl introducted because i know exactly where the story will go

Ok, now I need to read this, what is it’s title?

The rift is between Chorizo and Mami for most of the time so it might as well just be the two of them

Rental Prostitutes

>4 Prostitutes no Hanayome
Actually only 3 of them sell their body.

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Kanojo, Okarishimasu. Prepare to be angry and frustrated.

>>Kaguya doesn't
It's only been a month, chill the fuck out.
It'll get S2 within the next year.

For me, it's Yotsuba.

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Why did you give out the name? I'm trying to protect that user's innocence.

Rena is actually the original and quints are her clones. Maruo found out this cruel experiment and destroyed it, but he was unable to prolong Rena's life and she couldn't live much longer. Mutsumi is a special clone who escaped that experiment and will come back in the sequel to take revenge on everyone. Please look forward to Negi's next battle harem series!

Danke, hoping to see a faggot of an MC to get shit on at every possible corner

>faggot of an MC
That's the perfect description for the MC of KO.

Predict the popularity poll result.
>1st Miku
>2nd Nino
>3rd Ichika
>4th Itsuki
>5th Fuutarou

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Kaguya is episodic shit and cut lot of stuff,you better off with the manga.
Toubun fares better because the storyline is more tight and linear,its a better material for adaptation.

I just want her to be happy

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a daring synthesis

It'll bring so many newfags

>6th Takeda
>7th Raiha
>8th Maruo
>9th Maeda

You forgot Fuutarou's dead mother

>Youngest sister
>in the place of the mother
Why is she so delusional?

she's in the croissant

Fuutarou needs to be higher if we’re including all the characters

Don't you worry your silly little head, user. everyday will always be a party.

They can't be any more annoying than the existing Ninofags.

>We still have Itsuki's mommy issues to resolve
You know how children try to act like adults, but it always ends up withe them being the most insufferable brats?
That's Itsuki.
She even threw a tantrum because Fuutarou didn't give a fuck about Rena.

Those are mostly newfags.


I want to punch that dumb broad in the face.

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What was better, Quintessential Quintuplets or Love Is War?

Quintessential Quintuplets had more letters in the title.

>Manga: Quintessential Quintuplets
>Anime: Love Is War

>Meme value: Quintessential Quintuplets

>1st Nino
nd Miku
rd Ichika
th Itsuki
th Fuutarou

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It's too early for Nino to be 1st.

> too early

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but... but the lolikano, the kisser and the bride...

I enjoyed both, but I think I prefer Love is War, it had some funny parts and I like Prez and Kaguya, they interact really well and the side characters also have time to shine. But I think 5toubun beats it out in terms of romance since it’s a main focus for its story, not that this isn’t the case for the former, just that it also spends it’s time on developing the supporting cast

Thanks for the input was just wondering which one i wanted to start watching first

Skip both and read the manga then


He's not looking for good advice, he's looking for pleb advice.

Only for the sole purpose of recreation

All Itsuki.
She has 5 identities. It's pottery.

We know Fuutarou

I'm trying but the science just isn't there yet.

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Plus that disgusting helium voice.

I'm going to marry Fuutarou!

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Made for pump and dump

We know, Takebayashi.

Shut up Takeda

At this point Fuutarou should have already concluded that Rena is Itsuki right?
He already ruled out Yotsuba and Ichika. And depending on how you interpret this panel then he probably ruled out Miku too.
And considering he talked to Nino about Rena back during Seven Goodbyes, he probably think it's unlikely to be her either.

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Why Miku is still the only one that call Fuutarou without any suffixes

she has autism

>queue quesmastereado
stop using the shit title please

She does try to call him Fuu-kun sometimes

Stop spamming "FUCK Nino" on every thread you autistic piece of shits

FUCK Miku.

there are a lot of Mikutard

I'm trying, dammit.

They gotta make season 2 2 cour to cover all the important parts right

Maybe, but I think he will test 2 quints left too. He is careful type so he won't leave any quints out of his suspicion

A 2-cour second season would cover all the way to the speculated end of the manga, what the fuck are you on about?

Nino dodaj before switching to Fuu-kun to be more affectionate
She doesn't

What do all the quints call him again? I know Yotsuba still calls him Uesugi-San but I’m drawing a blank on the others

Autocorrect on a wrong language?

The best part is that because of Itsuki's stupidity he thinks Rena is lolikano

Not if you added several fan service episodes
Beach episode when

You haven't reread the manga enough.
We're not here to spoonfeed you. You need to show your love.

Add what?

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Nope it will be 12 ep and they going to shit themselves just as S1

Yeah, that part. If Itsuki in NOT real lolinako Fuutaoru has met, that means Itsuki ruined real lolinako chance because of "Rena" fake name and the charm.

Summer is coming, so canon beach scene in S3.

Yeah, should be "did"

No,not really.At most she just repeated when Nino said it out of shock.
In the entirety of their date she still calls him the same.

Which Slav?

Here your answer.

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>Anta at first, then Fuu-kun

the remain contenders of the bowl?

>Anta at first, then Fuutarou, then Fuu-kun

>shamelessly steal her sister nicknames for fuutarou
I bet she will shamelessly steal the man, too.

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The one that will upset people the most if she becomes the bride is Itsuki

Sh-shut up!
Central European

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lol, this scene got picked up during the event yesterday and Yotsuba and Nino's VAs mentioned that although this was supposed to be a serious scene, they got distracted by the sexy as well.
Also, Yotsuba's VA likes the top half while Nino's VA likes the bottom half.

Miku came up with that nickname for Nino
That would imply Fuu-kun was Miku's man

Yotsuba is cuter without the ribbon.

and with the rope!

Their seiryuu's are friends?

*without anything

Is Miku a skinwalker? She's really good at pretending to be the others.

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But if she lose it she will lose all her character


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Yotsuba doesn't deserve anything
>mind control

Yotsuba's chances of winning the bowl are approaching zero.
She is a comedic relief genki side character with the least screentime and is the dumbest of the quints. She is a pushover and obviously not even the lolinakano since she was jogging with the team when that happened.
Remember Yotsuba doesnt even an ounce of romantic interest toward Fuu when everyone else want to kiss him, she was thinking of medal.

All you Yotsufags should kill themselves since you're just wasting oxygen rooting the girl with very little of hope.

Nino is the best at it though.
Yotsuba may as well not even try.

We need some good artist already

Try harder, Takeda!

Good artist know to not lewd the quints

Goretoubun no Hanayome is the official romanization

Nah. Miki is canonically the best.
Imagine if she even lost that

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She'll stop calling him that and call him Anata again someday.

Nice try Fuuts, can’t trick her into giving up the source of her power that easy

soon user

He can if he could convince her that it'll make everyone happy.

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I'll never stop lewding them.

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I think besides Fuutarou and Miku VAs, the rest are all very familiar with each other.

Ichika and Nino VAs have known each other for around 10 years (since OreImo i think).

Yotsuba and Itsuki VAs have known each other since they debuted as VAs at around the same time during their high school years (since Love Lab probably so ~6 years).

Yotsuba's VA is a huge fangirl of Ichika's VA.

Yotsuba and Nino's VA known each other since NakaImo ~7 years ago

Itsuki and Ichika's VAs probably got familiarized from "A Place Further Than The Universe" last year

Make me.

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I hate Yotsuba. She's so selfish and self centered.
She deserves to suffer

quint hara

She is the worst! And! And...

Actually, I'd say they're somewhat even considering Nino hasn't attempted to do an Ichika yet. Miku's Yotsuba actually failed despite beguiling Fuutarou initially.

Stop, please!

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Okay, okay.

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Threadly reminder that Ichika (Kyou) and Miku (Ryou) will get CLANNAD'D by Fuuts.

It's ok. You can keep hating her if you want but Yotsuba will keep loving you and supporting you.

>Ichika (Kyou) and Miku (Ryou) will get CLANNAD'D
What did you mean by this?

Imagine telling Yotsuba she can get smarter if she drinks semen wouldn't that be funny haha

Ichika doesn't deserve her halo anymore!

Thank you.

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+1 edgy kid points.

>miku confession chapter was just a plot device all along.
Does negi hate his dog or what? Meekufags are going to kill him for this.

I don't get it.


That's what happens when you have no personality

Next time write it in english. Here's a (you) for your effort.

Never thought i'd see the remains of ancient /x/ greentext here

they'll back out after realizing he's into another girl

I'm going to marry Miku!

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Yotsuba is like all might. Looks super strong at the start but is actually weak and later in the story completely irrelevant

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Calm your boner, Nino

>tfw for the longest time I wanted any girl but Itsuka to win cause first girl rule.
>recently now I just want anyone but Nino to win so I can laugh at Ninoposters who spam threads

Anyone know this feel?

Yotsuba will only reveal that she's Lolikano after Fuutarou has chosen his quint (not her) and then she will wish them happiness.

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Nino please.

but Miku is flat

Kana vs Ayana.
Let see who will win this time or both lose.LOL

I know that feel bro

It's a good thing Itsuki will reveal that secret first

Nino, you can't marry your sist-

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Post your opinions about it later.

Would Fuutarou get mad when he finds out who Lolikano is?

I'm going to marry Fuutarou!

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I will never stop believing!

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I get a huge boner whenever the quints feel each other up, can’t wait to see that tooth brush scene animated

Miku a cute and a best A BEST.

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This is so petty but i feel the same way.

Not anymore

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Not anymore

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If the lolikano is THE lolikano in all honesty, no tricks nor strings attached he wouldn't.
It's the ulterior motives that takes up his childhood idol's identity that makes him go full savage on them.

Success really breeds jealousy it seems.

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He will test Lolikano using his Rena knowledge and she will fail.
Itsuki's whole purpose is to cause a misunderstanding

I guess you could say Miku's bread for success

You could say Itsuki herself is a... big fat red herring

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Update: I liked episode 1 of the quintuplets more than i did kaguya-sama. I will continue watching the sisters. Nice aesthetic to the show. Funny sisters

Why don't other quints get such powerful parallels, heavy symbology and narritive impact like Nino does? It's not fucking fair.

All this situation is telling me to believe some faggot named Artur who made an autistic essay, by contrast, Ninofags just need to believe in the fucking author himself. I'm tired of relying on headcanons, hand gestures and le mother's bread to defend my quint's chances.

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Dude, no. Miku is confirmed to be the best.

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Nino is the bride, duh.

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>Ninoposters who spam threads
Where do you fags see all these ninoposters? I mean, for every one of them there are 10 more antininofags screeching about muh boogeyman.

We know, Nino

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> Funny sisters
Until you read manga.

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It's funny that mikufags would use the bread as their holy grail when that same bread has cemented Miku as someone who can't do anything by herself and the only progress she makes comes as a deus ex machina.

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Hes one of them you know

Yeah, but gauging it based on her actual range disguises in the manga (appearance/convincing factor) it doesn't seem like she's the best by a huge margin. Rather, it feels like she's the least hesitant.

Why did you feel the need to make a blog post? Fuck off.

Its cool. I personally dont mind any other quint winning. Let it be a deus ex machina or what not, at least Miku is dont with her confession and can now move forward. I'm proud of her.

>talking shit about croissant-kun

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This probably explains where all of those acryllic stands went to

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Success in what? She isnt going to win.

Why are nips so retarded?

kimochi warui

There's only one Ninofag on Yea Forums and that's me.

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Nino and Miku are so well-designed compared to the rest of the sisters.


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Stop posting pictures of my room!
>This probably explains where all of those acryllic stands went to
>4 acrylic stands in sight

Those "mercs" are really underwhelming.

That's a lot of fuckin' buttons.

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They really should've used Negi's designs

Its over Itsuki

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Sweet jesus i'm gonna hurl.

Why's there a webm of croissant-kun?

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“What anyone of them can do, all of them can do” That was really cool.
if they actually seriously work together as fucking sisters instead of always waffling about

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This is a bit too much.

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Nino in apron looks cute though

They kinda worked together for Mikus confession in a way.

That was stupid.
Being quintuplets doesn't mean they have the same strengths

>anime designs
Merch, merch everywhere
All piled up to the brink
Merch, merch everywhere
And all of it did stink

*Too little

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They’re good at different things. They don’t have the same strengths. But they each have the same potential if they use themselves for each others benefits

>JP chapter 84 likely doesn't have major difference with speedscan
>no new content until 13/5

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>Making contact with eldritch wisdom is a blessing, for even if it drives one mad, it allows one to serve a grander purpose, for posterity.

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Ichika is good at being an actor, and fashionable
Miku is good at sengoku warlords history
Itsuki is a cute and dumb fatty
Yotsuba is good at sports

Nino is a good mother, good at cooking, love her sisters, healthy, cute, fashionable, the kisser, and the bride.

“What anyone of them can do, all of them can do”

KO is the HxH of romcom tho.

Gee thanks user, got the urge for a reread which must be more than my tenth time by now.

Attached: 17.png (1426x2048, 3.49M)

i'm sad too but it's a blessing in disguise since I can focus more on exams
if only I could stop joining these threads

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They will get absorbed by each other

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Well thankfully I have my jobs to keep me occupied till the next chapter. It's not that bad as long as you have something to keep yourself occupied

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I'm going to marry Itsuki!

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Keep her full and happy, user.

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Calm down Hamburger

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based user posting yotsubutt an ichibutt

I want to eat their ass!

Attached: Marie.png (385x578, 325K)

That first Yotsubutt is the hottest thing I saw in my whole life. Just imagine the suppleness. Almost as divine as her smile.

nigga it's just wariza, calm down lmao

will Fuutarou set Yotsuba's ass free?

Attached: SUFFER.png (1092x626, 851K)

Careful, you'll end up sitting directly on your anus if you do this wrong.

What if Yotsuba is Lolikano but she doesn't remember the meeting with Fuutarou?

Quality Post.

You seem like you know your stuff user. Thanks for the advice.

same but miku

FUCK Nino, in the ass.

So dreamy~

Why does almost every Ninofag rush to conclusions with nino being the bride?
Do they think they are funny?

They unironically think their parallels actually amount to something. Its gonna be glorious when Itsuki or Miku becomes the bride. I have hundreds of screen caps for this exact purpose.

>Why does every Ninobro knows the truth?
Silly question, user.

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That would be Nisekoi levels of retarded and I doubt that’s how Negi would handle things. So I hope that’s not the case

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I doubt that’s how Negi would handle things

Attached: sataniahaha.gif (543x533, 415K)

Miku is a low effort bait that the author created. Its gonna be Itsuka or Nino.

Attached: Your bait is bad and you should feel bad.png (622x626, 4K)


There's no rush. Ninofags work with facts, while every other fag works on fantasy. Nino's the lolikano, the kisser, the bride, and the treasure that was inside you all along.

That's pretty bullshit and gay. Yotsuba even remembers some random kid Ichika stole. There's no way she'd forget such an important meeting

>Implying it was important to her

Gooks when?

The meeting was only important to Fuutarou. From Lolikano's perspective he was just some kid she played with for one afternoon. It's not like they traded lockets and keys or anything.

6 days ago.

>From Lolikano's perspective he was just some kid she played with for one afternoon
Imagine the absolute state of Shotarou if this is true.
God, i hope quintorare happens soon, Fuutarou clearly does not deserve this suffering

Attached: 1553095255866.png (735x897, 707K)

That was like the only day Lolikano got separated from her sisters in her entire life, it must leave an impression on her. The meeting doesn't even need to be important, she should remember that day so she'd remember the boy she met too

I think it's important to Fuutarou. Not lolinako.

Last thursday.

>I never said the meeting was important for Lolikano, too...

Attached: 1515814559.85.jpg (431x617, 50K)

I'm so happy it got an S2.

> The meeting was only important to Fuutarou.
> it has to be you
> you're necessary to me

Attached: doubt.png (847x351, 221K)

Is this series really that popular?

Why're you asking?

Because the anime wasn't good but there is still a second season announced 6 weeks after the first one aired. That means it is popular, unbeknownst to me.

If you are not ironic, then yes it is probably the most popular romcon in japan right now

Yotsuba wants to help everyone she meets and that was the help Shoutarou needed at the time. It's no more important to her than any of the many other times she's gone beyond the norm to lend a hand.

The manga will hinge on this and Fuutarou realising that her altruism and helpful nature is ultimately demeaning and impersonal. In turn, Yotsuba will learn to be selfish and pursue what she wants without concern of others at long last.

Remember when Miku had a spine?

Attached: p069.jpg (1123x1600, 641K)

I need more smug Nino in my life.

Attached: 74605678_p0.png (3024x4032, 1.23M)

The anime was fine my guy. Manga elitists are really starting to get on my nerves

This is why muh merch doesn't mean anything for popularity like retarded Ninofags seem to think

maybe if you enjoy shit on your eyes

Fuutarou patrolling those thots and denying them was great.

We just need another manga poll to put ninofags in their place. Unless someone Y-sans for her

I think you should order some glasses bro

Miku didn't think she was competing with her "superior to me in every conceivable aspect" sisters at the time.

God, the butthurt when Nino will win. I don't root for her but I almost want it. It will surpass even TWGOK.

that was before she knew her sisters were actively pursuing him, now she thinks Fuu wouldn't choose her over them

Attached: K12.png (513x429, 95K)

can it surpass true tears though?

Honestly my room would look the same if I had access to the merch store

Nice meme, oldfag.

I'm almost sure everyone should know of 5toubun's state by now, but in case you're not shitting me
>literal bottom of the barrel animation budget
>only strong points is the VA and OST, ED OP is shit animation too
>stacked season (winter had Kaguya, Mob, Neverland, and that one samurai show)
>despite all this still manages to sell BD/DVD outpacing everything else but two shows consistently until half of spring
Whoever's handling it, they would be dumb not to make a second season with this much of ez money in their hands.

Attached: 1553204156166.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Someone is obsessed.

I think he meant not good as in animation quality

>God, the butthurt when Nino will win
It's one guy. Everyone loves Nino here.

Keep telling yourself that

Then she got sucker-punched several times and went back to her self-loathing. But Negi really nerfed her too hard. I miss the banter.

I think the biggest problem with the anime wasn't the animation quality but how bland and uninspired it felt.

Cursed Images.

I also disliked how they made fuutarou more meek and embarrassed at some scenes

Nah, there's three or four of them. You can tell because the shitposting keeps up even when that one rampant hater gets banned.

Because he ban evades.

Or Shuffle?

Yeah, they tried to transform Fuutarou into a wuss and made the overall tone goofy. The incompetence of the production team knew no bounds.

No, as in, it keeps up in the times between him switching proxies or whatever

I want this Chadtarou to fuck and cum inside me!

Kintarou comeback when

Attached: C989966A-7FB4-451E-BDA9-C4A9FDBEF4B7.png (1009x1252, 1.28M)

Don't bother. Anyone saying something bad about Nino is automatically one big bad samefag for him.

Negi is a fucking hack, the dead mother's bread should be triggering alarms all around.

That Fuutarou look makes me wet.

Calm down Nino. Your pant is wet AF now.

Open wide.

Attached: 1556976721869.png (728x1547, 578K)

Most Ninofags seem to be working with visual cues from the manga, though. Barring Ichika, every sister has some of those. Why are you singling out Ninofags?

How come that scene didn't trigger muh mom flashbacks?

>Kaguya vs 5toubun
The virgin competent adaptation vs the Chad source material advertisement.


Attached: i_0042.jpg (1600x2278, 1.28M)

Hes baiting you

Hold your snek there Ichika.

shuffle was an eroge adaptation. All endings were official. 10 years later only remain fragment of it was some QUALITY gif.
true tears on the other hand... I bet some Noefags are still mad right now.

Ichika wasn't wet for Fuutarou then, the sprinklers soaked her.

Don't know, but notice Fuutarou didn't touch the two bread rolls at all. Couldn't possibly be because it triggered sad memories, right?

>Ichika wasn't wet for Fuutarou then
She was ten seconds away from giving in to the moment and letting him take it all

Hell, even the VAs commented on it. I believe it was Yotsuba VA that mention that anime Fuutarou was different to her impression of Fuutarou from reading the manga.
Before the recording, she saw Fuutarou as colder and more aloof but was surprised during recording when she was met with a more emotionally expressive Fuutarou.

This arc proves one thing: Negi is on a demolition job to slander Ichika, Yotsuba and Nino and make them look like irredeemable villains and losers, and Nino look like a saint. It's so obvious he's slobbering over his waifu that he isn't hiding it anymore.

Oh look at that, Ichika's so evil! Oh look, Yotsuba's bad! Look, Miku's gonna get stomped on! Nino, the girl who has shown many times that she doesn't care if the quints are torn apart as long as Fuuta loves him, is lecturing Ichika about loving her sisters.
All the quints were basically used as stepping stone to put Nino into a pedestal.
Nino's the only quint who wasn't shat on, or had their character destroyed, in this Kyoto arc.

Nothing bad happened to Nino, in fact this arc made her look like a good sister and a sister who fought fair to win over Fuuta, when she did the exact opposite before this arc.

What a travesty. Negi is looking more and more like a hack these days.

he didn't need to find Rena's identity that time

Is it pasta time?

Itsuki is still the same but I agree, trying to wash Nino face was stupid.

Ayaneru knows he's a real Chad and not a pansy. Ps, seiyuus read the manga they play?

They usually read enough of the source material to get an idea of the character. If it's not shit, I could see them reading the rest out of interest.

Lies, she didn't even let him kiss her during that chapter when they thought of a reward to give him for being a good tutor.

Because that bread was still shit

Miku belongs to reddit and the nips, Nino belongs to us and the US.

It must have been light reading for her.

>Negi is on a demolition job to slander Ichika, Yotsuba and Nino and make them look like irredeemable villains and losers, and Nino look like a saint
>Negi wants to destroy nino's reputation and make her look amazing at the same time, grrr!
Either way, you need to get best quint out of your head

> copy
> paste
Every fucking time.

Nice pasta

What about europe

Attached: CCA82140-F95B-4747-A208-45F592DAAD02.jpg (574x574, 60K)

You could have just asked if you wanted it posted

Attached: Ichikiss.png (1426x2048, 948K)

Do Mikufags really want her to win by being carried by every person in the story?

Just because she likes Yankee types doesn’t mean she actually likes burgerlads

Attached: Ichikiss2.png (1426x2048, 1.01M)

no no no no, ban-evader-kun has already acknowledged that us SEAfags is the only one who love Ninu, thus she rightfully belongs to us now.

She is startled and tells him to stop, a sign of resistance.

>since when were you under the impression that the girl Fuutarou met is a Lolikano? It's actually just a girl with the same face

Europe is beyond saving. Give them Yotsuba.

Fuck off michlan

Look at this face. This is the face of a girl that wants her kiss and wants it now.

Attached: NOOOOOOOOOOOO.png (738x775, 537K)

Ichika is such a slut.
It's probably normal in her line of work

Thats okay too i guess

Attached: A34A81F1-A83D-4659-AC33-A57BC868E134.jpg (800x800, 97K)

Slander! Ichika's role in films is much the same as her role in this manga -- to set up the main characters and die.

Nino belongs to hung American negroes, I agree.


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She closing her mouth tightly. She's scared.

>Fuutarou barely remember Lolikano despite seeing 5 of her faces everyday,when she was supposed to be important for him
>somehow Lolikano remember Fuutarou from 5 years ago that have totally different hair color without any problem when the quints have shit brain capacity

Yotsuba isn't Lolikano nor does she remember Fuutarou.Time to accept the fact that she is just a simple-minded side character.

Attached: yots6.jpg (240x630, 70K)

>do something out of boring shows
Good joke!

Attached: 1234445786.png (282x424, 50K)

>hung American negroes
No, she doesn't belong to you.

> Ichika dying early in her movies
> also dying early in the manga

No no, that's Ichika's territory. She is a slut without citizenship--her asshole shared by the fingers of men all over the globe. Strangers perpetually wrestle for a waft of Ichika's used taint. They say she's the best fuck in all seven continents, especially if you're willing to die within minutes of penetrating her.

The autidion in the fireworks arc was about her saying goodbye to her teacher.

Fuutarou doesn't care much about the other's appearance. He didn't even realize they're quints until they said it

Because the croissant was a handmade one by someone he knew,her mother bread was also handmade by herself.

You're trying too hard

Attached: Dyuhnq2VsAUGRqo.jpg orig.jpg (786x1024, 178K)

Pretty sure that first Nino is a typo

too late, user. Like several days too late.

Hasn't stopped him from pasting it several times.

Holy shit, I never noticed that. I've gotten so used to his bias against Nino that I never bothered to check

Because the whole bread thing is an enormous asspull.

This but unironically.

It's a widely-known fact that Ichika's hips split an extra millimeter weekly solely due to the amount of pounding she's taken. On weekdays, you can find her scrambling for rubbers. On weekends, forget about it--bitch is just bathing in semen. Ichika is possibly the only woman you've ever witnessed giving birth to a child while walking to her next set. She does not cradle the child, she does not provide warmth, she does not even make a sound. The fetus simply drops out of her body as she strides to the coupe in front of her--like an apple from a tree or a coin out of the pocket.

Attached: 1.jpg (392x472, 79K)

Nino will bake the cake

Nice! I can' wait for the new wave of Redditors and ironic weebs to come here and enrich our board with their cool insight! :)

If we assume that he was trying to check if she's Lolikano, we could also assume he brought it and put it on the bench.
But that wouldn't be too nice towards Miku

>tfw turns out he found a gf and knocked her up first

Don't worry, he'll get Nino after Fuutarou rejects her

Go back

>Maeda gets a gf before Chadtarou and Chadkeda
What is his secret?

Why the mad face?

Sasuga, speedreader-kun

Nino a SHIT

Fuu-kun already provided the batter, but it will take her 9 months.

volume 10 cover

Attached: IMG_20190506_122600.jpg (1519x2150, 500K)

*Nino the SHIT

Attached: 74246624_p0.jpg (750x986, 462K)

Where's the rope?

Why do you anons keep pasting this?

>No emphasis on the ring finger
Sasuga dumb artist

What happened to her after the beach?

Why is this the go to harem for ironic weebs?

>finger slipping under her dress
Is she about to flash her tits?

I just started watching this and how can anyone not think that Miku is the best girl? She is so clearly superior to the others.

>no rope
fake as fuck

Miku is such a normalfag pick.

Reminder that Negi said Yotsuba's cover will be the cutest one yet. Despairfags BTFO.


Looks like a rape victim.

>The anime will stop just short of where it goes from meh to just plain awful
I can see why this got green lite, fuck this horrid fanbase this manga sucks.

>I just started

Nino needed like 30 more chapters of development before she could confess.

He said that every single volume cover he made

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the pic above the colored Yotsuba is actually Yotsuba in the one shot? She had long hair there.

Yotsuba is going to win.

user please, a Yotsubro humbly allows other retards bask in their delusions that their subpar quint will win.

Right, I remember now.

I see how it would be confusing:
hair length of Yotsuba in one shot == hair length of Miku in the manga

>no rope
>no despair look
>no holding up her ring finger
Not my volume cover

Pls no dropout release again.

Someone needs to hide all the sharp objects when the bride reveal chapter happens

I hate Nino!

It's also confusing how Miku's bangs there were shorter than her original hair style.

So it's fake?

He's married by the wedding

She is going to win.

Attached: ShiShiShi.png (581x637, 478K)

You mean he's going to celebrate so hard he might unintentionally hurt himself?
Thanks for worrying about Ninobros, user.

Attached: 1552681501591.jpg (1015x1200, 572K)

How can you not tell

No, I mean there's an 80% chance it won't be his girl

Get faster, fag.

Miku is the worst character I've ever seen in this manga. It really pissed me off that such a waifubait, pathetic and cliche ridden character occupied the first spot in the Japanese fan polls conducted. That speaks volumes about her mouthbreathing fanbase rather than anything else, who have really bad taste and have too much time on their hands. I shall attempt to enlighten the Mikufags of the various ways she flat out sucks.

>Bland design
On the whole Miku is ok at best. But when compared to the designs of the other girls in the series she comes dead last. The tired yamato nadeshiko trope is applied to her with her long straight hair and meek personality. Compare Miku with Nino, Itsuki or even Yotsuba. She looks too bland and unoriginal compared to the others. Too plain. Just like a bowl of boiled rice. Grown up Miku looks the worst amongst the quints, with her Takagi type fivehead and weird haircut.

>Boring personality
I know this point has been reiterated several times, but Miku is really boring. Initially she was kind of interesting with her banter with Nino and Fuutarou. She had the guts to face them head on and not cower under the sheets like a baby. But now she comes across as too lame and uninteresting. Like a stale piece of limp celery. Reminds me of Kosaki from nisekoi. I especially hate the way she does absolutely nothing (besides baking some croissants) and expects Fuutarou to magically fall in love with her. And I hate the way she expects the other quints to back off since she had ""dibs"" on Fuutarou just because she fell for him first. But then again Japs and betas love a docile, meek and le gamer girl to satisfy their neckbeard fantasies.

Nakano best girl.

I'm so pumped
I hope the animation gets better tho

>No ambition
Ichika wants to be an actress, Nino wants to start a restaurant, Yotsuba can be an athlete, Itsuki wants to be a teacher. Now what exactly is Miku's ambition besides lusting after Fuutarou's dick? No clue!! The author tried to shove some hamfisted crap about being a history geek, but honestly that is no use in the real world and is quickly forgotten. Later she tries unsuccessfully to become a baker, which was brought about by pure spite and petty competitiveness against Nino.

>Physical harm to the MC
With the exception of Nino, who drugged Fuutarou twice, Miku has caused Fuutarou to get a stomach ache and a nosebleed from force feeding him poisonous food. None of the others have done anything remotely bad as this to him. At least Nino had the decency to apologize for what she had done.
Now all this would not be a problem if her chances of winning were low or non-existent. But judging from the way the author is setting up the story she seems to be a candidate in the forefront. Also judging from Negi's twitter reaction to the latest chapter he seems desparate to placate her fans which leads me to conclude she could win the Fuutaroubowl. A pity win is the worst possible outcome that an love story could conclude with.

Fuck Miku and her pathetic fanboys.

But I can't scanlate.

>bland design
All of them are bland outside of their hair, except nino
From the neck down, they're really boring designs. Nino is different because part of her character is being fashionable
>boring personality
Not being a personality you LIKE isn't the same as being boring. Some feel her drive to improve, her love of ancient warlords, and her various reactions to other girls liking fuuts is a fun personality.
Her ambition thus far has been self improvement
Getting stronger, smarter, being a better cook, etc. All the quints have to have a dream, fuuts promised to get them on the path. So just because she, like yotsuba, hasn't realized her dream doesn't mean there's no ambition
>harm to mc
That's all of them. Repeatedly. It's a running gag.

Man, all of this reminds me how salty i was to have Fuutarou lose most of his stoic charm only to have it displayed in its full glory and then some in episode 11 ONLY to have it downgraded again in episode 12 because Tezuka are such fucking hacks.

Please let S2 be SHAFT or hell, TezuPro collab because apparently that's how they got ep11 running.

Attached: 1554132850842.jpg (1920x4320, 3.95M)

Too bad.

Thank the God.

>I just started
>how can anyone not think that Miku is the best girl?
It's incredible how every mikufag (neet otakus) is exactly the same as any other mikufag.
Muh shy girl, muh'lady, I-I want to protect her! It's like she's some kind of waifu bait...

Attached: 1533926607494.png (308x321, 53K)

Nino sounds latino.

Hint: Don't reply to copypasta bait.
Protip: Don't reply to your own bait.

You're retarded for taking that bait seriously, but these threads are full of retards so I guess it makes sense.

The power of bread is stronger then you think

Attached: VninoCmiku.png (1200x628, 196K)

Just watch, early release and in a day or two it will already be a v7. (after we fix their guesslation for them)

Attached: 1535117078104.png (657x743, 314K)

Goddamn thats a lot of Nino

Attached: nino smokes a blunt.png (539x528, 331K)

>Making shrines
lol its hilarious how each quint seems to attract morons.

But dropout is fucking abominable.

It's kinda ironic. Before ep 11 I was only little bit annoyed that the anime took so many wrong turns and had QUALITY, but after seeing what would have been possible...


There are speedscans for that. No need for another glorified speedscan like dropout. Last time on top of all the gibberish they didn't even translate the sfx.

Who gives a shit about SFX

> guesslation
Is their translator even a native speaker?
I mean in either of the two languages...

Not translating them is just lazy.

He did?

Barely anyone translates them. Like I said, who gives a shit.



>Being mad he doesn't have all those Ninos
I know that feel

I do.

Attached: 1531929398609.png (978x984, 1.35M)

Sure buddy, low quality merch is something to be jealous of.

Don't feel too down

Trip of truth, Ninofag need to project.

Envy isn't a good look user.

>Posts proof about how Lolikano could actually be Ichika
>Most responses are about how sexy ass is

Attached: postersinthisthread.jpg (416x448, 64K)

He's just mad a Ninshart got shat on, which is funny since they found any other character getting something similar to be cringey, now they like it. Such hypocrites.


Attached: everyquintthread.jpg (1357x1281, 382K)

This is literally your fault for reading shitty ch 84 speedscans.

Snachikas Ninigs Mikucks and Fatskis will be eternally BTFO by Negi's masterful ending where, guess what?
Yotsuba is the bride

Attached: End Game.png (688x820, 571K)


*gets btfoed*

Attached: 1554408630851.png (1357x1281, 1.63M)

Objectively best girl. Best looks, best personality, best everything. Only subhuman fags could ever reach anything other than such an obvious conclusion.


Hopefully the tler, don't know his name, from Yea Forums scans will work on it.

They released different versions after Yea Forums called them out and then after Yea Forums released theirs dropout did another version with Yea Forums's TL.

How did Nino proponents even come to be called "Nincels"? If anything, people who like Miku are the incels; they're rooting for the shy, malleable girl. At least Nino is confident enough about what she wants to pursue it.

Like every other buzz word, because one dedicated autist memed hard enough.

Based, eat shit Nincuck.

Newfags and tourists who think shit tier terms from normalfag retards have any use here. It's just cancerous fuckwits spouting flavor of the month words.

Dubs confirm

Honestly? I started it because I thought it would be a funny one off joke. I only used it twice but it gained steam.

Because her fags are the most cancerous.

Nice, way more accurate than the other pathetic attempt by a Nintard.

>How did Nino proponents even come to be called "Nincels"?
their waifu acts like one

Attached: 1553189908298.png (694x873, 256K)

It's a Yea Forums term.

Shit like this is why Ninobitch won't win

Like every other term, yet this one is the only one people complain about.

Guess who's ban evading again

Guess who's up to his conspiracy theories again?

We complain about wojaks and frogs too.

>only one
Because that's the one that gets under their skin, the rest accepted that shitposting have ruined the thread and don't care.

It's a complete misnomer considering the context, though. Doesn't that bother you just a little bit?

Men and women just aren't the same, user.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 a - Anime Manga » Searching for posts that contain ‘nino’ and that have b (1904x4561, 1.26M)

I see, only read the first "attempt".
What was the point of this scanlation war?
Do we need to mirror the name of the current arc?

>Doesn't it bother you
Nope, everyone is getting shitposted on. I stopped caring months ago, these threads are beyond saving anyway.


that's how japan votes tho

>Trying to reason with shitposters

>Her fags shitposted so much that now she gets the brunt of it
Kinda deserved.

Someone has to try, right?

Attached: oh.png (618x844, 139K)

Fuck off faggot.

>Because that's the one that gets under their skin
I haven't seen anyone complaining about that.
It's just a sign that someone got a new proxy

Are you new to waifuism?

Calm down Nincel I've only ever seen it used a handful of times in these threads.

Yeah that's pretty sad.

Nothing you'll say will make a difference. They just shitpost for the sake of shitposting.
The best course of action is to report and ignore

... And they'll come for the man, just like that.

Attached: oh2.png (571x1733, 342K)

So what about any other shitposting on any other quint? Or is it free game?

>getting told to fuck off is shitposting
No really fuck off you overly sensitive fag.

What the hell are you even talking about?

I'm starting to suspect that some Ninofags are tumblr landwhales with the way they respond.

No, but that’s just how incels act
Honestly I wish I had that kind of money to buy merch and support my waifu, but I wouldn’t spend it like that

There you go again, saying nothing. What's your game, stranger?

Attached: oh1.png (556x625, 364K)

You mean otaku

>At least Nino is confident enough about what she wants to pursue it.
Incels are not particularly shy, they are mostly overconfident on their appeal and bad at reading the mood, think just telling someone they love them it's enough to deserve to be loved back by them
Nino seems to be closer to this as her attempts at wooing Fuu consist on just confessing over and over again and getting mad that it isn't working

Read the manga

>Literally did three do overs
Its getting tiresome.

What’s the difference?


Attached: 1464656721050.gif (300x167, 894K)

Last for Nino a shit

To fix you to accept Yotsuba as your lord and savior. I'll make you a better user, kicking and screaming, all the way if I have to.

Attached: Into the Light.webm (854x480, 176K)

You're on Yea Forums.

Last for the quints

I did

Attached: K13.png (855x370, 112K)