Just finished the first season of this and quite enjoyed it. I want to watch the second season but heard it has some massive problems, is it worth watching or should I just watch the movie?
Just finished the first season of this and quite enjoyed it...
Just wait for the Lucky Star OVA.
Its enjoyable but you really should've looked up the watch order
for the second season you should watch both S1 and S2 together in chronological order
then the movie
Just watch it.
The movie makes no sense without the developments in season 2. But season 2 is barely coherent unless you watch it in chronological order with season 1, which kills the pacing and can retroactively ruin the whole series.
Only watch if you're really invested. Otherwise, look up what happens online and go straight into the movie.
>It has a watch order
Can't I just watch it from episode 1 to 14 like you would any normal anime? What am I in for?
Basically there isn't really a season 1 and 2 even though there is, some season 2 episodes take place during times of the season 1 episodes
Yes, that’s how everyone who does not have asutism/watched it as it aired watched it.
second season is OK, just skip episodes 2~7.
>he watched broadcast order
Well hope you like rewatching season 1 because it's the only way to watch season 2
Searched up the chronological order and it looks like the streaming site I use put all of them in the right order already.
What's wrong with episodes 2-7?
They are the same exact episode everytime
You blew it OP, you had your chance to truly enjoy E7 like its supposed to, and you blew it.
Are they user?
Are you sure?
*they are 90% the same
If you watched S1 Broadcast you can either rewatch the whole thing on chronological (S1+S2) or just continue with season 2 and only rewatch Live Alive and Someday in the rain at the end.
Watch it.
In order.
You need to do it at least once in your life to be a true Yea Forumsnon.
Not gonna' say anymore except that I think it's unironically based and a great piece of art in many ways but ymmv.
Watch Season 2 on acid for best results.
>Second season has "massive problem"
Amazing is what it is, you'll be missing out
They don't have any reused animation
It's not worth it. it's ..just..don't..don't do it i promise it's not worth your time.
imagine being such an utter faggot that you have to ask Yea Forums permission to watch an anime