Is she telling the truth Yea Forums or does she actually have poop in her panties?
Is she telling the truth Yea Forums or does she actually have poop in her panties?
she looks like a grown-up chiyo chan
>truth or dare
I knew that image reminded me of something
Only one way to find out.
I dare you to poop your pants!
20 bucks says that by the time she's 20 she'll be wearing adult diapers because she's gotten so bad about pooping her pants
Has she ever lied even once?
>That perfectly proportioned, modest yet alluring, rear
>Those sexy strappy high-heeled sandals
>The beautiful flowing hair
>Her capri pants and short tied-off shirt
Wow she is literally perfect; where does she live?
She's so dumb it's probably true.
Don't make fun of the mentally disabled
normal girl best girl in a crazy world
She probably doesn't clean her butthole properly after taking a dump.
Reminder that all the chapters have finally been translated! 1-130 all done.
what a dumb ending
how does it end
She's shown to take care of her hygiene way more than your average person would, so she's most definitely saying the truth there.
I hated that game because I was always worried I'd go too far and thus always just asked for shit everyone else considered boring.
Too dumb to know how to lie.
made for breeding
she's so stupid she probably thinks skidmarks on underwear are made with tires.
besides, I bet she still wets her bed.
Imagine this bouncing on your dick.
Imagine the smell
>tfw no ecchi smug ahomom
I bet she smells like sour milk
How come Yoshiko didn't inherit any of her mother bangin' body?
she need to be preggo for awakening
shes still growing isn't she
uh, user...
Her eagerness to show off her panties shows her confidence in her continence.
She gives every character she interacted with bananas, except for ghe on girl who treates her like her dog at the start.
I don’t like this thread one bit
In our dreams user.
>tfw no autistic oppai iinchou gf
retard a cute
>tfw a girl will never do this to you
it's a terrible feeling