Dragon Ball Super

Cell was by far the best ending.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What episode is this ?

When will people admit this arc was trash? This was by far the most directionless nonsensical mess in DB?
Set up a serious plot about two cyborgs made on Earth that kill all of the Dragon Team and destroy humanity only to have them do nothing because of plot and then randomly throw in a new villain with no hype and loses his flavor just as soon as he's introduced.

Major Problems:
•Goku and Gohan do nothing the entire arc.
•Everyone is completely useless in battle and complicated nothing.
•Pointless Transformations that achieved nothing. Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goku.
•No good fights outside Goku&Cell and Piccolo&17.
•17 & 18 do nothing
•Plot holes destroy everything about cell.
•Vegetas character regresses 100% by completely repeating the same mistakes
•Gohan is somehow the hero even though he did nothing and was gone the entire story.
•History of Trunks get made because nobody believes in 17&18. Damage control.
•Cell wastes his time creating and setting up a ring only to destroy it and make everything generic desert fight.
•Cell has no personality after transforming.
•DragonTeam are 100 jobbers that sit in the crowd and watch everything but waste time training and calling themselves warriors. Pathetic.
•Gohan regresses as a character too. Was willing to fight Freeza and Gero but pussies out on Cell.

Arc was trash.

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How old is this copypasta?

Enter CHADren.

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Dragon Ball thread with JirenChads...

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I want all Jirenniggers lined up before a ditch with a firing squad at the ready.

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tien gets the best fight piccolo and 17 is stupid



>ywn have a threesome with best girls
Why live?

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guys i want to make more president gotenks memes but i cant take the text off


>Why live?
Thats right. Kys retard

You Kys too, spic

Cry more.


>implying you don't want to rub your dick on those abs

Enter CHADly

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Nice gyno

tengo hambre


If you were put in charge of a Dragon Ball reboot series, what would you change?

>green bulma
Nigga, stop.


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hate how they made vegeta act like such a little bitch with beerus. doesn't make sense why no one else did.



filler scene

>Actually bothering to make a list of major problems in ANY Dragonball arc

Nibba toriyama is a literally a self-admitted hack, every arc is shit. The character names are ripped off his fucking grocery list. It's a literal hype porn of a show, don't think about it


>kefshit and green bulma



>tien gets the best fight
t. Zfag


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No space shit, keep Goku as a teen, every supernatural shit would be contained to earth or other dimensions linked to earth, better world building and make pic related canon and relevamt

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This, DBZ is the baseline shonen, every shonenshit release after it improve on it's formula

>more thots
Kill yourself right now.

She is all right and there is a lack of actual cute woman

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>mfw GODdoom101 was right

Get ready to apologize

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Based jaw


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put some actual creativity into fights other than punch, kick, ki blast
yamcha ends up with bulma, fights using mechs made by her
old bardock special replaces minus
dbz part would be father son themed with proper passing of the torch, goku can kiss his wife

>yamcha ends up with bulma

New Kamehasutra sketches





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>that thing

lol based.

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No one can compare

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Yeah because that boring faggot goku died

How rude

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anything wrong with that?

>rickert kai

Yes. Yamcha is a cheater.

>TFW even voice actors are shocked at your writing choices

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No Gohan.

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Jiren-sama you came so much

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sauce on left please


it's a Z thread you absolutely faggot

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>dead thread
are all the usual posters celebrating cinco de mayo?

The next series should be called Dragon Ball Superior, followed by Dragon Ball Supreme.

than the only other fight he had was jobbing to Nappa and Buu

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Holy kek


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Terminator, nuke scene

Why are you guys so obsessed with eating cum?

top left

Green bulma


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Imagine Yamcha if he won.

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Predict her love interest.

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>Caring about love interests
I bet you read Naruto too.



This guy does a good slave Leia cosplay

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Bruh...do you really need to samefag this much?

seek help

Yeah pull the trigger right there green bitch

John, I have absorbed all of the Lasaga. Now the Dragon Balls are mine

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no one. she's never gonna grow up

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look at that fucking reaction

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hurrr durrrr

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>being this triggered by Goku


I wouldn't want to kiss Chi-Chi either.

>Idiots who don't understand good narrative believe this while thinking early Dragon Ball was somehow better.

ohh daddy. Imagine the smell

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Get off of Yea Forums, Bulma.


Why don't Goku and Vegeta just keep a hoi poi capsule with a giant fucking bag full of senzu with them all the time?


Was watching GoT

>cum posters
Fucking disgusting. I would take CHADren posting over this any day of the week

But you can clearly see it hanging down.

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wasn't that because his old editor kept saying x was shit so toriyama kept trying to appease him?

how did tardku react to universes getting erased during ToP in the manga version? I haven't read

Anyone would take CHADrenposting you retard

I'm a salty Shitlyfag though

I wouldn't, at least I had a few laughs out of the cumposter, jiren posters are only disgusting without upsides


Why? Because you are reminded of Jobly's inferiority constantly?

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no, because I just couldn't care less about jiren, I hoped he would crush goku's teeth but after he failed there's nothing about him that is appealing

You should care, he is the strongest in series
>nothing about him that is appealing
>interesting background
>interesting mysterious figure that killed his master
>probably from a strong race
Cope, dog

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What a load of headcanon just fucking kys

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Instead of trying to soften Goku’s character like in the anime and dub, fully embrace the ‘poison’ of his character as described by Toriyama and see where that leads, at least for an arc or two.


Feels good knowing all CHADRENbros have an IQ score that's at least 3 standard deviations above average.

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It’s pronounced Jon.
You aren’t a real Garfield fan

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It's cause vegeta has ptsd

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Why do black people like Dragonball and shounen in general so much?

>and see where that leads
nowhere, goku being an abusive piece of shit and his actions never having any consequences is literally the point of the character (aside from getting stronger)

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Jobhantard role-playing again

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What is Goten point?

these threads are the worst thread on Yea Forums right now

Enter CHADro

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So what do you guys really think of Jiren?

>two guys who are most likely professionals
>multiple passionate fans that like Jiren who are just having fun expecting no payment
Pathetic Joblydog fucks himself up and hands the JirenCHADS another win

I think he's the worst Dragon Ball character.

>Ore wa, Supa Bejita

Attached: dck3lak-pre.jpg (680x774, 449K)

Isn't it like 3-0 already?

>"Yes, my favorite character is Yamcha. How did you know?"

Attached: humanfag.png (321x383, 93K)

Like flies to shit, Jobren attracted the worst of the worst of this fanbase.

i love him, hope to see him more next arc

I like about him what most people hate: he's not too talkative, doesn't have some "epic" back story. He's just quietly stronger than 99.99% of the cosmos, and shows up to shit on everyone in the ToP, arguably only losing because of le power of friendship.

What's Dyspo's ass' power level?

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I like Jiren

This is the episode where Gohan and Cell have their beam struggle. The anime adds a scene where everybody goes to help Gohan that is really touching, whereas in the manga nobody helps and Vegeta is the only person to try attacking Cell

>>two guys who are most likely professionals
Jobrenchodes lose again, amateurs in everything kek.

Worst character since Dr Gero and his fat boyfriend


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>No arguments
Another win. I'm sure you have know the taste of defeat like you know water's by know TRASHlyfag

Keep Dragon Ball the same, and the Saiyajin arc mostly the same.
Don't say Freeza is the strongest in the universe, say the Galaxy.
Have Goku die and pass the mantle on to Gohan, and have ChiChi pregnant (pre-space trip sex) with Goten.
Add more stuff to the 3 year time gap, and keep Mirai Trunks there, just have Bulma get killed off in the future.
Mirai Trunks arc plays out as normal, no Mecha Freeza though, so no breathing in space so I can blow up the planet bullshit.
Have Gohan and Trunks bond, so that when Trunks dies, it's the trigger for Gohan, rather than 16.
Make Bojack canon.
Have Mirai Trunks go to his future and return at the start of Buu.
Make a 100 episode arc about Teen Gohan exploring the world and make it basically Ranma 1/2 levels of romcom with an opening as good as the first OVA OP for Ranma.
Keep Buu the same, with Goku coming back and all, but we get Gohan and Trunks bonding kino.
Final arc is Great Saiyaman Trio versus The World.
Then do a separate anime for DBO

Followed by Dragon Ball Bell Grande.

I want to worship his abs... damn

Ore wa, Soopa Bajata-da

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what is toriyama's problem?

Hes the fucking best

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This is your average toyofaggo

>beats everything
explain this

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They don't, it just that those who do are VERY loud about it.

What a bitch.

why do goku fags get so mad at a quote? they reply every time.

Fight didnt end there


>waaaaaaahhhhhhhh why don't you like my shitty character

He's the Broly of Super. Not literally, Broly is there, but figuratively. Just instead of "KAKAROT!" it's "POWER!". If that's good or bad is up to the fan.

are japanese that degenerate to like this?

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Legit question as ther is no reason at all to dislike him. If you are gonna be honest the reason you hate Jiren is because the Jirenbros owning every thread. If I was an inferior characterfag I would be mad too

Whatever you need to tell yourself, faggot.

At least you agree

Holy fuck cringe

>doesn't even know how to read

thanks for the 7 yous

thanks for the 9 yous


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>continues to spam his shitty spic headcanon
This is why nobody likes you.


>In the manga they didn't do shit
>In the anime, even through it was pointless they all tried to attack Cell anyway

How come the anime version was so much better? It's like they remembered, "Oh yeah, these guys are friends"


Joblybros... how can we stop the Chadrenfags they're too smart...

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>posts an image from shit animation
>Thinks I'm a gokufag
Holy shit vegetafags are delusional and defensive

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nah. every time I post that someone replies in a butthurt manner.

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Because Trunks had to exist.
Seriously, everything in Trunks' introduction episodes is like a bad self insert fanfic.

I-I wish I was proficient with edits like Jirenchads. I and my fellow brolybros can barely use paint.

He's the strongest mortal.

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These threads are the only interaction with people I get


I'm also a Joblyfag


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Bow, mortal.

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why didn't goku actually grab the raditz' tail the second time around? his reasoning that he could have cut it makes no sense because he would have done it the first time, was it just an excuse for "waku waku win must be fair"?

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>Why yes, I'm a Gohan fan and I think the female Saiyans suck. How could you tell?

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Because you look like a homosexual.

Chadforce and Cutegang joined forced thanks to Toyo and became the Chadgang/Cuteforce.
What happened?

Joblybros... Sorry for bullying you hard sometimes. Didn't you were so broken

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There is no such thing as cutegang you pathetic subhuman waifushitter, its just you spamming those ugly dykes over and over. Fucking kill yourself.

Except I was a Gohanchad before the merger and then I left the threads because it literally became just copypastas.
Cutegang was the only good part.

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This pic is just a bit too hetero.

>cuckgang wanting to join forces after GODhan easily matching their powers even after using the potaras

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So now that the dust has settled: Did Nu-Broly live up to the name?




I don't know

Can you repeat the question?

Reminder that Dragon Ball belongs to Mexico
>thread themes

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I don't understand

>The best DB fight? Why Goku vs Piccolo Jr. of course

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>all the cum posts
You can only take a joke so far guys ,its okay to be gay its current year :)

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These threads are a riot

GT is canon and
/or going to be canon.
(but still canon regardless)

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>These threads are a riot
The sure are a knee slapper, aren't they?

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Haha did Vegeta activate Spanish subtitles?


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Reminder Blue consumes more stamina than other forms

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b-but muh nostalgia!

Of course it is. It's currently the strongest SS transformation. Once we get the even more mastered ultra instinct or SSB2 then that will drain the most stamina.

literally everything after kill piccolo is garbage

every fight became giant energy blasts and my numbers are bigger than your numbers and aliens spoke japanese

What is ssbe

>It's currently the strongest SS transformation
SSG is less taxing than SS3 and probably even SS2. Hell, it's probably even less taxing than basic SS

Doesn't matter since nobody cares about that transformation

A disgusting non-canon form

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Because it's not even an SS transformation, just base form imbued with God ki

The most powerful flying brick in Super and about as interesting as a normal one.

He was terrible. Just terrible. I'm not kidding. I do not care about how strong Jiren was. I do not care about his past. I do not care about his character. Nothing about him outside of memes is entertaining. I wouldn't even bother talking about Jiren in a positive light ironically and having a contrarian opinion on Jiren is simply not worth it. He's like Saitama without the interesting twist on his character and internal struggles. You get better tragic backstories In Naruto than you would with Jiren.

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All opinion 0 facts

No shit? At least you can read.

Seems you can't. Because it means its all factually wrong

It that fits your worldview then whatever

Not an argument


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Proof once again that she is the cutest in the franchise

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What's your favourite Goku?

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Genius, you can't read. You literally got salty that an opinion on an image board was an opinion, or you're trying to claim objective truth like an absolute cretin.

all of them except the first non-canon one and those ned flanders after age 767

Why are Jiren posters so fixated on height?

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when will us z chads get proper blu ray release?

>toriyama is a literally a self-admitted hack
When did he said that?

best ending, I don't know, but it has my favorite DBZ moment

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It doesn't matter.

>the first non-canon and ned flanders
So none?

original dragon ball in blu ray for spain
toei still wont release a version

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>Dirty monkey with a stinky vag
SHITle can't compete with Android 18.

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18 is dogshit.
Caulifla is dogshit.

This filler arc always bothered me. It's one thing to have Cell as comic relief on GT after decades have passed. It's another thing to have Cell as comic relief THE SAME DAY HE GETS KILLED. He was still the main villain of the arc. We just saw him almost kill SSJ2 Gohan and everyone after setting up his tournament.
Now he gets sent in his perfect form to the after life... and gets beaten as if it was a slapstick comedy. You can do that with Frieza, but not with the guy who could still murder everyone including Goku who's there.

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I like Jiren

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>ywn get dominated by android 18

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The next series will be called Dragonball Ultra and will be about Future Trunks and Broly.

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This is excellent comedic timing

>Cheelai? Sorry, not my type at all.

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The horror.

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I will inform you I am masturbating to this. If I blurry my eyes its just a big titty Pan

>Goten and Trunks get to grow up
>Canonically gay
How would you feel bros?

Attached: gayten.jpg (870x1024, 116K)

I wouldn't be surprised

>tfw finally watched dbs broly
Holy fuck bros why didn't any of you tell me that Jiren would job so hard HAHAHAHA

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>Goku's face after pumping and dumping Chichi and getting to fight strong dudes in the afterlife forever

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Who will top?

You were warned not to anger the Pan.

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How can this be...Jirenbros...

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Personally, I think he’s the best character in Super. While other characters have gimmicks like their multiple transformations and sudden power boosts, you have this one guy that just trained to be the strongest. He lived a hard life, lost his family and teacher and believed his lack of strength was the reason for their deaths. When faced against a stronger foe, no matter how much trust or faith you have for your friends, those that lack strength would be crushed. Jiren, unlike Vegeta, never blamed his enemies for the person he became and only blamed himself for his weakness. That’s the reason he meditates, it’s a way for him to suppress his traumatic memories and distance himself from his emotions. Goku was the first and only person to beat him and pushed him past his limits. Their fight and his teams support during that time made him come to terms with his past.

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Attached: we wuz gods.png (2000x1231, 1.37M)

The first SSGJ ( Super Saiyan God Jobber)

He's basically OVA Future Gohan if Trunks died in their first fight against the androids and he flips his shit gets SSJ2 then crushes 17's head and rapes 18 for days before her batteries can't keep up with the pounding and she shuts down.
He then goes to the past the stop the androids, asks mr.piccolo where New Namek is and goes on to have space adventures and pick up new super powered friends and enemies and a new god of the earth.

DBS is ran by modern souless talentless fag pandering hacks now.
It might finally kill this shitshow and let DB rest in peace and inspire the modern talented fanfiction creators to make their own stuff.
I honestly hope they do have the balls to do something that unbelievably fucking stupid and distasteful.

I like Jiren

Still can't believe there an people that unironically think Broly is stronger than Jiren. They're probably the same retards that think MUI Goku is weaker than Gogeta.

Zeno > Grand Priest > Angels > MUI Goku > Jiren Full Power > Gogeta Blue > Broly >= Beerus

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>using chinks shit taste as bait
You gonna have to do better than that

>Still can't believe there an people that unironically think Broly is stronger than Jiren.
There aren't. Its pure spic baiting


Attached: Jobly's perspective.png (993x685, 827K)

Base Gogeta is stronger than SSBKKx20 from the ToP, you're the one who's a stupid baiting motherfucker.
Gogeta Blue>>>>>>>>>Broly>>>gimmick Goku>=< Jobren


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Or they could try to learn the Instant Transmission? Still better than all of DBS.

This. UI easily destroys Broly.

Too bad that pic is non-canon Toeifiction filler.

>UI Goku easily destroys his hand on Broly's pecks

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Keep quiet, Toeilard.

>thread title is Dragon Ball Super
How illiterate can one Taco Paco be?

This is the strongest mortal of U11!

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*destroys his penis on Broly's asshole
Fucking autocorrect.

>n-no you just don't get it Cell arc was deep and complex with nuanced characterization and esoteric themes t-trust me


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Heartwarming reminder, that it is going to be Pan.(because I said so)

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>and aliens spoke japanese
this is the most retarded criticism of anything I've ever heard. you should have been aborted

>fugly-ass chin
>useless form over function body

Whoops, wrong image.
Pic related is what I referring to.

Attached: 1557089455288.jpg (1136x640, 111K)

I'm so fucking glad you're not a writer, Pedro.

Lol no, she doesn't even have a moveset.

>Make a 100 episode arc about Teen Gohan exploring the world and make it basically Ranma 1/2 levels of romcom with an opening as good as the first OVA OP for Ranma.
Your entire post was unadulterated spic shit, but when I got to this I actually wanted to vomit. Don't ever post again.

Vegeta already knew who Beerus was and what he was capable of you King of Retards

Opinion discarded.

I bet you watch capeshit

Attached: 1549274261173.png (300x400, 93K)

>History of Trunks as a negative

So the best Dragon Ball movie got made because of Cell Arc?

Attached: Future Gohan.jpg (899x888, 167K)

your criticism is retarded and you should feel like a retard. stop strawmanning like a cocksucking fat faggot and COPE.

>Weaker than base Goku
B-But he's stronger than the guy officially much stronger than him and the fusion t-that beat his ass!...

Attached: 1551557129591.png (476x463, 183K)

You forget user, Pan has appeared in games in the past.


>best Dragon Ball movie
>it's about a one-armed Spichan jobbing eternally
Yeah no

triggered af

Attached: 1536674332680.jpg (1809x640, 228K)

>Weaker than base Goku
EPIC headcanon

keep coping, pup. good boy


>anime is cancelled fanfiction with no plans of return
>manga is canon, ongoing, written and overseen by Toriyama
I COMMAND you to cope

Spics really are degenerate retards

Choose one and only one


Concession accepted

Attached: Jobren seething.gif (739x422, 869K)

Reminder that CHADren easily surpasses ALL the GoDs and still hasn't been surpassed.

Attached: GODren the Grey.jpg (1536x2048, 761K)

>zero arguments
As usual, the victory goes to me.

jesus fuck, how the FUCK can one warrior be so fucking strong without asspull powerups or stolen angel-tier techniques (and even THEN he's still stronger than all of that) holy flying FUCK

>MUI Goku > Jiren > Gogeta Blue > Broly Full power >= Beerus
Based and Truthpilled. No amount of spic memes will change this.

Except CHADren the CHAD BTFO MUI Spicarot


Attached: PETly.png (1920x1080, 2.83M)

Holy based.

I saw that promo panel in a bathroom, there's nothing canon or official in there.
The MacDonald's intern that did that didn't ask Toriyama or Shueisha for permission.

Basedren the Based.

Attached: 1554239049982.gif (500x296, 466K)


character or movie? the character was fine until he went rage mode, he was literally less of a character than old broly, the movie was completely hollow

Attached: 1554228822730.jpg (230x230, 20K)

spicrentards only post garbage and Pedroes shit lmao.


>dumps his family like a disgusting piece of shit
>draws him with angel wings
toriyama is really fucked up, isn't he, reminds me when piccolo was like "even a super saiyan has a weakness" when goku beat the shit out of chichi in front of gohan

>using SSBKKx20 as a milestone
Look at this spic HAHAHA

>Punches hard
>Daddy issues
>Shit personality

>Punches hard
>Trash backstory
>No personality

>Literally eats planets
>Can absorb energy
>Uses black magic
>Great backstory
>Absolutely fucking based
>Fantastic personality

Attached: Moro.png (900x601, 832K)

>giving (you)s to the wojak baiting spic
Really niggro?

Reminder this character was referenced more in Dragon Ball Super Broly than Gohan.

Attached: Tarblemanga.png (269x422, 108K)

is this based or cringe? I think it's a bit sad

Attached: s.png (630x669, 377K)

How can anti chadren spics bait after this??

Attached: he can LITERALLY 1v12 the GoDs at once HOLY SHIT.png (544x218, 12K)

The truth is crystal clear. If Broly was stronger than UI, they would just have UI Goku fight Broly and then lose to sell Broly as a threat. Why retards can't understand something as simple as this is beyond me.

I like his design and his mystery, I really hope they don't ruin it over some sappy backstory or cheap nakama beam.
And I really hope Broly becomes a regular and they don't magically wipe that Goku finally got his sayan pride after fusing with Begita.

But we know all these things won't happen because DB loves Hype but hates Fun.

well a retarded bubble gum man was stronger than the god above all gods dude
power scaling has been fucking retarded for a long time

>If I lie that will do it!

Attached: 7nFLWm3.jpg (600x315, 64K)

Anyone else find these threads really boring now?
It's the exact same chadwhatever posting reskinned to fit new characters all day

Attached: 1552929589135.jpg (350x511, 83K)

it's hardly even a fight
it's just tien spamming the same attack for 2 pages and then fainting

If Jobren could beat Vegito he would've fought him and then UI Goku
But we all know how stupid jobrentards are

Yeah, if Vegito could beat Kefla he would fight her. But he couldn't(as implied by Whis), so UI Omen Goku did, proving that UI> Omen> Fusion.

No news or new material makes everything stale. I just want Piccolo day to hurry up and pass so we can shit on Geekdom regardless of him being right or not


Gohan = Kefla =< Zamasu < Toppo =< SSB Vegeta < SSB Goku < base Gogeta/Vegetto < Jiren =< UI Goku < SS Gogeta/Vegetto < SS Broly

Attached: Fusion and potara are the only ways to defeat Broly.jpg (941x557, 113K)




Attached: 1554003752282.png (1280x720, 679K)

As much as I'd like to see the anime return, I'd also love to not see it be announced on the 9th and see people like Reekdom and Ajay squirming to find the next date as they run out of time for that July deadline.

Attached: 1546617596906.png (1018x754, 550K)

>how to be a complete mongo
Omen is canonically much weaker than a SS2 Fusion of 2 kids only as strong as SSG in base, base Vegito is stronger than SSBE, there's 3 tiers of power separating base Kefla from base Vegito lmao.


Attached: stronger than MUI.webm (500x278, 2.15M)

GODmasu is way higher on that list. He was knocking around SSB Vegito.

Attached: 1546188679286.jpg (758x424, 40K)

>literally one shot and humiliated Kefla

Joblybros... 1 hour of beating... And not even a scratch... Chadren did it in seconds...

t. dumb fucking speedwatcher
inb4 n-n-n-nnot canon h-haha

Attached: fusionfags BTFO.jpg (1632x493, 184K)

>base Vegito is stronger than SSBE
Nice headcanon.

So which is the worst group of nonsense spamming spics? Brolytards or Fusionmongs?

MZ>SSB Vegito>=SSB Gogeta>>>>>Jobly
Don't @ me, just cope.

Tell me if I'm missing something:
>Jirenfag Jobren Cuckren Shitren Gayren Chadren Godren Basedren Dogren
>Jobly Cuckly Shitly Fagly Chadly Dogly Joblydog
>Shitle Kekle Shitfla Dogfla Dogle
>Jobku Shitku Gokek GODku Chadku Dogku
>Jobgeta Vegecuck Cuckgeta
>GODgeta Chadgeta
>Cuckhan Jobhan Shithan Godhan Chadhan Doghan
>Gigachad posters
>Pan posters
>Cope posters
>Concession posters
>Card posters
>Toyo vs Toei posters

Attached: 149e0433e13975543ca4fd9388563e7a.jpg (1280x817, 153K)

Brolychodes, Shitrenfags, Fusionniggers, Gokuspics

Attached: 1548726766452.jpg (300x300, 7K)

You're just now getting bored of these? Are you fucking 12?

The only facts presented in this thread, everything else is garbage from delusional incels.


Attached: songohan.jpg (7016x4961, 1.68M)


Attached: 1553441301012.png (960x720, 778K)

>all Jobgeta names are insults

I'm pretty confident it will return, but I'm in no rush to see it happen in July. I would much rather have it return in December or something like that just to fuck with them

I'd worship it god if you know what I mean

>posting nonsense
Literally never, always back up our posts with evidence. Try harder

>Riding off CHADforce memes

Attached: 593598acdffd876da644f3eaf8145be4.jpg (700x1794, 167K)

Attached: 1498803029293.jpg (500x293, 25K)

>Lizard posting

Attached: 1553998971102.gif (500x424, 567K)

>Jobren doing anything to a current fresh Freeza
Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me!

Would Goku have actually killed him if he didn't concede?


Attached: 1554314971565.png (807x678, 880K)

>fighting Kefla
Now try with canon material

You forgot waifufags and vorefags

>I-I swear, Huriza had his zenkai h-aha now he would last 10 seconds instead of 5

Attached: SHITZA.jpg (640x4800, 266K)

Jobhanchodes and jobrenmongrels

The Pan pedo

Attached: CHADforces.jpg (956x848, 225K)


Attached: d897970352242817350f2d16964b7e04.jpg (480x449, 56K)


Hello again. I admire how you all are still going strong despite the show being over for a year.

Attached: Android_21_(61).jpg (511x510, 41K)

Reminder that JOBren sucker punched Freiza-sama after /ouremperor/ had just tanked the most powerful ki blast thrown in the tournament as well as taken a savage beating from a god of destruction, yet CHADZA was right back up fighting GAYren soon after and ELIMINATING HIM FROM THE TOURNAMENT

Attached: zap.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

>almost paper white
Pick one

If Goku killed Shin:
GT: No one else would have found the secret water and freed the others from Baby's control, Pan likely did not know where the secret water location.
Super: No Beerus and Whis, so no God Forms for Goku and Vegeta, which means Frieza would have killed everyone after returning, they would have unable to help Trunks defeat Zamasu and they have lost in the ToP.

>See Shin is important.

>now knowing the chadnime is coming back in july
Sasuga waifushitter

Human 21 > Majin 21


>taken a savage beating from a god of destruction
At least you know your place, lizardcuck

Attached: THIS DICK.jpg (884x688, 69K)



Attached: COONren.jpg (1280x720, 59K)


I accept your concession

Look at those pecs

Attached: best tranformation on the series.webm (600x334, 921K)

Goku should have used Vegeta technique to blow himself up to kill Jiren.

Your revisionism of the facts is irrelevant.
Goku and Vegeta together were trounced in seconds, Freeza lasted an entire hour.

Jobren?? After Freeza used all of his ki against Dyspo, after getting sodomized by Toppo?

The same jobren that in the last minute, lost to Goku and then again to base Goku and freeza?

You can't debate me, no one here can!

It gives me a heavy heart to end you, my pet.


They call me Mr Popular

Attached: 64.jpg (514x35, 4K)

>I-I swear, Jiren was in top condition when he bodied Frieza!!

Not even in the top ten of power ups Jobren-bro


Attached: 1556387479387.jpg (288x450, 20K)

is gohan ever appearing in canon again?

Attached: ax.png (999x749, 637K)


Attached: Recoome.png (400x300, 153K)

JOBmasu jobbed to base Vegetto

>Jirenfag Jobren Cuckren Shitren Gayren Chadren Godren Basedren Dogren Shitrenfags Jirenniggers NIGGERren
>Jobly Cuckly Shitly Fagly Chadly Dogly Joblydog Brolychodes
>Shitle Kekle Shitfla Dogfla Dogle
>Jobku Shitku Gokek GODku Chadku Dogku Gokuspics
>Jobgeta Vegecuck Cuckgeta Chadgeta
>Cuckza Chadza Lizardposting
>GODgeta CHADgeta Fusionniggers
>Cuckhan Jobhan Shithan Godhan Chadhan Doghan Purehan CHADforces
>Kissmywife posters
>Based Cringe
>Daily dose
>Gigachad posters
>Panfags Pan pedos GT posters
>Cope Dog Kneel Spic Job Concession mutt jobber jobbing
>Card posters
>Toeicuck Toeisperg Toeimutt
>Toyovirgin Tracetaro Toyocuck

Attached: 918.jpg (297x448, 32K)



Nah he landed hits and forced Vegito back at times

Attached: z.png (246x369, 153K)

If there is a new series yes, but he will do nothing like the first seasons of Super.

That looks like shit.

Fastest in the multiverse

Attached: fastren.webm (700x398, 252K)

You forgot:
>Shinposters, Smug Shin, Uselesshin.

This, it needs more plastic

Attached: c622c0d7e8a68255dbc58b35313fc897.jpg (552x349, 23K)

Thinking about it, if Vegito could casually blow half of Zamasus torso off, then why did he waste so much energy going Blue when he could have stomped in Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan 2

Attached: 1543353434777.jpg (1066x1600, 335K)

Tankest in the universe

Attached: tankren.gif (450x247, 2.06M)

That's Burter.

Why are you posting that fanfic that can't even respect Toriyama's outline (outline that says Jobmasu can't even beat two SSBs at same time if you forgot)
>one SSB < two SSBs < base form of a SSB fusion
Do the math, zimzam can't even beat SS Gogeta

Attached: Gogeta moves.gif (220x186, 475K)


Same reason Gogeta went Blue when going green wasn't even a 10x power up for Broly and SSG would have been enough, to have the most advantage possible and dominate their adversaries



They should have let majinn 21 keep the glasses and white coat. I never understood why she loses them just like Gohan loses his when fighting, in fact, for the super beings they are why do they need glasses in the first place?

Attached: good21human.jpg (774x1032, 103K)

>he can 1v12 the GoDs
Literally nowhere in your autistic spicki "proof" does it state or imply that. Bow to me dog.

>Fastest in the multiverse

Attached: noticia-maestro-rochi-contra-jiren.png (660x392, 61K)

CHADchad the CHAD

Attached: CHADren discovers that shiny lizards make excellent punching bags.gif (540x304, 1.53M)

>Tankest in the universe

Attached: Jiren_Injured.png (1280x720, 554K)

>Burter DABS at this cringe thread.

Attached: Burtah.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

Non-canon and sneak attack, OH NO NO NO NO

Zamasu was one of the best and most interesting antagonists Dragonball has had, comparing him to a boring as gray paint character like Jiren, Zamasu should have been the final boss of Super. He is angel tier and it took ZENO to end him.

Don't @ me.

Attached: zamasu.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

>coming back in july
And where's the proof?

>headcanon the post

Who's that weak and pathetic literal who?

>angel tier
>jobbed like a fucking bitch to Vegito

Black was better. Them merging was when the arc went to shit.

>Toriyama's draft literally says that Merged Zamasu is weaker than 2 SSBs
>h-h-he's angel tier
Cope, concede, and kneel before me.

>sweaty pit shot


Attached: Jobren yelling for his life.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

Broly's power is Ozaru power, even if he wasn't using any Ozaru power before go green that would still be only a 10x power up. SSG is waaay more than 10 times stronger than SS so SSG Gogeta > full power Broly

>n-no but my headcanon says..!
Nobody cares

>has to use his full power on a beat up and exhausted Freeza
>still can't k.o him
Staminaletren the gay everyone

Does the conceit of NINGERS know no bounds?

Attached: 1557030346725.jpg (530x398, 34K)

Where'd the rest of his arm go?

So this is basically the canon SS4 right?

Attached: goods-00257789.jpg (700x700, 133K)

>not playing with your food

That would be Guldo.


FUCK ningen.

Attached: zamasu_tea_screenshot_by_korlyin_dcbluim-pre.jpg (1192x670, 64K)


Attached: Original.jpg (1210x205, 45K)

>the power of Ozaru combined with SS while maintaining the humanoid form
Yes. Well, it's better than SS4, since you don't need a tail and you should be able to go SS2, SS3, SSG and SSB while using the Ozaru power up

Attached: Broly Gigantic Roar.png (637x2400, 2.34M)

Ummm no sweety, Kais have natural god ki so the SSJ Pink transformation got a huge boost from the zamasu half. That is why he gains an Angel's divine halo just like Whis and the others have.

Attached: GODMASU.png (1910x1080, 1.25M)

grafo doesn't need the dragon balls. the one thing he really desires can't be wished for.

Attached: kkk.jpg (843x471, 106K)

>let me use my headcanon and come up with ridiculous numbers that paint a scenario where Gogeta didn't need SSB
perfect brainlet logic if we ignore the facts presented to us

Concession accepted.

>arguing with Toriyama's draft and spouting headcanon

>posting that absolute garbage Toei fanfiction
Look how fucking shitty it looks. Imagine thinking this retarded spicfiction is anything but a bunch of Filipino monkeys writing fanfiction


Attached: 1556156853446.jpg (677x597, 68K)

I don't give a FUCK about the manga and only watch the anime. Suck my balls DRY.

Attached: 1555022361034.jpg (1400x1400, 263K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Don't care she's hot.

His VA died too soon.

Cool. You prefer the non-canon what-if story. Nigger.

Most active and entertaining threads in this whole board. HOW do we do it?

>in before chadba, sHit, and yamcha poster

Attached: 1556578378916.jpg (500x500, 149K)

_____ of Yea Forums

Attached: f1797fec6fe923099859744f2b6cedb7ca05f04e_hq.jpg (512x300, 17K)


Say it with me: we are the _____ OF Yea Forums


Beerus: Time to kill Zamasu.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Attached: 1487469750021.png (475x594, 193K)

Cringeworthy cucks


Shut the fuck up you casual virgin.

I think Zamasu was unique in that he actually believed he was the good guy. Nearly every other DB villain has been a puppy stomping evil guy who relished in how much of a dick he is, or a psychopathic manchild like Buu.

Very refreshing.

Attached: 1501526078706.png (460x482, 142K)

>no rebuttal after being utterly destroyed by facts and canon numbers

Hakai Zamasu-poster.

Attached: Bde7d28bf037828322f4488174a30bc9f8ac5ddc_hq.jpg (748x724, 39K)

so one of many instances where it destroys toriyama's hollow hack trash tier writing?

SPICS OF Yea Forums

I accept your concession, Toeimong. Kneel before me.

The anime is all Jiren posters have though


>Just as strong if not stronger in the manga

>literally weaker than Jobhan and Kekfla in the CANON and TORIYAMA-APPROVED CHADnga

>anime Jiren
>somehow stronger than SSB fusion

>manga Jiren
>can't even beat a SSB tier guy that moves really good

>"as strong if not stronger"

>couldn't fucking hit ROSHI
el oh FUCKING el

You forgot the Krillinposter,

>Jiren is weaker than SSB Gogeta.

>>literally weaker than Jobhan and Kekfla
I only take good quality bait, sorry.
Literally outlasted and punched UI out of Goku with just strength
>muh Roshi meme
Try harder

>Panfags Pan pedos GT posters
What are the exact differences?

I think Jiren is stronger than Broly. Also a better fighter because he's still sane when at that powerlevel. Jiren actually managed to tie with ultra instinct, an unbeatable form.

But on the other hand, anyone can be written to be strong. It takes more than that to make me like a character. Broly is better to watch because he's simpathetic and his animalistic fight style is cooler than Jiren's style of standing still all the time.

>zero rebuttals
Kneel at my feet, dog. Such is your place. KNEEL at once.

Jobly vs Jiren would be like Grade 2 Trunks vs Perfect Cell

No differences, according to this board if you like Pan or GT you are pedo.

kek, concession accepted, damage controlling cuckspic.

But user, isn't the voredroid the red eyed one? I only see the nice one in this these images or does the nice one eat people,too?

Both eat people.

Blue eyed one doesn't.

Jesus, anti-Jiren spics are lazier by the day

Take out the anime and tell me how impressive Jiren is using manga only things and characters.

t. speedreader


>punched UI out of Goku

Jobren literally didn't even touch Goku until Goku was too tired to maintain UI
Jiren < SSB tier guy with good moves

Well no shit. Even if Goku was only half of Jiren's power, fusing with Vegeta doubles that and multiplies it by "tens of times". Fusions will always be the most over the top shit. The only time where it wasn't was in BoG, when Beerus literally was hundreds of times stronger than Goku and nothing but a new ass pull transformation could close the gap.

But closed that gap has, so now fusion is going to be the best power up. Goku said he thought Broly was stronger than Beerus, and Gogeta beat Broly. That means Gogeta is probably more powerful than Jiren, Beerus and anything we've seen so far that isn't the angels. Nothing should ever top them as a rule.

>Jobren literally didn't even touch Goku
>exchanged thousands of hits and flung him by the leg like a ragdoll
Stop with the headcanon

>has no arguments
>expects to be taken seriously
Imagine being (You).

Concession accepted.

The anime Jiren fans like to use multiple episodes of Jiren being stated to be on God level, and then scale up from there with limit breaker. Shaking the infinite void, and pretending Goku gets like thousands of times stronger over the course of the tournament. Manga Jiren lacks the retarded nature of the anime. As well as x20 forms for Goku.

t. forgot that Jiren couldn't touch CHADshi

>headcanon the post

>baits like the dumb spic he is
>expects people to take his stale bait seriously

>n-no u!
I accept your concession. Don't speak again unless I command it.

>I-I swear its a legitimate argument not a bait
Imagine being so retarded that people take your sub-par posts as bait

Fusion combining and multiplying the power levels of both fusers by tens of times is a quote from Vados. Goku saying he thought Broly may be stronger than Beerus was a quote from Goku, obviously. The rest of what I said follows accordingly.

>unironically taking "touch" literally
Fucking jobrentard, what I mean is that Jiren never managed to punch/kick/whatever UI Goku, just like Zamasu never touched Vegetto

>Literally too fast to see and countless blows are heard
Shut the fuck up, will you?

>I swear Jobren did this that literally never happened on panel!
Off yourself, jirenturd.

Attached: 0028.png (948x1400, 430K)

What the fuck did I say, animal?

>Never happened
>they literally show the arena of them fighting at unseeable speeds with only sound head

>a quote from the non-canon anime

holy fuck toyopaco's art is terrible

Ah, it's that autistic shitposter. Discarded.

>literally repeating the same bullshit over and over
Post a panel with Jiren damaging fresh Goku once his eyes went silver. I'll wait

Attached: 0026.png (948x1400, 437K)

>literally ignoring the arguments and running away


>post the part where they literally cannot be seen fighting
How fucking autistic are you?

i'm so fucking stupid at this HOLY FLYING FUCK

>juanrenpedro is blind
That's it, I'm done with you.

Im legit wondering if you even know what part Im talking about. Probably didn't even read it

>selective sight
Wow, your damage controlling has reached new heights.

Nobody can debate me holy shit

Its your headcanon that Jiren didn't touch him on that part. No matter how mad that makes you

>literal proof that the fight can be seen is posted
Get on your knees and beg for mercy, cocksucking dog.

>Nobody can debate me holy shit
O really? Is that so?






If you are gonna ask me to post the panel do it directly, speedreader. Dont make me waste time.
KEK Even Whis says OH DARN when Keku got manhandled while still on UI
BTFO btw. I told you I am a genious at this.

Attached: 34.jpg (800x1200, 258K)


>literally using headcanon to falsely interpret shit

Same as you. The only objective answer there is we don't know what happened. Screaming like a spic that Chadren didn't touch him is literal headcanon

Your concession is accepted

Just leave it where I can see it.


>The only objective answer there is we don't know what happened
So you admit that your position stems from headcanon? Good boy. That's a very good pup. Kneel before me and receive your supreme master's affection.

In fact I have more reason to believe that Chadren manhandled him merely because of Whis' comment. Yours is unfounded headcanon