Siblings fight next chapter:
>ZE vs PP
Can Pieck protect her little brother, aka Porco?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Reiner will kill cuckren
Tick tock, Erenfags.
Poko a shit.
But will he cry while doing it?
>Porco protecting his brother and big sister
Porco is a crybaby that lashes out against those superior to him, typical incel.
Enjoy your daily raping, faggot. Only 14 cocks left for the evening, makes sure to drink it all up. Tick tock, /Sunday/ is almost up!
Who is he doing it to?
AA art
>Based nips mostly
>based on canon interactions
>Annie is cute
>not OOC shit
BA "art"
>Mostly untalented spic art
>Self-insert for desperate Bortfats and based on shitty spinoffs
>can't even get Annie's nose right
>Constantly forgets Annie doesn't gvie a shit about Bort's existence
Help the emperor set me on fire
Why do you love me? I love you too, user. We should get married if you live in London.
Both are shit but you have to be mentally ill to like a guy with a pig face fapping in front of an unconcious minor. I would even choose AM and RA over that
>a guy with a pig face
Hi beruanism. Nipland likes AA while BA is mostly liked by Euroniggers. Never forget that.
Put yourself out and get back to work
Be Porco:
>have the coolest looking sexy titan that looks like a lion and has great agility
>have a good fashion sense and wear unique aviator jacket while everybody else around you wears lame uniform
>have Pieck-senpai lay in bed in front of you and shake her ass in your face all the time
>have Annie's deep gratitude after you free her from her crystal prison
>have Historia all over you because muh Ymir memories
Be Zeke:
>openly declare your celibacy and preach no sex for everyone
>have ugly, hairy and fatass macaco titan
>wear lame virgin glasses
Less koffing, more scanning
>everyone who dislikes AA is BA
Fuck off, AA is pretty disgusting, I hope Reiner saves Annie from your Monger
Sorry, but I love hansamu~ user and Reiner only.
Annie is for Rape
>Eren's nut cracker
AA is endgame.
Soon. Annie's big bro will save her from the mong.
For me, it's the left one
Fuck off, Bertmin
Not him but i wanted to remind you Nipland has pretty shit taste in overall.
When did these threads become a landfill?
Nipland also likes LE.
>shitren self-inserter
Ch 107
>Annie was freed offscreen by the warriors.
>she makes her grand re-entrance by using 3DMG to fly up to a transformed Shartmong, transforming, and kicking his head off.
Nothing wrong with that
>shitco eating pop rocks
I Reiner dies my soul will too.
Is one of the biggest shit tastes though
>Implying spicland is better
>beruanism spic uses BA
Annie will never fuck Bort. Move on.
t. manletfujo
Annie won't fuck Armin and manlet won't fuck Eren. Move on, pedophile
I miss when my Berty was slaying in this manga, everyone wanted to talk about him and was popular here. Good times, now we only have Armong rapists who think Annie will fall for him because he inherited some of Bert's memories.
t. LEpedo/AApedo
Most of the Bertfag shitposters realized that they wasted years latching on to a borderline non-character that died right after getting a little bit of focus for the first time in the whole series and they probably killed themselves
>manlet won't fuck Eren.
>BAspic falseflagging as the REfujo
Much like Mankasafags? I'm sensing a pattern here.
LE only
What? You really thought manlet would fuck Eren? Seriously? Not any of those fags by the way
Fuck off AApedo/LEpedo, you are repulsive
Nah, those still can delude themselves by pretending that action scenes and shallow screentime of her screaming EREH count as relevance and development.
Spoilers fucking never
Kill yourself.
>Arminfat is also the manletfujo.
How is it even possible for one person to have so much shit taste.
Pedo OUT
>the BAfat is a ledditor
Threesome when?
You realize now? There was a time she would spam Isayama would make AA and LE canon. She is also the one falseflagging as REfags to attack EHfags and Hanjofags
>TFW you recognize /snk/fags strategies
>all Annie and Mikasa pairings are shit
>people repeatedly fight over them
The patrician pairing is with each other.
>mixing AAchads with fujos
Kill yourself spic
Ohh? That manletcuck always insulting Zeke hates BA too? Thanks for the info
Maybe you need to take some distance from these threads. That's what I did.
Both suck. Annie just wants to go home and see her dad again.
Manga spoilers
How will bertfags who are animeonly react when he dies
I doubt that animeonlys even know his name.
Are there any animeonlies who like Bert?
I don't care about Armin pairings, I'm LE only
Nice edit, but you got caught once
>Nice edit, but you got caught once
When was that? I only took so long cause I went to check my laundry
All Bertchads are manga readers. He's too high IQ of a character for secondaries.
I'm starting to think everyone was right and the Eldians are too dangerous to let live. Any random faggot can just mind-control half the population and start a civil war and murder everyone. How are you supposed to get along with people like that?
From what I saw in the normalfags reactions they didnt gave a fuck about reiner "dying" so I guess they will give two fucks about bert. Most animeonlies still think this is a good vs bad guys show somehow.
>Implying Bort ever had the balls to touch her to begin with
You can't. Gross was right.
Next anime chapter and Reiner will ascend into angel form
Armin, Eren and Historia threesome. Will Armin be giving or receiving it?
Based and titan pilled
Zekefags on suicide watch
Wasn't the previous chapter out on April 6th? What is the most possible day for release in May?
Would Pieck fags fuck this?
>most AAryanpilled ship in the manga
Where are they getting this from? xD
Never since we get the chapter by 28 of april thanks to golden week but the silly insectoid decided to has a new emperor
What the fuck was Araki thinking with this episode?
Eren Vs Reiner #2 could've been drastically improved just by adding some appropriate music to the whole sequence; taking our full attention off the mediocre animation.
>those comments
Holy fuck animeonly faggots hate reiner
All night long baby
Happened in the canon game
I wonder how Ymir Fritz complete titan looked like.
>Colossal size
>Able to go on for months
can you explain that in layman's terms
Give them some time, wait for the Liberio pill
Why does one of the most anime franchises have such a fucking terrible anime adaption
the animation is bad
the pacing is bad
the direction is bad
the OP is the worst I've heard in years
Technically Pieck's ability isn't exactly going for months (that's just a technique she learned), but rather being able to be a fucking horse titan.
>Not wanting to fuck Kris Jenner titan
I agree with everything you said.
Except I find the OP catchy.
i physically can't her titan form, nobody can
but she has a human form so fuck yeah
We should have had the chapter already since we get it earlier when is near golden week so around april 28 or 29but thanks to the new japanese emperor they got like 10 days off
Last chapter that came out on a Thursday was 108 which had its spoilers on Monday night/Tuesday morning, the one before was 99 and it had spoilers on Monday morning but that was back when gooks were reliable.
Because the anime directors directly oppose Isayama's sensibilities and despise the way the story has gone, so they put little to no effort while funding their SNK ripoff.
>this episodes sure are boring
>who cares about this mass murderer suffering and these annoying little kids?
>When is Levi going to show up? He is so badass
O my rubber titan
that makes no sense
I miss Benji
Why would anyone hate Reiner? I started off anime only and I thought he was a really cool guy. I got spoilers about his reveal, but when I read that in the manga it still made me feel awful about him. Which is exactly how Isayama wanted it to happen.
I want a Junior High season of Porco picking on Reiner
We NEED a faceapp guys
How will Eren achieve muh freedom? Use rumbling to dunk on Marley? Use founding titan to sever the connection between paths and eldians making them regular human beans?
>not going full virginity like Zeke proposes.
Who's this guy again, Yea Forums?
that's a small brained solution when FT may get away with every asspull imaginable
Tell that to the virgin ape
Will Mikasa kill Eren at the end?
>EHfags are ruining yet another thread
117 :目覚め
>エレン 彼は全身を覆って光を遮る
>ジーク ループ全体にまったく現れない
>ピーク あなたは彼女の腕をはずそうとしますが、できないし逃げようとします
>アルミン 彼は部分的に刑務所から手を離す
> ライナー 彼は変身し、エレン で戦いを始めます
>アニ 最後にめくる
Annie next episode, can't wait
Seems like annie appears at the end?
Another month to wait for the best girl...
Jesus Christ how horrifying
wtf is this res
That's a pretty convincing one, it's too bad it probably won't look nearly as awesome as that.
I don't know moonrunes
>Anniefag trying to make the rock relevant
117: Awakening
> Ellen He covers the whole body and blocks the light
> Does not appear at all in the whole group
> Polco he breaks it with a big stick made of amalgam
> Peak You try to take her arm off, but you can not escape
> Almin He partially removes his hand from jail
> Reiner He transforms and starts the battle with Ellen
> Ani will come to a close
>Almin He partially removes his hand from jail
He literally said in the last chapter it's impossible for the colossal
These don't even make sense and I'm willing to accept anything in engrish
Would be convincing if not for the english sfx there
>copy-paste from Google Translator
>watch jobner job on anime
>read jobner job on manga
its like pottery, bravo isayama
>EHfags gas 6 million jews per second
Are they trying to say that Eren developed cloaking tech by reflecting all light from his body? That's ridiculous, I hope it's real.
is the new chapter delayed because of golden week or something
>when you get BTFO again
Spoilers_ _ tomorrow __ ______ ;_; _______________
Why is she so perfect bros?
It's coming out the normal time but usually we would've got leaks early on golden week.
No spoilers until tuesday
just read it... i can't believe eren is dead bros
It was best pair...
Just read it... I can't believe Hanji turned out to be guy
I love Hitch!
That erects my titan
How come Isayama's art looks superior to the anime this season? Fuck, Eren vs Reiner round 2 looks like shit.
Why did Marle send childs to island instead of soldiers on airships?
why did the freaking change his face while in his titan? and eren, his whole body is moving around inside while controlling it instead of just being formed into it
Same thing in the manga.
Because those children were the best they had
Children are easier to brainwash and by the time they're old enough to question their orders they're on death's doorstep
Adults didn't want to limit their lives for a country that hates them.
regardless of whatever ultimately happens to annie, i hope we get more RA dysfunctional siblings desu
Reiner never mentioned this after nearly losing his head in the manga did he?
of course he did
Bert sort of mentions it.
Because they are idiots
It was an infiltration mission to steal a titan's power. They needed a titan shifter, and they needed the other shifters for the war that was occuring. Sending normal human soldiers wouldn't have been a good idea.
What does Mikasa's unwashed butt smell like?
I'm talking about what happened in episode 50, when Levi almost cut his head off, I only remember him talking about consciousness and the nervous system after the thunder spears blew his head off
A combination of and the fact that infiltrating a whole unknown society and find the king would be an operation to require many years. And since they already had to brainwash and waste young kids lives to create the titan warriors, well.
rice desu
>Eren vs Reiner part 2 was nowhere near as good as their first match seen in season 2
What killed the hype?
Armong's cum
Araki getting early notification on the father's identity by Isayama. Hearing Kaji's lines for the final chapter was the final nail in the coffin.
most people working in these kinds of positions are straight up hacks who have no familiarity with the medium outside of their niche
Does Eren really hate Mikasa? I can't believe that.
Wouldn't you?
He did mention it when he was on top of the wall. Just read it again
If the sexes were reverese then everyone would hate male Mikasa. Stalkers are fucking creepy, I don’t care if she lived with him for a year. She’s an anoying stalking at best and at worse a slave.
They MUST be together.
Nah, male stalkers are okay as long as they're hot. Mankasa constantly risking his life for Ellen would be considered super romantic.
They will be. Eren will wrap the scarf around her again soon for MAXIMUM KINO
yeah, otome style mankasa would totally still be popular
Wtf, where is her scarf?
>See you later, Eren.
EM is literally sasusaku tier. A total dogshit
Shit taste, bad opinion.
She took it off because of 112, so Eren can wrap it around her again when they reconciliate for MAXIMUM KINO, duh.
Nah. Mikasa needs to move on and leave Eren behind. That's her best outcome.
Still the truth.
>My shit opinion = Truth
>Mikasa needs to move on and leave Eren behind.
The true KINO.
At least Mankasa obsession is somehow justified even without the Ackerdog bond shit. Sakura never had a single reason to love Sasuke beside his appearance which is absolutely not worth of cutting off your best friend, endure abuse and being a single mother.
So happy they kept this in desu
>Reiner realizes it's bait
>still takes the bait
What if Eren had sex with Historia because they had a short-lived but intense romantic relationship; but his true love has always been Mikasa and he no longer loves Historia more than a good friend?
I wonder what anal sex with Hisu would be like.
Eren is a virgin but after everything is said and done he will be the father of everyone, like Jesus!
Yeah, Mikasa's character still has a chance to be fixed once the ackerautism is over and she goes away from Eren. I don't know about nardo but it's pretty shit as far as I know.
He didn't have a choice. If they allowed Erin to get behind their lines they'd have been pincered between the scouts and him and the titans entire plan revolved around avoiding the fight. The Beast is aware and afraid of Levi and doesn't want to engage him. The Titan plan was to starve them out after killing the horses.
These little diagrams were cute
This. Eren has been neutral to her feelings for him for pretty much their entire lives, their attachment has never been shown to be mutual. Mikasa deserves someone who will love her equally, and Eren needs to go be free and do his own thing.
Imagine all her angry faces.
>anything bad about muh cliche ship is a shit opinion
He said this to free Mikasa, it’s obvious
But he'd be a handsome muscular Chad
Over protective big brother Malekasa would've been good
not even a EHfag but
>stage 3: bargaining
Grim reminder.
this is also why most people are repulsed by Ymir
Why is this a meme?
Kishimoto even said he don't know what is Sakura reason to love Sasuke and that she is probably addicted to him.
Doggystyle with Pieck
t. Eren
Jeanbo was VERY cute this episode
>two dense rageturds having sex
Unironically KINO.
uma delicia
Scans out yet?
I have to agree
We don't even have shitty text spoilers or a single panel yet.
>Eren meets Mikasa
>He picks up the scarf.
>Mikasa starts crying and getting full emotional and "Ereh...Ereh...!"
>Just next to Mikasa is Historia without tummy
>Eren wraps the scarf around Historia
>"Hey, sweet enemy of humanity"
>They kiss in front of Mikasa
>Mikasa farts
>Everybody laughs
imagine the smell
>tfw Eren is in another continent killing children and still hasn't returned, how dull
>I'm supposed to become that fat hairy titan? Yeah sure, I'm *totally* fine with that...
>this dumb farmer keeps trying to act cozy and asking if I want a shoulder massage, ugh
>the military thinks I'm a slut, whatever~
>I don't want to be mean or spread rumours buuuut Sasha was literally the dorm bike
>Mikasa comes over but she just cries staring at my belly and her scarf smells
>when is Nile coming, I want to bully him
>this rocking chair creaks way too much
>my hips hurt
>Eren, that place IS NOT FOR SEX. If you ever try again to put it in, I swear, I will GUILLOTINE YOUR PENIS WITH THE MIGHT OF MY ANUS MUSCLES, YOU ASSHOLE!
>*farts* Ooops. Yeah well who cares? I'm the Queen.
Is Eren seeing Historia?
Will Eren wrap the scarf around her instead of Mikasa??
When are Jean and Connie going to grab Gabi and slowly torture her to death?
i cringed but also liked it
They are not really even mad at Gabi
If Eren really ends up being the child's father, how do you think the manga would reveal it?
The airship is the most wrathful we ever see Jean and once she's no longer a threat he removes her from harm. I don't expect Connie will change his mind either.
It's not, so you can stop trying to force it now.
>"By the way, I'm the father. And Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan."
>Kills a nobody
>reeeeeeeee kill gabi
>Get's saved
Just watched the episode. Complete dogshit except for the Erwin scenes. Also Eren v Reiner round 2 was a complete letdown. Isayama's art looks far more impactful when it comes to the titan fight. Never thought I would say that. A really bad adaptation so far.
>implying she didn't actually say 'nico' but was misheard
Nigga what?
I wish people would ask about stuff like this and Yelena's height instead of manlet's favorite tea or how he wipes his ass.
Connie had two guns and was in front of Falco, Gabi, Eren, and Zeke and didn't start spraying bullets. He could have at least drowned Falco in the kitchen while he was knocked out.
Seated, of course.
this page is kino.
how the fuck have we not gotten any spoilers? we dont even have the magazine cover tfs going on this month
No, they just blame everything on Eren.
This shouldn't have been cut out
>meat in japanese is niku
>nikul, a nickname for nicolo.
how does the anime manage to cut all kinds of important characterization and still feel baggy and poorly paced
omega retard. you need to go back.
>A few months ago, I destroyed Historia's hymen and began my attack on her womb
>I'm the father, and Zeke is the uncle
I hope Zeke is present too so he can sperg about Eren reproducing while Mikasa spergs about him impregnating someone else.
>Story is written by a nip
>Is translated into English
>Buhuh maybe someone misheard her
>"hork hork go back I fit in"
>zeke, i....
>otasa was right afterall...
zeke would probably literally start crying
You know you're reading a Japanese manga, right user-kun?
>be (You), an omega maximum retard
>see someone say that they could have misheard sasha saying nicolo
>hmmm the first thing that comes to mind is that we are reading a manga from japan but let me use the english translation as the base of my opinions because i can't think outside of the realm of my own native language
Of course he cries about everything
If anything, I predict Zeke will find out first when he touch Eren.
based user going all out with the caps and still getting replies
And what does that matter is still a japanese manga with japanese play of words
I hope Reiner is present too
Are we so broken by golden week that we'll reply to poor bait?
Do someone have the raw page to see if it was used in kanji or hiragana?
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
ok but what if im natively japanese and read moonrunes? exactly. whats your excuse for native japanese people reading this manga and making that theory?
>ok but what if im natively japanese and read moonrunes?
>whats your excuse for native japanese people reading this manga and making that theory?
>homophones don't exist in other languages
at least we are doing something to keep us sane
i am. so therefore i am allowed to post that theory if i want to. xD
prove im not EL EM AY OH
Kanji for meat.
fuck off you niggers
Why pics from left to right?
Who's ready for the Bertnuke next episode? :~)
then case closed i guess
You must be baiting. You can't be this retard.
Unless you are that sperg Pieckfag who won't admit that Pii has something for Yii.
if WIT fucks up this i'm done with the rest of the season until the basement reveal
What's the season behind such a shitty animation for the titan fight? It's not like they need as much budget for the Grisha flashbacks. The only time we see any titan action there is Kruger destroying the Marley ships.
Underrated post.
It's Nukefag
bad directors
You don't get it user? all the budget went to ackerdog wanking
and im Newfag. who is nukefag
Manlet needs all the budget
The guy who threw a fit (like in this thread) over people saying Bert was a nuke, which he obviously wasn't.
Jean and Connie are level headed fags unlike you you, piece of shite.
An all caps autist that makes charts and and stuff to point out what's wrong with the manga.
he basically is a nuke.
wtf I'm gay now
>Completely butchering Eren vs Reiner 2.0 for 10 seconds of Manlet cutting Zeke
Araki was a mistake.
Get fucked.
Calm down, Mikasa
No, he's just a big bomb. Nukefag is a sperg, but he's right about that one.
he is. was
Undersells his hips/butt desu.
We already knew, we were just in denial
wtf i love the ocean now
Nukefag, post the image for them, I forgot to save it.
They'll get to the basement in like 4 episodes
Porco and Pieck are perma-titans in junior high manga
I hope there aren't any Colt fags here because he died according to leakers, check on Twitter
Gotta get that fujo money
Checked for cum on his face
Honeatly what killed it was the weak ass music
early spoilers on the 25th btw
We saw human Pieck in that manga.
He's a qt too what a tragedy
shame, how he died?
That's the same face he made, when he watched Sasha and Niccolo have sex.
RIP. Now he'll never know Zeke's secret asswiping technique.
What money? BD sales have dropped consistently over the seasons.
Damn shame, I liked that who
>I destroyed Historia's hymen and began my attack on her womb
Based Attack Titan.
WIT is saving money for this shit.
Unironically hope you're baiting. What's the point of having Colt survive Liberio if he dies here?
I dunno? To make Falco grow a spine?
Fresh leaks coming in
War is hell, user.
I know
But that's the thing. If Colt was meant to die for Falco's character development, then why is he still alive? Why didn't he perish along with Zofia and Udo? It's not like Falco can actually do anything now, since he injested the wine laced with spinal fluid.
Was this even popular? Did anyone even ask for more pasta?
Is it a movie or new season?
Isayama probably saved his death for later since Liberio wiped out like 40% of the cast
Thanks, user! Have a great night/day. May spoilers come your way
Colt survived in Liberio so that Gabi could survive too. He pulled her aside during the initial chaos.
Movie. It's out in 3 days.
>On that day, Historia's inner walls received a grim reminder
it's pretty meh if i'm honest, not bad, but not good either
That's what they said a month ago
I'm guessing he was executed by Marley to root out any possible traitors after that Zeke mishap. His father was one, I think.
Dr Yaeger, I'm TITAN
Well hopefully they reveal the Kaben origins
Historia is Eren's freedom
he's literally standing next to magath in the current chapter
I mean I liked the soundtracks but overall I thought it was alright until the pink hair cunt
Executed when? By whom? He was literally on the airship on one of the last panels last chapters.
>Colt is so irrelevant people forget he was on the last chapter.
Connie and Sasha were bros.
(you)'re the cuck.
Wtf is that falcos dad or something??
That's just a random soldier speedreader.
Yeah, okay. Haha
Why is the anime so bad
It's not that bad actually but the adaption is unable to capture what made the source material so great, it's a damn shame. I really hope they won't fuck up the nuke or the SL standing on Eren
The wait is killing me. I want the chapter, and the leaks.
Sorry I know I shouldn't have used this term since it's not really a nuke so to speak according to that graph, but it's a memorable and easy way to talk about it.
I want Annie
We don't even have the fucking cover. We're doomed
Well, you are not that far from the truth, I remember that Isayama said that Historia inspired Eren when she rebelled against her father
Isn't that Annie?
No, the girl in the picture has a weak sniffing unit
What are your favorite chapters? 88, 99 and 100 are in my top three for now but it might change in the future.
Kill them
>it's a pii episode and chapter
also pii rabus zii
A quick image search indeed say that girl supposed to be Historia but to me, she looks more like Annie than Historia desu.
96 and 98 come to mind
Best parents
But nukefag is the Anniepedofag
Leaks out, Hange is severely wounded but managed to tend to Levi's injuries
t. U.N
Leaks out, Floch shits and pisses all over the place.
Ymir will remake Marco out of sand and he will kill everyone.
>Omaera no mueras
He's so kind, so caring and
Leaks not out
leaks out, armin is a nuke
Reiner is a faggot puppet dog. How can any of you edgelords like him after seeing what he did to Erin in the first fucking chapter. Nothing can justify his actions and Reiner will always be evil.
>Doing it's damn job
How much death threats will Isayama receive after the audio recording of the final chapter is revealed?
Leaks Out.
Gabi kills Yelena and Boyega.
Jus re read it and yeah I can easily understand why. 96 to 100 are peak SNK
Do you really have access to leaks or were you aimlessly baiting? Because this actually happened.
Before I knew it, I was giving people orders and inspiring my comrades. Saying they should give their hearts to humanity. Thus, I fooled my comrades... Fooled myself... And upon a mountain of their corpses... ...I now stand.
I only come to these shit threads for the new chapter. One of you no lifer faggots who spends every waking moment here tell me, are we close to the leaks? When should we expect them?
t. Marley
How bad is his death going to be?
The only well adapted scene and highlight of the otherwise dogshit episode.
>tfw they won't adapt (if they reach this part) manlet's eyes well because he is way "cooler" in the anime
As bad as hers, it seems. They're both great characters
i liked reiner but as soon as the reveal happened i just hated him. even his backstory of
>muh hard times please this is NOT BLACK/WHITE there are no good or bad guys
wasn’t enough to make me like him
*How glorious is his awaited ascend to Valhalla going to be?
>Floch, Yelena and Pieck die
>The niggerpon still will be alive
No fucking fair
>Shitty secondaries hating Reiner
He is one of the best written character from the series alongside Eren, Historia and Erwin.
I think we will get Eren is the father revelation when Zeke touches Eren
Nah, overrated as fuck and his fanbase is fucking cancerous
>Bullied Annie to continue the mission even though it was all his fault
>Bullied Annie to gather info for him while he fucked around with the cadets playing Marcel all day long
>Bullied Annie because she was wasn't taken the shitty hand-to-hand combat practise seriously even though she was a master of it and exhausted to boot
>Bullied Annie to kill Marco
Karma is a bitch
The fujo fanbase is cancer but hating him after RtS is retarded.
2016 Erwinfags were fucking cringe to read, I can understand Isayama disliked him so much he didn't even give him a good funeral.
W-wait, what if Isayama is so drawn to reveal the father because he wants to make it great
They haven't seen Marley's arc yet.
t. Arminshart
I can't believe LH won
Why did Reiner and Bert even bother hiding in the walls when they could have just stayed in one of the hundreds of empty houses that they never would be found in?
This isn't Hansi, Isayama
Too bad he was just popular for fujo pandering
That's the joke
REMINDER: Wait for the CR even if spoilers drop. You all complain about the attention whores and redditors, but you're wholly dependent on them. Don't give them the satisfaction of having control over your entertainment.
>hundreds of empty houses
The ones that were close to the wall were searched by Armin and the Scouts, while the other houses were too far away from the wall to be used properly.
Because the enemy would be paranoid enough to search around the houses but not knowledgable enough to check inside the wall, which was the ideal position to jump on Eren after he was exhausted from sealing the breach.
>Le "based"man
>the state of EMfags
I agree with you, user. It's painfully simple but people can't understand somehow.
And even in that he was bad because his real love was Marie
Excpet porco was actually the superior warior cadet speedreader.
Regular Griffith vs Erwin Smith? Who wins in a tactical battle with plenty of underlings to sacrifice?
Sadly this. His fujo fanbase never cared for him as character. And they were the 90% of his fanbase.
Is it true Erwinfujos attacked Isayama once?
More than just muh hardtime. You understood nothing
With the anime the ErwLfujo (also EMfag) came back but years ago Erwinfags were fucking unreadable
>Daddy Erwin xDD
>manletxerwin fanarts
>EM and ErwL are confirmed canon ships
Jesus, his fanbase was leddit-tier YAAASSS tier
>Combined arms and Plate armor army vs Gliding bois with oversized papercutters
If the SC bring anti-personel they may have a chance
More importantly, would Erwin fuck a princess for the sake of humanity?
Looks like Titan Levi
I hope he get's away with everything. He's always been in the right.
No, he is loyal to Marie
>that pottery
I'm glad almost all of them are purged.
You only noticed now? Zeke is also always wearing white, while Eren wears black. It's pretty obvious they are supposed to be opposites
Zeke and Eren I knew. But the parallel between Floch and Yelena only came to my mind while I was re reading RtS
Yeah, she kinda did.
>So the only one who truly surfaced again from the endless abyss was Historia?
>Isayama: “My entire existence, from beginning to now, completely depended on my father’s decisions.” Within this despair, when Eren witnessed the very similar Historia releasing herself from the Reiss curse, he decided that he must do the same. Everything must be done for his own good - when you think about things this way, it’s easier to understand Eren.
You can tell Mikasa represents repression for Eren and Historia represents freedom. When they were about to die Mikasa surrendered, but Historia gave strenght to Eren in their situation. When Eren needed to be sacrificed, Mikasa said "Eren, I won't allow it" and Historia interrupted her giving a solution to save Eren.
I will laugh if these two end up being killed by each other
>does levi like women?
Makes sense
>Hangefags have to suffer the tranny meme because she is with the fujobait character
I think the second comparison is a bit off but I agree with rest. I've been saying that the main reason Eren sympathizes with Historia more is because she reminded him to his motto in a crucial moment, so a bit of "projection" might've happened between them until then. Armin would also fit in this before the ocean plot but I don't think this is the case anymore.
In 5
You fucked up, leaks NEVER
>Armin would also fit in this before the ocean plot but I don't think this is the case anymore.
Not anymore. What drove Armin to see the ocean was curiosity. What drove Eren was his thirst for freedom. Basically, they wanted to reach the same thing but for different reasons.
But after the basement, Eren realized that the ocean didn't equate freedom and he totally lost interest in it. And that's where their bond started to weaken.
Agreed, although I think the second scenario was more of a case of Isayama cucking Mikasa out of an interaction with Eren by having another character cut her off like he's always enjoyed doing. Not that I think she was meant or would've been able to provide a proper solution in that situation mind you, or any of the other times such interruptions happened for that matter (which was most likely the point).
But yeah, if there's anyone who gave Eren a freedom boner after Armin gave him his first, it has to be Historia. There must have also been some sincere gratitude mixed up for what she did for him and it's easy to see where the sympathy, admiration and care comes from. Pic related is also an example of that that I found pretty striking: at that time Eren was still on the verge of giving up and none of his friends' words got through to him until Historia spoke up and took him aback. Only then Manlet reminded him of the whole Levi squad fiasco with the "make a choice" line and Eren decided to trust in himself.
Don't stop the kino, post the rest.
>magath is too loud
>eren looks cute today
>my feet hurt
>i want to be at home with my kids gabi and falco
Reiner is a goldmine but replace gold with depressing art
I can’t believe he jobbed again...
Yeah, I wonder how eren and armin's resolution will be actually
I don't think they'll be friends again.
It's not the only time she takes him aback either
Cool it with the autism
Wish they could perfectly adapt Marley arc desu. Reminded me that war is hell
You think Isayama finally admitted Armin is a terrible character?
This expression, kek
This series is like the Game of Thrones of anime and manga
wit can’t perfectly adapt anything. they can do some things well. i expect them not to fuck up the declaration of war but i do expect them to make the kebab fight lackluster
Arming deceiving Yelena was bullshit. Also how come Yelena doesn't notice the nigger being a traitor soon?
That's why is cool
yeah except game of thrones is terrible and snk is pure unfiltered kino. and the anime sucks
>Kebab fight
She has deathflag all over her face, so it doesn't really matter
>She will die stomped by the foot of his god
Isayama please
Sorry user, I'm not home anymore.
Oh, I've never thought of it that way.
do you really not remember fort slava?
Why was the 456th maneuver gear scene done this good but the second of three Eren VS Reiner fights done so bad?
Ah you mean that. I do remember It but didnt make the connection with kebab, kek.
Actually, I expect that to be well animated, it will be the opening episode of the season after all.
>Isayama: Mikasa’s growth probably involves separation from Eren. By separation, I mean she might be able to return to that ordinary girl that she used to be in childhood
Practice for Levi's solo scene against Zeke
i agree that the first episode could be decent but i totally expect the titan drop to flop.
What does perfect mean?
Because that's manlet's future wife
It's not bad, it's just slow.
>titan drop
>complex scenes with lots of extras
it's gonna be cg for days
>the crowd of Grim Reminder 2.0 will be entirely CGI
I don't want season 4 anymore
I can already see CGI titan Eren flailing ever so slowly while pierced by WHT's spike.
>cuts to a shot of mikasa's ass animated on 1s
fake isayama never said that
It's real though.
>UN troops
>shit trigger discipline
Like pottery
>kusoge spinoff