Why aren't you watching the cutest show of the decade?
Other urls found in this thread:
Waiting for Aru song.
Watch the latest episode.
The manga looked cuter.
the one on the right looks extremely sexually bullyable
I did, now upload the song.
>Aru, on top of an aluminum can
What did she mean by this?
I trust all you guys have made their Samurai hats already for next week's episode?
Not watching because in ep 1 thread everyone was saying it was shit. Has it gotten better?
Watch and find out.
it's a pun
>I want to attend class because they'll forget me
>Pic related
I really like how the series handles Bocchi's growth.
How big does the paper need to be for it to fit on a head? Will I dishonour the samurai if I use newspaper?
I want to Nako Nako's Nakos!
You can't learn ninjutsu.
That's what they want you to believe.
You should stop reading Yea Forums and just watch it.
got chills watching this, just beautiful
FUCK bocchi
always the cutest
I've been enjoying the delivery of Bocchi's lines a lot more than I should
The way she said "tsugi wa kou!" when she was teaching Sotoka just too cute
I like that they had her wear her gym clothes in the anime to make her look even more zannen
very cute newbie seiyuu
That’s Non Non Biyori you barney
Because it makes me cringe uncontrollably imaging that people like her probably exist.
This show seems to be whatever passes for a power fantasy of the socially anxious/retarded.
Why is everything cringe or a "power fantasy" for you twittershit normalfags?
>This show seems to be whatever passes for a power fantasy of the socially anxious/retarded.
who has the power in this show
Bocchi is strong
She's weak, I could easily best her
>The insecure loli with underdeveloped social skills does everything wrong but because she is 2d and cute she befriends everybody the end.
Watamote was better
Nako's smelly bum
Yeah I remember when I was a loli with underdeveloped social skills and couldn't make any friends, this show is bullshit
>make the gaijin the best girl in a Japanese cartoon
every time
I am sure Nako only wears thongs and slutty panties.
I'm sorry but as long as half of Yea Forums wants to be little girls I'm allowed to make this comparison
It's a soft power fantasy. Bocchi is inventing a new genre.
>only half
>wants to
user, we are ALL little girls here
Was this outfit really necessary? I don't think paedos watch this show.
>People complaining about the high cringe level in the latest ep
I wonder how will they cope up with the cooking chapter
How is it that no one can Mieru that it's actually Aru?
Because it doesn't look as cute as the manga
I did watch NNBY
its clever because OP implied its was botchi but I deny it
I watch this show
Neen Jah Dess and He-Man. Skeletor is fucked.
Episode 1 has been the best one so far.
If you genuinely put that much faith on Yea Forums's opinion then just stay away.
I too wish reddit would leave
If you mean "wish fulfillment" then you might be onto something.
I still like it.
Are hotcakes and pancakes not the same thing?
ˢᵐᵒᶫ ᵇᵒᶜᶜ
Low hanging fruit, but I didn't think of it and it's well executed so I gotta approve with a positive fweeeep.
Thank you
It's missing the best part.
It's boring
10/10. It's beautiful.
Ai rabu aru
Would you rather:
>Rape Bocchi, scarring her for life (she will never be able to trust a man)
>Get raped by Bocchi (anal dildo)
how unfortunate
>(anal dildo)
Can I pick both
Last thread I said impregnation but everyone wanted to get "raped"
I could never hurt the Bocc, and she would be so terrified she'd probably just stick the tip in and give up after a minimal effort and then say "w-w-well I did put it in so it counts!"
I certainly don't want to be raped and forced to impregnate Bocchi.
That is a fun scenario
What chapter would get adapted next ep? My guess are:
>Bocchi's school
>Kako's first appearance
Is it rape if I enjoy pegging already?
the quality of the art is zannen
Bocchi is for bullying.
It doesn't sound as good as I expected.
Hopefully the image song or karaoke will be better.
Why is it so hard fpr uou guys tp get raped by bocchi..
What would be the least pleasurable thing Bocchi could do to you?
I have a feeling if Aru was the posited rapist instead of Bocchi, it would probably end up in herself somehow instead.
NNBY is healing, not just cute.
Not pegging me probably.
honestly best show of 2019
>Crying while making whipped cream
Imagine Aru shooting you with a GANBARE BEAM while mating pressing her
This is a lack of respect for those who died.
Do you guys think bocchi will get a nendoroid? I mean k-kaos got one....
>last chapter
>manly tear falling
>jumping through the window
This shit never fails to make me smile
Just buy a fig man nobody wants a nedroid for such a sex icon, its wasted potential
Call me a faggot and tell me she doesn't want to be my friend
It's such a small thing do u c wut i did thar, but I always love it. Keep smolposting user-san.
what would that be?
Instantly kills the erection.
Id suck my cum back through my peenus and leave without saying a word
Sex with Aru is scary because something will go wrong.
I don't know what you're talking about, that's the greatest form of sexual stimulation I can imagine.
>something will go wrong.
for her
>condom breaks
>accidental anal
>she is wearing kiddy panties by mistake
So many possibilities.
She'll have accidental bowel movement and shit all over your dick and the bed.
>Shes wearing those anti rape serrated condoms but forgot to tell you
But then it'll be unfortunate for you instead.
Your threads are so fun id almost pick this up but i cant because its not loli :(
The unfortunate part is that user is actually into scat and will ask her to always do it from then on
god i want her to sit on my face until i pass out
bocchi is smol tho
What a dumb reason.
Maybe because that's how Katsuwo thought of it in his head when writing the manga. So its not catchy because he's a mangaka and not a musician.
yeah it would instantly empty your nutbladder and your erection would collapse in
People were thrown off because the art style doesn't match the manga but the show itself is good. Its just a case of an anime being made of a manga that everybody on Yea Forums has read so they have warped expectations
>fucking Aru
>feel the condom break just as you start to cum
>it's too late to pull out
>lean over and whisper into her ear
>"how unfortunate"
Its actually the truth though. Bocchi was forced to actually make an effort to make friends after being avoidant her whole life, and lo and behold she actually made some friends pretty easily. I bet the same would be true for most friendless anons when they were in school, all they had to do was make an effort.
I want to LICK Nako's mole!
Can i ask Nako to rape me instead?
What a disgusting and pathetic person you are.
She'll be pegging you with a horse dildo tho
Waiting for Yea Forums to tell me it's over so I can binge it to my hearts content.
She accidentally put it in backward though so...
She wore it inside out
binge on this
*unzips dick*
i wanna teepee her bunghole
i want my peepee in her cunhole
This makes me smile
Aru on top of an aluminum cock!
I am watching it because I Mitsuboshi Colors was hilarious. This show isn't as good though.
Nako is kind of similar to Kotoha.
What was her problem?
>man, fuck math.
Surrounded by poor commoners.
>she gets tighter and you cum again
Lewd beam
Post cute bocchi
The condom holds, but when you go to pull out it slides off your dick inside her.
She has to go to the emergency room and explain to the doctors why there's a used condom stuck in her womb.
>Getting head from Aru
>She reflexively tries to headbutt you, which causes her to deepthroat your cock all the way to the base
Based Nako
My reaction to the thread right now
Then it's perfect. Makes her even more unfortunate.
First episode felt pretty boring and unremarkable. Not as cute or funny as other CGDCT classics.
Surprised she didn't zannen her panties off.
S-s-sumi sumima s-sumi
because moeshit is boring as fuck to watch
me irl tho
>the insecure loli with underdeveloped social skills tries extremely hard instead of eternally angsting about having no friends and ends up finding out that other people are a lot less scary than she thought
I see nothing wrong with this
>fapping on the boorus
>tags include "tiara"
>always diamonds
Princessy aesthetics do things to my aluminum can. Will we get more this girl?
read the manga, I don't think her chapter will be adapted
Thanks user. I just picked it up yesterday and am a few chapters in. Good to know.
Why does nako pretend to be a cute girl when texting?
This show is only popular on Yea Forums because it's the only cute girl show this season. Relative to other shows of its type, it's not that good. If there were more good cute girl SoL shows this season, no one would care about it.
bocchi is good
I grew bored with moe.
how is putting on the wrong clothes unfortunate? you caused it entirely
unfortunate isnt the right word, its a direct translation but in the context its like how you'd call a friend a loser or sad
>regrettable or deplorable
>lamentable; sad
It's not just about luck (or the lack of it).
The manga was very well known here before the anime, fag
Did you remember to celebrate their birthdays, anons?
>Bocchi is the cutest. Just look at pic related.
>Nako is shit. Her mole is not that great,
>Aru is very shit. The first track of Beck's Mellow Gold.
>Sotoka is uber shit. Ninja autismo. Ridiculous 5head.
nobody celebrated Nako's birthday tho
I thought Kai-cahn was blonde.
god i just wanna kick bocci so hard in the chest and watch her gasp for air while she whimpers on the ground, tears coming down her face and just a look of utter terror when she realizes one of her lungs collapsed from it, haha that would be so funny wouldnt it
Bocchi is made for ryona
She's a whore is what shes is.
I hope a big black dude who somehow looks like Nako would fuck you in the ass three times, not just once, until you turn it into a literal faggot and repent.
because i heard that only incels and Yea Forumsedditors watch it
It's talked on reddit so I won't watch it
The fact that you're reading reddit at all, and basing your opinions off of that in any capacity, are the real problems here, user.
People who use reddit breathe too so you might want to stop doing that
good riddance
Shhhhhhh don't give shitposter any attention
someone was asking if the recorder comes back, it does in chapter 42
it feels bad that Kou chan isn't going to be in the adaption
Bocchi playing the recorder with her ass.
does anyone know which chapter Mieru is gone is from?
but she poops from there
>HAHA what if me and BODJI made the fugg WITH MY PEEPEEWEINER xdDdd
Do you faggots ever get bored of posting this stale bullshit?
Yea Forums never tires of their unfunny memes unfortunately
You seem to be bothered by something. Why don't you just go back to where you came from if you hate seeing Yea Forums's usual behavior so much?
oh look, a crossboarder trying to fit in.
Yea Forumsirgin cope lol
Please stop yelling at a mirror.
Feel free to go back to your usual schtick of accusing everyone who says things you dislike of being an animeonly though because at least that one is funny.
I don't, because I was in bocchi thread way before anime's first pv. Even after the first pv announced the worst post was the punching bocchi in the stomach, but now it's your forced unfunny post. Get it now, animeonly crossboarder?
The cream cools them so they can no longer be called Hot
Reminder that unfortunately, liking something before it gets adapted into anime form does not give you the authority to act like a retard, or to stop lurking.
With that in mind please stop giving attention to people who enjoy disrupting the peace and don't forget to report them when they go full retard.
is it also funny?
Gochiusa threads have found over 3000 ways to say that they want to fuck Chino
Were only at a 100tops for Bocchi
Shoujo Ramune is cuter.
Bocchi is more lovable as a side character.
My sidewife Bocchi is so cute
>he doesn't like Bocchi
I do but I also want to bully her and play with her emotions
Idk why but i too type cheerfully when irl i'm more like yuri from watamote
I love aru with all her flaws and being zannen, literally would marry her without second thoughts
I want to ashiatsu massage Bocchi
>using samurai hat
based smolposter
I made a very tiny one out of a post-it. It fits on my finger.
It just werks
>big black dude who somehow looks like Nako
I want to see this.
I will quench Bocchi.
her being zannen is the best part. She's a precious and helpless dork who NEEDS me to protect her
chapter 31
Kako will carry this show
Sotoka is actually the primest of bullying material.
i can't believe mieru is dead
this bocchi looks like she could be amazing at night
What a loser
why does Sotoka want Bocchi to teach her how to be a ninja when Aru is the one with all the advanced beam jutsus?
Sotoka likes classic sneaky ninjas, not the beamspamming Naruto ones.
i thought only aru can use the beams because of how zannen she is.
maybe. I'm anime only so I haven't seen how Aru learned her powers yet
Should it be allowed to lewd the Bocchis?
Unfortunately, this is how neo Yea Forums works. It's eternal circle jerking around your seasonal waifu.
Bocchi sounds like Botchy, "the botched one."
Really cute show. Would recommend.
Only they can lewd each other
"Don't lewd the ____" is a bad meme and it should be avoided if that's what you asking. Do whatever you want.
what the fuck is her problem? Why is she so scary?
Such a fun name to spell
>tfw we won't get to see tanned Aru animated
She has delinquent hair
How unfortunate
Don't lose, Aru!
how can anyone find my wife nako to be scary? i mean look at her smile.
Bitchi he-he
That's the smile she has when she laughs at the people she bullies
And a gning to you too, bo-chan
I like how Bocchi's introduction is always talking about Natou.
Why would you EVER listen to the collective idiots of Yea Forums?
Stay on twitter you fag
Animeonlys should know their place
It is a bit off but it isn't jitsu wa watashi wa or flowers of evil tier or anything.
based smolposter
Always gets me
I'd let her give me a prolapsed anus if it means not hurting her
Protecc the bocc
>implying ninja were never also samurai
Zannen da na.
Will the anime go on long enough for people to realize that Bocchi is a bad girl?
Boil in piss, normalfag.
Every time I saw this image I thought it was Aru doing a somersault while being sad
Does.. does this actually happen?
I'm not scary.
I came up with a funny joke
>Does.. does this actually happen?
Only if you have sex with a female
dont tell me youre a virgin...?
bakayarou, no it doesnt happen, and if it did it would get stuck on the way out, and unless you have a 9 or 10 incher theres no way youre getting close to a woman's womb (and if you did it would hurt more than please them) so it would be easily pulled out.
I realize this place really is full of losers more and more each day.
Why are her eyes upside down
>According to one study of 834 condom-protected sex acts, 7% involved slippage with sex and 8% had slippage during withdrawal.
>I had sex with a bored prostitute once, that makes me an expert on gynecology!
there's a difference between slippage and the condom slipping off so hard it gets stuck in her cervix
bringing up statistics when talking about sex... oh my god
and you can spout off whatever assumptions you want, long as it makes you feel better.
those odds are extremely low and its never happend to me, and my point is still 100% correct, it wouldnt be in her womb and would be easily pulled out
>unvirgin shows up to talk shit and brag about having done something easy
>gets proven wrong
>becomes even more obnoxious
Literally every single fucking time
>you feel the condom slip off
>rather then stop and remove it you only thrust harder, faster and deeper
>it eventually gets stuck
There's a wikihow on this
whats with these eyes
>in her third year
>still hasn't made any friends with the guys of the class
guess she will never be friends with Kai again
Kai is going to a better school now than Bocchi.
In the end, Bocchi will have become friends with her entire class and Kai will congratulate her and be happy and talk about how they can be friends and go to the same school now.
But it would mean going to a different school from all her new friends.
And bocchi will turn her down.
Is there something wrong with my eyes?
Just be yourself
>Post this
>Leave this thread
>Come back and click on it
Damn it
I don't think Nako, Sotoka, or Kako would have made any friends without Bocchi.
Kako is a bitch and still has no friends.
At least the class humors her autism now.
>Anime won't go on long enough to get Aru-chan (brown)
I already posted that zannen
You're the zannen one, since you're the one that wants to see something they won't ever see!
So who's a loser?!
arumi kan no ue ni aru mikan
I can listen to this all day:youtu.be
give aru guns
Is this a jojo refence? King Crimson!
Bocchi helping her friends unlock their stands!
Aru getting Cheap Trick!
>Tans instead of burning
This is not zannen
>M1911 Beam
What a wise poop obsessed loli.
but shes zannen
>Aru tries to shoot up the school
>Safety is on
I can't believe Teru-chan is fucking dead.
That's it, Bocchi is finnished
nako is so dumb
I want to watch this show but I think I’ll feel too badly for Bocchi and/or that loser girl. Same reason I couldn’t watch Gabriel Dropout, I felt too bad for Satania.
Where do you think we are?
Satania deserved it though.
bocc hop
she obviously cant help being the way she is, she's more kind than any of the others even vigne she's just stupid thats her only fault
I didnt like her as a character but they borderline abuse her half the time just because she's dumb
She’s just doing her best out there, user. She’s just a cute dummy and didn’t deserve that treatment.
>characters are boring
>jokes aren't funny
>old man fairy mascot is lame
>soundtrack is mediocre
>blonde gaijin obsessed with japan
Bocchi is so tiny and cute that i want to pick her up and run away.
Say something nice about this cute loser.
Mieru deeeeeesu~!
Dont worry. She's not really a loser, everyone in this show is just cute that way.
haha can you imagine punching Bocci so hard in her temples that she falls unconscious and then you kick her in the stomach while she's on the ground and her lifeless body just twitches from the impact while blood dribbles out of her mouth, hahaha wouldnt that be so great
How does Bo○○y smell like?
>t. forehead
I´m not hovering over the sopiler, but I can see
My zannen wife Aru is so cute
death to the royalty
Bocchi.exe stopped working
>Aru tanned animated
I don't think my dick would survive
kill yourself and stop avatar posting dumbass.
When is the Sotca spinoff?
Someone make her tan!
>ywn poke Nako-chan's special spot
Sensei is the Bocchi that never made friends
Imagine poking her womb instead
>gets bullied by Aru of all people
how zannen
How easy would it be to get her into an abusive relationship?
the teacher is scared of THIS?!?
an abusive relationship with nako-chan? very easy
Very easy, specially if you work there or you are one of her students
>she sees your dick
Now mix it with the X-men theme.
Anyone else hate the turtle mouths they grew in the later volumes?
Satania was asking for it.
>she sees your dick
>turtle mouths
The what?
the hell's that mean
>Am I out of touch?
>No. It's Bocchi who is wrong.
I fucking love them, and they're bird mouths.
>ywn cum on these thighs
Those thighs were never meant for lewd.
>ywn kabedon teru-chan and watch her spaghetti go everywhere
I don't think she has ever seen a dick at her age.
So pure!
Does Nako wear push up bras
poor Mieru chan, taken from us too soon
why would you keep your elementary school uniform after you graduate, let alone keep it somewhere where you could confuse it with your middle school uniform? Hell, why didn't she just take the hat off and hope no one noticed the rest of it? I mean being unfortunate is one thing, but at that point she's just actively destroying herself. Aru should be happy she has a friend as good as Nako to bail her out
Imagine Bocchi trying to make friends with the guys, only for it to become a gangbang
Imagine Aru doing her best to make all the guys cum to one-up Nako who all the guys are afraid to fuck
Imagine Sotoka winning because she's a Taimanin enthusiast so Aru is stuck as vice-cumdump
Imagine all the guys going into cardiac arrest when Bocchi smiles because they're friends now
You aren't zannen enough to understand the depths of Aru that would allow such actions to not only be reasonable, but inevitable. Just like none of us can ever truly know the mind of an Aluminum can.
Now imagine where did she got her mother's underwear as well? Assuming both have their own rooms and own places to keep their panties. I suspect her mom is also zannen enough to mix them up
What the heck is Aru holding here?
They're LITERALLY koopa mouths.
have sex
It would jam
She's scared that Nako will make her moan like that
oh NOW i get it, yeah it started in chapter 28(?)
Because it's expensive and you might have a younger sibling/cousin/friend who might use it someday.
A decent randerosu alone runs one to three hundred USD.
Looks like something straight out of charlie brown.
Damn, it really does look like a beak
Fuck you Yea Forums
She looks really sexy in that picture.
>Bocchi giving handjobs before the school festival to cheer up the whole class
The remains of the last person she fired a beam at
more like the person next to who she was firing a beam at, but she missed because she's zannen
Delete this post.
Fucking saved
i knew it reminded me of someone
Hey guys, I just dug up a pic of Bocchi's grandmother from the second europan war
Sexy JC.
Maybe Bocchi's bear suit is the real reason she can't make any friends.
I can't believe Mieru is fucking dead.
Oh wow, that's so cute! thank you!
Wataten aired last season.
This positivity is motivating
Duh, she kept it so that Mieru could wear it.
I'm going to find Aru's mom and make Mieru real.
Go back to your battle shounen crap, Brainlet-kun.
Do your best fairy is literally me IRL
you mean the work hard fairy
Well, I got the name almost right. I worked hard today.
You mean the Give it your all fairy
It's clearly the Hang in There Fairy.
I think you're referring to the Keep on truckin' Fairy
Dude he meant, Don't fuck it up fatass- Fairy.
The It's alright to give up fairy.
Say something nice to my girl
She has a punchable face.
There's something off about this Bocchi.
I wish I had a cute daughter like Bocchi.
I wish I had a cute daughterwife like Bocchi.
What's wrong with their eyes here?
I want to pick her up and take her home!
I like all kinds of anime, even slice of life.
Nice strawman
Could Botcchi make friends?
More importantly, could Botchi and Bocchi be friends?
Could they become friends with il Bocchio?
Nako is the ugly one of the group.
ur the ugly one of the group
She sincerely inspires me to be more out-going. Thank you, Bocchi.
残念 is used to explain people that would have been perfect except for a certain non-looks trait.
For beautiful women, it's usually if they're stupid or they can't sing/cook.
For handsome men, it's usually if they're otaku.
>Yea Forums
>Anime & Manga
>board uses the letter for anime and has Anime first in the title
Mangafags are second class citizens here. Your place is at my feet, gazing up devotedly and begging for attention.
Be quiet until I tell you that you may reply.
Kino show. Aru best girl.
Based and smollboccpiled.
Aru makes this show watchable. Prove me wrong.
>Nako makes this show watchable.
fucking based.
Aru is best girl
What's so funny, you dyke?
Why is Aru so perfect, bros?
Just started, the recorder war cry from episode 2 is peak anime.
every time
Because she is criminally autistic
goodnight /bocchi/
You never go full retard.
I repeat, Kako will carry this show.
Aru makes the show possible to watch with a hard-on.
Nako makes the show watchable, Aru makes it perfect
Tsurime Bocchi looks weird.
Are you bocchibros ready to cum a gallon of semen?
No they won't. They even have the audacity to compare themselves to GochiUsa posters despite lacking the mental capacity to ever reach our state. Bocchi posters are filth, plain and simple. Don't take them seriously.
I want to sexually inseminate all of these girls.
BUY BOCCHIS! dengekiya.com
does anyone has a link for the aru song that play i the tennis match?
I believe the correct term is "brocchis"
Its Bocchibros
Being a moe universalist, I believe that there's no reason to compete or shame those that happen to enjoy the relatively (!) lower grade of cute. Sure the is a hierarchy (with yuyushiki posters right at the top), but we should be accepting of everyone below.
bocchi's friends.
cute case
this, it's bocchifriends
Bocchi's Bicches?
bocchi's friends
who /zannen/ here?
Did you do your best today?
the rare smug aru
fake smugness, she's trying to cover up how zannen she is
Why not?
If I never do anything, that means I´m always doing my best!
No. I slept 8 hours out of my 12 hours shift.
Why is western ninja so boring?
She could have been the next Karen.
she's suppressing her power level so she doesn't become more likable than her master
implying bocchi doesn't suppress her powerlevel too.
I will suppress Bocchi.
I'm waiting for her to speak English
Aru is often very smug.
Bocchi speeding towards page 10!
wrong way Bocchi that's page 1
Nako-chan, doushio?!
Girls laughing at your dick then being defeated by it is my fetish
just skip it as usual
Ero Aru
Damn, Bocchi's a fat little lardball.
Don't be rude.
I HATE Kako!
Does she get better later? I think it's because she didn't do much since being introduced.
Bocchi still have her babyfat.
she doesn't need your kind to like her
She's a BITCH
perfect time, user. because part of me is a lot stronger than normal today.
silly bocchi, humans can't fly
Imagine blowing raspberries on Bocchi's chubby tummy.
You WILL BELIEVE that a Bocchi can FLY
That's the cutest thing I have ever imagined.
well I seen a house fly
The boss can't let anyone know their identity.
Where do you guys predict the series will end? I'm guessing it will be the camping trip
>the series
the anime I mean
shes a racist charactature
watashi no kawaii Bocchi...
The bocc.
Aru is a princess.
It sounded just as stupid as I expected, Aru is love.
Why this dont have any doujin?
Because the manga alone isn't popular enough to get doujins and the anime just started airing.
Stereotypic, you dumbfuck.
really? I've been singing it in my head ever since
>Watching clip of episode 2.
>They're already using Aru's theme in the bgm
I really want to have sex with this cute sexy stereotypical gaijin.
Bye bye Bocchi