Golden Kamuy

What is this anime/manga supposed to be? I can't tell if it's a gay yaoi romance, a cooking show, or a treasure hunt adventure.

Attached: golden kamuy asirpa hungry for nut meat.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)

Why must conform to one genre?

It is a fucking masterpiece , that is what it is.

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Why not all 3?



A gay treasure cooking masterpiece.

Best manga running right now easily. Fuck the anime anyone interested better read it

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this is really fucking gay

My plan is to watch the anime first so I can enjoy the anime, then read the manga, and ruin the anime while getting blown away by the manga.

You could just read the manga, be blown away by it, then watch a youtube mashup of how awful the anime looks and how it cuts some amazing parts out.

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But I want to be able to enjoy both at least once

Anyone see that r63 Sugimoto?

>I want to eat the shit first so I can enjoy it before eating the strawberry cake that will forever ruin shit for me

Damn right i have.

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It's like a western/road trip story, with cooking, historical trivia, comedy and gay comedy

The anime's inferior for sure but not that bad, though I'd still recommend reading the manga first personally. The biggest appeal for me was hearing these characters voiced in the anime, the voice actors themselves do a great job.

This artist draws a lot of stuff like this and doesn't really have Sugimoto act like Sugimoto, it's more like a weird self-insert to fuck the other guys

One eyed ass cat. Is he popular or something?
Weird, but hot so I can't complain

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>Gold treasure everyone is chasing after
>Cute native sidekick
It's a Western set in Japan after the Russo Japanese war

It's everything and more.

Golden Kamuy is extremely heterosexual though

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What was the maddest event so far?

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probably that entire business with Anehata Shiton
seriously what the fuck was Noda thinking with that guy even

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