What was the first manga you read? For me it was Death Note

What was the first manga you read? For me it was Death Note.

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Begone chink.

Boku no Astro


I bought some random issues of Fist of the North Star from a card and comic show when I was a kid. Back then they printed them in a floppy American comic book format.

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Deadman Wonderland, I had been a holdout for years against them, still am.

Then it was Blame, then SnK, and then made in abyss

when will you kill yourself, samefag OP

Need to read Deadman eventually

Ichi the Killer. Still one of my top 3.

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tokyo ghoul

Why are they getting naked?

Only started reading manga recently. Sun-Ken Rock was my first after /fit/ made me want to read it. SnK, OPM, and Mob Psycho 100 are the only things I've read since.

Lodoss. Don't remember which.

I think Rurouni Kenshin. I have no idea how I got into manga really. There was a point where I started reading American Shonen Jump (around 2003) but I'm pretty sure I'd read RuroKen and I think a couple other series before that.

I still have great memories of it, shit was really cool

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Actually looking it up, the first volume of RuroKen came out in the US in 2003 so I started reading it and ASJ around the same time.

love hina i think.

I can't read noodle carvings but my best guess is that the two students are trying to teach Sex Ed and are forced to use their own bodies since they're having to strip and do lewd acts in front of their class.

Not appropriate.

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thank you that's much better



This bad boy right here. Let me tell you a story of how my life was changed Yea Forums...

>9 years old
>In the old blockbuster video on route 31 in Hunterdon County, New Jersey
>This magazine catches my eye because it has Yugi and Joey on the cover, it must be a Yugioh magazine
>Dad gets it for me
>When I get home I open it up backwards and try to read it left to right.
>wtf this story makes no sense
>Also, the characters of Yugioh aren't using cards, they're playing with Tamagotchi or something
>Finally notice that it says "read right to left" everywhere
>So, I try again, I open to a random page in the middle
>One Piece chapter 32
>Nami looking extra hot on the cover page
>I don't miss an issue for the next 5 years

To this day I still keep up with One Piece.

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One Piece.

One of my favorite scenarios that Japs like to write

First, berserk, first to completion battle royale.

Either Doraemon or Dragonball vol. 1. I don't remember exactly, I was so young at the time.

it's been so long I can't really remember for sure. I did read a couple books of sailor moon manga. the stars series. but probably the first manga series I read from beginning to end was marmalade boy from the library.

How? Who knows
But thats the first
But i also only read like the first 3 volumes because thats what was out at the time.
Meanwhile the manga is currently ongoing, and i am not touching it with a 100 feet pole unless its finished one day.

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Rave Master probably?

Dragon Ball Z

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user its been on hiatus for 10 years and the mangaka has dropped of the face of the earth

Rurouni Kenshin
A fellow upper classmate I met shared with me his manga collection to me to read during school breaks

Is that the pinacle of writing a self insert author manga?
It merely mirrors your issues until you can't finish it, because it hurts too much. Even if you want that dream


I can already tell which part of the world you're from. I know because I'm the same.

Did your dad watch Saint Seiya too and screams its attacks when playing with you or your cousins?

>Invasion of Chads


Either Battle Angel Alita, Slayers or Gantz

not sure, maybe GTO o FMP

I can't really remember. I bought a chapter of the Pokemon Special as a kid but I don't really think that counts as I didn't get into Yea Forums related things until I'd left school. Maybe Yotsuba? Yotsuba was all over Yea Forums when I first discovered this site so it would make sense that I'd check her manga out.


How is this thread still up? You can see their butts.

Even childrens shows can show butt

Berserk. I watched the ‘97 anime three years ago and thirsted for more.

Same story with Claymore a ca little bit later.

The entirety of Tokyo ghoul, i would never recommend it to anyone because it was a trainwreck. It was surprising what happens but surprises aren't always good things.

Saikano, what a master piece.

No Bra
I didn't even know what traps were at the time. I felt it to a be a nice short love story at the time. This page stuck with me.

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So why is this dude spamming this thread?

Which do you prefer Yea Forums?

Story of gen and me. Before he became famous for prison school.
If i was great at english, i would have translated it for Yea Forums. But i have bad schedule right now, i can only post every onve in while. Also i have to be good at jokes to translate the subtleties of hiramoto's gag writing

You don't, trust me.

I think it was either Love Hina or Chobits. Maybe Aria.

fullmetal alchemist

Pluto, a bit depressing since its still my favorite

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my man

I literally just started watching the anime tonight, I chose it completely at random. Crazy someone here is talking about it I've never heard of it before

It was either Dragonball or Doraemon.

Jesus fuck are you me? From HK?

Bloody Monday

Context check.

Some kind of old so random manga, can't remember the name or anything about it but only the gal or high schoolers parts of it.

Old 90's Viz Tenchi Muyo.

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That got a domestic release?!


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Battle Royale, I was probably 8ish, saw it in the Library and was interested.

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Either Tokyo Ghoul Re, To Love Ru, or Monster Musume. I think it was Monster Musume.

Dragon Ball.

Shamaan King. I still remember picking up a copy at a bookstore during a field trip in the 4th grade.

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Peach Girl and Planetes around the same time. The library in my hometown was closed down and I had to start going to the one in the next town over, and it had some manga.


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Random shonen bullshit my high school stocked in the library. Don't remember a lick of it, and not particularly interested in rereading any of that.

Same. Fond memories.

It's always been on my list, but I've never found sufficiently good scans of it.

Pokemon Adventures.
I was pretty hooked on it.

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Mother fuck if I don't still love how the most contrived RomCom set up in history morphed into the most kino Battle Shounen

You must be 18 years of age to post on this website

Naruto. The gateway manga of the best kind.
Then I shifted my focus on moe and H shit not long after.

>12 volumes published in the UK for some reason
>79 volumes in total


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Please don't bully me Nagatoru

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death note too tbdesu

I can’t remember. I think it was either Houseki no Kuni, Made in Abyss or Dungeon Meshi.

ahahaha, its almost the same in my country. Only a bit difference is that i find DB not very interesting as a kid, so it was Doraemon and Naruto for me

I don't remember, the first series I finished was either gantz, akira, or nana to kaoru.

>12 hours

When I was about 6 my dad bought me a volume of the Doraemon manga to keep me busy during a 4 hour bus ride

Love Hina.

Me too.

DBZ, but never really like it in manga. One Punch Man was the one that stuck with me and helped me move to other shit like Prison School because of the good art.
