Who has suffered more?
Who has suffered more?
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i don't know dude, being raped in the ass by a bbc is pretty traumatic for a whiteboi
Your asshole,OP. By my cock.
So for niggers that would just be another day in the hood?
what Guts and Donovan had was real
Is there an anime character who has suffered more than Togata?
The readers
Guts enjoyed it.
the one that didn't magically got his arm back
Guts you dumb retard, Gon has literally gotten away with every stupid thing he's done and hasn't suffered any permanent consequences or ever learned his lesson.
>inb4 he lost his nen
We all fucking know like the special snowflake Gary Stu that he is that he will end up getting his nen back while better characters like Leorio will forever be stuck in irrelevancy.
Guts was born from a literal corpse and two of his most defining child hood memories are being raped by a black man and having to kill his own surrogate father.
I'm a HxH fan but Gon constantly suffers no permanent consequences for his stupid fucking decisions. His life hasn't been all that bad either. He's a once in a generation talent with Nen and is adored by everyone he meets. He was raised in an loving home and people constantly support him in finding his father.
>he will end up getting his nen back
i also believe he will but with how slow the current arc is and the hiatuses that wont happen for another 10 years, that is if togashi doesn't die before he gets to that point
You don't even know what the word gary stu means kid, also why are you talking like you know the outcome of the series?
Furthermore, Gut's suffering is dishonest and feels surrealistic in such a exaggerated fantasy world, whereas Gon's suffering is more down to earth and way more relatable to the average reader.
Why are you qualifying it as a black man like that's worse than being raped by another kind of man racist?
Exactly. Selling their black asses for crack or piece of fried chicken. In prison, continuing their practice of ass fucking.
Guts suffering is forced and dishonest. Gon's suffering feels more realistic.
>Gut's suffering is dishonest
Guts was morally corrupt since the beginning because he didn't have a normal childhood like Gon who spent his early life in safety and care of people who loved him.
Guts started to suffer immediately, he never experienced both situations. That's why his suffering isn't as great as Gon's. We always saw Guts suffer since the beginning and we were never shown the process where he gets morally corrupt, which is something that happens in HxH instead.
And so the copy-pasta of blindly obsessive HxH fanboys begins.
Hxhfags outing themselves as subhumans.
>Born of a corpse
>Sold as a prostitute to Donvanigger by father
>Same father about to kill him, kills him instead
>Lives as an indentured servant to homo
>Homo eventually sacrifices him and rapes his waifu in front of him
>Loses his arm and eye
>Waifu is a retard
>Has to endure pain/killing demons every night
>face off against demons to fight demon homo king and get revenge for mind breaking your waifu
Meant for
Guts suffered mostly because of the world around him and Gon suffered because of his own failures.
The biggest subhuman is you, stupid nigger.
Didn't Guts get raped by a big burly black man as a child?
>Guts started to suffer immediately, he never experienced both situations
Golden age before the eclipse
>literally became ghoul jesus
Here we go again. It's getting tiring how these monkeys will defend their series like blind fangirls until the end.
If someone's suffering can be related to by the average reader then they really didn't suffer that much, did they?
All of the phyiscal suffering Guts endures is inconsequential. People like to speak on how Gon getting his arm back is cheap and too easy but I feel Berserk is much worse about that kind of thing. Guts is on the verge of death after most big fights and never has to see the long terms effects of it.
Even using the Berserk armor which is supposed to have some long term impact has done next to nothing beyond grey his hair and cause him to lose his sense of taste. The damage to his body means nothing when he has magic to aid him.
Meanwhile Gon has to recover from his fights over time. We see him several times throughout the manga having to sit out of things while getting better and even if his arm was healed twice he still lost his nen. That would be similar to Guts losing the Dragonslayer, or being unable to wield bigger swords at all. At the end of the day Guts overcomes his struggles in such a way that it makes them feel half-hearted.
>"oh no i lost an average joe i barely met, i sure as fuck have to go full apeshit and talk shit to everyone around me"
Berserk doesnt show us any direct effect of everything that has heppened to Guts. Casca is just turned into a retard and left vacant for years, without addressing her situation. Guts is too one dimensional and not conflicted enough despite everything he went through.
Gon, on the other hand, was just a child who ventured into the world and he slowly got exposed to the raw elements of human nature that ultimately corrupted him and turned that innocent child into a murderer.
>implying Togashi won't asspull Gon's nen back
Sometimes life just shits on you. Guts' suffering isn't dishonest, it just isn't his fault (for the most part).
>Gon being an edgy faggot because of some guy he hasn't even spent 2 days with died
I'd say Guts suffering is more physical, while Gon's suffering is more psychological. We actually see all the deep scars left on Gon by everyhing bad that has happened to him.
Guts, on the other hand, feels one dimensional and he doesn't show to be psychologically affected by any of it. Miura doesn't go in depth to show us how Guts coped with losing all his friends during the ceremony or how he should be morally conflicted about Griffith. No, Guts just wants to kill Griffiths because of "muh revenge" and he keeps killing monsters each chapter.
subhuman brainlet
Guts was robbed of every chance at a life with support and companionship. The cruel decisions of others forced him to a role and personality that gives him no pleasure. All of Gon's hardship is a direct consequence of his horrible decision making. Gon was born into a great life with many talents and finds friends everywhere. The "death" of his father's friend that he knew for like a week is does not even close to what Guts experienced during the eclipse.
I was born into a drug infested household and violently abused my entire youth. I know entirely what it feels like to have the potential for a happy life taken away at birth. Guts is far more relatable for anyone who has survived childhood abuse and now must struggle daily for any assemblence at peace and real human connection.
>He never experienced both situations
how is this a good thing?
the guy had just one pov of the world and still got through,that by itself,the guy WAS morally corrupt since the beginning,doesn't realize all his suffering and yet he goes forward,that's why Guts is a better character,Gon already had a pillar from where he could rise,Guts rose from the very dept of the tartarus and didn't crumble.
What more reason does a person need to want to kill someone other than revenge? Life isn't that deep. People aren't that deep.
Guts has no reason to be conflicted about Griffith, just because you used to be friends with someone doesn't mean that you should feel anguish about taking revenge on them for their crimes. Being conflicted just shows the weakness of one's mind and character.
Because Guts has no moral relativity. His actions are all controlled by rage and revange. He's never faced with the ambiguity that Gon had to go through during the Chimera Ant arc.
Netflix just changed their rating from TV-PG to TV-MA. They've never done that with any show before.
Have you even read Berserk? Guts early experiences give him a massive amount of compassion for children. His obsession with killing Griffith post-eclipse nearly gets Casca burned alive; fueling is motivation to let go of revenge and seek a better for himself and Casca. Once he forgoes revenge he finds kids to mentor and friends to journey with. Guts is anything but one not rage monster killing monsters of the week.
see this
>United ghouls and humans and worked a way for them to find food that isn't humans and now has a loving family with his waifu
Yeah Kaneki sure has suffered
Stop replying to these retards.
based & sad
also checked
Guts' suffering is something we really just want to stop, but we know he can't and makes us sadder.
Gon's suffering was kind of a one-arc thing and immediately afterwards he encountered his father and continued to live a happy life with his aunt.
so you skipped through the other 300+ chapters?
Well if we compare Guts character arc to Gon's. You will agree that Guts feels cheap. You see Gon is a Shounen Hero. Upbeat, headstrong, immensely loyal to his friends.
For most of the series’ length, his passion lends strength to those around him – even as far as halfway through Chimera Ant, Killua remarks that “Gon is the light” raising him up. But by the end of Chimera Ant, all the variables that defined him have turned against him – fundamentally shaken by the loss of his mentor Kite, he ends up revealing how even the best intentions can sour if taken to their extremes.
His optimism becomes an inability to accept death. His confidence ends up narrowing possible futures to the only thing he cares about, the only reality he can accept. And his loyalty becomes obsession – an overpowering need to save Kite that drives him away from everyone else who cares about him. By the time he realizes Kite is never coming back, he has become an instrument with a single purpose, and even the visual aesthetic of his final episode reflects this – as a former array of possibilities narrows to one, the color is bled from his world, till all that remains is black, white, and the red of anger, of blood.
Our ability to instill value in others and our capacity for change can make monsters of even the best of us.
Death was his only hope.
This was all rendered irrelevant by Alluka and Kite's asspull
lmao it;s a japanese cartoon geeze fella
>he was born from his dead mother's corpse
>AND he was raised by mercenaries and fought in battles as a kid
>AND he was also raped as a child
>AND his stepdad was abusive and tried to kill him, causing Guts to defend himself and kill the only person he cared about
>AND demons are always chasing him forever until he dies
At this point you wonder if the author is having a giggle or is just trying to earn an achievement for creating the worst life an MC can have. I'm not even disagreeing that Guts has objectively suffered more, I'm pointing out that Gon's suffering is more potent because his suffering was a stark contrast from his life up to that point. You can call HxH shonenshit but it had more depth than the Gut's Golden Age suffering, which was just about the shockingly gory bloodbath and rape. Gon's moment didn't need shockingly edgy shit to make the reader engaged. It was about how an optimistic, naive kid who smiled all the time break down in a very human way that made it not only more impactful, but more relatable.
Guts of course
>His optimism becomes an inability to accept abandonment. His confidence ends up narrowing possible futures to the only thing he cares about, the only reality he can accept. And his loyalty becomes obsession – an overpowering need to save Sasuke that drives him away from everyone else who cares about him.
You should read Berserk
Also applies to the guy who didn't do anything wrong.
Guts as a shonen hero as suffered as much as any other shonen hero, his suffering is comparable to fucking Naruto, hell, I think he suffered more than him.
I mean it was pretty well executed but he didn't suffer that much compared to Guts, and Guts's journey is still depicted wat better.
>shonen hero
This is almost unreadable.
fucking hell I meant Gon
It's sadder that it isn't.
What did you expect from a Berserk fan?
Why do hunterfags think writing flowery walls of text to explain a Philosophy 101 ideology means they’ve made a good point?
same reason all dumb people think writing good means you're correct
Mad that girls prefer black men over you?
>only the end result matters
besides, it's a dream
I enjoy making illiterate people like you feel insecure and inferior.
>is more potent because his suffering was a stark contrast from his life up to that point
Gon's suffering has literally no long lasting consequences. Kite is fine. Gon is fine. He met his Dad and had a nice little conversation. He immediately goes back to his old life after the Chimera Arc. There is no contrast. He learns nothing. There is no potency to the contrast if there are no consequences for the character.
The last 300 fucking chapters of Berserk are a directly result of Guts decisions during the Golden Age Arc. Guts wanting to find his own life and dreams resulted in his girlfriend being raped and all his friends being killed. I don't know how Guts has suffered less.
>mary sue with powercreep ebin ""berserker armor"", a literal harem, and no lasting consequences in a shallow power fantasy
>a real Nietzschean MC who explores human nature itself and loses both his supernatural abilities and MC status
>Guts wanting to find his own life and dreams resulted in his girlfriend being raped and all his friends being killed.
Hard times in Japan for the ordinary salary man...
>Nietzschean MC
1 new post
I think hxh should be banned on Yea Forums instead of any other shounen, really. They're becoming the worst of the worst scum.
They just think puking long paragraphs filled with adult words and philosopher's names make them look smart
Please never attempt to namedrop any philosophers ever again
>"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
Guts isn't wh*Te. He's a proud brown man.
That quote fits Guts infinitely better than it fits Gon lol
>At this point you wonder if the author is having a giggle or is just trying to earn an achievement for creating the worst life an MC can have.
This is honestly the general impression I got reading Berserk a long time ago. Dark and edgy without any emotional impact because of forced handling of the subject matter.
Gon is a good MC but stop with the RELATABLE MEME, fucking annoying normie reasoning. Increidbly narcisstic and there's no way you can relate to Gon seeing a cat thing kill his mentor. Retard. You live in a cozy AC filled room shitposting on Yea Forums, probably underaged too, while jerking off to your own pseudo intellect.
Exactly. Gut's life is comically horrible, to the point where his suffering isn't that impactful whereas Gon's suffering is far and between in the story, making it a much more intense moment.
t. huntertards.
He's not wrong. Gon being a spastic retard over Kite's death is so fucking stupid. Even Killua thinks it's lame as fuck.
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Guts obviously ffs. I know hunterfags are annoying as fuck but cmon this time they prove themselves to be fucking brainlets now
>"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
>nen getting his nen back
Togashi will die by the time the succession war is over
Your logic is insanely stupid. So by your own logic say a rich white person who has known little suffering loses his dad to cancer, has a worse life than some starving peasant in a third world country because that peasant's life is too comically and not RELATABLE? The state of HxH fans. they have to play mental gymnastics to shill their series in every way.
Gon does not experience real suffering. He starts off stupidly optimistic despite being raised in nature, this optimism continues until the last 2/3rds of the Ant arc. During this time he's pissed, then he depressed for like five minutes. This is all immediately solved, his body is repaired, Kite revives, ans now he's back to being a faggot Goku clone. You are jerking off five minutes of "I'm sad about Kite and will now kill Pitou".
the best part of naruto is realizing naruto fits every single story from kira's to musashi's with only slightly different wording
but it was intentional, too
You have to understand that Gon, who grows from the cycle of internal interpretation and external communication with the outside world, in the end rejects Instrumentality, and chooses seperation, as with the pain, angst and uncertainty also comes resolution, in feeling and wonder. This distresses the character, since this creates uncertainty, loss and pain.
I have no AC...
There are mangaka older than him still active in this business
and his health isn't even poor despite what he says going by all the pictures of him during his hiatuses, he's just slow
why do you guys like scaremongering so much about Togashi's imminent death
Congrats, you described Guts.
He who knows nothing of joy is everlasting in their suffering. The Buddha.
Togashi is scamming his own fans with that fake back pain.
If you're overly reductive then yeah you can make parallels with all sorts of shit, it's not specific to Naruto
A person who suffers all their life has a worse life than someone who experiences suffering for only one part of their life. Anyone who can't see this is mentally disabled.
Guts no competition. I don't know what you're smoking OP
Guts, obviously.
I was on a break of Yea Forums for years, how many months has it been already of hxh baitposting? Why are the baiters so terrible that their threads are still not banned?
Doesn't have to be a bait thread
>This is all immediately solved
Wrong! Gon going through all grief stages to reach his transformation was so amazingly built since It didn’t occur because plot convenience, it happened because everything builds to that point:
>Stage: Denial
Gon completely denies Kite dead and in this case, his usual positive attitude plays a significant role in clouding his reasonable judgment
>Stage: Depression
Gon becomes frustrated to the point of a momentary depression because he couldn’t beat Knuckle and felt overwhelmed with his weakness, which prevented him from saving Kite the second time they went to NGL.
>Stage: Denial
After witnessing Kite puppet-like condition Gon holds firm to his denial of Kite being dead, but this time though he shifted his denial from having to rescue Kite to finding a way to get him back to normal.
>Stage: Anger
Gon focused all his anger towards Pitou blaming her for getting Kite the way he was (like a marionette). His previous weakness is compensated with hate so deep that grants him catastrophic power.
>Stage: Bargaining
Gon feels incredibly helpless with an overwhelming amount of guilt. He finally accepted (after two denials) that Kite indeed is dead. Even still (true to the bargaining stage) he tries to negotiate a way out of his loss by assuming several “What if…”
>Stage: Anger
All the conditions were met to awaken this power, and the amount of hate and anger was so absurd that Gon didn’t care if that was his end. As long as he could completely obliterate Pitou from the face of the Earth, he will come to terms with his suicidal decision.
>Stage: Acceptance
Thanks to Killua and Alluka, Gon came back from certain death and was able to reach the final stage, acceptance. So Gon and Kite cheated death, they just needed to accept that they should move on, now as true friends that will help each other in the future.
This kind of development never happens in Berserk
Shit if I could sign a contract with my work like the one he made there'd be no limits to my abuse of it. He gets all this time to play videogames and copy better stories from southeast asian history and boom everybody's super convinced he's a mangaka genius.
That quote is in literal agreement with your statement..
It's funny seeing the fanbases of these two glorified edgy shounens go apeshit towards each other though
Really, I can think of few characters who suffered as much as Guts. Agni, is one.
Nice buzzword redditor, go back to jerking off to BnHA characters and how deep they are.
See what I mean user?
Somehow Narutards are the least spergy-looking people in the thread, which is an achievement in itself
The question requires understanding the nature of suffering/pain.
If a baby fell from a crib and it hurt so bad, is the child suffering less than if you fell from your bed? Or what if if a kid was bullied everyday, with emotional/social isolation vs the isolation as an adult? If you were protected all your life from pain/suffering and suddenly you fell on the ground from running. Would that pain be extreme because you don't have a proper understanding of pain threshold?
With these questions/understanding in mind, Gutts felt more pain over time and Gon felt more pain over short period of time.
Samefagging as usual.
they've proven their brainletness a long time ago
ITT: BNHA autists praise themselves kek for not understanding any actual discussion other than the next ship they can come up with their favorite characters.
>we were never shown the process where he gets morally corrupt
The entire "don't touch me" thing wasn't present before he got raped. Betrayed by his father figure and the rape made him not trust anybody and hot tempered, that's corruption. Gon never saw the entire world as dark as Guts did. He only wanted revenge for the loss of his friend and he actually got it. Guts is still on that path.
Does BNHA actually have anything to do with anything being talked about or is this just someone being irrationally mad in general? I don't get it
>literally just copypasting NGE analysis
poor asshole existed only to suffer
BNHA is a deconstruction of good manga, so you could say it has plenty to do with anything here.
As you know, people can only ever read one series ever and nothing else
whenever someone calls HxH edgy, that person is immediately assumed to read BNHA which isn't edgy I guess? or something like that
No, it's the lowest tier of shonen, even Fairy Tail doesn't try to pretend to be original shit. That's why people shitting on HxH and Berserk can only be somebody insecure that their favorite series is so low IQ it makes Fairy Tail look like a quality manga.
>BNHA being deep enough to be a deconstruction of anything
Edginess has nothing to do with this, it's a buzzword label. Hxh and berserk have edgy scenes and fans but they're still quality. BNHA has a lot of edge, 99% of the villains (except Gentle) look like they come from some 15 year olds' deviant art account. Everything about Bakugou screams edgy teenager.
>Muh kaitoo
>uga buga demon rape my wife me smash
>uga buga ant rape my friend me smash
why it's all so repetitive
>Gon's moment didn't need shockingly edgy shit to make the reader engaged
Why is it then that only the "edgiest" parts of the series ever get talked about on here and not the rest of it, despite the rest of it making up the majority of the series?
for the record Berserkfags are guilty of doing this too, most threads are just the exact same discussion about Casca's rape
Disliking HxH and Berserk does not mean you have to like Fairy Tail or BNHA, that's the most low IQ thing said in this entire thread so far.
>Uga buga fodder characters take up 90% of the manga panels
why it's all so repetitive
Fine then they like some cringy obscure anime and are insecure that no one knows who their faggot waifu is.
What manga do you prefer over HxH and Berserk?
>Why is it then that only the "edgiest" parts of the series ever get talked about on here and not the rest of it, despite the rest of it making up the majority of the series?
They're memers, Yea Forums only actually discusses HxH whenever a new chapter comes out for example. The rest of the time it's just stale memes and shitposting.
One person chose this life the other didn’t
Naruto of course, duh.
Mods are biased though. Shit on Hero Academic in a Hero academic thread and they remove your post and possibly ban you. Mods dont give a shit though when it happens to any other series.
Lots of series are like that, when there are constant threads for no particular reason, said threads get drawn out and devolve into shit eventually
in the case of these two series you also have people getting mad over hiatus times too though which is part of the reason why you can't just have a sensible "threads around chapter release day only" type deal
Do you have an archive link to this happening
no offence but I find that hard to believe, since dealing with shitposters is something very lightly moderated on here usually
I dont have any archived links with me rn, but just go to a BnHA thread and shitpost. Mods are tight on that action, I guess BnHA posters are sensitive fuckers.
Why are we hxhchads getting so oppressed
I can actually agree with what you're saying about Gon, but why are people so fixated on Leorio
he worked well as a wingman to Kurapika and that's about it, he's a decent but not standout character by any means
Because other fans feel threatened by our CHAD IQ.
"other fans" weren't what was being talked about user
What was being talked about then user kun?
Mods apparently banning HxH shitposters but not BNHA shitposters
Yes, and those mods banned them because BnHA fans reported those shitposters.
at least guts retained his sanity. Agni lost it as soon as he stood up. He only had the revenge and even that was a lie he told himself. Because as you see in the future agni will continue to lie, super imposing his siter on Judah. Psychologically, he is on fire literally and mentally. Which is why the only way for him to end was to be put out of his misery. What a cursed existence. What a forced smile
>reporting actually doing anything on Yea Forums
do you still sage threads to or something
I know Yea Forums gets triggered by even using the word "edgy" to the point where it's sort of funny at this point honestly
but what little I've seen of this series really does just seem stereotypically edgy and others seem to describe it as such a lot of the time too, is it actually decently written?
Reminder Gon is too young to comprehend the extent of the sexual abuse he suffered and its lasting trauma.
Its garbage, don't bother.
>is it actually decently written?
Absolutely not, but it's entertaining.
It's great, you just have to avoid being a brainlet
>O my blackface rubber nen
no one wants to fuck a nog, not even the nogs
its been said a thousand times, but truly there's no better way to describe it than "it's a wild ride"
>Gon's suffering has literally no long lasting consequences
Why does the Berserkbabby keep trying to force this meme? Read the manga. Gon losing his nen relegated him from MC status. That's a bigger consequence than anything in Berserk. Guts has only gotten stronger as the series progressed and expanded his harem, the opposite is true of Gon.
shonenfags are retarded. In similar news, water is the leading cause of drowning.
There is no need to keep this going. The Berserkfags conceded a long time ago, that's why the thread turned to MHA and Fire Punch discussions.
>implying Gon´s nen wont be asspulled back
>mary sue
you have no idea what that term actually means
>a literal harem, and no lasting consequences in a shallow power fantasy
And you haven't even READ Berserk. You sound like everything you know about the series comes from fucking Tvtropes. I ask that you kindly kill yourself and spare all of Yea Forums your stupidity.
Suffering is best when a character's internal flaws and external circumstances combine to produce it. Otherwise their suffering becomes one-sided and unengaging.
>Gon losing his nen relegated him from MC status.
How do people still believe this after it was confirmed that the Freecss are a bunch of secretly special folks with ties to the Dark Continent? Togashi's clearly not done with Gon, thinking this has nothing to do with liking or disliking the series
checked, how awful
Worthless post that didn't rebuke his correct assertion in any way.
>loses one person who was a friend but not best friend because he was an idiot and got in the way
>got revenge same arc
>lost EVERYONE of his friends to his best friend he went to save, who then raped his lover in front of him
>his father wasn't really around but he's still cool with it
>his father sold him for sex for some coins and tried to kill him to the point he had to kill him
>loses an arm once, gets it brought back
>loses an arm, an eye, gets burned and impaled, nearly killed every arc
>love and adored by most people he meets as a cute strong kid
>everyone thinks he's a demon because of Griffith and adores Griffith
>lives in shounen world where he can go around modern cities no worries, play around in video game island, go to auctions, hunt for new foods
>lives in a world where dark fantasy clashed with reality and he's hunted by demons every single night
>raised on peaceful island where he could dick around
>raised from a corpse by an abusive mercenary father before becoming hunted by other mercenaries
It's really no contest.
Reiner will NEVER be allowed to die.
Did you miss the point of the thread? Guts's suffering is so exaggerated that it feels comical and unrealistic. Gon's suffering is handled way better
>Blamed for mothers death
>Is raped by BBC as a child
>Forced to fight entire life
>has to kill father figure in self defense
>Only person he considers a friend doesn't consider him a friend
>trying to become griffith's friend sends griffith down a path of self destruction and leads to death of almost all of the Band of the Hawk (guts' only true place in the world)
>GF gets raped and mind broken by Griffith and monsters
>Forced to fight demons every night for rest of life
>no dad, don't really care
>A guy I met once when I was 5 died in front of me
I know this is a shitty bait thread but fuck it's not close
>Gon, on the other hand, was just a child who ventured into the world and he slowly got exposed to the raw elements of human nature that ultimately corrupted him and turned that innocent child into a murderer.
So you think Guts being sold by his adoptive dad for rape, almost being killed by him, and having to fight his entire life as a mercenary isn't exactly what you just said?
Yeah, I'm sure you can relate to a cat ant murdering your dad's friend and having to murder them back, retard.
>Guts' suffering doesn't count because he's always been unhappy!
I don't get it, even people who don't read Berserk should be able to understand that this is incorrect merely by seeing all the non-stop circlejerk bullshit about Casca
And replaced them within two arcs.
>>his father sold him for sex
Gon was involved in sex trafficking on Whale Island, see >>loses an arm
And replaces it with a better prosthetic arm.
>>an eye, gets burned and impaled, nearly killed every arc
All of the phyiscal suffering Guts endures is inconsequential. Guts is on the verge of death after most big fights and never has to see the long terms effects of it.
Even using the Berserk armor which is supposed to have some long term impact has done next to nothing beyond grey his hair and cause him to lose his sense of taste. The damage to his body means nothing when he has magic to aid him. Meanwhile Gon has to recover from his fights over time. We see him several times throughout the manga having to sit out of things while getting better and even if his arm was healed twice he still lost his nen. That would be similar to Guts losing the Dragonslayer, or being unable to wield bigger swords at all. At the end of the day Guts overcomes his struggles in such a way that it makes them feel half-hearted.
>>everyone thinks he's a demon
Guts has a literal harem that follow him everywhere, Gon has only one close friend who abandoned him after CA arc.
>>lives in shounen world
This doesn't describe anything. The world of HxH (which deeply parallels ours) is extremely violent and uncaring: the Hunter Exam is so dangerous participants can lose their lives, for example, nuclear war is prevalent, and it's all about Darwinian survival.
>>lives in a world where dark fantasy
The Berserk world has been high fantasy JRPG shit for over a decade. Guts fought with a cartoon pirate straight out of One Piece in the last arc.
I always knew Berserkfags were retarded since they enjoy a manga that is basically 80% of Guts going around and slaying ebin monsters with his big sword but this post really takes the cake with its unabashed stupidity.
You can relate to the gradual exposition to darkness that Gon is going through.
Yeah I am sure super secret hunters, and giant budha statues are far more relatable than the reality of modern day afganistan
hxh fans have to keep themselves busy between chapters.
Please ban HxH from this board
No one conceded anything. Having a discussion with HxH fags is impossible. Actual legitimate criticism of HxH is blatantly ignored and copy pasta is spammed constantly.
Hang around a Berserk thread every so often. People bitch all the time about the Berserk Armour having little consequences in the story so far, and how rape was used a little too much to progress the story. HxH fans refused to admit any fault in their manga and it becomes insufferable and pointless to talk to them.
>People still take these discord tranny shitposters seriously
HxH makes direct references to ISIS, Vietnam War, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Hunterbros btfo brainlets once again using facts and logic
Feels good
That sounds like a concession to me.
But losing nen is not something major for Gon. He wanted to find his father and that’s why his whole journey began. The kaito thing was a dark chapter for him, and it would’ve been memorable if something relevant had been permanent for Gon, but it wasn’t. Gon is fine, Kaito is fine, his relationship with Killua is fine, he did find his dad but couldn’t go with him and Gon could then return to the normal life he was supposed to have after realizing his dreams.
With how much he fucked up you would expect him to have some kind of consequence for his lack of selfrestraint. Hopefully Togashi delivers by having the dark continent fail miserably and have Gon forced to go there to save his friends while being nenless.
>having a character go through one of the most well known and cliche arcs involving grief is deep and impactful.
"Muh friend died and I get a massive up out of my ass cause I'm angry" is one of the most over used tropes in anime/manga. Its been happening as far back as the original fucking Devilman manga.
>replaced them
Not really. You could say that about Gon, except it's even worse because Kite doesn't even fucking stay dead and comes back
>involved in sex trafficking on whale Island
going on dates with cougars isn't the same as getting raped by the nigger your dad sold you to
>never has to see long term effects of it
Not having a fucking arm and eye is a long term effect you autist. He's also in constant pain.
No. He only cares about casca. Even one of people in said harem thought he was a demon at first, and a few people in his party doesn't change everyone thinking he's a walking anti-christ while worshipping his rival
more like Dark Souls faggot. There's rape trolls, orcs, demon armies posing as his old party, and the pirate you mention is controlled by Japanese fucking Cthulhu.
Yeah, but it was never handled with the depth, comlexity and well developed way that HxH did.
You can do that with Berserk. More people in the modern world can relate to abuse and betrayal than having to avenge a friend's murder.
>I'm acting so fucking retarded that no one wants to talk to me therefore I win
>fairy islands
>mermaid islands
>JRPG party with elemental powers
>saturday morning cartoon pirates
>magical loli with fanservice scenes
>nuclear treaties,
>goepolitical games between countries,
>mafia structures,
>controlled political parties,
>North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia etc
you don't know true suffering
Gon's relationship with Kite is the weakest part about his entire character. If Killua was the one who died you'd have a stronger case to make (series would probably improve in general too as Killua & stuff related to Killua was for whatever reason was one of the biggest sources of dumb bullshit in the story)
Fuck off.
It would've at least been more relatable if the events of the CA arc had a permanent effect on Gon's psyche instead of allowing him to just shrug off what happened like his crazy built-up mental breakdown was just some tantrum, if only Kite didn't have his ass saved by his convenient hatsu
>it's another hunterchads obliterate berserkbabies thread
>video game island
>New York city
>food based hunters like Toriko
>cliche martial arts tournament
>goofy looking 12 zodiacs
>cougar island
That’s because you have a mental problem and should seek profesional help. That’s not a concession at all.
No one will ever take you seriously from now on.
>HxH author has to trace real world events because if he doesn't it looks like this
We can't stop winning, bros.
This, gon is actually written well. It feels organic and realistic.
If you can't understand why Gon reacted that way for Kite's death, then you're a subhuman brainlet.
>literal wishmaking cured Gon
>Kite got brought back as a loli anyways
>Guts got raped up the ass by BBC
>It was implied Gon had physical contact with older women but could've been non-sexual
>Losing an arm doesnt matter
>Replaces everyone in 2 arcs
not really even close
>Gon has one friend who abandoned him after CA arc
Guts' friends all died and people are too afraid of him to get too near him. Gon? his friends were just written to the side so he can encounter them whenever the plot needs them. Also every stranger loves him
>World of HxH is extremely violent and uncaring: Hunter exam
Whenever you're a Nen user everything dangerous that isn't a super villain is a piece of cake
>and replaced them between two arcs
Guts is truly lucky to find someone who would even consider being close to him, let alone join him in his hellish joruney, and he was still reluctant of letting them, since he knows better than to put other people through his misery.
>Gon was involved in sex trafficking on Whale Island, see
Here we see Gon didn't really care about it, he has no trouble with other people touching him and it left no emotional scar.
>All of the phyiscal suffering Guts endures is inconsequential. Guts is on the verge of death after most big fights and never has to see the long terms effects of it.
Even using the Berserk armor which is supposed to have some long term impact has done next to nothing beyond grey his hair and cause him to lose his sense of taste. The damage to his body means nothing when he has magic to aid him. Meanwhile Gon has to recover from his fights over time. We see him several times throughout the manga having to sit out of things while getting better and even if his arm was healed twice he still lost his nen. That would be similar to Guts losing the Dragonslayer, or being unable to wield bigger swords at all. At the end of the day Guts overcomes his struggles in such a way that it makes them feel half-hearted.
Still won't recover his arm and eye. Guts is mortal, there is no resurrection in this world, and withouth said magic, his own soul would surrender to the Berserker armor, he is in danger of becoming a demon every time. He brakes bones and gets slashed every fight, plus his grey hair shows he's getting old quickly, remember he's in his 20s.
>Guts has a literal harem that follow him everywhere, Gon has only one close friend who abandoned him after CA arc.
Again, literally everyone in the world besides his party worships Griffith, and his party almost gets killed everytime same as him. Gon has friends literally everywhere that came to visit him when he lost his nen, he's by no means lonely.
Based Hunterchads
meanwhile in Berserk
Now let's look some more at HxH's monsters. Oh dear.
I can understand why Gon reacted that way to Kite's death
I'm saying that it's one of the weakest aspects to Gon's character
why is the go-to response to criticism for either series involved always "you didn't get it"? "Sad over death of dear friend" is one of the most overused cliche motivations in this genre that everyone in this thread understands, it's not what anyone is disputing
Miura's better
Are we posting tigers now?
Togashi's art is better where it matters the most
Gon because the author hated him so much he kicked him out of the story
You mean it was never shown that the mc is a dick for throwing rationality out of the window for muh revenge,/dream/values even at the cost of everything he once valued and treasured and strived for?
Yeah it’s been done plenty of times, usually on the rival character but sometimes in mc’s as well, they usually are tricked into this position by an antagonist too. Luckily for togashi he can throw in a out of jail free card for Gon and Killua whenever he wants since they are rare nen talents and their will can be literally used to defeat the strongest characters of the story ever introduced (with admitedly some (minor) consequences but at least togashi was wise enough to add many characters that can carry the story instead).
Because Gon's outlook on life becomes increasingly darker at intervals, and you can fully see how this impacts the surrounding cast. For example he manages to tame Palm in his more childish and cheerful nature, however when he's asked to remeber Kite's death to prove his resolve to Morel, everyone's mood takes a turn for the worst. It goes without saying, that much of the story so far has been dominated by Gon's charisma.
You see, his outlook on life is very simple and childish, people who wrong him are bad, people who don't are good. Some people appear scary but they're just obstacles to overcome and to pacify. Gon actively disarms the hostility in the environment because of his attitude, so we're often left with just small glimpes into the true vicious nature of the world through quick iteractions with Kurapika, Hisoka, and Killua which often lose their edge with interactions with Gon, the most notable of such is Gon's match against Hanzo.
Just like The Bible, the stories of Hunter x Hunter require you to read the series as a whole, with understanding of future and past content, to fully appreciate the full vision and the messages within.
>organic and realistic
I'd agree if his suffering didn't lead to him going back to his cheery personality after being healed from his vegetable state by Killua's plot device sibling
>>lives in shounen world. This doesn't describe anything.
Literally every shonen world has conflict somewhere, even Naruto had more war and death than HxH. In Guts's world there is no rest, no safe place, demons WILL hunt him, it's a world where Griffith rules and Guts can't escape.
Meanwhile HxH is colourful and happy as hell, there's literally a Videogame Island, and he gets to forgive the "antagonist" of that arc aswell. Gon can rest, make money, eat a meal in peace, Guts can't.
Show me an example when it was done as well as in Gon's case.
>It's another HxH gets objectively beaten at x aspect of it's story by another manga and Hunterfags desperately flounder to prove it ain't so with meme knowledge and copypasta thread.
I swear you niggers will say that the Dodgeball part on greed island makes HxH a better sports manga than every actual sports manga ever created.
Left: Natural disasters
Right: Human disasters
Morena at the center trying to find a balance.
Kino? Absolutely.
Better than anything in Berserk? That goes without saying.
>cheery personality
He's not cheery at all in the last few chapters we've seen him.
The one drawn by Togashi looks pretty soulless in comparison
>the best artwork in HxH is comparable to the worst artwork in Berserk
Hunterfags can't stop losing.
I can't even post Miura's best art because it's too HD for Yea Forums's size limit
Is this whole thread just one elaborate copy pasta? I mean holy shit
>say that the Dodgeball part on greed island makes HxH a better sports manga than every actual sports manga ever created.
Please don't give them new ideas.
Disprove one copypasta and we'll stop using it. No one has been able to do it since they first started to get posted.
ITT: based hunterCHADS btfoing berserk-shitters
I just said that I understand why Gon reacted like that
Gon's bond with Kite is the weakest thing about his character, it then being the crux of his characterisation in an arc has negative effects on that arc (you can still understand and empathise with the thought process involved while realizing this) you're in a thread filled with people saying Guts' suffering feels shallow and underdeveloped, it's the same issue here
Killua should've died instead
Surprised they haven't called it an Isekai because of Greed Island
Miura is babby's first "muh detail fetish/ebin spread" artist, and he's not even on par with the competition for that kind of thing. Read more manga.
Paneling? He's a joke, Berserk paneling consists of full shots or spreads most of the time because Miura sucks at storytelling and he always did, see things like Noa or Gigantomachia.
Variety? He's drawing the same high fantasy stuff since nearly 30 years while every other mangaka of his generation, and even Hagi, the laziest mangaka of his generation, have branched out in other settings, Miura's only shtick is generic lodoss war fantasy, in which he's still beat by other artists too.
Technical skill? He STILL has serious problems with perspective, anatomy and giving characters some plastic sense, in which again, most artists from his generation have him beat, let alone younger ones like Boichi or even Murata.
Character art? Atrocious in recent years, completely outclassed by everyone else, and he's only got worse with time somehow.
>detail fetish
Are you really doing this dumb shit again
just read the thread again in the archive
Retard. Just go upset BnHA fans in their safespace shipping threads and you will get banned quickly. Try it.
based, we did it once again bros, now everyone hop on the gilf bike
See Miura's not even actually a good artist. His linework is fucking terrible and reeks of amateurish shading and anatomy and he's only marginally improved in the latter two respects. Like he's put 0 effort into improving his linework and just makes everything super bold ruining and sense of depth. The switch to digital tools only compounded these issues.
no way this is from an official chapter, right? how the fuck are they drawn so moeish?
I'm still waiting on people managing to persuade me that Killua not being aware of Nen beforehand being bad writing but no one's succeeded yet, no one actually discusses anything in these threads and just copypastes the same shit over and over again (no one even denies this anymore too). Don't you ever get tired of doing this?
Because you don't understand that Gon got so upset about Kite's death for the simple fact that Pitou hurt his pride. Throughout the whole show Gon was always most hurt when people hurt his pride. See Hisoka punching him, Knuckle beating him etc. Those are the only moments in the series when Gon cries.
When he saw that Pitou killed someone he cared for and he couldn't do anything, that made him feel weak, and that's the thing that Gon hates the most.
You mean where you subjectively like it more? That’s pretty hard since you are a hxhfag, but I would say sasuke in og naruto.
Necks don't bend that way.
>he doesn't know
Berserk is trash now. Miura is just using CG and turning everyone into Idol Master characters.
>No one has been able to do it since they first started to get posted.
Literally happened hundreds of times, and every time it happens Huntertards just go "nu-uh"and start clogging the thread with hunterchadposting to drown any dissenting post.
This is the shit Berserk spergs are up in arms trying to defend. Miura can't even pull off basic character art without cluttered linework and stiff expressions.
Terraformars did it better than HxH desu
and you don't understand that his suffering is built on as shallow a premise as the one people are criticizing Berserk for having in this very thread despite me repeating this multiple times now
would've been better if Killua died instead
Stop wasting my time. First you bring DBZ and now Naruto. Enough with the jokes, you comedian.
>Literally happened hundreds of times
Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll be able to sleep peacefully.
Whenever someone does that everyone then says
>w-well uhh Hunter x Hunter is critically acclaimed, what you say means nothing!
State of hxh in 2019.
>Miura doesn't have good paneling
Fuck off and kys.
Guys can I get an invite back into the Hunter x Hunter discord? My account got deleted.
let's be honest here, everyone read berserk for its dark edginess and gut's slaying monsters left and right, so why the fuck is he giving his fans the middle finger with this shit?
>Our "bad" art with silly faces is 10 times better than their bad art with silly faces
Feels good to go Berserk bros. Hunterfags can't stop losing.
That's a fine sentiment to hold as long as the people saying it understand that it's universally applicable to all critically acclaimed series and remember to praise Naruto all the time too
We've already explained hundereds of times why Killua didn't learn about nen to countless of people like you.
Silva left him in Heaven's Arena and told him to reach the 200th floor, that's where all the people who know nen reside. Killua stopped at the 199th floor because he got bored. So, the Zoldycks understood that Killua is too uncontrollable and unpredictable to be taught Nen, and they waited until he could be more easy to deal with. It's very simple.
>Thread is about who suffers more.
>Actual retads try to say its Gon, get proven wrong.
>Thread becomes infinite goalpostmoving.
Pottery, it rhymes.
Like I said, just go re-read the archive instead of literally repeating the same posts over and over. What's the appeal in posting the exact same shit every single thread for months?
Plebs who have only read 5 manga like you shitpost because you are unfamiliar with advanced composition, this doesn't make him a bad artist. Just look at that garbage you posted.
Now, let me dissect, both the art and storytelling of this very panel from chapter 352 page 19, to demonstrate why Togashi is on a level Miura can't even begin to compete with.
>A. The general clutter of the panel and floaty-ness of the character art shows how chaotic the setpiece is, and how Hisoka's mind is narrowing down to focus solely on Chrollo's devious tactics. As if time was slowing down for this train-of-thought.
>B. The white space behind Hisoka's head is used to show how empty of other subjects besides this battle his mind is. Narrowing down to the basics of the fight.
>C. We are then brought back to Hisoka's face, which expresses a mixture of smug surprise, and devilish determination. And swirling in front of him and as well as (seemingly) to his side is a menacing smog. Which has typically been used to communicate blood-lust in this manga.
You know nothing about paneling and composition. Suck Osamu Tezuka's rotten, worm-dwelled, dead dick.
>Literally happened hundreds of times
Another day, another thread of hxhfags sucking eachother dicks.
It's been decided that Gon has suffered more, now we go one step further and discuss other aspects of both series. Sorry that your brain can't follow.
>Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll be able to sleep peacefully.
>Hunterposts are about we-did-it-again-bros.
Irony summarized in one post.
Naruto isn't critically acclaimed.
That discussion ended with
It's confirmed that Gon suffered more and is better written.
Your time is wasted because you circle jerk all day about how high IQ you fags are in unstopable orgies of shameless backpatting.
It’s literally a club for turboautists. Which sucks cause HxHfags use to be capable of discussions about the arcs pretty nicely, now there’s this obsession with pretending to prove everybody wrong and use bastardized old discussions as shitposting material or unironic shit pasta.
Trying to teach Berserkfags about art is a waste of time. They'll never understand the fundamentals of hatching, panel composition, choreography, point of view, close ups etc
Why is berserk such a best?
This. Ever since the first posts explaining why Gon has suffered more because it was handled in a more realistic way, the Berserkfags should have conceded and let the thread die instead of acting like sore losers.
>the quote where you dismiss Guts losing everyone with "well he got a few people in his new party" and compare being raped by a nigger to taking cougars on dates is the end of the conversation
Yeah I'd concede there too!
>They actually believe memetier babble .
>Gon was involved in sex trafficking on Whale Island, see
Oh my sides.
Maybe we're just tired of dealing with subhuman brainlets like you?
It's just bait, completely insincere shitposts. HxH is Naruto or One Piece tier, just a little better.
HxH will never learn about backgrounds. 9/10 panels there's no background or some shitty design one.
Naruto's objectively better than both Hunter x Hunter and Berserk though. Not meming at all, nothing in either series has the level of depth Naruto & Sasuke's relationship with each other has.
Guts and Griffith did it first.
You want backgrounds? I've got backgrounds.
backgrounds are drawn by assistants so who cares about that shit anyways?
>Hunterdrone calls anyone a subhuman brainlets.
Why aren't the HxH threads on Yea Forums? This level of retardations goes beyond what Yea Forums is able to handle without laughing to death.
Based Nardochad.
Thanks for proving his point.
Stick with your elf island trash, brainlet.
>posts a page where the top panel has a background and the bottom 5 doesn't
>this is never seen before
>It’s one of the most popular troupes
>it’s depth is never seen before
>it’s actually pretty common
>hurr durr don’t waste my time proving me wrong
>but even popular manga had the exact same troupe
>hurr durr don’t waste my time with manga’s I don’t/can’t read.
>then stop circlejerking you turbo autist
>hurr durr I grew tired of talking with brainlets
>one background that entire page
Bro, I asked you to provide a better example of realistic suffering than Gon and what did you show? Fucking Sasuke and Trunks. How can I take you seriously?
Won an Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts. Had a massive send-off by over a dozen creators in WSJ upon it's end. It is critically acclaimed.
get filtered, noob
Gon didn't even suffer. His precious Kite who was barely even in Gon's life was brought back as a loli and the consequence for his revenge was literally WISHED away.
Even Sasuke and Trunks have better writing than that.
Guts has little reason to be conflicted about Griffith at this point. Griffith caused the deaths of nearly everyone Guts cared about, mutilated him, and raped his girlfriend into insanity for no other reason that sheer spite since Guts and Casca were to die moments later. Friendship doesn't overcome that sorta shit, especially since Griffith has since then shown zero remorse for what he's done.
Guts is perfectly justified in wanting Griffith dead.
>it’s depth is never seen before
>it’s actually pretty common
This is when you started to lose the point of the argument. I want you to show me another case where it was handled with the same depth as in HxH but all yo said is "it’s actually pretty common" and "but even popular manga had the exact same troupe", which is nothing but a repetition of "It’s one of the most popular troupes".
You are wasting my time because you keep going back in circle and failing to address my main point:
>it’s depth is never seen before
huntlets everyone
Madara's a better antagonist than anything in either series too.
>It's another Huntermumblers desacre their once considered good manga by dragging it through the mud with their delusional posting.
How did the fags of this manga fell so low?
Was it really all 2011 fault?
Tard I'm not even the same user you were talking with.
I'm still not sure why none of these Hunterfags have replied to this point.
Gon got his arm back you see in OP within like an hour. Gon got Kite back. Gon got literally wished back to health.
How did Gon really suffer?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. HxH fags are truly the BvS/Snyder posters of Yea Forums.
>Won an Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts.
For "Rookie of the Year" in 2014 when the series ended.
>Had a massive send-off by over a dozen creators in WSJ upon it's end
Happens to every series that's been running for over 20 years.
>muh safespace.
It is partly the fault of anime-only fucks as usual, yeah
Also people being driven nuts by the hiatus and desperate for any sort of talk relating to the series
Also a lot of the people posting genuinely just don't follow the series and are just shitposting, it's why so many people in HxH threads are actually incapable of discussing the series itself properly
In general you've just gotta separate a work from it's fanbase, this applies to a lot of series and not just this one.
Because those points were addressed at the start of the thread already.
You can’t be taken seriously because you think you are talking with one user, like a turbo autist.
I was the only one that mentioned Sasuke as an example of a character throwing away everything he had in order to fullfill his objective without realizing how bad he was turning. Which leaded him away from his closest friend, to give up on his values and strive for his revenge without considering the concequences.
It's within the definition of being critically acclaimed. Like others have said there's no real shame in it, Naruto's an observably better story than Hunter x Hunter in several aspects, what's the issue here?
filtered by the manga you massive retard
>Balloon head Moe eyed tiger on the left is supposed to be realistic.
Excuse me?
Naruto is merely a derivate from HxH and I can just post quotes from Kishimoto fanboying all over Togashi like a little girl. Your nrutu bait is weak.
I think Sasuke’s arc throughout Naruto shows the same development Gon had shoehammered in one arc with more depth and relatability. But as I mentioned, you will never even acknowledge this posibility cause you are a HxHfag.
I'll never take you seriously Narutard. You are nothing but a little insect to me.
hxhfags vs beserkfags
>Naruto is merely a derivate from HxH and I can just post quotes from Kishimoto fanboying all over Togashi like a little girl
Is Kishimoto being inspired by Togashi supposed to be some sort of bad thing? They're both critically acclaimed works aren't they? In the end he surpassed Togashi though, I think we can all agree on that much at least.
Togashi's tiger looks more realistic than the tiger in your pic.
This is why I laugh at you. Turboautist circlejerker.
When did the left happened again? I don't even remember how he got his arms back...
Kishimoto himself would never dare to claim he surpassed Togashi because he sees Togashi as a God. Something that can not be reached.
The author of your favorite kiddy show prostrates to Togashi and sees him as a God of manga. What does that tell you?
By the way, are you the retard trying to copy hunterchad posting and using Naruto? You'll never be taken seriously and you threads die after 20 replies because of that.
>I'll never take you seriously
Same to you, the Joker is a shitty fedora-tier villain.
Your opinion. Meanwhile a famous and successful mangaka like Ishida is such a fanboy of Hisoka that he begged Togashi to let him draw a one shot about Hisoka's backstory.
>Monster tiger doesnt look like a real tiger
Look out we got a 105 IQ hunterfan here
Haha yeah I love Tokyo Ghoul! I marathoned the anime after watching all the famous and highly successful Twilight movies back-to-back the other week
>it's another Hunterniggers sperg out looking for atention thread
The day they get banned from Yea Forums we will lose a great laughing stock
>It's another Huntercoping thread.
Actually sad to see what hunterfags have become.
Atleast they are kinda hilarious because of their unironic delusions, unlike boku no capeshitters.
>Kishimoto himself would never dare to claim he surpassed Togashi because he sees Togashi as a God
He's pretty humble like that despite the plainly obvious, yeah.
>By the way, are you the retard trying to copy hunterchad posting and using Naruto?
No, hunterchad posting is a stale unfunny meme at this point, I'm just stating a few observably true facts I've noticed. A few specific key character relationships within Naruto blow the water out of anything present in HxH in terms of depth or intricacy. It's villains outmatch anything in HxH too. And so on. The industry as a whole seems to really value Naruto too which is why it's anime adaptation was granted the best animators and musicians working in the business, it just has that special something that HxH lacks.
How's the slow paced luffy show with millions of irrelevant fodder character quota going?
Based. BnHA is the worst shonen and worst fanbase on here by far. HxHtards are entertaining at least. BnHA will get upset and call mods if you interrupt their precious shipping which is all the series is these days.
Just regular old Madara?
Better than Meruem? Delusion.
>HxH is bad
>yeah well not as bad as BNHA at least
did BNHA do something recently to upset everyone? I don't read it I've read some doujins for it though if that counts but people went from ignoring it to randomly mentioning it for no reason all the time
Berserk is a shonen manga, whereas the HxH is the greatest seinen gekiga ever made.
Listen, fool, HxH is a good series, everyone likes it, it's the constant non stop pseudo intellectual wankfest that occurs on here that makes HxH look bad combined with the wall of texts Togashi has been publishing as of late along with his year long hiatuses. BnHA on the other hand has no promising future and has declined even further from the start and this is evident when most BnHA threads devolve into character shipping and erotic art. The characters and series are shallow and the pacing is very shit, but bnha gets mad if you suggest that.
These two manga don't have the same gravitas as Berserk. It's like in Looney Toons when someone gets blown up by dynamite. it's a "serious" wound, but it doesn't matter because it's fucking Looney Toons. That's HxH.
I'm not following why people randomly mention it all the time now though, there's plenty of shit series out there that are rightfully just ignored.
BNHA is just the easy punchingbag retards beat on to cope with their autism. This kind of non sequitur "But this thing that hasn't been brought out in this conversation is worse!" is literally what happened with Naruto in it's day.
It's not a bad read. Is slow and most characters are so damaged that they have no personality. It made some interesting moral questions about revenge, duty, and the inevitable.
The post apocalyptic setting could have gone is more detail, but I found the idea of a little cold death of the planet cool
Because it's popular enough for people to shit on. It's modern bottom tier shonen that has gotten this far on fake hype by the most braindead capeshitter normies.
t. upset BnHA autist. Pathetic, don't you have shipping wars to fight? Just be glad that you don't have the IQ to read or else you'd realize your series is shit.
my existence
I really like HxH, but this was never something I could understand. I guess it's supposed to be the closest thing to his father, but they never really explore it.
Maybe try to read the manga.
Gon is autistic and the anime left out a scene in the beginning where Kite saves Gon from a bear. This memory along with Kite being the closest connection to Ging and mentoring Gon while they travel through NGL is why Gon cherished Kite so much. He felt crushed by Kite's death because Gon felt like it was his fault he did.
>Didn't say anything about BNHA being good.
>"Wait, he didn't say it was shit!"
>*Smashes face on keyboard*
See what I meant?
Worst part is that these retards clog the catalog by making 4-5 shitposting BNHA threads a day instead of isolating them in their containment thread.
You left out the most important part. That Gon didn't know Ging was alive, it was only thanks to Kite, who told him about Gin and about the Hunter Exam. Without that input, Gon would have never started his journey.
BnHA became popular and Yea Forums hates popular things, also they constantly dab on hunterkeks
genuinely kill yourself
I don't read this hxh trash or know much about it but i 100% bet he gets his pussy ass arm back because of will/magic/trash. Am I right?
No, retard go back to your thread. BnHA is trash.
>Yea Forums is truly just Yea Forums,Yea Forums and Yea Forums now.
Of course. If he was left without his arm for the rest of the series it might actually be interesting.
Gon should died at end or at least there should have been more consequences of his transformation. Like for example Killua using Alluka to exchange his life for Gon's.
That alongside with Kite's revival kinda ruined CA arc's ending for me.
>muh edgy ending where everyone dies
Guys stop dissing BnHA! It has unique characters it was never about the plot, but the journey with these characters and how we see them grow from novice heros to pro heroes who can save people. The power system is interesting too, quirks means everyone can have a special power that they can train without BS power ups. Deku is a meek MC but that makes him different from loudmouths like Gon and meatheads like Guts. He's also very intelligent and tactical with a power that's basically brute forcing and it's even more impressive when that said power breaks his bones. Stop bashing BnHA to elevate your own favorites and actually watch the series
>Shitpost level:toddler.
>muh insecure overinterpretation
Not everyone, just Gon and Kite
It had promise in the beginning, then it shat itself in the middle and then completely just decided to do a "fuck you reader" at the end.
t. HxhTard
>muh tragic ending, characters have to die for me to enjoy something
then explain what was good in Kite's revival?
Not necessarily die, but it would have meant a lot more if Killua sacrificed his own nen or something like that instead of pulling a secret deus ex machina brother straight out his ass.
Quite based
It showed that revange is futile since Gon threw away all his potential for nothing in the end.
Imagine being such a retard kek
>Clear off topic falseflagger calls others tards.
Basically FMA ending
>He prefers the free get out of jail trap.
I want to know the original thread of this so fucking badly goddamit
BnHA sucks tranny dick.
You have the post numbers and everything, you can easily search for it in Desuarchive.
Nanika makes sense if you read the manga.
Every manga has cliches. It's how they implement them, Togashi meshed his deus ex character well enough with the HXH world that it doesn't seem that forced and retarded.
>Nanika makes sense if you read the manga.
Alluka gets materialized out of nowhere to undo the consequences of the previous arc, creating a sub arc that only served to make hunter elections more interesting in comparison.
Literally defending something infinitely worse than "the eagles are coming!" from TLOTR.
Sasuga delusional anons.
This thread is a mistake.
It's a get-out-free card. Although we're told it's bad at restoring, it still heals from a near death state that no one else can handle because Togashit is a cheap hack who can't write certain characters out.
>implying Togashi won't die before that can happen
>out of nowhere
Her character gets introduced in the Killua Rescue arc. They literally show her in a picture.
We knew there were things stronger than Nen that can heal you, like Breath of Archangel. And other mysterious things like Sonata of Darkness. We also knew the HxH world was bigger than we were told from the very first page that says "unexplored lands" and they showed weird monsters throught the show.
Gutz's Jawline did
I mean Togashi could have had Ging heal Gon if he wanted. As a matter of fact, Gon didn't even need to be in a coma since all he did was sacrifice his nen. He'd just be a little injured if Togashi wanted and it would make perfect sense.
He used Nanika to introduce us to the calamities of the DC and how strong and scary they can be.
Brainlet hypocrite. Your fav manga probably has a ton of overused tropes.
>They literally show her in a picture.
Was that even in the manga? Because I'm looking back for it and I can't find it.
>Stop pointing out the flaws of my beloved mango!
See again.
so never?
Her existence is mentioned when the guide to the Kukuroo mountain say the Zoldycks have 5 kids. Her pic in the manga is shown when Kalluto is in the Ant nest looking at Feitan fighting Zazan and she is having an internal monologue that she wants to get stronger and get Killua back or something like that.
Its not a flaw if you read the manga, animeonlyfag.
HUHUH REFER TO MY OLD POST. Non argument, try again.
Haha good point but in the end that's contradiction. If Gon didn't transform he would have died there so the power of revenge saved his life thus it was not futile.
>Deus ex Machina isn't a flaw
>tfw share an interest with doting shit-eaters
>too much words in manga means it is for SMART people
I bet you think reading books is an achievemnt lmao. You sound like a potato being proud of knowing the alphabet.
>HUHUH REFER TO MY OLD POST. Non argument, try again.
>Thinks is an argument.
>Deus ex Machina
>when the plot is really complex and then something ridiculous comes in at the end and solves everything, that ridiculous thing is a deus ex machina
>You are nothing but a little insect to me.
Considering how much you brainlets like to wank the ants, that sounds like praise.
Bet whatever your faggot anime that reaction image is from is full of shitty plot cliches
Greed island wasn't sunshine and rainbows, they had the Bomber killing everyone. Nen definitely makes Gon's suffering less even though he can't use nen to heal himself, there's always some nen magic that fixes him up. Like Breath of Archangel.
That posts only proves how fucking out of nowhere the Nanika shit was and how an user just made that part of the story a lot better if the thing with Ging happened.
Because this:
>He used Nanika to introduce us to the calamities of the DC and how strong and scary they can be.
Just raises the question:
What is Chimera Ant arc then?
>out of nowhere
>What is Chimera Ant arc then?
Peak shounen kino.
>That anime is SHIT and so are YOU for watching it.
>Literally just a reaction pic I picked up in a thread that not even is original poster knew from which anime it came.
Why you so angry user?
Brainlet, if Ging healed Gon then he would be absurdly power and the nen system would go to shit if he could just heal life sacrificing nen vows like that. The best nen exorcist could not heal Gon what makes you think Ging who has no specialty in healing could do better?
Calm down user. Don't need to feign ignorance, we know your favorite manga is dogshit and everyone would laugh at you if they knew.
>Ging who has no specialty in healing
We didnt know what his speciality is. He might have been one of the greatest nen exorcists alive for all we knew.
>posting Hisoka, the SƠylent version of Genthru, who unlike him, has never been a threat to any of the MCs and was castrated by Chadrollo
That would be dumb considering he is more interested in archaeology. Ging is already good at a lot of things, if he could heal Gon's death vow like that, then he's a broken as fuck character.
This. Everything pales in comparison to HxH. That's why he's hiding what his favorite manga is.
>This much coping after outreaching.
Ok then.
Based. Genthru is so much cooler than Hisóyka
I mean archeology goes hand in hand with exorcism, its pretty related and it would have made sense. There were tons of other ways for Togashi to heal Gon if he wanted to. He choose Nanika because he wanted to use that character to introduce us to the calamities.
They don't see it as a Deus ex Machina but more like foreshadowing, when its not mutually exclusive.
I wouldn't say that there is anything stereotypical about Fire Punch. It's only 83 chapters, user. Give it a try.
>death vow
He didn't make a death vow, brainlet.
>U say HxH is bad and I'll destruy ur animu!
The absolute state of the hunterfags.
Keep hiding, little coward.
can you guys troll the one piece crowd instead, berserk fags don't go to HXH sphere to fuck with you, can you just continue shilling VEG or whatever it is you fucks do, I have seeing this thread every week
It's Gintama you uncultured pair of 14yo. And it's fucking full of shonen manga tropes, it's a parody manga. Ironically lately it fell in its tropes too seriously, which kinda sucks.
At least know what you're talking about you imbeciles.
Yes he did retard. His transformation was sacrificing his potential and life in order to beat Pitou. Basically a death vow. Stop being pedantic faggot.
Stop taking the bait user. It helps nobody.
>and life
Stop making shit up, subhuman.
Sorry I dont have time to ID some rando from Gintama retard.
guy who start these threads is fans of neither, just wants to start shit
Hisoka would murder both Gon and Genthru in 1 second if he wanted to.
Yes why else was Gon dying after he beat Pitou. Dumbfuck brainlet. Learn to read.
>it's a "huntard posts longwinded post saying nothing but incorrect statements but it's long so it must all be true" episode again
>Stop taking the bait user. It helps nobody.
It's actually not baiting (from his part), that retard is genuinely lashing out against other animes that he thinks I like to get back at me. Which is amazing
I don't want to argue against the same copy pasta. Muira at times lacks subetly and berserk isn't perfect but jesus fucking christ. This may be some of the most pedantic shit ever. seriously I'd take the random flood of inane bs threads on Re:zero 18 over seeing another one of these dumb fuck threads.
Guts' suffering is more tangible.
>Mother died while he was young, as the only adult that truly cared for him
>Father was abusive asshole, sold the boy for rape and had him fight in battles with his life constantly on the line
>Guts kills him and has to survive on his own, making a living out of the only thing he knows how to do (fight battles and kill)
>Makes friends but still somewhat distant, finds it difficult to make proper connections with people due to the life he's lived
>Couldnt take comfort in the woman he loved initially due to the scars of his life
>Everything that was the Eclipse, the death of his comrades and the rape of his love interest right in front of him
>Having to fight demons for years with little rest, all while burdened with his mindbroken woman
>His malice and hatred has begun to manifest as an actual entity that threatens to rip what semblance of Sanity and "peace" he has left in this world
>May not even get the opportunity to exact revenge on the one who wronged him so
Read the manga, subhuman.
>0 counterarguments: the post
Guts of course, Hunterfags only suffered in the fact that they cant figure out theyre are in fact not "Chads"
video related
you cannot tell me hes not trying to bait
More like coping.
Yet he doesn't. He's an impotent, limp, non-threat to all the MCs. He'll decide to kill them eventually, but for now he'd prefer to be stomped by Chrollo.
So still no one can give me a prove that Kite's revival wasn't out of place?
Gon learned about Kite being alive AFTER the transformation. Your post was too retarded, thats why you got ignored.
>Kills two whos, one of them with less than 10 speech bubbles in the whole manga.
Call back when he atlest kills someone like Machi or Nobunaga.
At least half of the Spiders are who-tier, I like HxH but don't get the weird popularity around them.
It's only a matter of time. Hisoka is a natural disaster now. A boogeyman. He's not just a character anymore.
And it’s not even close. Straw Hat Luffy witnessed a still untold horror before chapter one which made him determine to punch as hard as a pistol’s shot.
Luffy’s known story is more tragic than Gutts or Gon, but the story of how his mom and dad lost him is way more tragic than Gin being a Yassop.
Only the speediest of readers wouldn’t know.
>Just caught up to Hunter X hunter manga today
>I thought it was brilliant
>see this thread
Why hunterbros? Why do you have to be such insufferable faggots? I love HXH but holy shit Berserk does everything better than HXH. This whole thread is filled with lies and narcissism, fuck off
yeah but ruffy eat meat and he not sad anymore. he happy now ruffy going to be pirate king and save nakama and eat lots of meat
It's one of those series where it's just a crazy ride. Would not call it decently written honestly, but there's also not much else like it.
>I like HxH but don't get the weird popularity around them.
They got a pretty good arc that makes people forget and thats it.
People forget we have seen them do so little we actually believed Bonolenov was really just some kind of mummy boxer.
>Berserk does everything better than HXH
berserk arcs afer golden age are literally bland shonenshit, bordering on harem shit with every girl falling in love with guts, i've read all of the available chapters, and it's completely in a lower ball park from an actually mature narrative like hxh. guts even gathered a crew ala one piece, including a loli witch and they go on some filler tier island adventure. seriously the seagod/pirate arc in nu-berserk would fit as anime filler in naruto
you are not welcome in hxh threads, brainlet.
kortopi is strong
Pretty sure Nobunaga is Togashi's favorite character, he's going to be the only one who makes it to the end of the story alive.
I wish this buzzword meme just died.
Kortopi got outcamered, that's how relevant he was as a character.
Actually, there is no way that structure could support the weight of that dragon. It would crumble instantly
maybe it's bones are hollow, like birds
Im honestly enjoying more of griffith arc than what we would have with guts which is just more circlejerking around him. No doubt we will have to waste more chapters with loli witch feeling jealous of them, etc. The author literally turned his manga into his favorite moe garbage idolmaster shit. I'm reallly hoping this is all just setup to another eclipse with his friends.
>Next he'll explain why it's physically impossible for something so big to fly.
Is this really what you want to be posting about user?
i was never going to join the threads anyway you fucking nigger btw you cant call anyones elses manga shounenshit when HXH is literally published in SJ
>b-but its published in shounen jump advanced
shut the fuck up, if its not published in seinen magazine its not seinen dumbfuck
also whats with the high IQ meme? Togashi literally spells out every word in the manga it really isnt that hard to understand it.
another thing Togashi has a lot more weaknesses in his manga than Muria. For starters he mostly doesnt finish his art and he forgets backgrounds and he is literally the worst ive ever seen at giving subtle exposition. He has the hugest cast of characters this world has ever seen and he forgets 98% of them. Now fuck off Zoomer
Idolmaster is better written and has more soul than berserk though.
Guts, for being in a shitty shock factor series more than anything else.
Gon mainly just suffers from being in a series with a largely mentally disabled fanbase, the series itself is good though.
>Gon learned about Kite being alive AFTER the transformation
How does it defend your point? Your logic is illogical
HxH has always been bland shonenshit. Besides the pseudo philosophical rantings that Togashi includes to make edgy teenager view the series as deep; HxH is nothing more than a bunch of tropes that were stolen from more successful series that came before it.
Also, calling Schierke a loli is rich coming from a fan of a series that is infamous for being full of homoerotic pedobait.
the point where casca tells guts her sappy backstory always feels like a joke compared to gut's everytime I read it
>mature narrative like hxh
Typical "hunterchads" vid related
Right is better. It merges Indian motifs (which Kushan was based on) with apostle motifs and creates an uncanny valley sensation, wherein you can clearly recognize its a tiger, but warped and distorted.
The left looks like the cover of a "learn to sketch animals for beginners" book.
Better than mindless Nip capeshit somehow worse than Disney capeshit
Quit spamming your retarded vids
Do you try to disprove the inane ramblings of sandwich board prophets of doom whenever you meet one? No? Because that's what you are to Yea Forums. Mentally ill miscreants screaming your opinions to the wind thinking anyone cares.
Let's team up guys why fight when we can both shit on worse shonen.
Not even the same user, retard.
Fucking KEK, your manga has gone to shit after the timeskip, non stop filler characters introduce that do nothing but bloat the already very lengthy series and Luffy hogging the limelight from everyone else. One chapter was dedicated to fodder showing their retarded faces reacting to something and another chapter was everyone pushing back plot cage.
>Pedobait: The Series
Your post doesn't describe anything about the actual drawing, just the idea behind the design.
Togashi's is better drawn. Compare the form, the inking, the trajectory, the symmetry of each line. Togashi does that masterfully, Miura draws like he has parkinsons. Go ask a drawfag or someone who understands about manga art. You don't know anything about artwork and you just like cluttered lines and scribbly overdrawn details that detract from the form of the lineart.
Yeah! Why fight playstation vs xbox when nintendo is far worse? Lets screw with those lameos and show them why we are cooler and have more friends than them! Eh eh!
It's awesome, cant wait for this week's chapter, how about you, oh wait, hahahahahahaha.
They can only troll OP threads during break week.s Whenever there's a chapter coming or released, they get hit back too hard and run to the safety of their shitposting threads.
>You don't know anything about artwork
Ironic. Art is use. Togashi's is no more than a lifeless sketch that adds little to the composition. It's almost out of place. Would Gon's emotional state and Pitou's reaction be any less understandable without the tiger?
Miura's adds to the emotional tension of the scene, the nightmare like quality of a normal world coming undone by dark horror.
You're like the kind of retard who looks at a photo realistic painting of a glass of water and thinks its a better work than a Rembrandt self-portrait or a Monet landscape.
>spouting memes about things that happened years chapters ago
I know that in HxH you get like 3 chapters a year it's been 200 chapters since dressrosa, the dirdcage was shit but complaining about "filler" characters is pretty rich considering that every hxh arc the cast totally changes.
>mattering at all
The tiger's placement is thematic. Gon's character and the arc at large explores what separates humans from animals. If that isn't enough for you to infer why Togashi added that drawing, you are not smart enough to read HxH.
Also, there is no tension in any action scene involving Guts. He always wins after Golden Age, he's a Gary Stu.
this is one of the worst threads i've ever seen
based hunterchad
oh it's just regularly hunter posting my newfriend
you could see that in most shounen thread nowaday,
Chads and virgins can never become allies.
christ this thread is so fucking bad why do people have to compare both series? they're both great but people especially the samefagging hxhfags itt are just jerking themselves off by writing the full character limit without actually saying anything of substance whatsoever and then replying to themselves while saying "wow based!!!!!"
and for the record criticising something for being "surrealistic" or "unrealistic" is dumb as shit considering they're both fantasy comics, fucks sake i hate this website
Concede that Berserk is for edgy manchildren and we might consider the offer
>Let's team up guys why fight when we can both shit on worse shonen.
Berserk is an actual seinen, HxH is the only shonen trash here..
The scene with the tiger is before Guts arrives.
>Always wins
I think his only three real wins past the Golden Age are against Mogus, Daiba and the Sea God, unless you count mowing down fodder to be "winning".
>What separates humans from animals
It's not a particularly deep topic or a very good exploration of it (Historie does the same thing much better) but you can do better than adding the equivalent of three wolves moon to the background of your panel.
>Le you don't have enough IQ to read.
Do you hunterfags really believe yourselves to be the Yea Forums of Yea Forums out of a mental handicap or is it just a meme? Because pic related seems to be true in the present times.
Low IQ
>The scene with the tiger
Guts saves everyone from the tigers and all of the nobles start clamoring about how amazing he is. You haven't even read the trash you're defending.
>I think his only three real wins
He wins every single encounter he's involved in. You can't name one loss post-GA because it doesn't exist.
>It's not a particularly deep topic
This is cope. Hunter x Hunter deals with the moral epithets of what it means to be Human on a cosmic conundrum level - akin to something like Hegel's writings. Nothing in Berserk ever reaches, nor even attempts to reach the philosophical nuances that HxH has.
Get BTFO, brainlet.
Rene Descartes is proven right about the internet yet again-Thomas Hobbes
Based hunterchad
Cringe (and low iq) shitposter
get fucked gay lord
Why is he doing the soi face?
>Hegel's writings
Shonenshitter please.
he just ran up a mountain with snow dragging his feet and armor and a huge ass sword to deal with. guess why his mouth is open
t. animelet
Guts saves the people from the tigers after they go on a rampage. The image of the tiger is from before Guts arrives, and serves to raise the tension of the scene. So don't try to come at me with that weak shit.
He loses anytime he faces the Godhand. He never wins against Zodd, and he didn't win against Grunbeld. I'm starting to think you haven't read Berserk.
>Hunter x Hunter deals with the moral epithets of what it means to be Human on a cosmic conundrum level
You wasted an entire sentence to say nothing. Like that is academic bullshitting-tier writing right there. "wow we really aren't different from the ants" isn't deep, no matter how many pictures of starving kids Togashi traces.
Berserk deals with issues of causality and fate, and struggling against those. It's a highly depressing work in that it accurately portrays the universe as largely uncaring and at times seemingly malevolent. It's the reason the only "god" ever seen is the idea of evil itself, and that the only forces that could stand at the side of humanity are the benevolent aspects of nature that humans actively distance themselves from and destroy. These themes are consistent throughout the entire work and are constantly reinforced by character motivations, symbolism and exposition.
Meanwhile Togashi treats his themes like he treats the manga: flippantly flitting between shallow exploration of basic philosophical concepts, staying only as long as his attention span lets him (which is, as evidenced by the constant hiatuses, brief).
>500+ posts of hiatuswhisperers getting BTFO
How nice