So, how was it, Yea Forums? Also shanma is mommy material
Code Geass
Maybe I'm a brainlet or maybe the movie is retarded, but I didn't get a lot of it
Did Shanma have a code? She has the geass symbol on her body but it doesn't seem like she's immortal and she still has her geass. What was the black sphere in the world of C? Who saved Lelouch and Nunnally in the world of C at the end? Was it Marianne?
Rolo and Euphie
I liked it a lot, and the ending was everything I ever wanted. They were definitely setting up for some future stuff in the movie too. I almost want to go see the dub later this week as well just to see how bad it is since I never watched the dubbed show.
I liked it. It gave me a lot of the same feelings I had all those years ago when I'd watch Code Geass every week only honed in for two hours straight.
The fact C.C. got a happy ending with Lelouch is what they both deserved.
I had the same feelings. I was actually sitting there watching the credits and thinking it was nice to have one last Code Geass Sunday, just like 11 years ago.
I'm glad Lulu ended up with CC, but the idea of them going around the world giving people geass is dumb. Lelouch spent most of R2 trying to wipe out geass from the world because of all the suffering it causes.
I agree, but that is probably the setup for wherever they plan to take the franchise in the future. The black dress CC was wearing looking somewhat like a wedding dress was amazing though.
yeah, this feels as though the movie just makes me want to have a tv series version of it that takes place in the tv canon; especially since if that kingdom existed as well and that there plans would be more successful as well since Lelouch did indeed died back in the original.
As well as perhaps have the title as, Code Geass the Re;surrection R2
Let's just say it's a good thing it's an AU and leave it at that.
oh look the retard fanficfag from /m/ is here
Just kidding, I only recorded this one clip.
P.S.: My waifu is the greatest! I'm glad she got a happy end.
They're not going around just giving people Geass, they're trying to track down the remnants of the Geass Order cult. Maybe they would give a Geass in extreme circumstances, but I don't think they'd do it just because.
I missed the first 10 minutes. Came into the theater during the news broadcast with Class President, followed by C.C and Lelouch in hiding. Did I just miss Suzaku and Nunally getting kidnapped?
I heard we get to see Kallen boobs again, is it true?
>Did Shanma have a code? She has the geass symbol on her body but it doesn't seem like she's immortal and she still has her geass.
I believe so, she had the symbol, but I think the rules of codes changed due to C's World getting messed up.
>What was the black sphere in the world of C?
I think it was the manifestation of Charles's and Marianne's malice.
>Who saved Lelouch and Nunnally in the world of C at the end?
Puzzled about that myself, but Lelouch mentioned it not being the first time being saved by it.
>Was it Marianne?
Doubt it.
I'm watching it now. What am I in for?
There are some nips but not Kallen's
Code Geass: Kebab Edition
Yes, they feature prominently in a couple scenes. The most blatant fanservice is Kallen ass at one point, and then C.C. ass at a later point, though.
Not sure if Shanma has a real code or not; if she did have a code, she would have been using that to enter C's World through the gate rather than having to use Nunally as a in-between connection. So probably not.
I'm pretty sure the thing that rescued Lelouch and Nunally was the part of the Collective Unconscious that responded to his "Wish" back during the confrontation with Charles and Marianne.
C.C: the movie.
Missed the beginning and came in after the opening song/theme was ending and C.C. cooking for Lelouch, but I assume this was the scene before it:
Can another user who watched the beginning confirm this?
Is it really an AU ?
I kind of want to watch it but I don't want to be disappointed.
Does anybody know how Shirley is alive?
Did I miss a movie or OVA between the anime and this one where she was brought back to life. Last I saw she was extra fucking dead.
The movie is a sequel to the recap movies. Shirley is alive in them.
It's an alternative universe/take following the compilation films, Shirley didn't die in those films. I don't get why they didn't kill her off considering she did very little in the movie.
Thanks, that's almost certainly what I missed unless there's some other scene.
Yes, that's correct, although there was another minor scene after that that you missed where the opening plays, with C.C. traveling around with Lelouch.
The only real differences are that they skipped the China Arc, Diethard shot Vieletta instead of Shirley, the Mao arc didn't happen, and Shirley didn't die.
I think the excuse was that she was so irrelevant they didn't want to waste any of the movie time on her.
Them holding hands in that final shot was super cute
Well there is this but I did not find any better.
Lewd code/tattoo.
>Womb tattoo
>Big titty onee-san
Code Geass was never much about romance and the fact that the movie's LelouchxCC end is all people seem to care about is concerning.
so they give a scene with the female antagonist but not any more possible nude scenes with C.C. or Kallen, or even of a shirtless Lelouch in which we could of seen a scar from when he was stabbed through?
We see him shirtless, but there's no scar because immortals heal completely
Is it me or does C.C. and Lelouch seem a lot more mellowed out? C.C. seems less of a kuudere, showing almost motherly care to Lelouch and whatnot, and Lelouch let a lot of the people he geass'd live after they carried out their commands as opposed to in the series where he generally had them commit suicide.
>a shirtless Lelouch in which we could of seen a scar from when he was stabbed through?
The movie tries very hard not to address Zero Requiem.
when was that? Also, don't we at least need to see a scar that was left after there first death, like with C.C.'s scar from her lower left breast?
Theaters are empty, so it's gonna be easy to camrip the movie
best luck for the hero who does it
I noticed this as well. I don't recall Lelouch ever specifying his orders would "end" after their task was complete in the TV series. Suzaku also seemed too happy to have Lelouch back. Did he forget what he did to Euphemia?
Euphie's fate was a genuine accident, though.
Maybe it was just my theater, but nearly every seat was filled here, even the shitty ones at the front.
It's not Rolo, he's still alive in this version of the story iirc.
>Suzaku also seemed too happy to have Lelouch back. Did he forget what he did to Euphemia?
Did you miss him crying his eyes out when killing Lelouch?
My theater was nearly empty, could've counted every attendee with both hands.
He has a clear scar on the left of his neck though for some reason.
Depends on where you live. I saw it on a bad side of town so it was mostly empty beside like 6 other people.
Mine was empty, only 7 people including myself.
I liked it to desu it wasn't bad. I was glad to see CC get her happy ending after all she has been through. I have question though regarding Nunally is she not the Empress anymore and was Britannian Empire reorganized? I saw them name dropping the Principality of Britannia and her title was Honorary Consultant. Is Britannia under the Federation now and what political or military role do the Black Knights have?All in all it was a satisfying ending to Lelouch's chapter and a great setup moving forward future projects. Their black outfits at the end was pretty dope btw.
Had to have been at least 50 people at mine, but I do live in the capital of my state, and it was in the nice part of town in one of the nicer theaters I have ever been to. So yeah, mine was probably in the minority. It's a shame though, I feel like the experience of a movie is usually better like that, so I would have thought more people would want to go. Or maybe most people are just dubfags.
Did Lelouch ever tell Suzaku that?
I sort of thought it was implied he did in the timeskip before declaring himself Emperor. Not sure they could have reached such an understanding without Lelouch coming clean about that first.
I think there was 10 total in mine, which felt like what I expected for Code Geass compared to when I went to see Heaven's Feel at the same theater and there was 40 or so.
The movie was fucking stupid.
How is Guilford not blind anymore?
The Re; manga confirms that he did
Was he before? He just had cool shades, they never said he was blind.
The real question is how he survived the FLEIJA
When was it ever stated that he was? People just assumed that for no reason. Wearing sunglasses doesn't mean you're blind.
Didn't the staff say something about character motives and feelings being different in the movies? That would explain how off Lelouch and C.C both seemed.
So, what is with this, first secondhand info says C.C. brought Lelouch back to life with Charles Code, then secondhand info said she didn't, and now I see that it was indeed her that did it.
please say someone camripped this movie
I could have sworn he was confirmed blind back when the show was airing cause everyone made a fuss when the final episode aired and he was running around with a gun.
So if I didn’t watch those recap movies, is this film not a true sequel to R2?
I was expecting it to be a sequel to R2 and Shirley being alive was really all that stuck out as being wrong. She has literally no role in the movie so you can just ignore her.
Lelouch kind is a different character. People say that Shirley living is a detail that doesn't really matter, but thats not really true. Her arc played a big deal in Lelouch's own character arc. Lelouch never had to experience how his actions can have consequences for those he cares about that he doesn't want involved, he never has to come to terms with how much he ruined her life, and he never has to deal with her death.
Shirley herself doesn't affect the plot overall, but she does affect Lelouch's character and development. Taking it away, he is going to be different.
IIRC she did, and was able to do so because Charles accidentally passed on his code. Don't know who's saying otherwise. It's only mentioned in a single line as they're driving through the desert with Kallen, Sayako, and Lloyd, though, so I don't remember very well.
Man, like 20 years from now when the kids decide to watch the classic Code Geass they’re gonna be so confused when they watch R2 then jump right into this movie.
at my theater a thunderstorm caused a power outage during the bath scene. I liked it and the blondes are cute :)
Where are the SS incest doujins?
Also, Rakshata and Schinizzle are raising a whole kindergarten full of child prodigies.
Movie Lelouch is different from the original, and the ending is what settled it for me. I might like him and C.C. together, but Lelouch leaving Nunnally and Suzaku to their misery makes no sense.
I was impressed that Schneizel’s Geass was still active. So he was geass’d to do paperwork forever now?
Considering the princess' time reverse Geass works when she dies, and it affects the whole universe or at least the whole world, how is everyone not in an infinite time loop from the explosion back to when she was sleeping? And why didn't Lelouch just bring Orange with him to use his Geass canceler if he didn't know what it was?
Yeah that rubbed me the wrong way. I never had the impression that Lelouch would have ever chosen C.C. over Nunnaly and Suzaku ever.
Did the mention Clovis?
Wholesome as fuck
Lads I think CC’s smile at the end of that movie saved me
we need a cam rip
that is also true considering Kallen had followed the orders that caused the landslide at Narita and of her asking Zero if what they are doing is right which led to more of falling in love of him.
This again? Suzaku and Nunally certainly don't seem miserable in this movie. Suzaku is pissed at Lelouch coming back out of nowhere before he learns it was C.C.'s doing, sure, and he thinks Lelouch ought to be Zero instead of him because he'd be better at it, but he doesn't seem miserable about it. Nunally is even happy with a little puppy and the Chinese empress in the ED. The most we see her do is shed a single tear when Lelouch says he's not staying with her because he feels like he'll get in her way. Besides, it's not like they can never see each other again. Have you even seen the movie?
Because he wouldn't.
This weak attempt at an argument again?
How is he leaving them to their misery? Nunally like he said is a grown woman, he can't be protective over her forever and he trusts Suzaku to protect her. Not to mention it would be more weird if he stuck around enjoying live with them after all that happened. He's immortal now too so that makes him sticking around even less sense.
lol no. Poor Clovis never gets any remembrance.
Geasses don't affect the physical world, only the mental world. Shanma's geass probably just sends her mind into her body six hours ago, so she gets the memories of what will happen in the future. So really, Shanma is the only one stuck in an infinite loop of dying.
That's a good point about the geass canceller though. Maybe because he didn't know the exact range or who was affected?
I expected a lot more gayness in a movie called Code GAYASS
>The Re; manga confirms that he did
Huh, interesting to know that was made official. I thought it was implied pretty clearly in the TV series when Lelouch is taking with Suzaku about the plan after becoming emperor and mentions how he'll make Euphemia forgotten about, but was never directly stated.
Movie was surprisingly better than I thought. I was always in the camp of people who thought Lelouch was alive by inheriting Charles' code. However, I still think it was unneeded at the end of the day. Nothing will top the original TV series ending. But despite being an AU story it felt like a mostly logical sequence of events from the end of R2.
Oh yeah, that's right. It's been a while since I watched the anime but I now remember Rolo's worked the same way.
>That moment when best girl get Happy Ending.
Does CC still have the code at the end of the movie?
Does LL now have both the code and the geass thus Code Geass?
Both paperwork and being Suzaku's butt slave.
Eh, I didn't like the whole Lelouch ditching Nunally and Suzaku thing it when I first heard about, but the two seem well off considering that basically anyone in the know knows that Suzaku is Zero and Lelouch is still alive. The two don't have to bare those secrets alone, and they have people to emotionally support them, like Cornelia.
Yes and yes.
>Cafe Zero
>Nunally like he said is a grown woman
She isn't even 18 yet, you retard
Do you think Tamaki becomes the founder of Code Geass's version of McDonalds?
>Poor Clovis never gets any remembrance.
Even fucking Darlton got mentioned, haha.
Oh, and Rakshata and Lloyd drunkenly dancing together during the wedding recording was funny.
Because when he faced her in he Damocles, he accepted Nunally doesn't need him to be babysitting her anymore. And becoming Zero was Suzaku's punishment for being a death seeking bitch the past seasons.
Lelouch already did enough when he sacrificed himself in the Zero Requiem, regardless of whether it worked or not. At this point he's technically a ghost. Let him enjoy his life with his waifu.
He'll probably come back if Suzaku really screws up though.
But Kallen didn't get a happy ending.
Yeah that was pretty funny. Was Cecile drunk too? I didn't catch that.
I thought the blindness was a counter measure due to the Geass being used on him to make him see someone else as Cornelia, and he either blinded himself or used dark glasses he couldn't see through so that he wouldn't "see" zero as Cornelia.
Because she isn't best girl.
>So if I didn’t watch those recap movies, is this film not a true sequel to R2?
No, it's not. The movies significantly changed things from the TV series, they were not just recaps.
Seems more like Lelouch might be similar to Dash from Renya of Darkness since the movie doesn't seem to imply that Lelouch and Shamna are truly immortal like C.C.
She's a political leader albeit she has council. You don't need reach a fucking arbitrary number to be considered one. Their extreme and unhealthy codependence resulting from their childhood trauma needs to end and I don't know why you would insist on Lelouch sticking around.
>Nunnally only ever wanted her brother to be by her side
>got her eyesight back just in time to see him become the world's enemy
>saw him get killed by their friend
>realized he did it all for her a second before he died
>dead brother comes back to life
>she begs him to stay
>'fuck off Nunnally you're a grown woman now lol'
Of course.
But she is and always will be
Kallen seemed pretty happy at the end, and Gino is still around to fuck away her sadness.
Punishment doesn't work like that. Lelouch just getting out of his punishment with no second thoughts while leaving Suzaku stuck in his own is an insult to Lelouch's entire character.
>Implying Kallen cares about Gino
Just because she doesn't get Lelouch doesn't mean she will ever be interested in him.
She calls Gino Lelouch the whole time. Gino is wishing he was fucking Anya the whole time.
Subarashii, Creayus must be Happy right now.
She was smiling when she was with those orphan kids in her black Knight Uniform making change in the world. She might've not won the Lulubowl but I think she's satisfied with the results.
Lancelot & Guren reference. One of the L&G main characters, Kallen's new friend Kagari, is one of the girls in Rakshata's group and cameos in the movie.
Kallen's other new sidekick, Benio, doesn't seem to show up. Who knows what that means yet.
My theater fucked up an played the dub instead of the subbed movie. Lot of unhappy murmuring when it began, though everyone who stuck around afterwards got comped for a free movie as an apology.
I hate dubs, so I'm definitely biased, but I thought it was bad even as far as most dubs go.
Lelouch and a handful of others sounded fine, but I have no idea how most of the cast can be considered professional VAs. A couple of them sounded like they were recording into tin cans and far too often female characters would deliver back-to-back lines at completely different speeds. Actually I think the female voice work was just sub-par all around, every time a girl had a scene that should of had emotion in it was delivered deadpan and many of them had very little range in general.
Despite that, the movie was enjoyable. It felt like Code Geass, bringing with it all the good and all the bad that the series is known for.
>Nunally doesn't need him to be babysitting her anymore
Because babysitting was all there was to their relationship I guess
>Suzaku deserves his punishment, Lelouch deserves to enjoy his life
This is why we can't have nice things.
I’d still fuck Suzaku.
Unlike Lelouch, Suzaku needs the punishment, since it also works as his reason to live. Now he can think, 'ho boy it sure sucks to be stuck in the Zero costume' instead of 'why the fuck am I alive' and end up being convinced to fuck up by the first retard who preys on his insecurities.
Lelouch coming back was C.C.'s doing, not his fault. He did intend to die in the Zero Requiem. Plus, what exactly do you want him to do if he comes back as Zero besides babysitting Nunnally again? You might not like it, but Nunnally is the one with the biggest body count in Code Geass, considering she was stupid enough to believe Schneizel and nuked Pendragon and both the Black Knights and the Britannia army. She's mature enough to kill, then she's mature enough to stop using her brother as a crutch.
No he's not, he dies in movie 3
One thing I sure didn't miss in these 10+ years is Lelouch apologists.
Don't even bother. There is no reasoning with that shipfag. He'll just call you a Suzakufag to try and invalidate your argument. You're supposed to blindly accept the movie because Lelouch and C.C. ended up together and theres nothing out of character for Lelouch in the ending/
Why does Suzaku deserve more punishment than Lelouch when Suzaku's worst crime, wiping out Tokyo, is also Lelouch's fault by extension?
This, I would have been mad if Nunnaly went right back to depending almost entirely on Lelouch. Its good that the two became more independent
How? For not believeing in Suzaku after he was betrayed a few hours prior?
I just got out of the movie. Is it just me, or is Sunrises subtitles smaller than the typical subs?
Kallen got her ending with the TV series. She created a world where she could live with her mother.
It was nice to see Cornelia acknowledge her otouto
Looked like normal Funimation subs to me.
Don't worry, I tend to question the judgement of anyone coming out of Code Geass hating Suzaku anyway, so I'm out of this argument.
Why did all of Lelouch’s siblings want to fuck him? Males and females.
Schneizel mentioning to Cornelia during the wedding that she should get married soon also got me.
Live, aka the Curse of Geass, that Lelouch used on him. Suzaku was ready to let Kallen kill him when it then kicked in.
The bitch with a flower tattooed to her tit and the bitch with red hair certainly didn't want to fuck him.
Suzaku has had a really sad life, I feel bad for him even now.
Those two have huge tension
He got royal pussy though.
yeah, but what about her father though, they didn't make any scenes for him or of what happened to him during R2 or of her stepmother.
At least he reunited with Arthur.
God I want to fuck Kallen so bad!!
Have you seen his mother and father (well when he was younger at least)? Lelouch got pretty good genes.
no one cares muh punishment except butthurt suzakufags
Fuck she was so hot. I wonder if she helped relieve her crippled brother from time to time
And yet Marianne was still sucking him off on that throne.
>WAH WAH why no one cares about muh eleven husbando WAH WAH
I like how Anya refers to Jeremiah as Jerry now. It was cute. Wishing I had taken a picture of their shot in the ED now. Sorry, anons.
No one important. But Clovis, Schneizel, Nunnally, Euphie and Cornelia
did. Probably even Odysseus before he died.
And he fucked them all.
>Lelouch didn't want to be killed by retarded quisling
>the horror!
why does nobody remember my boy Clovis?
I don't even follow your train of thought anymore
Wait... Can someone refresh my memory. I thought Shirley died in R2.
Because he's getting gangraped in hell.
I still remember when we rigged that online vote. Good times.
she did, this movie is from a AU from 3 recap movies that change things, it should be out on BD for English subs for the U.S.
Clovis did nothing wrong.
Lelouch x C.C comes from no where.
Shippers like to forget that C.C is old as fuck, and had a purpose, to use Lelouch because she wanted to die. But now she doesn't want to for some reason even though she wanted an end to thing and now has the same existence she's always hated. Add that she's suppose to be harden by her hundreds of years of trauma/being dead inside and threw Mao away when he ceased to be convenient but got emotional over what she would probable call the course of human beings and brought Lelouch, who wanted to die, back and hid, then took care of a near vegetable for over a year when all the signs were staring her in the face that this was all a failure.
Maybe it's the alternate universe but none of her actions made sense.
I have it at home. Sayoko is also there hiding in the bushes on the farm
>JeremiahxSayoko is actually canon now
I'm different user, you retard. What was Lelouch supposed to do in that situation? Let himself be killed by britannians and their eleven lapdog? At least he didn't order him to kill himself.
He didn't expect Lelouch's surprise butt sex.
Which I have seen none of. Man, I probably should have refreshed myself on the series when I had the chance before going into this
Who else saw this at Yonge and Dundas?
Well, he could have also just said "Help me escape" or "join me"
Don't pretend that was his only option there. He chose a vague command on his own.
Events and continuity of the movies is mostly the same; see
Never did get over Lelouch actually caring about Suzaku, did you?
Which means Mao is still out there. Fucking with people.
Movie was average
also setting up a season with someone thats not Lelouch as MC is a mistake
It felt really nostalgic and surprisingly I found myself engrossed in the movie, but it feels so weird after having come to terms with the series ending that they're reviving the franchise like this and continuing it. Mixed feelings overall but let's see what they do with it. Seems like Lelouch and C.C. are going on a journey to get these geass fragments from others or something like that.
Mine was like half full. Mostly chinese people, and all much less obnoxious people than other movies I’ve gone to. Everyone just quietly came in, sat down, watched the movie, then quietly left. Even the people who came as groups of friends. It really gave some insight into the fanbase. The crowd was better even than the Made in Abyss one.
All in all, it was a pretty good movie. Probably one of the best anime movies I’ve ever seen that wasn’t a stand alone. But I do think that Shirely being alive was completely pointless and actually would have been better if she wasn’t. She didn’t have any screen time, and it was the only thing that felt out of place.
Why are they dressed like vampires now?
They kinda are
It had so much tits and ass holy shit.
The franchise never ended. Just because Yea Forums wasn't following most of it, doesn't mean the franchise was suddenly revived now.
At least they aren't shitty Twilight vampires.
>She might've not won the Lulubowl but I think she's satisfied
nobody who loses the lulubowl is satisfied. hell, i'm not satisfied and i don't even know the guy.
CLAMP fashion
Jewghi should have fucking died.
Even in the ending, he sounds so fucking beta and unconfident and unsure of everything.
Movie would have been better if it opened up with Jewghi getting killed by the enemy to show the antagonists are actually a threat
What's the point of dying now if there's someone who actually cares for her, will keep her company, and most importantly won't die. She got her wish of a true love that she always wanted.
He was panicked and Schneizel's ship was already firing at them. His subhuman friend should also remember about geass order when he took fucking FLEIJA to the battle.
Damn, Suzaku is sexy.
Wear proper travelling gear in desert.
Wear improper clothes when walking through a forest full of annoying tree roots, tree brushes, thorns, bushes, rocks and twigs.
Reminder that this is just Phase 1 and we have 10 more years of this
Why did Ohgi almost kill himself for Lelouch without a second thought for his wife and child? That felt really out of place considering he's the one who betrayed him originally.
go for it. not like there's any competition.
CC doesn't eat Pizza hut anymore but generic frozen pizza
So when are we getting Infinity War?
Creayus has been happy for a while now, yeah. It's been out in Japan for months now, after all. At this point she's mostly preoccupied with getting the Geass crossover characters in Granblue Fantasy.
>Lelouch x C.C comes from no where
The absolute state of Kallenfags. I didn’t even know people could be so deluded.
I want to cut his arms and legs off and than fuck him in the ass.
CG can't work without LL.
Maybe LL father prequel when he was a young brat and then follow his path to become Emperor.
>Never did get over Lelouch actually caring about Suzaku, did you?
>At least he didn't order him to kill himself.
You barking at the wrong tree. Why are you faggots even butthurt about "live" order? Lelouch cared about him after all.
If you can't get Lulu's dick why even live?
There’s all the manga like Suzuku of the Counterattack and Nightmare of Nunnally
A Charles and Marianne backstory would be nice too
Because CLAMP
The movie was aimed at people who didn't like the original ending
I want a V.V. spin off already.
Mine was almost like that, except one landwhale in the back who clapped every other time Suzaku showed up. And I agree about Shirley, I don't really mind that they kept her alive, but it seems pretty obvious that they only did it to save screen time in the recaps. She's pretty much completely inconsequential.
They could do prequel but also sequels. They're going to need to do a huge time skip after the whole cast pretty much dies though. LL and CC will make cameos but their story is pretty much over. CG can work as long as they move on from the current time period.
It seemed that Shirley’s neutrality through the recap movies paid off for C.C. since she wanted to keep Lelouch alive and no one is going to expect her to bring the body to Jeremiah and Anya
People who say X franchise cant work without Y character almost always end up being wrong.
Code Geass is just Gundam with supernatural powers.
Suzaku's final sight as he dies is Euphy welcoming him to hell.
She did care for Mao. She left because she felt bad at how badly she fucked up his life. Which is awful, but she's an immortal witch.
And, as said, he did make her real wish come true, even before killing himself. She opened up to him in a way she hasn't for anyone else. That's why she remained at his side even after rejecting the release of death in the world of C.
So is this "canon" to the series too? Like if they gave a fuck enough to make R3 they would keep everything about the same
Is it pronounced like i think it be? "GAY ASS"? :D
Do you not remember their getups once Lelouch became emperor? They all looked like some vampire nobility or something.
This is a canon AU, and not a continuation of the TV series
No. This movie is only canon to the recap films.
It is officially not canon to the TV series but aside from a few things I can buy this being a continuation from R2. Despite this I still feel it wasn't needed.
Nice, I was wondering if she would get some fanservice
Ummm I wonder
I unironically recorded the whole thing, but my phone made the file size massive and split into 25 minute parts. I have to put it together and condense it. I'll upload it online some time tomorrow when I'm free.
Man, the Emperor Lelouch arc was so fucking satisfying. I wish it had been longer.
Code Geass is my favorite anime
I honestly didn't hate this movie but I'll never watch it again and don't consider it canon
Also why was Shirley brought back in this reboot to not even have a voice line
I wish sunrise didn't jew themselves out for this.
And that he had threesomes with C.C. and Suzaku on his father's throne.
i really hate this change. what is his motivation in the recap for massacring the geass order?
It's not just for those 3. His sister Marrybell wears a similar themed getup while working with him
Was really disappointed that the theater I went to ended up playing the dubbed version. Today was supposed to be the day for the sub version, right? Was it subbed for other people? I kind of wish I would have just waited for the DVD release.
Man, C.C. should have kept that dress.
>Shippers like to forget that C.C is old as fuck
/ss/ wins again. truly the gentleman's fetish.
This is the guy who ditched his life as a teacher to lead a terrorist group just because a friend asked him to. Plus he must have felt after the world's biggest retard when he realized that the thing that pushed Lelouch to commit the Zero Requiem was the Black Knights betrayal, and said betryal wouldn't have happened if he had trusted the leader who got them out of doomed situations time and time again over a Brit woman who tried to kill him twice.
In other words, guilt. Even he realized how much of a fuck up he was.
Lol yeah it has been an established thing that the Britannian nobles dresses up pretty flamboyant. He's Julius Kingsley outfit was pretty nice too
Can you show screen with the files at least?
When she came on screen I was sure there were a lot of confused people in the theater especially considering she never does anything in the movie anyway
I imagine that by declaring this canon to the recap movies it means that Sunrise can leave it ambiguous if Lelouch lived or died in TV ending
he's forcing me to with his geass. lulu is a cruel master.
Does Suzaku fuck Nunally yet?
>You will never have sex with all of Shanma's palace guards
It was subbed for me but someone earlier in the thread had the same problem
One part roughly 14-15 minutes isn't shown, but here's the rest.
Why even bother if any sequel will be in movieverse? TV series is obsolete at this point.
Why are all Geass girls so hot?
Welcome to cinematic universes in anime. You can thank Disney for that.
Holy shit, user, you're amazing!
Some guys near me whispered "Shirley? What the Fuck?". It was pretty amusing. After the movie some other guys said that they thought it was weird they kept Shirley alive in the recaps, only for her to do next to nothing since it does nothing but confuse people who only watched the original show.
They're still expanding the TV series with spinoffs though. The two ongoing manga, Lancelot & Guren and Re; are explicitly shown to be in the TV series
>some time tomorrow
user, you accidentally said "tomorrow" but i think you mean to type "today"
Who was at the AMC Westroads showing in Omaha? Very respectful theater, never heard a noise.
Pretty solid film too, it felt like I was back in the 2000's. Milly is just as hot as I remember.
Fine, I'll try for today but no promises. I'll make a separate thread when it's done.
CLAMP is the answer to your question user.
Milly always struck me as being severely underrated compared to how much love Karen or CC got.
Ok, who thought that Cecile was actually going to die? I was saying to myself “you gotta live for Lloyd”
Obviously someone on the production staff was just really into Shirley? That's the only reason I assume, someone really pushed to save Shirley from Rolo.
I read somewhere that C.C. doesn't wear the dress in the movie timeline as a sign that she doesn't approve of the Zero Requiem.
Which makes sense since the movies foreshadowed she was already planning to subvert it by contacting Shirley before they ever got to Japan.
C.C. and Kallen are the modern equivalent of Rei and Asuka. Of course they get all the attention.
I thought Cecile had the hots for Suzaku?
Everyone in Geass is pretty hot.
Well more for Lloyd’s sake of them being partners
Movie is pretty good. Compressed in parts, but enough for me to get Code Geass hype going for a while.
You Suzalulu shippers are the worst.
Lelouch and C.C. had plenty of chemistry before this movie even existed.
Kallen can be with her mother now and also graduate from college. That's enough for her. Not everything needs to end in romance.
Greatest maid of all time. Was happy to see her with Orange-kun and Anya at the end.
Are she and Orange banging yet?
Some of these dub voice actors are getting old as fuck now.
That's the issue.
1) Shirley's TV arc took too damn long.
2) She represents peace now.
3) Let her be happy in one universe.
That's it.
>not realizing she's one of the original members of lulu's harem
nah she's a cuck, she just watches Orange and Anya from the bushes no joke
The future is bright, user
Kek. She look like she was camouflaging too. Barely noticed her
It was announced at Sakura Con two weeks ago
Geass is now Marvel
Hopefully the next decade will be better than their last 10 year plan. I wonder how many of us will be dead by the end of the next decade? We’ll be middle-aged.
I fucked up and didnt realize this was happening, so are these all likely to be dubbed if they're my options for tuesday? Even though they say different shit for each?
All dubbed, failure-kun. At least you’ll have this guy’s camrip.
was anyone else expecting her to say her full name after he suggested LL
Why? He already knows her real name.
It feels really good to have Geassbowl on the horizon and I legitimately feel your happiness, user. Let's hope we get the level of quality we expect from Geass.Let's also hope that all the changes made to the canon are just illusions created by a Geass to fool L.L. or some dumb shit and that the actual original universe is hiding somewhere
Damn, that was the first thing I checked. It seems that they expect greater business with the dub. Given that there were only 30 people at my showing I was half afraid that they would cancel the showing and convert it into another slot for End Game.
I wonder if it well be related to the Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Re; manga when it concludes; will it include something new to prepare of an upcoming anime or new manga story?
He didn't. They're still alive
Ohgi is not smart. I think it was just an impulsive action, Japanese honor and all that.
or even related to the upcoming Lost Stories game? Given that the song "Pendulum" had lyrics related to resurrection and being reborn.
I don't think they even had a formal ten year plan until this time around, to be honest.
Lelouch wanting to destroy them because of his not wanting more experimental people like Orange to be made, I think.
At least they didn't show the children being massacred, so you could argue it was less bloody in comparison to the TV version.
Thank you based Goro for making CCxLL canon
all tuesday showings are dubbed.
thanks for saving me from disappointment and irrational behavior driving out 20 something miles to the one that was least likely to be dubbed
It's been 12 years and I still want to fuck Suzaku
>geass is gundam now
whos ready for the "Kamille" of Code Geass next season
So the big titty blonde princess is going to be in an eternal loop but no really aware of it? wtf that's harsh
thats one of the plotholes that came to my mind when i heard that
if she dies while sleeping the geass automatically goes back 6 hours
wouldnt the world be in the infintie loop too? since her geass is a time travel bs?
My theater did the same shit I was actually so mad I didn't get to her jun fukuyama caress my ear drums.
she doesn't turn back time so much as she sends her future memories backwards when she dies. so she is the only one stuck in the loop.
well, what would you have suggested in such a short notice.
Its not that she's sleeping. It is that she's sleeping FOREVER, as in never getting up. So if she died after sleeping forever, so even if she did activate her Geass, she can't do jack shit.
They cut Mao and most of Rolo's scenes which involved her. It's weird because Shirley was basically the sole romantic element of Lelouch's life. They also cut most of the light hearted school scenes which gave her even less to do.
The main inconsistency that her being alive causes in the movies is that Lelouch's hatred for Rolo doesn't really make sense anymore (most of the loathing was because he killed Shirley and the attempts to replace Nunnally in his life were what sent Lelouch over the edge)
I guess for anyone who was a big Shirley fan, she finally gets Lelouch to call her back so I guess that's all you get.
It didn't even occur to me that they were a couple. They didn't give off that vibe at all. Their connection was something that went a lot deeper than just romantic attraction. Lelouch, imo, is completely asexual.
just got back from downtown toronto showing, theater was literally packed solid. although this was kind of annoying since people kept laughing all at once at scenes i don't think were even jokes? maybe i was just missing the gags?
Same thing happened to me, was a bit odd. I don't go to anime movies often, is it typical for people to do this or something?
Any word yet on home releases?
The Zero Requiem stint just somehow caused world peace and everyone demilitarized and became the UFN, don't question it. Everything was blamed on the mad tyrant emperor Lelouch vi Britannia and buried with his legacy.
Don't ask too much about what the Requiem is though because they clearly don't want to even try and explain it, CC herself just wallpapers over it and says Lelouch using Geass on God fucked up the rules of how Geass works. For everyone except Lelouch's, thankfully!
Time travel geass also raises a frankly insane number of questions so don't think about that either
The only two times I've seen theater packed where I am was when I was watching DBS: Broly or Fate/Stay Night Lost Butterfly.
It is usually empty
Probably not until AX or Otakon
What was up with all the genius kids in schneizel's daycare? I missed the explanation
Was asking about the crowd collectively laughing at weird moments. It happened in my (packed) theater too and it was bizarre.
I assumed they were survivors of the Geass order
DESU I always thought that Lelouch telling him would just make Suzaku hate him even more. I felt like if Suzaku knew the truth (that it was the world's least appropriate, least funny joke imaginable that he happened to utter when his Geass evolved) he'd just hate Lelouch even more.
At least the lie Lelouch told made sense as like, some kind of motive. To be told she massacred thousands of innocents because Lelouch told a shitty joke at the wrong moment, would be opening an old healed wound and also dumping salt in it
I mean as long as it isn't focused around C.C. and Lelouch... This was a nice bookend for them.
If nothing else I certainly have room in my life for more sick knightmare frame designs.
>mfw if all turns out to be Charles’s geass
watched it theatres pretty much amazing 5/5
the greatest sin these movies committed was cutting suzaku's "achievement unlocked" scene at the nuke crater. that scene was important to show that suzaku acknowledged and was definitely fucked up by the weight of the sin he had just committed.
incidentally upon rewatching, i really have to question why Nina gave him the nuke at all (Suzaku would never in a million years use such a thing and said as much multiple times), and also, where the fuck she expected him to fire it, since there was populated city in every direction
whether he had a geass on him or not, if suzaku had obeyed nina that tens of millions would have died no matter what.
why isn't nina considered a war criminal? why isn't SUZAKU considered a war criminal? would "a magic spell made me do it" hold up in court
It doesn't even have a date in Japan yet
kanon's hat died
RIP kanon's hat
cherished lover of schniezel
That’s normal in anime showings. The audience is literally autistic, who would have guessed?
I imagine the people who had power post peace time didn't want to prosecute their own so they protected them. Don't forget, the winners write the history.
Some theaters had dub today, so some might have sub the other day. Check your own locations.
She can't wake up due to the Geass command and the bomb will kill her anyway, so she is doomed.
Dude pretty much the whole cast are war criminals. They are the victors so they absolved themselves of their crimes. At least they brought upon a more peaceful world order.
What's more annoying is that Nunnally says she has so much to talk to him about, because they legit haven't had a 1 to 1 since he fucking geassed her to end the war.
So let's go ahead and not show them talking at all after he rescues her. She's not even gonna mention wtf they were doing to her, her ability to let people astral project into GOD WORLD, none of that
Lelouch gets an ultra gay moment with suzaku but no scene with his fuckin sister and then he just LEAVEs sAYING "THEYLL BE FINE NOW" YEAH THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING THOUGHT WHEN YOU DIED AND THEY GOT FUCKING KIDNAPPED AND RIGGED TO TORTURE MACHINES
We never saw Nunnally becoming Empress as such, but apparently Britannia isn't a monarchy anymore either.
The world became at peace for one year, but this movie already interrupted that, so expected more conflicts later on.
Lelouch having a Geass and Code is part of the messing up, I think.
It's also not time travel. It's time rewind.
They're from Rakshata's nation/group, I think.
War criminals don't get punished in real life with any consistency. Ask the U.S. No president has been punished despite their roles in illegal invasions.
I was really hoping we'd get a scene at the school just to include a shot of wall girl scratching another mark on the wall. If Schniezel and Suzakus geass are still active then that chick is STILL scratching on that wall every day. FOREVER.
How many spinzakus did you guys count. I got 4
I don't think it's misery. They know Lelouch is alive. They are happy he is alive. C.C. and him will contact them from time to time and maybe visit. But they don't need to be under the same roof.
I guess the original idea was for him to fire it at the black knights while they were still over the harbor.
Regardless, right after that battle he goes to kill the emperor on Schneizel's command, and then teams up with Lelouch and becomes Knight of Zero, so there wasn't really any time for him to face consequences.
- Villians are terrible
- Everyone feels out of character
- The actual plot is really fucking stupid and requires everyone but Lelouch being incompetent for some reason
- Third act is a complete mess
- Ending is only good if you're a shipperfag
Overrall I'm just confused over the existence of this outside it being a cynical continuation to get nostalgiabucks out of fans because even as a fan it feels half-baked.
You are retarded. Why do you think there was a timeskip? Lelouch was obviously using his limited time as Emperor with absolute power to set up the preliminary work of perpetual world peace. >CC herself just wallpapers over it and says Lelouch using Geass on God fucked up the rules of how Geass works. For everyone except Lelouch's, thankfully!
do they actually show anime movies outside of japan?
Well yeah. Have you not heard of fathom events? Or in this case, Funimation films?
Outside Miyazaki movies, the Asian markets are pretty big for anime. For the other countries, it seems that there are a handful of showings in major cities as short run "movie events."
Yeah thats how most of us saw this today
No I can only imagine anyone in my western country seeing an anime movie laughing at how gay it is
I was holding on to that possibility as an explanation for the recap movies, even if I knew it was a pipe dream. It would totally be in line with the series to pull something like that though, this AU just being a fake one to keep Lelouche happy and docile while Charles and Marianne rebuild the thought elevator. Charles could have got LL when he grabbed his throat in C's World. I dunno. Seems like it could work.
It's sadder in the original ending where Lelouch is clearly passing on his Code to Suzaku to live as an immortal faceless symbol forever.
Well, anyone who would actually pay for a ticket probably has seen an anime in his/her life so knows what comes with the territory.
Then again, I did see a mother bring her 7 year old kid to a showing of Fate Stay Night and left the moment Shirou's intestines were ripped out.
The wedding footage should have been such a cute scene but the budget for it was fucking atrocious, what the hell happened? Their animations were visibly fucked up.
>everyone praising this film is a shipfag
Really makes you think
wtf you just made me nostalgic for fucking tsubasa reservoir chronicles
It was a decent concept, but would have been better if it got Kaguya more screen time.
Villains were underdeveloped, but I thought the main cast was all properly in character. The plot is average for a shonen style property. Third act does have some messy parts, but it is more exciting to watch, so you win some and lose some.
The ending is decent even without being a shipper.
the black knights are completely worthless, suzaku and kallen can literally hold off entire armies easily with no danger
I'd say it's cam footage, and those can be pretty poorly filmed even in real life.
You are a fucking idiot.
>someone liked the film, so it must be a shipperfag
Just saying, if they had ever planned to reveal CC's real name, that would have been the time, since he said "As Lelouch Lamperouge, I could be LL" and she could reply "As [C.... C....] I could be CC" idk
Was I the only one who couldn't get over the budget?
The quality was so fucking bad in some parts like I recall an entire 10 second scene of LLoyd cecile and nina where no faces where animated on at all.
I agree why did they make that 480p same thing with news casts the original show never did that.
Budget seemed middling to me or what I'd call "TV plus" which is a common thing in recent anime movies, with exceptions like those made by ufotable.
Also, they might redarw of tweak a few of these scenes for the DVD/BD release since they did that with the series as well (those comparison pics were fun back in the day).
nobody in code geass killed 35 million people except nina and suzaku
>but I thought the main cast was all properly in character.
>Lelouch just being okay with leaving Suzaku and Nunnally for no reason
I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt because people tend to leave important details out but that really was the case. Also CC also felt out of character. Ohgi wanting to kill himself was terrible and felt entirely like fanfiction and Cornelia not having a problem that her brother is brainwashed and Lelouch is alive. Really lots of aspects of the film felt off.
>but it is more exciting to watch, so you win some and lose some.
No it was a mess. The time loop shit made no fucking sense and got in the way of the mecha fights.
>The ending is decent even without being a shipper
Yeah Heavens Feel was like not even real. The budget on it was crazy.
based, I will threads up until you deliver
god bless, user
yes they do, within one year of lelouch being gone they were both captured by the first terrorists to think of doing it and rigged to nightmarish machines that harvested them for battle data and magic powers
This better not be the dub
I want to cum inside Shamna in an eternal loop
There were randomly scenes where they clearly put a shitload of effort in but they were sparse.
An example would be the shots of every hanging out under the starry sky, there is a soft "expensive" look to the animation for those scenes that reminded me almost of Fate. but those are super rare and I was shocked how many scenes started to look like the low-detail noodles of S1
There's subtitles in those screenshots. I also watched it in theaters earlier, so I can vouch for it
Today was sub only
Tomorrow is dub only
You might see it differently, but I believe Lelouch had plenty of reasons to do so. They can't all live together and he still owes a promise to C.C. after all. Helping her get those fragments is a valid mission.
Cornelia already had a lesser opinion of Schneizel after he tried to nuke the world, so him being cooperative with Zero yet otherwise keeping the rest of his personality shouldn't bother him. Cornelia did call out Lelouch briefly. It should have been longer though.
C.C. gaine more of an emotional response near the end of the R2 plot, as they had her remark when fighting the Guren, so that was in line with this.
Ohgi wanting to kill himself was a bit exaggerated, for real, but I liked that at least he tried to use it as an apology.
There are subs on those screenshots
Nunnally didn't fire Fleijas at a populated city, she shot them upward into midair to hit dudes in robots
Charles and Schniezel killed tens of millions of poeple? When?
Not all terrorists have powers like these, so that is unlikely to happen again.
idk, eternal sleeping cock sleeve sounds hotter.
It is like Sleeping Beauty, only she doesn't wake up.
I think some people have always complained when mid-to-long distance shots look low detail. Never bothered me since it's a common way to make a reasonable shortcut, because most folks will not zoom in to something in the background, and not overwork the poorly paid animators to death.
That don't mean shit alot of people in this thread including myself had English dub play for their subbed showing....
Just upload the parts as-is to Nyaa or something.
in CG distant character models have always looked notoriously bad even by unpaid animator standards
Charles might have killed a lot of civilians with the Britannian invasions and Schneizel with FLEIJAs on cities. Nunnally used the bomb only during the battle against the Emperor's troops, so at least she had valid targets.
Damn I’m really sorry to hear that bro
This might be a long shot but does anyone have a creayus c.c. folder?
It's never bothered me while watching the show on the big screen, but I admit it can be funny when posted in threads and zoomed in. CG in general has rather detailed character designs so they are more difficult to draw than other shows
If every time she died she went back 9 hours, what would happen? Would time come to a halt?
>2 passes $30CAD
>popcorn and drinks $20
>cab to get to theater $20
if they'd made me sit through a fucking dub after that i would have been so angry dude you are a saint to put up with that
It's best not to think about how her geass works since the writers clearly put no thought into it themselves
I ain't leaving but yeah 30 bucks for some bullshit oh well at least every other anime film I've seen in theaters has made up for it.
after this is the long wait for Heaven's Feel 3
Code Geass fanbase is pretty chill along with Gundam fans when I saw Narrative back in Feb. On the other Fate and Made in Abyss fanbase are autists. Why are mecha fans so based?
Perhaps for her, but not for the world. She can't wake up as long as the geass command is active anyway, so it's theoretical.
Didn't Schneizel blow up Pendragon the capital with probably millions of people.
He did. Lied about evacuation too.
Please don't remind me user I honestly think Heavens feel 2 was the best animated film
After Lelouche gave his command?
Nothing really. Mainly because as far as I understood it, her ability isn't time travel, but foresight after death and no time travel actually occurs.
I have one on my computer and on my phone
It's not time travel only her memories are sent back. She basically has Readin Steiner. She's in an internal time loop from her perspective but he rest of world keeps on trucking.
Meh. I'm looking forward to Weathering With You...whenever that comes to theaters.
Ah, foresight after death makes more sense. When I saw it, I thought it was literal reversing time.
We're going to have to agree to disagree here because the film didn't really delve much into it hence why it felt like an assasination of his character as oppose to being him moving on. I've kind of just accepted that he was always going to be revived anyways so the fact that it feels he gets off unscathed didn't bother me.
>Cornelia already had a lesser opinion of Schneizel after he tried to nuke the world, so him being cooperative with Zero yet otherwise keeping the rest of his personality shouldn't bother him.
But remember she saw what his true intentions were when he didn't kill her. She never thought less of him just regreted she couldn't see through his intentions.
>C.C. gaine more of an emotional response near the end of the R2 plot, as they had her remark when fighting the Guren
It wasn't overly emotional more so that she was contempt with what was happening because she understood what Lelouch wanted while the movie tries to play off her decision as "something that had to be done" so her emotional response fells hollow and its just the movie's way of dancing around the fact that what she did was shitty.
It was just unnecessary. CG has always painted itself as morally gray and the whole morally ambiguity of the fact that nobody had to be thankful for Lelouch and Suzaku's sacrifice or even know that it was because of them so the movie going on about how great it was felt very fanfictiony
Wanna upload for all the c.c. bros and so I don't have to go save 1300 images right now
The movie was shit. The pacing was too fast. They could've definitely expanded this plot to a 25 ep season a few episodes could be centered around individual times Shamma reversed time for example. I would've appreciated more scenes between Lelouch and the rest of the cast. The few we got between him and Suzaku and Kallen were really lacking. I'm just glad this is AU. However, even if it is AU, nothing suggests that Lelouch in the original universe didn't also receive Charles' code. Deadfags eternally BTFO.
Wish we saw more Lelouch interactions with Nunally, Suzaku, and Kallen. Felt very brief for someone who's about to leave them forever.
Well, given the 10 year plan they have I imagine Lelouch blinks in and out of their lives every so often.
So which is it? Or do you just want to admit you're assmad that your ship was relegated to an AU?
It depends really. I went to the screenings to the MHA movie and Broly and had a great time but the SAO movie and FSN had the worst autists spouting memes like faggots.
in the original show ending it was pretty obvious that he was passing the code onto suzaku and dying on the blade, so suzaku could live as zero forever and guard the impending world peace
Alright, place your bets of where the movie will fall once it’s added on the daily box office list
desu i am glad i waited to watch the MHA movie cuz it wasn't that great
this movie felt similar, all the main cast just go to some inconsequential distant place and do a bunch of fighting that nobody will mention once they get back to things as usual
Lelouch never had the code. He was able to use Geass and he died. Having the code precludes both of those things.
Cornelia said she felt Schneizel could be an excellent king in a time of peace, IIRC, so I guess we are seeing part of what she meant, now that he has an administrative position but can't rebel against the Zero+UFN system.
C.C. does say, in the scene uploaded in the webm, that she is seflish after all. So yes, she is. That's her flaw and also what resulted in this situation.
I liked the scenes myself, but I agree they were short. I am fine with anime movies having a quick pacing. I wouldn't want this to be a three hour gig like Endgame however, that would be an exaggeration.
$150k. Don't know how to measure this.
For an otaku based production, it will be near the bottom since it's only being shown for three days. Can't compete with actual mainstream capeshit and other normie movies.
Japanese showings already made more money than what can be possible gained here.
i feel like lelouch likes suzaku but suzaku doesn't actually like lelouch
The reason why CC pushed Charles away was cus Lelouch said "If you want to die, at least you should die with a smile on her face". He said he'd make her happy. From that point on she realized she loved Lelouch because he's the only one that understands her and most importantly, has treated her as a human being and loved her. Remember her past, no one loved her without her manipulating people with Geass. Then she became immortal and was only tortured from then on out. Lelouch is the one and only.
His promise at the beginning of the series was to fulfill her contract. She didn't specify exactly what she wanted, until later revealing she wants to die and pass on her Code to him or someone powerful enough. Then the Charles scene happened where the contract changed cus she no longer wanted to die. From that point on you can infer that her new wish is for them to live happily together. In the battle of Damocles, before Lelouch goes to confront Nunally, he does a salute and promises to CC that he'll see her again.
So no, CC x Lelouch did not come from nowhere. Throughout the show too, CC always had his back and he had hers. They were the only ones who truly understood each other because of their Code/Geass. Lelouch is now fulfilling his wish to make her happy by living with her. Him suggesting to be called "LL" was basically like a marriage proposal to live forever with her, hence her contract is finally fulfilled.
all you had to do was complain
the same shit happened when I watched the Pancreas movie and then someone complained and they fixed it
>fanbase is chill
I was seated next to a tranny dressed as C.C and a guy who wouldn't stop giggling whenever Lelouch did something
Not him, but here you go. Everything I could scrape from her Pixiv and Twitter. There are some duplicates from last year, though, since I never went back and weeded them out after she posted her annual compilation of twitter art to Pixiv. I'll upload the artbooks tomorrow, or something.
That happened to me back when Bakemono no Ko came out. Went out and got a refund and didn't stick around.
for future reference, there's a program called pixiv downloader. You run it every once in a while and it'll download EVERYTHING that all your followed artists have uploaded from pixiv. As for twitter files, there should be programs somewhere that download everything. Then you can use some file checker to detect duplicate files.
I have some concerns about how the dub's tranlsation is versus what the subtitles where
The scene where Kallen and CC reunite for the first time Kallen references "pizza girl" in the dub but was not mentioned in the subbed version
I forgot to add, the pixiv downloader I used was from nandaka's blog. Last version is from 2017 but I haven't used it since maybe 2014 so I can't say if it works with current pixiv any longer
Yeah nice theory 10 years after the original ended. He's alive. Deal with it.
My theater had a power surge and had to have the projector rebooted. The projector guy had to reboot it right on Shamna's titty scene. Wonder what he was thinking then.
Kallen's breasts have now surpassed Milly's.
cute and based
New thread with upload here
Suzaku doesn't have Geass in order to take Lelouch's Code, chief.
so wtf was the zero requiem
>watched the subbed version today
Already got my tickets for the dubbed version. Johnny Yong Bosch is based.
>what is the zero requiem
It was spelled out for the audience, but an asspull that somehow stopped world conflict.
Is there something in the movie that made you say that? If so, it can't download fast enough
yeah but shamna shows NIP
she puts on a jumpsuit and it takes a while for it to get over her mounds
They're just noticeably larger. In the series, the show let you know they were large when it wanted to, but in this you can't help but noticing with every scene with her in it.
So something similar to this scene?
yup, the zipper gets stuck once it reaches the underboob and she struggles a bit to get it up
The new music they used was good. I hope they release it at some point. There was a ton of good music from the original series that never saw a proper release.
the OP and the ED are up on AB if thats what you mean
No, I mean there was a new insert song as well as some new BGM for a few scenes, though they did reuse a couple of pieces from the original series. The ED and OP are great, though.
Your tastes is awful
All of its already out
There was 1 maybe 3 other people besides me and my m8
i like how this movie uses both of the best songs from the original series
but the music over top of suzaku and lelouch talking under the stars didn't work
Oh wow, so it is! Thanks for letting me know, user.
Yeah, the music is great.
I guess it works better in Japan since the lyrics are apparently a reference to them
>I wonder how many of us will be dead by the end of the next decade
Along with how many of the original voice cast.
what was the ending exactly? like i know cc and ll got together but what happened?
at least not the main cast (Leouch, Suzaku, CC, Kallen)
The fact they used some from the original stuff from the series was a kick as well.
Lelouch becomes LL, and finally returns Shirley's call, thus completing her arc, of wondering what Lelouch is up to. She knows now. The end
My theater played sub but in wrong resolution so the subs were half cut off until someone left and complained 20min in
Nyaa link to camrip
Why are Cecile’s tits so big in that extra?
why weren't any of these scenes in the movie?
RIP, Tanaka Kazunari. Your Tamaki will live in my memory until I too pass on.
Because Sunrise probably made them change what the plan was.
Thats why the Lancelot Albion Zero got relegated to a sidestory gaiden instead of actually showing up.
it felt like there were scenes missing. as a full feature film that was basically stapled onto a finished story, it was a 7.5 / 10 but i had fun
still confused why crowd kept laughing even when there were no jokes. like the mildest sight gag would send people into fits of laughter
Some people laugh at anything.
Oh, here's this guy.
Sometimes when I am super excited for a movie I'll laugh constantly like that. It's not that the movie is funny, it's just that I am so happy to be there I might as well be high.
What was his endgame?
literal fanfiction
>current year
>dicklets still alive
BD when?
Nunnally is for _________________________
Breeding half eleven children with Suzaku.
It was based shit.
Thanks God we got songs worth the ticket price cause even denial fags couldn't prepare me to this.
I didn't recognized half the character, Lelouch and C.C. mostly, and Nunally who went through an under devellopment; If Thos movie had happenned at the end of S1 it might have worked, but in R2, characters went through various things and were different, and I didn't need to have C.C. being turned into a Shirley when the latter is already in the top 10 of the most annoying character in this damn anime.
And what's wrong with Suzaku, Cornelia and Kallen ? Asking for Zero help for anything, being totally dependant of him. CORNELIA ??
She was the best thing of this movie because of her outfit. I'm so disappointed, even the hand holding didn't made me feel better, fuck you sunrise, you could have done it right and guess waht ? YOU DIDN'T;
Imagine basing your entire economy off of blood money and mercenary and not diversifying into a tacky tourist trap with lots and lots of cheap Indian labour and Chinese investments
Delete this senpai
Accessing C's World through her connection with Charles.
This movie was fanfiction and fanservice. It was so crazy that it fits in with the rest of the franchise very well. What an absolute train wreck.
Go to bed Shanma
suzaku is incapable of getting aroused from a woman.
Based and Suzaku-pilled
Finally saw it, felt very commercial ish, there were some beautiful moments like the intro with the song, and some very nice animation, otherwise from talks to characters trait, it was like taking off all of their substance and having them acting or talking like if they had one character trait and that's about it.
Very disappointing, theater was half filled and most of them left during the ending, not bothering to watch the ending credits or last scene.
I was expecting so much better, didn't felt like something happening after R2, even after the movies it's weird.
that opening was kinda sad
the shit that CC had to put up with for retard LL
>otherwise from talks to characters trait, it was like taking off all of their substance and having them acting or talking like if they had one character trait and that's about it
There's only so much you can fit in a two hour movie. I was amazed that after all this time, they were still able to make the characters feel as they were in the original. Nobody's character got assassinated like Luke in TLJ. They didn't go through much development, but they didn't need to because they already completed their arcs in the original series.