This man is a hack

This man is a hack.

He makes boring fucking movies which are only liked because "OMG JAPANESE DISNEY". On top of that, he's up his own ass and honestly believes he's this super wise genius auteur.

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Fuck off, Miyazaki is redpilled

>t. Otaku

Attached: miyazaki.gif (410x230, 1.81M)

miyazaki is absolutely based

>On top of that, he's up his own ass and honestly believes he's this super wise genius auteur.
Kind of like you.

>japanese disney
Seek help kid. Miyazaki is a top tier director, while disney is a degenerated milking machine. Even if you're severely brain damaged and only see his movies as cartoons for children, they're still 100 times better than anything disney has ever done.

Read what you just posted moron

Take a chill pill

yasss nipon banzai

If you had as many people sucking you off as he did, you'd do the same

His Nausicaa manga was pretty good.

>point out the irony in OP's post

Anno is a hack. Miyazaki is based.

150% with you. HACK. An inferior artist.

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What irony?

Your post was "No u". I don't have to think I'm better than someone to call them out on being a hack moron.

His success proves you wrong.
He is not only rich, but also respected as one of the greatest directors.
I can assure you that every single director you like, enjoys his works tremendously.
Deal with it.

If you can't see the irony in your post then I don't know what to say.

You can say the same about Terrence Malik or something -- also trash. Success? That's James Cameron tier stupid. No, Miyazaki is trash for children and child minded gaikokujin.

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In what way did I portray myself as a super genius auteur? Well? Learn the definition of irony and stop defending your lame insults.

>His success proves you wrong.
Yes, because the masses are well known for their good taste and high standards

Your entire shitpost of an OP for one.
>hurr, popular man bad, I insult durr. plz pay attention to me
Just epic.

This man is a hack.

He makes boring fucking games which are only liked because "OMG SO DIFFICULT". On top of that, he's up his own ass and honestly believes he's this super wise genius auteur.

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Moeshit is garbage too.

Fuck moeshit, fuck Miyazaki, fuck you.

Wow, another shonenshitter tourist. I wouldn't have guessed from your garbage thread

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finally someone says it

Fuck shounen too

Please don’t insult Disney by comparing them to this decrepit lolicon, Pinocchio and Fantasia are genuine works of art

Tales From Earthsea is Ghibli's best movie.

It's just as boring as all the rest but at least Earthsea had cool visuals.

I have lived in japan, and pretty much everyone likes miyazakis work.
Furthermore he is not only successful when it comes to selling well, but he is also successful in being respected by everyone worth their salt (other directors, even the ones that you like, probably respect him a lot).
You are a simple-minded gaijin, who just wants to be contrarian without giving respect for the ones that came before and paved the way. This is why you are a trash-human who will never amount to anything in his entire life. Might as well end it.

Trash is trash, regardless of how respected it is you fucking drone.

>Main character was the villain all along
respect for the audacity

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3/10 bait. Low effort.

If you think something is bait, move on.

If you see an opinion you don't agree with, it doesn't make that opinion bait.