What's wrong with being a purityfag?

What's wrong with being a purityfag?

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nothing. just being an insecure fag about it is annoying.

everything. first and foremost it was not your intent and decision to remain a virgin. there simply wasn't anyone around willing to fuck you in your ugly butt.

Nothing? Its a basic instinct to go after a female that would raise children properly and a whore sure wont do it.

This. Only virgins talk about purity as a positive thing. But the truth is they're virgins because no women would ever get close to them.

People try to justify being a slut, but sluts just aren’t attractive

Sex before marriage is a sin. People like you should rot in hell.

t. seething roastie

But this is fictional characters we are talking about.

Purity fags tend to be complete assholes to girls that already had sex, and act like this would change anything about the likeability of a character.

Nothing in terms of real life but when it becomes getting angry over fictional characters not being virgin is when ot becomes problem.

man just had sex with a 12 year old anime girl.
Looks like someone took her virginity when she was 10

It's because they are smart. They don't want their penis to go into a vagina that has had another penis in it before. It's similar to going out to a restaurant and using silverware that other people has used before. You can't wash the silverware enough and you can't wash the vagina enough either. That's why it was better in older times when people had only one lover and stayed together. None of that nonsense that we have today was around back then.

I hate purityfags who shit on rape and molestation victims.

ahem... OrcTaku

But the entire show is about purity.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 04 [720p].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Oh no, people want characters to relate to and not used goods

>used goods
because all of a sudden, experience doesn't count any longer like literally anywhere else, because, just because.

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The good kind of purityfag:
>wants girls to have a proper sense of innocence and modesty regarding sexuality
>is disgusted by indecisive and openly lewd women, even if they haven't lost their virginity yet
>will consider rape victims who keep up the pure act for their loved one to be honorary virgins and pure
The bad kind of purityfag:

Attached: purity.jpg (1600x600, 221K)

Anime girls aren’t real
Their virginities don’t matter
You fucking otaku subhuman

>Hates best boy because she thinks he is a sex maniac
>He acts like a gentleman
>She calls him a virgin as an insult while exposing how much of a pervert she is

Kino af

>>wants girls to have a proper sense of innocence and modesty regarding sexuality
And what is a proper sense? Also it's a kinda shitty to put so much restriction on one side of the relationship while the other has the freedom to be as degenerate as possible.

Implying. Manwhores are as despicable


>omg i cant decide whether i like blackedge-kun or betafriend-kun! alien-kun is sexy too!
>hehehe naturally i knows the sex! listen to me talk about sex all the time... wtf a real penis?! im blushing now, im actually a virgin, so please buy our bds!
>umm, i-it's okay if it's you...

In these threads some of the most militant Purityfags are wannabe manwhores.