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Other urls found in this thread:


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I want to flip her flaps.

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Get your pedophile hands off my daughter, you animal.

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hows that pedophilia, aren't they the same age?


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They are, though Papika has been adult before and saw Cocona as a baby.

wtf spoilers

Papika "if she's 12 then I'm 12" na

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This anime aired in 2016.

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Kill yourself anytime.

>tfw there'll never be a season 2
>tfw in fact there'll never be even a spinoff nor a spiritual successor

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flib flab :DD


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>tfw flip flappers aired literally 10 years ago

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>2016 was fifty years ago

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>going from one show every two or three years to having five announced projects in the last two years
3Hz sure grew up to be popular.

I just want more original series from them.

>Be me
>Fucking loved Flip Flappers
>One day friend asks me about muh anime list
>Yeah alright have it
>Flip Flappers catches his attention, ask me about it
>He's pretty normalfag, tells him it's not the kind of show he'd like
>He watches it anyway
>Days pass
>Don't hear about him since so go to his house on a random afternoon
>His father answers the door, calls him out but nobody responds
>He tells me to go directly to his room
>Opens door, friend is on his pc, unfazed
>After some seconds asks him if he's alright
>Suddenly burst out to me and tell me Flip Flappers is the best shit on my list and he hasn't watched any other anime since because he has 'anime depression'
>He might have actually loved it even more than me

And since that day I stopped making assumptions about people and anime.

Did the yuri undertones have a point in this show or where they there just for flavor?

>not cockona and papicunt
shit thread

Kill yourself.

Answer me you fucking faggot

You friend sounds pretty based desu


>yuri undertones

Attached: Flip Flappers - 07 [6193FA7B][SonicBlue].mkv_snapshot_17.14_[2019.01.01_01.54.21].jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Posting in yuri thread

Isn't this normal girl stuff all friends do together?

just 2 straight girls

>One day friend asks me about muh anime list
A normalfag wouldn't ask in the first place. They watch their normalfag flavor of the season garbage and have no interest in expanding their horizons. They're comfortable in their own bubble.

This show was so fucking pretty, jesus christ. I'm upset that we'll never get an epilogue or anymore content.
I feel like 12 episodes was just too short to cover the plot, but 24 would have been far too much. Maybe 18 would have fit it all in. Sad!



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bump for based pipika

So what was the thematic significance of this season

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bump for based cocona

Nice blog nigger

yuri needs no reason

Cockona needs no reason.

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Cocona hot

The only thing better than gay girls?
Gay magical girls.
The only thing better than gay magical girls?
Gay magical girls who are the same age physically but one of them is much older and is absolutely a pedophile.

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>Gay magical girls who are the same age physically but one of them is much older and is absolutely a pedophile.
Nanoha and Fate almost match this, except Fate is technically much younger than she looks since she was born in the cloned body of her 7-or-so years old sister.

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I love this show.
What episode was your favorite?

Why are you guys panicking? 2016 was 4 hours ago

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>2008 is closer to 1998 than current day.

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I love the ep when they were in madmax world.
It had a tonne of style and I liked the warboys and how they fangirled over the flipflaps.

shut the FUCK up

What this user said. That episode was insane from start to finish.

It really contrasted with the slow 1st ep and slightly faster 2nd ep by going balls to walls 3rd ep with SnM madmax desert Punk

the episode where they live through that one senpai's memories. Although it was disappointing in a sense because I thought maybe she would get more screen time than she did

Someone actually likes the alzheimer's episode?

I can't remember it.
It must've been a meh episode or something.

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It hurts, but Oshiyama is still doing some neat stuff at least.

Papi "cosplay as Corona and you can call me papa" ka.

I've outed myself as a dirty phone poster.

Cocona's throbbing futa cock would be so delicious desu

>tfw ywn be double-teamed by papika and cocona's thick futa cocks

The anime had a complete story though and a satisfying ending so I'm content even without a season 2. In fact, I don't even know HOW they'd continue it after that ending but then again if there's source material I haven't read it.

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Season 2 would definitely ruin it. It did need some more content from the mid-way point to the ending, though.

I loved it Struck a chord with me but I have had family with the disease. I loved all the episodes.

For me, its Nyunyu

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Episode 9.

I want to go balls deep in cocona and impregnate her. Cucking papi.

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Okay, that's it. I'm going to masturbate

The alzheimer episode. For me the show went from enjoyable to masterpiece after it.

>actually lewding any of these girls
Except Sayuri, she's okay.

Attached: Flip Flappers - 05 [1044C0BD][SonicBlue].mkv_snapshot_01.26_[2018.12.31_23.52.43].jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

I might need an example to verify your claim

There was never once any lewd art created of Sayuri. I doubt even the animators had anything like that of her.

it's hard for me to pick one, but probably 5.

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I missed the part where they explained why she isn't 30 years old like Cocona's mom. Anyone catch that?

Cocona should have created her own Pure Illusion filled with all kinds of Papikas.

Attached: yuri bondage harem bath.webm (710x400, 1.46M)

your friends lied to you ma'am. you were molested by dykes.

That was pretty much episode 7.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.32.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

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For me it's ep 3.
The desert guys with the jap equivalents of an Aussie accent.

Uexkull is best Flip Flap.

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Underrated indeed.

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They never really explained it that much. Papika was stuck in a time loop that de-aged her to Coconas age. Then she was thrown out and later found by Salt.

oo baby

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That's because she's too pure to lewd.

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Her purity is an illusion

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It's a good rump.

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That's a great pic, she can pull it off.

My Imagination Is Running Wild

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