Did you like the episode? Also less than one day for Pieck reunion with her love Zeke
Shingeki no Kyojin
>reunion between two characters that never interact
Connie-Hansi reunion when?
Zekespics are fucking retarded.
I rabu Piku.
>GoT's ending got leaked before chapter 117
I know, Pock.
The 2nd half of the eren fight was great, the 1st half was avg as fuck.
The thunder spears where fucking perfect.
>ip didn't move
>Zeke and Pieck have never interacted
ignore the deluded Zekespic, join a based thread today!
Responding to battle commands and work interactions don't count towards ships, if Connie responded to an order Hansi gave him that doesn't suddenly make them have chemistry or a relationship. Zeke and Pii never interact outside of strictly work related things and Zeke gives her school shooter vibes.
EHfags ruined the anime.
Fuck no, this thread was made first
>Implying she didn't liked him bossing her around
They are interactions and also Pieck and Zeke spent years as a team in Marley. Claiming they don't have a personal connection is absurd. And for the record, I don't even ship her with that monkey.
>this is the only panel Zekefags can procure of Pii showing any emotion towards Shitke
>she does the same thing when she loses her Panzer Squad
Dumb Zeketard.
Pieck never trusted Zekeshit, and in the flashback panel we see she is seen talking and smiling with POCK while Zeke sits away thinking about how much he misses his molester.Meanwhile in the Marley arc Pieck is always seen talking to and alongside Porco while she pays no attention to Zekuck.
>Isayama straight up told us Niccollo and Da sua had a thing
>Isayama straight up told us Petra and Ulo had a thing
>in the flashback panel we see she is seen talking and smiling with POCK while Zeke sits away thinking about how much he misses his molester.Meanwhile in the Marley arc Pieck is always seen talking to and alongside Porco while she pays no attention to Zekuck.
Conniefags told the same thing.
>the zekESL has devolved into a mess nonsensical babble
What does your panel prove? All I see is Pieck and Porco walking in after Pieck waited outside to greet her rabu Pock on all fours.
where to watch the episode?
When is the timeskip going to happen where Pieck dies and a new character was revealed to have been fucking her? PP is nothing like SC or NS. Kill yourself Zeketard. Even NS had the two characters interacting with more than a deadpan stare in a work environment.
No thanks
>Desperate to the point he doesn't want to think anymore
This is in case you say "She never smiled at him"
I liked it. I hate they didn't get Erwin's smirk but it was average
Hans looking cool this episode
About to watch it. no spoilers
So on what scene did the episode end?
>Pieck had a husband and children she left behind
>The kids are hearing the story of how heroic and best girl Pieck was
>Panel changes angles
>We see his face
>It's Magath
Where do i watch it?
No, Pieck wanted to trust Zeke
She also said she had a PERSONAL interest on Yelena, Zeke's fangirl. Even in that "flashback" Zeke tells Isayama draws Pieck Titan looking intense at Zeke.
This episode was Fucking garbage.
Just like the manga I guess
See yah next week (or in 4 days)
Magath is a very 'the law is the law' sort of person
>Reiner kills Erwin before going for Eren
>Zeke throws Bertnuke at the horses
gg, fucking jobbers
Congrats user, you discovered that RTS is poorly written.
Keeps thinking what they Warriors could had done, you will find they jobbed for no reason.
Isn't that life in general? I'm sure if you could go back in time after fucking up in some way, you would have done something different instead.
The warriors bad showing in Shiganshina makes perfect sense when you remember that they were operating under the leadership of the one of the dumbest men alive.
>waste bertbomb for Killing a fucking horses
why jobbers though? the warriors won the battle of shiganshina
Pieck is an honorary Marleyan so it might be legal. Also, Magath is the law now.
>waste bertbomb for killing horses
Yup, genius
Horses and like 3/4 of the total scouts there, sounds better to me.
I haven't watched the episode. Did they change when and where Bert was thrown in the anime or something?
>Fail to defend basement and Wall Maria
>Lose colossal
>Have to retreat and fight a four year war because Paradis made you look like scrubs
You call that winning?
Next episode
Zeke won the Battle of Shiganshina because now he thinks his plan can proceed.
Zeke already did this or would do this eventually, problem is that the failure of this operation can be tracked down to Reiner.
>He should had killed the horses
>Should has killed the commander
>Should had covered his nape and mouth
>Should had called Bert while being under attack
>Was the reason why Bert didn't blew everything up
>Didn't reunited with Bert
That's way he was held responsable for the failure in Paradis mission, because he caused the mission to fail before it started and in the battle years later.
Why didn't they just completely fuck up Shiganshina District, and the basement as a result, with the Colossal Titan way before they arrived?
So Isayajw married a woman after all. Also little scouts in the middle of drawing reminded me of Hanji and manlet.
>Scouts get to Shiganshina
>"Wow, everything is destroyed, let's just turn back."
>Roll credits
Eren said his house was destroyed by a boulder, just search for it, break into the basement and burn the books. Fucking race traitor brainlets.
They really didn't cared for the basement, now about the buildings, maybe it would had taken too long or they wanted them to think no one was there.
The building thing actually always made me think of "Why didn't Zeke and Bert just leveled the entire city?".
You realize how fucking huge Shiganshina actually is, right?
I still can't believe the LH shitposting can happen
Pretty sure that was Isayama and his wife
Just have Bort do a one man Rumbling. It can be done in one day.
I do but there can't be that many houses under a boulder and they had time.
Aren't Isayama and his wife titans on the drawing?
Both are I think, Isayama just happens to look like Hange kek
He drew them as both
Isayama looks like the manlet
Titans look different from scouts. But only Isayama knows.
That doesn't guarantee the basement will be destroyed.
A lot went flying when the wall smashed, and over time, the boulder could have fallen off the house and into the street or something. There's only four of them and a lot of houses.
Isayama is obviously the one with the goggles
Remember when spoilers were supposed to be a WEEK ago
Blame the emperor
When do these jap holidays end again?
I missed the episode, did they do justice to smug erwin?
Cuz plot user
How is the opening for S3 part 2, shit I bet.
>"Daaahh... fuh-freedumb!"
W-who do I believe?
looking at it now, that is not even a smug on the manga, if you look closely it is not a smug, that is why the anime didn't put a smug, because there isn't any to begin with.
AA art
>Based nips mostly
>based on canon interactions
>Annie is cute
>not OOC shit
BA "art"
>Mostly untalented spic art
>Self-insert for desperate Bortfats and based on shitty spinoffs
>can't even get Annie's nose right
>Constantly forgets Annie doesn't gvie a shit about Bort's existence
Erwin would just easily fly away from reiner killing too much time while eren makes his way too zeke.. And using the bert bomb on horses instead of soilders is a huge waste. Good thing your not a military tactician.
Except that he didint and think he's smarter than he actually is.
MA art
>Based and redpilled
>Just based
>There's nothing more to say, based.
>Also redpilled.
Is that even their goal? I thought they wanted to get rid of the scouts, and capture Eren. The entire point of the scouts going there was to obtain that information. To the warriors, the scouts were as good as dead once they arrived and went through with their plan, and they used Eren's house as bait to get them to come there. I doubt they cared about whether they obtained the information or not, so there was no need to destroy it. If the scouts arrived to find everything was destroyed, they would probably just leave. The hope of obtaining that information led them to want to seal the walls using Eren, so it fits perfectly into their plan to keep the city around.
t. ericuck