Is madara the character that ruined naruto ?

Is madara the character that ruined naruto ?

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Nah. that would be Naruto.

No, it was sasuke.

nah sauce is the character that ruined all of it with his homo bullshit

it would be better if madara had died for night guy attack.

what the actual fuck
he literally was one of the only saving graces during its dying breath
God bless Madara chad

The Uchiha in general ruined it, Madara was just a victim of the fact he was an Uchiha.

>ruining Naruto
He is one of the best things to happen to Shippuden, by a fucking MILE.

All wrong answers. Kaguya ruined it and the series would have been fine if Madara was the final villain.

I don't get how can anyone watch the scene where Madara rapes Shinobi Alliance and then with a straight face say that Madara ruined anything

No. In fact, he’s he character that ALMOST saved naruto

>the panel that ruined this manga's redemption
I am still mad

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Madara is the character that (almost) saved Naruto.

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No, this show was ruined because 2 of the 3 main characters where terrible and the third one was annoying.

Sasuke never stopped whining about his clan and everyone's deaths, he's like an even edgelordyer Batman. Oh man my familys dead. better become evil and kill my brother, oh man my brothers dead, better become evil and kill my home town. Oh man my Home town is destroyed better pretend I was just kidding.

Sakura is essentially Blue Balls the character. Whats that she has the best Chakara control, lets do nothing with it, She has super strength thats amazing even in this world, lets do nothing with it. She is a medical Ninja of unbelievable skill, lets do almost nothing with it. What she has a awesome jutso that ups all of her abilities, lets make it pointless so she can be saved.

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Seriously, why the fuck did Kishi do it? I fucking love Madara to death, but Kishi did kind of fuck up by literally making him practically unbeatable. So unbeatable that he had to write an asspull like Kaguya to beat MADLADARA.

No, and he has one of the best ending

Naruto is. But if you mean the villain that ruined it then Kaguya. Madara was one of the few, if not the only, bright spots from the war arc

Retards who say he was one of the saving graces of Naruto don't understand that he's the result of what made Naruto shit but he's a d4rk badass with an edgy aesthetic so i guess that's enough for most of you, Kishimoto is a hack who doesn't deserve some of the characters he created but Madara isn't one of them.

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One thing i forgot to mention and that i can sympathize with to an extent : the reason why some people might like him is because he was an opportunity for the story to take a different and better direction but like i said Kishimoto is a hack.

People like him because he kept shitting on the protagonists, whom everyone hates, and none of their asspulls did anything against him.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a retard
whatever you say retard. People like madara because he was the first entertaining character in shippuden since Pain. He kicked the ass of every annoying, flat protag

So much this. Madara was a badass villian

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That just made Kishimoto's shit writing more blatant though

I'm not denying he was entertaining but he was guilty of everything the protagonists can be blamed for except this time the tables were turned, Pain was just as bland, at least the way he was explored by Kishitmoto

I'm still mad too, how can one man be so retarded

No but I tell you what really made it bad.

Making the entire fucking myth arc on nothing more than Naruto v Sasuke on repeat for 10 generations.

So apparently this Naruto and Sasuke dynamic is responsible for even the creation of the main countries. I don't want that. I want world building for the other countries. I don't care about Sasuke's revenge fantasy but Kishimoto dragged it on forever.

Men of culture. Madara was the best thing to happen to Naruto in a long time. Kaguya was the one who tanked the series.

Noone's saying Madara was well-written though, just that he was entertaining

Nope Sasuke continuing to live after VotE is what killed it.

Sasuke's REVOLUTION is what jumped the fucking shark

nope that would be Kaguya