Holy shit what the FUCK is going on? She's fucking ruins everything and the movie just fucking stops? Why the fuck is this allowed? When is Madoka coming back to fix the world?
Holy shit what the FUCK is going on? She's fucking ruins everything and the movie just fucking stops...
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Homura did nothing wrong.
maybe you shouldnt watch shows meant for little girls
I want to see Homura's pantsu!
Nothing is ruined. Things are improved, even.
Madoka just needs to fuck her,
Homura already fixed everything mate.
Go watch it again.
How the fuck are things improved? The law of cycles is ruined and now witches are living freely among humans. It's a disaster.
t. didn't understand Rebellion
Watch it 5 more times.
t. didn't understand Rebellion
Watch it 10 more times.
What witches?
>When is Madoka coming back to fix the world?
>Another gachacuck bait thread to shill their shit dead game
The absolute state of madotards.
Hasn’t there been confirmed another Madoka Magica anime project besides the Gaiden one? I think I’ve read something about this mentioned in an interview around March this year, but I can’t find anywhere indicating this.
Has someone a source or am I lying to myself?
Dobson, please go
I think you meant “gacha” instead of “gaiden”, and no.
It's so bizarre that this decade is ending and nothing has topped Madoka yet.
‘Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo MadokaMagica Gaiden’
>year 2099
>It's so bizarre that this century is ending and nothing has topped Madoka yet
Rebellion is otaku-pandering cashgrab with zero thematic consistency with the original.
News at 11
I remember when Rebellion came out I thought something was wrong with me for liking it and thinking it was a logical conclusion to the series when most of Yea Forums hated it.
Over the last 6 years I've grown up though, and now I realize what I should have known all along: everyone has shit taste but me.
but have you reached true enlightment yet, realizing that Rebelion doesn't, in fact, need a sequel ?
There are no witches in Homu’s New Order.
I would like a sequel because I love this series but it really isn't necessary at all and I suspect I'd feel about it how lessers feel about Rebellion
We need Avengers:Endgame-like retcon for Rebellion.
>Rebellion haters are capeshit swallowers
Who would've thunk it
Is Homura the Thanos of the Madoka franchise?
Of course!
>no witches
>in a witch's world
really makes you think
also homura is now taking madoka's role so it's really not solved at all. Logically madoka would find out eventually and add another layer of fucked up to the story.
>a witch
>not a witch
*blocks your path*
please don't do this. yuyuyu was great but bringing it into a madoka thread is asking for some bullying
I think that the megucas would trade their world for yuyuyu world in a heartbeat
News at 11 user is brainlet
I wonder what would change if the characters swapped shows. Yuusha Punch the Walpurgisnacht away!
this is what the face of suffering looks like
That would depend on whether their magic systems transferred over. The Yuushabu are a team and good friends, and the wouldn't react well to an inherently competitive system like the grief seeds.
Would the megucas get along now that they don't have to compete for survival?
They'd have to get over some pretty deep personal animosities, but they all really do wish that they could be friends and work together. Mami would definitely love not having to compete for resources anymore.
Excuse me?
As if any little girl would understand the lore of this show
>watched it at 2.5x speed
The PMHQ gets along after they've defeated Walpurgisnacht in Magia Record.
looks like this user needs to get educated
LoC still works perfectly fine, user. Madoka's just not part of it anymore.
>zero thematic consistency
Are you being wrong on purpose?
>muh AI YO!
This is response rebellionfags have to any criticism.
The universe is now encompassed by her witch barrier
Nice strawman.
How am I wrong?
It always feels like people on Yea Forums have never watched an actual movie in their lives and have no idea what good storytelling is.
>It's bad because Homura did something I disagree with
>but I won't stop and listen to another perspective
Some people just don't have open minds.
Rebellion is better than 99.99% of films.