One year anniversary for Universe.
And an international (English language) BluRay release soon!
Cutie Honey Legacy
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think going through each episode like I did for the 1973 series, reviewing them, would be interesting this soon. Nor am I doing a "slow rewatch", as I've recently seen the whole series again.
Still, these are the four episodes that aired in April, one year ago:
Sunday, Apr 08: Episode 1, あなたの全ては完璧
Sunday, Apr 15: Episode 2, あなたに出会えた事の心からの喜び
Sunday, Apr 22: Episode 3, 私はあなたにふさわしい
Sunday, Apr 29: Episode 4, 無垢の美しさ
Besides discussing them, there's are other things that could be interesting. I'll be typing down an observation I made about Panther Claw, and I invite everyone to debate me on that.
Another neat thing are the episode titles. Of all twelve, seven begin with "Anata" (a very general way of saying you), and all sound as if they could be part of some confession of love.
The question there is: Who's talking to whom, about what? I do have my theories, but more on that later. Maybe even in another thread. Feel free to elaborate on what you think about that. Or anything else that comes to mind.
As for the BluRay:
It will get an English dub, but I don't think anyone cares about that particular feature. It also seems to be the full (uncensored) Harenchi Edition release. And it's more affordable than the Japanese disks.
Shin will also get an international BD release. The first ever Cutie Honey BD releases outside Japan, if I'm not mistaken. Both available for pre-order now, for example here:
Wow shin is getting an international release? Not bad.
It is a bit strange that they gave Shin a BD release before remastering the original series. As far as i know, it's only out on DVD even in Japan. Of course, with it being from the 70s, it won't gain as much from higher resolutions as 90s' anime do.
For this one, as well as the Universe BD, they just seem to copy the Japanese BD as good as they can in English.
Japan does also have a "Re:CH" BD. I'm not sure about Flash.
Now, on to my theory/observation. Regarding Breast Claw' personality, or rather her transformation from human to Panther Claw member. We know precious little about her as a character, of course. What we do know is that she's strongly devoted to (and infatuated with) Jill ... seems to be a common trait, and not quite natural (but that's another point entirely).
She does have a full, if somewhat simple, character arc in episode 1, realizing in the end that she's been betrayed by Jill. And most importantly, she does retain her original personality and her memories. Something that's also alluded to for Tarantula in episode 8. We can assume that the same is true for the other Panther Claw minions we get to know as individuals: Dragon, Octo, Snake, Iron Shadow.
I do love that Universe gave all of them unique personalities, unique motivations and sets of strenghts and flaws, and then went on to illustrate and explore them further. Anyway, my point: Who they are as "monsters" is heavily influenced by who they were before. Though, it seems, to varying degrees. Dragon stands out the most, for she is the least loyal. In the manga, she had no loyalty to Jill but still was devoted to Zora (that's all her character is there). In Universe, she is way more complex and her devotion is, first and foremost, a personal one, to Tarantula. She is an analytical thinker, but, quite differently from Tarantula, an utilitarian. (Tarantula being a doeontological, empathical, Kantian moral absolutist.)
It seems that the "stronger" a person is, the more grounded her values are, the more likely she is to retain her individual traits when she is transformed by Jill. Possibly completely. And we've also seen other examples of those "strong personalities" in prior installments (Scud Claw in Flash or Drill in the original anime). So can we assume that's been the same from the very beginning, ever since the first manga?
(Not done yet ...)
So, why does that even matter? Well, it does when there's more than one version of each Panther Claw minion! We see new "versions" of Cutter and Breast and a few others in episode 10 and as Jill's victims in episode 9. Including a recolored version of Scissors, whose "first version" at that point is still alive, meaning there are two of them around at the same time.
This is also something we've seen before: The 1990 manga and Tennyo Densetsu brought back Panther Claw minions that had died in the original manga. Whether or not Tarantula survived the 1973 manga, we witness a new Tarantula being created by Jill in the 1991 sequel. One that also looks very differently, I might add: Way more montrous and inhumane, and one that is way more aggressive, way more of a fighter than the orginal Tarantula. What does that imply? Well, maybe that poor girl we see in the 1991 manga just isn't as strong and self-secure as the orginal Tarantula from the 1973 manga. Universe gives us another example: Snake from episode 6 is a very unique character with very individual motivations. In episode 10 we meet a snake-like Panther Claw that looks very different, way more monstrous, more aggressive, who shows next to no personality of her own. Same thing? I think so!
Another, minor example: Shin Cutie Honey, the sequel to the original manga, saw the return of the Sea Panther design that most definitely was not Marara.
That does mean, for the franchise as a whole, that we have to consider:
A) the different Panther Claw members (maybe even the grunts) as different individuals.
B) the "same" Panther Claw members in sequels not simply as the revived old ones, but as different individuals.
C) all of them human beings, first and foremost.
(Still not done ...)
I got really excited when I saw a head line for this as it sounded like it was getting a new OVA. I didn't realize Shin Cutie honey literall means New Cutie Honey.
>as it sounded like it was getting a new OVA.
Damn, sorry to hear that. Yeah, "New Cutey Honey OVA" might not be the greatest title. The Japanese don't have the same problem, as you wouldn't use ON-yomi "SHIN" to describe a OVA being new. You'd use the kun-yomi "atara(shii)" adjective instead.
And, well ... I'd love an entirely new OVA, but let's not get greedy. I'm pretty sure we'll get something in 2023 when Honey turns 50. (Still looking as young as ever.)
One last point: We've seen three different variants of a girl being transformed into a Panther Claw minion in Universe.
The first is her being willing and aware of her situation. The girls in the beginning of episode 1 were all waiting for that procedure, including the girl who became Breast Claw. This also seems to have been the case for Tarantula (who, interestingly, also was in a swimsuit, presumably coming from a comparable "waiting room").
Then we have how Fire Claw came to be in episode 3: Unwillingly and in a moment of weakness. She is less prepared for it, but seems like a good fit: An abuse victim with her mind being clouded by revenge and violence.
And, of course, the girl that Jill re-awakens from being a statue and transforms into Jumbo. Also willingly. If Nat-chan being there is anything to go by, she was a former victim of Panther Claw. Not saying that the others weren't, though. Maybe the statues and the waiting room are just different versions of "limbo".
All of them being "injected" with a rose. The 1991 manga had a more homoerotic component to it, and there it was generally more unwillingly.
That might be another thing to consider: Maybe those who are transformed unwillingly tend to lose more of their human nature than those who undergo the "waiting process".
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Opinions?
Posting some Pixiv things ...
>It is a bit strange that they gave Shin a BD release before remastering the original series. As far as i know, it's only out on DVD even in Japan.
Since it's Toei we're talking about, it's not that surprising. They still haven't released on blu much more important stuff, like Dragon Ball or Hokuto no Ken, while Devilman, Galaxy Express 999, Cyborg 009 and Saint Seiya are questionable upscales.
>Cutie Honey Universe contains uncensored episodes 1-14 of the anime
Did they make a mistake?
>Did they make a mistake?
Probably. Maybe they counted the creditless opening and ending as episodes?
I don't think they made two more full episodes just for the non-Japanese release.
Re:Cutie honey was the only good one
Well, if you think so ... who am I to doubt the sincerity of your opinion? I just hope you gave the others a fair chance.
And, hey, I love Re:CH too. Just not as much as other installments. It did have great dynamic animation. And pic related.
>angry AnimeFeminist noises
Honey/Natsuko >>>>>>>>> The princess and the dragon from Manaria Friends (forgot their names)
Honey will alwyas love Nat-chan (she even wear her ring on CHU last episode) while Manaria Friends has a graduation end. But somehow CHU is the homophobic one
>But somehow CHU is the homophobic one
I think that's because Cutie Honey is (and always was) positive to both male and female (hetero and homo) sexuality. It treats both the same, and embraces both. Danbei and Junpei's open sexuality is accepted just as much as the (very sweet and natural) romance between Nat-chan and Honey, and Honey is "objectified" by characters of both genders.
Now, of course, the people (and "review" site) you talk about are extremists, and while they are absolutely okay with a lesiban relationship and lesbian lusting on screen, if you show even one instance of valid heterosexual desire, they consider this (and thus your whole work) offensive.
It's rather disturbing, really, but that's how those minds work. Like most ideologues, they don't organize around positive claims and ideas but around the villification of a constructed (strawman/boogeyman) antithesis. Thus, they are less pro female sexuality and more against male sexuality. Ironically, just like Iron Shadow in Universe. (Another thing that hit home for them, as they recognized themselves in her and saw how dismissive the series was of their ideology.)
Tldr: You can't take their (re)views seriously. And, luckily, most people don't.
Shit tastes. Fuck off gainax baby
what was with those lesbian teachers making out?
>what was with those lesbian teachers making out?
Well, Alphone and Pochi have been "popular" comedic relief characters from the very beginning, albeit not always in a lesbian relationship with one another: Namely in the 1973 anime, where they had more of a role than in the manga or in Universe. The manga, however, had pic related - and Universe adapted that accurately, like so many other things.
As for what it means ... well, there is a kind of duplicity between the public image teachers keep up and their private lives (and not only in fiction). In a series that usually advocates for the open display of sexuality and against shaming people for it, having two "orderly" (and not very attractive, generally speaking) characters hide theirs does allude to something, don't you agree?
i just found it gross
>i just found it gross
Yes, sex or intimacy between people you find unattractive tends to cause that reaction. And the manga/anime does obviously play with that (making them as unattractive as a women can get, Alphonne having pronouncedly masculine features and Pochi being an obese dwarf).
Doesn't mean that it's unnatural, just that Nagai goes the extra mile of showing things others don't dare to show, no matter how repulsive it might be. In fact, you will rarely ever find such a thing in (repulsive sex) in mainstream media. You could try surrealist or avant-garde films for that. And whenever it's used, it tells you something about nature, society and your own relation to it.
>Another neat thing are the episode titles. Of all twelve, seven begin with "Anata" (a very general way of saying you), and all sound as if they could be part of some confession of love.
Feels bad knowing that in every anime/manga there are so many puns, references and tiny details that only jap speakers would get.
Well, if it's any consolation, I don't think there are any puns in those episode titles.
But, yeah, I also tend to miss most of these. My Japanese is pretty bad. And most puns have something to do with Kanji eye dialect, unusual readings and so on. Some things are just impossible to get when you'Re not used to them.
But as rare as it is, I'm always feeling incredibly proud whenever I do get one of the simple ones.
One of my all-time favourites is still the most obvious pun ever, and the first I ever got: From Sailor Moon's episode 159, where they repeat the same thing over and over, even with a themed MotD: Koi - as in "Love" or "Goldfish".
>Re:Cutie honey was the only one I've seen because muh Imaishi
I want Yuasa to direct more Devilman.
That's offtopic and cheap bait, user.
Anyway, if you want to talk about Yuasa/Crybaby, make one of those threads.
I wasn't meaning to bait. I just expressed my wish, since Yuasa himself confirmed he'd be willing to do more Devilman if given the opportunity:
>In closing, I asked Yuasa if he would ever do a sequel to DEVILMAN crybaby--as the original manga has several potential sequels to choose from. “If I had the chance, I would,” he quickly replied before expounding a bit. “Because there are lots of different settings and ways of telling the story, if I had the time--if I got the chance--I'd like to give it a try.”
Great for you and Yuasa. Neither of which should matter in here, don't you agree?
Threads can go offtopic as long as it's anime/manga related and there is nothing wrong with it.
>Threads can go offtopic
That doesn't mean that you can just go to a random thread to talk about Yuasa out of nowhere. What you're doing looks suspiciously like bait.
What did you hope to accomplish with your post? People stating disagreement? You have your wishes and opinions, which is fine. But you do at least invite shitposting. And no one needs that.
Well, you got me to reply. But I think I'll just ignore you henceforth.
Did universe improve in any way after ep 1?
It looked like complete garbage
How about you just watch it?
Also, are you the same guy as the Yuasa shitposter?
Well, it's been a full day. Unless someone wants to talk about something, I'll just bump the tread this one last time and leave it at that.
Pic related is the pixel/sprite thing I'm currently working on. Her original manga version.
I might or might not make the next thread earlier than usual. Or maybe an extra thread.
Because Monday, May 27th, marks the exact anniversary of episode 8. Tarantula's episode. And that's kinda a big deal for me (and her).
Maybe I'll make a thread that Monday evening, or on Tuesday. I also don't quite know yet how to do to celebrate appropriately, but I'll think of something nice.
Thanks for the company in here! See you soon!
He also said in the same interview that he would like to work on Cutie Honey (and Mazinger), so you don't have to worry about off-topic.
>He also said in the same interview that he would like to work on Cutie Honey (and Mazinger)
He'll never get to do that though. So you don't have to worry about bringing it up here. Just make a Yuasa thread.
Well, I hope he does. And I'm not that user, by the way.
>I hope he does.
And I hope he doesn't. What now? Was that your fabulous idea of a discussion? Don't you get it? You're not even making an actual point. You just state what you wish for, hoping to get some shitposting going. That's all there is to it.
But be my guest. If you keep the thread alive that may get some more people interested in Nagai's works and the two BluRay releases of series that this thread is actually about.
I don't really understand what your problem is. A director has stated that he would like to work on the IP, and both me and the other guy like the idea. I don't care if you don't want to discuss it, you're not the only person in the thread.
Go on and actually "discuss" it then. So far, your only point has been "I like that idea". That's not an argument. We can't discuss anything on that basis. At least explain why you like that idea.
Of course, I could explain why Yuasa would most probably be a horrible choice for any further Nagai adaptation after he's butchered Devilman this severely. But it's not me who wants to talk about that, especially because Yuasafags never once take any criticms seriously, just dismiss it and then state their opinions as undeniable facts.
And the worst of it all: They often tend to insult Nagai. Do you really wonder why I'd rather not see this thread go in that direction?
But, please, if you want to have a serious debate about Yuasa as a director for Nagai's franchises, feel free to make your point. And by that I mean some factual argument that can be disputed, not some private opinion of yours that I can just accept as your opinion.
Because, you see, we have already exchanged opinions to no avail.
This is why nobody comes in your threads.
So, do you want to discuss or not?
Because you still appear to be shitposting right now.
My only other post was >henceforth
No-one is obliged to justify liking or wanting something to you and nobody wants to be accused of being one "shitposter" because you have difficulties with anonymous imageboards.
>No-one is obliged to justify liking or wanting something
The problem is that Yuasashitters are kinda well known for coming to unrelated Nagai threads, post one line about how great Yuasa supposedly is and then watch all hell break lose. Especially because most Nagai fans don't like Yuasa.
Look at the Cutie Honey thread on /m/ if you want to see how some shitposter can ruin a cozy thread. Or look at every single Crybaby thread on Yea Forums. It's always the same, once you try to actually debate them, they begin throwing around ad hominems and insulting Nagai.
Anyway, seems that me merely calling that bait out as what it was caused exactly what that troll wanted, partially becuase people like you carry on his torch.
>"I want Yuasa to direct more Devilman."
>one reply and it's you
Wow, truly apocalyptic.
Yes, one reply calling it out for what it is. The rest is you trying to defend that shit.
Had he sad "I want Yuasa to direct a Cutie Honey", that would have been somehat on topic and I might simply have asked "Why?". But as he obviously had no interest in contributing to the thread, I made dismissive comment. And you got butthurt over that.
Well, i guess HENCEFORTH I should ignore your posts as well.
Yep, this post isn't inflammatory at all, while was clearly a declaration of war
intended to drown the thread in shitposting.
Let me make it clear to you: someone can post an interview related to the topic of the thread without you screeching "Shitposter!", and as the other guy said nobody has to justify anything to you, especially if he doesn't feel like discussing with an unpleasant jackass. You don't get to decide that only things you like can get posted in a thread, you don't get to decide anything anyone posts at all.
You kept trying to dismiss it as off-topic even when it was clarified to be about Cutie Honey too , so don't even try to backpedal.
>The rest is you
>you got butthurt
Well you've been replying to as well but oh yeah everyone is one guy.
Dunno just my hunch but maybe CH threads suck because you can't let a single post fly.
Before me no-one called you anything but you've already used "yuasafags", "yuasashitters" and "yuasa shitposter" and you're accusing everyone else of being hostile and using ad hominems.
>even when it was clarified to be about Cutie Honey too
The statement "I want Yuasa to direct more Devilman" is never related to Cutie Honey, even when Yuasa mentioned Cutie Honey in some interview. That's what I called out as offtopic and very probable bait.
The next post, the guy claimed that he wasn't shitposting. So far, so good. But as soon as I mentioned that that's still offtopic, he came back with this gem of a shitpost:
>Threads can go offtopic as long as it's anime/manga related
Clarifying that it was indeed his intention to make an entirely offtopic post in here.
Then, much later on, someone else decided to pick that whole shit up again and tried to justify it by mentioning that that interview contains some reference to Cutie Honey, which still doesn't make anything of it on topic.
And then you picked it up and began hurling insults at me for suggesting that people actually post more than their opinions. And somehow you paint me as the aggressor, just because I'd rather have kept Yuasa out of this thread despite up to possibly three people's best efforts to drag him into it?
But, like I said, I better ignore you from now on.
Maybe bump with some more fanart to end this on a brighter note.
>maybe CH threads suck
Or maybe they don't. Compare them to Devilman Crybaby threads. This little dispute we're having in here is nothing against what's going on over there. Just keep Yuasa (who has nothing at all to do with Cutie Honey besides mentioning it once in an interview) out of Cutie Honey threads and they don't "suck" at all.
Very little ITT is actually related to Yuasa and most to your kneejerk reaction. Hell you're actually asking for in-depth Yuasa discussion.
>But, please, if you want to have a serious debate about Yuasa as a director for Nagai's franchises, feel free to make your point.
You identified a "bait" yet replied to it while 0 other posters cared and still haven't. That's all on you.
>is never related to Cutie Honey, even when Yuasa mentioned Cutie Honey in some interview
Yeah, the interview where he mentions that he'd like to work on Cutie Honey is on topic, no matter how hard you screech and cry about it because you don't like it. I don't want to reiterate what I already said, but you don't get to decide what get posted, the thread isn't yours. If you don't like that, move to another website, that's not how things work here.
>You identified a "bait" yet replied to it while 0 other posters cared and still haven't.
Yes, so what? I replied, then let it go. after a quiock back-and-forth.
I wasn't the one who brought it up multiple times. And, no, what I invited a discussion on was the latter suggestion of Yuasa adapting other Nagai things like Cutie Honey. That COULD in theory be interesting, if someone who actually wants that to happen argues for why that is and what Yuasa would bring to the table. That COULD have been an interesting discussion, but instead someone chose to attack me.
Listen, let's just assume this same thing happened somewhere else. Let's imagine that someone wanted Imaishi to direct a second Franxx anime, and instead of making a thread about that he just went to a, say, Evangelion thread and posted it there. Would you not call that offtopic and possible bait? Would it be wrong to call it out?
Because that's what you criticise me for doing. Bait has always been called out, and if the poster didn't intend it as such, then it still looked very much like it.
>the interview where he mentions that he'd like to work on Cutie Honey is on topic
That interview was not even mentioned in the initial post. When it was mentioned, the poster still didn't make his post about Cutie Honey. You're inflating it with something that came later, to which I responded by inviting a discussion about it. Something I'm now receiving shit for. Funny how that works, right?
I imagine an Evangelion thread would say "fuck off Trigger nigger >implying any Gainax offshoot is good" or ignore it because they're organic threads and generally on Yea Forums nobody thinks they need to host a comfy thread or whatever you're doing.
>That COULD have been an interesting discussion, but instead someone chose to attack me.
After being called a shitposter and told to fuck off multiple times. Again, nobody has an obligation to discuss with someone who is being unpleasant and trying to police what people post.
>Listen, let's just assume this same thing happened somewhere else. Let's imagine that someone wanted Imaishi to direct a second Franxx anime, and instead of making a thread about that he just went to a, say, Evangelion thread and posted it there.
Awful, nonsensical analogy. Imaishi didn't direct FranXX in the first place and FranXX and Evangelion are not originally by the same creators. Is this intentional dishonesty or is the post just stupid?
Let me make an appropriate one: in an One Punch Man thread, somone posts an interview to Yuzuru Tachikawa (director of Mob Psycho, another manga by ONE) wanting to direct the third season of OPM. Absolutely nobody would complain, as Mob Psycho, being another manga by the same author, is often mentioned there in the first place.
>When it was mentioned, the poster still didn't make his post about Cutie Honey.
Yuasa saying that he would like to work on a Cutie Honey anime IS about Cutie Honey, no matter how you want to spin it >You're inflating it with something that came later, to which I responded by inviting a discussion about it.
Everyone can see what you said, and it wasn't "inviting a discussion"
>I imagine an Evangelion thread would say "fuck off Trigger nigger >implying any Gainax offshoot is good"
Yes, like I called this "Yuasa" post in here bait and the poster a Yuasashitter. However, some people in here think that's overly aggresive.
>generally on Yea Forums nobody thinks they need to host a comfy thread or whatever you're doing.
I'm not trying "to host a comfy thread". But Nagai threads tend to be, by their nature, comfy, because they attract a niche audience. Just like Yotsuba threads are organically comfy, excluding a few trolls.
Anyway, can we please drop this shit now? I'd even apologise for my "behaviour" if it helps, even though the original poster (shitposter or not) probably isn't in here anymore and everyone else is feeling offended on his behalf. Or just has fun attacking me for caring about thread quality.
>Yuasa saying that he would like to work on a Cutie Honey anime IS about Cutie Honey
Which was neither the point of this post ( ) not this one ( ) nor this one ( ) .
It was the point of this post ( ), which I at first assumed was from the same guy, but apparently, as it turns out, wasn't. And I didn't call that post a "shitpost" anywhere. But that doesn't suit your narrative, does it.
Why do I even have to defend myself for calling anyone a shitposter? That's not unusual lingo on this board and a usual reaction to what one considers (rightly or wrongly) offtopic remarks.
You're just making a big drama out of nothing.
Yeah congrats you've identified that it's not what you do but your policing, demanding way you do it. Ignore "baits" one thread just to see what happens.
>Ignore "baits" one thread just to see what happens.
Yeah, I tried after reacting to it once ("Yuasa" is a triggerword in Nagai threads, sorry).
Again, I wasn't the one bringing it up twice more. And I've suggested we drop this a long time ago. As we do seem to agree that this escalation leads us nowhere, how about we both shut up about it now?
>But that doesn't suit your narrative
There is no narrative, just facts. That post being made by another person doesn't change the fact that it's about Cutie Honey, and that despite that you answered:
>He'll never get to do that though. So you don't have to worry about bringing it up here. Just make a Yuasa thread.
Because you don't like Yuasa and don't want him mentioned in "your" thread.
>You're just making a big drama out of nothing.
There wouldn't be any drama at all if it wasn't for you telling off people who post things you don't like pretending that you own the place.
Anyway, I have other things to do, have fun in your echo chamber.
No you didn't. You haven't ignored a single post.
Well, let's try some fanart again.
Any Jill fans here?
No? Have the Jill-only version anyway.
Okay, last bump. Seriously, this time. See you.
have a free bump
Hey, thanks. I do hope the thread was up long enough for everyone who's interested in the BluRay release to see it. And maybe it attracted some new viewers to the franchise.
One and a half days of uptime (and I wasn't around for some portion of that) are a lot for a series that's a year old (or up to 45 for the older adaptations) and had next to no intrinsic shitposting potential.