I want to pound this short stack like a taiko drum
I want to pound this short stack like a taiko drum
first I bang my drums, then I bang her mum
Isn't she the SUGOI DEKAI girl?
I like her singing
I haven't kept up with Uzaki for a little while, have we had any more mom chapters?
There hasn't been a new chapter in a while.
Oh, seriously? How come
There has been new chapters. It just hasn't been translated yet.
Is there any way to read the raws
When will she play Metal Gear Rising for fucks sake?
what's going on here
There isn't, Japanese is incomprehensible.
I'm pretty sure this one says
" [I came her to have sex with you]. That is what he said. I wanted to ask him why he would say such absurd things, but despite my thoughts, I let him in to my home anyway "
I wish I knew. Niconico manga doesn't have all the chapters.
Also here's JK Uzaki from the latest chapter.
Forgot pic
loud boob girl, epic
why not?
cute and round
The translator group had a falling out.
I don't know or care about the details.
But I say someone should find raws and post em here so we can do it ourselves.
Hell, I could do it if you all don't mind it being barely a tier above Google Translate.
Go for it man, poorly translated is better than never translated
>poorly translated is better than never translated
If you saw chapters 43 and 44 of Jashin-chan Dropkick before some kind soul came and fixed it you'd never say something so stupid again
Only when it's so shit it makes someone go "I'll fucking do it, just please stop", otherwise it's usually worse.
Boy with tits.
I can knock out translations for 29 and 30 after I've gotten a few hours of sleep. But 27 and 28 aren't up on Nico. So if somebody posts those, I'll work on them too.
If this thread isn't still up by then, I'll start a new one for the translations. Too bad the Nico raws have shit resolution though.
easier for me to decipher broken english than to learn a whole new fucking language.
Great, thank you very much! Looking forward to it
Our best bet for 27 and 28 is just to wait for the volume release
I love this.
Why this cat is eating a dick
Yes there have been. They're just not getting translated.
god fucking fuck dammit fuck
I saved chapter 28's raws, but I fear 27 may be lost to the abyss.
>mom is a hotter version of the daughter
every time
Every single time.
Where our user can find single mother for comfy relationship?
Why is she so thirsty?
Senpai canonicaly has a huge cock.
>another great manga Scanlation dropped by faggot drama
Why is almost everyone in the scanlation sector a complete pussy? Holy shit is it so hard to not give a fuck about what other people think.
What exactly happened?
There are no words to describe the lust this woman invokes in me
That fucking cat.
I'm serious. I need you guys to understand the lengths at which I'd go to pleasure this woman
>good looking
Even me, heterosexual, would suck his dick
Imagine fucking her while uzaki watches and teases you for your sexual performance making you start getting increasingly rough with her mom
Is such a game even worth playing without a matching peripheral?
He's litterly /fit/ incarnate except he's like swimmers build which is still muscular for Japan
>The teasing begins to die down as the moans only get louder
That's her future, she just needs to age a bit more.
The best
i dont understand why people like this character. she is very plain. Uzaki is much better.
She's a milf so she has a passive bonus to charisma.
Can you imagine having a body as erotic as that with no one around to use it?
Poor thing is probably trying to relieve her frustrations every night, but it clearly isn't working. Imagine her desperately thrusting against her bedroom pillows or favorite toy at night, craving that sweet release that can only come from being pinned and fucked someone twice your size
We still don't haven't seen her husband, but she does wear a wedding ring.
When are we getting more chapters? I want more senpai and uzaki shenanigans.
The best kind of boy.
She's shorter, bustier, AND intimidated by a muscular handsome young man because of her sexual frustration.
As stacked as ever, I see.
Some user here may translate what we have available. There was a highschool chapter, but aside from that, nothing much has happened. Although that's kind of par for the course with this series.
Dump the raws and I'll translate.
Welp, that was one page.
I'll start with 28.
I like how Senpai mentions that he couldn't see the fireworks the last time they went to see them.
I want to make this shortstack and her mother my cockslaves. I will pump them full of spunk while they moan and spasm in pleasure!
wtf i love uzaki now
She sounds like Minori from Senran Kagura.
She's voiced by pic related
And that's chapter 28. Gonna wait until this is translated to dump the next one.
They're both dumb shortstacks that love to asobu so it makes sense.
>Satania voices dekais
>Kumiko voices Nagatoro
Who's next?
What was 27 about? Highschool?
No, I just gave it a quick look since I wanted to read it translated and I couldn't figure out what it was about. They were in senpai's apartment and there was a big plushy and Hana wore a dilophosaurus mask. That's all I remember
>What?! So you guys haven't done anything but work aside from going to the beach?
>I mean, we haven't been working the WHOLE time.
>I went to Senpai's house
>We played video games
>Did some hardcore cleaning
>And played some video games
>(note above head)Hardcore cleaning...?
>I wouldn't have expected some former members of the sports club to stay indoors so much...
>I mean, it's so hot outside.
>If it's cool at night, we'll go to a convenience store or something.
>Are you guys vampires or something?
>You're young, yet you're being as unhealthy as possible.
>In more ways than one.
>Alright, then how about we play indoors?
Thanks for the quick summary. Hope someone still has it.
>The coupon can be used for up to four people. We can even go tomorrow if you want.
>Oh, I see! We can play indoors, and it seems like something college students would do.
>Ah, no, that's not gonna fly!
>You see, Senpai's bowling skills are complete ass!
>Oh man, it's hilarious how he chucks the ball with all his strength.
>There's no way he could succeed at a game that requires precision.
>Well, I guess precision isn't his strong suit, so it's not his fault.
>But I guess we'll go, right?
>Yeah, sure.
>The next day
>Wow, it's been a while since we've been bowling.
>The last time must've been around this time last year.
>(note to lower right)Ami-san is working right now (speech bubble)SorryJust the two of you that time?
>You should get excited about getting to see Senpai's weird way of playing, Sakaki-san.
>It'll make you laugh, I swear.
>Are you really THAT bad?
>Just let her talk.
>Sorry to keep you waiting. Please go to lane 12 on the upper floor.
Go to your local combini and buy them
>Wanna make a bet? Like make the person who gets last do any one thing we tell them to?
>I'll pass. If you two wanna do that, go for it.
>Lane 12, lane 12.
>Here it is.
>I call dibs on bowling first!
>Don't get salty if you lose, Senpai. I wonder what I'll make you do when I win?
>Yeah yeah, keep talking.
>You're looking awfully calm today, Saku.
>Trying to bait me like that is all part of her strategy. That's the only strategy she has, really.
Standing on the edge of the titties
Like the doujins once said
And the asses are all plump now
Watch them jiggle at the foot of my bed
Whispers in my ear tell the tales
Of what is to come
Violation, desecration
What I mess I made inside your mom
Ankles behind her head while we practice
Each and every sin
Dominate her with this cock
Now leg locked for ejaculation
I’m gonna come inside
In an oyakadon
Deep inside
The mother and child
>I see, so this is a match between...
>Whether or not Uzaki can rattle Saku and whether or not he can stay composed.
>Is this how you guys usually play? You start with the mindgames right off the bat...?
>I know, right?
>I think I've been growing numb to it lately...
>But anyway, if I panic, I'll play right into her hands.
>So I just have to keep calm...
>You... Damn it, Uzaki!!
>(Sign, from top to bottom)Hana, Thug, Hottie
>I guess the battle's already started...
Christ even the random attendant is stacked, I love it
Thanks for translating these pages user
Thanks user
I wanna bang her womb like a drum.
>Agh!! I missed two of them!!
>That's not unusual. What happened to all your confidence?
>Our skill levels really aren't that different.
>C'mon, you're up next, Senpai!! Keep it moving!
>(above head)Shut up!!
>Alright already.
>Senpai, you may be hitting 'em with ease right now, but no matter how much you try to act calm, it can all come undone in an instant.
>Oh, a strike.
>(next to Sakaki)I'm next.
>I'm not trying to act calm, you see.
>And I've even practiced a bit since then, but I didn't really improve.
>What you're seeing now is...
>Me putting all the rage from your constant baiting into the ball whenever I throw!!
>Wow, that's so uncool...!!
>So it seems like he's been carrying a chip on his shoulder since last time... What do I do; the more I piss him off, the better he gets.
>Oh... Oh no, Senpai...
>You're so friendless that you had to practice all by yourself...?!
>(above head)How pitiful...!
>Shut the hell up!! Leave that part alone!!
>Why are you baiting him even more? He's gonna throw the second one with all his strength too!
>It's Frame 2.
>Senpai, fight!!
>(Above head)Smirk...
>All right...
>All I did was cheer him on...
>Th... that's dirty...!
>It's fine.
>If Senpai's coming at me with power, I just need to use methods that erase his advantage.
>Please don't say that with such a glowing expression.
>From that point, as if it were only natural, Uzaki, master of the unfair, continued her interference.
>And the impetuous Sakurai dealt with it.
>The result of this dirty fight was...
>The winner is Sakurai.
>That battle sucked...
>Maybe you should've focused on your own play instead of trickery, Uzaki...
>It's fine, Itsuhito. I've gotten used to it.
>You guys live some messed up lives, man.
>All right...
>I believe the loser had to do any one thing the winner asked, right?
>I didn't say "any" thing!
>What are you gonna do, Saku? Are you gonna ask for something lewd?
>No, I won't.
>That's where I'm drawing the line.
>C'mon, you're such a pussy.
>Wanna play one more game?
>Oh, all right.
>C'mon, you're such a pussy.
>C'mon, you're such a pussy.
I like his friend.
What's the top left panel?
>If I win the next one, I get to make the demand.
>You moron, how are you gonna win if your only tactic is messing with me?
>Why are you guys so competitive when it comes to each other? Just make the bet and be done with it.
>Well... I can't just let this end after losing... And I live for the chance to knock Senpai off his high horse...
>Uzaki's the one person I can't stand to lose against.
>O-okay... You guys do what you need to.
>In front of him lies a zone where there is no room for anybody but Uzaki and Sakurai.
>Yet the only thoughts that alternated through Sakaki's head were "Why can't they play normally?" and "Just ask her for something lewd, man."
>Just ask her for something lewd, man.
Gonna grab some food now.
>>Just ask her for something lewd, man.
Wew, I seriously hope Senpai and Hana-chan end up together well before the series ends
Orchesc/a/ns here, thanks for the TLs. Our TLer has been too lazy.
Will be cleaned and typeset as soon as our typesetter and cleaner actually take care of it.
>So basically, Saku's developed his natural tendency to throw with all his might.
>If he hits the pins hard enough and gets them to hit each other, he'd be able to knock 'em all down. There's some luck involved, though.
Look at this fucking brat
Do you guys have 27? No one else seems to
I do, actually. I can dump it if I need to for TLs.
Cleans for this one are done, at least.
>Put the mask on
>Now grunt
God I wish I was senpai
user delivers
big thanks all around
>random big chested cute megane
I want more of her
Nigga you gay
Almost every woman in that world has big tits user
The one doujin she has does not do enough to emphasize how small she is compared to him
Oh yeah, the title's "Bowling with Senpai"
>Senpai, are you going to be at home today? Can I come over right now?
>...Fine, I guess.
>Then I'm coming over, okay?
>Sakurai Shinichi was depressed.
>Having Uzaki come over every day's become a habit now.
>Whatever, that's fine. I give up.
>At least she's making an appointment now; that's a big improvement.
>The reason for that was...
>Sidebar: Before he realized it, Senpai's house has become one of Uzaki-chan's hangouts?
>When he surveyed his room, his heart grew heavier.
>Why does she keep leaving her stuff here...?
>Chapter 27: Kouhai and Senpai's Room
>It all piled up before I realized it. There's so much stuff...
>Note: Gathered it up for now
>She always brings something when she comes over...
>Why has one corner of my room turned into HER space?
>How many charging cables are over here? I need to have some words with her about this.
>*ding dong* *ding dong*
>That damn girl's finally here.
He really cannot take the hint, can he ?
>I'm coming in!
>Senpai, I went out and bought an extra-large bead cushion today! Look at it! It's a tree frog!!
>It's too goddamn big!!
>Senpai, what the hell's wrong with you?
>Shut up! Sit over there!
>SFX: Waaaaah
>Shortly afterward.
>All right, Uzaki.
>We need to have a talk today.
>Are you confessing your love for me?
>(above head)My, what should I do?
>N-no, wrong! That's not it!
>What do you think of this room?
>What, are we playing "spot the ghost?"
>Don't worry, Senpai, any ghosts behind you are just passing through.
>That's not what I'm talking about! And quit talking about me like that!
>You never take your stuff home with you, so the floor space in my room is starting to shrink! You need to take some of it home with you starting today, even if it's just a little bit!
I'm pretty disappointed that I don't have a live-in Uzaki to call my own.
Uzaki is such a bully
Thanks for the TLs, friend.
>I was planning to tell you that, then you go and bring this humongous thing in with you! I swear that cushion's even bigger than you are!
>(above head)Cute!
>But isn't this thing great, Senpai? It's a tree frog!
>I don't give a shit!
>It even comes with a baby frog!
>It may be cute, but still!
>Anyway, Senpai, hear me out. We're always sitting on the floor playing video games for hours, right? My butt always hurts afterward; how about you?
>Isn't it the owner of the house's responsibility to provide a comfortable environment for his guests?
>Or are you planning to take responsibility for leaving me with a stiff butt, Senpai?
>You've got some real nerve...
Sugoi Dekai brings in something sugoi dekai and Senpai has the nerve to complain.
>Thus I plead my innocence for bringing this cushion in. You can even use it when I'm not here, Senpai.
>(above head)Please? Please?
>Yet you're the one who's always bringing stuff in here.
>All right. I guess the cushion can be used to sit on, so it's fine.
>But you'd better bring it home with you.
>The real problem is over there. All of that is stuff you've brought in.
>Wow. It's really piled up, huh?
>Quit acting like it's someone else's problem!
>You're going to sort out all of the stuff to throw away. I'm not going to let you play until it's done.
>Whaaaat? That's such a pain.
>My room's going to feel cramped until you do that, all right?!!
I want to massage her stiff butt
>why does she keep leaving her stuff here?
>why does she sleep here every night?
>why does she keep having sex with me?
That definitely sounds like the thoughts of a post-marriage Senpai.
>those lips
>Quit complaining and start sorting.
>We'll put anything that's trash into this garbage bag. If there's something you need, bring it home with you.
>How about this?
>Don't need it.
>Note: Bags of various sizes that were saved up
>How about this?
>Don't need it.
>Note: Empty gacha capsules
>How about this?
>Don't need it.
>Note: A DVD for a boring D-grade movie
>I knew it; it's a bunch of crap you don't need!! Quit bringing it to my house and just throw it away!!
>Oh man, hahaha. You know those times when you have trouble deciding?
>Also, there's something that's really been bothering me.
>What the hell is this?
>(next to face)A lizard mask?
>Ah, that's something a friend of mine in the design school gave me because they didn't need it.
>Well, if they didn't need it, I'm throwing it away.
>Agh! Wait! Just a second!
>Look, there's some cool stuff inside.
>See, there's a valve you can use to inflate it right here.
>Note: Peep holes
>You put it on,
>Then blow.
Why do I find that mask cute?
That's fucking awesome.
Because you're a scalie.
Oh my god that face she is making is lewd as hell.
>Garbage, right?
>What's with you? Isn't that fun? It'll be hilarious at halloween!
>I don't care.
>Plus, you clearly didn't need it because you left it here!
>That's true.
>See, you're not attached to it! You definitely don't need it!
>I feel like I don't need it anymore now that I've shown it to you.
>Are you kidding me?!
>They spent another hour fighting and getting distracted...
Poor Senpai, born without a sense of humor.
Lizard mask didn't deserve this.
Plot Twist: She gets fucked so fucking good by her husband that every time he isn't fucking her is pure agony and sexual frustration for her
I need to find this doujin in the name of academic research
>The room finally feels clean. It's back to the same size it was before.
>So tired.
>First of all, the only reason we had so much to do was because you keep bringing stuff in.
>Ah... this is going to lead to...
>Why the hell do I have to clean up the stuff YOU brought in?
>You must've had to buy several smartphone cables; can't you think about this on a more fundamental level?
>I knew it. Another lecture...
>Hey, are you listening to me?
>Ueeeh... I'm sorry. Are we done?
>What do you mean, "Are we done"?
>Hm...? What's that bag behind you?
>I hope you didn't bring something else in here. You've gotta be kidding. We just got done cleaning...
>Ah, that's not it; it's actually...
>These are...
>Well, hahaha... I thought I'd make food since I haven't done that in a while.
Uzaki is so fucking annoying and ugly. It's like Aho Girl except the story thinks she's cute.
Nigger best watch your words.
oh god it's even crying
>Ah... Well... I mean... If I'd known, I wouldn't have snapped at you...
>Meat or fish?
>Which main course do you want?
>Sorry... Also, this is really good...
>I like how you can sincerely apologize at times like these.
>It's kind of charming, actually...
>The room is clean, and ugly feelings have been eased, but he has yet to realize that Uzaki has a firm hold over his stomach.
>Sidebar: Senpai, you're so easy!
Ban this man.
I want and Uzaki, I deserve it.
I'll just have to bully her back.
First his stomach, and then his dick and then finally his heart
Thanks for the translation.
>Busty women in workout clothes
made for breeding
This series might as well be called "The Chad Senpai vs. The Virgin Sugoi Dekai"
Her daughter has a hawt bf and her husband is on yet another long business trip.
So who wants to place bets that she's using the "Too scary to make friends" thing as an excuse to watch him workout?
She's not sweating because of the workout, that's for sure.
looks like a boy with tits
and what is this from?
Every thread
Just search for this series on any site, its the most recent one
Took me 30 seconds
Sugoi. Checked.
Dear God, I wonder if she still lactates
>Today I'm going bouldering for the first time with Senpai.
>Hey, Senpai, look at the wall.
>Ohhh... Impressive... It's the one I've seen in the news.
>Chapter 29: Bouldering with Senpai
>It's the first time I've done this sport, so I'm getting excited.
>Come to think of it, why did you choose bouldering?
>It's not every day that you're the one making the suggestions, Senpai.
>Hmmm. I was looking to get the same fun vibe I got from swimming in the ocean or bowling.
>Sidebar: Will it be the next physical competition after bowling?
>I guess I wanted to get some physical activity the next time we played.
>I'm not very good at sports that involve a ball...
>I see.
>When it comes to casual sports that you can quickly pick up, you'd usually think of ball sports. But with bouldering, you can take advantage of your strength.
>I mean, you're strong, but you're clumsy.
>Did you have to word it like that?
>Okay, let's start you two on the familiarization course.
>We're looking forward to it.
I wonder if this manga is secretly set in the Tawawaverse.
>Bouldering is a sport where you climb a wall using handholds that have been nailed into it, but...
>KEEP IN MIND that you can't climb the wall any way you like.
>There are different courses according to difficulty.
>There are pieces of colored tape next to every handhold; you musn't use handholds of a different color.
>I didn't know that.
>So you have to do a little thinking while you climb.
>That's right!
>You have to plan your route just as well as an advanced climber before you climb!
>This is very important!
>So I guess I can't just power through, huh.
>The general rule is to go from the tape marked (S)tart to the one marked (G)oal.
>Well, I'm sure it must be boring, listening to me give instructions, so let's try climbing. There is a mat placed on the floor, but please use caution while climbing.
>The starting positions of your hands and feet are already marked.
>Please begin climbing from the start, making sure to grab handholds of the same colored tape.
>Very good!
The Tawawa author likes Uzaki and Take likes Tawawas, so maybe they'll start making an oppai manga universe.
>Well done!
>How was it?!
>It was fun!
>It.. *cough* It was really tough!!
>Complete opposites.
>From the route you climb, the order in which you move your hands and feet, to the handhold you use... Not only do you use all your strength, but it's also an intellectual sport as well.
>(above head)Yes, yes.
>I didn't have the energy... to think...
>The stamina of your muscles... approach their limits before you even know it...
>It was just way too much...
>(above head)Yes, yes.
>This sport is awful, don't you think...?
>Really? I think I'm starting to enjoy myself.
>I'm sure you are. You look so jolly it's starting to make me mad...
>I knew it; you're a little bit out of shape.
>Yeah, well you're the weird one for enjoying something this tough. How can you be so chipper right now?
>Oh? Are you being salty because you can't lord something over me? I do train in my spare time, you know.
>Whaaaat?! I am NOT being salty! So you pointlessly train your muscles; congratulations!!
Uzaki a flab.
>Oh! Looks like you're full of energy again!
>Let's try raising the difficulty a little this time!
>(above head)What?
>The rules are the same as before, but we're climbing a taller wall this time!
>That's tall!
>What's the height?
>About 8 meters.
>If you fell... You'd be in trouble...
>You're breathing so hard; are you okay?
>That's right! And because of that, you'll be wearing a lifeline while climbing this wall! This is what we call "rope climbing".
>Well, I'll start.
>You should catch your breath first.
Big tiddys
Big tiddys everywhere
you forgot
>a wicked sense of humor
>I see. It's higher, and therefore tougher...
>It's a lot tougher...!
>Oh man, I'm starting to have even more fun!
>Huh? Where's the foothold?
>In fact, I can't see one below me?
>Senpai... You were supposed to use the other foot first...
>I'll give you instructions, so feel free to rest! If you move your right foot first, it'll be a lot easier!
>Where is it?!
>It's right above your right knee!
>I don't get it! Where is it?!
>He's holding himself up with just his arms! Is he really a beginner?
>He looks like an insect of some kind.
>Shortly afterward, Sakurai made it to the goal normally.
If she doesn't you just have to suck on her nips enough till they do again.
>That was pretty fun.
>Why do you look almost as if you didn't break a sweat? You really are a musclehead through and through, Senpai.
>Have you recovered yet, Uzaki?
>Maybe you should just sit this one out.
>Guh... He's enjoying himself so much that he doesn't even notice my resentment.
>Huhhhh?!! I can definitely go! I'll show you!
>No, c'mon. You look rough.
>What are you getting so pissed off about?
>Seriously, stop. It's about twice as tall as the last one.
>Immagonext!! (I'm going next!!)
>Oh boy...
>Two minutes later, at the 4 meter mark.
>Uzaki is at a dead stop.
>I can't go any further...
>You look like a coccoon.
>I'm just going to stay here... I can't go up or down, so I'll be stuck here fovever...
>Quit pouting like that.
>I'm going to lower you with the rope, so just relax. You're going to be fine.
>That may have been a bit too much. Please rest a bit and call me over when you're ready again.
>I'm thinking she's done for the day.
>You still have some time left in the familiarization course, so what do you want to do? The plan was to let you freely use the course for the remaining time...
>Hmm. Uzaki looks beat, so maybe we'll call it a day?
>I don't mind if you go alone, Senpai.
>I won't be able to move for a while, so I'll just watch you.
>You're having fun, right?
>It's the first time in a while you've been able to move around with so much energy.
>But I never thought you'd pick a sport where you had a clear advantage. I fell into a cruel and heartless trap, so I'll give up this time.
>And if you felt bad at all, you'd buy me dinner tonight.
>You little...
>Seeing you like that reminds me of high school.
>Sidebar: Sometimes she wants to silently watch over him.
Unbelievably based, my friend.
Last raw
Love you both.
Thanks for the good work user
wew but I must say she looks weird with longer hair.
looks like the scandalators are gonna have a lot of work to do
Nigga looking absolutely menacing here
Senpai really is an autistic chad
So I'm assuming that Hana has a thing for scary faces
It made me smile if just a a little, 6/10.
With your penis?
I'm convinced at this point that being turned on by fear runs in her family
predator fetish is very good user.
>she watches fear factor to get herself off.
Ok, this was just at test I sorta felt like doing after seeing the thread.
What do you think? I won't make any promises on possibly doing the rest, but I do find typesetting fun.
Good enough.
This series has a lot of text per page huh?
WOW pls do it user.
>Three new chapters in this thread
Wew. Thanks for the translation.
I'm liking it, so i'll probably do this chapter. it's kinda late here, so I probably wont be able to do the others now if I do feel like finishing it up though.
please do more!
>"The incident" occurred suddenly.
>SFX: Pop
>Chapter 30: Senpai and a Story From Back Then
>What's wrong?!
>Uh oh. Looks like his back suddenly gave out.
>It's been a while since the last time.
>W... We're temporarily closed today...
>I'm closing the shop and going to the chiropractor...
>It's decided...
>Yeah... we don't really have a choice, do we?
>Sidebar: The kind of pain known only by those who have experienced it.
Glasses attendant is cute.
That poor girl's got her daddy's sanpaku eyes, doesn't she?
>Who's got a driver's license?
>Okay, then could you drive my dad over to the chiropractor? Hana and I will close up shop.
>Got it.
>(On phone)Hello?
>I made an appointment over the phone, so they'll be able to start the procedure immediately.
>Lean on my shoulder, Master.
>Oh it hurts... Sorry...
>Sorry to do this to both of you, but I'm counting on you...
>It's fine, you can count on us.
>Take care of yourself.
>If you'd like, I can sub in as manager today.
>(over head)*Grin*
>I feel as though you'd take over the shop by the time I got back, so please just close up.
TS kinda sucks to be honest. Look up how to hyphenate words.
When they finally kiss the payoff is going to be amazing. I fucking love this series
It definitely looks like a slow creep up to that point. Unless something big happens, I don't see a kiss/confession chapter coming any time soon.
>I've finished cleaning the inside of the shop.
>Alright, thanks for the help.
>It feels so weird to close up shop while it's still light outside.
>Mind if I hang around until you've closed the register, Ami-san?
>Go ahead.
>You can drink as much coffee as you'd like too.
>Sweet! I'll have some.
>Will you take over the shop eventually?
>Note: She changed clothes.
>It's not a sure thing, but I'd like to take over.
>Or, I'll make him let me take over?
>Why'd you have to rephrase it in such an ominous way?
I mean the aharen san manga had a ton of progress really fast. You never know.
Hope this author doesnt try to draw it out too much. He seems pretty based so I have faith in him
yeah, i'm not particularly great or anything, I just kinda do it casually.
I'll keep that one in mind though.
>Well, it doesn't need to be so soon after I graduate.
>I still don't know enough to run my own store. So maybe I'll start by getting my license.
>I'm glad Sakurai-kun was around today.
>He's always been overly helpful, despite having no social skills. Use him as much as you'd like.
>You shouldn't treat him like a thing...
>He's "always" been like that, huh...?
>What was your relationship like back in high school?
>All I've heard is that you were "in the swim club together."
>Were you guys always hanging out (ruby text: flirting) like you do now?
>We didn't really start hanging out until college.
>We basically only interacted during club activities.
>So when you first met him, was it in your club too?
>Uhhh, I'm pretty sure...
>The swim club?
>I'm not all that good at swimming, though.
>Uzaki Hana: 15 years old, 1st year
JK Uzaki is cute!
This one had some text at the bottom left, to the left of her, but I didn't see a translation for it, so I just removed it. If user could check what it says real quick I'll add it in.
So which of the two boys did Hana name as Thug and Hottie? I'm guessing Senpai would be "Thug"?
>No, you should become the manager.
>(Next to Uzaki)Huh?
>Besides, you're in the Go Home Club right, Hana? Wanna do it together?
>There's a hot 3rd year there who went to my middle school. Please, I'm not brave enough to do this alone!
>And what if that 3rd year isn't in the club anymore...?
>You're so pushy...
>All right. Starting today, we've got two 1st year girls as managers. Look after them, okay?
I think I've read this doujin before.
Yeah, it sounds like I should've read that doujin already.
>Settle down. You're embarrassing yourselves.
>As you can see, we've got a pretty big family here so it'll be tough, but please do your best.
>Okay, now I'll leave it to our 3rd year manager. Please teach them the ropes.
>All right, it's warm-up time!!
>(next to face)Let's do our best.
>Please take care of us.
Is Uzaki's friend the first chestlet to have appeared in the manga?
Ami was pretty small at first.
There have been a few small chested girls before this I believe
>I only came here because I was asked, you know.
>This club looks pretty hardcore, which makes me stick out like a sore thumb.
>Maybe I spoke too soon when I decided to join...
>I wonder if I'm going to make it...
>'Sup guys.
>Sorry y'all, I got caught up in cleaning and now I'm late.
>Ah, Sakurai-kun.
>We got some more 1st year managers, so treat them well.
>Ah... Alrighty...
>Sorry y'all,
Is Senpai from the countryside?
>I'm Sakurai, a 2nd-year.
>Sakurai Shinichi: 16 years old, 2nd year
>Obviously he's not actually glaring at her.
>Well, I'm gonna go warm up.
>Do your best.
Just how intense is the hatesex going to be?
>So scary...!!
>He looks like a thug...!
>Do we really have senpais like that?
>The fear came from her mother's side.
>It's only my first day and I already want to quit...!!
>So you see... My first impression was as bad as it could get.
>Really...? I wasn't too bothered by him the first time we met.
Uzakis are quick to recognize thuggishness.
I was trying to imitate how Uzaki talks, but I'm not as consistent as the usual scanlators.
Ah shit,
belongs with
The type where he doesnt finish until she has multiple times, and begs to take a breather
Dudes probably even going to skip the kissing/1st base
Not that intense, Uzaki will probably cum and pass out like 10 minutes in and Senpai will use her lifeless body like a fuck toy for the remaining 6 hours before waking her up for round 2.
I called it. They get turned on when they're afraid
This is why I always say liking tomboys is gay.
A tomboy that's also a shortstack is bait for guys with closet homo tendencies.
Judging by how easily tired Hana was and how much stamina senpai had on the climbing chapter, senpai is gonna make Hana take back all the shit she's ever said about him before breaking a sweat.
Only to see her go back to her smug self the morning after and pretend she didn't mean anything she said during the night.
I sense some projection in this post.
I only fuck other men now since its the exact opposite of gay. Showing your dominance over men by pounding their asses into submission over and over again and then nutting deep inside them is masculinity in its highest form and the complete opposite of gay.
Actual TL for this page:
>He took a while to get used to, but he's a serious guy, so it didn't take long to realize he's not a scary person.
>And from that point you started to grow closer.
>Enough to start imitating the way he talked.
>Haven't you noticed how you've been speaking normally...?
>Don't you talk more loosely only when you're around Sakurai-kun?
*crawls to the bathroom the next morning because her legs can't support her*
gee senpai you barely kept up with me lol
Nah, you're full gay as well.
Fucking anything that has a dick is full gay.
They're practically already married
It's ok dude, when you are old enough you'll see the not-gayness of banging other men.
hey you can always split the work and leave the type setting to someone else
I was gonna start translating as soon as I woke up a few hours ago, but !!3NyYVBjX5sl started first and seems to be doing a better job.
Dude, mental gymnastics isn't going to save you from facts.
Fuck you dude I ain't a queer just because I fuck dudes.
You think she would have objected if he did ask for something lewd?
>W...well, it's time for me to go home...! I'll save the old stories for another day... A'ight?
>Agh! Sorry! Seriously! I wasn't supposed to talk about that, was I?!
>Or maybe you didn't realize?!
>Could this be...?
>See you later!! ...Peace!!
>Did I step on a land mine...? Or...!! Did I find the greatest treasure of all...?!
>I have to get her to spill the beans some more...!!
>Sidebar: An unexpected origin...?!
If Orchesc/a/ns does an editing pass on this chapter and previous ones, make sure to "Uzaki-fy" her speech properly.
almost there user only one more page!
Remember when she asked him to join her in the shower?
>lol did you want to get me pregnant or something? you came so much inside me you quickshot, it's still pouring out
Asking again just to be sure while i'm doing the last page. But what did she says at the bottom left in this part?
The one in the black space to the left of her at the bottom.
Ok done. Aside from the missing text on page 6, this should be it.
This was pretty fun, but took a little longer than I expected. What's with a gag manga series having so much goddamn text in a such a short chapter?
"She attacks without hesitation"
Thanks, and thanks again for doing all of the translations.
Speaking of which, why did this stop being typeset for the last couple of months anyway?
Seems like their leader quit?
Are you uploading this to mangadex?
thank you so much for this I have been waiting months for the translations
Is it ok for me to do that? I mean, I just sorta came in to do it for fun using his translation, but i'm not sure if he's ok with it.
I will post it under "Yea Forumsnonymous" if I do so.
I'd say wait until it gets edited, if anyone does it.
If nobody does, then post it.
Look man if they allowed that kaguya shit then yours are definitely allowed
Looks like すかさず 精神攻撃
So "sudden mental attack" or something like that.
Oh nevermind actually. Orchesc/a/ns just did it.
So that's that. I guess they'll work on the rest now, and that's that.
Anyway, i'm sleepy. Thanks again for doing the translations.
Actually, i'm pretty sure they said that if he wants to keep doing this shit, he will have to swap to black text next, if he uploads again with red text, they're deleting his shit.
Thought they would've done 27 first since it's apparently already cleaned according to
You guys forgot to add text at the bottom on page 6.
The TL for that one is by the way.
Is chapter 30 the latest chapter are we higher up on the number count?
The text size and placement on the bubbles is a little all over the place. Did they rush it?
30 is the latest
Might be a new one on the 10th?
She thinks she's hot shit but can't even full combo an easy song like Cruel Angel's Thesis. I would absolutely destroy her pride playing against her.
Yeah it's still fun with just the PS4 controller, but it's way more fun with the drum.
Wheres ch.27? not pushin, but just wondering.
It's translated too, they probably did 28 first because he started with that one.
sounds good. anons being pretty nice in this thread.
thanks for the info. looking forward to ch.27.
Long story short the only competent person in the group quit. He did a lot of TS's and most of the editing. I'll try not to make 27 look like shit but I can't promise anything.
I'm going to start on it tomorrow, for now I'm going to bed.
I'm glad we caught up. It was no so sugoi dekai around here before
okay thanks user. Love the work you do, have a good night sleep bro.
Have we seen mummy again since her intro?
Thanks, just imagine I'm DEEN and the next couple chapters are season 2 of you are favorite anime.
Any update about Jahy and other mangas you guys do?
Yeah I hope to see more of this bully
Now this is a fucking great thread
It's not broken English. Bad translations are perfectly correct English that doesn't actually say what the original text says.
So good that Hana instantly changes into a smug housewife.
God I just want her to spasm on my dick in helpless pleasure. She'd truely stand no chance and fall hopelessly inlove. After hours of rough fucking she wouldn't even be able to tell where she is. She'll desprately thank the heavens for being allowed to feel such pleasure.
I want a smug hana housewife to have my children and feed me dinner from her cleavage
Thank you for the translation user
Thanks for the scalation and thanks for the translation
Man oh man. Oh baby. Oh man. Wow. Oh baby
so shortstacks are genetics
>You will never grow old surrounded by your shortstack mother-in-law, shortstack wife and multiple shortstack daughters
Based, she'll lick her breakfast of your cock.
There aren't a lot of people I respect. But everyone in this thread? You're like brothers to me
I hope you all find your shortstack kouhai or mommy sometime soon, anons. Godspeed
Imagine if you actually impregnated her...
Does Uzaki have a canon height? The only thing I've seen that you can put a number to is this pic where she comes to about 140cm compared to the cat.
Right here
Oh, that's taller than I expected. I thought she was around Popura's height but now she's the perfect size to bully her.
In one thread they said they will be regrouping
If Uzaki was my kouhai, things would be different around here.
You look at her and you tell me there isn't a god
go on...
based kyouko poster
Coming. Be patient.
Do you have the other version available to post? I just love looking at how erect her nipples are here compared to the other.
I was in the middle of typing the exact same thing
>translator group had a falling out
nerd drama killing things once again
I bet it was because of a girl.
Great minds think alike.
Those proportions are fucked, she looks like a midget
they pretty much are
that first panel looks like inflation fetish art
What the fuck?
You just know that Senpai could pin her to a wall, tongue-kiss her, and count the seconds on one hand until she stops resisting.
Jesus christ my dick
>mom says she doesn't know a lot about men
How the fuck did she got pregnant then?
m a t i n g p r e s s
That's a good lesson about men is she dumb not to learn it then?
Dekais can reproduce asexually, but only create exact duplicates by this method.
It's exceedingly rare though, since (like succubi) they are pretty much irresistible to straight men.
Thank you for your hard work this thread, translator-san.
Who wants to okyakdon that ripe mother and her healthy young daughter? I want to make both of them my wifes. They'll both bare my childeren. I'll put their legs to their ears and make them spasm in delight!
>Implying you can do that with a micropenis
source? sauceNao provides nothing. i need the artist name.
The stork made a mistake and accidentally dropped into her belly.
The husband tried to help but his hands were to big and didn't want the hospital to think she ate the baby.
So since his hands were to big to use and his tools not rated child-safe, his dick was his best bet to take the baby out.
Of course he can't just yank the baby out, it'll get skin rash, and he can't use lotion in case it's allergic. So he got the brilliant idea to lube up her hole with semen everyday without fail until there was enough lubricant to poop the baby out. How would he know if there was enough you ask? When the belly becomes so big liquid just comes out all at once. that's his cue to take her to the hospital and pretend the baby got itself stuck in her and that they need their help to save it's life.
And that's how babies are born
>Dicksize joke
I'd make you squeal faggot but I don't swing that way.
The only reason you know what a squealing faggot sounds like is because you heard your dad while I was pounding his ass last night.
>Fully admits to being a raging fag
It's allways the people who start about dicksize.
>First one to talk about fucking another man
>"I-I'm not a fag though, I swear!"
A closet faggot is a thousand times gayer than an open faggot.
>>First one to talk about fucking another man
>Not the guy who talked about dicksize
Literally a homo, at least accept it.
hana’s mom has got it goin on
Time for her to gain a little more butt? Last time that it looked like they were fucking her ass looked kinda flat.
Can't you see where all proteins went?
I hate that feeling.
>I heard you were talking shit.
Does Uzaki play candy crush on her phone?
Damn she cute.
nyabsolute unit
>Takagi the flatty got an anime
>She hasn't yet.
Thanks for posting this I never realized what this was before.
Because she has Satania VAing her as a vtuber. I'd rather just have more of that.
Takagi came out in 2013. Uzaki came out late 2017 and it looks like Hana and senpai already have VAs, so even if Takagi got her anime first, Uzaki's probably gonna get it sooner relative to her manga's release date.
You think the dad is either a hulking Oni or even shorter than the wife
He can't be scary or Hana's mom wouldn't have been so intimidated by senpai.
>Uzaki-chan is Satania
It's perfect
>Oozora sing parts of Onegai Cinderella with her Satania voice instead of her Chieri voice
How meta
All those gabu walking past in the background are making me sleepy.
how many gabu's did you count
She's trapped in a time-space loop.
Does she actually play or someone else does while she talks?
She plays with senpai a lot.
Now she can never be a bride
Now she has to beccome his bride.
Is 27 getting typeset anytime soon?
This is too clever and cute
10/10 looks great
Should be released by tonight.
This one.
I love being a colossal faggot!
Here's my attempt at the last two panels. I'm not a TL by any means but I wanted to try.
>Clear, easy (Maybe "Easy clear" makes more sense)
>You have a beautiful heart (I don't get the addition of the extra ハート at the end of this bubble)
>Oi, what's with that reaction?
>Silence. (Assuming "...Silence" works too)
>Don't be silly, say something
You can compare it with danbooru's TL
>overcooked eggs drowning in grease
looks honestly disgusting desu
Tjis guys knows how to draw meganes and milfs
God she is annoying
It’s the exact opposite of gay. It’s a female body that shares your interests. By contrast, a trap has a male body with all of the faggotry of a female mind.
>Uzaki with slightly longer but still short hair
>43 years old
Not enough source material, unless you want a 15 minute short.
Just fuck already
Don't try to convince those kinds. They're either baiting or in denial about how gay a trap is.
I want her to annoy me.
a classic MC archetype
Uzaki needs to drop the subtlety and just tear her shirt off in front of senpai.
The only time they're gonna get together is when he literally breaks. She invited him to take a shower with her already.
Wasn't she doing her normal teasing tone then though? She needs to throw herself at him like a wild animal.
Yeah she was teasing but she would have absolutely let it happen if he said yes.
>Uzaki's mom will never throw herself at you like a wild animal
Hurts just a little bit
Senpai is going to destroy her
>She quites down as she eagerly awaits her turn
>uh wow senpai maybe you should slow down now this joke isn't funny anymore
good stuff
When will Senpai give Hana the dick?
>Senpai if you keep going like that you won't have enough left for me.
>I'll go get you something to eat, you'll need it.
Hopefully soon. I am dissapointed with the lack of translated fapbooks.
Oh my
more wakakozake
I just fapped to that, dont make me do it again!
Not really relevant to this thread but I'll post a few more
No prob wakakozake is one of my favorite series I'm always happy to post some pics I've cropped
Man I should read the manga, I loved the anime. Is someone scanlating it?
Take posted this on his twitter just a few hours ago.
I wonder what the next chapter will be about.
It had better have something to do with furious masturbation at the thought of Senpai's scary eyes.
It's getting translated still, just very slowly
Last chapter was like 10 months ago but its up to 52 so you got some decent amount of material
Uzaki gets a mold of senpais penis made and is trying to get it all inside.
Hana getting sick?
Good idea, Satan
You're welcome.
oh shit this is gettimg too meta
Did someone upload the Typeset scans somewhere or do I browse this thread?
There's a couple versions of ch 28 floating around; one here and one on Mangadex. The other chapters only exist as translations in this thread for the time being.
Mispelled ‘strength’ in the bottom right panel
Jesus dude, how tiny is her mom?
>Can you imagine having a body as erotic as that with no one around to use it?
>still looks like somewhere in her twenties though
all good.
I'm more concerned that she gets all hot and bothered whenever she imagines him attacking her.
she wants senpai to treat her like prey
>tfw 6'6"
technically every woman would be IMAGINE tier for me.
Women don't go for lanklet skellingtons.
181 cm but I'm Dutch so it's below average here. It feels bad being tall in a country of tall people.
I should move to the middle east and get my self a cute arab shortstack. I'll stick to 2D instead.
That's why I put the "technically" there.
>36 kg
I don't believe it, her titties should make her weigh more.
stop thinking, she's made for your dick, not your brain
That's because it's a different character.
But the blood for my dick circulates through my brain first.
Oh okay, fair enough. Still cute.
>her childlike appearance is not due to magic but something she was born with
Yeah no shit, how many people are born with an adult appearance? That would be kinda unsettling.
Would you?
You'd have to be the biggest faggot alive to say no
Before this thread kicks the bucket, someone please tell me. Where do I have to go to find girls like this
Go out. Be muscular, and tall. And be somewhat intelligent.
The mom looks like she'd prefer it if he was a brute guy who pins her down instead of a smart guy.
>Tfw lifting for 2 years
>Tfw STEM student
>Tfw 5'11
no dekais to sugoi
She is a fucking dwarf, like how can you be shorter than you already short daughter.
>how can you be shorter than you already short daughter.
god tier genetics