How many Push-ups and Kilometers can Yea Forums do ?

How many Push-ups and Kilometers can Yea Forums do ?

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Zero and zero
Fuck shounen garbage

What about pull-ups?

I can't even pull myself out of bed


like 3
maybe .5

How can you run 5 but can't do more than 3 push ups ?

actual real, nose to the ground push ups are fucking tough and doing 100 consecutively is amazingly difficult. i could maybe do 40. i only run short distance so i don't care about much more than 5k

zero point five you mouthbreathing phoneposter

This, i trained for the army and if you count non-stoped 45 was my record



I can run 1km with breaks in between, and I can do 5 push-ups, and then suffer from chest pain for a week.

I get bored at 2.5 km.

Only lift now, fuck stamina.

Really isn't that bad if you got the breathing technique down, and you got somewhere to jog that isn't concrete, asphalt or compressed gravel.
But good luck doing it every day.

Maybe 4 because I've been running every weekend
I'm going to be ready when I eventually get isekaid.

Pushups, 0
30 situps
100 Squats
2-2.4km cooper

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Give me a number, OP. Last two digits, as per usual


i just bike 100 miles a day

That ain’t chest pain that’s just the pushups working. Work out more and that pain just turns to mild soreness

50, 3 km. I’ve went from 207 to 178 over the past 6 months. Finally getting back to my basketball playing weight of 170

It's like a stabbing pain in the center of my chest that gets worse when I lie in specific positions or breath in. Is it really supposed to feel like that?

0 and 0 unironically

i can't do a single push up.
if i tried to run a kilometer i'd die of a heart attack, probably.
i'd break my spine if i tried doing a sit up.
i'd fall on my fat ass and potentially break my pelvis if i attempted a squat.

R.I.P in peace, user.

without breaks? 40-50 pushups, ~10 kms

7(chest to ground) before I have to rest my arms so I can do them again
1.7km no breaks in 20 minutes


forgot to add that 10kms on flat surface

30 push-ups in succession
3 km, then I need to have little break to catch my breath

20 minutes to run a mile?

it's not normal.

You can only live for another 6-12 months, probably.

60 push-ups
Can't run for shit, my job requires strength anyway.

Yea Forums collectively does less exercise than he does.

Oh, no it’s not I’d consider going to the doctor.
Likely benign though, probably inflammation or something structural.

3 push ups
Around 7 km

speaking of chest pain I get severe stabbing pain in my chest if i do as much as walk over a mile. not really a problem though cause i drive to work and barely exert myself at all, been ignoring it for ages. probably nothing serious.

I thought I got half decent at push ups doing 30 fairly comfortably, then I realised my form was shit. Now I can do maybe 15 tops right now.

you've freaked me out user, why do you do this.
I'm going to the doctor anyway.

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Yeah I know it's bad but I go slow because I run on a concrete surface.

>I'm going to the doctor anyway.

well you best make that ASAP cause at this rate you could die any minute.

do SS+GOMAD to fix it.


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I run up to 5km 200m every Sunday and Saturday on the weekends. I don't know how many push-ups I can make since I use 12kg dumbbells for most of my exercise in each hand.

I mean, if Saitama means 100 without breaks, my best is pretty crap
>30 pushups
>25 situps
>40 squats
>6 km at an embarrassing pace

>and you got somewhere to jog that isn't concrete, asphalt or compressed gravel.
This guy knows, protect your knees.

>100 squats
probably not real squats you little whore.

pull ups are the absolute hardest thing of all time I can do like 4 if i'm a super saiyan 3
about 30 legit push ups and about 4 km if I'm feeling amazing.
honestly though fitness is a meme and you shouldn't do it beyond a basic "I can go up stairs" level.

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Pushups I do 15+15+15+15+10+10+10+10
4 kilometers

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Nigga even I can do 12 consecutive pullups.

Considering that the marine corps fitness standard is 7 pull-ups , you are very fit , but that is to be expected of black people.

35 a day before my arms turn to jelly
Asthma is a literal limiter, so 1.5?

Pullups are more reliant on your weight than your actual strength to do them.

>How many Push-ups and Kilometers can Yea Forums do ?

I'm too lazy to find out.

You likely have Angina go to the cardiologist it’s prob a sign of poor oxygenation to the myocardial tissue

Your apft must have suuuucked


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I did 5 miles in the relay marathon today in 1 hour

If you're not fat, you can get one of those door frame bars and do a bunch of them each day. I went from 3-4 to 10-11 in a month doing this.

Yes they were you fucking faggot. I can also bike or march at least 120 kilometers without rest

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Two, maybe three
Could never do a single proper push up in my life.

I tried that but I can't seem find one that'll stick and won't fall down (i'm not fat)

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about 25-30 in a row
don't know probably not a lot

user that's heart disease

20 min mile is walking nigger

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5km running
30 push-ups
8 sit-ups
20 squads

Beginners program done by autistic super heroes. OPM basically did what Netero did. Also doing 100 pushups in 1 minute is god awful gravity can't let you fall fast enough.

I walk about 10km a day.

On gym days I'll do a few hundred kettlebell swings (cleans, double/single swings, presses etc.), few hundred weighted sit ups and some ab rolls. I'll also do a short ZUU warm-up.

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80 push-ups
100 sit-ups
60 squats
2-3 km
What is the point of running if you live in a city?

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20 push ups

to prepare for my OPM cosplay I did his work out for 3 months. it was fun

>nose to the ground push ups
Based Cloverchad here. Doing this is horrible form and is worse than doing half-assed push ups because you'll fuck up your elbows in the long run. The angle between your bicep and forearm should not be less than 45 degrees

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even most fitness freaks think 10km a day is too much

Most of Yea Forums (and Yea Forums in general) falls into one of 2 extreme categories:
1. Boogie2988 mode obesity.
2. Hungry skeleton mode emaciated.
Both would black out and/or die of the least amount of physical exertion.

Perfect form controlled push-ups: 25 max. Used to do 40 with shitty form when I was way weaker so right now maybe I'd get high 50
Km: 20 max, but usually stick to 5 or 10 km runs, right now 5 is probably my max since it's been months since my last run
Pull ups: 10 to 12 max with decent form
Don't do body weight squats nor sit ups

theres plenty of /fit/ here user.

Real question is how long can Yea Forums march with 60k load + water without dying or injuring themselves
100 kilometers

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50~ push-ups
Haven't ran in fucking years so I'm not sure about that.

when this chapter of the manga first came out I tried this training for a week
my chest hurt all the time and I felt tired 24/7
for whatever reason the sit ups never did anything because I never felt my abdominal muscles hurting, I guess i did them wrong

enjoy dying for israel

If you do them at a tilt, starting with your head lower than your torso, I guarantee you will feel it the next day

>the marine corps fitness standard is 7 pull-ups
What the fuck?

I ran 4 yesterday. Pretty out of shape. Pushups I could probably do 100 with rests in between, in one sitting maybe 30 or 40

around 15 or 20, but haven't done any in a while
I've literally never measured how much I can run, but since my stamina is utter garbage I'm gonna assume less than 1km

10km every single day is the hardest part of that. You'll most definitely fuck up something get injured from the constant strain. The others are all managable once you can get up there. Hell, I can already do 40ish push ups, 60ish sit ups, 20ish pull ups, but fuck none stationary cardio.

You guys are a bunch of twinks.

Don't know if it's true but 7 strict form pull ups is no joke, people are used to shitty form and they just care about putting as many reps as they can in so they can boast about it, but if you care about form every exercise is a completely different world

100 Push ups. Cant do 100 straight but can do 4 sets of 25 with a 30 second break in between.
100 sit ups. Again not straight through but probably 2 sets of 50 if i was pushing myself.
100 Squats. Similar to sit ups.
2.5 Kilometers. Cardio isnt my strong suit

I was failry fit until a few months ago, then I injured my arms and I'm back at square one. I'll be back Yea Forums

Not an anglo, fatty

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I dunno, it just seems like a modest requirement. I don't cheat on my pullups or anything, it took me years just to be able to do one.

i want /fit/ and /r9k/ to leave

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fuck that. i aint going to some gay doctor who will probably misdiagnose me and waste my time and money

>theres plenty of /fit/ here user.
Then post pics with timestamp

Then at least diet and exercise, and if you smoke then make an attempt to ditch that too. Eat more fruits and vegetables and cut back on the refined flour, oil, sugar as well as meat and dairy, and try doing some cardio. Just walking more should be fine.

35-38 and i'm fucking exhasted after that
I can MAYBE run 1 with breaks in between

>2-2.4km cooper

>implying /fit/ doesn't fall into same categories

I'm neither obese nor skelleton , but i'm still out of shape i could barely run a kilometer.