Okay, so they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars as Apo clearly showed. Tsukihime remake is simply not happening. Mahoyo probably too. FGO has like 2 years max to stay afloat. Extra is a disaster.
So what are they going to do?
Okay, so they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars as Apo clearly showed. Tsukihime remake is simply not happening. Mahoyo probably too. FGO has like 2 years max to stay afloat. Extra is a disaster.
So what are they going to do?
Other urls found in this thread:
There is no future, only gachashit.
Despite the franchise being at its most profitable right now, it has been practicaly dead for a long time.
You cannot expect anything with a semblance of quality to come from gachashit.
>as Apo clearly showed
Showed fucking what? It only showed that Aposhit was terrible.
They don't care as long as FGO sells so good.
FGO is far better than all their VNs combined, retard.
Except Camelot and Babylonia are two of the best stories to come out of Fate, making the original VN look like amateur writing in comparison.
Fate/strange Fake and Fate/Requiem are still continuing (Case Files last vol is going to be released on May 17th)
Also there will be many anime adaptions of FGO for sure. Also more Extella or maybe new Extraverse work(s).
And yeah, Tsukihime Remake and Mahoyo sequels
Probably the most retarded thing they ever did.
some news from Case Files anime talk event at Machi Asobi
>according to this tweet then it seems like Case Files anime will have 13 episodes
>the first half of Case Files anime will feature a surprise character
>there'll be a new scene about the conversation between Waver/Lord El-Melloi II and "that person who is important to him" (90% Iskandar) in the first half
>Also there will be many anime adaptions of FGO for sure
Not if two most popular arcs underperform.
Camelot’s probably going to succeed because pretty boy knights=fujoshit money in most cases especially if they ramp up Bedivere’s interactions with the other knights and such. Babylonia’s a bit more iffy because there’s less focus on fanservice and more on the battles and story but it’s FGO so it should perform at least average or above.
Fujo anime stopped making money after YoI.
>so they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars as Apo clearly showed
Oh they sure can, it's just that Apo was bad, that's it.
Bitch all you want, I would pay money for a series about the First, Second (apparently the bloodiest) or third grail war, I don't even mind a sixth grail war with or without servants, or just a spin-off featuring Shirou in the clock tower or in the church, according to the route.
SF isn't doing that great either.
Why won't they just make a sci-fi TM show? Set it in the next century or something with magic now being common knowledge and humans exploring solar system.
They never actually tried to rehash a HGW. And none of them played out like they are supposed to. Zero came close, but still missed the mark.
Also magic/magecraft is a common knowledge in Requiem
>2 years max
Considering that we're only 3 out of the 7 LBs done(And 4 out of 7 Beasts defeated), I doubt that.
Nasu said FGO was going to end with part 2 (Lostbelt arc) in an interview last December but since DW already recruited the 3rd director for FGO back in October 2018, i think the game will still continue without Nasu after part 2.
While I agree with Babylonia I have to pass on Camelot. Sure it has fun moments but it still doesn't make sense on important parts
The game will die without Nasu.
I'm not sure at this point the replacement can give good writing. And I sure hope Sakurai never writes for FGO. God her stories were awful.
>they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars
that's where you're wrong
thinking people care about the writing, L O L they just care about waifus, and paying up to 10k+ for some animated pictures and wav files
LB1 isn't written by Nasu and it is the best Lostbelt so far, at least for me.
Personally my top 3 FGO chapter (in term of story only) is Camelot = Lostbelt 1 > Babylonia
>they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars
oh boy
It stopped selling.
FGO is a very near future and stuff like Extra is some VR crap.
Yeah but that's no reason to stop making new ones. At least not on Japan.
>this thread
All they have to do is release Muramasa or Solomon as playable and FGO will rake in more cash than ever.
mahoyo translation when...
Babylonia was good shit. I'm not too familiar with the studio working on it but if they stick to the story it should do well.
Although Camelot wasn't as good as Babylonia imo, it definitely had some good scenes like pic related.
When Mahoyo sequels get released...
It has a full translation in French btw
refresh EVERYTHING and call it new canon
do i look like a baguette to you?
If it has a full French translation, then you'd think it would be easier to do an English translation, right?
They're still butthurt about Mahoyo, so yes they'll probably stick to Fate spinoffs forever. There's also that Fate/Pokemon thing that hasn't even come out yet. Also:
>"Extra is a disaster"
Doesn't matter. Nasu clearly is interested in continuing it, so it will keep going for a while.
The studio working on it are literal nobodies that materialized out of the ether to animate the 30s FGO cms that run on the otaku timeslots. They were a part of A-1 before that, but splintered in the middle of producing Franxx, which remains to this date their only major contribution to a tv anime production.
In other words, this is going to be a fucking disaster. They don't have the clout to pull in work from freelancing industry elites and are having their scheduling and product management thrown into a trial-by-fire with no safety net. The animation won't be able to keep up with the amount of action in Babylonia, and one hiccup will mean the schedule collapses into slideshows and QUALITY, especially considering the track record of their parent studio. They already used CGI for the Lahmu in Babylonia's tv cm and you can bet those will get a lot of use in the anime. Tiamat will almost certainly be a CGI mess, too.
Gudao by an animator (dunno if he's working for Babylonia anime or not)
As long as it don't end up on Berserk or Overlord tier of CGI I'll be happy.
>he doesn't know
>which remains to this date their only major contribution to a tv anime production.
They did Neverland
As far as LN goes, it's doing fine, it's been aeons since the last volume that's it.
>So what are they going to do?
They stop pandering to the cis crowd, and focus on story.
It's from the Baylonia anime, you can notice it on the scarf.
>this is your brain on a sunk cost mentality
I wanna slap Lip's butt
t. Robin
>FGO has like 2 years max to stay afloat
They can literally make up a bunch of new shit to keep it a float for much longer than that. At least until they run out of historical figures to genderbend.
this and shitty third rate AU spinoffs that contradict Nasuverse rules like Fake Strange that combines DAA with Servants written by different authors. They will certainly rehash Grail wars over and over because people will eat that shit up
Piss off using scatshit for op bait.
Nito and Xuanzang fanservice will overshadow the fujo shit.
Correct, it is also considered a solid translation too, not much meaning would be lost.
He's not wrong though. The story is much more sound than Turkeyhandle or FSN. You're just hating because it's popular. 99% of you fags never even read the VN's let alone FGO.
100 Masters are dropped on an island--
Imagine posting this image few years back and claiming this is how Fate will look like.
128 masters on an oil rig sounds cooler
You know what would sell? A normal fucking grail war. No corrupted grails, only 7 masters with 7 servants doing battle for a wish.
>future beyond gacha
I want to be as optimistic as you are.
i read all of them and can't be bothered with the new stuff. haven't even read extra. i generally prefer tsukihime over fate.
i'd rather have them finish mahoyo.
is fgo actually good? but i don't want to play a gacha game.
they should greenlight a new melty blood instead
Dumb Female Master in an adaption when?
>can't be bothered with new stuff
Your loss. Extra/Extella series is good overall.
>is fgo actually good
It isn't bad. It does have it's weak spots though. Nero's chapter came out like pure fanwank shit. A lot of people didn't like London but I felt it had a good bit of world building to lay groundwork for further chapters.
>Melty Blood
more melty is always good
FGO fags will tell you that it's not so bad and it has some good chapters here and there but they're all full of crap tards who only keep playing because of the sunk cost fallacy.
FGO's story will never be good because they have to play around their 500 different FOTM characters so the plotpoints are unimportant and there is 0 character development because servants must suck player self insert's dick at all times. No room for improvement, interesting developments or plot twists. Gacha is pure undilluted trash.
Fuck I could totally see this.
I mean Chaldea is more or less Mother Base.
instead of weapons you get servants, hmm could work
>servants must suck player self insert's dick at all times. No room for improvement, interesting developments or plot twists
so just fate in general, okay
hurr durr mozambique here since hgw is already a battle royale
>they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars
Didn't thru literally just release a new model series that is basically HGW Battle Royale?
Who are the two jesters representing Alter Ego supposed to be?
What is Holmes class again?
Release something something alter swimsuit for F/GO and rake in the dollars. There are also a couple of projects like Strange Fake and that Case Files one that may become more popular in the future.
Honestly, it's time to let go. The VNs were good, the anime was fun. I'm so tired of fateshit.
Ironic come from a cuckthur poster
They already did
Isn't that the same class as Luvia why do they have different icon?
Camelot broke me. How many hours did they expect you to dick around in the desert smacking sphinxes?
He's a ruler, but people think he's actually a different class like outsider due to his similarities to the class card.
Avenger card isn't Dantes dummy. He was never chained up like that. Jesters are gonna be some cute dual summoned loli combo a la twins.
Anime when?
>Extra is a disaster
who cares? nasu love it and extella link was announced as extella 1.5
so extella 2 is pretty much confirmed
Would much rather get Extella: CCC next.
>i read all of them and can't be bothered with the new stuff
That's why you are so fucking retarded.
The problem is AU wars are their 2nd most profitable format after FGO. I'm all for more Mahoyo or Notes, but like fuck thats gonna happen.
What the fuck is this one even about?
Honestly, this
What the fuck does this retard see in his crappy take on SAO?
Shirou and Kerry aren't self inserts retard.
>paid money for them
Alter Ego is going to be Thalia and Melpomene. I don't know why but the comedy and tragedy masks being attached to Heroic Spirits really makes me think it would work that way.
>crappy take on SAO
>don't want to play a gacha game
You could watch the scenes on youtube or wait for the anime. I'd say Camelot and Babylonia are definitely worth it and the first 5 singularities are definitely not worth it.
This guy may be seething but because of the format as a mobile gacha game he does have a point.
I hope they make a Solomon anime.
If they want to rake more cash they just have to release Tiamat as servant.
I can feel DW will make it happen after Babylonia anime is aired.
>where's muh Tsukihime remake?
Man, threads like this made me glad I was not such an oldfag that I would obsess o er an old ass show.
F/Apo has its lows but its highs (espeically the last2 eps) were the highest ever.
The F/SN movie was well-done and if you have checked out the seque'sl cam-rip you'd know they nailed that too.
I don't play F/GO and thus don't feel the need to bitch about it.
Just, stop being so crazy over a vaporware remake. So damn salty and entitled. Don't get mad over imaginary things, user.
If they don't make a proper Tsukihime anime, then I would support redeclaring war on Japan.
If you're going to bait, could you please make sure it's at least spellchecked and correctly formatted. Do feel free to repost your bait once you've fixed your errors though.
Holy shit didn't realize these were 6-10hrs probably because of the gacha filler. You better hope they dont butcher the anime because watching these without playing the gacha will probably be a pain.
That artbook is scanned in case you didn't know btw.
Link: vk.com *forward slash* album-37105317_257215946
Even outside of his similarity to the class card, Holmes has been sketchy as shit since his introduction
>FGO has like 2 years max to stay afloat.
They're dead already because of this. Ufotable is already moving away from them. They're lazy fucks, who don't wanna do anything after the millions they've made off a soulless app game.
>release Tiamat as servant
Along with corrupted Ushi please
>Wasting 130k on gacha
Reality is mistake
>What the fuck is this one even about?
In the future, there is peace. So much peace that humanity has giant commercial district towns revolving around shallow consumerism. Now everyone can summon servants, so they considered to be something akin to a personal electronic device that everyone owns and "holy grail wars" are a spectator sport. The main character kills servants, but is the only person who doesn't have one of her own, until she contracts with Voyager, who's humanity's final servant.
As you can probably guess, the whole thing is filled with cynical commentary about the nature of otaku culture.
>Now everyone can summon servants, so they considered to be something akin to a personal electronic device that everyone owns
Is Fate/Requiem just a meta commentary on Fate Grand Order and how when everyone has a servant it is no longer a special concept?
I wonder if the author is upset at how his perception of Fate as a series has been worn down as time has gone on and now he's decided to write a Fate series that actively calls out FGO players as people who helped contribute to the decline of Fate.
Cause if he did that, I'd honestly read that work in spite of the shit premise of "Everyone has a servant"
Honestly, I just get the feeling Nasu doesn't touch Tsukihime anymore because his world view has changed to the point where he doesn't like the setting anymore. There's a very stark contrast between the Tsukihime-era "the world wants humanity dead and there are hundreds of things that could kill everyone" and the more recent "humanity is flawed, but has worth" messages in more recent entries. He probably looks back at his early stuff as something he did during his edgy period.
God she's so good, can't wait for the anime.
I wouldn't give the writer the benefit of the doubt, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if that were the case.
Requiem isn't written by Nasu.
Its not written by Nasu from what I gathered, and if he can actually write a decent story out of that premise, I would be positively surprised
At least a lineup of Hanibal, Longinus and El Cid seems interesting
Literal braindead post. You're ignoring the conveniences the game medium allows you to skip over that would normally be difficult hurdles in a plain narrative. Babylonia handles Lolidusa and Gorgon like bland garbage and "evil-Ushiwaka" is the most contrived bullshit I've ever seen. That's all not even to mention the main conflict of the arc being practically themeless. It's just about smacking big mama and becoming independent. There's nothing to analyze or be impressed by, least of all the protagonists' non-presence and all the fights that only work thanks to game convenience. Half the servants are gachabait instead of natural additions to the story (think Quetz) and the only parts of the whole singularity that could possibly be considered impressive or profound are the little half-conversations with Leonidas and Merlin between fights.
Studios don't matter you retards, most staff in studios is outsourced or freelance nowadays. That's the fact for EVERY studio. What matters is the director that picks most the staff.
How is Yea Forums, a board focused around anime still that retarded?
>Is Fate/Requiem just a meta commentary on Fate Grand Order
Maybe, but in Nasuverse Earth always gets super weird in the future. It's either some weird extinction event or everyone being magical super humans.
I'd be down for it. If you do a comparison you realize that back in FSN era you had to be chosen by the Grail and you got a servant uniquely for you (whether through Catalyst or Compatibility) and you fought knowing all that.
With FGO however you're just some normal guy who has access to a large number of servants so interchangeable that you are encouraged to switch out your servants like they're Pokemon.
The way I see it F/R is just the appropriate end to that concept, everyone has a servant, they're consumer goods and used for sport, Masters are no longer chosen, Servants are no longer special and HGW have been debased to become entertainment for the masses.
Even if the author hasn't intended this message. The fact it's been written into the concept is just amazing.
>so they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars
Strange/fake is showing that you absolutely can still get great material out of the Grail War formula. It’s a matter of writers, not subject matter.
>“It’s just…it’s just a graveyard, that place. It’s a great big graveyard.” Part of me had grown irritated with the know-it-all expression plastered on Karin’s face and wanted to hurry up and change the topic, so I’d started speaking more harshly than I meant to. But at the same time, these were my true feelings.
>“Grail Tournament? What a load of crap. It’s just a game, right? It’s all just make-believe. I’ll never understand what enjoyment people get out of turning Servants into an exhibition. Don’t the fighters know they’re just being turned into commodities to bring more spectators to the show? We twist the ideas they held dear and lay them out for everyone to see, and we trivialise the skills they spent their entire lifetimes perfecting – how can that be ok? Servants aren’t meant to be our slaves!”
Then the character she's talking to gives a tirade about it's okay because people enjoy it and basically calls her a bitter oldfag. It's not so subtle that the guy writing it thinks FGO is just milking the franchise.
Well, I think it's pretty clear that a japanese author from the early 2000's will always think the future is doomed given his land conditions
That's pretty fucking savage. I might have to pick up Fate/Requiem at this point.
Though part of me knows deep down it's going to end with either the system being changed so that Servants no longer get used for sport (returning to FSN) or she'll come to accept that there are things you can't change and effectively just continue the FGO meme.
What was her problem?
That actually sounds pretty promising
SF still falls into "another grail war, but wacky" format, albeit it does this way better than most. People been asking for more Tsuki, Melty or Maho for years now
It's not exactly always doomed. Gil said that humanity will reach the stars etc.
Because the studio equates to: who is overseeing production, who is directing, what clout and weight they have to push around to get freelancers on board.
Shaft is notorious for their schedules blowing up in their face because their production staff can't keep things together. You don't outsource production staff, so no matter who they have on board to contribute animation work, they will still have scheduling issues. Scheduling issues means animators have to rush. Rushed animators don't produce their best work.
Unlike you ignorant sakugabooru fucks seem to think, the animators contributing to a project don't matter nearly as much as how the production as a whole is managed. Most average animators can put out great work given the time and incentive. Even the best put out garbage if they're pulling all-nighters to deliver the drafts on time. It's up to the studio's staff to manage these things. And even then. no matter how good your staff may be, you won't get amazing animators bending over backwards to give you the best possible work if you're nobody from a noname studio with a who? director adapting phone game garbage. Clout matters.
Phone game garbage that happens to be a big money maker for Aniplex. And Aniplex definitely have clout
>People been asking for more Tsuki, Melty or Maho for years now
>The story is much more sound than Turkeyhandle or FSN
FGOtards are worse than Yea Forums at this point.
>SF still falls into "another grail war, but wacky" format
And? These' absolutely nothing wrong with that format, as evidenced very clearly and directly by SF.
Apoc was garbage because the author is a fucking hack and did an awful job writing a terrible story within the very, very generous confines of a zaney team battle royale. It has nothing to do with the format he was working with. That author could make fucking Garfield's formula fail.
Man, fucking gachashit, not even once.
If I want to get into Nasuverse as a whole, what it the order of released translated material I should read?
I was waiting and waiting for the Tsukihime remake but I guess at this rate I better just give up.
Have you read/watch/play any TypeMoon work before ?
Imagine that GO development failed so hard, TM went bankrupt. Would it be better or worse than the current situation?
>GO development failed so hard
>TM went bankrupt
fucking worse
Read Tsukihime and F/SN, then after that just go with whatever you think seems interesting. If you liked Tsukhime, check out KnK, Kagetsu Tohya, and/or the first Melty Blood (which, despite being a fighting game, has a full VN-style plot). If you want more Fate, there are PLENTY of options to choose from.
Better. A dead hobby will still have the people who genuinely love it and won't be shitters.
People think mass appeal is good for something because it produces more of it but ultimately you just get a diluted product and people who don't understand the series or wish to talk about it as in-depth as you do start to take up more of the space.
Strange/fake anime
Isn't GO the only reason they have enough money for stuff like Prisma and Case-files?
I'm not saying format itself is bad by itself. It's just if thats what the story is gonna be about, I'd rather see whatever happened in HGW 1-3.
Yes. I'm asking if you'd like GO to have failed, at the cost of TM bankrupting. Like what happened to Light and their parent Greewood with Dies irae Pantheon
Although Prisma was already a thing (both manga and anime) before GO happened
>HGW 1-3
Not much. The first one ended almost immediately once they figured out that it wasn't gonna work and the second only lasted a few days before someone decided to have their servant nuke a town and the whole thing was called off. The third was the first one that actually happened (and we really don't know a damn thing about it besides Avenger being summoned, the midget Assassin, and double Sabers).
>and people who don't understand the series or wish to talk about it as in-depth as you do
You mean like how people shit on FGO, Extraverse, and Prisma without ever touching it?
Fgo has decent writing starting with London but it is still gacha bait for basedfags
It is a doubledge sword, I don't really care much about FGO or most anything else Fate outside of SF, but them going bankrupt removes any chance of anything else Nasu. So I suppose having them just endlessly produce Fate is somewhat better.
I watched that original anime of F/SN, the OVAs (but not the anime) of UBWs, Fate/Zeto, the anime of Fate/extra,the ovas of Kara no kyoukai, Fate/apocrypha.
I played Fate/extra.
I was more worried about the order of how to do things and of what things were translated. For intance, I think that "Notes" or something was the first work, right? If so, should I start with it, or makes no difference? Is it even translated?
I'm still buying it because I'm a husbandofag and also a big Gilfag.
OK I guess when you put it that way.
Not to mention they've been using GO to boost other TM series so (not that people on Yea Forums who clearly don't know what's going on with it would notice that)
I really doubt they'd have gone bankrupt though..people are forgetting that knk, fate/zero and UBW were already among the most successful anime and type-moon just so happens to attract collectors so those merch sales.
Fate was in top 10 highest earning media franchises with games excluded...
Anyways luckily Nasu also wants to work on other stuff and Aniplex has agreed to set him free
Basically, Notes was written for an anthology book about angels. Nasu being Nasu wrote a not-very-good story that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where angels fight planet-themed monsters. It does take place in the same setting as the later works, but since it takes place in the far future so that basically amounts to "also there are planet monsters that will someday awaken and kill everyone" in the lore that get mentioned in passing once in a while. Go ahead and skip it unless you're really curious.
Would these number change in the next decade, I wonder.
They are promoting it as Bedivere's movie ("This is the story of a knight").
Sanzang was so extra you can cut her and her rice boyfriend's existence and replace her role with Arash when talking to Ozzy.
Roman is locked behind plot: See Man of Chaldea stuff. Goetia is trapped too because they are playing the "who is this guy" meme stuff, so if one becomes playable before the reveal, they know that's not the one.
Muramasa is probably going to appear when we battle Rasputin with how they love nostalgia references.
Unironically +1 for both of these points cause yeah...it's not hard to tell a lot of people who talk about fgo here don't really know much about it especially currently but also it is annoying how casuals ruin discussion. I can't count how many stupid ignorant statements fly from fgo players...it was so refreshing to finally get a type-moon group with people who weren't just from fgo and have a constructive analytical discussion in ages....
Then there's a notable chunk of the anime only secondaries...God help me...let me not even start I think most of us already have personal horror stories from those by now
>Muramasa is probably going to appear when we battle Rasputin with how they love nostalgia references.
But Rasputin is Kirei from FGO timeline and it is heavily implied that there will be a battle between Holmes vs Rasputin/Kirei though.
Ok, and how much money have you spent on it?
Unironically +1 for both of these points cause yeah...it's not hard to tell a lot of people who talk about fgo here don't really know much about it especially currently but also it is annoying how casuals ruin discussion. I can't count how many stupid ignorant statements fly from fgo players...it was so refreshing to finally get a type-moon group with people who weren't just from fgo and have a constructive analytical discussion in ages....
Something similar happened to a series like Jojo's
Then there's a notable chunk of the anime only secondaries...God help me...let me not even start I think most of us already have personal horror stories from those by now
With case files I just personally hope
1. It's really good
2. More hype beast shounen/vinland saga like/isekai series get announced to overshadow it a bit (significantly) outside Japan cause yikes the seasonal bandwagoners...
Where did this CG play?
In FGO x Case Files collab event. That scene is a flashback.
While not Yea Forums, I'd like to throw in that it was really sad seeing TMNT devolve in a similar way back in...2012, I guess? When the first cgi show came out.
I can't wait to see more of case files because episode 0 was great and I've been loving what little of Luvia I've seen.
>I can't wait to see more of case files because episode 0 was great and I've been loving what little of Luvia I've seen.
They only adapt Mystic Eyes Collection Train case (vol 4&5) though, but maybe Luvia would show up in the first half i guess
I just want a decent CCC adaptation since the translation is as far away as it was years ago.
Its a shame, at least got the event, kinda overrated in difficulty. Managed to do everything without needing a command spell.
Last Encore was a flop so im not sure if they would decide to make CCC anime adaption tho.
That said, it would be very nice if we could get a CCC anime desu. I really really like Hans x Kiara btw.
>Last Encore was a flop
Never touched anything from extraverse and was planning to start with that one, so can anyone explain why is it bad? Or was is just commercialy unsuccessful.
My question is intended as a what if instead of what we have, GO failed and somehow that led to the instant bankruptcy of TM somehow
Again, it's simply based on what if TM had gotten Light's fate with Pantheon
Flashback for the Case Files x FGO collab.
Rasputin is hiding from Holmes, why would you think there'll be a battle?
>FGO timeline
Doesn't matter when nostalgia references set in.
Hanibal and Cid already jobbed. Longinus is still going strong though.
>Once the journey ends, tell me what you thought about it?
We'll probably answer this question before the game ends.
Eh what's this? Translation?
>hype beast shounen/vinland saga like/iseka
Let's see
Fire Force
Vinland Saga
Dr Stone
Danmachi S2
Isekai Cheat Magician
Mao sama Retry
Symphogear XV
Isekai Milf
9 shows at least
Seems seasonal bandwagoners may not notice Case Files with all of this
I mean Last Encore is not an adaption of the original Fate/Extra game but a story about what happens after the Bad End of the original game. And you will probably need to read other materials like the transcript and two Drama CDs to fully understand the anime. Those battle animations were also pretty bad too IMO, but i like the color and backgrounds. Last Encore OST is okay and the ED illustrations are all beautiful desu.
Overall i think the main reasons why LE was a flop are 1) too hard to understand and 2) battle animation isn't good especially when people usually have high expectation for that aspect in Fate anime adaptions. That said, i still think you should give it a try anyway. Personally Last Encore is 5.5/10 for me btw.
Speaking of which, did we destroy Meme-chan or she would be used in further chapters ?
Nasu wrote for himself a weird story taking place after MC loses to the final boss (instead of winning like what happens in the game). A weird story using new ideas he thought of and also a bunch of ideas that had to be scrapped from Extra because lack of budget
So, it's very weird and few people will enjoy it
Shaft being Shaft, the animation in some parts will bother people
I think anyone getting in LE now has the advantage of BDs being out, which I think look better and fix some issues with the fights.
But maybe I'm blinded because I'm one of the extremely few people who enjoyed LE a lot
Because it's fun
She's destroyed. She was never meant to be activated.
>To discover that is your true nature, Sherlock.
>Long ago, you had called the Incineration of Human Order as the “Divine-tier Murder Mystery”.
>As such, you may go ahead and label this invasion as such.
>“Who, and how did they perpetuate this crime”.
>When you have finally composed everything together, we shall meet again.
>Who is the one carrying the blame? That will be when, I hear the answer from your lips.
Historical top 20 of the amount of doujins circles (not doujins, note some publish novels or games, and they can have more than a single piece) dedicated to a character. All Fate related as expected. These are circles active during the period 2005-2018. Because is historical, FSN and FZ characters would always have more as they are older.
1. Emiya.
2. Cu Chulainn
3. Emiya Shirou
4. Kotomine Kirei
5. Gilgamesh
6. Tohsaka Rin
7. Emiya Kiritsugu
8. Artoria Pendragon
9. Gudako
10. Gudao
11. Iskandar
12. Kariya
13. Guda-two (meaning dedicated to both Guda/mixed, rather than focus on one).
14. Waver Velver.
15. Diarmuid
16. Tohsaka Tokiomi
17. Bazett
18. Hakunon
19. Romani Rarchman
20. Kayneth Archibald El Melloi
FSN: 8 characters (without counting Kiritsugu).
FZ: 7 characters (counting Kiritsugu)
FE: 1
FGO: 3 (counting the Gudas as individuals).
>1. Emiya.
>2. Cu Chulainn
>3. Emiya Shirou
>4. Kotomine Kirei
>5. Gilgamesh
Is this the power of the fujos in Japan? holy shit.
Uhh where are Sakura, Ilya and Medusa bros?
>I'm one of the extremely few people who enjoyed LE a lot
Glad that i am not the only one person that enjoyed Last Encore, user.
They joked that Cu and Emiya are special guests in doujin pannels as celebrities in Servantfes. Nasu's been aware of their doujin popularity since FHA.
E-Extra is popular guys, really!
To be fair, you can include a lot of Shirou/a waifu or harem and not just BL stuff with him (which is also big).
Yeah but what's up with Emiya and Cu, I didn't know they were so loved.
Yes, it is. They generously color it purple for comic con but everyone knows is on the fujo side. On the latest super comic (con that aims more for BL than hetero or /u/ but those exists on smaller doses), on Fate franchise the present top BL dedicated circles and Mozart/Salieri and Ryoma/Izou (with Cu/EMIYA coming third). On the /u/ side, the top picks for circles were Okita/Nobu and Mashu/Gudako. And the hetero side, the pairings with more circles were Roman/Gudako and EMIYA/Rin. That's a state of things present, historical records are neat though.
See Nasu and Takeuchi knew they were popular. Emiya being a fan of cat was because: a) ship teasing with Rin because they were popular together (even got included as a couple option in an official poll) and Rin got a cat costume as Kaleido Rin. b) Meme for Dogs with Cu because they are stupidly popular BL pairing.
Cu also has Caster Cu and Cu Alter which got counted there, from what I saw of the explanation of the doujin circles. Most are dedicated to Lancer though.
>They generously color it purple for comic con
>Okay, so they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars as Apo clearly showed
Execution doesn't disprove concept.
Apocrypha was a bad idea ("let's recycle two dozen random Servants from a scrapped MMO, that'll be coherent") given to a bad writer and executed badly. In a world where FGO carries an entire Sony division, Grail Wars will never die.
>Urban Fantasy Teen Romance
>Sword Art Online-style Death Game
>Conventional Death Game
>Conventional Fantasy War
>Time Travel Adventures
>Magical Girl
>Dynasty Warriors
>Pokemon Stand Battles
I dunno, man, Grail Wars seem like a pretty diverse concept with room to be reused and reimagined over and over.
Cu and Emiya have a lot of Exposure, user. They are in FSN, got their best scenes adapted, Cu is a major character in FHA on a way, they have fighting game, Extra, Extella, Carnival Phantasm also helped to make Cu meme tier, etc. Cu got a mini game by ufo on HF1 too.
Plus they have multiple playable versions on FGO. Cu is the helper in Fuyuki so he got his shirtless fanservice out nowhere animated, and the main antagonist in America. Plus he's a main in the cooking manga/anime.
The 98% Servants of this franchise don't get even a 1/10 of their pushing. Shirou gets LESS than Cu.
Now we're Isekai but destroying those Isekais.
>like Fate/Extra
>wish it got more play as a setting/concept
>Extellla basically ditches the whole setting
>All anime/marketing is focused on Worst Girl Nero
Fuck me, I guess.
Just animate the rest of Riyo's comics.
Also new Melty Blood
>Now we're Isekai
Nobunaga no Chef x Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan
>Thanks to a mysterious jeweled knife and a certain clutzy twintailed magus, when Emiya Shirou visits London he sent back in time to the Arthurian era of Great Britain! Will he leave history in its place, or can he save his first love from her tragic fate of legend? Only one thing is certain: Emiya Shirou is not a man who can allow Gawain's cooking to stand!
Someone tell me how Archer vs Muramasa goes in a fight.
Both have similar abilities except Archer makes Copies and Muramasa makes Original Content.
Is this the best stalemate ever?
Because Muramasa's workshop doesn't depend on UBW. Muramasa's natural workshop ability goes wherever he goes and doesn't need to have a reality marble activated so Muramasa might have faster spamming ability than Archer.
What do you guys think?
Grand Berserker Samson when?
Muramasa has literally one strategy and every fight he's involved with will always go the same way as a result.
Step 1. use SWORD. It fails.
Step 2. use ULTRA DIVINE SUPER SWORD. It works, but kills Muramasa.
The end.
Berserker could follow Hassan rule due to Linguistics.
A decent chunk of EMIYA's combat ability revolves around being able to read the history and nature of his opponent's weapons and thereby divine their entire fighting style several steps ahead.
If Muramasa's making brand new weapons each time, this might not actually work.
I was talking about the Lostbelts, lad. They seem like a parody of isekai with the Crypters being the ones who "died" and got sent to another world where they are the chosen ones/special, but we kill those worlds off.
Muramasa doesn't have to use that particular sword though.
He used that sword because he had to cut open a reality marble but in his lifetime, Muramasa made plenty of famous swords. One sword was ever given to the Tokugawa Shogunate.
I'm just wondering how Archer would fight someone like Muramasa.
Beowufl is already a servant.
But Ber-Serkr does not refer to a person, it just means "bear skin".
You're correct. Muramasa has an edge over Gilgamesh because Gil's NPs all have history behind them.
Meanwhile, Muramasa can make brand new weapons on the spot without any history behind them.
This could affect Archer's UBW ability because the advantage of UBW is gone against newly created weapons never used by anybody before.
Emiya traces the meaning behind its creation too. He can recognize what any weapon does at a glance, provided it wasn't made by fairies or gods, of which Muramasa is neither.
French Bread isn't allowed to make a HD version of Melty Blood until Nasu lifts the Tsukihime embargo which is when the remake gets released in the year 5023
>keep introducing new genderbend servants of famous historical people
>have out of character events where everyone acts kawaiidesu in their summer bikinis
>lonely otaku with too much money spend thousands on the gacha for these characters
>continue to make billions
FGO is the final frontier of Type Moon and it's going to last forever.
I genuinely don't understand how anyone can say this when the main character is a complete nobody. Shiki is a 945056D character compared to him/her.
>It is proposed by some authors that the northern warrior tradition originated in hunting magic.[5][6] Three main animal cults appeared: the bear, the wolf, and the wild boar.[5]
Bear, Wolf, Boar Warriors, and not just Bear Warriors.
But Muramasa is a very simple man. He just wants to make stuff that cuts really, really good.
This becomes really philosophical so could Emiya understand such a thing.
wats nasu's beef with tsukihime again
There is no future of Type-Moon. Simply a future for Fate.
The franchise has long since abandoned any semblance of its modern fantasy roots. It's entirely focused around time traveling to ancient times and if not that a psuedi sci-fi near future or outright on the fucking moon. It's honestly kinda a mess of "cool" things glued together.
Now I must admit that Case Files really captures that spirit by taking place in London and being focused on the Clocktower with minimal Servant and Grail business. I just wish this was the direction that the series went: new stories about new people in various parts of Japan or the world but sticking with a somewhat linear timeline and not going too out there. It almost seemed that way with Mahoyo but that crashed and burned where Extra succeeded so here we are forever.
He looked at it and cringed really hard at how chuuni it was.
Yes, Emiya can understand being a sword very much because he is a sword.
A fight between him and Muramasa cannot possibly end without either one party running out of magical energy or Muramasa drawing his ultimate divine sword which kills him.
Extra was mediocre. Fate/Zero anime was the hit they needed to carry them until FGO came along.
FGO is the marvel of japan, it will never die and make more money than all anime together
>this nigger
Bitch, PreCure, DBZ and OP says otherwise
Tsukihime is better than Fate.
It's actually about why the company is named Type Moon in the first place.
The magi in Tsukihime feel more natural in the story compared to Fate and Fate's attempts to use Clock Tower as a setting.
Did you know Bazette and Caren were originally suppose to be Tsukihime 2 characters before Tsukihime 2 was cancelled.
yeah no they don't.
To be fair, Muramasa is already dead so Shirou would just get his body back.
hollow ataraxia adaptation maybe
Only OP makes money, Precure does okay, and DB is only popular in Mexico and the US since it doesn't make a lot of money in Japan anymore.
Would be better than the other Fate spinoffs that barely provide any extra lore and mechanics.
Problem with HA is Groundhog Day Setting but Time Travel Anime like Steins;Gate were pretty popular
fate strange fake
They changed the name to "notes" a while ago iirc.
That's a business name for their corporation, Type-Moon is still their brand in all things.
Don't kid yourself Tsukihime was also crap.
Good T-M works are KnK, Mahoyo and Case Files.
Muramasa does use UBW.
Muramasa on his own is unable to rapidly forge new swords, he uses Shirou's abilities(due to their high compatibility) to speed up the forging of swords.
What's so good about Lostbelt?
>The future of Type Moon
Anime adaptations led by Gudako
Knk is garbage
Tsukihime, Fate and Mahoyo are the only TM works
Yurifaggots out.
>Nasu will never make more DDD
>nobody in the TM fanbase ever talks about DDD
Truly lost to time
those are some fucking perfect tits hot damn
Fate is a yuri franchise.
Seeing how Nasu will "leave" F/GO once part 2 is done (in who know many months) he might go back to smaller projects like Mahoyo. I feel like TM has overdone it with Fate these last years, and maybe the very positive success of Case Files will encourage them to do something else.
>Congratulations, you have completed the Grand Order™! Now you need to get ready for the new Fate/Grander Order™
Up until like the last 4 missions, you're literally STILL smacking Desert Sphinxes
I can't believe people still got it wrong even after Shirobako have shown that production assistant is the key to everything.
Hopefully more comfy SOL.
fate has enough fan base and material for endless SOL's, only thing holding them back is Nasu's crippling mental illness
Case Files will flop
>can't keep rehashing Grail Wars as Apo clearly showed.
Apo's problem wasn't the HGW, it was the extremely shoddy plotting.
this series is meant for porn only, anyone enjoying anything else is clearly mentally ill
>surprise character
animated Aoko time
>implying FGO is the sunk cost fallacy when FSN takes 5x as long to read
>he thinks everyone "defending" FGO is a whale
More thinly veiled excuses to sell you the same recycled character designs.
Type Moon hasn't made anything decent since FSN. Full stop.
The novels have excellent ratings. Even if the anime flop, the source material has been very well recieved.
Honestly the Alice arc in LE was pretty good, and you could kind of appreciate how they subverted some of the stuff in the CMs for the show, like how they showed off Li Shuwen youtube.com
I have this feeling that if they make a 3rd Extella game, it'll finally hit that sweet spot of having a halfway story and gameplay that the original and Link traded off on. I liked Link because it fixed the repetitive gameplay issues I had with the original for the most part but the fact the story didn't follow up with the original game annoyed me since at least the first was pretty interesting in that regard.
I'm just waiting for the Absolute Mathman to get added into FGO at this point, honestly can see him playing into one of the latest Lostbelts with aliens and what not.
screw that time locking son of a umbral star
It'll be a character who already appeared in Case Files novels according to the news.
>with aliens
What aliens?
There aren't aliens, just normalfags who perceived the weird shit with lostbelts as an alien invasion. It's called a divine mystery case according to Kotomine (and Holmes).
Aka it's a Beast (same label was applied to Ooku and part 1).
Wish they'd continue deeper into the trend to weed out these ultra serious shounen kiddies desu
Great now I want this.
What? DB's last movie raked in more cash in Japan alone than every Fateshit movie put together, and it's own gachashit performs close to Fate's shen you consider how long each has been active in Nihongo too.
I'm okay with this honestly, haven't really kept up with the Lostbelts so some events are probably better coming across as a surprise when NA gets it but it's going to be fun seeing how they fuck up Agartha considering their PR department has gone radio silent since the Emiya Alter change went shitshow from the get-go. End of Shinjiku was pretty good though.
There is no FGO movie. Notice I said FGO, not "Fate".
>and it's own gachashit performs close to Fate's
Not even close.
Much better.
Kill yourself.
This is the greatest thing I have ever seen.
>there's no FGO movie
When did I say there was? Your statement made no sense to begin with. What mildly successful gachashit doesn't make more money than the always-dying anime industry? The only charitable interpretation of your argument I could make was that you were comparing both franchises as a whole, in which case you're still wrong no matter how you slice it. DB as a franchise made a Billion+ dollars last year (and that's from its main license holder alone), and regardless of its international appeal, something like 60 to 70% of all that money came from Japan. Source
By the way, this is all coming from simeone who would rather see the franchise die than have it on its current state, but from a commercial standpoint it's pretty much on the same boat as Fateshit.
why are people so upset that FGO is one of the best fate works
He clearly means the low IQ retards who spend hundreds/thousands on it. Funny that they were talking about the narrative quality of FGO yet it only has a fifth content of FSN?
No shit it doesn't have as much "content", fucking half of the original VN is Rinxposition and Shirou repeating himself like a retard.
Imagine thinking this when you don't even have any proof to back up your argument
Will you stop posting this in every thread retard
>Man, fucking gachashit, not even once.
You don't need to pay for anything, dumbass, the game is f2p.
Gacha and real money donations are only for the people who want to get a certain servant.
Imagine missing the point of Apocrypha so hard that you think it's a franchise/idea killing flop. Also it sold well in JP. Also, you are a fucking brainlet, along with everyone else that thinks Apo is "bad" or whatever because they can't comprehend the ideas behind something that isn't retarded shounen shit or edgy trash.
>isn't retarded shounen shit
Except it is? Apo is far more shounen like than any other installment. Also what exactly is the "point" of Apo? The premise is nice, but it's hardly explored
>It's cool to hate successful things
The point of Apo was never the premise (if by premise, you mean the new type of Grail War). It was about understanding Sieg and Shirou, and how their conflicting views on humanity changed the way the War itself was fought and resolved. Sieg, on one hand, is a blank slate that has no reason to "love" humanity. However, despite this, he strives to be more human, and seeks to preserve the beauty humanity holds in its current way of life. This is upheld by Jeanne, who dedicated her life to a similar cause, thus remaining saintly. It is the reason why Jeanne fell in love with Sieg- he represents everything "good" about humanity, and still sought to preserve it despite wrongdoings committed in front of his very eyes (see: the mistreatment of the homunculus soldiers during the first half). Shirou, on the other hand, was raised in the worst way. He only knows the evil of humanity. More accurately, he acknowledges the good, but still concludes that the evil and suffering outweighs the existence good. Therefore, he undertakes his goal of ascending humanity with the Greater Grail. This is mirrored by Jack the Ripper, a product of one of the worst times in human history.
I could honestly write a bunch of shit about it but seriously the people that rag on it are retarded. They want to go all "ohHH shOW nOt telLL" but the moment they have to think about something beyond hamfisted Jesus metaphors they sperg out.
Fate extra was released in 2010. Shit was just as ridiculous.
Camelot is 99% filler and Babylon is a monster movie with F/SN references.
However clever a character dichotomy it sets up and however deep the themes it tackles are, the way the philosophical winners of each of these arguments is decided is through kiddy shounen 101 asspull after asspull. That's not even to mention how childishly shallow the reasons most characters have for their ideals are. Jeanne and Atalanta immediately come to mind, and Sieg, however logically sound him being blank as shit is in the context of the narrative, doesn't stop him from being blank as shit. He's hard to empathize with and difficult to root for as a result, which makes all the wanking he gets by other characters like Jeanne, the homunculi, and Astolfo as well as how cartoonishly he wins his all his fights seem cringeworthy at the worst moments. Also Sisigou and Mordred had their entire arcs wasted.
>can't keep rehashing Grail
that's what exactly they need to do, just milk it and keep by 7 servants fighting each other, and fuck maguses, nobody cares about maguses, Sieg ruined apocrypha.
Maguses are fine if they stay maguses, siegs problem was he was boring and his power was retarded. Kirei, waver and Kiritsugu did nothing but make zero more enjoyable but its because they just remained as supports.
>fuck maguses
I can smell you from here pedro
Magus are and will continue to be the best part of Fate. The whole point is (was) to show the way that stories of heroes impact on our society.
The problem is that, Nasu or any other hacks will never be able to replicate Shirou. They tried with sieg and failed hard. Nobody fucking cares about any other magus other than the original cast. The best they can do is keep milking servant fighting eachother instead, just look at strange fake, the author had the right idea that the flashier the servants are, the better it is.
Strange Fake has a strong focus on magus, though?
Notes OVA hopefully
But SN and Zero eclipse all other parts of the franchise besides GO in popularity and they have heavy emphasis on the masters.
Notes would be a terrible fuckimg adaptation, I like it but it's far from even mediocre and I can't imagine enjoying it when it doesn't have the charm of something written by like a teenager
Lostbelt 5 might be relevant to White Titan stuff. Also the final boss of arc 2 is not aliens anyway (God of Another Planet), but aliens are related to that person.
>Then, the scene moves to detail the notes of a researcher in 2016. The notes tell of [Specimen: E] being moved to a base 18 hours after the observation in New Mexico. The researcher is extremely excited: this is the greatest achievement since the Roswell Incident in 1947. The specimen is dying and in a state where it is unable to survive without human assistance. More importantly, it's undoubtedly a sapient lifeform alien to humanity. Its form and structure are incomprehensible; a monstrous shape that looks like it came out of the sort of film featuring visitors from outer space.
>The mission of the researcher was to resuscitate this "friend" from a far off world and establish communication with it. The staff are all fired up and eager to help, but there is one thing that the researcher regrets. It is that this cannot be disclosed to the outside world. This project is classified at the highest levels and cannot be made public until it is complete. And so, in this underground facility, they have to continue their vigil and medical care of this unknown lifeform, which resembles the root of a tree.
Chaldea hasn't realized yet is a Beast but the signs are all there:
>Kama manifested because of Kiara and events of LB (remember the chain effect)
>Divine Mystery cases linked to Beast was kind of brought up in the end by a grumbling Holmes who missed it
>The Beasts are the only enemies who get a special screen-announcement window - them and their related stuff (like the pillar demons). If you notice no other enemy, not even the LB Kings or the Foreigners or Crypter or anything got the OH SHIT RUN SPECIAL BOSS screen (by the way the trees get a special screen just like pillar demons did).
>Hassan warned about Shame and Pity in particular during Babylonia
>The OP lyrics contain spoilers and there's an element of shame on them (shame of own lack of worth).
>The important is to know "why" and for "what reason?" Interesting Holmes never actually answered to a mystery in FGO: Why did Marisbury Animusphere die
>Kama wouldn't have become a Beast if he hadn't died first, his old body and identity forgone to become something else foreshadowing.
Oh yeah, Kama easily devoured the Foreigners (Oi was made a brainwashed Ooku maid and Abigail a room). And she was half of a unmanifested larvae Beast not yet considered a threat by the Counter Force to act. Just to put clear the alien stuff is outgunned. Abigail and Summer BB express their impotence to do anything against LB threat.
That's not an alien, is literally a root of fantasy. You can see it on the OP if you make the screen less dark, Shadow Border is heading where it was and looks like the desert on USA.
Animusphere has a secret headquarters location that isn't revealed in mats but match with somewhere on USA (redacted squares), where Chaldeas used to be before moving it.
>Okay, so they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars as Apo clearly showed.
Yes and Type Moon clearly agrees considering that none of the Fate stories made after Apocrypha have involved anything like a "Holy Grail War"
How can you make Ushi alter different from regular Ushi?
I mean that basement focus on alien experiments though.
Btw i really want Chaldea to meet David Bluebook as soon as possible.
Same way summer sushi is different from regular sushi
More like Fate/Retarded. One of the most shittiest ideas they ever had.
Have they made a Train Girl GatchaGame yet? I feel like that'd make gangbusters.
Alice arc was good but it's really cheap story telling. Just like they add more Illya's backstory in UBW adaptation - just for the sake of more little girl suffering so audeice feel saddness and sorrow.
Similar shit was with Sakura in HF. You basically create a puppy wich was bullied by everyone and in reseult reader/watcher want to protect him.
honestly yea with that short skirt and fucked up hair
The basement is a Chaldea CG reused for a reason. They claim is an "alien experiment" but it's a root of fantasy: it's the "root of a tree."
Why the fuck is this taking so long? She's many times more popular than the fag dude.
>Servants are now smartphones
You know what's wrong with a company when it is stuck with Fate instead of creating something new.
>making the original VN look like amateur writing in comparison.
How the hell is that at all an impressive feat?
Sick of Waverwank.
>eventhough he's still weak as fuck by the time of Case Files
Dunno about you but I'm waiting for this.
My problem with him is that he was originally a minor character but now he's linked to every fucking story.
Waiting for what? Jalter loves (you).
It's also the audience, though
They tried something different (Mahoyo) but it flopped while Zero, UBW, and GO print money
Thus, the message is clear: Audience wants more Fate. Audience doesn't want something different
>minor character
Not really...? Maybe you're talking about Waver in Fate/Zero but Character Material (2006) was the first time Lord El-Melloi II got introduced. Also being a Lord in the Clock Tower aka the main headquarter of MA already makes him a pretty important character in Nasuverse (especially in magecraft world), not to mention that other Lords are too weird to play the same role as Waver.
Nasu has literally never used him in a story, but nearly every other author uses either him or Zelretch to force some relevancy into their work. It's obnoxious.
Waver is not a high ranking lord.
Yes, but he's still a Lord and there are only 12 Lords in this world.
Actually now i think about it, there are only 11 Lords since both Mineralogy and Archaeology departments are under the Meluastea family.
because we're poor and gachashit is a constant reminder
I still don't know why they haven't created an anime or game focusing on any of the many different ways you could have a grail war
For example, there are Grail Wars completely devoid of masters that don't even summon all 7 of the basic classes
Honestly they should make a Grail War that has a rule where you can bring no harm to each other unless in specific bounded fields created by a Grail or something
Have it be a game of information gathering, luring others into the bounded fields to do battle, working around the "no harm" rule by things like taking hostages, etc.
They could easily get so much more creative but they just don't and it's really sad
Servants can't summon themselves.
Jokes on you they do in FGO
The climax of part 1 is literally hundreds of servants summoning themselves to join your fight
Maybe they should try to *gasp*
...develop their universe further to add hook points for new plot opportunities?...
The Grail summons them
They're summoned by the Grail, but only Solomon would create a Grail with auto-summon.
Or rather, Goetia.
Why the actual fuck do people jerk off those two arcs so much. Like said the MC has no thoughts that are worth a shit. He is the definition of generic which is why your dialogue choices don't matter and half the time it's just lines for waifufaggotry. Every single time I see a historical figure it feels like they're doing the "Kids travel back in time to meet Benjamin Franklin and help him fly his kite in an educational kids show" tier shit. Maybe if you've been swallowing shit all your life you'd be mindbroken and lubed up enough for Nasu to drop a fat load once in a while while he lets other writers use up brand new historical figures with potential in shitty meme joke events
When have the rules ever mattered in Fate? People eat up whatever chuuni half baked explanation they shit out whenever they need excuses to put Caren in the Virgin Mary or some shit like that
>"Kids travel back in time to meet Benjamin Franklin and help him fly his kite in an educational kids show" tier shit.
Sounds fine to me
>Aoko's game flopped
Fuck Japan
The "first" episode didn't inspire much confidence. It was pretty much everything bad about the Nasuverse distilled into 20 minutes.
The Grail War was never meant to be a catchall template. It was always a very specific bespoke ritual conducted in near obscurity by three old magus families using each of their own special capabilities
>the Einzberns creating the class containers to serve as the vessels and supplying the Grail which uses an application of the Third to manifest spiritual bodies in the physical world
>the Makiris creating the command spells with their expertise in commanding familiars to force the Servants to sudoku
>the Tohsakas providing access to their high quality leylines which take sixty years to gather enough energy to run the War for just two weeks
>the whole summoning is forked from the Counter Guardian system
>and the battle royale is a scam that started when the families ended up fighting over who would actually get to use the Grail and also needed more participants to reach the minimum number of Servants needed to reach the Root
A War where there are real rules to fighting or which don't have enough Servants is missing the point. The War was only ever a coincidental outcome of the real ritual, Heaven's Feel.
Yeah but it'd be fun
>Unlike you ignorant sakugabooru fucks seem to think
Good lord why did you waste so much time typing up these loads of bullshit. You sound so unbelievably bitter about who knows what.
>abloobloo the production is gonna collapse because I say so! Don't listen to s-s-sakugafags!
For the story of course.
>not voiced
>no sex scenes
It's Nasu's own fault it flopped
FGO is such cancer. I just got through London and can't will myself to get through America to get to the supposed good parts of the story. The story has been god awful this entire time and the only 5 star I have is Illya. I'm not seeing the appeal at all.
The message TM and everyone else in charge gets is the same, though: Keep making Fate. Don't make anything else. That's all the message they see
>bitching about no sex scenes
TM sex scenes have always been shit and mocked. Why do you even want them?
A cooking show with Smart Cat and Passionlip please.
SoL FGO anime that's just servants doing cute things.
All they really had to do with Apo was to have Necrobro and Mo be the main characters. They had a great dynamic going on, every scene with them was really enjoyable.
>No sex scenes
Considering how Aoko's evidently single in Tsuki-MB and that Nasu seems ashamed of the sex scenes totally-not-written-by-him, that was a given to start with. Jury's still out on Alice though, and Touko is definitely not a virgin.
>Why do you even want them?
So we can mock them. Even that can be considered valid entertainment.
yeah, I do feel like the story is often too grand for its own good. you have 7 masters, which will all be fairly interesting people to explore due to how fucked up mages are mentally.
and you have 7 servants with an interesting backstory lifted from history/mythology.
that's enough for a character driven show that doesn't need a huge world ending plot.
>Okay, so they can't keep rehashing Grail Wars
>doing cute things.
or shit like the volleyball match from shirou's cooking show.
Yes please i want it so much ;_;
A spin-off about the Church
The reason that has never happened is because it's fucking boring and the authors realize that
Worse. If you don't like the new developments just ignore them. If it's gone there's no chance of anything good ever appearing again, if it exists there is always a small chance. Even today's TM manages to create great works like Case Files.
I just wanna point out, even if it's very late, this guy is right. When Tomino came back to work on G-Reco all the staff treated it like they were going into fucking boot camp. And he didn't disappoint, apparently everything kept coming back to directors and animators with red lines and notes everywhere, even the Seiyuu weren't spared.
>Speaking to Bandai Visual’s Beat Magazine, he opined that “all of the young voice actors have been contaminated by currently trendy anime. All of their voices sounded the same to me, so the first order of business was to break them of those habits.” Specifically, he feels that modern performer overuse added theatrics rather than relying on what's natural. “But those are habits they pick up in the normal course of their careers, so it’s something that often they just can’t do.”
this is what we really need
Only if Grand Order had their artists emulate Takeuchi's style instead of shitting out a mixed bag of decent to outright ugly character art.
Do you realize what you just said, user...?
>We should hire famous artists for character design so Takeuchi won't have to do everything!
>Also, tell them to emulate Takeuchi's style
You might as well ask get Type Moon to get literal nobody that can ape Takeuchi's style for FGO then.
The point of getting a lot of different prominent artists is to get them to do shit in their style
I wouldn't mind more coherence with regards to the art style but please not with Takeuchi as guideline. Or at least force him to ditch his sameface-shtick. It's obvious from some pictures that he could draw a lot better if he wanted to, but he keeps the face at the same level he had all those years back, for the purpose of easier recognition I assume.
Apocrypha was ok as and for a stand-alone story. No need to listen to malcontents.
So he sold his soul and ability to the devil to make only the peak anime girl design/face. It can't be helped.
Carnival Phantasm 2 when?
When TsukiRe or Mahoyo sequel being released
If Hassan is Grand Assassin, who is Grand Pa___
There was many many many many things to do with Apo and that's the problem, they did nothing out of it. The author simply wasn't able to handle that much characters and just fled from it.
Hey, at least we have Fate/All Fights End In Interruptions And No-one Dies, right?
FGO2. TM has no reason to do anything other than gacha until mobile gaming dies. This is our future now
Easy answer: where ever the money goes.
Mahoyo you pleb.
It didn't flop.
Do some basic research.
Come Camelot you'll finally get to start using your brain during fights.
Also the story does impove, though by how much is ultimately up to you.
America is a slog unless you're a Cufag.
Literally nothing Nasu has made post Fate has flopped besides Last Encore. Even DDD made money.
Get outta here Mebd
LE was only a "flop"
It sold enough to make money. It just underperformed for a Fate product.
Just give me Illya's VN already.
release another visual novel with ero-scenes
More Prism Illya