5toubun no Hanayome
>spoiling Rena's identity
Was it supposed to be obvious from the start or does Negi not care about secondaries?
>Nino with scissors
Man the preview looks like ass quality still for Season 2. Ugly anime really makes it harder for me to invest into a series. Conflicting feeling of reading a manga and then having an anime butcher it and not wanting to invest anymore. Shit.
>Itsuki in Rena outfit
Negi doesn't give a shit does he.
Still looks QUALITY, I'll pass.
Itsuki, calm down! Don't eat that 2!
>Ichika not even in her Tamako variant
Of course he doesn't.
Still looks like shit.
This is going to be the Nino wank season, isn't it? her chapters were boring as fuck.
Everything in the PV is from S1
>Nino in the wedding dress
He really doesn't
No thanks.
Japan has good taste now
>Yotsuba's not sold out
I think japs need another dose of freedom.
A few months ago Nino's merch was also the first to sell out.
With season 2no, she's going to be unstoppable
This just means 5 million more cancerous waifu fag threads doesn't it.
Her tits looked awesome in that outfit, too.
I don't think it would've been any different without the second season, though.
The damage was already done.
I'm already wanking because of it, Nino or not.
>tfw not knowing the PV is the cutscenes from the first season
Japan loves tsunderes, and Miku reminded so much of themselves in these past chapters that they jumped off her ship.
You just jealous she likes bad asses and not betas.
Why is Yotsuba so good? I love genki girl!
>Kaguya get some sappy ass live action
>Toubun get S2 immediately after
ToubunCHADS rise up
Can't wait to see it in motion.
It's not like they're going to butcher it like every Nino scene in S1, right?
Nino will sooner dump Fuutaro once she finds some nigger who's manlier and more wild than him
good thing Negi won't make one appear, unlike in your doujins.
No need to project so much.
Aw yeah
Friendly loving reminder that short hair > long hair
Oh, the faggot with shit taste is here.
>anons spent month theory-crafting about Rena identity thinking it some sort of huge incident that affect the story later
>Negi:Huh,was it supposed to be secret?I thought made it clear enough.
Some of you must feel really stupid now.
It should.
Shhh. He wants Nino for himself. Let him dream.
>theoryfags are exposed for being retards overthinking things
Not really since the speculation and those theories were at least more fun than all the shitposting. People just wished for everything to be a more convoluted and mysterious, disregarding the most obvious possibility.
Reminder that the bike will be CGI
>8/5 for JP raw of stale chapter
>13/5 for ch85 KR/leak
they will do rushed job on this one for sure.
they need to release the anime before manga end if they want it help manga sales.
just RIP, S1 can't even build waifu wars between anime-only, i don't think people outside manga reader will even care with S2 either.
>S1 can't even build waifu wars between anime-only, i don't think people outside manga reader will even care with S2 either
And that's a good thing!
Poor Yotsuba...
Its not as fun when someone can't accept that there exist another possibilities and theories are just theories,not a fact.
>13/5 for ch85 KR/leak
It's going to be a Long Night
Who the fuck care about animeonly. I'm pretty sure the cliffhanger anime ending converted most of them already.
if they can't attract anime-only with waifu wars, then what the point watching this series ?
Nino in a camisole is so sexy.
>thinking that everyone willing to read the manga
with how dogshit S1 quality, i bet no one hyped S2 outside manga reader.
So, will Negi drag things out at least till the end of ss2 or not? If we really have only 2 vols left then the manga cant last that long assuming ss2 will be in winter 2020. Maybe we have 3 vols left with one cover for all sisters and the final for the bride
>volume 9 sold more than 300k copies in 2 weeks
Yes, only manga reader caring about it is enough
How do you call the combination of main girl, first girl, bride, kisser, antagonist and lolikano ?
>no one likes yotsuba
He should've made this Ichika's outfit
Or something a bit more bolder, this without the hairdo
That's why no essay for Nino has appeared. We can just direct them to the manga.
Wtf Yotsubros?
It's kinda obvious that she wouldn't be popular when she only got 4 chapters out of 84. Also japs have an hivemind mentality, they'll always like the one that gets the most exposure. It's already incredible that she got 2nd place in the poll when she had only 2 chapters for her.
I just realized Nino has been the antagonist for over half the story, only to be replaced by Maruo and Ichika.
Toubun first on the japanese Twitter. Heh
I'm ready for some more Nino.
Yeah, that's true. People need to stop taking their theories and themselves overly serious. Looking back I find it hilarious that I believed Rena to be Ichika.
Skipping most of this season beacuse its 70% Ninowank
Negi ""accidentally"" gets into an accident and the series is on hiatus until season 2 ends
Nino pride world wide
How are the studio going handle the VA for Rena and fake Itsuki in S2 ?
Maybe Inori Minase can voice them all but there must be another seiyuu for Rena
Nino #1 in my heart and lives in my head rent-free
Please don't take my last chance at relevance.
He moved on from Rena. Later~ Nino won. From the start of the series, he was like, I remember when we first met in High School. Not when he was a JS chibi.
Looks like Nino won guys. Gonna go with a Nino ending in anime and manga for a combo finisher.
It's cause she didn't really do anything that arc.
>enter thread
Its ok Yotsuba. You still have rope...I mean hope
It's amazing that Negi's writing has gone down the shitter so much that people actually believe that Nino could be Lolikano.
It makes zero sense, but so did Ichika and Miku in the last few chapters.
Itsuki is still under watch, but that's probably ruined too
Poor Rena.
Itsuki is Lolikano
This arc has me feeling even more that Nino is going to be the bride because of how he's assassinated everyone else.
I mean, I want her to be the bride, but not like this.
Cast your lot with Yotsuba. She's the only one left who can pull a reverse sweep to defeat the Nino menance.
Yotsuba is for despair only.
I'm glad I get to see more Miku.
More NinoFuu banter when?
Fuck off
I like how this is unironically true. Negi has all the hints and misdirections to pull it off yet also doesn't have enough where its obvious or has to be done.
Really the best kind of heroine where its really 50/50.
Itsuki will still win dow,
Yeah. That poll result is really a big surprise. I start to think that Negi based on that poll to reduce Yots screentime. He may think just give her 2 chapters is enough to get 2 the 2nd ranking, give more would be overkill. Remember that he didnt give Miku any important scene in her intire volume and only recently he starts to give her relevance again. Same with Yotsuba but in a smaller scale
Soon! Within the next chapter or two.
Why so upset?
Yotsuba will be happy being adopted by Nino and Fuutarou.
How does anyone think Itsuki is still going to win after all that has(n't) happened and what Negi's said?
They make a great married couple.
The new season will be trash like the first one, but it means we'll have more fanarts, so it's à good news
Monkey's Paw is a strong force to be reckoned with
I think Negi got a bit over his head trying to shuffle 5 characters, should have gone with 3 at most for his first work.
Not trying to bait, but can someone tell me why people are overhyping Nino after the bike confession?
I don't get it. It seems like the usual plot of tsundere falling for the MC. Sure, she's more aggressive compared to her sisters but I still don't understand people treating her as some groundbreaking character. Unless I'm a brainlet and they're just massive shitposters.
I think Miku and Ichika being so emotionally unstable are valid reasons for them not winning the bowl, but the problem here is that Negi wasn't capable of handle that well.
This was the peak of their interactions
>how he's assassinated everyone
He hasn't assassinated Yotsuba yet, and Fatty might have an actual excuse for backpedalling.
Though I'm less than impressed at her character for eating through this drama shitshow Nino and Yotsuba had to salvage.
But I'm supporting both of them
I'm sure as the author he's more up to date with the quints' popularity than we are. If what you say is true then he should have seen that Yotsuba's popularity was slipping and adjusted her screentime accordingly. The fact that he hasn't done that yet means Negi either has something big planned for Yotsuba or he simply doesn't give a shit about her.
how can Nino be the kisser if shes having doubts at being in the lead 2 chapters after the kiss chapter?
>I'm sure as the author he's more up to date with the quints' popularity than we are
It works inversely.
>Nino last in popularity
>rocket her into 2nd place with the most screentime
>meanwhile Miku did nothing since chapter 30ish until Scrambled Eggs
Applies to Ichika too, she had like 10% more votes than Nino but has the most focus after her.
Because she kissed him disguised as Itsuki, dumb user.
Exactly. The way it played out felt so cheap. Ichika's dark turn went on way longer than it should have. I'm not really sure how Miku got to doormat from where she was in the first few volumes, but it really cheapened her, too.
Taking more time to develop these things would have made them look better. Instead, Negi seems to be fucking allergic to SoL and slower pace chapters that show character development and interactions. I really wish we could also see how Nino's doing at her job with Fuu.
I'm tired of drama. Can we go back to studying?
Yotsuba is irrelevant, and Fatty got BTFO when she tried the Rena shit again after seeming to have finished with it.
You mean the 2 most interesting arcs, not like fkcing mess like recent arcs?
I wish we could see Yotsuba's job at all.
Nips woke up after the last chapter
The chapter showed why she was uncertain, but it seems like she feels better about things by the time 71 is over.
I mean, there's just no way she isn't in the lead...right?
Next arc Maruo will hire top 2 of the national exam after he sees at least 3 of his daughters want to get into Fuu's pants
>negi assassinated this
>Negi did that
You people are being insufferable at this point. The arc is still far from over as well the story
Why did she kiss Fuutarou disguised as Itsuki if she couldnt care about appearances anymore?
>Yotsuba is irrelevant
>Top 2 are hot loli twins that immediately want to do some Eugenics with Fuu
Because she realized that even Ichika is inlove with F and so
Reminder that Yotsuba never got a solo magazine pinup.
>Ichika literally doubling down on her idiocy
>Miku flipflopping her mood
Yeah, it's called shit writing, assassination works too since it's meant to showcase how others are better (more loyal, altruistic, trusting and kind) in comparison.
I'd sooner want to see that than this arc
I think we should blame Negi's editor and publisher as well, it feels like this story was meant to be shorter than it'll be. I think he even commented that on Twitter.
It's still a shitshow no matter what happens.
But I'm still along for the ride at this point, unless Miku's the bride, then I bail. I was okay with it until this arc.
I don't think Ichika did either. Miku, Itsuki, and Nino did.
Scrambled Eggs was the closest arc to filler apart from Yotsuba’s date.
Serves the animeonlies just right.
Even better:
>Maruo recognizes Fuutarou's determination as he will not sway in tutoring the quints
>instead he will incorporate snakery and hire the top two spot who coincidentally are girls
>one of them is Takebayashi
>is tasked with seducing Fuuts rather than the keeping him away
Shorter? Hell, this series is already probably going to be 20 chapters too short as it is at least.
>I don't think Ichika did either
She got a fireworks sparkler pinup.
Will it be QUALITY?
>>Miku flipflopping her mood
That has been a thing sin e the very beginning though
Will s2 announcement force Negi to slow down the pace of the story? I bet that nobody will watch the anime once Nino wins and all intrigue vanishes
>(more loyal, altruistic, trusting and kind) in comparison
What ever could make you think that, user?
You must be kidding. He's rushing it like crazy.
Nope. Her growth was rather organic until recently.
She got over her earlier mood dumps pretty easily, only recently did she need to be dragged around like a retarded kid
Mach 10 pacing is short to you?
I want my beach chapter goddammit
Would read this.
She's the Make-A-Wish kid of this story, user. A charity case.
Toubun holidays are great and all but sweeping twitter for fanart during them is exhausting.
I didn't feel like finishing the rest of the anime but my goodness, how did they get away with that?
>We're in the endgame now
Would unironically love the fuck out of this.
Imagine not only looking for fanart during holidays but also not being caught up with all the fanart on pixiv.
Makes sense since by the time S2 comes out the manga will be over.
Negi has somehow made NTR acceptable. What went right?
You already had it on the scrambled eggs arc. It was one panel, but it counts !
To be fair Miku is the only quint we never see thinking of the whole sisterly bond thing, even Itsuki thinks about it once in a while, while it is Nino's and Yotsuba's thing mainly, it's really weird Miku has never brought up the quintuplet dynamic, ignoring her solo relationship with Ichika and Nino of course.
Pixiv makes it easy to catch up, at least.
Twitter is a pain in the ass because there might be one or two pieces of art in between 500 fucking posts of people being excited for season 2
It's still a shitshow no matter what happens.
But I'm still along for the ride at this point, unless Nino's the bride, then I bail. I was okay with it until last arc
Let Ninofags in their bubbles.
If you haven't watch the second to last episode.
It was animated by Shaft and it looks great, what the whole thing should have looked like.
What I meant is that he's rushing it now because they wanted Negi to add arcs like Scrambled Eggs. There's so much inconsistency in his writing when it seemed fine at the beginning. If Miku's not the bride, then they didn't let him make her being rejected so early in the story.
Fuuts deserves better than these motherfucking quints and their motherfucking quint games.
The majority of the budget is in the last two episodes rather than the usual first 3. Watch episode 10-12 if you want the whole school trip arc, it's worth it for pic related alone
Please don't look like shit. I already know what's going to happen at least make it watchable for me
>To be fair Miku is the only quint we never see thinking of the whole sisterly bond thing
Are we unironically reading the same thing?
Kaguyabros, Toubunchads are dabbing hard on us what to do?
>Takeda realizes quints are too retard and have an unhealthy relationship with Fuu
>try to be a wingman for his bro and ship Fuu with Takebayashi
>quints find out and Takeda disappears forever, that's why we didn't see him in the wedding
>All the quints supporting Miku
What did Negi mean by this? Oh wait....
Yeah, i think Negi is paranoid that his manga will end up stagnating like other romcoms so he ends up rushing things too much making the characters personalities flip flop around from chapter to chapter.
The pacing up til scrambled eggs was perfect so it's a shame that he is trying to fix what isn't broken.
In the end Fuutarou is the one who is going to make a choice so I don't know why everyone is sperging.
Group art is either 12345 or 24531 most of the time.
>If Miku's not the bride, then they didn't let him make her being rejected so early in the story.
I might be just a brainlet, but I'm not sure what this sentence is saying. I need to go back to bed.
Any user can explain the rule of this gameboard? I see someone has posted this but I don't understand much about this gameboard.
Say what you want but I am the first Ninofag on Yea Forums so I deserve to marry Nino
By "Him" hes probably refering to Negi.
Teen pregnancy seems to be the solution for your problems.
I've been one since the oneshot raw came out, kill yourself.
That would be me. Fuck off fakefag
Don't be greedy faggot, you already had a better adaptation than us
>To be fair Miku is the only quint we never see thinking of the whole sisterly bond thing
Dude what?
If 12345, Mikutards will start going muh Miku bride, what are they trying to say?
If 24531, Itsuki fags will go muh first girl will win for sure, anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.
>Negi made Fuutarou reject Miku's confession.
Now something doesn't add up. At this point I'm not sure if the ones paranoid is the autists complaining
Fuck off you filthy Ninofags you deserved to be banned. Keep your hands away from my legal wife Nino.
Imagine the most popular character being rejected first, Negi will become a legend.
A dead one
> rejected first
It's actually perfect, the ones that don't drop it are likely to move on to the next most popular one and that would cement Negi's shilling
Mikus getting rejected in chapter 85?
Too much blood was sacrificed for her confession and they just announced season 2. Editor-kun will handcuff Negi if he becomes an absolute madman like that
Half a manga ago
>implying Negi wasn’t already an absolute madman
Negi is already madman
This arc seems to be a pretty big setup but for Fuutarou. The girls STILL only care how he thinks of them.
>you fuckers let me do my Nino ending or I take this manga to WSJ
Too soon for that user.
>Though I'm less than impressed at her character for eating through this drama shitshow Nino and Yotsuba had to salvage.
Yeah I've seen videos and webms of them and it's a shame that all episodes weren't like that, otherwise I'd watch them all. Last episodes looked beautiful
Hey, Ninofags. Do you actually like Nino for her character and development or is it just because shes hot? If you had to choose between character and hotness, which would you choose?
The absolute cheekiness
>getting banned
>sell like shit
>Still get a season 2
I love Nino!
>Imagine a harem war but MC chooses the girl who's not part of his harem.
Make an actually proactive harem MC and a harem so shitty the readers want a wake-up-call for the harem.
As Maruo "Seething" Nakano said:
>let the guy live his life, jesus christ
>Girls who dropped out of one school and need to be forced into studying not the brightest
Wow, how could Negi do this, it invalidates everything we've always known about them.
You brainless muppets insisting the story's shit because you don't like what's happening are the worst parts of these threads. It doesn't matter how many times it gets pointed out to you that the characters aren't being inconsistent and the evidence for their later behaviour is clearly displayed early on -- you've got an idea in your heads and any deviation from that must be because Negi has a secret plan to ruin your favourite quint because that's how he gets his jollies or something. No wonder the vast majority of manga is paint by numbers characterisation.
>sell like shit
>outsells everything in its season
We all love Nino. Even her haters love her, that's why they can't stop talking about her.
This is the story of a man plotting to stop the son of his highschool bully getting into the pants of his step daughters and losing every time.
at least we'll get yotsuba's date animated
there no way they cut it, right?
She's the embodiment of a woman they can't have. Women like Nino irl seem insufferable
>sell like shit
>Probably the best selling Romcom now, around 500k sales for like 7 volumes
>sold like 10k BDs(granted there was an event ticket) which was only bested by Manaria Codes
It might be shit, but objectively it sells like gangbusters
based KOchad
I guess I'm just reading too much into it when I saw Fuutaro being tired of Ichika's shenanigans as him rejecting her advances.
>because of how he's assassinated everyone else.
People seems to forget the fact that some character changed AFTER Scramble Eggs.Let me remind you what happened there;A kiss.
After attempting something like that,it bound to happen that the culprit will went through a change emotionally and mentally.The kiss was done in an anonymous fashion and a really trippy one to boot,so the change would be something negative rather than positive.
If a character doesn't went through any sort of change after a kiss like that,high chance she isn't even the kisser because of how unnatural it is.
You can't help but feel bad for the guy whose character actively chases his harem (for work) and is professional about it
>drowned twice
>drugged twice
>schooltrip ruined twice
>japanese cold'ed once
Totally not his fault, it's surprising how he manages to keep up his determination after all this.
Ninofags are femdom fetish lovers. They love the generic tsundere who treats everyone like shit only to magically fall in love for the MC because of a bike.
Also, they like the Instagram thots who Nino embodies
>trying to reason with waifufags
Brave one aren't you?
I wonder if Maruo let Fuutarou tutor his daughters because he thought quints are strong and will bully Fuu so he could take revenge on Isanari
Fuutarou is clearly tired of that shit. Just look at Rena and Ichika. The guy is mad as fuck
>Generic tsundere
Seethe more.
*4.5m shipped for all 9 volumes reported
*approaching 11k BD/DVD, bested only by Manaria (gacha) Codes and Kemurikusa fueled by nip revenge rage
*event ticket only available with the first volume of the BD/DVD, 2nd one isn't and still sells with insignificant difference
Ninofags are the biggest plague in the world. I fucking hate those fucking piece of trash who keeps spamming Nino pictures like fucking retards. I don't know why mods never considered banning these idiot Ninofags when I already married my wife Nino. Frankly speaking, I'd rather see these fucking Ninofags lined up and shot.
Isanari and Maruo seem to be in friendly terms
It doesn't matter if you were first.
All I know is that I love her the most.
And we'll have her kino exam date too.
Pot meet kettle
So you guys are telling me that pic related is the average Ninofag?
>drowned twice
I may have speedread faster than light, but didn't he only drown once?
>Tries to escape when they meet at the hotspring
>Tries to avoid going to the wedding
Yeah, sure. Friendly terms.
Yeah. The closer we are to endgame, the more retarded posters here are. I don't wear rose-tinted glasses since I don't support any quints exclusively but I find it funny that these waifufags that care so much about their quints can't understand their favorite quint at all.
They must insist that their quint must be flawless and never shown in a badlight.
I liked Ichika's desparation and Miku's insecurities since Negi built them up properly so I found them more charming. Yet, the vast majority of dumbasses here think that's bad since some random anons will shitpost about their waifu.
Pretty accurate
Ichika's dark turn was foreshadowed, but the lengths Negi took it to were ridiculous.
The Miku of the first half of this series didn't crumple up like a cheap suit at the first sign of adversity from her sisters, even if she did have confidence issues. Negi neutered her character.
I'm sorry,I didn't watch the anime but how much content did they cut out?
All I remember is "I love Negi" winning the polls every time before this arc.
Yotsubas face shows so much despair and agony jesus christ. Just put her out of her misery already.
Not drowned per say, but rather fell onto cold water twice, thrice even.
They're just tsunderes about it.
Paint by numbers characterization is such a good phrase, shit... I'm gonna steal that. That's brilliant.
>didn't crumple up like a cheap suit at the first sign
good thing there were multiple signs
Seems about right.
>implying she isn't
Good golly miss Molly
>blue fingers
reading must be hard for you
They only cut a few scenes. The plot is faithful
Are the polls still a thing?
You mean, MY wife Nino?
The only thing they cut from the manga was that one scene where the girls help the foreign boy get to his mom on the hospital, likely a 2-3min scene
That's it
I didn't even notice that. Good eye, Itsukianon
Yeah I agree but I think the Ichika thing was still a bit too extreme. Since he is able to go this far, we'll see what happens next.
No, no matter how much you try to fucking white knight how Negi has been handling Miku. Fact is that it was god fucking irritating to read Kyoto until now.
I'm a Ninobro and yeah, pretty much.
I don't wear hats though
What is this expression trying to convey?
Every quintfag(excepted Yotsubafags) will get their turn eventually.
Suppressed embarrassment.
Oh my god you're right, it is thrice
>7 goodbyes: Rena drowned him
>7 goodbyes: Yotsuba technically drowned him
>scrambled eggs: Ichika!Itsuki drowned him
Nobody is white knighting Miku, almost everyone including the Mikufags were angry at Negi for making Miku into a doormat. Thank god that shit is finally over. Only a select few "special" anons were actually blaming Miku for it.
every day is party time
>*4.5m shipped for all 9 volumes reported
>*approaching 11k BD/DVD, bested only by Manaria (gacha) Codes and Kemurikusa fueled by nip revenge rage
>*event ticket only available with the first volume of the BD/DVD, 2nd one isn't and still sells with insignificant difference
But I thought it was supposed to fail.
>The only thing they cut
I'm still mad
>make everyone shittier so Nino gets first in the next pool
Gee, thanks Negi.
Can't believe I once thought you'd be above this shit
>Thank god that shit is finally over.
What makes you think that?
One day, the party will end.
Most anons will have moved on, but this series will hold a special place in many hearts.
The biggest, slowest disaster just waiting to happen. Salt will rain when we reach its end.
And someday, we'll come back to this and know that we're glad the party ended.
Yotsuba arc soon lads. Everything is setting up for her development
Why does Fatty want to D all of the sudden?
Reminder that Ichika and Miku will get CLANNAD'D by Chadtarou.
Haven't seen one in a while but threads go fast these days.
Please look forward to Haruba-sensei's next work!
It's because she's the bride, user, we all know that already
I hope we get 5 seasons
That's the same thing you said about the last arc, user. Give it a rest. hope will only lead to rope
I agree with this guy The quints did have a huge development over the course of the series for their "student-tutor" relationship, but ever since scrambled eggs they've been taking his presence for granted.
If it was not because Maruo reinstating his pay, the guy would literally have no legitimate motivation to tutor the quints at the cost of his grades (vague promised money doesn't count)
What with Fuutarou showing his more unforgiving side and his past with lolikano and muh mother's bread, he should be the center focus after this arc which completely sidelines his actual feelings and more on the quints forcing themselves on him.
Miku confessed? Theres no reason for her to be afraid anymore. In case you werent paying attention to the manga, the main reason for Miku being criticized for laziness is because she kept keeping pre-confession goals like "get highest marks in test" or "bake tasty bread". Now that her confessions done, what reason does she have to not actively pursue Fuutarou?
Why would you say that?
I hope. Enough of this fruitless drama.
>Ichika and Miku will get CLANNAD'D
What did you mean by this?
> didn't notice
> Itsuki
There's something else you didn't notice.
She just wants him to remember her. There's no indication of romantic feelings yet.
Ninobros and Despairchads... you're good guys.
Do any of you think it's even possible for season 2 to come out before the manga ends?
This. It's still baffling to me how Negi exaggerated her depression so much after finding out what Ichika did. It was bad enough that instead of confronting Ichika about it despite kinda confronting Nino when she tore up Fuut's papers early on, she just apologized to her instead. Now, she gets better after being with Fuutaro in at the course. It's so inconsistent
What did Negi mean by this? Oh wait....
*Ichika and Nino
>Now that her confessions done, what reason does she have to not actively pursue Fuutarou?
Negi sidelining her relationship with Fuutarou for 25 chapters like he did with Nino
With Negi trying to end the manga as fast as he possibly can, I kinda doubt it. Productions normally take around 5~6 months.
It's been a while since I came to these threads, glad to see you're all as lively as always. Anyone happy to see the announcement for s2, or are you resenting this never-ending ride already?
Personally I'm quite happy. Despite the quality issues of s1, it still managed to be quite fun. I'm looking forward the labour thanksgiving date.
Huh. They're still a thing, but the guy didn't make one for this chapter. Well, the gook scans came out at very unexpected time.
I'll believe that when the threads stop oscillating between "It's not fair how Negi keeps on making everyone bend over backward to support Miku, this story's shit" and "Miku's character's been assassinated to make Nino look better, this story's shit".
Rare camisole Nino fanart
Who the fuck are you?
> I'm looking forward the labour thanksgiving date.
Me too.
> not noticing
> Yotsuba
Not sure if cruel or just lacking LOVE.
Either way you look at it... this story's shit!
Since he wants to end it, maybe the anime is a way to wring more money out of the series.
Or would the manga ending basically kill anime sales?
In either case everyone agrees Negi is a fucking hack
Why didn't it make sense for Nino to be Lolikano again?
Imagine having an anime original ending. That would boost the sales for sure.
Look, this is what we know. Also, you can fuck off with this
>There's no indication of romantic feelings yet.
Itsuki said that there is something regarding Kyoto she wants to talk with him about, but she admitted that it's hard for her to do so, she backpaddled. This is what I am guessing.
>She admitted that she was unable to talk about something about Kyoto as Itsuki.
>So she decided to confront him as Rena. Someone involved in Fuutarou's past.
>She wants Fuutarou to figure out that she (Itsuki) is actually Rena
>Once Fuutarou knows that she is Rena, that will force Itsuki to explain herself because she cannot backpaddle anymore.
>Which will follow in her explaining whatever she wants to tell him.
Because she is irrelevant.
He was doing a good jub up until the final exams. Should've just gone endgame right after that, and he could've if he started in their third year. There, toubun was solved.
Without yotsuba everything will collapse.
Miku first of course, since there's no one to carry her up the stairs.
Is GW over yet?
I'm always shitposting about parties but it's still just shitposting
Happy. I do hope they do the kino goodbyes justice though, particularly the part where Fuutarou drowns because that is peak despair
I cant believe Fuutarous moms spirit was in that croissant
> The 2nd season will end with a Miku arc
> Probably ends with the end of the manga
Everything is calculated, bros
She was worried about him not beign conscious of her, so if she had kissed him she'd have even more reasons to be worried user. You could even make the case she was worried before, kissed him as Itsuki, he still didn't give a fuck, and that made her even more worried.
Character assassination doesn't mean that.
What if it ends on chapter 60?
Does Negi agree that Negi's a fucking hack?
Because she doesn't know who Fuutarou was in the picture or some shit.
You're right, the retards replying don't uderstand shit like scrambled eggs could easily be cut or condensed. Even this arc, the first 2 days only ended up putting the characters in the same positions they were before more or less.
Let's be honest here, we self insert as the quints instead of Fuutarou because we're actually retarded and it shows during these 'muh quint asssassinated' 'muh carried' discussion
>second season ends with ch. 71
How amazing would that be
>Negi exaggerated her depression so much after finding out what Ichika did
She was upset about the failed confession speedreader.Miku never fully know what the fuck Ichika been doing,she only saw her disguised once.
Nino and Yotsuba draw their assumption based on the fact that both of them get fucked over directly by Ichika before,Miku can't do the same since she has no basis to accuse her.
>Also, you can fuck off with this
There hasn't been and if she falls in love with him it'd be bad writing.
They cut this panel
>Show character flaw
>It's just assassination to make x girl look good
These threads are just tiresome now since people only view the story as some horse race where regression and flaws are mere roadblocks to prevent making their quint win instead of seeing it as character development.
That's pretty obvious. It's like there's nothing but speedreaders and 5IQ troglodytes left here.
Nino a SHIT
I like her character development and I'd keep that. Her being hot is obviously a good bonus, but I wasn't a quintfag until 7goodbyes made me a Ninofag.
That would be a "read the manga" ending
Ichikafags are snakes in real life
Ninofags are incels who like to speak their mind even when no one cares
Mikufags are shut-in introverts
Yotsubafags are irrelevant
Itsukifags are fatasses
Seems to fit the build for any 4channer desu.
I don't like either Miku or Ichika all that well, but the arc so far feels cheap. Negi took things that might well have been foreshadowed and turned them so extreme they don't even qualify as comical. I expected better.
Would need one or two more episodes and it would be quite abrupt.
The end of the legend that binds and scrambled eggs looks tailor made for season endings.
I can't believe i share a board with actual snakes
>tfw irrelevant
Nino is very good at giving romantic lines. They can also be memed too.
I guess it makes sense I like 23 the most.
Remember when 5toubunfags were chill and really cool? Now they aren't and are almost acting as bad as waifu warriors who only care about 1/5 of the story.
>Remember when 5toubunfags were chill and really cool
yeah me neither
They can finish in 68 and from there make an original ending with the credits as they did in the S1
Fuck you I always liked all the girls.
The whole assassination meme was just 13fag complaining about their characters having their biggest flaws in full vision, which then are unironically taken seriously despite the first occurence being shitpost
But I like Nino and Yotsuba and I'm an introverted NEET.
With love and consent!
The ones saying this are clearly Ninofags.
The first 13 chapters people were pretty cool.
And I have a bridge to sell you. People who like all the girls don't really exist.
>5toubunfags were chill and really cool?
Literally never. It's almost always been about the waifuwars here.
Anime is always a mistake and we're about to get seconds
But I like Nino and Yotsuba and I'm a normal fag who's got a normal job and has been shitposting on Yea Forums for 13 years.
Ninofags are the worst offenders. They are gratuitously shitting on the other quints in defense and praise of Nino.
But she vaguely remembered the guy in photo, so she must've at least met him.
>Miku can't do the same since she has no basis to accuse her.
In fact it's even worse. Miku is shown to have so much self-loathing that she doesn't even consider Ichika disguising and hindering her confession (what Yotsuba said) to be a bad thing.
Have we ever seen Miku's wrist? Because she resembles a suicide candidate.
>Yotsubafags are irrelevant
We have enough relevant yotsubafags to form our own scan team. In color too.
Remember to report and ignore
>selling 256k in the first week
It has reached its peak and is only going down hill. Sure this is bigger than Nisekoi at its peak but it doesn't have the staying power of Nisekoi.
I've seen Ninofags praise Nino to high heaven's but rarely do they shit on other quints and quintfags.
It's mostly anons against Nino/Ninofags uwu desu.
Maybe you're retarded, but Ichika's character was brought to a larger extreme than was foreshadowed, and Miku became an even bigger husk and a runaway, despite being more composed and direct with her feelings towards the beginning of the story. This may or may not be done to paint other quints in better light, but it just feels like padding the story to me, given how redundant and repetitive a lot of it is.
No shit, it's Fuutarou in the photo so of course she found him familiar.
It's true though. I will eat my hat is Itsuki is in love with Fuutarou. There has been no indication of it, she knows 3 of her sisters like him, and she is trying to help him remember for lolikano's sake, not her own. She is back peddling because she only wants to restore lolikano in Fuutarou's mind.
>We have enough relevant yotsubafags
But user I'm one of the Yotsucolorfags here and even I admit to my own lack of relevance.
An explanation for that could be that the kid in the photo reminded her of the current Fuutarou.
>but rarely do they shit on other quints and quintfags.
Bullshit. They do that a lot, particularly to Ichika.
The whole arc basically bend over backward for Miku
>form our own scan team. In color too.
You're not the only ones.
Miku just confessed in the latest chapter so they are on damage control. During the chapter 60 weeks, it was truly the worst of the Ninofags
what kind of language is this?
>Yotsubafags are irrelevant
One thread proved that most of them hold post grad degrees.
He's shitposting, what did you expect?
>and she is trying to help him remember for lolikano's sake, not her own.
It didn't look that way to me. Everything she did was centered on her
>The ones saying this are clearly Ninofags.
That's bullshit, I am not a fucking Ninofag but I had a fucking seizure reading this arc.
>when 5toubunfags were chill and really cool
Only the first and original toubunbros was like that. I wonder where he is now
I love you yotsucolorfag
Looks like he woke up.
Some south east chingchong shit
It's LHT's original language, Vietnamese.
Their Vietnamese translations are shite too.
>it's true though
Every little shit you have been uttering is a headcanon. Keep it that way and don't try to sell your shit as facts
So if you're a writer you put that scene just because she knows the guy at present, and that's why it's familiar to her? Sure, faggot.
It could go either way, then.
5toubun no Hanayome is the official romanisation
Vietnamese. Sorry, I uploaded the wrong version.
>It didn't look that way to me.
But she is. Think about it: isn't that the most logical explanation when you consider Itsuki's personality? When she couldn't deny that she wanted to be alone with him she meant that she wanted to jog his memory and it didn't have romantic motivation like the others.
>Answering headcanon with his headcanon
Get your head out of your ass. Ninofags were initially silent because Nino was the antagonist but started acting smug once she full dere. They came crawling out of the woodwork once Nino confessed and started spamming their waifu everywhere.
They started shitting on Ichika and Miku went they went full snake and doormat respectively. Ninofags were especially cancerous after ch 84 dropped because after all their conspiracies, parallels and other bullshit Miku still had a cute date with Fuutarou and destroyed them with a stale piece of bread
Thank you, Ninobro.
I agree what you wrote here, but I also think she's Lolikano.
Fuutarou himself knows she doesn't like him and never will. He isn't dense so we should take his thoughts and feelings into account.
I am not a "snake" in real life, and neither is Ichika.
As I keep telling you people, Ichika did nothing wrong.
Fresh Bread lasts a week in the fridge so it prolly wasnt stale.
>Ninofags were initially silent
Good job outing yourself as a newfag.
You just confirmed how new you are.
Maybe but she doesn't like him romantically. that much of I can be certain. If not Negi is a bad writer.
Fuutarou literally said it was tasteless though
Fuck off michlan.
Yotsubafags are smart people!
Bread is usually tasteless unless it has something spread on it or something in it.
Ichika instantly recognized Fuutarou was the one in the photo with 1 quick glance,so I guess Ichika is more likely Lolikano than Nino who only "vaguely remember"
careful user, be wary of
>It didn't look that way to me. Everything she did was centered on her
Some anons have this weird thing where they think Itsuki is doing this all for someone else, even though all her actions are centered toward herself. There has been no indication that it's all ultimately for someone else. She wants to tell Fuutarou about something with happened in Kyoto. We don't know what that is.
>Negi is a bad writer.
Yeah, well...about that...
I just want Fuutarou to be happy.
Stale=/= tasteless.
If anything, stale bread has a stronger, more noticable taste.
I know yotsuba.
And we want you to be happy, too, Yotsuba
Ichika wants his cock. Nino didn't at that point.
If he makes a boring 'main girl wins lol' end then he is.
If she was Lolikano she should use that card first instead of sabotaging a powerless Miku
It's a blatant fucking hint.
>Fuutarou himself knows she doesn't like him and never will
>Is such a fucking brainlet that he can't even read between the lines here.
>even when Itsuki literally says "How suspicious"
By this point, I think you faggots are pretending to be retarded.
Something is up with that.
After seeing the photo Ichika instantly recognized Fuutarou.
Fuutarou also told her his Lolikano story (though we don't know in what detail since Negi skipped it)
Miku starts off with self-esteem issues regarding comparing herself to her sisters, to the point where she hides things she likes from them so they won't end up liking them and doing better than her at them. Her reacting poorly to both Nino and Ichika pursuing the guy she likes doesn't contradict anything established before. And no, Fuutarou telling her she can do anything her sisters can didn't stick -- she tells Nino a garbled version in that they're all part of a whole person in 7 goodbyes, and evidently, she thinks the parts that are attractive belong to 1 & 2.
Her behavior towards Ichika makes sense if you throw in the Yotsuba-Ichika conversation in Scrambled Eggs in which Ichika would commandeer things her sisters like for herself, and also her constantly seeking assurances from Ichika that she's not interested in Fuutarou. She's more than used to acquiescing to what Ichika wants at this point.
The turnaround is a stretch, certainly, but it's not enough to break disbelief. Ichika pushing Miku onto a course with Fuutarou in it is enough to register as permission. I'd finger Ichika twigging that Fuutarou was the child in the photo with no context, Nino deciding she really liked the look of a child in a photo and immediatly thinking Fuutarou in a blonde wig is his cousin she's seen once as a child -- basically, everything involving that photo -- are plain inexplicable.
This is correct. Ninofags, crossboarder plebs, only loved Nino when she stopped being negatively aggressive. Ninobros always loved her since the start and just keeps on growing their love.
Yes, I hope they give the despair drown a proper animation. There's a lot of great moments during the seven goodbyes. Nino vs Eba, for example. Or the onee-san on imouto toothbrushing.
>composed and direct
Yes, because at first none of her sisters has the same aspirations as she does
It's literally a 180 situation from the schooltrip arc, she thinks she brought this war on themselves and her being the introvert she is can't into competing. This is not repetitive, this is a consequence
Bread usually has no taste. Anyway Fuutarou is the worst judge of food because of his poorfag tastebuds. We do know what happened to Miku's omurice.
>boring 'main girl wins lol'
sasuga underage
I don't believe you, Mr. Attorney.
>Bread is usually tasteless unless it has something spread on it or something in it.
I'm calling the police.
>I'd finger Ichika
I'm sorry but that was the only thing that processed in my head while reading this.
Not necessarily, but they sure have great taste.
No, I think you're simply being retarded. You reek of desperation.
What the fuck shitty bread are you fags eating? Bread is not supposed to be tasteless.
No way. Uroki?
Choke on stale bread Nincels
>Nino falls for him in an arc and a half despite her being antagonistic towards him at the start of 7 goodbyes
What great writing, based Negi
>Itsuki falls for him slowly in the span of a few arcs despite being very open and receptive of him since the end of the legend that binds
Horrible writing, cringe.
Really makes you think that people don't try to be objective in their analysis.
Both are cancerous fags though.
You're just baiting Ninofags to post their "Muh Parallels" aren't you?
>Ninofags were initially silent
go back to the shit-hole you came from
>Something is up with that
Nino is just dumb.
Ichika has the cutest pout.
>boring 'main girl wins lol'
Ah, and there we come to the root of the problem. Good job outing yourself out. Just admit that you simply don't want it to happen "just because" and don't complicate it with all the bullshit you've been spouting about.
What bread are you eating you underage cunt? Bread is supposed to be neutral in taste. Like rice.
Just an interesting detail. Raiha is assumed to be 11-12 years old while Fuuraro is 17 in his second year. That means the gap in their age is 6 years. Fuutaro said that his mother died when he was 6. It strongly hints that his mother died during or shortly after giving birth to Raiha. I dont think it will be an important plot point but it gives a new layer on their sibling relationship
That is just your opinion. I am just saying that Itsuki isn't what the story is building to. Things like this must have evidence and I have yet to see anyone post any.
Why is fingering a girl so enjoyable for a guy, but wanking isn't fun for girls?
>Good job outing yourself out
>Bread usually has no taste
all of those>shark
> why is wanking not fun for girls?
Because they usually dont have cocks
I don't want it to happen since the story doesn't substantiate it. I have no horse in this race.
Potatoes > groats > pasta > rice
The one and only.
It tastes like.. flour? I don't like plain bread either. Nope, those chocolate breads are the best.
Based. Ninofags thought process is retarded.
>Miku doesn't deserve Fuutarou just because she fell for him first
Also Ninofags
>Miku's confession doesn't count because Nino did it first
>I don't want it to happen since the story doesn't substantiate it
Sure user.
>rice dead last
It seems we can't see eye to eye, after all.
Are you eating Miku's bread?
Welcome back.
Roastie detected.
>Nope, those chocolate breads are the best.
You're underaged or you're an American. Either way grow up
I mean, I would eat plain bread when I'm broke but at least I would add sugar or something.
The first thread I opened before watching the series was so welcoming that it gave the last push to start watching it
I also got baited by "That" translation of Yotsuba/Fuutaro ferris wheel ride. Really killed me when I realized it wasa just a ruse
Good Irohasu, everybody!
For the love of god, user, go buy some decent fresh bread
Oh hi again, uroki. Draw us some credit pages sometime.
I feel like Ichika kinda got ruled out when she saw that photo. When she saw it she said: So that's how it is." which seems like someting you'd say when you connect the dots, rather than remember something.
i miss those yotsuba meme translations
And around ch40 it all went to shit.
more like irowhore
>Itsuki's gradual acknowledgement of Fuutarou had started since the beginning
>those times when Nino's opinion increased due to him doing something against her preconcieves notions?
>nah that didn't mean anything to her
Bread tastes like fucking bread you stupid peepee head. Why you retards want it to taste like chocolate or sugar is beyond me.
And a shit
They went away because it became canon.
I'll fuck you up punk
I knew you vermin were in these threads. Find another series to infest already.
Thanks. It's a special day after all. 5/5 and whatnot.
>bread with sugar
I'm so sorry user.
Sure, why not. When will Miku's crablike confession be out anyway? I heard there was some scanlation drama down the way.
Thinking about the toothbrushing scene and Miku's confession, Negi sure likes the Monogatari series, huh.
Oi I just got here.
Ninofags = Irohafags
>It seems we can't see eye to eye, after all
Seems like it.
It's really unfortunate.
That's like asking an Asian to eat rice without anything. You can scarf it down, that doesn't mean you'll enjoy it. Pic related is what I eat I'm late to work.
I'm happy most of us agree how terrible the writing is. I mean, Ninofags are like fans happy when their quint one only be default because Negi made the others have shit circumstances and character because he demolished their character.
A lawyer just uses the law to fight for the rights of their clients. It's their job because even clients have rights, no matter how wrong it is to some people.
Sure, Ichika had instances where she acted like a "snake". But it was understandable because she was fighting for her own right to be loved by Fuutarou after sacrificing herself for her sisters this whole time. It makes sense that she should fight for it within reasonable means (like not drugging Fuutarou or something). Using her acting wasn't unreasonable at all.
Ichika is honest with her heart, and lawyers are honest with the law. Literally the only similarity between us.
Yotsubafags = Yuifags
They're both cool and chill; rarely shitpost.
The words of a man who's never had a decent sourdough or well-fired loaf. You're like those east-asians that whinge about cheese but have only tasted factory produced cheddar.
>When will Miku's crablike confession be out anyway?
Hopefully it'll be an even bigger trainwreck than this. Only then will the shipperfags be appeased.
but fuck, lets stop talking about Yahari, please
Just kill yourself michlan
Is Negi a man or a woman?
Itsukifags = Yukinofags?
You missed 4/28 day.
Threads are pretty shitty these days, so don't be too surprised.
> I'm so sorry user.
Shut it, I like sweet stuff.
>That's like asking an Asian to eat rice without anything.
As an Asian, I can safely say that it is very concerning how difficult it is to eat meals without rice.
Negi is my wife!
I don't know what's the worst; Yahari, Saekano or 5Toubun threads.
>Bread is supposed to be neutral in taste. Like rice.
When will Yotsuba finally realize she cannot make everyone happy and end her life[/spoiler?
I want to kiss Ichicute
>consuming carby warbies without something to balance the meal out
>consuming carby warbies that are enriched in any way
Big shiggy diggy
>like not drugging Fuutarou or something
Stop this meme.
>You missed 4/28 day.
Apparently Negi missed out on that too so its not that big of a deal
After Miku will her rejected.
Yotsuba was helping her for a long time.
Both will grow.
Two birds with one stone.
>Negi is a despairfag
He really isn't a bad poster or much of a problem.
After 5toubun what do you guys think negi will do next?
Guys, what are the JP kisser theories?
But then you have her deciding to directly compete against Nino at cooking to get into the same cooking shop as Fuutarou, and when she fails she conforms with going to the shop in front. She didn't run away from that, and she knew what they were both doing. To a lesser extent there's scenes like her and Ichika feeding Fuutarou bread at the same time, Miku is not totally retarded, she just kept at it. These things clash with the way she's spilling her spaghetti constantly recently. Sure, having your confession overheard in a manner you didn't want can be a hard hit, but it was overexaggerated.
Retire rich
Raiha and Takeda's love story
Ichika saw Kintarou (and knew that was Fuutarou during the bonfire field trip) and Isanari before Nino did. So if of course Ichika can deduce Shotarou=Fuutarou.
He will move to some Pacific island with his pile of cash
A rewrite called 4touban without Yotsuba. Critics will praise it as a vastly superior version with much of the fluff and unnecessary parts cut out.
Never been to Saekano threads but can confirm Yahari is much worse.
user you don't need to add a closing /spoiler
I miss your Yotsubas ;.;
Run away to escape those angry waifufags
Move to IT engineering, since he's a hack
I love you nonetheless.
Hopefully they will add a lot of Ichibest in S2.
Nino and Fuu-kun's Amazing Swashbuckling Adventure
Go back.
Unless he makes Miku win I doubt he'll have a "next" of anything.
Nino and Fuu's Bizarre Adventure
Draw yotsuba with the infinity gauntlet, saying "this is the only way for everyone to be happy".
Didn't a jury catch you looking at a naked Zero two pic you retard?
I love you too
>I heard there was some scanlation drama down the way.
Go to /c/
Ninobitch a shit
This isn't reddit. We're here strictly for shitposting and waifuwars.
For real? But he says he's an ichigofag.
The face looks great but the body proportions are weird so I didn't save it, maybe I will for the face
i can't believe we actually have a legit discussion about bread here
white bread with butter and sugar actually taste good tho
>muh popularity
Desperate and pathetic.
Tuesday, huh. GW schedule is always odd.
>missed 4/28
I wonder if the series will live to see another one. Imagine another whole year of quints. Truly never-ending.
>I like sweet stuff
I see why you like Yotsuba then.
I'll make a Yotsuba doing the rabbit pose just for you.
I recall that because it was really funny, maybe it was a falseflag, but Franxx threads had many naked Zero two's, so it's possible.
>GW schedule is always odd.
Nah, we just didn't get a chapter this week. They always come out on Tuesdays.
Fuu and the Nakano Sisters Bizarre Adventure*
I-is she going to erase herself or is she going to clone the F?
how the fuck do you know about that???? I never told anyone that
Either retirement or a weirder story than 5toubun.
5toubun's success means Negi has a good chance of getting whatever he wants serialized next. His old stuff had some pretty original ideas. If he's not burnt out, he might go that route and try to get a passion project of his greenlit.
>I'll make a Yotsuba doing the rabbit pose just for you.
Did someone say "desperate"?
Ichikafags, we're gonna be okay
His next story should be monthly or at least bi-weekly. Weekly series a shit
Make Takeda and Futaro Yaoi love story
Yeah, it looks nice on the first glance, but the more you look the more you notice those pretty bad parts
>I like sweet stuff
>I see why you like Yotsuba then.
Nice reply. Very smooth uroki.
> I wonder if the series will live to see another one
Yeah. Well, we could always have the anime around that time, so let's hope for the best.
Here's the thread if you're interested, I used your drawing for OP.
>Its real
NANI the fuck? That was quick.
The closest I got is bread with butter and jam. Tasty, although I'm not that much into sweet food.
Oh, I thought you meant the TLd chapter.
No, but I said SWEET.
Imagine parties with nothing new for a month
What's the point of a S2 if the manga is probably going to end before it can air?
She's going to use the powers of the stones to make everyone happy at the cost of her own life.
Ninobros I'm really insecure of Miku
It sold a surprising amount given the quality involved. Guess story and seiyuu really do make the sales.
>Oh, I thought you meant the TLd chapter.
Who knows how it's gonna be with two teams.
5/5 is over in Japan and I got 257 pieces of fanart from it.
I want to sleep.
I bet she'd make 4 copies of Fuutarou at the cost of her life, forgetting that she'd die leaving one without a partner. The last Fuutarou would later hook up with Takeda.
Make Yotsuba Relevant Again! (MYRA)
Two teams means twice as fast!
Is Yotsuba even interested in Fuuts?
Not at all
there's no way that would happen
Nino will marry a big black American stud.
Nino's not interested in them, but you can dream of her marrying you.
How do you write "give us more Yotsuba chapters you hack!" in moonrunes? I swear I'm gonna spam it on every Negi post.
Just noticed that Yotsuba also did the Lolikano pose here, only that she was on the left side instead. Coincidence? I think not.
>tfw he's more interested in knowing who the fuck is lolikano than miku's feelings
What. A. Chad.
Miku VS Ichika SOON
repeat after me,
negi is a ______
At the very least she wants him to be happy.
Yotsuba loves my cock so much
Fuck off spic
Ninofags = Yukinofags
And nobody can deny me
Yotsuba is a slut,she interested in everyone
Oh, I missed the doujin, with Fuuts almost drowning again. Thanks for the heads up.
On a side note, Asita's Yotsubas are top tier cute.
She loves mine more!
He'd be happiest with a kind and normal wife like Yotsuba, even if she's a bit of a dummy
handsome chad
What is your obsession with big black men about?
Of course not. She even said that she hates him.