How come there are no actual medieval/dark-ages inspired Iseaki?
None of them are actually medieval inspired, they are all an unholy mixture of 19th/18th century clothing and architecture with some Ancient Antiquity inspired societies + a dash of 21st century slip-ups. They may have castles and swords, but that is it.
I for one would be disappointed if I was Iseaki'd by truck-kun, expecting a medieval world, only to get a gentleman in a manor with some maids.
How come there are no actual medieval/dark-ages inspired Iseaki?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably because isekai writers are hardly ever scholars in history and nobody has yet thought of making an isekai story where the MC is constantly surprised by how bad things are in ye olde land.
>an isekai story where the MC is constantly surprised by how bad things are in ye olde land.
someone should
If isekai is often wish fulfillment why would they go back to such a miserable age. Just make an actual medieval story.
>why would they go back to such a miserable age.
it was not so bad, ancient times were far worse. Some monks even lived up to their 90s irc, and they probably had mistresses on the side. It really depended on who you were, where and when. If you lived straight after the plague, life was pretty good.
Most writers are in a closed circle of self-reinforcement about what fantasy should look like.
They don't care about the middle ages or whatever. At best, they'll look up cool castles to use as backdrops. But usually they would be disappointed by real castles and then use a 18/19th century castle or a fantasy castle instead.
I agree.
Reverse isekai story when all your fantasy op hero getting killed like in the manga because there is no magic, no rpg system, npc actualy human with functional brain, and all fancy fantasy armor and weapon are useless because how ridicilous they are, for example your tanky hero are no longer can wield giant weapon because physic are different. Parody of your typical op cheat isekai MC story with dark twisted humour here and there.
A reverse Iseaki set in the actual middle-ages may actually be a fun idea, it would be cool to see the strange reaction people would get from the strange armour Japanese-fantasy heroes wear
There were kings and philosophers in the ancient world who lived to 90+, but you had to be extremely lucky for that. Until the 18th century or so, most skeletons we find aren't older than 50-60 and they tend to look extremely worn down compared to ours.
As for misery, the diet in the Ancient Egypt for example was far better than whatever your average medieval peasant had.
More like a wank story of different kind
Ah, the early chapters of Wolfsmund. Where Wolfram still have black hair. And when Habsburg soldiers wears other kinds of helmets that isn't Eyeslit German Kettles. Later the weapons are depicted as standardized too, those kind of halberd the guards crossed? The author only drew them in the hands of the Confederacy ever since.
404 soon
A medieval person would probably go mad in days if they were transported into our world. We can fly, talk to anybody in the world in seconds, carry the largest libraries in our pocket, or rewatch things that happened years or decades ago whenever we want - this shit is so outrageous people couldn't imagine even God could do that. Yet for us it's mundane everyday reality.
Kind of, one/two chapter are for one character, the setting not only in medieval era europe, it can be in ancient egypt, greek, mayan, roman, scandanavian, shang dynasti china, or sengoku era japan depend on the hero.
That series should have ended after wolfy death
Wolfy getting fucked in the butt, seriously even Wolfarm are very evil villain his execution just too much and still traumatized me till this day.
I agree, nothing after could top that and he was a greater villain to the people than his boss
Sad that the Dark Ages have been ignored in fantasy, when Tolkien himself was inspired by it and all the original medieval stories set in/about the Dark Ages (Nibelungenlied, saga of Didrik of bern, Viking sagas) were just modern high-fantasy expect with smaller swords.
>constantly surprised by how bad things are in ye olde land
While things were measurably worse for the vast majority of the population, it really wasn't as bad as popular culture makes it out to be. While dirtier, smellier, shorter and harder than our modern lives, peasants after the 12th century generally had an at least tolerable life and are known to have been at least partially literate and educated enough to deal with their laws without troubling their lord for all but the most serious cases; trade meant that most peasants better off than the absolute lowest of the low, could afford a few luxuries from further afield than the nearest town; and by and large you were in far less danger of being ganked by a random marauder than you would have been in the space between the Fall of Rome and 1066.
What said is partially right however. Just changing the setting doesn't mean anything if it just goes from beating off over how OP your main character is and how many girls want to ride his dick; to just beating off over how much you supposedly know of medieval history and culture and oh-look-how-badly-MC-is-suffering-isn't-it-amusing-haha-I'm-so-smart-and-subversive.
>dark ages
>It's set after Charlemagne
Stop doing this!
Crusader period is well after the "Dark Ages"
I meant Middle Ages OR Dark Ages, I just used Wolfram as a related picture for the OP
I know fully well Wolfram is set in the 14th century, and the Dark Ages is 5-10th century (not 8th, when Charlemagne lived)
>black plague? just use soap, japanese mayo, spices and herbs and double record bookkeeping to cure it
isekai writers are creatively bankrupt
I wish for a sci-fi isekai that is a mix of Strugatsky's Hard to Be a God and Inhabited Island. A guy from futuristic utopian Earth crash landing on a planet that goes through Dark Ages and being forced to integrate its society and witnessing all its horrors while secretly both having access to advanced technology and being nano-augmented so he can influence the events to some extend.
But current wave of isekai is too deep into its own ass with wish fulfilment and repeated tropes for something like this.
Looks like we are being hunted down
>I for one would be disappointed if I was Iseaki'd by truck-kun, expecting a medieval world, only to get a gentleman in a manor with some maids.
So you'd rather pop up in the middle of a disease-ridden village?
It would be funny to have an Iseaki loving MC make a social fool of himself, and nearly get himself into serious trouble, and have him get used to it and find his way later. It would make sense if he was body-swapped with someone else, because landing somewhere random without any money or anybody knowing you would just turn entire series into a beggar simulator unless someone decides to take him in.
Also the Paston Family letters would produce a good source of inspiration,
That just sounds like a really bad Stranger in a Strange Land
I am a very weird person,
>no mideval inspired isekai
isn't that lmost every isekai? (Re:Zero, Konosuba, Overlord, SAO first arc, etc) or do you mean sent to a world that IS the dark ages not just inspired by them?
Speaking of that, it would be fun to see anime about ordinary gopnik being sent into dark fantasy late medieval/Early modernity city, where he learns how to be a Garrett-type thief
and in the end it turns out to be a drunken dream in a computer club
You're retarded
Not that guy, but Hard to Be a God is really good.
The protagonist in that one is from a benevolent, futuristic civilization. He's landed on a planet in the throes of the Dark Ages, and (with other facilitators) is trying to ensure they get uplifted. However, in this world, the Renaissance simply doesn't happen - Instead, the world is descending into the grasp of a fascist theocracy.
The interesting part is that the protagonist is not supposed to intervene directly. He's posing as Don Reba, a noble, and he's an incredible swordsman (He also has an unlimited supply of synthesized gold and other technological gadgets) but people begin to realize the holes in his origin story.
For instance, he doesn't kill. He also doesn't sleep with women, because everyone's dirty and disgusting. Basically, all he can really do is to try and smuggle out intellectuals and doctors before they're killed in purges.
It's not a happy book. The title comes from a conversation he has with a man he's rescued, about how difficult it is to find the right path ahead. The book ends in absolute carnage.
no u
>mix of Strugatsky's Hard to Be a God and Inhabited Island
>medieval love triangles
Aw fuck, I'm turning into my mother, as I am a massive sucker for drama like that. I'd have to invent fucking popcorn just so I have something to munch on while watching such shenanigans.
Thanks. Sounds even worse.
This could translate extremely well into the anime format. But surprisingly i can say that about a lot of Soviet sci-fi since it's almost always character-driven.
you trying to dodge the mods or something?
>A medieval person would probably go mad in days if they were transported into our world
I think they would deal with it much better than you think. The medieval peasant believed in saints bringing miracles, kings curing diseases and the magic of the cunning folk, all things that are as equally ridiculous today as they were then, and they were quite sane. A world where miracles are commonplace would be wondrous but certainly not anything that would drive a medieval person insane.
>'so, y'all magicians now, eh?'
Oh fuck, just imagine some crafty young city kid from crusades age trying to get to one of these Magick Schools only to get icreasingly disenchanted as he or she learns more and more how totally mundane and non magical this stuff
Fund it, motherfucker
>(you could marry just by holding hands and saying the vows in the middle of anywhere in the Middle Ages, and it was legit as long as someone watched) in front of her shocked mother.
That sounds waldensian as fuck.
Are you sure that is how it was done?
Those are fantasy LN and vidya inspired. That's why they all follow the same cliches.
>the Renaissance simply doesn't happen - Instead, the world is descending into the grasp of a fascist theocracy.
The renaissance was basically that in a limited fashion.
People got a lot more conservative in response to their entire worlds falling apart with new developments.
You had a few progressive thinkers at the top of the food chain, but witch hunts were not really a sign of liberal thinking.
Read the op
Your average nip protagonist would get punched to death 20 seconds after arriving.
qthis the thread?
Isekai story where an ordinary teenager from Japan gets transported to medieval Europe. He tries to impress the locals with his cellphone and gains a reputation as, "That Saracen alchemist who carries a glowing square." He hears about the Holy Grail and being ignorant of western customs assumes it's his way back to Japan. He hears it's held by "Demon King of Egypt" Saladin and concludes that he if defeats the Ayyubid's he'll somehow be allowed to return to Japan.
Que wacky adventures where he joins Richard the first on his crusade and ends up changing history by making him succeed.
They would call him Oriental more likely.
Dude you gotta reread all the chapters leading up to that if you think that execution was too much, he deserved that ten times over at the least.
You have to admit though that mini arc where the blonde Swiss dude that participated in the execution gets sieged by the big boss was pretty good, also provided some incentive to see the story through to the end. Wolfaggot's desecrated corpse getting trampled and crushed was a satisfying sight as well.
People were aware of China by the time the Roman Empire still tood you mong
>not time travel
I would love an Isekai where a an entire family is killed. And is transported to a new world. Fantasy kind of world. Low tech. No magic. The story here would follow Each Family member as they live their own lives. It is a wholesome story about Survival, hardship and eventual triumph.
The greeks were well aware of Imperial China before Alexander the Great even
The weight is on the word "actual" because all isekai is really just set in generic fantasy kingdom with magic and shit, forgetting about the stuff like how different jobs were done or what specific jobs actually existed.
Like have you seen a single cesspit in any isekai, ever?
Or have you instead seen a surprisingly high quality sewer system in its place?
I was actually thinking about that, the only time sewers/drainage have been mentioned that I can think off is in Jin, which is a time travel manga.
>Alexander the Great, Died: 323 BC
>Qin Dynasty, Founded 221 BC
What? How were they aware?
I think it's more humorous for him to be misidentified as a Saracen. Plus I'm upset that you two didn't like my idea so I'm going to keep it that way whenever I repost this concept to other isekai threads.
>A medieval person would probably go mad in days if they were transported into our world.
Silk Road.
I should also clarified I don't mean literally silk. That wasn't until 100BC. I mean Jade. Jade was traded along it from around 2000BC on wards.
The Chinese also traded for horses with Bactria, one of Alexander's successor kingdoms. The ancient world was far more connected than most people realize
why not
they're all based on pseudo medieval videogame fantasy
There is ancient Chinese silk remains in Egypt dating 1000BC. So it's possible. Lots of other things such gems.
How will you get neets who just want a waifu to watch it then? They want to self insert as the dweep who magically got the strongest in their new world, not realism and a well thought out plan.
>How will you get neets who just want a waifu to watch it then?
Sugoi nihon cuisine
Bonus point if people tell MC japanese food tastes like shit
Imperial might be a misnomer as I believe that is applied to Qin and onward, and not on the periods of history that preceded it, which would correspond to pre Alexander times.
This really needs a citation, but regardless, the fact that it took a lot of time to travel doesn't mean people didn't get around. Ordinary folk would of course have no idea of peoples living far away, but the flow of goods via trade can cover a lot of distance when people travel for great profit, and the flow of goods also carries information with it. Plausible.
>but witch hunts were not really a sign of liberal thinking.
They happened on such a small scale that it's basically meaningless. Not to mention that between the barbaric medieval execution methods, the fact most servs never had any freedom to speak of and were used as cannon fodder when a noble decided he wanted more lands means yeah, it was pretty crap sack. But way better than before, i mean that's the point of the Renaissance, to make people admire renaissance men. Which were army men who also educated themselves and strove to improve things. But no, they weren't liberals considering that happened 300 years later...
>Maria the Virgin Witch
>Mercenary Pierre
>Übel Blatt
>Henkyou no Roukishi - Bard Loen
>Otome Sensou
Anything else I'm missing? Listed some good medieval manga here.
That was nowhere near enough of a cruel punishment for him. They only did it because they were in a rush but they should've slowly tortured him for all the shit he's done.
My man!
While your taste is impeccable, none of those those are Isekai
Because all LN authors know are other LNs
I only listed medieval knight manga that I know so people can give them a try. But I'm also looking for manga similar to Wolfsmund/Hawkwood since I very much enjoyed them both.
To see my wish fulfilled there simply needs to be a good story and world. No inserts needed.
Don't forget crop rotation
Yeah, I liked that arc with tattoo guy. It should have been before Wolfy’s death or its own standalone volume.
You should try Daichi Gokujou Chi Dairuma Rikishi, it's set in feudal Japan and based on first chapter it seems pretty neat.
On medieval European manga, i can't help you as those you listed were the only ones i knew as well.
There's also the biographic mangos by Mistuteru Yokoyama that have been coming out lately
Got any names for those?
You missed Joan by Yasuhiko Yoshikazu. I'm sure you've heard of Maria the Virgin Witch for its rather more accurate depiction of medieval equipment than usual.
Supposed to be Early Modern (17th century) but the artist drew 15th century Europe instead. What a waste.
Fantasy, not real medieval. But Miura knows his shit (fantasy Mughal Dynasty army? In which other fiction you may get that?) so it get a pass
If you let alternate-world fantasy into your list, then read Shoukoku no Altair.
literally the character's name, Date Masamune, Shingen Takeda and so on
Speaking of historical manga, anyone knows what happened to Les Miserables?
Cheers mate.
In return i must recommend you Hyouge Mono.
I never expected a manga about tea ceremony to be this interesting.
Those were scanned years ago
See, plus Waga na wa Nero (Roman); Jesus (Roman); Alexandros Sekai Teikoku e no Yume (Hellenistic)
It kind of a blur, but should we take Sengoku Jidai as medieval instead of early modern era?
Good question.
I know, but I'm talking about the translations, Takeda's still being released
>Hyouge Mono
patrician taste
A E S T H E T I C taste you mean?
Taste of simplicity, you mean?
Do you think the people writing isekai are interested in actual historical accuracy? They get all their knowledge from RPGs, namely Dragon Quest.
Is this really the case?
I thought it was just a meme
Also, is DQ still a bg thing?
Most japs can't do serious historical shows, they always got to put some gay RPG mechanics or mix it with fantasy + japanese folklore, it's both a blessing and a curse.
Not to mention filling the show with hot woman in combat roles for cock teasing.
They still keep on making them, so it must be.
>an isekai story where the MC is constantly surprised by how bad things are in ye olde land.
Isn't that almost every isekkai though? One of the things that really bothers me about the genre is how the authors always feel the need to make isekai locals absolutely fucking retarded because they can't write a smart MC for shit.
>I thought it was just a meme
Why do you think so many of these have a Maoh or a skill screen and stats
>didn't get deleted
the heck
I mean, there's plenty of games, thought it was just RPGs in general, not just a particular series
user, I love your story
DQ is just the most popular one, it's largely JRPGs as a whole, but DQ is the easiest to rip off because of how many came after that
Getting all information from role-playing games doesn't mean it has to be bad. See Dungeon Meshi.
>dark ages
you don't deserve a true medieval isekai
you think these anti isekai niggers even know D&D?
may an owlbear maul you.
>you think these anti isekai niggers even know D&D?
Enough to know you shouldn't play it
what's wrong with it you pleb?
what, you gonna tell me to play 40k or something?
You mean whether the isekai plebs even ever played tabletop rpg?
Someone post the isekai pastebins.
it got me a 6 day vacation brother
no way i'm posting
Do you want the thread deleted?
Just kidding, mods only go after semi-decent threads.
>meme k
so, you're going to keep naming shit systems/settings until you hit jackpot or what?
>Übel Blatt
are scanlations still going for that? Last I remember was Glenn fucking shit up.
If it's iseaki then it's ok I guess.
Dark Ages being literally defined by a lack of sources of that time period makes it pretty hard
The most recent dark age pretty much ends with Charlemagne.
it's because as pointed out, most isekai writers seem to be uneducated and have little to no knowledge of anything real, all of their knowledge is second-hand from video games, manga, and other light novels. I would go as far as to say many of them probably actively dislike actual history, and purely like the aesthetic of fantasy video games which has been distilled down through generations until very little basis in historical reality remains. When you really enumerate all of the filters that have been put between an isekai author's inspirations and actual historical reality it's no wonder they have Victorian maids in Edwardian mansions with soldiers with 5th century BC weaponry. Most isekai are based on fantasy-themed video games to the extent where the worlds have explicit video game mechanics. Those video games based their mechanics and settings off tabletop RPGs, which were actually trying to emulate reality to an extent with the mechanics of the game, unlike isekai where the leveling and other mechanics are intrinsic parts of the world. Those tabletop RPGs were inspired by guys like Tolkien, who actually based his works onh is own historical research. After going through all those layers it's not wonder isekai authors write the way they do, all they have is some random collection of notions they've gotten from various parts pop culture and no knowledge historical reality.
What about the aftermath of the Mongol destruction of Baghdad
Are you for fucking real? why is that vacation worth it?
Well any word i can search on the archives?
Ascendance of a bookworm has the MC constantly complaining about how everyone is poor, illiterate and fucking smells
cause the mods are cucks
mino club
It's called eurocentrism for a reason
Thanks by the way user.
And I love you user.
Shut Hell
user, spot on
basically Dragon Quest, but even less medieval inspired than what Dragon Quest already is
>Supposed to be Early Modern (17th century) but the artist drew 15th century Europe instead. What a waste
just checked it, how did the author think in his right mind that there were still armoured knights in the 17th century?
If he wanted to do a medieval story, he should have done one
To be fair, there aren't many XV century stories, but even then, eurocomics are best for satisfying that craving
I really should have said early middle ages to avoid the confusion,as a Dark Ages setting would be highly different to a high/late medieval setting
funny how the japs always meme the 100 years war, and never the war of the roses
Joan looks fantastic, how did I not hear of it before?
Plot twist:
The guilds in the story are actually somewhat historical.
"Adventurers' guild" is just the socially acceptable way to refer to the prostitutes's guild, and is a bad pun on "cumming".
>See Dungeon Meshi.
First of all Dungeon Meshi is one step closer to the actual middle ages than most isekai by using D&D as its inspiration rather than DQ.
Secondly, you are responding to a person who did not call such isekai bad.
The author tries to get things right, which is laudible, but the author also seems to think that it's possible to get things right without any research whatsoever, which is so dumb it's almost moe.
Not exactly like that user. There were still armoured knights running around in early 17th century: Cuirassiers and Polish Winged Hussars for example. Their armour were better-articulated and breastplate much stronger than medieval ones; just with less coverage (3/4 to 1/2 body coverage instead of full body).For example, there are stories of Nobunaga surviving sniper shot to his bulletproofed breastplate, and English Civil War Cuirassier walked off a point-blank pistol shot.
What I talking about are these: In the first chapter alone, there are some looters with houndskull bascinet. Crossbowmen with capellina kettles? Pikemen with open bascinet? What is it, the 14th century? The Spaniards are at least correctly depicted with morion. But Siege Tower assault under Longbow barrage? This should be 17th cent not 14th cent damnit. Replace the tall straight medieval walls with squat but very thick sloped walls. Why the hell the Germans would be gawking on a Hinawajuu, they should have heavy muskets too. Also most of the Knight armour are 15th cent not the more animated 16th century styles. Why the hell are there lots of longbows and crossbows still used for god sakes, replace them with light arquebus/caliver and heavy monopod-propped muskets, this isn't supposed to be 14th century. Remove capellina/bascinets/sallets, replace them with cabasset/burgonet/zichagge.
Of course I would make a mistake when saying somebody else made a mistake.
Fuck my ass.
>but the author also seems to think that it's possible to get things right without any research whatsoever
I mean, the world is only loosely based on that era and isn't actually taking place in that era, so it doesn't have to be accurate
Absolutely godly taste. I'll have a look at the two I haven't read from this, thanks.
Other than Knights and Magic there isnt any isekais with Mecha is there?
I really want to write a tensei series with discovering a robot and using that instead of the magic/skills power level things isekai usually does.
I think i've seen people say Smartphone gets mecha later on?
My kinsman
>Other than Knights and Magic there isnt any isekais with Mecha is there?
Literally Escaflowne
"Oi mate you for got to cook your fish"
"Its called 'sushi'"
"Its called fucking disgusting"
Read metaworld chronicles
thus, were fish and chips created
DQ is also thoroughly generic, making it easy to rip off. Copying FF or SMT for example would require the author to put some effort into the setting.
Because almost every Narou isekai is a power fantasy for the reader to self-insert in and having the MC find himself in a medieval shithole would suck. Also these people never claim to be writing stories set in the middle ages; they're obviously just ripping off Dragon Quest or copying all the other similar isekai stories on Narou.
>expecting a medieval world
Why would you want to live in a medieval shithole?
Because people write about what they know
And they don't know actual medieval history
They do know videogames though.
This meme will end soon just like others.
>tfw wolfsmund ended
What is the author working on now?
Anatolia Story / Red River tried to do the Bronze Age Hittites right. Pity the English translator was a lazy retard who couldn't be bothered to read some Gurney or Bryce to get the names right.
That would be worth reading, some late-teen Jap with a basic GCSE knowledge of chemistry and physics dumped into a ninth-century Austrasian village.
Or better yet, into a Balkan village in the seventh century. He might even LOOK like an Avar. That mother fucker will be blowing holes into Constantinople and ruling the place.
More like he wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone and either die from exposure or get killed for being a bizarre looking foreigner.
That's time travel though
You are as retarded as those isekai writers
honzuki no gekokujou
>it doesn't have to be accurate
There is a difference between inaccurate and implausible.The poor district within the boundaries of the city walls should not have wide streets. The home of the protagonist is way too large too.
There is an instance where somebody points out that a window's metal hinge was very expensive. But that high price is the reason why most people should have windows made entirely of wood, without any metal pieces.
[all criticism is based on the manga version and is not necessarily applicable to the original]
Isekai writers at least write something, most anons just talk big and do nothing
>most anons just talk big and do nothing
It's not a nice job, but somebody has to do it.
So just writing and publishing anything is admirable to you?
Almost sounds like Gargantia, had it not sucked ass.
Stravaganza really captures the medieval fantasy feel well. I'm torn between considering it lost potential or grateful that it didn't run long enough for the author to fuck it up.
Maybe because everyone that writes isekais is a hack that got his idea after playing too many jrpgs.
I've read and watched plenty of gory manga/anime but I can't stomach Wolfsmund for some reason.
Most gory scence in manga/anime are from dumb people making dumb decision
Wolfsmund's character actually have valid reason and making plan to go through the gate,
I don't know what timeline your talking about but it certainly ain't our one. It would have been a shitty existence by our standards for the vast majority of people.
>Why would you want to live in a medieval shithole?
Favourite time period
By our standards is the magic word
Metaworld has nothing to do with this thread. Except maybe the pointless tower's quest system in the story.
This is the isekai thread you fool
They went to war over the right to trade for those horses. The story is wacky as shit.
>Emperor sends an envoy to see what lies beyond
>Envoy gets captured by bandits and spends 10 years as a slave
>Sees the city of Bactria briefly, strange tall men with thick beards and slightly bigger horses
>Eventually freed and makes his way back home
>Has nothing new so makes shit up about Bactria having magic horses
>Emperor believes it and sends a small army to confirm and begin trade for these Heavenly Horses
>Bad planning, travelling through a desert and enemy raids force them to turn back before reaching Bactria
>General makes shit up about how they totally did reach Bactria but got curb stomped by all those magic Heavenly Horses, which were even more powerful than the envoy said
>Emperor decides he MUST have those horses
>Sends a huge army to take them by force
>Bactria have no idea what’s going on when the might of Imperial China turn up at the door
>”They’re just horses bro” and begin a trade network
>Emperor realises they’re just slightly bigger horses when the army comes back so makes shit up about glorious battles
>Silk road begins
Lmao, it's great. Got any articles on that?
yes this comedy sketch also represents the actual facts.
Are you potato?
no i just made it up
you are naïve aren't ya
You meanie
well, it still existed
So medival lost in space/ Swiss Family Robinson?
Way to miss a point. The MC is an incompetent fucking retard, who allows everything to go to shit (despite having unlimited money and methods of surveillance inconceivable for the locals) because he subconsciously desires to recreate a fantasy story with himself in the role of an avenging hero who smites evil, and not-so-subconsciously considers locals to be subhumans.
There is also a subtext of putting the foundation of the MC's entire civilization in doubt, but it can only be understandable by reading other books in the same setting.
How come this is so under appreciated?
Probably because it was scanned with a greasy potato and i can only tell what is going on in that picture based on rough blobs of color rather than on any lines.
It’s still worth reading
Mind giving me its name then?
Fuck that
Isekeai is supposed to be about being transported into a foreign and alien world. Everybody and their mom knows about medivial society.
Why not have it transport you into ancient fucking india or aztec shit? A society that to most people would feel truly alien and foreign, like a fantasy world. Imagine you wake up one day and you are on a hill and you look out and see THIS shit.
whoops, meant to post this image, but that one works too
I like you, friend
Isekai is supposed to be wish fulfillment.
You don't bloody get it, isekaishit is a way for dead inside salarymen and NEETs to escape their corpse of a body for a couple hours and be a overpowered motherfucker with a ten-foot dong and a army of bitches struggling to shove it inside their sopping went cunts, the quality of the writing doesn't matter.
Cheers mate.
No, this is the containment thread for big brain boys wanking each other off about how smart and subversive they are. Also bitching about how the japs don't pander to them.
All this talk about Isekai got me thinking, when was the first Isekai story written in Japan?
When was the term isekai first used?
Also, does this count as Isekai?
>Why not have it transport you into ancient fucking india or aztec shit?
Because the japs don't know or care about either.
If by definition means going to another world, since Japanese Creation Myth. Isanagi went to underworld.
This looks interesting, what's the basic plot?
Go read 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthu's Court', it's almost literally what you're talking about
Lord of the rings sorta Politics and a 3rd party that wants to watch the world burn. Princess sets out into the world to figure out whats what because the 3rd party practically destroyed her kingdom without even setting foot in it. Princess is also rather capable but most nations dont know her face because pic related.
How about this :
>A god transports a japanese high schooler to a medieval european setting
>Almost immediately gets into trouble with the law due to his strange language and most people never having seen anyone from Asia before
>He is convinced he is the hero or some shit and gets beaten up badly by the guards
>Eventually gets executed for offending some noble because he was ogling his daughter or something
>His head is displayed above the town gate
>Next guy who gets transported is from Europe and speaks the local language, or at least something that the locals understands
>Decides to keep a low profile after seeing the head of a Japanese guy displayed
>Main focus of the story is on figuring out what is going on and how to survive in a medieval setting
>Gets an average looking love interest at best, completely normal relationship, they date and everything instead of the usual 10/10 women throwing themselves at him despite him showing zero interest in them
>Meanwhile, the god has gotten bored and has started transporting Japanese Isekai authors instead
>Tons of japanese idiots suddenly appearing blabbering in Japanese/broken english about how this isn't like the story they wrote, trying to open status screens in the middle of town and other idiocy
>Most of them get arrested, lynched, turned into slaves, etc
>The church is going nuts declaring full scale witch hunts and stiring up mobs against what they see as a devil invasion
>Meanwhile back on earth, the police is investigating dozens of missing Isekai authors, all of whom write Isekai with the same tropes (OP MC, obtains harem with no effort, etc).
>In the medieval era
>everyone and their mom knew about medieval society
Bet (You) 9/10 times if you ask a random person off the streets they'll have no fucking idea what feudalism is or how it even works.
a failed system of governance started by the whites. am I close?
user, that's just wish fullfilment garbage. A different type of wish fullfilment, but still.
Stravaganza is garbage, don’t be fooled by the art
>my west guy is better and looks I am so subversive
>hurr why isn't isekai historically accurate
I think you know the answer already.
>speaks the local language,
Very funny. The locals often had trouble understanding people from the neighboring district.
There is no way that modern Europeans could just communicate with them verbally.
Obsolete =/= failure. The fact that it was the system of governance or a similar system was set up all over the world by varying cultures, from the Europeans to India to Japan, to rule over land doesn't sound like a failure to me.
In fairness, a European would probably have an easier time learning the language than a nip.
solid argument, senpai
the fact it doesnt exist anymore sounds like it failed to me. Just took longer to fail than some others.
Would you say democracy failed or existed from Rome then? We use it now, but it was mostly obsolete for a long time.
>or existed
Or succeeded
Hence the "at least its something they recognize" bit.
Lizardo should have lived.
Its not "better", its just that the God picked a japanese highschooler + idiot isekai authors. And the whole Isekai thing is potrayed very differently in western fiction...western fiction usually takes into account things like trouble with the local language, instead of going "okay here are some status screens and OP skills, and some 10/10 women who instantly fell in love with you, have fun".
You say that like western fiction doesn't have chosen ones with magic swords and princesses falling for the mc.
You mean something like this?
I just realised that Wagner’s Tanhausser is a medieval isekai, but with the medieval guy visiting the world of Venus.
A Slavic setting would be cool, like Andrei Rublev, as it has not been explored
Or maybe a Byzantine setting would be cooler..
Here's an example of English from the 11th century. Good luck using your knowledge of modern English to communicate with them:
>Þa cydde man me, þæt us mara hearm to fundode, þonne us ƿel licode: and þa for ic me sylf mid þam mannum þe me mid foron into Denmearcon, þe eoƿ mæst hearm of com: and þæt hæbbe mid godes fultume forene forfangen, þæt eoƿ næfre heonon forð þuser nan unfrið to ne cymð, þa hƿile þe ge me rihtlice healdað and min lif byð.
Maybe you'd learn the language a bit faster but it would still require you to effectively learn a new language without any help even a dictionary.
Dunbine, Escaflowne, Rayearth, Wataru, Dual! PTA, NG Knight, Orguss, Buddy Complex.
no one specified MC-kun would be thrown to the medieval times, England in XVI century is just as bad a century as any other
I would say the European Middle Ages would be very alien to a Buddhist NEET Jap
>the fact it doesnt exist anymore
>he believes this
Because who wants to self-insert into grimdark GoT?
>Why not have it transport you into ancient fucking india or aztec shit?
>Los aztecas meme
Japs don't know and don't care about the aztecs user, the closest they are to that is the inca, and that craze died in the late 80s.
Also fuck you with the Aztecs, Maya, Olmeca or even the proto-Aztecs people of the desert of Sonora would be a more interesting time travel story.
It doesn’t necessarily have to revolve around war, could be a body swap one about inter family politics
There's bunch of otome isekai with politics going on. Most are low-fantasy or have no magic at all.
Fantastic art, Sexy as hell, interesting adventure UP UNTIL THE BATTLE when MC and everyone else suddenly takes stupid pills. Really that point fucking sours the whole manga.
If there were dictionaries, they would not do you any good, since there was no unified spelling yet at the time.
Recognize as language?
Except in a medieval setting
They're medieval enough people shit on streets and eat onion gruel what more do you want?
Point conceded. Though considering how many fantasy settings are nonsensical kludged together abominations that the author claims is supposed to resemble the medieval era, you can see why I’d make that assumption. Proper Early Modern Era settings are horribly underrepresented.
Wolfram's antics were the best part of this manga. That and the Innkeeper's character design.
Speaking of taters, I would a food/agronomy mango about Frederick the Great.
I wasn't able to take it seriously personally. Wolfram is so over the top evil and smug I laugh at everything he does.
>The fact that it was the system of governance or a similar system was set up all over the world by varying cultures, from the Europeans to India to Japan, to rule over land doesn't sound like a failure to me.
Just because something exists doesn't mean it's good. Democracies and republics already appeared long before the feudal system, which gave us civilization like Geek and Rome. Guess under what system the world became stagnant for 1000+ years?
Is there any isekai where each and every native hate the MC's guts without exception thus he becomes determined to destroy that world?
Nidome no yuusha, redo of a healer
>Nidome no yuusha, redo of a healer
They both have slaves and don't go for world destuction. Is there any series with a true loner protag?
I don't think so, you would have literally no side characters and nonexistent dynamics. One guy hellbent on destroying the world will not be interesting enough to gather the audience, so even if one retard tried writing that, no one ever read it.
>the world became stagnant for 1000+ years
This retarded meme needs to die.
>without exception
Well, that would make things silly. The MC would never really be able to interact with anyone outside of combat.
Isn't there one called Dungeon something?
Where MC kills everything in his path, even a village of cannibals with a would-be waifu?
It will never die, simply because idiots perpetuating that meme need someone who, in their opinion, is stupider than they are. They will always scowl at the mere sight of the word "medieval", think "I am better than stupid peasants" and leave it at that.
Dungeon Seeker but he hardly kills everyone. In manga, he almost got a poison-resistant waifu and saved one orphan.
So a medieval peasant was smarter than you?
Oof. I had forgotten how edgy this is. I lost all hope for compelling story-telling when they executed the big-titted inn keeper (de-facto MC up to that point).
But that’s modern India
>what more do you want?
A non-passionate non-autist wouldn’t understand
No, but he might be smarter than you.
In case you still can't understand, it was the renaissance cucks who started that harmful propaganda. Coincidentally, they are the same people who argued against frequent baths, notable individual Louis XIV bathed 4 times during his whole life.
They were smarter than those types of people
Also, the name Medieval refers to the fact that it was the bridge between the Ancient and Modern World. If you claim that nothing happened in that period, then you are ignoring a big fucking bridge.
It's a wall, not a bridge.
Bridges are walls rotated by 90°, doofus.
There is so much wrong with what you just said that i would like to hit you.
*tips fedora*
Now you are just completely uneducated on the period, I on the other hand have talked to a medievalist and if she saw you she would slap you on the face.
Here is a word of advice
Did the artist do any doujins?
no, artist only has worked on comic Harta
Fucking Mongolians.
>(Anyway, now that I’ve tasted it, I’m starting to want to have Caam-kun to spray my roots some more with that mana filled water even if I know it’s going to rot)
Wew lad, worst part is I doubt shovel lord is going to pick up any more wives at this point.
Technically yes and so does Mio, My Son
We autosaging?
We no replies for an hour.
no, board is having activity while no one posted here
get fucked farm cuck
Why is nobody talking about this? Its fucking good.
more like shit hell
Is it really edgy when it's just standard medieval justice (guilty until proven innocent, liberal use of torture for interrogation and execution)?
My Nigger.
The feudal system. Asshats where still using leeches and shitting in buckets for 1000s of years. Come democracy and now we are shitting in buckets on the moon
>Write Isekai in Roman times
>One chapter is the MC admiring the body of boys as they wait on him in the bath, play music, and talk about old Roman heating systems.
>Dark Ages
Fucks sake, just say Post-Roman Europe or some shit if you wanna sound like an ignorant fucko
Rokka no Yuusha?
>can't even beat mexicans in soccer in manga, needs cheat powers to beat aztecs with sticks
The Renaissance was also the peak of private spirituality and religious furver. There's a reason in almost immediately transitions into the protestant reformation.
While medieval courts were more willing to use torture to solve a case, Renaissance were much more intense when they decided they need to resort to torture. The most dramatic tortures are a part of the early modern era. After all, the Spanish Inquisition does not expel the Jews until 1492, the same year Columbus set out.
>Also fuck you with the Aztecs, Maya, Olmeca or even the proto-Aztecs people of the desert of Sonora would be a more interesting time travel story.
Nah, I disagree, Central Mexican mesoamerican archtecture is kino and kicks the shit out of Maya aeshetics. Olmec didn't even have stone archtecture yet; and West Mexican civilizations like the Purepecha we've barely done real archeological work on to know a lot of shit; and i'm not sure gulf coast stuff like classic veracruz/huastecs/totonacs, or southern stuff like the mixtec or zapotec would be super distinct enough from central mexico anyways and, again, not a ton of archeological work done yet.
If the Aztec/Nahuas are too normie tier for you (which is absurd consideringf the average person knows litterally nothing about their society other then sacrifice and probably doesn't even realize they had actual cities, legal systems, books, etc); then do Teotihuacan.
You say that but the average depiction of Mesoamerican shit in nip media is actually less awful then their average depiction in western media.
I'm so fucking mad I got spoiled on the twist of Rokka no Yuusha when aeshetically it looks so fucking good. I'm so salty I still haven't bothered to watch it.
>Reading this thread as an user from /his/
Yea Forumsutists are complete and utter ignorant imbeciles brainwashed by the current pop cultural zeitgeist and propaganda made by renaissance writers.
>If the Aztec/Nahuas are too normie tier for you
Sasuga taco apologist.
That was an unholy mix of aztec and incan shit, like anything that tries to reference any of the two.
>a/utists are complete and utter ignorant imbeciles
Literally the post above you has a post by me talking about the merits of different cultural groups in mesoamerica/ancient mexico as a setting for an isekai in terms of archtectural motifs user.
Granted, I could have gone into way more detail then I did, talking about the actual differences between each part of the region or posted visual examples or talked about socetial differences ands how that would impact an isekai, but still.
I've only seen screenshots here and there but I didn't see much, if any Andean stuff. Archtecturally it seemed to pretty clearly and distinctly draw from Central Mexico and Oaxaca/Guerrero stuff, so Teotihuacan, Aztec, Mixtec, and Zapotec; right in that svcreenshot for instance you have what loook s like teotihuacan's avenue of the dead, trim on some buildings in the far back that looks like what's on the Zapotec palace at Mitla (see pic), you have the distinctive white stucco with red accents you see all over both central and oaxaca/guerrro's region's archtectural motifs, etc
Yeah, attire and some of the art in the codex scenes is more of a general mesoamerican mix with also Maya/Yucatan aeshetics mixed in; but I didn't see any andean influence
not sure what your implication here is user
Because most people's conception of the middle ages is wrong. When they think of King Arthur they imagine knights in full plate armour and jousting when in reality the Briton soldiers of the 5th century would have looked like pic related
>If the Aztec/Nahuas are too normie tier for you
They are, and I'm quite frankly tired of the whole "we're all aztec" narrative people from the center keep pushing, so I for once would like to see something diferent.
>(which is absurd consideringf the average person knows litterally nothing about their society other then sacrifice and probably doesn't even realize they had actual cities, legal systems, books, etc)
Fucking wew user, ahora si the la jalaste.
Wolfsmund is way too dark for the general population.
So willy the conqueror is actually after the dark ages?
Yeah, basically anything before Charlie got the HRE's shit together
Is dat some la Pucelle?
Cause I loved that one.
Where are the translations for Otome sensou? It stopped after the good part.
>a surprisingly high quality sewer system
All these sewer systems, we never meet sexy goddess Cloacina.
Wait people don't read it as porn?
What if they got isekai'ed into the new world instead?
How was live in Russia before the glorious revolution?
clearly what you need is the dark ages in an alien world
And the shewolf got her /ss/ too, the mad woman.
Where do I find a game that simulate that time well?
Shut hell version 1 is still cuter, although v3 is probably the better waifu.
So When the World Gone Mad is really the only game set during the dark ages?
>They are, and I'm quite frankly tired of the whole "we're all aztec" narrative people from the center keep pushing, so I for once would like to see something diferent.
Fair enough I guess, but I stand by that the majority of conumers are only familar with the name "Aztec" and super genericized, bastardized depictions of them and an actual somewhat accurate depiction would be fresh.
>Fucking wew user, ahora si the la jalaste.
I'm sorry user, I don't speak spanish, so not sure what you are trying to say here. I'm a Mesoameriaboo but i'm murican with european ancestry.
I should really learn the language one of these days though since so many primary sources don't have english transations.
>I've only seen screenshots here and there but I didn't see much, if any Andean stuff.
Yeah, maybe because you only saw screenshots? There are shots of incan agricultural techniques like andenes and walls that resemble all too much incan stonework, fuck there are even llamas.
Still a great watch even if you think you've already spoiled it for you.
Well, it still does a better job then most other shit that freely mixes mesoamerican and andean stuff even just going by those screenshots, at least
By wew, I meant was that you assume Aztecs are a rare subject, in my case it isn't so, since not only did get the last of the decent mesoamerican history education from previous systems in Mexico but I also read about it in my spare time. I assumed you were from central Mexico since people from Mexico City and the federal government have always pushed the aztecs as the "core" identity for all Mexicans, as someone of Maya descent I can assure you that is not the case. And yes, Mesoamerican culture(s) has been poorly depicted, the only decent fictions about it are found in Eurocomics as far as I've seen tho.
Just have the MC impregnate a 14yo girl, medieval style.
>pushed the aztecs as the "core" identity for all Mexican
I've heard about this a bit tangentially to reading about Mesoamerican stuff before, such as how even some rural maya communities tdon't even realize their ancestors were the ones who built the ruins that are still like, across the field from where they were living just due to public education being so aztec focused.
> I assumed you were from central Mexico
Nah, I just really dig Central Mexican architecture and art motifs in particular, such as in pic related; though to be fair, that could just be the result of there being more artistic recreations for Teotihuacan, Tenochtitlan, etc then a lot of Maya, or especially Western, Gulf Coast, and Oaxcaca/Guerrero region stuff; as well as more readily available sources on the specifics of their society by virtue of stuff like Duran and Sahagun's work. One of the bitg problems I have with a lot of artistic recreations of Maya cities is that they only reconstruct the urban cores and then that's it and have it surronded by jungle, vs the sprawls of suburbs around it extending out for miles.
Puuc style Maya stuff is really cool looking though, and I dig all of the water mangement systems that a lot of Maya sites had: The canals, aquaducts, etc are some of the coolest elements at Tenochtitlan and Teotihuacan; and that sort of thing seems to have been even more common in Maya cities, though perhaps not to the same complexity.
>the only decent fictions about it are found in Eurocomics as far as I've seen tho.
Got some examples pof such comics? I have some vidya and stuff in mind, again, it's mostly Valley of Mexico stuff with Teotihuacan, Toltecs/Tula, or Aztec's. I'd post examples/list them but I need to head out. If you have any cool art, or sources/info you wanna send my way, or want me to send you anything I have, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Always happy to talk with people about this stuff and exchange resources.
I dunno if I can post Yea Forums material here, mainly because I don't want to take a vacation, but here's a cover, there's Les peaux-rouges (The Redskins) by Hans Kresse (setting is about Amerindians living in the plains roughly during the Coronado expedition), Quetzalcoatl by Jean-Yves Mitton (fictional account of Malinche about the conquest of Tenochtitlan), and Relatos del Nuevo Mundo by various artists (a series of stand-alone stories that span from Columbus' expedition to the Conquista and exploration of America from Patagonia to Alaska)
>Isekai'd while you have the common cold
>Infect the natives of the new universe
>Kill off 80% of the population
>This was intended by the evil god
>Now have to live a life on the run as you're marked for death as a plaguebringer
Oh just going by the cover that looks good.
A Yea Forums example I know would be Paul Guinan's Aztec empire comic, which is an ongoing digital comic detailing the conquest of mexico. Not sure if it's going to stop at the fall of tenochtitlan or if it'll also cover the campaigns in west mexico and the yucatan, but promisingly it did cover the battle for Potonchán, etc; pic related
Anyways, thanks for the suggestions, i'll look into this. Again, feel free to shoot me an email as well
We are still using leeches and buckets, so I don't see how your point could be any good, even if it didn't say that communism is one of the best systems out there because communists were the first people in space.
We already have loads of material on that. America even has a national holiday for the MC.
>Mitton in Yea Forums thread.
Wasn't expecting this but he also has a lot of other historical shit. I quite like pic related. Be warned that all of his comics are batshit crazy for the most part. I just like the tits.
Is it bad everything I know of that area is from EU4?
Will do
>I just like the tits.
Don't we all?
It's acceptable
Christopher Columbus.
Discovery of the New World.
TL note: Isekai means new world.
I haven't actually played EUIV, and I know they have a number of different mesoamerivcan groups beyond just the Aztec and Maya, such as the Purepecha Empire, the kingdom of Colima, the Republic of Tlaxcala, etc, and correctly have the Maya as distinct indepedent states rather then a unified one, so that's good
but the fact that at least on launch they were at a lower tech tier then fucking african tribes and at the same tier and native north american tribes rings some major alram bells. as does, from what I hear, them being unable to adopt higher technoligies or social policies without abandoning their default goverment/religious systems; and it being nigh impossible to dso well with them without getting assraped by european powers rubs me the wrong way
Historically Mesoamerican societies, from like 400BC onwards (see pic), were at least comparable to Bronze age empires and kingdoms in pretty much every regard, often being more on par with stuff from classical antiquity and even beyond. People have major misconceptions of their technological and social complexity (they were probably closer to europe at the time then Japan was when it modernized), and the Spanish conquest itself was a giant fucking series of flukes
If you actually wanna learn more, I link to a bunch of stuff where I talk about various elements of mesoamerican history and culture here, alongside link to collections of resources with book scans, booklists, posts by historians, etc here:
Also, theres's an EUIV overhaul mod by actual historians to focus on Mesoamerica called Mesoameirca universalis which looks (to me anyways) as quite good:
goes into the map overhaul and religion overhaul elements of the mod
Columbus day? Ahhh thanks good user.
Thanks good user!
Also 4 Gb of history - you rock user.
the Mega drive with books I link to is also like 3-4gb.
Eventually all the art will just be put onto the mega drive
>better waifu
Don't use words which meaning you don't know.
It's literally just generic fantasy with a tinge of softcore porn inserted in the worst possible moments.
Dungeon Meshi works because the author pairs hearty world building with a cast of solid main characters. That's pretty much the prerequisite for any good fiction.
Pretty much the same as today: decent in big, civilised cities, absolutely shit in rural areas. After the revolution, it also got a third category: dystopian mining/oil extraction towns.
If people can't understand you, you are the problem.
If I ever did an adaptation of the Legend of King Arthur I would be conflicted with going for the 12th century inspired setting which would work with the medieval works of literature that I love (Le Morte de Arthur, Tristan, Chrétien de Troyes) with a weighty Philosophical tone, or do the historical 5th century setting with the Celtic-Christian side of the myth.
For example, I really like Fritz Lang’s Das Nibelungen for sticking with the spirit of the Nibelungenlied by setting it in a 12th century setting but I think a 5th century Arthur has never been done before.
>Le Morte de Arthur
>ntr shit
No u
>But Siege Tower assault under Longbow barrage?
Didn't the author even show the attackers having cannon, and then just assaulting with siege towers anyway? Didn't even bother to come up with some reason why they might want to try to take the castle intact, just send in the siege towers because it looks cool I guess.
What if he's Okinawan?
>But user, people would see the difference between an Okinawan and an Arab!
Most people at the time never traveled further than 5km from their homes. Even the most educated would only be vaguely aware of China's existence and have no idea what the people who live there and beyond look like.
Dark skin = Saracen would be fair game.
>purple pants
purple dye's fucking rare in the old days, it instantly makes that pic lack credibility.
It's a no-pipeline age, no one takes showers in forever and people just dump excrements on the streets. Personally I'll rather die faster than smell shit for 90 years.
Trousers you American
That’s false, completely false, educate yourself you sound like an 18th century gentleman.
People had baths, and you can bet your arse that they bathed like fucking hell
Bannerlord when that comes out this year!
>dude trust me
>Story set in the middle of the black plague
>Your iseaki power is immunity to disease
Medieval peasants took care of their hygiene far better than people of the early modern period. Perfumes became so popular partly because the nobility refused to take baths
Did he do any other historical works, how do they compare?
>Using perfumes is a form of personal hygiene
You can tell this post was written by a white guy.
You can tell this one wasn't by the lack of reading comprehension.
Nailed it, baby.
Who cares about the average? This is wish fulfillment Isekai, this is a story, let's use the most interesting parts of history, not average bullshit.
If you had the money you could pay for servants to fill your own tub, but most folk used the communal baths. By the thirteenth-century there were thirty-two bathhouses in Paris and eighteen in London. The baths were very social spaces. Not only could you have a soak with your mates, but communal feasting in the baths was extremely popular by the fifteenth century. (The next time one of your friends suggests a spa day, do bring a few rounds of cheese sandwiches to hand out in the sauna; it’s a shame we’ve let this custom die.) Far from stinking up the place, bathing was extremely popular in the later Middle Ages. Even the monks of Westminster Abby hired a bath attendant on the princely sum of £1 per year. However, there is no denying that the bath houses were also very sexually charged places.
So closely associated are sex and bathing, numerous slang phrases for sex (and sex work) are derived from the medieval bath houses; ‘lather’, as in ‘to lather up’ was sixteenth-century slang for ejaculation. The word ‘bagnio’, meaning a brothel, derives from the Latin ‘balneum’, meaning ‘bath’. Likewise, a medieval word for a brothel was a ‘stew’, which also derives from the bathhouses, where you could literally stew yourself in the hot water and whatever else was floating in there. In the twelfth century, King Henry II officially recognised the Southwark area of London as a red-light district; it was no coincidence that this was also the area of the city with the highest concentration of bathhouses.
[...] Medieval lovers valued clean bodies, sweet breath, regular scrubbing and an array of perfumes. Sex was very much a part of the culture of communal bathing; at worst it was tolerated, at best it was fully embraced and enjoyed. The medieval period was undeniably grubbier than our own; but, they embraced cleanliness as fully as they could.
lewd bathing episode when?
>because landing somewhere random without any money or anybody knowing you would just turn entire series into a beggar simulator unless someone decides to take him in.
If I was Isekai'd I would definitely pretend to be a traveling noble from foreign lands. Strange garb, pale skin and lack of muscles would probably help to sell the lie.
>Will do
just FYI I haven't gotten anything from you yet
I just would like to say that it's strange to know that this was done in 1450
Inuyasha is pretty good at depicting feudal Japan through the folklore. Also it's kinda isekai-ish now that you think about it.
She is anons' waifu.
That symmetry.
It is amazing.
Every year I hear this.
>completely normal relationship, they date and everything
Do you have an idea what getting married worked in those times?
How do you respond to this cafe waitress?
>Bitch, I don't speak Nintendo.
Bitch doesn’t even serve food, music and sex with her baths
When Russians do shit, they do it properly
>laughs in Dogger bank incident
Well, that probably was the point, because in terms of actual evil Wolfram is pretty subdued. Withiout all the fun he has doing it, he would barely be a villain at all.
Niggas cant even get their own history correct half the time, do you think they'd be able to accurately portray European middle ages life?
I learned something new today.
Have you ever read Thermae Romae? I recommend it if you like baths and historical stuff.
I think what user meant was specifically the troubles that are inherent in a medieval feudal society. Like being a peasant, and not being allowed to move around unless the lord of your land allows it. Or dying of the bubonic plague. Or dying at the tender age of 16 in a war because you were conscripted as a levy.
Plenty of Isekai have the gimmick of "Doesn't this new world actually suck?", but the reason why the world is awful doesn't have anything to do with it being Medieval Europe.
same user here.
The closest Isekai gets to an issue that existed in Medieval Europe is young girls being married off to significantly older nobles for the sake of establishing political alliance.
But in that case, Isekai stories will often have the MC save the girl from this fate, and induct her into his harem instead.
>People were aware of China by the time the Roman Empire still tood you mong
Not really. Even as late as Pliny they had only vaguest of rumors. Even about India, which was a direct trading partner of Rome he did not say much at all. Greeks and Romans were mostly just not interested in learning about barbarians.
Rome and China both tried to connect with each other (to cut out the middleman of their trade route) and failed.
>superior muggle stronk wish fulfillment
How about writing an actually good story
>American? education.
Romans were the ones who never got intodirect contact with China. Greeks even had several of their post-Alexandrian kingdoms in Central Asia rolled over by Chinese.
I'm still bitter we're never getting a second season of Aztec Batman. Fucking nips and their shit taste
The "normal people are ignorant of everything" is a meme. You learn what feudalism is in high-school.
Before the Magic vs "Realistic", I think OP was talking about Medieval vs Renaissance/Victorian settings.
They only managed to until based Marcus Aurelius was in charge
The MC is reborn in a medieval European place he can't pinpoint, in a middle-class warrior-farmer family. From day one, his mantra is "I am definitely the protagonist." Every day, he looks for his cheat power or plot hook, and constantly listens for rumors of adventure or magic.
It turns out he was reborn in medieval Kosovo. At age ten, his father dies in battle, and the MC is given to the Ottomans as tribute. He is taken to the countryside to learn Turkish and be converted to Islam. He pretends to believe in Islam just as well as he had pretended for Christianity- he knows such things are necessary here. All the while, he never forgets that "I am definitely the protagonist".
Eager to prove himself, he is found to be clever and knowledgeable (thank you Japanese education system) sly, brave (thank you self-delusion) and good at fighting (thank you years of dedication to self-delusion). He is soon enrolled in the Acemi Oglan in Enderrun, to become a Janissary officer.
He graduates, and endures decades of hardships, clawing his way to the top through battlefield success and intrigues. He is scarred by life's ups and downs, disillusioned by the lack of anything fantastical, and fed up with the butchery he Carrie's out. He finally fails spectacularly and is lucky not to be executed for it.
Past the point of mere self-delusion, he has not abandoned his creed. "I am definitely the protagonist." And then, demoted and scorned, he at last finds something magical, something that should not be in this stubbornly mundane world he is caged in.
He smiles. This world was never ready for him.
Bretty good, should have posted a paragraph about him being castrated though.
>he at last finds something magical, something that should not be in this stubbornly mundane world he is caged in.
What is it?
A qt Turkish waifu
>get isekai'd with your tracksuit and cellphone
>get in a village in the middle of fucking nowhere, ask the locals for food because you can't survive alone
>citizens snitch you out to the inquisition due to your weird appearance, way of speaking and sacrilegious items
>get burned at the stake for being an heretic
That's why you must bring assault riffles to massacre every villages in your way. Can't trust those isekai barbarians.
That sounds fucking awful and extremely frustrating. I would be so fucking made if I finish that book and you're telling me essentially a benevolent fucking Rick from Rick and Morty couldn't figure out how to change that world for the better. What a piece of sad-sack garbage.
no one fucking reads isekai for the historical accuracy
they read it for the wish fulfillment of having a hot blonde waifu/harem of them while easily beating the stupid locals
Dark Ages were real fun, no one bathed, soap wasn’t a thing, blood letting and the four humours were answer for every disease, burning people at the steak for witchcraft, wars and more wars, plagues happens every so often.
Blood letting, four humours and burning people at the steak were all things done during the enlightenment. In fact far far more people were burned during the enlightenment than the middle ages. And already Gauls made soap.
>historical accuracy
it's another world, how can it be historically accurate
Didn't you basically just buy a woman from a dad?
Yup, in the Bible you even bought them from the dad if you raped them before they were wed.
Go fucking ask a random person on the street what feudalism is and come back to me.
I'm pretty sure it's an allusion to Dracula.
Hell if I know, but it should lead him down a brilliant, despotic path lined with corpses.
This thread taught me that Yea Forums has no fucking idea about anything, well, more like confirmed it, bloody hell, and you people actually dare criticize other people about not getting shit right.
You have a very strange idea about the middle ages, and the medieval inquisition.
>How come there are no actual medieval/dark-ages inspired Iseaki?
Because Isekai is a shit genre without any redeeming traits. Like half of them literally have their world function on fucking video games rules because the writers are pandering bastards too lazy to come up with a actually interesting magic or combat system. Do you seriously expect them to even try and represent real history when they can't even come up with a decent fantasy setting?
With that said though, I do like the idea of somebody being transported to the past. Reminds me of a dutch book I read, "Crusade In Jeans". I remember that being pretty alright.
Lots of people think they are automatically experts on something just because it happened on their continent, or on the continent of their forefathers.
It's somewhat sad.
>How come there are no actual medieval/dark-ages inspired Iseaki?
The purpose of isekaishit is wish-fulfillment for salarymen and NEETs who are both dead inside and need something to distract them from the fact that their lives are the equivalent of a deep dark bog they'll never manage to get ouf of short of suiciding and just ending it all, those people don't want anything resembling realism, they want a place where they can go and turn their brains off for a second so that for a moment they can pretend that their lives are actually alright.
It's the common interpretation, whether it's accurate or not.
it's Yea Forums most people here are probably asian or black
It's native Isekai
>It's native Isekai
it's fantasy
>get isekaied
>learned how to make penicillin from youtube videos
>everyone thinks you are a wizard who can cure any disease
>set in medieval europe
>no magic or other fantasy shit
>it's fantasy
To be fair, they are the guys who wrote Roadside Picnic which both the masterpiece of a film and the game Stalker is based off of. They even wrote the script for the film Stalker, and I enjoyed that and Roadside Picnic so it must have some worth.
>Tfw your homebrew is this, but you haven't updated due to finals and everyone forgot about it.
It's just not the focus, but the setting is dark ages.
what is it about?
Isaak is kinda isekai with the superior nip protagonist going to a foreign land to teach the stupid natives how to properly fight and getting a waifu in the process
Late medieval at best. The Inquisition was mostly from the Renaissance
>no magic
>The Inquisition was mostly from the Renaissance
>What was the Albigensian Crusade
so you think they're set in medieval europe
oh it's read as porn alright
but in more than one ways
spice and wolf is a native isekai with a comfy medieval setting
The prosecution of the Cathars is not the same thing, and the witch trails happened during the Renaissance.
Even Joan was burnt because she was a girl who wore boy clothes, not because she was a witch. And even that was a push from the English to get a reason to kill her. Medieval people did not see magic as something real, rather they thought magicians were tricked by demons to think that their magic worked when it in fact did nothing (basically they were seen as insane). There was a joke about a woman or two being convinced that a demon made them cast magic and that they were magicians, so they went to a priest, the priest was sick of this shit so he told them to come into his him and after that he locked the door - only to beat them with a stick (in the arse irc) while shouting ‘see if you can teleport out of that door, ayy’.
It's about a white mage and his questing about and gathering companions and such.
>at least
At least they can write and read.
>native isekai
>his him
His room
That was a small and localized event, and they certainly weren't killing people for wearing odd clothes or speaking oddly
There was a considerable period of possible repentance even before they killed the actual heretics.
just accept it user, fantasy is now a sub-genre of isekai
>The prosecution of the Cathars is not the same thing
>That was a small and localized event
The Inquisition was literally formed as an investigative body to deal with the Cathars in Italy and France.
Yes, and operated at a small level in affected regions.
It's poor reputation comes from the thirty years war and the wars of the Spanish Netherlands, both of which were late rennaissance/ early modern.
>Ancient Antiquity inspired societies
There's at least 1 Rot3K isekai AFAIK.
That's fanfic. There's a load of Game of thrones SI fics that also qualify.
RoTK is just GOT for chinks anyhow.
>RoTK is just GOT for chinks anyhow.
You wot mate? Are you born yesterday? ROT3K the fiction was written long before GOT fatsmoldick's author was even born. Say that to me in person, HBO shill!
I thought the inquisition actually had very fair trials compared to the time?
Depends on where and when.
Not even necessarily though if you adjust for social factors. There are a vast number of miserable, shut-in, anti-social people who would be much more happy living a bucolic and humble farming existence, where they marry a smelly arranged wife at 16, and have a loving relationship born out of necessity.
Tfw no comfy slice-of-life Aztec Highschool isekai (The aztecs had high schools specializing in war, government, and trades)
1) everyone went to school
Why aren’t the Aztecs more of a meme outside of Mexico? The level of public ignorance on the European Middle Ages is one thing, but come on....
Here in the US litterally the only shit you learn about Mesoamerica is
>Olmec were a thing and built big heads
>Maya were also a thing, were good at astronomy and math
>Aztecs became a thing later after that, sacrificied a bunch of people and got conquered by spain
>all 3 built pyramids
and that's it. So poor public education is a part of it
Of course. Turks are just Greeks who brainwashed themselves to think they are Turkic
there are hundreds of western medieval isekai books already
I'm impressed by the longevity of this thread. I expected it to slip under the wave days ago
it isn't like theres much of value to learn about entire civilizations that were destroyed by a hundredish spaniards
get a load of this ignoramus.
m8, the spanish were literally less then 1% of the troops in the siege against the Aztec captial; it had 200,000 native soldiers from like 8 city-states and then only 1000 Spaniards, and then over the next 5-6 decades of fighting and warring to conquer other states in the region, armies still continued to be mostly native, with Conquistadors being utterly reliant on them and their supplies/logistics to do anything, and this was even AS diseases were crippling the region's population
The only reason the Spanish Conquest was ever successful was because Cortes had nonstop instances of stupid luck and flukes; and Mesoamerican geopolitics operating on norms which meant that most native states allied with Conquistadors to take out their own political rivals not realizing how European style imperalism and worked See my post here
And yes, there's plenty to learn that's valuable
- They are a fantastic case study in how differing envoirivmental and cultural differences can impact technological and social progression. The lack of horses, the climate, etc had profound impacts on how they developed differently from how civilizations developed in Eurasia.
- The Colonization of the Americas as a whole was one of the most important historical events, and the specific history and values of the civilizations there, as mentioned above, heavily influenced how events played out
- They represent an entire distinct aeshetical and cultural valuset from Western and Eastern civilizations, with their own unique art and archtectural motifs, religious trends/mythologies, cultural norms, and literature.
- They accomplished remarkable things in spite of those limitations. City sizes that rivaled and in some cases exceeded, what you see in ancient greece, hyper complex water management systems, poetry and philsophy (see pic), and the most complex hygine/sanitation and bonotanical science in the world as european contact
Great list.
Isaak is one set in 30 years war, so that's rare enough to be mentioned.
Not Joan of arc enough