What happened to the animation quality?
What happened to the animation quality?
Dunno but I dropped it
>dropping the AOTS
You pleb
Look at this faggot
Last episode was fine t b h
It's over
last ep was terrible, i blame the director,the episode felt weird,the transition between scenes was all wrong
Yeah. Like transitions just faded to black at the oddest times. Very sloppy editing
The moth one, or was there another episode?
The party was over the moment they removed the party was over.
Last episode with the bandits was ok. The moth episode editing was abysmal, and I'm sure it's not even the episode with less animation.
The TTGL ep 4 fag. The other episodes have been at least decent.
best dad is back in the next episode and it looks great
MAPPA happened
Animation quality has never been that great in the first place.
All the episodes handled by Tezuka productions have the most QUALITY moments, and episode 15 was animated by a hack.
Don't you see it's art?
The moth episode was just so fucking terrible.
at least last weeks episode felt like a huge improvement compared to it.
The party is finally over.
Its gotten pretty mediocre
I'll never get over episode 15, episode director aside, it was one of the few arcs in the manga that deserved to be faithfully adapted because it didn't suffer from stupid cliché or lazy writing, and Mai Mai Onba was a great demon.
MAPPA's staff is all in on the gay ikuhara show
Sarazanmai is a Lapin Track anime, MAPPA is the support studio and will animate only a few episodes.
It would be passable if he just kept running in a straight line. Sloppy, but passable. By having him deliberately move closer to the viewer, they ruined it.
Why is this anime rated so high? Its so dogshit.
It's still Winter 2019 AOTS.
The concept and the premise of the show itself is good, the execution of it all has really dwindled over time though
Yup, same
I'm watching episode 16 now. 2 minutes in and this is fucking rediculous. They must be having some production problems. I skipped episode 15 because of the episode director who was working on it. If I don't see anything impressive in this episode I'm dropping it. MAPPA? More like NAPPY.
I'm still hype for best dad to show up but if it's still tanking surrounding that, I'll be very sad.
Secret lolis are an interesting concept.
Keep watching, there are at least some improvements after the previous couple of episodes.
>there are at least some improvements after the previous couple of episodes.
Like what? This show was really only impressive in its first few episodes and the battle with the fox demons on the hill. But these last few episodes were terrible even by comparison to its previous mediocrity. Episode 16 is probably the ugliest episode of anime I have seen this year (probably because I skipped 15). The presentation has honestly lost my interest completely. I may keep up with the threads to see what people are saying if anything.
this. Hyakkimaru's episodes are always the best (followed by Dororo episodes >>>monster of the week episodes)