ITT: Manga that makes you cringe but other are fine with it

Shoujo kishidan x knight tale, instead the autor research on translated ye olde manuscript book, read on wikitaneur, or just watching video on youtube there were plenty like skallagrim, the author just go full knightly autism based on his larping experienced.

>Muh chivalry code
>Self proclaimed knight
>Japanese female knight
>Uwaaa knight kakoiii!!
>Let me named my basic strike technique "chinder changer ninjer dagger"
>"Ha-hayai!" shonen bullshit
>We are not larping we are doing "CHIVALROUS HEAVY COMBAT"
>"Greeting my name Fujimanko Sakura but my knightly name is Emilia Cuntsplasher!"

God i just can't stand the cringe, i am glad this manga getting axed.

Also M'Lady.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>have a knight
>it's actually a japanese female

I don't care about your autism op
Knight tale eeded more yuri instead of just teasing it

You expect me to believe a Japanese train has this much space for that armored dingbat to do that?

dumb slut should of put on a longer skirt

This what the fuck. I thought the OP was hilarious until I noticed the knight was female. Completely ruins the entire premise and immediately made it go from an "I'll check it out" to "Dropped before I even picked it up".

Imagine all that shit getting proper manga or anime and all full technique and skill not some shonen fight bullcrap.

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I thought no one was translating this.

Nobody cares about ye olde plague ridden tin can warriors.

That looks like corny shit that would get you killed in real life

Because that how you get killed in a sword duel by doing a flashy move.

Shhh, don't tell the larpfags.

Japanese katana has no technique such as half-swording.

banned for being too efficient on killing the opponent.

>using a sword
It's like you want to die. Use a spear instead.

If you want efficiency use a matchlock.

useless in close combat
useless in closed space
need number to be useful
only one method of attacking: stabbing

It's like martial arts. Mostly flashy shit more for show then actual application.

Are you sure about that? Katana has more superior technique like iaijutsu or quickdraw that cannot do by western straight blade.

Which is faster to kill: my western sword that already in the front of your face, or your katana, still sheathed?

Using poke stick in 1v1 duel? Spear only useful in formation not in 1v1 duel.

In a closed space you use a dagger. It's like you want to die.

While you're busy searching for the dagger, my fist's already landed on your face.

*teleport's behind you*
heh, nothin personell, kid


Knight getting ambushed cannot react because the sword was to long to draw plus the armor was heavy

Samurai getting ambushed still can draw the katana and kill the ambusher samurai was more mobile than you average knight.

Chichi Chichi
Monster Musume
Dragon Maid
Dragon Ball

>armor too heavy

This user is unironically correct. Most existing HEMA manuals are derived from dueling manuals for fuckoff rich pricks that had more time and cash than real sense and paid out the ass to learn how to do fancy bullshit in recreational duels.
It's not at all representative of actual battlefield techniques, which mainly consisted of "get the other fucker on the ground and smash his head in"

>Monster Musume

That shit was good until the harem talk about true/pure love bullshit while trying to rape the MC.

Well yeah that explain why in every HEMA tournament especially longsword are devolving into modern fencing hit your opponent as fast as possible to get score and the more aggresive and ugly in technical standpoint are often win.

No Loli gaggin'.

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I did chuckle though

Finally the japanese leaves samuwy too stronk for actual strong western knights.

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>Johannes Liechtenauer
>one of the pillars of the German School of Fencing
>became monk
>reflected over his past life and wrote a fencing manual and a book about his memories

he was a german Miyamoto Musashi.

If Liechtenauer was Musashi of the west so Fiore dei Liberi are Sasaki Kojiro from the west? I want to see western swordmaster gettig Fate'd.

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>i am glad this manga getting axed.
Really? Source?

yeah but japs can't into European martial arts.

>time to use the legendary secret fighting technique known only by knights

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If you wear armor you don't need to worry about getting ambushed >pointtohead.jpg

More like they banned into European martial arts because Japanese has retarded sword law, that you need some permission or some kind of license to own non Japanese blade and not all prefecture allowed it, to preserve muh culture bullshit, you can't find any Japanese sparring with steel/iron katana blunt blade because katana are not supposed to be blunt it shamefur dispray, instead they are study with bamboo sword, katadancing, cutting tattami roll and screaming like a retard that's why larping are more preferable. In China and Korea Hema is start gaining popularity unlike in Japan.

Mate, while tournaments are really seen as sport, it is still NOT a place where one can act stupid.
Lots of knights gets injured really badly or even die from simple jousting competitions

While not applicable for large scale battles, those manuals are for real

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Hello shitit

>those manuals are for real
yeah about as real as medieval manuals for doctors

That's bullshit.
If the Japs wanted to do hema, they'd just use bokken shaped like longswords if steel practice swords were illegal.
Sword laws would have no effect.

Full contact taekwondo and professional wushu are also dangerous because you engage in dangerous actions with dangerous tools, doesn't mean anyone takes them seriously as combat sports. 420 blaze it spin kicks and sword twirling while doing backflips are cool and could get someone killed but that doesn't make it any less corny and impractical, still cool to watch though.

>Manga that makes you cringe but other are fine with it
So basically all shounen? I understand if you're a 12 year old, but adults who still gush about shounen are cringe.
It's not even about the power of friendship in particular, which is a good thing if used judiciously; it's just the same shit over and over again.

>China and Korea HEMA
but they have their own martial arts. That's Cultural appropriation!

Westerners also possessed a mystical, secret, advanced technique completely unknown and implausible to the nipps that was the deciding factor in pretty much any melee confrontation.

A fucking shield.

Depends on where you get that medieval manual
Monasteries manuals are gained from the Roman documents itself that they preserved and spread.

I am not a fighter but common sense tell me that no one's going to risk their life over bad manuals

I mean, martial arts are for the sake of art and culture. Manuals does not have to be practical in real combat, it just have to teach participants how to keep themselves safe.

Most practical armor was basically child's play compared to the modern soldier's gear in terms of gear. I really doubt it would bother them. That said a lot of them were probably suffering from cholera or lead poisoning or something so maybe it could fuck them up

Dude, everya culture had a shield.
Japanese doctrine just relied on Samurai as horseback archers hence the unpopularity

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Europeans significantly reduced the size and use of shields too as they advanced better weaponry, body armor, and military formations.

Do you hear of pikemen wielding large shields? Or archers? Typically not, and that was the case with the japanese too. Samurai were archers first and foremost and foot soldiers relied mostly on long two handed spears. Also, Japan just doesn't have nearly as much historical turmoil as Europe, given it was just one island.

Yes but in most of the rest of the world shield walls and crossbows/more powerful bows in general are what curtail the prior invincibility of the horse archer. In Japan war was just a silly ritual affair mostly waged on people who couldn't fight back. Japan's major ancient victories against foreign invaders all involve the weather itself as opposed to any shitty Japanese warfare.


Go back.

>Title of the thread

So where all the full contact HEMA like tournament then? Non choreograph technique/practice sparring? Please do not talk about kendo or everything with "do" because they are just sport just like modern fencing and archery.

Neat. Looks like its highly effective against people that leave their fucking sword still for you to grab and take away, just like 99% of martial arts techniques that kids learn, which are against people that just stand there.

You're the kind of guy that enters a Dojo or gym and leaves because he gets his ass beat and didn't learn some flashy arranged move like the kids down at the McDojo, and doesn't realize that getting stomped is part of learning.

but you'll keyboard warrior it up and suck the dicks of these flashy ass fakes.

>I am not a fighter but common sense tell me that no one's going to risk their life over bad manuals
Your common sense is wrong. Of course they did. They were retards. They constantly risked their life over wrong manuals. Not only that but they risked the life of their friends, their family, their whole village, sometimes cities and countries, over old manuals filled with nonsense.
>b-b-b-but if a book said something but it didn't really work they would notice!
Yeah and if wearing a weird bird mask didn't make you immune to plague you'd think they would notice. They didn't have a scientific method. They were wrong about everything.

Modern soldiers are completely overburdened, look up the rate of knee injuries they suffer.
20-25 kilograms of armor is still pretty encumbering though.

You are spouting history channel bullshit.
who used shield-walls to defeat horse archers in the middle ages?

>Japan's major ancient victories against foreign invaders all involve the weather itself
Do you mean the first mongol invasion where the mongols fled after only one day's fighting in Japan, or the second invasion where the mongols never even managed to hold any ground at all?

I actually heard there is a very dedicated following of Polish saber fencing in Japan.

have sex incel

Here some demonstration video from pro one of the best HEMAist in the world?

Winch is user was kinda right you just can't relly on one/manual alone you need find someone to sparring with you to test your skill and technique on the manual to see how the technique work or not, that's why the main goal of a HEMAist are not to become the best fighter in the world but a competent researcher. And yeah mostly manual only talk about duel techniques not battlefield combat.

>get the other fucker on the ground and smash his head in
That seems to be the most recurring trend in fighting. The other being "catch the guy trying to get you on the ground in the act and get him on the ground instead"

Are you sure not that Tintagel dojo? Source please.

Real martial artists are past fancy bullshit and know what's up.

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>katana getting through platemail

its point isn't even that good for piercing shit.

>womanlet knight

Platemail is a term made up for D&D.
No sword will pierce plate armor, it doesn't matter what kind of tip it has.

I am not say katana can cut/pierced through plate armor genius, what i said samurai armament are much more mobile and agile than knight because it's design for mountainous terrain.

And what is platemail? only dnd fag use that term, instead of plate armor.

I still like the design of the armor

Wtf he should have let that "old" man get his nut on. Fucking manlet.

Yes one authentic and realistic looking armor in manga beside wolfsmund and i like how realistic the proportion of the longsword in this manga but still falling in fantasy tropes here and there like that baggy chainmail.

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Because Europe is well known not to be bristling with mountain ranges.


Random train molester has gotten more action than anyone in this series. Where the fuck is my yuri?

>samurai armament are much more mobile and agile than knight because it's design for mountainous terrain.
Samurai ran around in shitty equipment attacking unarmed peasants. There's nothing that makes them more magically adept at mountain fighting.

I fucking love dumb threads getting derailed like this.

You are the cancer.

Honestly? Senko-san. Something about it just seems really uncomfortable to me.

>Samurai ran around in shitty equipment attacking unarmed peasants.
If two samurai from opposing clans met, they would immediately run in opposite directions to avoid having to fight anyone who wasn't an unarmored peasant and all of those huge battles where samurai fought each other were obviously just made up to sell anime.

I bet you also think samurai armor was made of wood.

Unless youre an Anglo or a frenchy you'll never understand knightly chivalry. Fuck off Slav nigger. The jap author understands what it means to be a knight better than you half chink insectoid drunk scum.

The fact that it clearly feeds on lonely japanese salarymen fantasies kind of puts me off. Its like something Satou from Welcome to the NHK would watch.

whats wrong with that?

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I like this manga OP is a faggot

>The Main instructor, and Founder of Castle Tintagel Dojo her(him)self get BTFO in very first chapter by the MC.
>American knight

my sides.

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i know this is a bait thread to get more people to read this manga.
But I've already read it

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>Female (male)

I train traditional Japanese martial arts from the warring states period (pre 16th century), and most of our armoured techniques consist of knocking someone down and then either thrusting a dagger into an unarmoured joint or collapsing the skull with foot/weapon.

I don't have the reference on me, but there was a recent archaeology dig in Japan where they unearthed up to 40,000 individuals who died in a big battle. The majority of deaths were caused by crushed skulls primarily from the butt of spears.

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What is even the point of a sword if you use it like a hammer, to cut your self?

is it entertaining?
everyone knows americans don't read

Sword is a secondary weapon, you use it when you lose your primary weapon usually polearm, half-swording not always mordschalg you can use it like a spear to control your pointy tip of your sword to thrusting to the gap like armpits, eyeslith, or neck, using it like a hammer is for knock it down armored knight that you can strike with the blade later. The blade would not cut yourself if you doing it propely especially when you wearing gauntlet.

Hope he goes back to porn full time.

Author said somebody else picked this up for another magazine so it isn't completely dead on twatter

Fuck that shit. At least he should go back to porn part time like in CM. He's wasting his talent.

Why do you need to half-sword when you live on a island where nobody can forge proper steel so everyone is just wearing paper for armour?

>The majority of deaths were caused by crushed skulls primarily from the butt of spears.
You mean the majority of the causes of death which could be identified on a skeleton were crushed skulls. You can't see a cut throat or a sword through the stomach on a skeleton.
It takes about 12 years for an unpreserved body to become a skeleton. The Sengoku period was 400 years ago.

Cuts cause notches on bone.

The Japanese did use half-swording, but only by pinching the blade between thumb and forefinger or pushing the palm against the back of the blade rather than wrapping their whole hand around the blade like in Western techniques.

I can see you are an expert on making things up on the internet.

With some knightly fetish yeah!!

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first chapter was good, this is promissing imo

>Japanese woman
>Medieval armor
If she doesn't look like the chick from uzamaid that's not going to happen.

Not that user but not necessarily

Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san

Both the anime and manga. I tried to read the manga when it was new, and I watched the first episode of the anime, but I couldn't do it. Every scene just makes me cringe.

more big boobs please

Where I can find the full version ?

When you read yuri, you are in fact trained to be a cuck

someone made a manga version of Don Quixote?
also, who art thou quoting?

>ahem, i watched a youtube video so i'm an expert on medieval combat!
>i know that you should never hold a sword by the handle and instead always hold my sword by the blade, this is the superior technique known as mordhau!
>i polish my full plate armor every day and it is impenetrable by even the strongest crossbows!

>says the cuckold monster

Buy the figure.

>no u

>Not only that but they risked the life of their friends, their family, their whole village, sometimes cities and countries, over old manuals filled with nonsense.
You are retarded, if you are talking about medical manuals they did this for a reason. That was because Galen came with the Theory of Design, the church assumed that whatever Galen said must be true because he came up with the truth about God and didn't bother investigating further because they thought the medical techniques worked perfectly and that there was nothing to fix. Even in the middle-ages, people were still experimenting; for example, the Pope's life was saved because a doctor recommended that he had two fires burning next to him (which killed off the germs). The Black Prince was also successfully recovered from a terrible wound from the use of an obscure manuscript. Belief in Miasma existed up until the 19th century.
With science, you must know already that the church heavily funded scientific experiments.

>japanese male finally attempts to reproduce
>cockblocked by femenism
what does it mean?!

If I understand correctly, the plague doctor getup did have a lot of sensible design choices, considering that germ theory wasn't a thing yet. Waxed cloth was hydrophobic. The mask hampered airborne diseases. And they had long sticks to poke shit with.

So not the best allegory. And maybe this isn't the exact point being argued. But people will make do with what information is available to them in most cases.

oh yeah
>Yeah and if wearing a weird bird mask didn't make you immune to plague you'd think they would notice.
That was from the renaissance you fucking idiot
>They were wrong about everything.
the ancient Greeks figured out the world was round through mathematics, they figured out a wealth of shit in the middle-ages through mathematics. If it wasn't for the middle-ages, we wouldn't have 0. If they were wrong about everything, how come their churches stood? Mathematics and a proper understanding of physics was needed to build these churches.
look at this motherfucker and be surprised in your ignorance:

>Most practical armor was basically child's play
You do realise that nothing could get past steel plate?

I really can't blame that guy for feeling her up

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Lmao hahahaha

>"Greeting my name Fujimanko Sakura but my knightly name is Emilia Cuntsplasher!"
Picked up!

Attached: things looking up.jpg (200x170, 12K)

>Muh chivalry code
>Self proclaimed knight
>Japanese female knight
>Uwaaa knight kakoiii!!
>Let me named my basic strike technique "chinder changer ninjer dagger"
>"Ha-hayai!" shonen bullshit
>We are not larping we are doing "CHIVALROUS HEAVY COMBAT"
>"Greeting my name Fujimanko Sakura but my knightly name is Emilia Cuntsplasher!"
So, uhh, what are the bad points?

Why is the Word cringe Banned?

So, Yea Forums, are you enjoying Battle of the Nations this year?

That is because you are dead inside

>When you read yuri, you are in fact trained to be a cuck
None of these drawings are your gf's you retard.

I bet they hurt your feefees real bad, you fucking refugee

I hope he re-uses the characters from this in his porn.
Train-molestee girl deserves a hundred dicks

Incidentally, I liked the novel Don quixote, though I thought it lagged near the middle

because it's used almost exclusively by faggots?

>this flashy
dude, translating those to human body majority of those are basic joint locks, the rest usual penetrating strikes; parry, lock, stab; you're seeing more than there is to it and call it bullshit arts, it's all simple and effective 1on1 dueling, if there's more fuckers against you of course you don't have a chance, say hello to BJJ posters shitting every MMA thread already laying on the ground waiting for a boot up their ass

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Your anus is deserve dick of babylon I hope he reuses that fat grandpa

I appreciate your creative grammar, but don't understand what I did to annoy you


Train-molested-chan and delinquent girl are my favourites so far

It triggers betafags like OP.

isn't he more of an autist than a betafag?

Why not both?

he might be, but I don't know if there's anything that really makes him beta

Nice, I was shocked to hear it getting axed back then but this is pleasant.

Are you retarded? Most of their armor was the equivalent of sheet metal over stuffed cloth. You can recreate it by going to a home depot and getting yourself some metal roofing and strap it around a heavy winter jacket. And a knight's load was typically 25-50 lb with help from peasnts and horses. Only specialty armors like jousting or ceremonial armor were actually heavy. The reason metal armors fell out of favor was because it was effectively useless against early firearms. Most firearms from the 1800s onwards would tear through it like tissue paper. Modern body armor is significantly more effective against firearms, like a world apart, and even those are far from perfect.