How do I get closer to Rikka?

How do I get closer to Rikka?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I may as well get the obligatory out of the way: Rikka is for Yuta.
There, commence the stage play.


Be a JK, handsome college guy, or a ginger with a strong urge to do justice

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It depends on what do you consider as "closer", is one meter from her good enough? more? less?

How do I get closer to looking like Rikka?

You don't. She has a boyfriend.

stop making these threads

be yuta.

put your face on the screen

Depends how much money you have.

he'd fucking stop if you stopped posting. seriously, these threads aren't even /e/ tier image dumps, it's just a few morons throwing out the lowest effort bait imaginable then waiting for you to bite, which you do every fucking time

You gotta enter the Computer World first.

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What was the purpose of her character? I know she was in the OG Gridman TV show but she didn't really add a whole lot to the anime.

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if someone is baiting you for replies, and you reply, it means you took the bait. that's how it works.

>you are the ONLY person who thinks "replied" mean "baited"
they're not mutually exclusive.
>and refuse to accept that to "bait" you have to trick people into thinking the posts aren't bait in the first place.
taking the bait when you know and acknowledge that it's bait is impressively stupid.

Akane is S T A C K E D

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This isn't the body of an unpopular girl, though she does have little twiggy legs.

>What was the purpose of her character?
To sell figures

I mean it’s a Trigger show, there’s gonna be tits and ass regardless

>you main it

>thinks "bait" and "reply" mean the same thing

>In fishing, the bait is the worm. You are tricking the fish into thinking the worm is safe food when in reality it's a trap to catch them.
Yeah, and you're the fish that knows the worm is unsafe but is stupid enough to take it anyway. Over and over and over and over again, ad nauseam. You're like the genetically defective retard fish.


>Telling you to stop shitposting and baiting does not mean someone is falling for your "bait".
Except when they're baiting someone to do precisely that: tell them to stop shitposting and baiting.
Then again, you haven't got the message once in 6 years, you probably won't get it now.

Well she had a whole episode explaining the reality of the situation to the MC. Everyone was expecting her to do more but given what the last episodes were I'm not surprised they didn't really work her into the action. Did they ever show what her kaiju form looks like in art at all is what I've been pondering for awhile?

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>biting the hook in exactly the way the fisherman wants you to means you're not taking the bait

>M A I N

If a fish bites the worm, it doesn't really matter if the fish knew it was a trap or not. The fisherman still gets his catch.

Are these threads still going on? Wew lad, it's fucking May. How can a group of people be so autistic even by Yea Forums standards?

This is the power of yurifags...

>You are not "forcing" people to post.
Sure I am. I'm going to force you to respond to this post too. Just watch.

If you get more than one reply a minute, you yell deception.
If you get less than one reply a minute, you yell obviousness.
If you hear "they" you say "no it's you".
If you hear "me" you say "so it's you".
If your hypocrisy gets called out, you say "no u xDDD!!!"
If your nonsensical chain of logic about baiting gets called out, you say "Only you act like that."

Seems to me you've tunneled yourself so far into your delusion you won't take no for an answer.
Imagine all the things you could've done in the 6 years you've wasted throwing tantrums on Yea Forums and making zero change whatsoever.

The battle between ACK and Akemi is eternal.

literally asking to have her ass eaten

Attached: [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - 05 [1080p]-0019.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

No, you're not. I would have replied telling off a shitposter like you regardless of if you were "trying" to make people reply or not. Because telling off shitposters who ruin threads is what you do on this site.

!Akemi, every single one of your posts follows the exact same pattern. You for some retarded reason think you are owed constantly different replies when you are always doing the same exact thing.

See? You literally REFUSE to accept you're not making anyone mad.

It's also really, really obvious who you are because you, and ALL, of the personas you make up refuse to address pic related.

So, all your personas want to "troll" "lol cows". Yet not one of them wants to "troll" !Akemi.
>b- but he's not here, see no his tripcode here!!!
By the same logic you could say "ack" is still not here (was never even real in the first place).

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>!Akemi is literally spamming the thread with off topic garbage posts
>the janitor is going through the thread post by post and picking out posts that are telling !Akemi to stop shitposting and deleting them while intentionally avoiding deleting !Akemi's posts
This is the state of them website.

Then leave.

If Yea Forums is this bad then why don't you go to another place? On twitter no one can delete your posts.

i love you man
please never stop doing this i need you to keep my retarded shitposts in check

What was the name of the girl with the surgical mask?

there's only one way

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It still amazes me how a single person managed to ruin any future discussion of the Gridman anime. Even after all the retarded yuri headcanon shit got thrown out the window due to the last audio drama he keeps on going. The sheer level of dedication would almost be admirable if It wasn't so sad.


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how big is too big?

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Which other words do (I) use?

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I don't really think it's fair to blame yurifags for this either, they despise him just as much as the rest of us. Especially since he tends to shit up Symphogear threads based on whether or not he's a fan of the pairing.

Not that it even needs to be shipping art, if two girls are close together that's enough to set him off. Still, he got bored of shitting up LWA threads so I'm sure he'll move on from Gridman too, we just need to try and keep the discussion up until then.

Speaking of which, if there was ever a sequel to the Gridman Anime do you want it to be its own contained thing or follow Akane around?

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Will you ever stop begging people to think you're more than one person?
It's literally just you BEGGING people to think you're more than one person. And yet oddly all these "people" act exact the same and always refuse to address the same things.

Everyone knows you're the one who ruins threads, and the one who tries to spread misinformation about the last voice drama. Because all you have to do with your life is shitpost.

I like how you admitted IN THIS THREAD that you are trying to "bait" people, and then you try to pretend you're not the one ruining threads.

You posted 6 times in a row. Replying to the same posts over and over.


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Are you Yuuta?

No? Then no chance.

Be an faceless old man.

See all deleted posts in the thread here

Look at how you just keep replying, !Akemi. You're so mad you literally can't stop yourself from replying over and over. You're still replying to people mocking you and shitting on you for having no friends.

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Feel free to stop bumping your own thread, !Akemi.

jesus im cumming

I want to fill this dyke with my seed.


>tfw no small tits, giant thighs and ass gf

Rikka is for me.

I can't help but laugh at how you are just so pathetically desperate to keep your thread alive, !Akemi. You just are such a laugh stock.

Nah. Look at how you just keep replying, !Akemi. You're so mad you literally can't stop yourself from replying over and over. You're still replying to people mocking you and shitting on you for having no friends.

See all deleted posts in the thread here

Why is every faggot using this word now?

See all deleted posts in the thread here

Sean. How you spend your Easter?

“Having fun, Sean?” I looked as Mami was wide awake, all with a smile on her face. I winced and blushed, though she giggled. “It’s alright. I don’t mind. Though,” her smile became more seductive, “you can kiss it…” She spread her legs and arched her back to emphasize her crotch.

“Y-you sure?” I asked.

“Yes. This is what lovers do, after all…” Mami said.

“O-okay…” I lowered my head to her hairy crotch and proceeded to kiss the slit. Mami began to moan.

“Y-yes… K-kiss it some more…” I did so, pecking the crotch in different areas, even the hair. “I-if you can lick it…” She told me. I proceeded to take my tongue and ran it down her slit. The taste was bizarre, but nothing that could make me puke. “Ah…” Her hands began to press onto my scalp as I continued to lick. “D-don’t stop… Ah… Ah… Aaaah…” I went faster with the licks, and each pass, I noticed the slit bloom outwards, showing pink-looking flaps. I began to lick those as well, which caused Mami to shout. “Y-yes! Right there!” Her legs began to spasm as my tongue digged into her crotch. By this point, I was well adjusted to the taste and I just continued. Suddenly, I felt a liquid gush out of her crotch and all over my face. Mami panted as I wiped it off my face. I presumed that this was her cum. However, my breath was shortened. My penis was now super stiff.

“Mami…” I muttered as Mami looked at my crotch.

You will never "trigger" anyone, you pathetic crying loser.

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I saw Miki sitting in the middle row by the window. She looked at me with the same kind of wide eyes. I saw a girl adjacent to her whisper something, only for Miki to whisper back something about meeting me… Oh… She must have asked if she knew me. I cleared my throat.

“Ahem,” the two girls stopped talking and looked at me, “Hi. My name is Sean. I came here from America for…” How do I word the reason I came here, to get away from my parents who were about to send me to a nut house for my Fregoli's? I didn’t want to get too in depth with Mami’s parents as it was a recent event. The school possibly knows by now anyways, especially after I saw the teacher, a rather homely girl with glasses, frown. “Family reasons. I will be here for the time being, so I hope we have a good time.” Slowly but surely, everyone clapped, save for Miki.

“Your seat will be in the front row, next to Nakazawa.” I looked at the boy the teacher pointed to. Nakazawa just gulped as I went over to him.

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It means High School Girl.

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Grab that ass!

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Is there a digital version of this image? Not photographed.

Just be Yuta-kun lol

Why is Yuta the one who is grabbing her arse?

Just walk?

Hahah, you're such a fucking joke, !Akemi. Look at how you LITERALLY can't let your thread die and just let go. This is all you have in your life. You are the only person who cares about that image. You will not make it look like there is interest in your shipping cancer. You want so badly to think you're some kind of "epic troll" and all you do is fuck over your own life.

See all deleted posts in the thread here

Because he loves it? He wants spank it every time it walks by, he just has to touch it, fondle it, kiss it, he wants to hold when he goes to sleep at night, He wants to cherish it, he wants to marry them legs and that plump rear, he just can’t forget it’s magnificence, it’s on his mind 24/7

Imagine replying to yourself because you are so pathetic and you know it. Literally everyone in the world hates you.

Why is Yuta such a horny little guy?

Why do you think you're "trolling" when you're really just making yourself a pathetic loser?

You don't?

Yuta is SO lucky, *sigh*

Attached: cute couple.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Hahaha, and you just bumped your thread again because you have literally nothing else in your life.
You genuinely can't accept that you're a failure because this is all you have.

!Akemi, stop being so triggered you have to reply to every person who shits on you for being retarded. Just calm down and accept that people shit on retards here. Get smarter or at least stop crying.

Look at Rikka. Is she even wearing a skirt?

Why do you always talk to yourself like this?

I want a thighjob from Rikka.

>how do I get closer to Rikka
to punch her, user?

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I want Yuuta to fuck Rikka while Akane watches.

Be a successful youtuber

Just imagine your life being as shit as !Akemi's and literally all you have is trying to "trigger" people over Yea Forums.

He literally can't stop himself. Because he genuinely thinks the world revolves around "replies" and "having the last word". He refuse to face reality and accept that he's not "triggering" anyone. Because then he'd end up killing himself.

>this brain dead retard on Yea Forums is impotently trying to make other people upset by saying things he knows are blatantly false, I KNOW, I'll do just that and get upset at his posts which are blatantly wrong!
!Akemi actually believes other people think like this because they "reply" to his posts.

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me on the left

Yuuta is for Rikka.

Imagine NTR a god!


NTR triggers me.

You're the only one even replying. You're inventing your own problems.

By being her Wife Akane of course.

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lmao. dumb het spammer

damn. that's a nice fucking rack. Rikka is a lucky woman

You are literally the only person who posts shipping cancer in these threads and the only person who tries to "bait". The problem is you making threads bad for people who want to discuss the series. Even if no one at all replied to you, you'd still objectively be cancer, as all your posts are garbage

I wonder what it would take to make you realize that you'll never be the "troll" you think you are.

wtf. why do you always spam this hetshit?

These posts don't fall in line with what I consider acceptable shipping so I'm going to spend 8 hours in this thread repeatedly complaining. Thanks for understanding!

Yea. He is getting absolutely railed by Utsumi. I can only imagine how fucking sore his ass must be. yare yare

just look at the lust in her eyes

>and the only person who tries to "bait".
And so if nobody took that bait, what reason would there be to stay? Get the picture yet?

Man I love to self inset as Rikka and imagine Akane eating me out while i squeeze her tightly with my thighs. I wish I had a fucking pussy but i'm stuck with this shitty penis.

As always, !Akemi. The problem is you trying to harass and attack people. It's not the "shipping". You just think that because your life revolves around "shipping."

Withdrawal symptoms from being away from her wife too long. Akane is a beast after all, it's no wonder that Rikka would be craving before long

made for eachother

You're literally the only reason he's staying. I mean, you said it yourself: he can't discern between bait and reply. So why reply at all if it gives him the same level of satisfaction anyway?
inb4 ">he No its you"

Yuuta x Utsumi gangbang OVA when? Yuuta was built for the cock.

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soon. Utsumi kyun will tear that unripened anus apart

aww yuuta's gonna get a POUNDING

>Akane gets to caress that juicy ass every night and you never will

why live?

Every time you refer to yourself as "he" or with any plural pronoun I always laugh. Because you're just suck a pathetic failure and so insanely desperate.

See It doesn't matter whether anyone replies to you or not, you're so fucking consumed and obsessed with this every single day of your life is now devoted to this.

And as always, everyone hates you.

What kind of brain dead broken logic is this?
>you're the only one who replies, so there is no problem
Like, what? How did you not realize how stupid this while you were typing it.
A problem is an event happening that has a negative effect. Events happen whether people "reply" to your posts or not.

This is literally just screeching and crying, trying to make people accept your brain dead premise of "let me have my safe space or I'm going to trigger you with my epic trolling!!!!"

>!Akemi spent dozens of posts this thread literally explaining exactly how he's trying to bait and attack people
>the mod refuses to actually delete any of !Akemis garbage spam shitposts
Pretty epic.

Lets be honest, Trigger are crap at making anime. All their originals have been pure dogshit since KLK. They were always a one trick pony. They should quit whoring themselves out with their e begging scam campaign and just straight up make hentai. I'd be totally down for that. Rikka and Akane were the only reason this garbage even sold.

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This to be honest. I'm tired of their trainwreck "original" shit already.

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>crazy het spammer think he's triggering people
lmao, eveyone knows they're gay. get over it

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!Akemi, this image does "trigger" anyone, you are replied to when you post this image because you are TRYING to "trigger" people, which means you are shitposting, which makes you posts objectively bad.

The fact you can't understand something so simple makes you a living joke.

Couldn't agree more. Gridman was cheap shit they had to outsouce to cost cutting studios becuase they can't animate and franxx was poorly written melodramma.

>!Akemi spent dozens of posts this thread literally explaining exactly how he's trying to bait and attack people
>the mod refuses to actually delete any of !Akemis garbage spam shitposts
Pretty epic.

See all deleted posts in the thread here


wtf are you talking about? i agree that the hetspamming triggernigger is insane and cancerous but posting sexy rikka is fine


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Harsh but true desu. nu trigger are shit

Totally believe you, !Akemi. Not at all like you shitpost with that image constantly.

You are never "triggering" anyone. You are the one obsessed with trying to have the last word.
You are so genuinely fucking obsessed and you have literally nothing else in your life.

they're so cute aaaaaaaa, there has never been a more perfect couple

Yeah, this is false flagging. You're not even close to as smart as you think you are, !Akemi.

some advice for you buddy. you make it extremely hard for people to take your side when you accuse them all of being some boogeyman.

i just think rikka and akane are a perfecto match

embrace it

Tell me more about Yuuta. What has he got that user doesn't?

Why would I want you on my side, !Akemi? Why would ANYONE want that?
Everyone knows that you spam this image and a small handful of others with "the last word" in the file name because you think it "triggers" people.

an anus that Utsumi lusts after

>he thinks i'm !akemi
i'm so sorry

>inb4 !akemi

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is it not probable that someone just likes to ship akane and rikka and self insert as a girl? threads's been up for 9hrs already. !Akemi is cancer and spamming here though so i shouldn't be too hard on you for the mistake

>the mod refuses to actually delete any of !Akemis garbage spam shitposts
It's great, isn't it? The mods came into this thread, saw all the posts and their IPs, and decided that none of them were !Akemi! It's okay to admit you're wrong, friend.

You don't. She belongs to _me_


>y-you're definitely Akemi, it's just the m-mods are wrong!
You're a laughing stock

Stfu and post more Akane

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The things I would do this to this body while her gf Rikka is made to watch. LGD and NTR!

>click on Gridman thread
>dozens of deleted posts

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You know, it's actually rare to find a person who would genuinely better society by killing themselves. Yet in this thread there are three. !Akemi, Troid, and Troid's lackey janitor.

They just honestly don't give a fuck about the site and the only reason they are here is to attack people who don't conform to their safe space.

I'm bumping this thread just for you, sweet pea.

How big is she again?

You are bumping the thread because this is literally all you have in your life and you can't function otherwise. Because deluding yourself into thinking you "trigger" people is how you cope with the fact your life is shit.

See all deleted posts in the thread here

No, !Akemi. You're the laughing stock. Just look at how not only do you cry about having no friends, you're blatantly retarded.

Why do you think Troid, the mod protecting you, is not biased and doesn't have a personal agenda of his own? He's clearly not enforcing the rules. Which you are 100% aware of. You always try to make this same exact retarded argument: "durrr if everyone is shitposting that means i'm in the rite and allowed 2 break the rules!"
Which is why you're so fucking consumed with samefagging. Because you genuinely believe majority vote means something.

No, let your subhuman shit thread die, !Akemi. No one wants you here.

No, you're the laughing stock. Just look at how not only do you cry about having no friends, you're blatantly retarded.

Why do you thinkthe mod protecting you is not biased and doesn't have a personal agenda of his own? He's clearly not enforcing the rules. Which you are 100% aware of. You always try to make this same exact retarded argument: "durrr if everyone is shitposting that means i'm in the rite and allowed 2 break the rules!"
Which is why you're so fucking consumed with samefagging. Because you genuinely believe majority vote means something.

I want to build my home on Rikka's ass.

I wonder if you'll ever fix whatever is extremely fucked up with your life.

he does this in madoka threads too
why is he incapable of ignoring bait?

Rikka is great and stuff but Hassu is truely best girl.

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Why are you incapable of ignoring the fact you get shit on for being brain dead levels of retarded? You literally can't stop yourself from replying.

Telling off shitposters is normal.
Going on a 6 year vendetta because you're upset you can't have your personal safe space IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO NORMAL.

It never fails to amuse me how you can say literally every one of these sentences without even a hint of irony or self awareness.

I always cringe at how you think going "no u!" doesn't make you, !Akemi, look pathetic as fuck.

You say these things like "self awareness" and you have literally no idea what these phrases mean. You just say them because you think it will insult and hurt the feelings of the people you directed the phrases at. You literally can't explain a single thing you say, because you are that retarded.

Sure is funny how you didn't address the point that YOU, !Akemi, are the one replying and freaking out because you're so upset you get mocked and shit on for being retarded.

Your "bait" posts are you replying to people shitting on you. You're "trolling" yourself.

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>Telling off shitposters is normal.
then why are you the only one doing it here

More sexualized Rikka please.

We've explained these things to you countless times over the years, and you always respond with some variation of ">no u xDDDD!!!" so we've ceased bothering.
To prove my point, you'll probably respond to this with ">we No its you".

We ever going to get a new audio drama or OVA? I want to see Utsumi dating Akane 2.0 and Rikka finally figuring things out with Yuta.

Stop begging people to think you're more than one person, !Akemi.

And seriously, what is so fucked up with your brain that you think if you just ignore when you get proven wrong that you somehow magically didn't get proven wrong?

>and you always respond with some variation of ">no u xDDDD!!!"
No, that has literally never once happened, !Akemi.

>you'll probably respond to this with ">we No its you".
This is in no way coming even close to saying "no u". That is how defective your brain is. You dismiss literally anything that doesn't agree with you.

And many, many people tell you off, !Akemi. But just look at how bigoted and biased Troid his lackey janitor are, they literally refuse to actually enforce the rules while obsessively deleting any posts that tell you to stop trying to ruin threads on purpose.

>explained these things to you countless times over the years
You've never done it once, and you couldn't link a single example in the archives even if your life depended on it.

And there you go begging people to think you're more than one person again. No, seriously, how the fuck did your life get this screwed up, !Akemi.

You are not "triggering" anyone by pretending to be more than one person.

>Stop begging people to think you're more than one person, !Akemi.
Boom. Right on my call-out. You gotta love it.

Just asking a question after listening to the last audio drama. Chill out.

Me too.

Akane has already many boyfriends, what's one more?

That wasn't Akane.

Which of these do you think is more likely?

>many people discuss Rikka and Yuta, post sexy Rikka images and come to post in Gridman threads, and their posts aren't deleted because there is nothing wrong with them


>all posts about Rikka and Yuta, sexy Rikka or posting in an old Gridman thread are all made by one single person, who stays up for hours at a time, posts from multiple different IP addresses and is literally the only person who ever talks about these subtopics of Gridman, and they aren't deleted because one mod on the moderation team has a vendetta from 6 years ago that means he only deletes one person's posts from each thread for all of that time

To everyone else, it's blindingly obvious. But only through the obsessions and delusions you've built over the years could anyone be insane enough to believe the latter.

Enjoy another 10 or 20 years cooped over a screen in your room, talking to a boogeyman. I'm sure it'll be valuable time of your life well spent.

Seeing that it is almost exclusively the exact same images and phrases I would have to guess the second one.

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To make it clear: you reckon that Gridman, a wildly popular series and Trigger revival, only has one poster in any of its threads on the whole of Yea Forums? And that person changes their IP... 47 times, to keep it alive?

>when you got literally zero replies
When was that, and why wasn't !Akemi getting replies?

Gridman was somewhat popular while airing. But the threads has been nothing but shitposting for a while.
It is not weird if most would stay away.

47 times is not a lot when it is over 13 hours.

>the later is 100% what is happening.
That's all the information anyone needs. You've publicly confirmed your severe delusion; thanks for your service!

Shitposting and replying of the shitposting with more shitposting.

This is some dedication.

What's more likely.

>That for over ten years on this site not a single person on it acted like !Akemi, and then over night everyone on the site (but only in these threads) suddenly starts acting like !Akemi.


>It's only !Akemi who acts this way and he's pretending to be more than one person.

Everyone can tell who you are, !Akemi. And like always, you ignore everything that proves you wrong.

Post more Hassu.

Post more delicious Rikka.

Is Rikka hairy down there?

Reminder that every single one of the following posts is made by exactly one person.

See all deleted posts in the thread here

What's more likely.

>That for over ten years on this site not a single person on it acted like !Akemi, and then over night everyone on the site (but only in these threads) suddenly starts acting like !Akemi.


>It's only !Akemi who acts this way and he's pretending to be more than one person.

Everyone can tell who you are, !Akemi. And like always, you ignore everything that proves you wrong.

No, let your shit thread die, !Akemi.

Based on the material in the internet, yes

Considering Troid has out right admitted he doesn't care about the rules AND has mental disorders, the later is 100% what is happening. And of course, you are the obsessed one, !Akemi.

You can even see in this fucking thread that the mod clearly has no intention of actually enforcing the rules. Literally 50% of the posts in this thread are yours, and you have out right admitted you are trying to "bait" and shitpost, which is against the rules, yet your posts are not deleted. So let's see you explain why someone SHOULDN'T think the mod is on a personal vendetta.

Even when you got literally zero replies, you made dozens and dozens of posts every single day for weeks straight. Because, again, this is literally all you have in your life. YOU, !Akemi, are the obsessed one.

>I'm sure it'll be valuable time of your life well spent.
Every day you spend dozens of hours trying to pretend you're more than one person is one day more you spend without a job, real food, and actual money, which puts you one day closer to death. It's a group effort, because everyone fucking hates you.

No, !Akemi, these threads only have one person in them who acts like you, and it's you, !Akemi.

And yes, you spam change your IP, because it takes literally zero time or effort. It takes flipping your phone's airplane mode on and off.

Sure is funny how "all" these different people who get called out being !Akemi have this same exact broken logic and how they all try to pretend that changing your IP is something mystical.

>How do I get closer to Rikka?

Moving closer to her, obviously.

Damn this thread is still going.

Attached: __takarada_rikka_ssss_gridman_drawn_by_kengo__e662a39fab441d7b3e6a46f6bcb01a1e.jpg (722x1024, 92K)

it's kinda like a blowjob pose, lol saved

didn't read

Didn't read.

God bless the mods for laying down the law

She shaves for Yuta

Did they finally range ban him?

If it really is one guy, that's pathetic

So I haven't really been following Gridman threads since the anime ended, only popping in occasionally for fap material, but what the absolute fuck is going on here?

We got invaded by this fella:

Attached: everyone.jpg (978x1152, 171K)

You are either retarded or blind. Since these kinds of threads were common even when it was airing.

Certain friend brags about evading range bans and changing his IPs in a thread. That won't stop him. Start by banning all of Sprint.