I just finished Spirit Circle and holy shit this was fucking amazing, I wasn't expecting something this good at all

I just finished Spirit Circle and holy shit this was fucking amazing, I wasn't expecting something this good at all.
Man what a masterpiece, I don't even remember what made me read it, I think I just saw the cover posted a couple days ago and downloaded it on a whim.

I want to reread it already.

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Reminder that Fortuna did nothing wrong.
Reminder that Kouko in almost all of her incarnations is a self-righteous cunt who almost always got fucked because of her own ideals.

They destroyed their own cities when they ignored the warnings from Fortuna's master. Fortuna himself did nothing.

Anyone around from the JAG TL threads a few years back? Connecting the dots with you faggots is among my best memories of this trash website.
Vans killing her was pretty fucked up

Yeah those skeletons come from nowhere

Laffale did nothing wrong.

I fucking love this manga. Everything about it just worked for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed many of the stories throughout.

Some things are better off forgotten.
Never forget to give thanks.
Take good care of your friends.
Take good care of your family.
Take good care of others.
Take good care of love.

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I have to reread it someday

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Why was Flors so autistic about the sphinx?

Did Jag worked on this? I remember Duralumin doing some chapters before CR got its hands on it.
>among my best memories
Same, man. It was a fun ride.

>Did Jag worked on this?
Maybe I'm thinking of sengoku youko? I just remember live TL of the chapters toward the end, especially of the last few.

It was self defense.

It looked stupid

Overrated. Lots of filler chapters.

>Reminder that Fortuna did nothing wrong.
Literally world ending piece of shit.

Now Lafalle? He did nothing wrong.

Like what?

Everything between meeting Rune and Fortuna taking over his bod


So does anyone know what was up with the aliens?? Like were they another reincarnation of fortuna and kouko?

No dude, they were just aliens. Wtf....

No, Fortuna just pissed off a lot of people with his shit

It was long after he made a skeleton army and blew up entire cities, but eventually Fortuna himself realized that that he had completely gone off the rails.

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But the alien appearance was a disguise

its annoying that we never found out how Fuuko ended up. Did she fuck a guy, have kids? I would've really enjoyed seeing Fuuta experience the overlap.

I liked Samidare more than spirit circle, but everything that Mizukami Satoshi has done has been great.

Welcome brother, out of this neo shithole you managed to become one of us. Your lurking payed off.

Laffalle > Houtarou > Fuuko > Fortuna >Van > Flors > Fone

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I loved this series (and pretty much everything else by Mizukami Satoshi). The end was I think, a little on the weak side but still decent. But especially compared to some of his other manga, it was less amazing. Other than the ending, this is easily one of my favorite manga.

I think a different ending would've detracted to it as a narrative experience, but increased my enjoyment as well.

Between his 3 longest running series, I'd rank them Samidare > Sengoku Youko > Spirit Circle.

Why did this old woman care about fortuna though
Reverse Esrever!

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>fuuko and houtarou above vann and flors

How? They were nowhere near as interesting.

Houtarou had an extremely satisfying, beautiful and sad ending. The "weight" of their past live's conflict lifting was very impactful. And ghost parts that extended into Laffalle's arc were very moving as well.

Fuuko because she's cute and the chapter is odd and interesting, leaving you wanting more. It was also a really masterful pallet cleanser after how heavy Laffalle was.

Flors is low because its so fucking sad and depressing

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No idea what this is but you seem like a man of taste so I'll give it a shot.


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You got me rereading and damn Laffalle really carries the whole shabang. I get chills every time.

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Dark age best age

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Nono Nonomino No Nono "Nononono" Nonimiya Non!

Mizukami is a treasure, among other things he's consistent with the storytelling quality
Rare as fuck

There's also the teacher

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exists just for suffering.

I never get what people like about Lafalle. It wasn't that good.

Heroine was a fucking bitch

>judging character arcs based on your emotions about it

What about it?

Aren't you suppose to judge arcs mainly based on the narrative, how characters interact and develop and how relevant that arc is to the present? Emotional elements are necessary, but ranking an arc low because it's sad doesn't make much sense.

>how characters interact and develop
Emotions come from this.
>how relevant that arc is
Who cares.

>how relevant that arc is to the present

Am I the only one who found the genderbend one by far the worst past life but its callback in the climax hit the hardest?

Explain the second part.

>Literally world ending piece of shit.
He was willing to let everything go once Kouko made him realize he had become a monster, but that led to him peeking into the future because he wanted to know if he could ever be happy with his "family" again. Which ended with his soul being obliterated by Kouko who never let go of her image of him as a monster.

The whole point of the story is karma. The reason why Kouko was so intent on killing him was because he was a monster, and the reason why Fortuna even attempted to become a god was because he saw that his future was shit and a dead end. Fortuna didn't want to become a god, not really. He just wanted to fix everything and be with his family again.

It's fucking great, loved reading it all in one day. It kinda feels longer than it is because it has so many different stories but most of them are compelling.

If you read behind the scribbles, the Aliens completely spoil the entire last few chapters but no one realized it at the time.

Wait what? The english version didn't have the scribbles. Crunchyroll fucked and gave us the censored text completely clear.

Flors hit me the hardest, what a bleak fucking ending to read after going through vanns rather heartwarming and sweet story.

Yeah that sucked when I found out. But I had mostly forgotten all about that by the time I reached that climax.

People thinking this is why Mizukami needs to make a sequel Spirit Circle: Side B about Koko’s journey.

I actually liked Fuuko. She was the most similar to Fortuna but was limited by the era she was born into.
It was also a satisfying punctuation to Laffalle, who attempted to escape the grand tragedy that was his life by reincarnating into such a radically different vessel with life free from conflict.
That or he wanted his daughter to fuck him

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I like the fact Kouko challenges Fuuta to enter the university exactly because she knows that he has a soul of a scholar and academic so with a little push he can become an even better person.

I read it recently OP. Made me cry a lot. It's really good. Sengoku Youko is a bit better though.

He was an artist with an ego. He saw the cat, tried to replicate it, but it couldn't reach the level he wanted.
Perfectionism can drag you down and depress you. I can relate to it.

I love how Mizukami does this. His points are always so simple with not roundabout delivery it makes my eyes wet

I thought Fuuta’s incarnation wanted to be dumb

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>Sengoku Youko is a bit better though.
Sengoku Youko is pretty hit or miss with the arcs, stuff centered on Shinsuke tended to carry.
Spirit Circle is more rounded

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Yes but potential is still always there. Getting to fuck Kouko is probably the only thing that can unlock it.


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I don't like that they forgot about all the soul stuff though. Fuuta should've impregnated her in middle school once they realized they were losing their memories but that would've been too Kitoh Mohiro.
Leaving it open ended is kinda distasteful because there's a chance that Kouko doesn't get pregnant by Fuuta, and Rune/East never become human. Then Spacifica could be all "fine print bro" and make the whole Rune/East thing a benefit exclusive to Fuuta and Kouko, not their subsequent incarnations.

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Spacifica isn't a dick.


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Fuuta's feelings to her is his own thing, it's not related to reincarnation cycles. He loves her, she loves him, there's virtually zero chance for anything other than them hooking up happening in the future.

You don't get it. If Fuuta and Koko don't marry and fuck, East and Rune won't exist and thus Fortuna won't have a reason to be a dick and the entire story resolves itself.

Pretty sure that's not how that works

If it's totally forgotten I get the feeling they'll reconnect in college over a vague sense of having a really important experience together in middle school.

Prove it. The moment East and Rune fuck off the memories start to fade, and Koko demands the impossible from Fuuta, namely attending Tokyo-U. Fuuta can't do that. Not smart enough. So they won't get born.

Read Sengoku Youko for the Mizukami universe tie in at the end of Spirit Circle.

Kouko said that if it doesn't happen here, Rune and East would become human in a parallel universe in which she Fuuta have a child anyway. So it really doesn't matter regarding whether East and Rune will become human or not.

>Then Spacifica could be all "fine print bro" and make the whole Rune/East thing a benefit exclusive to Fuuta and Kouko, not their subsequent incarnations.
If fine print were to be invoked, then the fact that Rune said she wants be born as her Master and Koko's child instead of Fuuta and Kouko, makes it straight up impossible. So we have to assume that any incarnation of them can have the child anyway.

Maybe she was the reincarnation of one of the other girls?

This. Holy shit Jinka was such a cunt, and even though I like Senya, I couldn't go through a single chapter without thinking "Shinsuke when?"

>there's virtually zero chance for anything other than them hooking up happening in the future.
Nono nono no no NONO no no
Rune is a chimera made from spirit matter (different from souls), East was just trapped by the Spirit Circle. Fortuna's time is in the past, its already happened. The question was whether or not Spacifica would destroy the circles and the soul tied to them.

Did is the most badass spread ever.

>Fortuna's time is in the past, its already happened
That's wrong though. Fortuna is far in the future, because the Antimatter-whatever bomb left a crater there.
Fortuna also uses one of the floating robot things from Lafalle's timeline.

I feel bad for Planet With. Will Mizukami ever get another chance at an anime?

God, I loved Lafalle's relationships with Lapis. His ''I don't want to fight Lapis'' in battle with Koko was touching.

I was talking about how you said it would cause Fortuna to not be a dick because he doesn't have a reason. Fortuna and East would still exist in that time period. Souls don't travel linear in time, remember. So all that stuff with Fortuna is basically in the past.

Also, when Fortuna takes over Fuuta's body, he uses the internet and calls it "ancient technology".

Man I loved how he always became good friends with the guys, it was one of the best parts pf the manga

Jinka is like a sasuke larper.
>Kouko said that if it doesn't happen here, Rune and East would become human in a parallel universe in which she Fuuta have a child anyway
I don't get this thinking, wouldn't that mean conceding that there are possibilities where Fortuna ate the universe?
I doubt he'd have stopped there, he'd have eaten all the parallel universes and crashed the god's D&D game. Since that didn't happen, we can only assume Fortuna is somewhat unique.
Also even if Kouko and Fuuta have children in a parallel universe, those children won't be the same Rune/East , they'll be a different Rune/East

Soul time, not linear time.

Why is he such a bro?

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Lihanerra is such a shit, ruined Flors life. She doesn't know how good she has it in that era.

Mr Ishigami/General/Senior Knight/First Manager are underrated

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Literally how? All she did was being a loving wife

always... loved this

>this is a loving wife
Jealous man, value yourself more.

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Maybe since the Gods were intervening in preventing that, they did it so that it is prevented in all universes. I mean it doesn't make sense for them to go through all that to prevent it, only for it to happen in another universe and have the end result still be the same.
>those children won't be the same Rune/East
Their souls will be the same. The spiritual realm is shared between all universes, and souls can travel from universe to universe through it.
Fuuko was from a different universe, but it was still Fuuta's soul

I hope that mistype wasn't a freudian slip

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My favorite part is the callback to Fuuta's brother.
>Vanns comes back home
>"oh yeah, your brother went crazy because of a nightmare and burned the home down"
>2 lifetimes later
>the samurai prick older brother house gets destroyed by fire

I never got if Fortuna's plan was ever an actual danger. The way things concluded, it seemed as if he was always fated to fail, but at the same time his madman plan actually got the spirit of the planet and the 4 /tg/ gods to conspire against him, which makes one think they actually panicked for a second because it was going to work.

Lafalle going as far as stopping the sleeping tower is probably due to these two's sacrifices, giving him both a sense of duty/responsibility (like they did for him) and also because he wanted to give them rest.

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How does this contradict anything? She's a loving wife who had her brother figure go away after entire decades, of course she'd feel bad about it. She didn't want his dick. Meanwhile, Flors was actually a dick to her.

Stop replying to /r9k/ incels. Let him shoot up a school quietly so he can get his virgin rage out of his system.

I still like Lucifer more but I can't put my finger on why.

You know, I like that in some of the later universes, the brother wasn't a bad guy. Maybe a dick because of his brother complex, but he was doing it for the greater good (and failed).

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Fortuna's plan was only possible because of spirits like Spacifica noticing his plan. He was to convert their observational energy to non-directionality.

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>She's a loving wife who had her brother figure go away after entire decades, of course she'd feel bad about it. She didn't want his dick
lmao dude

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The holes subplot was better than the aliens one.

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He was about to fuck everything in the universes up but I couldn't help but root for him.

Also they fucked in the incarnation directly following Flors.

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Fuuta will clearly fuck Rei in college

He told Laffalle he was gonna kill him eventually tho

I wonder what he'll be like in Fuutas time

At this point it was more banter, he did save Lafalle's life at first, and since then they've started sharing the same objective (stopping the towers)

But in the end he did end up killing him by botching the bomb. In fact, we don't even know if he "botched" it.

But the bomb wasn't him, he wanted to prevent it, but this only made things worse apparently.

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That's what he's saying. He could be playing 4D chess. It's after their meeting that Lafalle wants to destroy the tower. It might be the only timeline where the younger brother outsmart the older brother.

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>He could be playing 4D chess
Doubtful otherwise he'd be winning Oscars and not a terrorist.

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He doesn't have to, he saved Lafalle's life in the first place. If he was a pro-bomb he'd just let him die.

>killing 100 makes you a hero
Is this a nip proverb or is he reading too much Berserk?


Praise for the great hero Fone!

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The original idea comes from an old quote by Jean Rostand
>Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god.

They had not finished the bomb at that time and by saving Lafalle he got access to the Tower's underground library.

Would be a pretty convoluted plan just to gain access to weapons before detonating your own bomb in your face and die along millions of people

Well yeah, he's a terrorist, blowing yourself up is par for the course.

Planet With was pretty good. It felt like a Mizukami manga through and through. Same themes in general too.

It's just that it felt a little rushed. It was basically a Mizukami manga that lacked maybe two or three more volumes in-between the start and the end.

isn't the manga still going?

Is the manga done already? I could only find the first 7 chapters because of stupid crunchy roll.

Yeah, but their cause was some anti technology stuff. Their methods were wrong but they had a point. Killing everyone (including the terrorist group itself) defeats that point.


Bakaupdates and the JP wikipedia page for it still lists it as ongoing, so yes. Maybe he'll tell the story better and in more detail in the manga.

Pretty much this. Plus, there's already the karma. Their souls would know it would be important for them to get together, just like how their souls were in conflict over multiple reincarnations (gradually reconciling with each other and becoming more peaceful over time). It's already a certainty that they'll get together in one life some day with that understanding.

>I don't get this thinking, wouldn't that mean conceding that there are possibilities where Fortuna ate the universe?
Something something, spiritual momentum.

There ARE parallel universes, but it's all the same soul. There aren't multiple possibilities because there was only one soul going through one journey. Even if the souls travels from the past and future or from one universe to another, it's still following a single path forward.

did you read the hammer and sengoku?

>but it's all the same soul
Wouldn't make sense because Fortuna's soul gets destroyed, removed from the cycle of rebirth when he views Fuuta's life in an alternate timeline. That means there are parallel universes each with copies of the same souls.

That's from him observing his own future, isn't it? It's not as if his soul was actually there yet, but more of him observing from afar on what would happen. Like predicting the trajectory of his soul.

Fortuna's soul did not yet experience what he saw in the future, he just saw it from afar. When he actually arrived at that point, Rei and Flambe chose to reincarnate then and there, changing the direction of his fate, like Fortuna said when he was caught by the net.

That chapter where the monk swore never to drink again hit me hard. He actually kept his promise even in his next life.

I think its a little of column A and a little of column B.
If it was mere simulation Fuuta wouldn't be able to look back at him.
Parallel worlds where his soul took that trajectory exist, but it doesn't necessarily mean that that's the future of his own soul.

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I tried hammer a few years ago but didn't really like it much. Didn't read sengoku

Would you have done the same as Lafalle?

Marry a hot chick and only ever hold hands? Probably.

>If it was mere simulation Fuuta wouldn't be able to look back at him.
Isn't just observing something affecting something? That's what Fortuna's plan depended upon, after all. Using the energy generated from the observation of others, both outsiders and the people inside the universe (that's why he bothered putting up tv screens for everyone to witness his fight with Koko).

I just think of it as ripples. It's like if you could only look at your reflection in a pool after stepping into it, what you see in it would be affected by that action of stepping into the pool in the first place.

Then read it. It's good.

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