Kekkai Sensen Back 2 Back

New chapter released a couple days ago, haven't seen any threads. Dumping, I guess.

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The scanlators for this don't really know how to put text in the center of the bubble, and they also forgo most punctuation, but it can't be helped.

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This is a series that had a remarkably good anime, and particularly better than the manga. Pretty much the exception to the rule of original endings.

I suppose the guys at the studio managed to give some more focus and direction to the story. I have the feeling the mangaka isn't sure where he/she is going.

Also they have spreads as single pages, but I did my best to put them together normally.

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Mostly it's just the CGI buildings and vehicles that bother me about the manga, and the slow chapter releases.

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>New chapter

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One thing I'm not liking in B2B is how much this police guy is featured, though. He's in almost every chapter.

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Thanks, OP. Have all OG volumes here, but hadn't found much info about B2B. I should catch up.

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We got a whole lotta new characters being introduced for this arc.

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Look who's back.

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End. It was a setup chapter! Given how many characters we've got I assume this will have more than two parts. Hopefully we'll see the conclusion by the end of the year.

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Thanks for dumping

Thanks OP

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it's digitally drawn, so cgi is to be expected user

Didn't know. It just looks very jarring and keeps me from liking the manga art-wise, even though I really want to. It still has great pages when the CGI isn't present or kept to the very minimum.

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>I have the feeling the mangaka isn't sure where he/she is going.
It's because it's meant to be episodic, and this was even more obvious when Bones tried to force a dramatic overarching story about good vs. evil not unlike Trigun. Look I love Trigun but it was obvious how badly it influenced them to make such a convoluted mess out of the first season. White is one of the few good things about it for spicing up Leo's cast dynamic and even then they basically killed her in the end.

>Pretty much the exception to the rule of original endings.
Not if you count the second season, where it basically ends on where the manga originally ended (which actually made for a great ending). Not to mention keeping true to it actually made it better than the first season's attempt at an original story.

Was this on hiatus? It feels like forever since I've seen it on Yea Forums

Why is Chain so fucking hot

The magazine it runs in is quarterly.

i haven't read this series yet but this guy makes me wanna catch up

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