Domestic na Kanojo



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Rui a shit
Hina a best

How apeshit will fans go if Rui fucks the guy?

like in the case with every loosing girl in every romance series ever:
>Natsuo was shit anyway good for Rui

I find it hard to believe Rui's losing. Its obvious they're going to fix their shit and get back together. Yes somethings going to happen between Kajita and Rui. Thats obvious. Also Kei replying to Ruifags on twitter with the reply "We do not know the future yet" with an emoji, after a Ruifag said; "Rui better not get with Kajita." Yet she never does the same stuff with Hina. Its obvious where she plans to go with this. Just putting this out there; Not a Ruifag. So hold your lynching

he really was though

Oh look, it's that shit writing manga!

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>I find it hard to believe Rui's losing. Its obvious they're going to fix their shit and get back together.
>Kei replying to Ruifags on twitter with the reply "We do not know the future yet" with an emoji, after a Ruifag said; "Rui better not get with Kajita
Not easy to believe it when Kei tweet about it so it's over now go home

Good, now please end this series.

Rui a shit

I'm just saying she never does that shit with Hina but as soon as a Ruitard replys with that shit shes straight on it with a reply. Whats the point of replying with that if not for a sneaky hint? Thats what it feels like anyway. Also no reason why Rui and Natsuo aren't going get back together after they've fixed issues that are easily fixable with time. Find it hard to find a timeframe in which Nat can realise or find his feelings again for Hina before Rui and Nats issues are fixed. Just looking at it objectively here.

Yeah and when Hina will lose hinafags will be saying
>Natsuo was shit anyway good for Hina

Actually, there was a few guys in the past insulting Kei saying she only made Hina to suffer and lose since she was not falling out of love with Natsuo
Kei responded with 'if thats what you think, you have not been reading the manga properly.'

Yeah that's bit different to this. With this reply shes clearly hinting at the story and with Natsuo and Rui. With the hina replys shes just simply saying that shes not making Hina suffer etc.

Hina is the tragic heroine of the story. So far Rui has always put herself before others and has done everything she can to get whatever she wants whereas Hina has done the opposite. Now Kei would have ended that theme by having Hina end up with someone after she returns but rather she just used Her feelings for Natsuo as a means to just make her even more tragic. I don't see any reason to do that to make her loose, that's just shit writing. Not to mention self-serving characters like Rui never win in a romance. Till the very end she didn't tell Natsuo that she knew about Hina's lie and her real feelings since they left the island and rather than telling him, took advantage of the situation. That's still the biggest game-changer and kei hasn't resolved that plot point yet.

more like 'what was the point of all those Hina moments between Nat and Hina when he's in a relationship with Rui'.
Rui fags always complain that Sasuga will throw away 100 chapters of Rui and Natsuo if they don't get back together and make it all pointless.
Yet say nothing about all those chapters and moments of Natsuo and Hina, which would actually be pointless and thrown out if they'd didn't get back together.
With Rui, their chapters proved they had issues and despite their best, they themselves where the issues that broke them up. theres nothing to throw out or make pointless since its part of their story to prove they dont work as a couple.
With Hina, and all those moments to prove they still had chemistry or where being drawn together to amount to nothing, would actually be a waste because whats the point of having all that and keeping the rings and such? it would actually mean nothing.

its not different at all, you just want it to be for Rui's sake.

Why hint at the story with that kind of reply? That reply makes it seem like shes not going to get with Kajita. So who will she end up with? Natsuo. Again. I'm not rooting for anyone. Least of all Rui.

And she replied that "you were reading the story wrong all along if you thing that" to someone who said she only made Hina to suffer and loose.

>she just used Her feelings for Natsuo as a means to just make her even more tragic.
Considering their moments are trope related sometimes (fireworks and Nee-san body pillow reversal), it wouldn't be just tragic but also misdirection. but as you say
>that's just shit writing
and it would be.
>That's still the biggest game-changer and kei hasn't resolved that plot point yet
i dont think its THE biggest. After Hina burst in drunk and told Natsuo it was all a lie, Rui didnt talk to him over a week because she was scared his feelings would resurface because he "knew" the truth.
and she LUCKED out because Natsuo was unsure if Hina was telling the truth because she was drunk. Also, He dosn't know that Rui knew all that either, just that Rui was scared of the Drunken talk.

Still, its a plot point that needs to be resolved at some point. Especially since Rui's fears all stem from the guilt of taking Natsuo away when he was vulnerable, and not telling him the truth.
Another point is Natsuo telling Hina that Rui was his "first". but considering how much Natsuo has been there for her, before during and after their relationship, i doubt it would stop Hina from Loving him at all. perhaps a surprise, but since it happened before all their 'moments' it should not mean much.

How many cocks have unleashed their load inside Hina again?

Hina has been on the suffering end for over 2 years. You think there hasn't been others?
The only reason Rui is more constant is because her break up, and the anime, are more recent.

Why hint through twitter at all if the story is supposed to do the building up and the hinting for you?
Why make a story at all if twitter is going to derail all those NatxHina moments or disregard all that NatxRui issues for a winking emoji?

Dont forget, Good ending was the manga where the girlfriend was kidnapped by a rapist, didnt get raped, has consentual sex with the guy, then broke up with the MC.
So for Rui to be with Chef would not surprise me.

>Another point is Natsuo telling Hina that Rui was his "first".
Doesn't matter, Natsuo wasn't Hina's "first" and he didn't care. Also Kei has already proved that she doesn't care if the heroine was dicked by the mc for her first time. Her previous work proves that. Rather the one the mc had his first time with lost.

Also it's not just hiding about Hina's feelings but also how Rui took advantage of them and asked Hina for favours which she knew who end up hurting her. Also her " Please don't do something that will make me cry" that just shows her hypocrisy in plain light.

Twice her age

Are you that desperate for (You)s?

It’s to appease the Ruifags. She doesn’t want to lose any side of her readers cause that would mean less sales which means less money. I remember when she tweeted to a Hinafag that they haven’t been paying attention if they actually think that she (Kei) hates Hina or something like that.

Oh! look to my wife

>Doesn't matter, Natsuo wasn't Hina's "first" and he didn't care
I know. i thought i made the point that even if the truth did get out, Hina will (or should) remember how Natsuo proposed to her, promised to become an author to get others to approve their relationship and was fully committed to her
If anything, it should prove to Hina that even though he was with Rui before her, a woman he would fall in love with eventually, he was still genuine and serious about Hina (story wise, he was more committed and Serious with Hina than Rui)

>not just hiding about Hina's feelings but also how Rui took advantage of them and asked Hina for favours which she knew who end up hurting her.
well, Rui did say she would not hold back for Hinas sake.
The problem is that even though she didn't, she clearly didn't consider all the guilt and fears that came with it. all her insecurities and trust issues with Natsuo comes from what she did to Hina, and fearing that someone will take Natsuo the way she did from Hina.

>Also her " Please don't do something that will make me cry" that just shows her hypocrisy in plain light.
Also shows that despite the watches, telling Hina about them, and saying he'd marry Rui did nothing to ease her mind at all.

>The only reason Rui is more constant is because her break up, and the anime, are more recent.
I won't be so sure about that. The merch sales and recent poll point towards Hina being more popular in Nipland.

What I am trying to say is that Rui was always selfish and manipulative to the point that she never cared about her sister's happiness or suffering when it coincided with her own. On the other hand, Hina has always thought of Rui and Natsuo's happiness and did everything to support them despite getting hurt every time. This not just shows that Hina is a good person but also an actually caring individual.

Rui is such a hypocrite that she puts on this air of honest only when the situation favours her. She made sure not to tell him about Hina's feelings but decided to be the good and honest individual by telling Hina about their relationship when she returned.

Did you people not know you were reading a reverse harem manga about Rui?

>bride!Hina cover
>chapter is full of based Chef x Rui
She can’t make the winning girl more obvious.

Well both Hina and Rui had 3 people going after them so far so it's not hard to think of it as reverse harem.

I feel like the two sisters are having somewhat opposite arcs - like maybe Rui is learning to consider others' feelings more as she matures and Hina is learning to stop trying to sacrifice herself for others at every opportunity
Natsuo can't make a relationship work with either of them until they all develop as characters more, so they're going to keep having false starts
I can't really guess how it'll turn out in the end, I always root for the harem ending though

from comments i read on manga sites, Hina is definetly up more. but anime and twitter wise, Rui has the edge. though for twitter its cause fans tweet at sasuga for Rui.
Merch-wise, i'd say 50/50?

It didnt start like that. Before she was willing to accept their relationship. and she did want to find Hina with Natsuo, but she admitted that she wanted Natsuo to move on if only a little by seeing Hina.
As for Hina, she's definetly more supportive for Rui now, but when she and Natsuo started, she felt guilty and apolgized to Rui for being selfish for dating Natsuo when she knew Rui liked him. Though Rui didnt blame her.
Aside from that one instant, yes, Hina is the more caring individual, especially compared to all of Rui's selfish moments.

She didn't tell Hina about dating Natsuo out of any good intentions.
It was after Hina drunkenly told natsuo she always loved him and lied at the island.
After that, she downright refused to see Natsuo because she was scared his feelings would resurface for Hina.
So after a week of being ignored, and even getting a fever, Natsuo told Rui he had no idea if Hina was being serious but decided it was best to Tell Hina about them to make Rui more confident.
Keep in mind, Earlier Rui unwilling to Tell Hina unless she was scared Natsuo would fall in love with her again, and now (then) she was.
and despite that, she still made Hina promise not to make her cry.

the cover is from another chapter.

In that case, Natsuo is out of the running, and now its Chef and the two pervs in this chapter after her.

>reading the gook comments
>everyone hates the chef or rui
>"God fucking dammit, just bring back big sister Hina already"

wtf? i love chek-kun now. he and Rui just have that natural chemisty she never even had with Natsuo.

Too bad she gave it up to some loser beta-kun webnovelist back in nippon. Chefs deserve fresh meats.

Dude Rui literally stopped talking to Hina and said she was going to hate Natsuo after finding about their relationship. Not to mention how she kissed him the moment he said he was going to spend his life with Hina. Also on top of apologising Hina was willing to completely end the relationship if it meant nothing but resentment and hate from Rui. Where is Rui's apology for taking advantage and using Hina's feelings? In the end she proved herself to be a shitty individual incapable of even caring about a familyember. Also that one instance where she was willing to meet Hina with Natsuo, that was because she wanted to know why she left and family feelings were involved. Not because she was actually willing to help Natsuo get back with Hina.

all i see are comments about cancer and loui and louise

Is Loi Rui and Louis Hina? or is Loui and Loius both Rui?

A lot, but I'm still wondering if some of them also got their way in her anus.

Still trying?

Well, you definitely don't have to try if you want to get into Hina's pants

Im pretty sure hina likes getting cucked fellas

Well the source material certainly proves otherwise. But I am willing to read your cuck fantasy if you actually put in some effort.

루이 is rui, but google translate would translate this into "lui", because its uncommon for Korean words to contain hard R's.히나 is hina, but google translate shouldnt have any problems translating that one.

if you read my comments, you'd know i'm not arguing that Rui has issues and is selfish. i'm just putting it into proper context from what the story itself has stated.

>on top of apologising Hina was willing to completely end the relationship if it meant nothing but resentment and hate from Rui
there where other reasons, but at that time Rui was definitely the main reason. Just goes to show how much Hina cared for Her.

>Where is Rui's apology for taking advantage and using Hina's feelings?
There isnt one. If there was she should of done so when she told Hina about the dating.

>In the end she proved herself to be a shitty individual incapable of even caring about a familyember
Yes, but i believe that will change eventually. Just like how she told Hina not to break up with Natsuo because of her, she will probobly end up supporting Natsuo and Hina at the end. would definelty impove her character

>Also that one instance where she was willing to meet Hina with Natsuo, that was because she wanted to know why she left and family feelings were involved. Not because she was actually willing to help Natsuo get back with Hina.
Thats what i said. she told Marie that the main reason she wanted them to meet was because part of her wanted Natsuo to move on, if only a little.

looks like Rui has 63 to Hinas 36. But most of Lui is negative-ish. hard to tell, google translate sucks.

Any chance you can translate the last image with Rui being all happy? since its an image it wont translate.
Is it mocking Rui or something?

>not Rui x Alex
I already dropped it long ago

I wish i could drop. But im too invested that i'm either gonna be crushed by a Rui ending or exstatic over a Hina one.
All signs point to Hina, but a twist to deny would make all this investment pointless and the story filled with moments to serve no purpose. being invested in what comes off like bad writing is the worst (bleach)

I can't wait to see Rui get some fresh dick

Its easier to drop it earlier on, but even then its easy to just drop it at any time. You're basically using the sunk cost fallacy to not drop it.

Now, my Korean isnt that great, considering i immigrated away when I was pretty young, but ill try my best, take anything under here with a grain of salt.
>Rui: Thanks to you, I was able to make a nice dish, if it wasn't for you, i dont think I would've been able to complete it in time for the competition.
>But I need to study even harder, instead of being angry with myself.
>Chef: But, you are getting better. The first mousse you made had perfect texture and mouth feel, even though the flavor was a bit off. Even the last dessert you made was really great, you should have a bit more confidence in yourself.
>Rui: Wow, That made me really happy, (this line is hard to translate, this was the best i could do)


Al to Kajita after he's done with Rui

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I hate this dumpster fire but I can't stop reading

I meant the last page with the Korean words on top of the Japanese raw.

but damn, that Rui face. the Chef game is strong in that one.

>sunk cost fallacy
as i said. invested.

ah, the translator notes? its something along the lines of "I understand how the chef feels, Rui is being a bitch."

apparently, Alex still believes Natsuo and Rui will be back together in this chapter.
A shame Sasuga isn't using all his previous Rui desires to make him more progressive towards Rui.

But from what i understand, he's in America for a week so he and Chef will probobly have more chances to duel.

I would probably have dropped it if I didn't like both Rui and Hina
Even if she is some kind of autistic sociopath, Rui is just plain cute, and I also secretly dated an adult woman when I was in high school so Hina hits all my buttons
Also is Natsuo the Chaddest MC out there? Casually punching his V-card in episode 1 with a girl he just met, actually having a relationship with his forbidden high school crush, curving hoes trying to jump on his dick and making them dinner instead

But now i'm confused. Chef thinks Rui is a bitch? i thought he liked her.

bitch is probably too strong, naughty would be a better word. But i was confused when I was trying to translate that as well, maybe its just something im not reading into correctly, but thats the best i could do.

where did you get that picture of me in a dress?

was it a reference to the last 2 pages? with the pervs saying something to him and Chef is all 'Whats wrong with that you bastards?'
or maybe its the author admitting that Rui is cute (like chef thinks) but hates her for it? (Rui is a thot is a common saying in mangakakalot)

>Also is Natsuo the Chaddest MC out there?
What a waste of quints. Natsuo is a better that enjoys the expirience of a chad because plot. In reality Alex would've fucked Rui up down and sideways and Hina would still be that guy's side hustle, if it weren't for Natsuo's hetarare plot hacks.

is a beta*

>Natsuo is a beta that enjoys the experience of a chad because plot.
Plot, destiny, fate. the story makes it clear he and Hina are always drawn to each other.
As for Rui, perhaps his dating her was to further destine an ending with Hina
If not for Rui, he probobly would of ended with someone else like Momo, Serizawa, his neighbor, the slut or even just a random person that could of taken him away from Hina.
thats just my theory of how/why he dated Rui despite being suggested for being destined to Hina. Rui was not in the way, but rather kept Natsuo from straying elsewhere. And the reason they lasted that long, even after Hina came back, was so they would have no regrets at the end by taking a shortcut out of the relationship. So they can both look back and say they did their best but the best wasn't good enough and they where not meant to be, and have no regrets.

At least, thats what i thought until this chapter, and Rui saying she wants to be with Natsuo again after she's grown and has the necklace for luck for that to happen.
But since she gone all real REAL happy dory with Chef after saying that, i wonder if that was just said to give Ruifags false hope to hold onto.

i thought i was going to agree on Rui and object with Hina, but actually agree.

Rui maturing to care more for others would be the best thing for her character development.
And Hinas self sacrificial nature lead to her leaving and lying to Natsuo to protect him while also causing Stalker to become more stalkish because she didnt want to burden anyone.
Its also the reason that she and Natsuo are not as close as they could be, but then, it was for Ruis sake so cant really fault her on that. not that that ever stopped the from having romantic trope/flag moments

And now she has nothing to hold back for, but probobly still will until she talks and gets a green light from Rui

Man, all that stuff with him saving her life and her deciding to devote her life to him makes me really anxious - that's even more of the self-sacrifice thing Hina does and that sort of thing never turns out well
This is one of the few things I've read where I have absolutely no idea how I would end it if I was writing it, I don't see how you can resolve a sibling love triangle like this in a way the audience will find satisfying
If one sister wins and the other loses then the whole family's relationship gets messed up
A partial victory or compromise isn't really possible, a harem ending would mean everyone committing social suicide and living as pariahs, neither sister winning just sucks, somebody dying sucks even more
I'm sure there's some creative way to resolve it that could be stable and satisfying but I can't think of it

>Also is Natsuo the Chaddest MC
No, he's a beta MC who gets everything handed to him by the plot. There's a big difference.

Well, they do make a cute couple. I hope things will work out for them.

Oh god yes I can't wait till Hina also moves on.
This better be one of those things that turns bittersweet but is for the best and everyone wishes it had a happy ending instead.

>I don't see how you can resolve a sibling love triangle like this in a way the audience will find satisfying
In Shipping, someone is always on the losing Side.
Naruto, Bleach, First love Zombie, My sister cant be this cute, Nisekoi, Usagi drop and now the Quintessential Quintuplets, There is no way that mangaka can or will make everyone happy because in most cases, the end-girl is already decided.
thinking Sasuga will end this in a way to make everyone equally happy is naive. with Good ending the girlfriend broke up with MC for the kidnapper, and MC ended with the other main girl. and people went sour.

>If one sister wins and the other loses then the whole family's relationship gets messed up
Rui moving on now can help avoid the mess up, this chapter helps with that narrative.

When Hina broke up, it was due to force and its clear she will never get over him as, as Shuu puts it, she'll never be happy if she keeps lying to herself, and as her mother puts it, she wants Hina to be happy and follow her heart. (leading to Natsuo in the same chapters)
While Natsuo has always shown signs of caring for Hina beyond the platonic sibling love when he was with Rui, while also being put in romantic flag/tropes with Hina at the same time.

As for Rui, this chapter builds on the narrative of RuixChef.
Unlike Hina, Rui was not forced to break up at all and chose to do it because it was for the best.
Also, Hina never got overly happy and joyful with Shuu when he found her, or anyone else since.
Rui, in this chapter alone, proves she can put on a 'dere dere' face with a simple compliment by Chef, not long after breaking up. which suggests a way out of the sibling love triangle, enforced by Natsuo deciding to move on, and instead, making another triangle with Hina and Serizawa.
and all according to the story directive.

she's already dedicated her life to Natsuo so thats Not gonna happen.

But then she is a 'tragic heroine' so while the story is proving she and Natsuo are trope/flag/fate/destined pair of the series, there's nothing to suggest a twist wont happen to make Natsuo end with someone else.
But it would be really shitty writing if not done right, with so much to go against and counter, itd be einstein level genius to not make Hina Endgame while not making all her story parts completely pointless.

Ichirukist style.

>I find it hard to believe Rui's losing
That's because you're not reading the manga.

It's called grasping at straws user.

The following might help:

so much assblasts, so little time.

The biggest reason I want Rui to lose is so that discord and reddit get completely mental broken mad.

The domestic kanojo reddit has to be the worst thing ever created

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By far the biggest appeal of IR not happening was watching all the shiposters get their just deserts.

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IS it that bad on reddit?
on discord it seemed like Team-Hina was open to discussions but Team-Rui shuts all the talks down to simple 'anything can happen' for Rui, even when the story is used.

On reddit, i've only been there once but it looked like Rui edges out Hina but not that much and the discussions are more open. have they decided to also shut the story out and twist things to sort their own views?

As far as I could see(I only went there after Rui's break up to see the meltdown after people saying they were the Ruifags safe heaven and still lurk on latest chapters as well) they do have some discussions, but ruifags are very in your face about downvoting any hinafags posts or comments implying Hina's chances, though there are some cancerous hinafags that just like stir things up as well.


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Just this thread we have "don't read the manga, interpret tweets instead!".

Why are they so fucking prevalent

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Bring back Miyabi.

Well, Hinafags have the high ground right now, after 2 years they at least have something. And can even use story tropes and pictures to show how a Hina end is likely.
Still, it frustrates me how Ruifags are so faithful to a Rui ending that, when story points are pointed out to them, they just ignore it and say anything can happen.

And it gets worse as.
They use Rui's popularity as an excuse for why Sasuga would make a Rui ending to not 'disapoint the fans'
They suggest that Rui has more official art to suggest she is more popular (its about even though)
They complain that Rui moving on would abandon the 100 chapter relationship she had, yet say nothing about Hina's chapters and events.
make cruel theories of how Rui wants Natsuo to suffer to make another award winning word
They even use Sasugas tweets to suggest she's making a Rui ending. hell:and apparently Discord even counted the tweets from previous years to proof Sasuga has a Rui preference.

Its gotta be bad for them if they have to use everything outside the story to suggest a Rui ending.
With this chapter, i first thought they had gained some ground when Rui says she wants to get back with Natsuo once she's grown up more, and Alex feeling like they would.
Only for Rui to put on so many faces and happy moments with Chef that remind me of how Natsuo and Hina have had simular moments when he was dating Rui..

I get anything can happen. But everything that has happened has all been in a direct-like fashion that once you've read the thing once, you see all this subtle events and conversations you thought meant nothing, ending up proving something later.
And as they complain that a Non-Rui ending would throw away the 100 chapter relationship, they say nothing about Hinas chapters and tropes with Natsuo being thrown away in a non-Hina ending.

At least this chapter gives them a way out with chef-kun. as long as he isnt ruined for assaulting a man that sexually insults her that is.

im confused to what happened to her.
The chapter after Rui breaksup, Miyabi is told by Slut that Natsuo isnt wearing his watch or moon necklace and that something must of happened between them.

The Miyabi is thinking "this is my chance!"

Then. 6-8 chapters of Misaki and now Rui in america.

im convinced it'll be a Serizawa vs Hina arc after Ruis and Chefs.

tbf that isn't what I meant. I just thought it was a little sus that she would reply to a Ruitards tweet like that out of all the nice tweets on there. Just feels like shes maybe hinting. Which wouldn't surprise me.

She replied to a lot of tards on twitter. She told tards from both side to take a hike when they abused her. She told a ruitard "rui has rui belief" when they asked for is a denial. She told ruitard that rui would appear soon and completely left "with chefboi" part out.

You're reaching to much when you can't even read japanese, her mother language to fully understand what she truly means.

Sasuga sends chill tweets all the time, she knows she's writing drama crap and she definitely enjoys the reactions. Stop with the ichirukist tier of nonsense.

She didn't write that reply in Japanese though. She wrote exactly what she meant. She knows what shes doing. The reply sounds like Ruis not getting with Kajita. So who will she up with? Natsuo. Just thinking without bias here. But it's obvious where this is headed.

>it's obvious where this is headed

Anyone who's reading the manga can tell.

>So who will she up with?
Why should her arc end with her ending up with someone? There are a number of Mangas where the girls don't end up with anyone in the end if not the MC.

>The reply sounds like Ruis not getting with Kajita
Yet the manga strongly suggests it

>So who will she up with? Natsuo
Or Alex or no one

>But it's obvious where this is headed.
you mean after:
The buying Natsuo a phone
the fire works festival
the "out of everyone i want you to be the most..."
the storm showing Hina with the rings
Natsuo giving Hina a lap pillow
the stabbing
the remembering the embrace at the beach they had when he fell into hinas arms
the approval from parents because of 'fate'
he wishing at the shrine 'if its not too much to ask, after i'd also like natsuo and i to..."
the "you can tell me anything i don't know what i can do but i'll do all i can"
the "i'll always be by your side Hina"
the "your the only one, my precious... brother"
the "you two really are family, you and your sister",
the "ive decided to dedicate the rest of my life to Natsuo"
the "Hina you will never be happy if you arn't honest with yourself"
the "follow your heart Hina"
the "i've never regretted meeting Hina, not once"
the "are you talking about your sister? or your lover?"
the "he was being really chummy with his sister"
The kissing by Serizawa because of how close he was with Hina
And now the saving Natsuo from druggies after being randomly called by him for help, out of all other people.
and aside from saving Natsuo from the drug dealers, the rest happen during Natsuo and Rui dating, it could be twice if i used everything before.

So yes, it is obvious where the story is going

if you actually read the damn thing. Biased or not, you are painfully ignorant.

This. Rui's character arc isn't tied to Natsuo, especially on the same level as Hina. Not to mention what's the point of stoping Hina from moving on for 150 chapters, including an entire arc about her marriage only to end it with her devoting herself to Natsuo even more if that's the case.

>im confused to what happened to her.
probably nothing in particular, Natsuo was about to drop from the drama club, he only stayed to help with some manual labor, which makes one less venue they can meet. After his breakup she was waiting for the right time, but remembering her kiss she isn't the best at that is she?
>im convinced it'll be a Serizawa vs Hina arc
It will rather be Hina giving up and encouraging Natsuo to get a normal girlfriend his age. I don't believe anything will come out of this though, since no matter she wants or not she id related to them breaking up. Rui will probably get back from the US before Natsuo will get with anyone, the only question is will she get with chefboi up until then or not.

>It will rather be Hina giving up

Yes, in fact she gave up already and is the diligent older sister (not related by blood) for some time now. I don't see them changing that for any reason.

Given up? Come on user. Are you one of those guys from reddit? I keep seeing the same excuse from you guys that shes now the sister. Like the other user tried to say look; at what this user said

Nah, I would be fine with a Hina end, but at this point I don't see it happening.
>use the same excuse
Except it's Hina's excuse not mine.

>It will rather be Hina giving up and encouraging Natsuo to get a normal girlfriend his age.
Sorry bro, but after Its unlikely she'll give up, she wants it WAY too bad and now she has no reason to keep herself back.
Although it would not surprise me if Serizawa took the initiative first and Hina keeps herself from pursuing Natsuo again because she was too slow.
Only for Natsuo to see the rings and boom, his feeling either re awaken or he gets a stroke.

> I don't believe anything will come out of this though, since no matter she wants or not she id related to them breaking up
you mean Serizawa is related to Natsuo breaking up with Rui? True, but she was more of a catalyst that ignited all of Rui's guilt and fears. If it wasn't her, it could of been someone else.
Besides, Rui has no real reason to keep Serizawa away from Natsuo since all she did was exactly what Rui did to Hina, and Natsuo has no real reason to allow the issues to stop him from dating her. He and Rui has several issues before they started dating that told Natsuo it was a bad idea, but if dating his ex's sister, his step sister and the fancy of his friend (al) wasnt enough to stop him, then why he stop with Serizawa?

> Rui will probably get back from the US before Natsuo will get with anyone, the only question is will she get with chefboi up until then or not.
perhaps. She broke up at the 6 month point of her training so there's another 6 months before she gets back. though it unclear at what point her current arc and the Misaki arc took place after the breakup. If i had to say, 1-2 weeks.
But theres also a chance the current arc, and Chef kun defending her may backfire into both losing their jobs and being sent back home early. just a theory.
So far, signs seem good that He and Rui will be a thing and have been in the making for a long time.

>Domestic na Kanojo
>The only sister that has played the role of both lover and sister is Hina
>"We are not really blood related" twice in one chapter
Kei not being so subtle once again.

Rui fags must be desperate if they think Sasuga will disregard all this plot with a simple tweet

Ichirukists did something along those lines for 15 years.

>B-B-But that means nothing. Kei isnt going to chuck away 100 chapters they'll fix their issues and get back together.
>Rui has Rui beliefs so she wont get with Kajita.

>It will rather be Hina giving up and encouraging Natsuo to get a normal girlfriend his age
I can't tell if this is wishful thinking, plain retardation or straight shitposting.