How wet was she?

How wet was she?

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Based. Planting the seeds now for her so that he can plant his seed later.

You can tell she liked that. Who's going to win her or Kano?


The black haired one is the boy

She is a descendant of the priestesses.
She's always wet, that's how they can give the Ubuyashiki bloodline so many children so fast.

Too bad she dies though. Would have loved to see Tanjiro tap dat.

My God, is the anime still in this part???

Knowing nothing about the manga I'm sure that is a good thing. The best part of every shounenshit is the beginning when they still seem to have potential, so slow starts are the best.

The first 20/30 chapters are the worst part of KnY.

why was bakugo bullying that loli?

I enjoyed the fact that he actually DID make good on his threat.

He's no Deku, that's for sure

>Knowing nothing about the manga
Should’ve stopped there then

>what are you gonna do? break my arm
>oh shi-

A pure MC that doesn’t simply accept bullshit is always welcome.

>The best part of every shounenshit is the beginning

This is so wrong it hurts.

No apologies too.

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Muzan will be next episode at least. I still think it will end at train arc because the recovery arc would be awkward to end at

Holy shit, based.

She doesn't though, the older ones die.

does anyone have the eyecatchs for this episode??

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They blew themselves up to stall Muzan.

Beatiful MC BTFOing edgylord fag.


>5 children
>only one male

no wonder it's dying

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>Get turned into a demon at like 8yo, spend the next few decades in a forest asking kids what's up on the outside and then eating them
At least he got to become a meme

The older sistes did, not the younger ones.

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You're right. That makes me happy.

stylish as fuck, the framing reminds me of traditional Japanese art

>The best part of every shounenshit is the beginning
Sometimes but it's not the case with Kimetsu

Of fucking COURSE he's Accelerator.

At this point of time, she became a slave to his dick as his future concubine.

Females are more valuable for breeding, brainlet.

Actually Genya isn't exactly the most obvious choice for Okamoto.
He isn't the edgiest human character in the series or the one with the most hypo personality. Those are Shinazugawa and Inosuke respectively.
Also after the Ultimate Anit-Edge that is the main character targets him Genya's edge is completely annihilated without a trace

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Drum house arc is where the series gets good. It's were we get the main trio together and we learn about what sort of strength at least the lower moons have. The beginning chapters of KNY are the worst, most cliche riddled part.

That's good, I like to listen to soft, happy Okamoto

no one can resist Tanjirou's smile

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He cant even handle girls anymore without his edge.
Tanjirou is a monster.

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Which butter makes his pee pee hard?

Aoi is cute.

damn lolicon

Is this going to be like a long series or just a 1-2 cour series? I'm wondering if I should pickup the anime or just go for the manga.

Tanjirou is the most heinous criminal in the series

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why not both

Uzui was always nice and just mellowed out when the gang proved they weren't useless.

LOL who did this?

I really like how Mist Pillar is still an asshole to others though.

Wil ufotable keep the rhythm of 2 manga chapters per episode or they gonna speed up with 3 chapters per episode? My feeling is that they gonna start to adapt 3 manga chapters per episode when the drum demon arc start.

Dunno, but i hate it when anime stick to a defined number of chapters per episode instead of just giving everything the time it needs.
God forbid the director has to do some kind of direction.

It’s the same director of Tales of Zestiria anime, I didn’t watched but heard isn’t very good, maybe because the material wasn’t great.

>maybe because the material wasn’t great.
Its regarded as one of the worst tales games

I really expected Inosuke to be voiced by Okamoto.

could you shut the fuck up. the anime has been amazing so far. its the only 10/10 anime in a long time. everything so far has been perfect.

Was there a good Tales game after Vesperia?

Xillia 2 and Berseria

People only like Berseria for Velvet and the cast being a pack of edgy assholes. Gameplay isn't that much better than Zestiria.

Spoiler. she will blow up herself along with her father (maybe)

>t. Speedreader

bc the loli was sandbagging his color sword

Reverse in Kimetsu actually. It was on the verge of getting axed since it was always at the bottom of SJ rankings, not suprising actually, since it is boring and cliche.

Ufotable's superior directing, animation and pacing actually improved the universally worst part of the manga into something actually entertaining even to the manga readers like me.

Ufo seems to actually cares about the series, the fact that they actually bothered to add a fancy water painting eyecandy animation, that doesn't exist in the manga, even though they could just resorted to boring flashes of color like what they does on all of their Fate anime adaptations.

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One male is more than enough to breed a hundred women.

ANIME trailer revealing the shadow demon, handball girl demon and arrow demon, and FUCKING KIBUTSUJI MUZAN

so you are telling me this shit will get even better? I very much enjoyed the first 5 episodes..

>fancy water painting eyecandy animation, that doesn't exist in the manga
>manga readers like me
A special kind of speed reader you be

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If the first few arcs are a 4/10, then the Spider Mountain arc is a 7/10 everything after the train arc is easily 8/10. It gets better by leaps and bounds and continually improves.
A lot of people think the most recent arcs haven't been able to top the Red Light District arc, but that's purely because it's just such a good arc good it's a huge hurdle to top.

Yeah, it only really improves from the beginning and each arc is better than the last (some may disagree since they were disappointed that a good arc didn't live up to the previous arc which they thought was particularly really good or even the best).

Yeah, once the cast starts filling in the real appeal of the series becomes clear.
Tanjirou also kind of loses his mind at some point and becomes a human therapy dog or something.
He's just so miraculously stupid it's amazing

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That's nowhere fancy than how Ufo does it, they could just easy make it a still shot which is a common thing to do, but they bothered to ANIMATE it like it's actually real flowing water painting.

Why would that not be the intention from the beginning? Wouldn't it only be still in the manga because manga don't move?

Do people actually like the manga or is it just Yea Forumsnons memeing?
The artstyle is about the same as a B- high school art student. I don’t know how anyone can stand to read it for prolonged periods of time, and not end up cringing at the below average art.
If it wasn’t for Ufotable this series would be beyond redemption.

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You constantly bust out the same fucking line every time user, get some new material

Draw something for me user, surely you're better than an average high school student, right?

Artstyle is only half of a manga. Even an objectively terrible looking manga can still find an audience
ONE should have sufficiently demonstrated that

>I can’t prove you wrong so i get mad
I suck at drawing that’s why I don’t make a fucking manga retard. ONE is a deconstructionist mangaka

Someone obviously deconstructed your brain before you started posting today, please come back when you've got some new material.

How about Ideconstruct your face with my fist retard.

I'll deconstruct your boipussy with my cock instead

Secondary here, I like this guy.
I hope he's cool.

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He's the most divisive of the main cast, some people love him, and some people hate him

He's a coward retard that gets into a trance and becomes extremely overpowered, also he's the Sunohara of the main cast

To be fair to Uzui his wife's were missing and could have been dead for all he know.

>posting franxx shit

Velvet is the only edgy asshole in the game.

How long had they been infiltrating? Had it been since before the pillar meeting?

go back to whatever shithole you came from.

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>People only like Berseria for Velvet and the cast being a pack of edgy assholes

You have not played Berseria I see.

I probably liked the train + aftermath the best, honestly.

This is precisely why I appreciate how Ufotable's been handling the katas so far. They are so distinct from how they look in the manga but still amazing.

everyone has their preferred arc, but I think we can all agree though that after or starting with Drum House Yaiba's been pretty consistently good.

Sort of agreed yeah. But I still feel Drum House really only gets most of it's strength from Inosuke being nuts. Spider mountain is personally where I got really hooked.

New PV!

I had to look up old trailers to see if they ever showed Inosuke's seiyuu in action, and they did. I was doubtful because I knew him only from roles that would not fit the boar at all but holy fuck, he's a perfect fit.

So will there be explanation later why his sister isnt acting like bloodthirsty ghoul?

Honestly, the beginning is the worst part of the manga.

>no punch

Not yet at least.
I don't think it has to be explained anyway. It is what it is and it just makes it all the more sad when you see that every demon ever didn't have whatever special sauce Nezuko did that let her escape the hell that is killing your own family out of hunger

It's not fully explained but it's heavily hinted to just be something in their bloodline that affects it.

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Fuck off.

He literary broke his arm user

>Genya is a Bakugo tier asshole for almost the entire manga
>One short arc later he's a complete puppy dog and loves Tanjiro more than anything in the world
Fucking what.

such is the power of Tanjirou

He grew out of his whiny younger brother phase.

They really did get all the good VAs for the demons

Way more time passed between the selection and that arc and he entered puberty

>One short arc
It's nearly 3 years

I wonder if the adaption of KnY will be like One-Punch Man, where the series lucked out with a stellar initial season, from a technical POV, and then when people are hooked it'll suddenly be "lol here, have Pierrot/A-1/Deen adapt the rest on a budget".

This shit is doing my fucking head in. I thought I'd dropped it at episode three then gave it two more episodes anyway. The art style and ost are really great and Nezuko is cute. I don't know if that's really enough though when everything else is so mediocre, boring or cgi eye hurting. Apparently this edge lord faggot is going to have a gun as well. Like what the fuck why does everyone else use swords if this nigger has a gun? Tanjirou cried half the fucking episode again too. Argh!

>Like what the fuck why does everyone else use swords if this nigger has a gun?

You realize the series is set in 1912, right? It's set in roughly the same time period as Taishou Otome and Golden Kamuy.

>Like what the fuck why does everyone else use swords if this nigger has a gun?
normal gun is pretty useless against demons. even genya's gun with special bullet is useless against some demons.

>Casually breaks arm

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Is she a ghost?

no but her sister will be.

That's not what that user meant. In the manga Genya punched the girl in the face before grabbing her hair, but that has been censored in the anime.

>starts off as a responsible older brother
>then becomes a cool demon slayer
>then ascends into true potatodome
At some point Tanjirou becomes so cool he just stop giving a fuck about what other people think

The Tanjiro smile is the most powerful weapon in the Kimetsu world


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Taking his dose of butter.

Once told me that eating flesh was funny
But it made my big brother real sad



That is the girl. The brother is the one with black hair.

Nezuko thighs are pretty strong too. Just saying.

Yeah, that's who I expected for Inosuke.

Reminder that Tanjirou will impregnate Shinobu's protegees.

These are very modern thoughts. In the past, and still in modern day Asia, sons are considered more valuable.