How much value do you put into visual directing?
How much value do you put into visual directing?
Well, anime is a predominantly visual medium, so...
50 visual
50 to audio
200 to how well it mixes
because that's all I get from anime, move on
Glad to hear it. Unfortunate that man people will disagree and not value it one bit.
>memegrid consisting of completely random images with nothing of value in any of them
good job you humongous plebo
>random images
Oh no, user! You just went full retard.
Explain the grid, please do humor us
>when you don't understand what composition is
Truly tragic. Maybe in your next life you'll manage to leave your nature as a plebian behind.
are you pretending to be retarded?
Doesn't matter if the plot and characters are shit.
A lot, it's the reason I watch anime
Writing is bar none the weakest link in animation. It's of tertiary importance, if even.
Writing has no relevance in animation. It has relevance in the work which incorporates both. If you value animation over plot and characters, you are a sakugafag and you'd swallow any shit thrown at you as long as it looks good. Makoto Shinkai's movies are right up your alley.
i mean there are people who watch the one piece anime so clearly not all people value it.
Early One Piece anime was comfy, I enjoyed the colors a lot
>It has relevance in the work which incorporates both.
Yes, which is called "animation". That's what an anime in its entirety is called. Animation.
>over plot and characters
Why would anyone care for the weakest link that hardly ever goes beyond extremely superficial levels and is hindered and held back by enforced 20 minute formats? Very illogical.
>visual storytelling is irrelevant, animation is all about just random movement on the screen
absolutely niet , it was garbage from the very first episode, but it's only gotten worse.
>Why would anyone care for the weakest link that hardly ever goes beyond extremely superficial levels and is hindered and held back by enforced 20 minute formats? Very illogical.
Weakest link by whom? By you? Very credible there, fag. If you watch shit, then yeah, it hardly ever goes beyond superficial. Saying animation is more important than writting is like saying formating is more important than story in a book.
You sound like a moron who read up on few new words and is now trying to sound smart by parroting them ad nauseam
I never said that animation was irrelevant. Learn to read, brainlet.
Absolutely да, еблан. There was something special about it. It felt like a comfy PS1 game
>If you watch shit
No user. I've seen thousands of anime and maybe 5 of them have actual literary depth. However, those also happen to have exceptional visual directing and very good animation. There is no anime with good writing and bad visual directing. It doesn't exist. It can't exist. It's an oxymoron.
>There is no anime with good writing and bad visual directing. It doesn't exist. It can't exist. It's an oxymoron.
It's not. Just like how anime with bad writting and good visual direting exists. You are just spouting bullshit now.
If you've seen thousands of anime, you wouldn't be posting naruto all the time. You'd know better anime than that pile of garbage exist.
Go ahead and name those 5 with depth. Would make for a good chuckle.
Fuck off Narutard
>seen thousands of anime
>still prefers Naruto
it is comfy indeed , but as soon as action starts it shits it's pants.
> likes jojo
> berates other people for shit taste.
what kind of paradox is this ?
>thinks reaction pics can't be used outside of their fandom
>doesn't know what composition is
>doesn't understand that good writing can't exist without good visual directing
>doesn't shy awat from begging for recommendations
What's the next step, Anonymous?
>as soon as action starts it shits it's pants
It's not like any other shonenshit is better in terms of action except for Hokuto no Ken. That's why I prefer early Dragon Ball and One Piece, they are comfy. I'm talking about manga though, Toei adaptations suck
you know when a rddtor describes something as comfy, you should avoid it like the plague
why would you post an image or have images on your pc for shows you don't like unless you are mocking them? Im guessing you didnt know that image was from jojo?
>It's not like any other shonenshit is better in terms of action except for Hokuto no Ken
what is naruto ? , what is boruto ? what is bleach ? what is hxh especially 1999 ?
Oh I knew it was from JoJo. DiU sucks.
Eat shit and die, people were never afraid of using this word until newfags thought it would help them to fit in if they labeled it as 'reddit'. I'm not OP but this thread is full of literal children who've watched 5 moeshit shows and think they are too cool to enjoy Naruto
>>doesn't understand that good writing can't exist without good visual directing
You keep saying that without ever argumenting for it. Again, it's bullshit.
>>doesn't shy awat from begging for recommendations
No, you are just a coward who is afraid of other people laughing at your conception of depth.
You still haven't answered about "weakest link". You're nothing but a pseudo-intellectual.
go back
So post those 5
Is there a single fight better animated than Obito vs Kakashi
>Go ahead and name those 5 with depth
Mob psycho 100
FMA brotherhood
bad taste
FMA Brotherhood is good anime but it doesn't have depth.
How many times are you going to want others to validate your shitty animu?
>he doesn't understand what a weak link is
Not sure, user. You don't seem like the brightest bulb in the room.
Maybe. Entirely depends on your appreciation for unique animation techniques.
>Not sure, user. You don't seem like the brightest bulb in the room.
You didn't explain why is writting "the weakest link". It won't become true if you keep asserting it without explainig why. I'd say you are just avoiding asnwering if I didn't know you are stupid already because you love Naruto.
But I explained it already. You simply aren't smart enough to understand. Here, I'll give you two hints: duration, visual directing.
That doesn't make writting weak link at all. The author who can't write for that time frame is just an idiot. Ofcourse plot and characters don't matter to you because you are narutard.
>Compare Shippuden to any other long running anime ever produced. There is nothing that comes close. The show might have looked mediocre during transition episodes but when it >mattered, it reached movie quality as far as animation is concerned. Visual directing was always up there. Pierrot brought in some incredibly talented people to work on the show >and they did so consistently for over 10 years. Given how shit every other long running anime looks (even OVAs like Legend of the Galactic Heroes), Naruto was a monumental >accomplishment from start to finish.
You forgot your regular bullshit which you used in 5 other threads.
What makes Naruto's visual directing so superb in your opinion? I'm genuinely curious.
If that was me you could report me for spamming and the mods would ban me. Unfortunately for you it isn't. I am happy to see that there are various englihtened people browsing this board.
>keeps using 3x3 Naruto images
>talks about visual directing always being "up there"
>"That wasn't me"
user do one with episode 82, it's probably one of the most underrated Naruto episodes, the visual direction is ridiculous, one of the best I've seen in any anime ever. Episode 85 is also up there.
Here's one shot. Holy fucking shit the lightning is so good. This is unironically one of the best directed episodes of all time.
>shikamaru walking around the streets scene
>the shogi scene
>the final scene of the red eyed bitch
I can't get over how good this episode was. It felt like an Evangelion episode but with an actual budget.
more episode 82 shots.
Already exists. I don't think you're assuming to OG 82, at least I don't think that's special beyond a handful of shots. The followup episodes with Jiraiya's frog stomach jutus might have potential, though.
A lot, I'm a Mobfag.