Chazz is the best Rival character in YGO

Chazz is the best Rival character in YGO.

Debate me.

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he turned into a joke character 5 seconds into the series

So did Kaiba.


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>Lost to pic related

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Chazz sucks

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But that's not Kaiba and you're not a heterosexual.

Kaiba, no matter what anyone says no-one will ever match the pure autism that is Seto Kaiba.
No-one's autism will ever be so strong that it creates multiple universes or transcends Life and Death just to beat up some skinny fucking manlet 3000 years in the past.

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Reiji was so damn close to that level of autism but Yoshida had to happen.

Fuck that ultra faggot

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Reiji was the closest we actually got to Kaiba autism within the series and that's why he's the second best rival.
>Hey, this faggot has a new summoning method. I am going to reverse engineer exactly how this works so that I can mass abuse the various summoning methods when everyone else is still playing Master Rules 1.

Chazz is a terrible rival, but a great character overall when he's not taken as a joke. The first few Chazz related episodes were great but after that suffered. He's a little better in the manga but a huge waste of potential in the anime

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They handled Chazz pretty damn well in the Anime. They dropped the ball on him during Season 3, along with a whole lot of other characters. But managed to pull through for him in S4 nicely ending his Arc.

Chazz is played as a straight Rival in the Manga. His character isnt all that interesting compared to his Anime counterpart.

The only thing to note about Chazz's character after season 1 was his crush on Alexis. But his autism wasn't fun to watch like Kaibas was in regards to his crush. I did enjoy Chazz's ego and banter with the ojama brothers since they didn't change much from season 1. But I think rival wise Chazz isn't that great as a rival for Jaden.

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GX was plagued with a lot of rivals for Jaden, So it was kind of weird. Chazz was an overall fun character. Chazz is like a mix of of Joey and Kaiba and the writers somehow managed to execute that so well.

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checked and how can any other rival ever hope to compare

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