please describe this child
Please describe this child
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old hag
cuter as adult
washed out character who is inserted into every arc regardless of wether she has anything to do with it or not, steals screentime from more important characters often.
cute and funny
Crabfag hands typed this post.
best girl
The most consistently entertaining character with probably the best energy and chemistry with Araragi.
Also this.
We're talking about Hachikuji, not crab.
That's literally Crab. That's a near perfect summation of why Crab is the most frustrating character in the series.
dont you mean Arararagi?
Sorry, I forgot to stutter.
snailfag cope
you realize how crab is inserted into arcs she has no business being in, but are oblivious to snail doing the same shit.
nice hypocrisy.
The difference is that Hachikuji doesn't purport to be more important than she is. Crab is constantly in scenes that grab at importance to the themes and emotions in the story, despite not having any real emotional weight to support this for a long time now. Conversely Snail rarely stakes a claim on importance yet is consistently built up to be emotionally relevant through her dynamic with Araragi and the energy she brings to the screen - thus making her feel important without having to force it.
Also Crab's gimmicks and bits are comparably stale and she has terrible chemistry with Araragi compared to the rest of the cast - the exact opposite of Snail.
Based civil register clerk
And this is why Yotsugi calls her a "heroine in name only."
>best girl
>stealing screentime
I don't comprehend
He's mad that a couple snailfags bullied him last thread.
god I wish she would make that face to me right after I cum
Want to fuck
Terrestrial gastropod mollusk that's inflicted with a speech impediment
i want to marry mayoi-oneesan, the clearly superior version of snail
wrong, but acceptable opinion
I just wasted 2 minutes and 33 seconds of my life listening to this. You should try narrating.
Not that sexy
A good drinking buddy.
You can’t top loli snail, she’s the peak
this is objectively wrong user
a good loli
Absolutely based.
> she has no business being in
Her role in the narrative is basically being Araragi's guardian angel user, Nisio's blunt as hell about this (moreso than usual I mean). Araragi going into his 'slump' and fucking up at everything non-stop starts at Hachikuji exiting the plot and ends with her return, it's not a coincidence
Also there are characters that butt into the story and take up considerably more focus than she does while "contributing" less to the narrative. As mentioned, Hachikuji's completely absent for a large chunk of the story, I don't understand your weird asshurt over the character.
You wish, loli snail is the best
why would i ever have to wish for something that is already true?
>steals screentime from more important characters often.
When does she do this? She straight up never gets in the way of Araragi interacting with any other character in the cast
Very surprised by navigation tools.
>you realize how crab is inserted into arcs she has no business being in
The purpose of her interactions with Koyomi are literally given a reason and motive useful to Koyomi and to the plot though. How far into the series are you at the moment, you don't sound like you know what you're talking about?
It’s not true but you so desperately want it to be
mayoi-oneesan is the patricians choice. no desperation here. you are welcome to think the other version is sucks that you will also be very wrong but that just cant be helped
tall snail make my peepee hard
also, anyone knows what 3 sci-fi novels she didn't read in Zoku?
Did anyone find the source of the song?
Was it energetic or did he pour salt on it?
True patricians know loli snail and it is unfortunate that you would spread such lies that would misinform others but it is as you say, everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Kinda sexy.
>know loli snail
like know her personally? im jealous
snail oneesan will always win
Good post. Do more
Sorry, my mind is a bit foggy, it’s been a long day
What I had meant to convey is that loli snail is superior to adult snail as adult snail does not possess the same charm as the former, and that this is likely to always be the case
ANO desu ne, Araragi-san
Onee-snail is great too but when loli-snail had to climb on Yotsugi's shoulders to kiss Araragi goodbye it was the cutest and saddest shit, can't compete with that
she said this about nadeko though
>woman who can't see her own reflection thinks she's the cutest
It seems self-reflection was never Shinobu's strong point.
she dabbin
Shinobu went over this in Tsuki. She has a reflection now because she no longer "counts" as a vampire. When she was a vampire, her powers were such broken BS that she could make herself have a reflection anyways.
The very definition of futé.
You just couldn't let the pun go through, could you, user?
You just had to be that guy.
Thinking you were serious was more charitable than thinking that you were trying for that awful pun.
ill always love mayoi onee-snail the most but... this is an opinion i find it hard to disagree with
I'm sitll not sure how I feel about the combination of snek-hair nadeko and just-fuck-my-shit-up nadeko
>short-haired snek
i agree, im not a fan. i just used that screen bc ive already posted all my other onee-snails
nadeko as anything other than the shy,cute closet perv is just trash. there is one scene in zoku where shes getting in the tub that was good shit though. ill see if i can find it
why the other thread gets deleted?
Is the manga almost done yet?
snail is super cute.i love her voice actress as well
yes, I honestly hate that that monumental bitter-sweet moment was pretty much negated in later arcs, even though I do not dislike them
What did she mean by this?
Well, it's not that got resolved right away. Although it never really feels like she was only around for a few months, then gone for several more.
That she likes dirty jokes.
Very sexy.
What's his name again?
best girl coming through
Why was it that she uses a boy's uniform in Hana?
built for sex
cute and funny
>Typing C-word in google
Enjoy your van
Why is Hachikuji the character a Crabfag would be triggered over "stealing screentime" and not Araragi's sisters though? They're the ones who have effectively replaced Gahara as Araragi's "human connection/bond" representatives. He even has a more stereotypical dating relationship with one of them than he does with Gahara.
Hachikuji is starting to eclipse her in popularity. The sisters aren't.
she pretended to be a boy, to repel dykes. it's a dangerous strategy, cause if you don't pass, they just think you're an androgynous girl, and become even more attracted to you.
Ougi was acting as an Koyomi expy for Kanbaru, who was missing having Koyomi around
It's part of her character design since she misspells a lot.
That's one cute Doll
What's that claw sticking out of her backpack?...
Best girl in a show of best girls.