Megumin got her own movie
Arent you excited Yea Forums?
I love Yunyun!
Is Konosuba good?
yes but I’d rather have a new season from the old studio. maybe I’m alone in this but I liked the princess and casino archs a lot.
It was ranked #1 isekai in japan
Make your own conclusions
i want to caress Yunyun's legs.
Before the casino arc they have to adapt first the best volumes aka vol 8 and 9
also the worst volume, volume 7
>posting megumeme which is worst than posting from tumblr
>unironically thinking that
>unironically not thinking that
also Megumin is the reddit waifu, in this place the best girls are the secondary characters.
>my opinion is better for being an unpopular opinion
>the majority are wrong
Good god, is this what cuckyun fags have become?
I didn't watch the trailer but I can't imagine a movie about megumin only would be good at all.
>he doesnt think that volume 5 (the best volume overall) isn’t good at all
oh you sweet summer child
Should I read the manga?
No. It tries to be a parody of "isekai" fantasy shit, but the jokes are predictable or overused. Every scene is like a bad Monty Python sketch that drags on for way too long.
Go directly for the LN
It was never meant to be a parody. Only ledditards say it is. Its a comedy.
Also fuck off
LN or bust
No because I fear a movie is too little time to cover everything.
Holy fuck im really scared of what the director might cut from the ln
The best bet is the Tranquility girl.
Do we even know how long it's going to be?
hour and a half, probably
Don't bully Yunyun, she just wants a friend!
no, im impliying the majority is normie so if you like megumin you are a normie.
Oh boy, more megumincel shitposting. Can't wait.
>A lot of people likes tacos
>Tacos are mexican
>If you like tacos you are mexican
that's why i don't eat tacos.
Tacos as you know them are actually Texan, so it's cool to eat them.
i want to headpat Yunyun so bad!
The manga has barely covered anything past the anime
And it has the same problem as the anime, where it skips most of Kazuma’s monologue
>fucking useless ass aqua she should be sold into slavery in exchange for useful fucking skills
The only good thing about this show
She probably sells her body for alcohol anyway
Read Megumin's manga(s), ignore the main manga which has inferior art and isn't as good as the anime or LN
Go back
Are you excited for the talent show on Monday?
Yunyun was probably cooking for herself and megumin
Yes. It has one of the best MCs ever seen in anime.
God! Yunyun wake up all my male instincts... she will be an awesome mother and wife.
No, i dont care at all for Quartet.
Yunyun's fate
have sex
The day of the bone is coming. Ainz is about to get purified into a glass of Borden
Ok Dust, calm down.
If they skip the handholding, any of the 3 nights they slept together or the 120 explosion im gonna be so fucking mad
Your antics will create the new Demon King - Kazuma!
Aqua is a failure! The entire pantheon will gather to badmouth her for centuries!
>The demon king is an isekaid Japanese
>Aqua sends more nips to stop the demon king
>The probability of a new Demon King spawning from those nips grows exponentially
Aqua is really retarded
The endgame is not the Demon King
It's the start of the Demon Diet, who through their representative Vanir seek to rule over the world in excellence in manufacturing, corporatism and media, while enjoying all the benefits of the wageslave humans and monsters, like the Lizard Runners who must run on the treadmills that power the SUPER VR cyberreality spaces that can substitute for reality
so the demon king is literally the jew
To beat the demon, one must become the demon.
What did Yunyun mean by this?
Arue got big arues
>people are already making porn of Arue
>The probability of having a yuri orgy doujin with all the Crimson classmates is high
Best timeline
When is this going to get a translation?
The VN is shit anyway, its more of a good looking doujin more than anything else.
Its not canon anyway so who cares
Unironically yes, not even just for waifushit
>It will be with the shitty titty-monster designs
Worst timeline
Where is Crimson Demon Nunun
Why haven't they shown up yet
>Crimson demon Nunun
The fuck
i want to be sexually dominated by komekko
We know, Hoost.
Any news of volume 16 lads?
All of the cute fanservice scenes are translated, that's all that matters
Quick reminder
Any ranking with Kazuma outside the top 3 is objectively wrong
Aside from the top 2 the Japs have really shite taste
Was that ever translated? Was the second one translated?
>the second one
Was there a second poll?
Wait, I think it was just the same pic but with more characters.
It's like he finally got his wish, and got a sister just like everyone else that has one.
Yunyun is not for headpats.
She already has a sister
>just like everyone else that has one
There is a difference.
Yunyun is for savage, rough, fucking.
>fucking Iris
Megumin is going Doki Doki
wew lad
She's gonna have to do stuff like this if she ever wants to get laid
I just want her to find the birth control potion that Kazuma bought, and let things go from there
>left to right
This picture is a lie, Megumin never puts out. She's honestly a drag in the later LNs.
I know dude, its just fanart
And i dont really think its that she doesnt want to, but she is tired of always making the first step in the relationship.
Like maybe is a combination of her, Kazuma’s awkwardness and the interruptions, why its dragging so much
Why did Darkness try to rape Kazuma if she's an M
I want there to be an epilogue volume after they defeat the Demon King where the whole plot is Kazuma takes the potion hoping to celebrate that night with Megumin, but they just constantly keep getting interrupted and get more bold and desperate for the whole week it's supposed to be effective, until they can finally do it on the very last night.
And then the morning after Vanir tells him the catch like "It expired weeks ago" or "It wore off at exactly midnight" or "It's not effective if you really actually want to have children."
>Megumin never puts out
>told Kazuma to his face she's ready to bear his children if he's ready to put a ring on her
>offered to give him a handjob
What, do you want her to just jump him? She's given him every invitation, as man Kazuma should be the one to cross the threshold.
She loves him
Character inconsistency
Akatsuki is a hack when writing her
>character does her joke
>mad because le one dimensional character
>character does something outside of her joke
>wtf character inconsistency
>character acts a certain way for 11 volumes straight
>out of nowhere she changes her persona to an S type and her noble attitude goes away
>for the next 4 volumes she acts as if nothing happened, without giving a reason of her previous attitude, and its never mentioned again
Love triangles were a mistake
Also don't forget how she's introduced as a literal shameless masochist to whom shame is but a distant concept, but then volume 7 comes around and she's suddenly a blushing virgin maiden.
do it for her
meant for
Is it a triangle if one of the girls lost already? Aqua and darkness have both had fanservice moments despite kazuma being firmly in camp megumin.
So, she confesses to Kazuma her love. He rejects her because he wants to stay loyal to Megymin, and for whatever the fuck reason she didn’t like that and tried to rape him. Megumin arrives and stops them before anything happens.
Later in that volume and even as of now it was never mentioned again.
Because she's a massive pervert motivated by lust and related emotions more than just being a masochist.
Love interests in general are when it comes to LNs. It's why my hope was that the anime would just ignore it and keep the memes going but we are a fair distance to finding out.
Volume 7: for a variety of reasons, Kazuma sneaks into Darkness's mansion during the night to have a negotiation of sorts. Long story short in order to send away the guards, Kazuma makes them think that Darkness is having some happy fun alone time and Darkness blushes like a 14 year old maiden who hasn't heard of the concept of masturbation before instead of a shameless masochist she's been for the past six volumes.
Also this happens.
the author doesn't want to risk alienating all the fucking megufags, can't have there be any doubt that she's going to win and most likely ascend to fucking godesshood as well
Gee, I wonder why the author doesn't one his main character to be a two timing scumbag.
Fuck Aqua
>if its a comedy of a genre its a parody
What gives? The comedy and the memes can still be good with romance in between.
Reminder that Japan still has fucking horrible taste in everything they engage in.
Also this
That just sounds like you're being salty they don't vote the same way you do, cap.
It's not just in Konosuba though. Nips have shit taste in everything.
fucking BASED
>nips dont share the same taste as me
>that means THEY are wrong!
>Implying this board wouldn't vote the same way
Thats fine by me honestly
>Kazuma on 8th
>The driving factor behind the show
>Eris on 2nd
>The most bland and faceless classrep in the show
Damn, I guess I should expand my horizons. Nips most be on to something I'm not seeing
fuck yourselves, waifushitters
What did Kazuma mean by this?
I say it in another thread, but ill say it again.
People (specially male audiences) tend to stick yo a female character rather than a male one, even if that male character is the one driving the show.
At the end of the day is a popularity contest. Dont think too much about it
And the reason why Eris is so high is because Chris
Anyone who doesn't think Nips have shit taste in principle probably hasn't been here long enough
What a chad post
Yeah but would you fuck a Kazuma?
Isn't he only 16?
Within 2 years isn't really pedophilia
14 isn't pedophilia anyway
I think Yunyun posters are nice people!
I mena, Yea Forums‘s popularity contest of the girl characters a few months ago is somewhat similar
>Komekko and Wiz above Iris
Not bad, Yea Forums
If anything it's even more lopsided.
It will take 6 seasons minimum so probably not.
It hasnt even happened in the novels yet, geez
So will the anime ever reach the novel ending?
I really want to see the Demon king and the characters growing up.
Just posting this to annoy that faggot who keeps getting his shitty Yea Forums images deleted.
It happened in the web novel.
Yes, but the anime is not adapting the WN now is it?
Based, im gonna help you with that
its fun
As am I
housewife Yunyun is best Yunyun.
Is this the dump questionable megumin fanart hour?
>Gochiusa threads delet
>new game threads delet
>megumasturbation allowed
shhhhh, Yunyun is sleeping.
to be fair, last monday mods deleted 2 megumin threads
but apparently its okay if you put konosuba in the thread title
Fags, if you want to circlejerk how about making another thread
Just sayin
user, this time i'm going to win!
Not our problem
Kazuma is 17 now, Megumin is almost 15, they're roughly two and a half years apart.
Anyone who thinks their relationship is inappropriate or that Kazuma's taken advantage of her in some way has brain worms
i like that as one of the final jokes of the series
Kazuma should be thankful
he probably is, deep deep in his heart, tho it doesnt show it to anybody
Accept Megumin's. Refuse Aqua's, she'll use it as leverage to demand some stupid bullshit. Refuse Darkness's, it's probably drugged.
>Refuse Darkness's, it's probably drugged.
I'm not following your logic user
In a volume she tried to drug Kazuma several times so he could fall asleep and not fuck up some things.
It goes without saying that she failed miserably
She has tried to rape and drug Kazuma multiple times.
the rape thing was only once
the drug was for something else
Maybe, but it wouldn't be better in seasonal format. 90 minute run time is about 4 and a half episodes, Konosuba has always done 1 volume = 5 episodes. So this should be similar in pacing to the other seasons except it doesn't need to build a starting and end point every 20 minutes.
Sure, but the other seasons did skip several scenes, so we cant be sure that they wont skip anything in the movie
So when is Being X and Aqua going to go on a date?
>eris numbers skyrocket
both a good and bad thing
Just saying its not going to be that different if it was in seasonal format.
Darknesses movie will be 1000 times better if its based off the light novel
How can one man be so wrong?
from what else would it be based of anyway? a doujin?
Sure, but at least a movie theoretically has a bigger budget than a seasonal. So i can only hope for the visuals to look more crispy than ever
>Kazuma isn't 1
Legit surprised. Don't MC's usually dominate polls?
Kazuma isn't a girl tho.
She did.
>MC is surrounded by cute girls
No user, girls are far more popular than an MC, even if he is based as fuck
>he doesn't know
>he doesn't know
Would you a Kazuma?
Fuck, he? has amazing body, but the face is the exact same as if he was a man. Im conflicted
when is the release date?
when is the BD gonna come out?
when is it gonna appear on HS/nyaa?
look, i may spoonfeed sometimes, but you sound like a talking scrotum jerk, so no spoonfeed this time
Here, let me give you a hand with that:
>Iris in 3rd
>Vanir unranked
At least post the more complete version of the poll
Kazuma and Vanir would be high there in a "2nd favorite" poll. Obviously people will choose their waifu as #1
Did they develop chemistry later in the story? I only saw the anime and after 20 episodes they show ZERO romantic or sexual tension beetwen them. Not even the bath scene implied any attraction to each other.
She is not even his closest friend in the anime, Darkness and Aqua are clearly way closer to him than her. In fact they barelly act like friends, Kazuma is clearly way more open with Aqua and Darkness than her.
Honestly it feels like a romance where after several chapters of him developing his relationship with some girls he decide to date a background character in the last minute.
The movie will be the start of their romance.
The relationship started in volume 5, which will be the upcoming movie.
Even Kauzma in that volume at the begining says that he is not attracted to Megumin at all, but throughout it he gets closer to her until the final part.
Vol 6-8 is slowly building more and more trust and moments between the 2 of them, Kazuma starts to get feelings for her by volume 8.
And they confess in volume 9, after that is just more building moments between the two until they become a couple in vol 12
So yeah, it honestly doesnt feel rushed, since it developed with the long run in mind
>megumincels circlejerking and shitting over other girls: pass
>Yunyun chads discussing and posting Yunyun: prohibited
Basically this
Also the anime skipped some dialogue between the two.
such as?
IIRC some dialogue in the bath scene and when they meet Yunyun
the issue here is you've got a shit amount of secondaries
at least in japan they dont have to deal with that, but their taste is so fucked it almost doesnt make a difference
has it been released yet?
No, and even when its released it will take a lot of time for us to watch it subbed
I want to Yunyun Yunyunsu Yunyunsu
and? if we have a poll between the main 3 girls the count difference would be somewhat the same
Why can't other isekai compete? Log Horizon is the only thing to come close for me, albeit for totally different reasons.
>none of us will ever be isekai'd
>cute fantasy girls and adventures are not waiting for us, just an empty void
How do you deal with the pain?
By self inserting, of course.
you can always meet truck kun and see if you are lucky to get isekaid
IF kazuma is the new demon king who well hunt him down
Another isekai'd japanese, because Aqua is too retarded that she donest try to fix the problems, just covers them.
Kazuma, and the cycle begins anew.
Since the demon king exists, Aqua cannot leave the world and summon any more Japanese.
She will become a slave and a foot rest and mistreated to tears every single day!
>we Tsuyokute New Saga now
>Eris #2
>Chris #14
>Chris is literally Eris having fun and blowing off steam
>Vanir nowhere on the chart
What the hell, Japan. I'm pretty sure Megumin's panties got enough votes to rank top 20, if I remember correctly.
Vanir is 10th
Probably the majority of japs voted for Eris because Chris is just her alter ego.
Oops, I'm blind.
I want her hat desu
True ranking
Rin is Japanese, right?
I want to pin Yunyun down and fuck her tits!
Absolutely based
Also i fully agree with this rank
Chris originally posted wasn't one of the options, they added her in because enough people voted for her to make the list.
I havent read the dust spinoff so i wouldn know
she just looks like the typical trendy nip teen. She is vegan and has a neat hoodie.
underrated waifu
>>none of us will ever be isekai'd
Speak for yourself, I'll face whatever there is in the afterlife for my chance of rebirth.
If there isn't anything I'll make it.
she is one of my favorite characters and I am happy for her
We all megufags are user
Me too. Too many FOTM anime girls just do nothing for me because it seems like they won the game when they were born, like Kaguya or Mai (from discount monogatari). Really, you want me to cheer on the pampered daughter of a multi-billionaire, and a literal supermodel?
Megumin grew up stealing food, fishing with her bare hands, and cooking bugs to support her family. She trained every day from the age of eight (8), prioritizing her studies over relationships, just to become the master of one very specific thing. She has totally earned a happy ending.
When will Megumin use the Megu Buster?
This is your party in the last RPG you played. How fucked are you?
>implying you wouldnt be happy as fuck to have them on your team, regardless of how useless they are
>last RPG you played
Does it count if it's the table I GM?
If it does, they're pretty fucked since my players currently need to face some eldritch creatures in an area that arcane magic barely works and divine magic doesn't work at all.
>shining resonance
It'll be harder without multiple characters to spam heal, but the the MC can still basically solo everything.
>nobody has posted this yet
Titties too stronk.
disappointed at best
i just want the 2nd season
megumin is kind of overrated anyway
Well at least the raids will be easily dealt with until we can recruit more people. Just have Megumin explode them, rescue her inside through a door and Darkness holds a chokepoint while I snipe them from behind her. Also, no issues with injuries because Aqua.
Her miscarried fetus thinks otherwise
She looks kind of flushed, does she have a fever?
no don't watch plebbit character the movie
The end of volume 5 was actually so touching. It came at me out of nowhere too, I really expected him to try to re-spec her to be more useful.
Does Rimworld count? Because if so, I'm entirely fucked.
Otherwise I think it was Dark Souls, in which case I stunningly think I would actually be pretty okay.
You are more an asshole than kazuma is desu
I didn't say I would, I said I felt like it was the kind of thing Kazuma would do. Although to be entirely honest if I were in his place I'd have at least balanced her mana with her explosions so she could walk after using it.
There is already a second season the fuck are you talking about
It was a combination of him getting closer to her and Vanir’s advice that made him decide that.
Dumb dub only watcher
Why is Yumyum so lonely?
Agh fuck you
Ever hear about Typhoid mary?
I haven't, please educate me.
Dont reply to yunyun fags
How the fuck is a padded goddess so high?
Being X will be revealed to be one of Aqua's co-workers in the celestial realm. They know each other, but they don't exactly hang out.
Cause she has a more likeable personality, simple as that.
When did I ever say I was one?
Imagine aqua, but without gross saggy tits and a slutty disgusting ass plus a perfect personality. You now have Chris.
I bet Megumin could be tickled mercilessly after she casts explosion until she is absolutely begging for mercy!
>goddess of deception
>perfect personality
don't fall for her tricks
Why is megumin's spin off manga so much better? You would think the main manga adaptation would get the better artist, but no.
Gotta give best girl a better treatment
Wow, Eris is really really popular
Considering how she is basically a main character because of her.... Alternate form, it is easy to see why. She is basically BFF's with Kazuma.
Plus, Eris when she isn't ashamed of her breasts is great.
The manga is a cynical product designed to make more money off interest from the anime. The Bakuen manga is a hardcore megufag bringing his waifu to life.
>Megumin's spinoff is made by a megumin fan girl who is a god-tier drawer
>A literal act of love by a super fan
I want to import all the megumin manga to make her happy.
Isn't not molesting chris an important rule of the gang?
Where's Chris? She's great! And a gang leader! She should on there instead of some noncharacter like Eris!
Made me reply
You have to be literally gay not to want to touch Chris in all kinds of places.
You don't make rules to prevent people from doing things they don't want to do anyway.
Fun fact: women like Megumeme because they don't see any competition in her and don't feel threatened by her chest.
Source: dude trust me
Man, Wiz could kill someone with those hips.
Nah, they think she is cute as fuck, she is assertive, and they love her weird personality.
Source: I know many women who are die hard Megumin-ers. Megumin is by far the most popular Konosuba woman by women, it's scary.
Yeah, that's s-so flat
>it's another episode of reversed boob envy
>user denies it
yeah, yeah, whatever
Hey, wanna hear a joke?
>megumeme walks into a mandarine image weaving board
>tits or gtfo
darkness a best
That was a joke?
I'm still giggling like a mad man over here, so yeah.
Is this good enough?
>Puffy areola
Ugh, no.
Reminds me of this top tier doujin.
we’re reaching levels of shit taste that shouldn’t even be possible
whoa, i found your twitter!
That... looks pretty okay?
Okay, you get in.
>Megumin with more than modest or average-sized breasts
Ugh, why must there be extremes?
>literally the protagonist with Kazuma
>fourth place
>losing to semi background characters like the little girl and the kawaii goddess
damn, Yunyun look like this?!
>Megumin with big breasts
so this is what it would it be like if she wasn't nutrient deficient growing up.
Imagine Kazuma and Megumin's kids, and Megumin getting horrified her half-crimson demon daughter has bigger boobs than Darkness.
Aqua a shit.
>Literally the protagonist
Don't let the anime fool you
She is a background character
Yeah, Yunyun looks damn fine, but who is that ugly boy with her and what are they doing there?
>background character
This is your brains on megumemes. Don't do the megumemes. Not even once.
That is some QUALITY
Whoever approved this to get published should get fired.
hard to say sorry with a broken jaw
I'm talking about the LN retard
That promotional poster is the only argument you have, as always
>That promotional poster
That one? They all look like that.
>the LN
>reading animes
the LN is shit and the anime tries to fix whatever it can to make it work nonetheless. It's an iterative process.
This is like next-level bullying
>Marry the dude you love
>Consumate that love and have a family
>All your daughters grow up wealthy and healthy, so their boobs are huge
>It was literally your bloodline if you werent so fucking poor growing up
>It could have been fucking you if you didn't starve all the time
Nah Yuiyui is just as flat. Unless Kazuma happens to carry latent big boobs genes, their children will be equally flat.
Nice bait m8
I don't know why I'm wasting my time talking to an aquatard
>Using the tardface poster as an argument
The thread was going so well until the aquatard showed up
Basically this.
Who is to say that her mom didn't grow up poor too?
I like how Aqua steals the show and always has the most lines. I bet you faggots that she has more screentime in the next movie.
Why is Konosuba promotional art even uglier than the anime?
god damn this is like dangling a juicy piece of steak in front of me.
post hips
When in doubt, blame kikuta
I love how reddit thinks their one trick pony can compete with Aqua. Lolololololol
Megumin is a talented, well educated, and driven young girl with hopes and dreams. She is NOT a piece of meat!
Aqua is seriously the cutest and we all know it but have to deny it because we're all gay.
Aqua is the greatest! She is literally a goddess!
these are all the same person
Yuiyui mentions during the explosion spinoff that her line has been slender for as far as she can remember.
Kill everyone in this thread.
Aqua is pretty cute but she doesn't have the appeal of a 12 year old so reddit can't get off to her.
What is this reddit now?
>doesn't have the appeal of a 12 year old
What about her brain?
I still think Aqua is the best looking and most talented.
How come Aqua is so cute and sexy?
>Studio DEEN
Why do they keep getting away with it?
>What about her brain?
she is a goddess and comprehends the universe and has power over life and death, name a 12 year old that can do this!
Is this the Aquasuba thread?
Top-tier art with Kosonubas getting frogged. That I ordered from our favorite artist, will come probably around June. Be prepared.
I can't wait to see Kazuma kill that dumb plant bitch.
What are you a vampire?
I love Aqua.
Aquatard is an embarrassment to Aquafags everywhere and I wish he would die.
t. aquafag
Me too.
Aqua is so prefect.
i want to slap aqua's aqua's
Aqua is trash! I hate that she ruins my favorite show, I'm tired of my favorite girl getting the short end of the stick for some stupid slapstick bimbo.
shut up fag, Aqua is the greatest!
Aqua and Wiz at the same time while Darkness watches!
was waiting for the flat one
As always, Aquatards raid the thread and ruin it for everyone
I miss the old threads, this is not banter, this is being an asshole
Sorry, but too late. It's already on way.
>Aquatards raid the thread
Posting about your favorite character in a thread about said character is not a raid you dumb dumb.
Why are they bathing in sewage?
Saying it once is cool
Spamming is obnoxious
What did we do to deserve you fags?
Aqua is the strongest! Aqua is the cutest! Aqua is the funniest! Aqua is the sexiest! Aqua is the bestest!
Have you never heard of scented baths?
Chill and have yourself an Aqua on the house.
You can simply make an aqua thread
Why ruin the fun for everyone but the 3 of you Aquatards?
Perfect child bearing hips
It already looks disgusting enough without imagining the smell.
If you ever find sewage that looks this clear, take a picture, because I would really love to see it.
My dude.
I was really waiting to see the Megumin slap.
Sure, the first thing I'll do if I ever get reincarnated into a 2D fantasy world will be to take a picture of sewage.
I hate you guys.
Hey I'm not the one making the claim that sewage looks like clear, green water.
Those are not mutally exclusive.
Evidently 2D sewage does.
please stop arguing over the color of anime sewage and post cute megumins instead
There is /c/, /e/, and /qa/ megumin image dumps, don't be so greedy
What if the water was blue originally?
define cute
It triggers your instincts to cuddle and protect
>only 1/3 voted Yes
I like Megumin's volume and I'm glad she's getting a movie for it even if she's my least favorite character. Even other Aquafags hate that faggot that spams Aqua with neon blue hair and shits up every thread he's in.
It that calm you a little. Aqua will not only one who gets some frog love on promised art.
i don't so fuck you for not being a real fan
Why does Megumin go so well with anal?
because she is shit
Hey, stop acting like an asshole will ya
The Sarazanmai thread is that way.
Which girl would be the best mother?
Which girl would be the best in bed?
Which girl would be the best cook?
Which girl would be the best friend?
Which girl would be the best daughter in law for your parents?
Damned cropped pics
I'd just like to point out to everyone that the only girl who hasn't been targeted by Kazuma's lecherousness is Aqua, and this is why she'll win in the end.
Sure he hits her on the head, scolds her often, calls her a bitch, and smashes her property... but that's how healthy relationships are formed: with the acceptance of each other's faults and appreciating each other's company in spite of them. No matter how much Kazuma dislikes Aqua's and her lack of intelligence, he never goes over the line and disrespects her personal space, unlike Megumin, Darkness, and all the other ladies around him. There's a special connection and respect that they have for each other, deep within that's never perpetuated by physical appearance or lust, and I believe that that's a stronger bond no mere infatuation can overcome.
>Let's dump 10 volumes of development between Megu and Kazuma to make Aqua win at the end when 0 romantic implications have passed
Just accept it bud
An important point the animu makes is that romance (or love) is a mental illness. So that's all necessary build up.
Sure bud, whatever makes you feel better about your headcanon
You still don't get it, do you? Romance is the headcanon.
>thinks the romance part is the very key to a winning relationship
It's pitiful that people can be so inexperienced with actual relationships that they believe the warm, fuzzy squee~ moments are the basis of it. It's very naive. You build foundations with the successes you've achieved with each other through the suffering you spent together. Kazuma could have just fucked off and did his own thing once he managed to leave the stables, but he didn't. He still chose to work together with Aqua, misgivings be damned, because he knows her well, and she knows him well.
If you can't break balls with your significant other freely and hesitate to do so because his/her feelings might get hurt, that's a relationship that needs maintenance and second thought.
I want my dick to be purified by aqua's pussy
At this point Darkness has more probability of winning than Aqua
>all those fags saying that Megumin is the best character
I should read the light novel then because in the anime her entire character is "I like explosions lol"
This team needs a rogue girl
>inb4 Kazuma is already a rogue!
Kazuma is a hybrid character.
Basically almost all megufags hace read the LN, she is great in those
The movie is all about her, because the movie takes place where the anime left off, and the anime never got to megumins arc.
What would really be great for the team would be someone dominant as fuck that easily manhandles darkness before breakfast. That would spice things up tremendously.
Reminder that we are just announcement close from Aqua performing those lines.
Looks like I'm being baited again by Yea Forums but more and more I see those threads, more and more I want to watch this shitty isekai.
I fapped way to much to Megumin not to watch her show now.
Just watch it baka, it's fun and you'll get the memes
Read the LN afterwards too
>MC is enjoyable
>Emotions are real IE: Aqua’s hysterical crying is actually pathetic and hilarious
>megumins VA is fucking outstanding
>darkness is good comedic relief
For everyone on the fence this is Kazuma
>fapping to megumin
Bakuretsu bakuretsu la la la
>Which girl would be the best mother?
Megumin is the only one who's expressed desire for kids and has developed a variety of traits of a good wife/mother from helping raise Komekko
>Which girl would be the best in bed?
Aqua is literally asexual and Darkness is a clumsy degenerate who wants you to do all the work on her.
>Which girl would be the best cook?
Megumin is canonically the best, both as a cook and in picking out ingredients.
>Which girl would be the best friend?
Your best friend and your lover should be one and the same.
>Which girl would be the best daughter in law for your parents?
The lower your expectations are the more you'll be pleasantly surprised to see it's actually good
Except from we learn
>she is chuuni from a race of chuunis
>she is dirt poor and can barely afford food
>she really likes casting explosions
>she is insecure with her body
>she can be mischevious and manipulative
All from the first episode she's in, so even for animeonlies "le explosion xD" is intellectually dishonest.
>this character is bad because i dont like it!!!!!!
>i wont let other people liek it as well!!!!
Aqua is for anal.
Darkness is for titfucking.
Eris is for vaginal.
Megumin is obviously for oral, since she's at the perfect height for it, and you get to see her glowing red eyes staring up at you.
>Which girl would be the best mother?
Darkness or Megu
>Which girl would be the best in bed?
Darkness or Megu or Chris
>Which girl would be the best cook?
>Which girl would be the best friend?
Megumin or Aqua or Yunyun
>Which girl would be the best daughter in law for your parents?
Iris or Yunyun
Im not saying that, im saying that make 10 volumes on development with Megumin, just to dump it all in the end with almost no fundations of Kazuma explicitly saying he likes Aqua seems out of place and rushed.
Aqua has more probabilites wining if the endgame is a harem, than as a standalone
Dude she has no sexual capability
Is Aqua asexual? Darkness and Megumin are begging to be filled with semen, but Aqua shows no such sexual urges.
Megumin excels at almost everything regarding being a proper wife, even more so than Darkness
Thats basically Chris tho. Even if she isn’t part of the team, she sometimes shows up to aid them
Volume 13 establishes that all devils and angels are asexual, presumably this applies to all divine beings
How to know if someone is an anime only
1.- "Aqua doesnt wear panties!! xdxdxd"
2.- "Lmao, Kazuma sure likes to steal panties huh?"
3.- Is an Aquafag
4.- Spams the same frog eating meme
>devils and angels
dude, what
not that user, but i dont see whats wrong with what he said.
Sorry if I want to discuss anime and manga instead of a fucking regular book on Yea Forums instead of Yea Forums
aqua is neither a devil nor a fucking angel, you dumbfuck
>presumably this applies to all DIVINE things
She is a goddess, so she might as well be asexual as well, like Vanir, any of the Demon Generals or the Succubus
Reading comprehension: Gone
Maybe because she is not a human or a young woman filled with hormones but a deity.
Darkness x Aqua?
Exactly. Stop reading bullshit into things.
Megumin cannot provide breastmilk for her children. Megumin is better at cooking bugs but not at making proper dinners.
>user is a retard, so he might as well be homosexual as well
some of you guys seriously need your brains checked
>Presumably: used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain.
dude, he is not assuming anything, its just a random thought and a theory. Dont get mad because of that, you look like a fool
none in that post i said he was a retard, you might as well check yours to see if you are schizo
The Demon King's Generals and the Demon King himself aren't literally demons/devils, it's just a title. Vanir was the only literal devil. The Demon King himself has been strongly implied to be a Japanese transplant.
Megumin's cooking skill is well established and in the novel she never fed Komekko bugs, dumb animeposter
>Small breasts cant lactate
Wrong, even though small breasts tend to produce less milk that doesnt mean they cant lactate. Besides she still has more years of growth
>Not good at making proper dinners
Wrong, again. She has cooked a lot of proper dinners in the series, and all the party members have agreed that she is a good cook.
>imagine feeling so threatened by based aqua you have to declare her an asexual
IIRC Serena introduced herself as the ONLY human with the title of Demon General, so that kinda makes you think what the others are.
Hans is a slime that simply adopted the form of a male
Sylvia is a chimera with no exact gender
Wiz and Serena seem to be the only ones with actual gender becasue they were/are humans
Beldia and Wolbach we dont know yet.
Aqua and Eris have never once shown romantic or sexual interest in anyone
>declare her asexual
>nobody is declaring her asexual, only speculating
Dumb aquatard
That's a soft looking tummy.
If that's freaking you out then wait till you find out I sleep with her.
She has a clearly defined abdominal line, which suggests it's rather firm. This makes sense, she gets a lot of exercise.
Not all monsters are devils. Devils are a specific class of monsters from Hell that feed on human emotions.
Wiz is a lich, a monster that was once human
Beldia was a dullahan, a monster that was once human
Vanir is a devil
Hans was a slime
Sylvia was a chimera, maybe human at one point but definitely a monster now
Wolbach was possibly a legitimate minor goddess with several high-tier devils as underlings, definitely wasn't human
The doppelganger was a monster
Celestina claims she's the only human among the Demon King's Generals.
We don't know anything about the "Demon King's Daughter"
The Demon King himself probably is or was human, and therefore his "daughter" ought to also be or have been human, but we don't know either way.
Having a bodypillow with Megumin on it is nice, but still greatly inferior to using Megumin as a bodypillow.
Why does Megumi put herself into these situations?
are you the same faggot that only calls her Megumi or was it just a typo
Men in Axel are gentlemen, thanks to the succubus shop being a blackhole for male lust.
I like that Volume 5 established Kazuma does look up Megumin's skirt, but only when she's laying on the couch and not in situations like this where she's completely vulnerable and dependent on him, like a gentleman.
>tiny hands
Is that person 11?
Yes, they're an 11
One of many reasons why 5 is absolutely the best volume of them all
Now imagine docking Aqua's one with Darkness' one and put your dick in between.
>brags about it to her mom
Why is she such a little slut?
apparently every action that a girl does is considered a slut. Yea Forums is full of incels now
The way she flaunts her relationship with Kazuma is one of her most attractive qualities
>it wasn't before
I'm not complaining. I think it's hot.
>she is chuuni from a race of chuunis
>she is dirt poor and can barely afford food
Not personality traits and not relevant to the story like Darkness noble status or Aqua being a deity
>she can be mischevious and manipulative
She is the least manipulative of all 4 protagoinists
>she really likes casting explosions
As it was already stated
>she is insecure with her body
Well that's another trait, 2 traits then.
She is just bland, specially when compared to the self righteous,altrustic,religious, explosive, masochist, dramatic, proud and insane crusader who hates being treated as a noble Darkness or the arrogant, sensitive,charismatic over emotional,friendly,stupid, coward, attention whore Aqua.
read the LNs
This is Megumin-sensei, the Crimson Blade. Her skill with a katana is feared across the lands.
Aqua is for triple anal penetration only.
Aqua is for handholding and headpats.
>she is just bland
thats were you are wrong kiddo
she is a direct girl, full of energy, extremely intelligent that is impulsive at times. She tries to hide her insecurity in cute ways, She has a soft spot for her sister and cares for her like a mother. Has shown mother traits when caring Sylphina. Has the initiative to form a band thief, and has won the heart of the MC.
I like how Megumin's so overleveled compared to Kazuma that she's physically stronger than him now
One funny ability that all 3 girls have in common is that they're all good with their fists.
How can the self righteous, altrustic, religious, explosive, masochist, dramatic, proud and insane crusader who hates being treated as a noble Darkness or the arrogant, sensitive, charismatic, over emotional, friendly, stupid, coward, attention whore Aqua compete with the driven, exciteable, obsessed, short tempered, older dialect speaking, insecure, mana-drain-addicted, caring, mischevious, resourceful, thirsty, ambitious young chuunibyou who is actually more self-aware than she lets on and bullies her friend out of tough love Megumin?
It just seems like you just listed as many adjectives as you could think of for two of the characters and then also decided megumin only has 2 traits? I don't understand your thinking here. Clearly a character with two traits can't carry several novels/mangas in which she is the protagonist.
what's going on here?
I need more art of Megumin wearing Kazuma's tracksuit, that shit is cute as hell
I wonder if dicklet-chan is still around
>short tempered
All those traits are either non existent or all the other protagonists posses it at a more apparent scale than her.
Next you will say that she is a "good person", "feminine", "cute" and "gets embarassed" when people do lewd shit to her just like every other single girl in this show.
>all those traits are either non existent
Read the novels, and see why she is one of the most developed characters.
Nigga just admit it
You havent read the Ln and you dont know what the fuck you are talking abiut
>normies liking lolis
I'm happy enough for more Konosuba, but I'd be more excited if volumes 7 & 8 were adapted into a 3rd anime season. I want to hope for that happening if the movie does well, but I'm afraid it'll end with my dreams getting crushed.
There will be one more season after the movie and they will make it an anime original ending with Aqua being the next demon general overlord whatever. Which is pretty much super badess, if you ask me.
You want another reality check? Do you want me to spoil you everything?
This discussion started replying a guy saying that
>"All from the first episode she's in, so even for animeonlies "le explosion xD" is intellectually dishonest."
This all started when some guy said that she got a "lot of character" in the anime, so yeah, maybe she start to develop more in the light novels but the fact is her character is pretty bland in the anime.
>lovingly caress the titties
>slap the fuck out of them like a spaz ten seconds later
I’m loving this flavor of autism.
Wait so what’s the deal with Aquas panties
>being an aquafag
Checks out that inbred folk want a brother sister relationship to be canon.
>frog eating meme
That shit is funny
Aqua does wear panties, and its been shown since the first volume of the LN, as well as a scene in the manga.
The whole deal of her not wearing panties is because of a meme from anime onlies, and the art direction in the anime, where she is conveniently not shown to wear any. You can say that is masterful marketing strategy, but people who legit think she is always pantiless are idiots.
>S3 never, so not reading the LN is inexcusible now
Absolutely beautiful coping mechanism.
as it should be
if you are discussing konosuba you need to take into account that the anime showed barely anything of the series, and because of that any animepleb's opinion outside of what is shown is completely retarded
Aye, let's just ignore that fact that literally no one knew about this series and exactly the same number of people cared, and the popularity is solely and entirely caused by TakaRie acting Megumin, and the studio doing goofy stuff with the animation.
Im not ignoring that, i only said that if you think you know better just because you've only watched the anime then you are wrong
If you dont want to read the ln its fine, just expect people to correct you a lot
Was a human knight before becoming undead
Is a goddess, just like Aqua
pick one
Read the replies before it
we were speculating that if any demon or angel is asexual, then other divine things such as goddesses are asexual as well
post moar chiyo
How about I post megumin until the thread gets to the bump limit
The best and most influent stories in fiction are "isekai".
Ignore bait idiot
There are lots of reasons to love Megumin! I thought of even more but 120 seems like a fitting place to stop given the significance of the number to her.
Komekko rhymes with ________!
well, it was a nice thread, until the aquafags started pouring in, but at least i think one of them got banned.
Well beldia is formerly a human so obviously not asexual. As for wolbach, she could be. We don't know too much about her.
Where can I find a girl with a body like this?
Elementary schools.
Hopefully tomorrow's megumin thread wont get deleted, like the last ones.
Here is that art book.