Kat: The only one here who can instantly calculate their shot and hit the target is Nonna. Kat: It's possible to complete this objective honestly anyway.
Kat: So just calculate the targeting for your 2nd shot now. Mu: A-are you telling us to cheat!?
Kat: They didn't say that you can't, did they? Kat: In fact, the question here is if you can stop your tank accurately. Kat: So can you?
Neb: T-there's tracks from our treads... Neb: I can do it... I think.
Kat: First, line up your target for your 2nd shot like this. Kat: Once you remember the position of your second shot, lock your sight on the first target, then you can start moving.
Kat: Loader, match your pace with the driver, not the gunner.
Ex: It's amazing. Ex: I didn't think they'd call in the professionals. Sen: There were always Russian soldiers coming and going from the academy ship all the time.
Sen: But we couldn't even imagine getting them to train our members. Ex: Being able to imagine something like that isn't normal. Ex: There's definitely something wrong with that girl.
Ex: ...I wonder if we could've gone further if we just disregard other people's opinion like that. Sen: ...who knows.
Ex: We were training harder than normal. We were so sure of it. Ex: That this time it'll be an easy win.
Ex: And then... we were stopped at our battle with Kuromorimine... Ex: I wonder... what were we lacking...?
Sen: The victory obsessed 1st year and the fun seeking 2nd year. Sen: With two different directions like this, they'll starts butting heads eventually... Ex: Of course they will.
Ex: That shrimp... she's a schemer, you can't really trust her as a person, but I have to admit that she got skill. Ex: And she's popular too. Ex: She's not a person that someone like Natalia can suppress.
Sen: If you know that then warn one of them. Ex: Team related matter needs to be handle by the current leader. Ex: It's not good for the OG to just helicopter parent them.
Ex: Remember back when we were 2nd year students? Sen: Ah~ Those 3rd years that was about to graduate wouldn't stop butting in, that was so annoying.