GuP - Girls und Panzer: Pravda Senki

1st: One!
1st: One!
1st: One Two!
1st: Go!
1st: One!
1st: One!
1st: One Two!
1st: Go!

Alb: We!
1st: We!
Alb: The elite!
1st: The elite!
Alb: Pravda!
1st: Pravda!
Alb: High School!
1st: High School!

Alb: Our goal!
1st: Our goal!
Alb: The crimson!
1st: The crimson!
Alb: Tournament Pennant!
1st: Tournament Pennant!

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1st: Hooah!!

Text: They are no longer weak.

Chapter 8: Graduation

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Slut: Kgh...

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Vik: You missed again, Number 3.

Vik: You're the only on 10th tries.
Vik: Are you even trying?

Mo: Goddammit!
Mo: Why!?
Brown: It's hopeless, Mo-chan~

Glas: My legs are falling off too.

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Mu: Shut up, Nebo. We're going again!
Mu: You put your heart it to it, Zemlya!
Mu: You don't want be left behind, do you!?

Mu: If we're...
Mu: stuck like this...

Zem: But...
Zem: We keep failing no matter how many times we tried, right...?

Zem: Why can't we do what other people can...?

Neb: I guess...
Neb: We weren't suited for this school in the first place.

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Neb: We forced ourselves into this school even though we don't have the skill for it.
Neb: We fell behind right as soon as we got in...

Neb: Just trying hard at the entrance exam doesn't work...

Neb: This place...
Neb: Pravda...
Neb: Is a place for the skilled elite,
Neb: we commoners like us are...

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Kat: Time for a secret technique.

Mu: W-what?

Kat: The objective is "to fire two shot and hit two targets after a sudden stop", right?
Kat: Can you do it like this?

Mu: W-well, sure, if we stop the tank normally...
Mu: But if it's a sudden stop, it'll take some time for us to line up the target...

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Kat: The only one here who can instantly calculate their shot and hit the target is Nonna.
Kat: It's possible to complete this objective honestly anyway.

Kat: So just calculate the targeting for your 2nd shot now.
Mu: A-are you telling us to cheat!?

Kat: They didn't say that you can't, did they?
Kat: In fact, the question here is if you can stop your tank accurately.
Kat: So can you?

Neb: T-there's tracks from our treads...
Neb: I can do it... I think.

Kat: First, line up your target for your 2nd shot like this.
Kat: Once you remember the position of your second shot, lock your sight on the first target, then you can start moving.

Kat: Loader, match your pace with the driver, not the gunner.

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Zem: C-can we...
Zem: actually do this...?

Kat: If you guys have that little faith in your own ability,
Kat: then just trust in my confidence.

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Vik: Hmm...
Vik: Well, I guess that's a pass!
Vik: Next! Number 4!

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Kat: You can do it after all.

Vik: That girl you talk about.
Vik: Your master does possess some skill, I'll give her that.

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Non: She's wonderful.
Non: I think that I want to see what ever she wishes to see.
Vik: Hoh~? You're going that far huh?

Vik: Still, with her physique, I'm sure there'll be a lot of troubles in the future.
Vik: You'll need to help her out once we return home.

Non: Ok.

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Sen: You must have a lot of regrets.

Ex:, I don't.
Sen: Right~

Ex: It's amazing.
Ex: I didn't think they'd call in the professionals.
Sen: There were always Russian soldiers coming and going from the academy ship all the time.

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Sen: But we couldn't even imagine getting them to train our members.
Ex: Being able to imagine something like that isn't normal.
Ex: There's definitely something wrong with that girl.

Ex: ...I wonder if we could've gone further if we just disregard other people's opinion like that.
Sen: ...who knows.

Ex: We were training harder than normal. We were so sure of it.
Ex: That this time it'll be an easy win.

Ex: And then... we were stopped at our battle with Kuromorimine...
Ex: I wonder... what were we lacking...?

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Sen: ...
Sen: Oh yeah, what are the 2nd years doing?

Ex: Seems like they have a training camp,
Ex: at Sukayu.
Sen: They just wanted to go to an onsen, don't they.

Sen: Well Natalia's plan focused solely on "Harmonizing the Team" after all.

Sen: Of course she'll just strengthen the friendship between the 2nd years.

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Sen: The victory obsessed 1st year and the fun seeking 2nd year.
Sen: With two different directions like this, they'll starts butting heads eventually...
Ex: Of course they will.

Ex: That shrimp... she's a schemer, you can't really trust her as a person, but I have to admit that she got skill.
Ex: And she's popular too.
Ex: She's not a person that someone like Natalia can suppress.

Sen: If you know that then warn one of them.
Ex: Team related matter needs to be handle by the current leader.
Ex: It's not good for the OG to just helicopter parent them.

Ex: Remember back when we were 2nd year students?
Sen: Ah~ Those 3rd years that was about to graduate wouldn't stop butting in, that was so annoying.

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Ex: I don't care anymore!
Ex: I'm not the captain am I!?

Ex: The new captain will deal with what ever happens!
Ex: I~ don't~ care~!

Sen: You really do have regrets...
Ex: I said I don't, didn't I!!

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Kuro: Triple rank!!

Kuro: At attention!!

Kuro: Right face!

Kuro: Salute!!

Text: The time of revolution is approaching Pravda. However, at Kuromorimine...!?

And that's it.

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