Holy shit, this level of NTR is just absurd

Holy shit, this level of NTR is just absurd.

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 17 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][FD179FF9][00:20:42]001.png (1280x720, 736K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>questioning our lord and savior kira "stop fighting" yamato

more like kira "chad" yamato

PLEASE tell me she dies.

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 18 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][4AC67B83][00:05:26]001.png (1280x720, 514K)

He's only a chad in the first half after that he dies and rises again to become our savior

Why has this series been spammed on the board recently?
Are there so many newfags that haven't seen this beautiful trainwreck yet that they think its ok to shit it everywhere?

It’s one guy. And he refuses to go on

for some reason

>Why has this series been spammed on the board recently?
Because I just started watching it, duh.

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 13 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][221A0201][00:05:06]001.png (1280x720, 704K)

She does.

I thought Gundam seed was good in earlier parts when kira hasnt achieve godhood and was being manipulated by flay 24/7.

but really though, what was the reaction like when flay and kira hooked up, because I was truly shocked.

Pretty sure Seed predates Yea Forums.
Not sure if there was any real online reaction anywhere at point of time.

we only had destiny

>Flay Allster
muh dick

never stick your dick in crazy

We'd tear him a new one for liking SEEDshit, which is more Yea Forums's type of show anyway.

>/m/ are still convinced they are above Yea Forums
Why are you guys so hostile?

but /m/ was created because of Destiny

You can’t tell me what not to do.

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Kira saved his bro from that thot. Truly a saint.

Destiny is the train wreck. Seed is pure kino despite the absurd melodrama.

This but unironically. Flay would have ruined his life.

Is he seriously still not fucking Lacus in Destiny?
They sleep on separate beds.

who am I supposed to be rooting for in this series
both sides seem genuinely awful

root for nicole

I love Kira/Flay. It was one of those things that were completely unexpected and just fucking perfect.

Makes me wonder if Lacus is one of those defective coordinators that can't have children.

Both sides being awful is an enduring theme of all the different Gundam series.

>steal gundam from zaft
>steal fllay from sai
>steal lacus from athrun
>steal protagonist spot from shin
why is kira such a thief?

He's doing it for their own good.

jesus gives and jesus takes


It's an anime.

Makes me wonder if Flay was already pregnanted with Kira's child.


The 2000s is so fucking ugly holy shit

but seed was essentially entirely redrawn in the 2010s

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 18 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][4AC67B83][00:19:51]001.png (1280x720, 765K)

He can't, but you could think twice. Flay really lost her shit after her father ate it.

These were the best characters

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And somehow looks worse

Why do /m/ think they are above Yea Forums anyways?

I don't know about that chief

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BAsed fukcuda!

Oh the Druggies trio!
Kira looks more young int he left but Arthun gets a big forehead

Kira and Lacus pretty much have become Jesus and the Virgin Mary in Destiny so of course they can't imply that they fuck.

how could he just turn on his bro like that?

i have been avoiding watching gundamn seed for more than a decade and you fuckers are gonna make me watch it and i hate you for it

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There is a time and place for everything

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It's infested with westernfags who hate anime but still go there for mecha.

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but somehow they still love toku

>MC is not a virgin

athrun's forehead oh my god

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 20 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][57AD6675][00:21:43]001.png (1280x720, 844K)

and in doing so he also trades up and gets a much better girl.

her death was the funniest shit

and then she calmed down after Rau kidnapped her and made her his sex slave.

Not really, /m/'s thing is more sucking on the 80's dick and hating anything that came after the year 2000

They were waiting for the wedding but Morosawa died

more like the bad guys being cooler is an enduring theme across all of gundam

Attached: kira queen.jpg (640x480, 47K)

Good times.

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can we all admit SEED is Franxx of the 2000s?

Nah, SEED was actually decent.

>Nah, SEED was actually decent.

Attached: haman laugh.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

seed was pretty fun though, altogether.

I thought SEED was decent up until the halfway point where Kira gets teleported into space. If it had just straight up ended at the kira athrun fight with no questions answered, I would have loved it. Maybe a short epilogue about how the war ended up.

>steal protagonist spot from shin
This was actually Athrun's doing. Jesus' job was making him look like a villain, getting killed and coming back to life.

And then they try and glorify it by making her out to be an angel or some faggot shit.

I can't find my collection of screaming Shinn face edits from way back in 2007 or earlier.

Attached: 190846.jpg (1544x956, 476K)

I feel like rewatching now

you could say that he's the original phantom thief.

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>tfw that when Fukuda remarries, he revives Flay and course-corrects SEED unironically.

but what was YOUR reaction

I've managed to avoid watching a single episode of Gundam Seed and nothing in this thread is going to make me change my mind. Your post, however makes me want to watch LoGH right now.


>this level of NTR is just absurd
If your name is Sai of course it is
it supposed to be you are self inserting as Kira

Seems like a strange goal, SEED is enjoyable and has great music. It's nice to marathon.

Kira belongs to his imouto!

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live action gundam when

I genuinely love their Gundams. If Calamity or Forbidden ever get a Master Grade kit I would go off my gunpla dry spell and pick one up.

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she collapsed a few times if my memory don't lie to me

how wet she is

I remember it being an 'internet rumor' that there was an actual sex scene that was edited out for western viewers.

>steal protagonist spot from shin
Shin torpedoed his protagonist role pretty early on.

but you came here for a reason, user.

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 20 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][57AD6675][00:14:29]001.png (1280x720, 629K)

Lacus was my first gundam girl crush. I love her to death, even though I know she's Kira's lady.

I was watching Cartoon Network almost 16 years ago when the last episode of this show aired there for the first time. I was talking on the phone with a buddy of mine that was also a big Gundam fan as well and when she got nuked was the funniest and biggest holy shit moment for us. We both just stopped talking for a good full minute after that scene. We both hated her during the whole series run so seeing her get croaked that way was very satisfying.

me too bud, I have a purity fetish

Attached: Lacus (1).jpg (1024x768, 149K)

>shading and coloring improved overall
>flay level of detail increased greatly
>kira's hair style more consistent and more spiky
>athrun massive rework
>mu's nose disappears and is replaced with 'the shadows implies he has a nose'



Attached: Jojo.jpg (680x680, 76K)

Lacus with glasses.....

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I totally forgot she died. It was the most hilarious shit, did anyone even care except kira for maybe a little? Why did that character even exist, she was the most unlikeable character int he entire show

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Based mom warning us

Did you not pay attention or something? She went through the most development of anyone, starting off as a manipulative cunt entrenched in her bigoted world-view but was forced to cope with being captured, then finally being the first to defect from blue cosmos after she got put on their command ship, for the sake of her former comrades. You can not like her but it's just dumb to say she had no role.

>watching triangle-headed abominations
Not even once.

>preferring Lacus over Flay
never have I seen such awful taste

I liked both faggot. Stop being so pretentious and stuck up.

How come Shinn is the biggest faggot but gets the best girl?

The right answer is Andrew's wife anyway

What are you on about. She was a terrible character with some of the worst forced "development". The only good thing she ever did was save the stupid ass crew by holding Lacus hostage, and her getting tossed around ships and factions was stupid as hell Her role was to die a shitty death and force some drama

>forced "development"
Is this a new meme?

>forced development
Wow. Just wow.

> her getting tossed around ships and factions was stupid as hell Her role was to die a shitty death and force some drama

Most civilians in Gundam are situated that way. Is this your first gundam?

>her getting tossed around ships and factions was stupid as hell
Not realizing that fucking Belri was also this.

BTFO lmao

This. It's too fucking ugly

Attached: 2.gif (600x334, 2.26M)

Did the blu-ray show her tits? or was that a dream I had

Post a WEBM. goddammit.

Attached: lol just woke up, what happened.jpg (636x360, 36K)

user, are you underage? This level of stupidity is intolerable.

Like the majority of moons and their idolshit obsession.

Crazy back stabbing racist or pure loyal songstress that comes with a battleship and TWO gundams.

Do coordinators have bigger schlongs than us Naturals?

>SeeD aired 17 years ago

Attached: 1528092653705.gif (230x230, 1.54M)

>pure loyal songtress
>Brainwashed both Kira and Arthun to make them fight for her
>Sticks to Arthun in Destiny because he is more useful than a soulless Kira
Lacus is not only boring but her existence is an asspull itself. If you serious about liking her then you really have some mental problems user. At least after all that backstabbing, Flay will love you for real and she already gave you plenty sex before that.

not really
OK damn!

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 16 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][B95B1889].conv.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

>Thread is made by a newfag
You post means nothing user. And that idolprogramshit's gif doesn't help.

Kira's an exception. Coordinators have low fertility rate as I recall. Sure they may have bigger dicks, but they're shooting blanks.

literally a semen demon

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 22 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][B40EBD78]-0025.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

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Wow user, are you implying that any posts on this mongolian tapestry board mean anything? Here have another idolprogram's shit gif

Attached: 1419921419612.gif (276x250, 1011K)

this one is actually when she was rejected by kirachad

Attached: begone thot.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Their fertility rates are a built in defect. George Glenn (the first Coordinator) had it put into the genetic coding practice needed to create Coordinators so that Coordinators wouldn't breed with only other Coordinators so they would become their own isolated group (which they kind of were heading towards under Patrick Zala). The sequence requires Naturals to be complete, he wanted Coordinators to be a gift for the whole of humanity.

Basically the low fertility rates became an issue with second and third generation coordinators who are trying to have children with other Coordinator. And the solution is to have babies with Naturals. But with a lot of Coordinators being dicks about it and a lot of Naturals resenting Coordinators because of their enhanced abilities, this will be an issue for who knows how many Coordinators. A lot of them may already be sterile beyond repair.

Attached: 344534563678.png (602x846, 277K)

Patrick only started artistically screeching about genes after his wife got nuked. He wasn't the start of the coordinator isolationism.

>live action gundam when

G-Savior says hello.

Cagalli has crabs

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 24 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][95F7F60C][00:10:49]001.png (1280x720, 828K)


never liked her, i liked lacus, i was shitting bricks when she turned into a villain in the sequel

SEED was one of the most popular anime ever aired even for a Gundam entry and it's still pretty popular with fujos. Not sure what you're even asking here

Cagalli was the perfect girl.

Until Destiny.

I'd still fuck her in the butt even in Destiny.

Japan fucking loves Lacus/Kira though, both the pairing itself and as individuals.

isn't kira banned from newtype character popularity polls now?

He's banned until SEED gets a new animated entry.

Top kek

>more SEED
god yes

Attached: 1521756851794.jpg (543x522, 143K)

>MC steals hot girl
>MC fucks hot girl
>Hot girl gets converted by his dick
>Hot girl dies
>MC is never the same
And neither is anime.

Attached: Flay_Allster-2_SEED-22.png (1280x1101, 1.04M)

what. this is gundam?


>Flay lives and stays with Kira
>Kira is now a real character that has to deal with Flay's racist outbursts

>Kira is now a real character that has to deal with Flay's sexual urgencys at home every night

>They redid the scene in Destiny's opening to make it so Kira wasn't the one to kill Shins parents
That was quite possibly the dumbest change in a series ever.

You all guys makes me wanna watch SEED again.

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Lunamaria was really hot
Dumb as shit but hot

Attached: 1527186679996.png (600x480, 140K)

I don't know, i really liked this song. Especially the part where it's playing and the red hair druggie gets killed while the voice starts playing at around the 3:00 mark

Everyone should already know that SEED was always this horrendous. Nostalgiafags should hang on a rope for repeatedly shilling this shitshow of a Gundam series. Remember, they made a fucking poll on which character should live on weeks prior to the final episode

You just reminded me of how I used to jack on her when I was a teen.
Such memories.

Natarle was hot.
Her prison battleship version is hot too.

>dat ass peak from under

So she's probably wearing no panties huh? Fucking Thot.

take it easy Sai

SEED is the reason I’m partial to reddish hair.

did she actually love him at all

Seed along with 00 is peak Gundam, they don't make them like they used to. IBO and shitty build fighters can't compete.

It is,but after that it just becomes a meme paradise

That's why

Peak Gundam is 0079 and that's it.

It ain't exactly a masterpiece and pales in comparison to old uc but it's a dumb but fun ride with a few good fights here and there and i say go for it if you want.sincerely from an idiot from /m/

Maybe because she's voiced by Maaya Sakamoto?

>2019 Reiwa
>Still no Seed 3

No peak gundam is war in the pocket.

Lacus plz.
Although, as and show, Lacus was much better before being paired with Kira and turning into a walking plot device with little character.

Akechi plz.

>voiced by Houko Kuwashima
That's like asking if Sean Bean's character survives.

They did that all the way back when Destiny originally aired. One of the later episodes showed him firing, and then one of the druggie's firing his lasers, and then Shinn's family getting nuked, implying it was the Forbidden, and not Freedom, that caused it. Debatably it was even earlier retconned than that, since Shinn never recognized Freedom when it first appeared and sliced off Impulse's arm, and he only became obsessed with it after Stella died.

That's athruns meat

Why is Hiraiface allowed to exist? Just so our eyes can suffer?

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Just watch Fafner, bro

>Shinn managed to win Lunamaria IRL

Attached: 1328987615174.jpg (103x120, 4K)

>When you win the protagbowl so hard, you win it in 3D too

Or a thong.

So who wetted their pants when athrun won the fight against strike and nearly blast him to bits at close range.

She voiced two relevant characters in Seed and one in Destiny and all of them died, yeah.

Part of me wants a Gundam Seed remake, an big part of me though, knows that fukuda will again be the director and shit will again look like it's an anime made in 2003.

I remember that fight being 6 still frames one after the other laughing my ass off

But it was fun when everyone was expecting Vivian to die, yet ultimately be spared by Fukuda.

Attached: Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo - 04 - A Loner`s Revolt - [Commie](27e26d4b).mkv_snapshot_04.58_[ (1280x720, 142K)

Vivi is the most precious muffin who should be loved and cherished.

Attached: vivi.jpg (365x382, 76K)

The fight was better in my head, i went and check and it was completely diff from what i remembered.

I doubt it. With it being a Gundam property and with his wife dead, it would probably be a bit better. At least Cross Ange tier but the mobile suits wouldn't be CGI.

SEEDverse meeting Cross Ange was the best.

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I'm still so glad she got to meet her mom

And her dad.

Attached: Gundam Seed Character Theater 4.jpg (422x944, 84K)

I kek'd



Sean Bean survives in his most recent movies. He survives the conflict in Jupiter Rising (awful movie btw), and is forced into retirement in the Martian.

I think hiraiace is cute.

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 04 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][C5317A5F][00:14:12]001.png (1280x720, 499K)

surprisingly i didn't mind hiraiface so much in MJP

because if this garbage and its sequel are going to be talked about anywhere it is here, They give so little of a shit about the mechs that they just reuse almost all of the animations for them. Fuck when Kill la kill was at it's lowest budget is what Seed was like for 90% of its mech fights.

This is what plebs who didn't watch 0079 say, every. single. time.


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No i watched it. It might've been great for its time, but don't pretend it wasn't really hammy at times and the newtype bullshit at the end was well done.

>the newtype bullshit at the end was well done
except it was, and if you had been paying attention there was foreshadowing the entire time.

also, something doesn't have to be SUPER SERIOUS all the time for it to be a masterpiece. I really don't think 0079 had that many comic relief scenes anyway, compared to ZZ.

you mean rape scene. kira was like a tranquilised mattress while flay milked his cock

I'd say that SEED and SEED Destiny are probably the only Hiraiface shows where it actually bothered me a lot.

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What did sunrise mean by this?

Attached: gundam.jpg (3200x1800, 267K)

There is no such scene.

>seed thread stays alive this long
Is it the miracle of the word 'NTR'?

yeah user, kira was clearly on top.

He tossed it and hooked up with a better meat.

The remaster version of the fight was great.

I must say that's the most romantic thing I've ever watched in mecha.

Reminder it was Nicol's fault for being retarded ramming his cockpit to an anti ship sword and he was 16 and loved to play the piano

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 11K)

We need a new series entry in SEED universe

have they even come close to it's sales since,?

I'm like really really digging deep into the depths of early internet here, but back when SEED and Destiny were airing, there was a fairly popular gif that went around message boards and other forums. It was a gif edit of that scene ofFllay and Kira in the opening, but Fllay's face opens up into some kind of Face Eating Monster thing (Think something like those monsters from the Blade movies) and chomps Kira's fucking head off.

This is an extremely long stone's throw here, but any chance somebody here has it?

Is the right the same artist/studio/whatever that did S-cry-ed? Its gotta be, there's no way it isn't!

left and right, actually.

scryed was sunrise as I recall

Kys, DifFfaggot

i still never watched it but i've seen almost everything before it

Should've just fucked Cagalli.

SEED Eternity 2022

Attached: __flay_allster_and_kira_yamato_gundam_seed_and_etc__279dfd945ce8f69f3db556f4fea2067a.gif (200x160, 215K)

what the fuck...

>Watching the remaster
SEEDfag here, no one should resort to having to watch that trash.

Just watch the original version or the special editions.

he liked it though, she just got the timing wrong.

>watch the original version
no thanks.

Attached: 10172.jpg (1295x1160, 188K)

Holy fucking shit. Never thought I'd see this again. Thanks for this.

Turn A is peak gundam

Or is Dunbine peak gundam?

lowkey, destiny is a ton of good components for 3/4ths of the show, assembled badly, then assembled well in the compilation movies. However that last 1/4 is absolute garbage.

Impulse vs Freedom is actually a kino fight.

I like Turn A too but mech fights in Seed were better.

>redaw nearly every single scene in the show
>still can't be assed to replace all the reused animation with decent battle choreography

Attached: 1541101807440.jpg (224x225, 10K)

We are all going to die, user.

If SEED didn't have so many flashbacks and provided a better explanation of how Waltfeld and Kira survived it would be a good remake of 0079.

I wonder if Nena Trinity was in a way making fun of Flay's characterization.

Kira is like a mild NGE Shinji, but with character development and goes all super Sajayin and turns in the savior of whiny bois and puts boiMC SEED Destiny in his place.


>SeeD aired 17 years ago
I was in my last High School year when I watch this shit.

Fuck you Miku.

kino OST

>100 unique IP
and the thread is strong!

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 17 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][FD179FF9][00:11:18]001.png (1280x720, 706K)

fucking kek.

The OP/ED in SeeD/SeeD Destiny are masterpieces.

;_; youtube.com/watch?v=5Qu7F_GDFK0 (ignore the FF trash)

>tfw I'm the 100th IP

Attached: PveDp6D.webm (600x338, 878K)

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I still remember Kira's first land battle and basically rewriting a new OS while evading enemy fire to compensate earth's gravity and I bought every single thing about it.
In fact, it may be Kira's fault I took an interest in computing and became a softdev.

Attached: 1517461500003.jpg (585x454, 63K)

why's the earth alliance so goddamn lame?

Attached: 104-105.png (574x321, 88K)

lol I remember that part too and he also completed the OS for Strike when he first boarded it. Kira is fucking OP.

Yet, I share a feeling of disdain for the new type of OP MCs like Kirito or Onii-sama.
I still don't know why Jesus Yamato works for me and not the others.

Director went full retard and made Alliance an expy of Bush USA during Iraq War.

Orb was dindunuffin good boi Japan as I recall.

>be me watching
>enemy is pinning down the good guys
>basically fucked at this point
>warning laser shot out of nowhere
>everyone says "nani?!"
>ED song kicks in
>Jesus Yamato comes in with his Strike Freedom
>cue transition to actual ED
Still getting goosebumps unto this day.

Attached: 1404074578532.gif (640x360, 2.96M)

Kino Yamato

Fun is a buzzword.

Those ed transitions were the best. Only HxH competed in that regard.

fun is fun.

Prove it.

I recorded these directly from the episodes sometime around 2003-2004 because I couldn't stop laughing at how Kira kept crying.


Visual representation of our Jesus Lord Savior Kino Kira Yamato.

why is kira so based?

Wasnt seed eternity some fake news bullshit back then? 10 year old me read it and was hyping for it, seed was my first gundam

Because Kira is more human than them. He didn't try to look or act cool and he can sympathize with others.

He was literally Coordinator Jesus.

Torward the ending, I started warming up to Flay despite how shit she was for majority of the anime. She's also more attractive than Lacus

100% certain amuro said the same line

What's weird is that I find Kira rewriting the OS for the Strike on the fly really cool, even to this day, but Kira in the Strike Freedom just makes me think 'lol aimbot' every though it's exactly the same principle at work.

Yes there is, TMR's "Zips" was the background music.

But he is not a ship, so how could an anti-ship sword have harmed him?

No. The former is doing mentally straining tasks while in a physically strenuous situation.The latter is almost like playing a video game.

if orb was the one making the gundams why didn't the ZAFT just attack them first

they didn't have proofs.

I'm pretty sure I used "awful" in the context of them being dicks. That doesn't disqualify them from being cool.

He was not Mu "the impossible possible" La Flaga.
>tfw nigga survived an anti-captial ship cannon



the video was posted near Jewtube creation

no. fuck off

why is gundam so popular with fujos

What is this, seed got a redraw? When did that happen? I'm gonna need two hdds for this.

Would you prefer this instead?

Attached: IMG_20180226_011756.jpg (2800x2100, 478K)

hahaha it is though

not really. If SEED did anything near Franxx level, we'd be talking about the final battle involving Space Whales.

As if anyone who somehow gives a shit about SEED still cared about the fights

>The hottest SEED character barely got any doujins
Its not fair

Attached: 1543006187551.png (1046x1599, 1.56M)

Actually, the fights are the better overhauled aspects of the remaster, sans Nichol committing seppuku.

Female Kira is cute.

now that would've been rape

It will be consensual rape since femKira has a crush on maleFlay anyway.

Attached: IMG_20180226_123644.jpg (1500x2000, 281K)

yes but that we before (s)he was being racist against coordinators


Lacus has always been trash and Gundam Wing is the best Gundam ever. Fuck the boomers and zoomers who say otherwise.

based as fuck

Wing did have some of the best drawn gundams and fights.

what the fuck was going on with kira's clothes? everyone looked pretty "normal" but this motherfucker was wearing some jpop visual kei bullshittery

Attached: file.png (500x612, 253K)

All I see here is a fujo with mediocre taste.

>not X/Turn-A

for shame.

Kira is literally me.

His clothes always reminded me of a less edgy more fuckboi version of iori from kof.

He has a simple design so gotta make his stand out with coordinator's fashion sense.

His destiny clothing is worse. The only good clothes he has are the clothes Flay picked for him when they shopped.


This. Holy fuck,

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She even felt nausea or got sick and couldn't eat much.

>Flay dresses Kira like a human being
>Lacus dresses Kira like a BDSM Slave.
What did they mean by this?

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>year 2020
>still no space colonies
>still no gundams

but gunpla battles will be a reality, soon.

I see. So they even put the implication in something as trivia as Kira's clothes.
Well it's pretty clear in Destiny that Kira is nothing more than Lacus's slave.

>gunpla battles
Those build fighters anime (except the first one) are horrendous. And they're going to produce another one in this year...

Lunamaria and Cagalli a best

>steal protagonist spot from shin

Implying the SRWZ Seed Destiny is not the official headcanon


Obligatory reminder that Seed director was insanely pissed at Bandai Namco for fixing GSD storyline, and Suzumura adopted the SRWZ Shinn as his official Shinn

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>kira does the protag thievery, gundam fans hate it.

>when shirou does the same thing in Prisma, Typemoon fans celebrate.

What did they mean by this?

this is high fashion, user.

Why didnt kira bang her

She get her own hentai spinoff along with Natarle.

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best girl


yep, exactly

Pretty sure the Shirou dickriders are in the minority
What Shirou did was true to his character while Seed Destiny's character development was absolute trainwreck

The only thing I remember from this series is that the adults kept leaving the gundams unlocked, and the children kept stealing them
It happened like 8 times

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I'm going to have to interject just to say SEED DESTINY IS ONE OF THE BEST GUNDAM SHOWS OF ALL TIME

Technically, Just because Shin join hero side doesn't mean they fix it.

In show, he was willing to fall to dark side to stop all wars from happening again to not let other have same life as him and Rie.

Holy shit, this scene was kino.

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 28 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][9CC8D1B6][00:20:45]001.png (1280x720, 662K)

For now, wait till season three where Kira steal her from him

The biggest thing I remember is that no one ever dies, unless they had a name. Because no one gives a shit about mooks.

>Much better before she was paired with Kira.
You do realize she was just war trophy before that, right?
(She only drop her fake face after joining Kira side)

I remember the music in that scene being really good.

it was, and they way it transitioned to the ED was even more kino.

Did Mu and the Captain ever have their happily ever after?

I don't know why seed gets a bad rep, this anime is getting better and better as I keep watching it.

Attached: [TenB] Gundam Seed - 29 [1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC][A7A17460][00:21:42]001.png (1280x720, 576K)

seed is regarded as actually pretty ok sometimes
seed destiny is the one that rightfully gets memed on

>Archangel crew got called out by the heroes for interfering battles
>Kira got lectured by Harry Ord for having false ideals
>Shinn actually matured as a character and willing to listen to Kira and Athrun, instead of staying an autist
>The new drug kids have a more fleshed out story
>Minerva crew actually had brains instead of following Durandal blindly
>Lunamaria's relationship with Shinn escalated gradually instead of both being rebounds

It was quite complete of a fix with a wholesome character development and enjoyed by the vocal hatedom

This in 1080p please

I found it to be incredibly dull, sitting through all the stock footage was a chore, and the teenage angst drama was painful.

Regarded as such by whom? A number of years ago everybody loved to shit on Seed. On /m/ there were entire essays screencapped and spammed everywhere. It was quite tiresome if you actually enjoyed Seed.

what stock footage are you talking about?
the flashback scenes, you mean?

It's like, so close to quality, yet not exactly QUALITY on both sides.


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1- same shit happened in anime, they are hated by both sides.
2- they are angry at him for refusing to kill unless he need to because those who survived might kill their friends. Kira ignored them. (Kira alignment is chaotic good, that why he have a lot better relationship with characters from male MC route because they not from army)
3- again, joining main guy doesn't mean he is better in game.
In anime, Shin agree with Zaft goal, he doesn't agree with it in game.
4-They are in army, they need to follow orders.

P.S: can't wait for SRW crew to meet Age 3 main character. After all, Kira don't try to force other to follow his no kill policy like them ( Age 3 main character like to do that shit)

athrun has a big brain!



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Miss this show