Imagine browsing a board where not only do the mods go out of their way to destroy the board's culture, but also enabled reddit to co-opt it and claim it as their own.
Imagine browsing a board where not only do the mods go out of their way to destroy the board's culture...
Why is everything a fucking fanbase war now like the stupid shit they do on Yea Forums? It's fucking anime and manga.
imagine giving a single fuck about this dumb shit.
I hate sakura fish. I will NEVER like it.
Nothing is forever...
I will never understand why people wanted sakurafish back
It was never funny nor did it make the board any better
Just don't open the threads then, nigger.
They were comfy.
>everyday until you like it
Guess who lost?
Who cares, shit moves on and stuff gets lost
It didn't actively make the board worse, so that puts it in the top 30% of content posted here
this. fucking this
Yeah, you're right. We should be welcoming our based anibros from reddit with open arms.
EDIT: Thank you for the gold, kind stranger!
Thanks doc
They only approve of the ritual shitposting they like.
t. r*edditors
Why does she sit like that?
>It's fucking anime and manga.
as opposed to what? what is that mighty thing that is worth a fanbase war? what does this sentence even mean?
Maybe her butt hurts.
I remember around 2010/11 people use to be shitflinging all the time with Shaft vs Kyoani studio wars.
There have always been fanbase wars. And it's always initiated by underage kids.
Fanbase wars are good in things with direction competition such as sports and and the likes, not consumable media like anime.
Hello ESLs, learn English, reread the post, lurk for 2 years, then come back
Imagine still clinging to a literal reddit meme.
Even Yea Forums had the friendly banter and jokes back in the days with NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE. Back then it was funny and creative. Now you literally have random, mostly shounen too, series wars in random threads about the anime they're fighting about all going xchads, xcucks, based, cringe, and all that stupid shit repeated ad-nauseam
Reminder that only redditards want their "epic meme" back and that mods are absolutely based for banning it
Yea Forums used to be a lot better, kinda hard to believe
You are fooling no one.
Teen opinions aren't worth anything.
i wonder who could possibly be behind this post
Sakura Fish is, and has always been, nothing more than spam
If you want something that actually represents board culture, try DESU spamming and endless generals for Strike Witches, K-on, Yuru Yuri, and even Monstergirls
They were banned despite being far better than Sakura fish
>nine hundred
Whoops was 599 but yeah, all that good banter is replaced with wojack and frogs and adding chad or cuck after a word and maybe dropping redpill or bluepill in there. It's all just so tiresome especially when it's prevalent in non-shounen threads now. Wouldn't even be an issue if it was kept in their containtment thread since I don't even bother opening them.
>Back then it was funny and creative
>SHAFT vs Kyoanus threads
>funny and creative
It really wasn't and was the same old shit every time. It is just now a different form on uncreative and unfunny shit.
I would argue that a lot of those deserves to get banned.
I blame salesfags for making it worse than ever. Just look at any of their threads, or how they behave every single time they complain about how something sol-- I mean scored in the Chinese BD preorder predictions site or call it a "flop".
Literally the worst kind of cancer that has ever hit Yea Forums.