What do you prefer? Smart girls who get good grades? Smart girls who pretend to be dumb? Or actual dumb girls?
What do you prefer? Smart girls who get good grades? Smart girls who pretend to be dumb? Or actual dumb girls?
2D girls
honest, sincere girls
Well, grades don't mean much. Getting a job is mostly nepotism and politics.
Getting good grades means a lot when it comes to getting into the college of your choice. And if you get into a good college, nepotism and politics are in your favor.
reminder manga was shit, and author is now writing shit, from hero to zero
I never see Platimun's End get discussed here or anywhere else. What is even going on there now?
That's retarded logic to begin with. Only pretentiously "smart" fags think that's true.
>Says Iwase is dumb.
>Acts exactly like Iwase.
Is he dumb or just lacks self awareness?
Ohba lacks self-awareness.
>Girls don't feel pressure about the future
Man, Ohba really doesn't understand girls.
This is some pretty sexist crap. I'm glad the author got axed.
any girl pls I just want a gf
He didn't get axed. Bakuman ended when the author intended, and his current series Platinum's End (which is also kind of sexist) is still going.
>Platinum's End (which is also kind of sexist)
This character gets it about right.
Sincerely stupid girls are not attractive. But intellectually snobbish bluestockings aren't attractive either.
I can strongly recommend the work cited here.
He isn't right that a girl that pretends to be stupid and intentionally gets good grades is a positive trait though.
Well, dishonesty is rarely a good thing, but he goes out of his way to say she isn't being dishonest. ("She's not calculating") It's fine for a girl to get good grades as long as she isn't aggressive about it.
Meant to say intentionally gets BAD grades, oops.
There is kind of a grey scale of "intentionally getting bad grades".
Going into an exam and deliberately answering something wrong when you know the right answer - that's one thing. But if you just don't make academic work your whole life, so you don't do brilliantly, although you could have if you'd put in more time and effort - that's something else.
I would have to see the previous panel (or earlier ones) but I get the feeling the girl in question is more the second type than the first.
What she does is pretend to study. She makes it look like she is dedicating time to studying and learning, but she isn't. That's why the MC didn't think she was smart, since people who study a lot but ger mediocre grades are usually dumb, and his glasses friend is informing him that the girl is only pretending to be retarded.
OK, a sort of "reverse-sprezzatura". No, that's not top-tier behaviour, in my opinion.