Pic related is THE purest qt ever

You can't find another one

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>has chex

God illya is so cute
Why the fuck can't real imoutos be like her?

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We'd be procreating with imoutos then instead of other people.

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Someone post the picture

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I also just watched KnK however I disagree

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It's my headcanon that she was still at virgin at 25 years of age

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She's not pure, she's traumatized

imagine how sexy she sounds in bed.

I don't think a deaf girl would know about moaning. Don't girls only do it because it's expected of them?

I've been in close proximity with disabled people for some time now so I know it's not easy living with them but God I love her and I want to take of her and try and make her a little happier

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Wait, is this true?

honestly she's only cute because she's deaf

I want to have chex with her.

What’s wrong with cereal?

>Stockholm syndrome
yeah nah

she’s a bislut, she’s not pure

>establish that Shouko and Shouya are in love
>don't follow up on the romance

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Not canon

It might as well be

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every doujin of her is fucking shit

they don't get it. it has to be cute and romantic

but that's not correct op

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only if you're a dicklet

>it has to be cute and romantic
Any doujins that are like that?


Yomi says hello

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Not this one.

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