You can't find another one
Pic related is THE purest qt ever
>has chex
God illya is so cute
Why the fuck can't real imoutos be like her?
We'd be procreating with imoutos then instead of other people.
Someone post the picture
I also just watched KnK however I disagree
It's my headcanon that she was still at virgin at 25 years of age
She's not pure, she's traumatized
imagine how sexy she sounds in bed.
I don't think a deaf girl would know about moaning. Don't girls only do it because it's expected of them?
I've been in close proximity with disabled people for some time now so I know it's not easy living with them but God I love her and I want to take of her and try and make her a little happier
Wait, is this true?
honestly she's only cute because she's deaf
I want to have chex with her.
What’s wrong with cereal?
>Stockholm syndrome
yeah nah
she’s a bislut, she’s not pure
>establish that Shouko and Shouya are in love
>don't follow up on the romance
Not canon
It might as well be
every doujin of her is fucking shit
they don't get it. it has to be cute and romantic
but that's not correct op
only if you're a dicklet
>it has to be cute and romantic
Any doujins that are like that?
Yomi says hello
Not this one.