The fire user is actually a competent and level-headed guy

>the fire user is actually a competent and level-headed guy
>the ice user is a loud and reckless hothead

Attached: 1549534327371.png (300x266, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

please respond

mub subversion


>the necromancer is kindhearted and works for the sake of good


>the chunni with one fire spell deals the whole party's DPS
>Water Goddess panics and can't kill anything but Undead
>Paladin that wants to be defiled and humiliated
>Lich is a good girl that doesnt want to hurt anyone
>titty monster is extremely unpopular
>dense MC is smarter than just about everyone

Attached: 1554934295588.gif (765x640, 1.37M)

>fire spell

Wait, where did this happen?

Ghiaccio and Abdul from JoJo

I think Abdul could take him. If he wasn't fucking dead.



Next thing you're going to tell me that Jotaro stopped time before his fight with Dio

Let me get my manga and see what they call him there. Right it says Avdol.

That's because moonrunes are ambiguous
Abdul is a north african name, Avdol isn't

He was also called Avdol in the anime and all the new revisions and even Araki has called him that before. But ok.

Abdul is a name variant because of Paula Abdul but his canon name is Avdol.

Subverting overused cliches like "fire = impulsiveness and recklessness" is good though.

Fire has Avdol from Jojo, arguably Jobin from Jojolion, Genryusai from Bleach (his younger self notwithstanding), Tatara from Tokyo Ghoul, Karna from Fate
Ice has Ghiaccio, can't think of another one

Inazuma Eleven


ackshually crime is higher in hotter countries so the cliche is true to life
