Episode 5 in 7 hours. Let's keep this thread alive somehow.
Bokuben/We can't study/We never Learn
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't wait to have a first season of uninteresting fluff leading to low sales leading to Sensei, Nariyuki, Senpai, and Fumino arcs never adapted
I wouldn't say the first season is all uninteresting fluff. We're getting to some better stuff right now. Sadly the first part of the story is weak. And Sensei is coming next episode altough it's not properly one of her chapters, which would be chapter 22. Usually Jump would say something about the volumes sales growing but since they're silent on that end, even without complete Oricon reports I'd say the sales are what they are. Do we have the chart updated to volume 11?
Uruka best girl
>Do we have the chart updated to volume 11?
I don't think so, volume 11 was released on 04/04 and neither ANN or MAL go past March (MAL actually doesn't seem to have had a single manga sales update since January). Does Oricon just take their golden week off really early and really long?
Uses MAL....
I love Rizu
If I reach a dead end, I'm going to try other sources if see if there's anything different elsewhere. You're welcome to navigate through Oricon directly if you want: oricon.co.jp
Are you watching the anime user-san?
Not him but holy shit I give up. What the fuck is that site?
Oricon is the original source for sales data of manga, blu-rays, dvds, music cds, games, light novels, etc. that sites like ANN and MAL rip and translate for their sales news. And yeah, Asian site design hasn't really changed in decades.
Fumino > Rizu >> Uruka
Of course
I know what Oricon is, I meant it as like "How shitty that site is?"
This was the best arc in the entire manga and nothing else comes even close
>Throwing the bait this early
God we're in bad shape
no manga chapter has some people starved, you know
Fuck romance, I miss this dynamic
The anime has turned out to be a pretty comfy watch in the end, feels good.
Reminder that it's senpai turn
there is only one proposal there though
And it's the one on the right
I heard the manga is in its final arc.
They need to free up some space for HxH's return.
>I will support you
>I will make you happy
Furuhashi BTFO
It's not
Cute Rizu
It's at least passed the halfway mark though, yakuza-sensei doesn't seem to want to stretch this one out to >200 chapters
mangafags, will we ever see imouto and the other girls interact?
yes, imouto approves Yea Forums
In the anime you mean? Probably not. In the manga she thinks they're all bugs but Uruka.
Imouto doesn't realize that Yea Forums is a "rival" though, she fell for the childhood friend meme.
what about Rizu?
I hate her and everything she stands for.
Does it still counting as falling for the meme if she's right that Uruka is out of the bowl though
I love her and hope she gets a 10 chapter arc to make up for her lack of focus.
I always wondered why "muh childhood friend" is such a common theme in Japanese romance stories when compared to Western stories.
Licensed in Spain.
>Imouto doesn't realize that Yea Forums is a "rival"
Not after the kids asking when will she marry Nariyuki, which probably happened several times, and her mother aknowledging her as a potential bride.
Shouldn't it be "Nunca Aprendemos"?
Finally, what took you so long?
Fumierda y Urucaca
Had to cook for the family.
So how come some students of this school wear red and others wear blue if they're in the same grade? I don't get it.
They have a red blazer and a blue sweather they can wear for winter as additional garment. Summer uniform has a vest.
I caught up with the manga recently.
It was fun that Fumino was the genre savvy best bro because she was the literature nerd.
Yeah, but it was cute because Nariyuki told her the same thing she told him.
Did we ever get a spread page like this in Bokuben again?
Tons of manga have spread pages, Bokuben included
I wanted to know what other spreads we got. I can remember the Festival one with the firework and the Bride one.
Or "No podemos estudiar".
For some reason, Jump titles often keep the official English title, like "Food wars".
imoutos never win
This one?
This should be it right? No chapter 16. I wonder how the pace will be with 2 chapters only.
Nariyuki could have just come out and explained himself with Rizu right then and there. He's such an idiot.
Someone post more water flea pls
Why is "I helped a lost girl find her mother" too embarrassing for her to say?
A Yamato Nadeshiko can never show emotional weakpoints
How is "I feel compassion for lost children and can't just leave them alone crying" an "emotional weakpoint"? Wouldn't it be seen as an admirable trait?
>Last train
I've seen this trope countless times in Anime and Manga, usually as an excuse for a man and a woman to have to stay in the same room/house together.
Are there really no night trains or night buses in Tokyo?
Nobody likes the lil sister. Even the younger siblings want her to stfu.
The embarrassing bit is that she got lost in thought and stared up at the sky for several hours.
No. Been there. Can confirm. Nothing past 11.
>I love her
Commit the suicide
>Nothing past 11.
11? Really? That early? Even on weekends?
lol pinche espanol
Do people really think the last episode wont end on a sensei focus?
Maybe the Tokyo City Metro is active but other trains are not. So if you have to go just out Tokyo you can't.
No. Since this is anime it will be some anime original shit about new years or some other shit nobody gives a fuck about.
Reminds me on how they tried to end Medaka Box' flop anime with the Kumagawa cliffhanger. They know where their money is.
Add to the fact that every episode so far has Sensei. They'll end it on book ends, sensei on the first and last scene.
this thread lacks sensei
How much foom in this week's ep?
Next week.
About as much as Uruka. Maybe less.
based anime
Cool. Picked the fuck up.
Reminder that Sensei is shit and the series can only get improved by her removal.
Thank you, perfect illustration of my point.
without sensei this would have been canned ages ago
I already tried that bait last thread, bub, get your own
It was doing fine without her. But honestly, I'd rather have had the series end on a high note instead of turn to shit with her infecting it.
>side-tie bikini
>black lace
>wears a tracksuit at home all the time
I think Sensei just buys racy stuff to feel like an adult.
Nah, the only cancer in this series is Fumino. Just like the only cancer in the fanbase are the Fuminofags.
Seems like bait only works on threads that are alive.
Nothing wrong with Fumino, she drives what made this series interesting in the first place.
Sensei's fanbase is comprised almost exclusively of what I'd call "second wave fans": that is, fans who picked up the series not for its initial premise or any of its characters, but for the fact that she's a shitty fanservice character. So these fans come into the threads, bitch about anyone and everything that isn't her and her body, and come up with the absolute cringiest shit. For a while there was literal roleplaying fanfics happening in these threads, that's how blatant you could see what they were doing. And if it's not a chapter with her in it getting service, then it's a shitty chapter to them and they'll force that until she gets a chapter. It's pretty pathetic, but those fans are what make up the majority of the base at this point because they jump on any series with a bit of tits and ass. So the series immediately got watered down and lost focus. Without her, things might not go back to how they were, but they would at the very least drive out the bad fans and refocus the series on what made it good to begin with.
>she drives what made this series interesting in the first place.
So she did nothing considering there's nothing interesting about this series in the first place. Worse, she's just there to pander to flatfags and to be a shitty joke character.
I see it's you again.
Still as salty as you were after chapter 100?
>english title
Shitty reddit thread
>Implying it's not always you faggots thinking you've baited someone while you're actually shitposting with each other
Let that sink in shitposter-kun.
Can't wait for this but mostly for chapter's 29-30 episode. It will be so good.
It's so it's easier to find in the catalog. Bokuben threads are few and precious and Bokuben is the first option anyway faggot.
because spaniards would give it a title like "Las Locas Aventuras Escolares de Pedro Paredes"
Only redditors would think it's easier to fibd that way. You have to go back.
that's a lot of projection and lies, user. Nobody's going to buy it
>roleplaying fanfics
poor girl
Are they just going to adapt two chapters this episode?
>she drives what made this series interesting in the first place
> Shitposting?
Captain Obvious?
It started
cute rizu
Sawako needs a good dose of the D
But Rizu has Gs
a guy shouldn't react like this!
i had something like this happen once
>walking home from work
>its pouring
>friend of mine sometimes waits for me midway through my walk home
>they appear but slip off the wall
>fall straight onto me
>chipped my tooth and soaking wet now
>she takes me to the doc and i get fixed up
>takes me back home and smothers me while crying about it
Why did they allow this boy to get in the women's bath?
I hope you banged her
Needs to go moer.
the only thing banged was my tooth
Are labcoats allowed in the Japanese High School dress code?
Oh yeah, boobies might save the anime
if they allow a boy to wear a female uniform, anything goes
>onii-chan's smell
Is this anime original?
>remove fumino chapters and scenes to add more mizuki
based directorbro
When the fuck is Asumi showing up? We're almost halfway through and still no sign of her. Yeah I know she was introduced late to begin with, but still.
Looks like they are putting chapter 16 after the credit.
Episode 10 or so I think? They are closely following the manga.
Wouldn't be a bokuben episode if sensei didn't show up
I hope you're not serious user
At least Mizuki got more screentimes.
I am. Stream went poof just as it got to Sensei part though, just my fucking luck.
Only part of 16.
Part of it. This episode reached the top panel of this page.
not full?
They will most likely continue next week. It's probably because people are thirsty for Sensei at this point so they put a small part before.
Mizukibro must be overjoyed.
Also overall pretty good episode. The best so far. The kissing fall was kino.
based. Fuminofag directors who knows his game
They fucked up her death stare imho.
Preview looks promising though.
>Still no abs
Judging from the preview, next episode will adapt chapter 16, 18, and 19.
She does look a lot less intimidating without the killer eyes
They are skipping 17? Makes sense, 17-18-19 all have a lot of focus on Uruka. They can afford to cut one of them out.
Bland, uninspired, and nothing interesting the manga I dropped after 50 something chapters, with an even duller and boring anime. How the hell did this get an anime? It tries to be everything from romance to harem, but it failed miserably. Romance? Generic, diabetic tier, overly light, and fluffy. It is rendered inert by having MC who does not reciprocate in any way to build towards meaningful development. Harem? Merely there without a real purpose except to bait waifufags. The girls aren't good enough to stay on for, much less be a serious waifufag for unless one is relatively new to anime, having seen less than 25 shows. All in all, it's no wonder why BokuBen is flopping.
>skipping 17
Crap, so that's how it feels...but then why put the bike scene in the opening? I'd have preferred 17 to 19, ten times even.
The preview in today's episode showed this scene from chapter 19. I don't think they are going to adapt 3.75 chapters so my bet is 16, 18, and 19.
Please stop ;_;
How many Asumifags are there in this threads again? And who are them again?
She looks punchable.
17 is filler anyway.
Keep seething KusOfag.
Tsutsui would make bank if he drop the boring harem antics and make this a student-teacher romance instead.
Yeah that's fucking bullshit.
This is a Jump manga why are they allowing this? Has the standard in Japanese fell so low? Or is this Abe's masterplan to coax cakes to date younger boys?
the tripfaggot, the .5 one and the other two fuminofags
Por favor vete.
>hairstyle changes
Abe is desperate to increase the birth rate at all costs.
Tripfaggot? .5? Fuminofags?
Master Furuhashi next week.
Let me guess, MC is just helping out of the kindness of his heart. Nothing happens on his end nor story-wise in terms of romance development, and she may or may not start to like him a bit, but in the end it means nothing because because she obviously has no chance or is overshadowed by main heroines.
and so it starts, her descent to darkness.
Are you kidding or are you this new?
So that's mean we finally out of early bokuben hell, It makes me sad that it seems not many survived.
> Abe's masterplan
There's no master plan. Sex education in Japan is literally a joke.
her arc is considered the best arc by everyone except one other girl's fanbase. She won the first place in the popularity poll and that makes her appears more in the story that culminates in the best arc
Sensei will win!
looks like she's nude
I'm surprised how little fat art this episode inspired. Looks like not even those people are watching this.
Yes. But she has a god tier ass and cosplay a lot so it's worthy.
Congratulations, you got it spot on. Now there's no need to stay in a thread of a manga you've already figured out.
The time has come.
Partly right, but this is one of the cases where a side heroine is much more popular and liked than the main ones.
best fumino. Blackmino and rewritten fumino cannot compare
shit taste 19 is better
If I had to tell you what the .5fag or a Fuminofag is I'd do it, but if I have to tell you what a tripfag is then I'll just tell you to Lurk more.
she already won my heart and that's all that matters
More or less...yeah.
she is fucking irrevalnt and was only added later to make the manga longer, most of her chapters are filler fanservice garbage
Romcom is one hell of a drug.
The whole manga is irrelevant filler fanservice garbage
seething fuminofag detected
She felt that they were letting her behind and wanted a piece of romcom shenanigans.
How would she react to Nariyuki choosing either Rizu or Fumino?
>Sensei's fanbase is comprised almost exclusively of what I'd call "second wave fans": that is, fans who picked up the series not for its initial premise or any of its characters, but for the fact that she's a shitty fanservice character.
Damn, who hurt you?
>being this mad because of the truth
Is he even still doing his thing? Collagefag and Uruka cropsfag gave up too
I meant who was the tripfag who liked Asumi
Yeah, his chapters are better than the senpai chapters we get by purposefully being a joke instead of just being a joke in its own regard
If you actually were in these threads you'd know he is since this is an Asumi arc and he's doing one for every chapter. Actually the dump of the actual chapter happens in the threads he makes to dump the .5chapter. Urukacropfag crops Uruka only chapters I think and in general crops other characters too, like Sensei. Collagefag updates every once in a while.
>every time
I know exactly who this poster is. He always misspells this word. Based Foomfag, outing yourself out.
The current one is pretty good too, but yea that one is probably the best one so far, it had a really satisfying conclusion
>or is overshadowed by main heroines.
thanks for the laugh user, really appreciated
Don't make me pull out the image user
MKL, who by the way only took interest in this series suddenly because Mami Kawada wrote the ED.
Oh yeah
>Mother is a cunt who leaves a password-protected wedge between her husband and her daughter for no reason
>Father is a retard who can't back up a hard drive
I mean, it had some sweet moments, but it was just so manufactured.
nah, he was here before that, the fucker didn't know that she wrote the ED
I meant actual interest. He speedread and chapter skipped and thought Fumino won the Nip poll. Sperged about that for a whole thread.
Out of the garbage that arc had you listed the least problematic things about it.
this is the color page that saved this series
It truly was the best arc in this series and nothing comes close. It was a well orientated and build-up arc about real-life problems. Not only did it have great symbolism but it was also satisfying to read.
>itt lots of Fuminoshitters or just plain bad bait
that arc was atrocious and no amount of circlejerk will change that
Sometimes I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant as you are
It's a shame I have more than double digit IQ
I think they are just being ironic for the easy (You)'s now.
this entire series is uninteresting fluff though
ssshhh don't make the fuminofag mad
Still can't get over Mafuyu's anime design. The bright pink hair and the lack of detail in her bangs makes her look so hideous.
user, come on. I am being heavenly sarcastic It was a great arc.
sub when
It is less frequent in the anime though, sadly.
the start of sensei ages
I wouldn't say that. The bright pink hair and lack of detail in her bangs do take part of her charm away, but it makes her seem "forcibly" bland.
the lack of shading makes the hair look bad on all of them, but since sensei has the brightest hair it's way more noticeable, her anime design coupled with a voice so soft makes her way less intimidating, which will make the gap moe less effective, a shame, really
> she is fucking irrevalnt
> irrevalnt
You never learn, do you?
Are we being raided or something? Fuminofags need to go back
It was because I misremembered though.
is this the birth of moeyuki?
last week he was still creepy when trying to act cute
>how can people possibly like the most popular girl, we are literally under attack
apparently, since sensei will start to get focus next week they are already shitting on her, as if that will make anything
Bunmino is God tier, yes.
(you) faggots never learn, do you?
Fumino is only more popular on reddit, aka normalfag central, sensei is the most popular character overall
>actually being invested in this series
>not just vaguely following it and shitposting about your favourite girl
based Yea Forums poster
Subs are out
>most popular girl
Yeah, you're outright delusional.
Makes me miss when they got utterly BTFO by the Sensei arc and stopped posting in these threads for weeks. We need another Fuminofag purge.
user, don't give him (you)'s, when you see something retarded like this
>how can people possibly like the most popular girl
just ignore, cause it's a shitpost.
remember when butthurt fuminofag shitposting sensei arc's threads? This is the same. If ep 6 coves 16, 18, 19, then chances are ep 7 covers 22 so sensei for staight three weeks.
Sensei is the most popular.
Sensei is the cutest.
Sensei is the sexiest.
Sensei is the smartest.
Sensei is the most driven.
Sensei will make the best wife.
Sensei will make the best mother.
Sensei is the only one who will make him happy.
Yea Forums is shit.
/sci/ is shit.
Yea Forums is shit.
senpai is literally who.
The ironing is delicious.
It's pretty much one shitposter. Since he never tries to back up his lies with arguments you can spot him easily.
Generic harem bullshit is to be expected, but the entire arc hinged on the cast being inhumanly retarded.
the offical character polls ive seen all said she was the most popular, but whatever. shes one of the most prominant characters in this series, is it that fucking unbelivable for people to like her the most? i literally caught up with this shit like yesterday and this is the first time ive been in one of these threads
Uruka > Mafuyu = Rizu > Sawako > Asumi > shit > Fumino
Uruka is best girl
This but replace Rizu and Asumi.
And we're back to shit flinging. So long guys, see you next week.
>back to
>back to
did we ever stop?
If you think about it, it's all senpai's fault for having such an awful character that nobody cares about her boring arc
Hon hon, you are a bit late, mon ami.
this is the only poll that matters, everything else is irrelevant bollocks, moving on
If you've caught up yesterday, don't start spouting your fucking bullshit here you brainlet. I couldn't give one fucking shit where you find your sources, but if you claim something, at least be fucking smart enough to back it up. The only official poll, which was in Japan, featured Sensei as the most popular. I don't have the illustration but I am sure someone would post it for you.
And even if we don't go by the official poll, there are other sources like fanart, etc, which back up that fact.
disgusting little gremlin
I suspect Uruka will rank higher than Fumino in the next poll
Well, judging by these threads, she seems to be the most popular since a lot of people are looking forward to her next week
Why don't you guys talk about the episode?
I think it's good. They managed to keep the quality. I like the pace and the way they use sensei question as a cliffhanger.
According to twitter Uruka is very far behind all of them
fair enough. maybe she isnt the most popular in all the polls but she seems to always float around in the top 3. doesn't seem reasonable to sperg out at someone for liking such a popular character tbqh
Why couldn't she explain the situation? It was that simple. Also, how many cliches can they include in a single episode.
sensei has been the main attraction of the manga for quite a long time. Fuminofags just like to be very vocal
Fumerde et Uruconne
This one is the best.
at being trash
> most
> a lot of
Outside of your head there's a difference.
These TL brainlets new swapped names and surnames? (Nariyuki instead Yuiga). Who the fuck is paying for this shit?
I'm waiting for AnonsAlliance
The sperging is more so against her fanbase than towards her.
How can low twintails are S+ and A at the same time.
Lurk more.
In past threads People have been looking forward to Sensei the whole season, Urukafags looked forward to Uruka's debut, Rizufags were looking forward to this episode and nobody gave a shit about them skipping 2 whole chapters featuring Fumino and cutting her screentime when she apperead, twice. Go back to your reddit hugbox faggot, where you and the other flatfags belong.
Sawako is the best and you're trash.
absolutely disgusting
Imagine the smell.
You litterally got 0,5 right. Good job.
I wasn't saying that for Sawako. The other placements are epitome garbage taste
such an ugly pathetic girl
ly cute*
>women can grab other women's boobs
>this is seen as playful and ok
>but if a man does it its not
this is bullshit
The hair tie position is different. S rank one is fluffier because of that which made it better.
>women can grab other women's boobs
That doesn't even happen often IRL to begin with
Women can't lust after other women like men do.
I wonder how it feels for the other girls competing for second place while sensei is so far ahead
You're right.
you are in fact wrong
>what are lesbians
speaking of which this series needs more of them
Lesbians don't exist in harems. They all end up craving cock by the end
One only is enough to be cute and not attract /u/fags. And I'd be wrong because I suppose you're a prime witnesser right?
This should be S+ tier.
Sawako is not in love with the moeman.
/u/ doesnt like them because theyre not disinterested enough in each other
AnonsAlliance is still doing Bokuben?
what does rizu smell like
When you kiss a girl, your rice bowl breaks.
Stop being gay.
They releases 4 episodes till now, why you ask?
Sensei doko?
90% of those are men, how is that not gay
Hopefully never.
I didn't see anyone posting AnonsAlliance last week and I didn't check anidex so I thought they stopped doing it.
I was going back to through the manga and I'm pretty sure this page is literally the only full on pantyshot that there has ever been in the series. I can't recall any others. They also made this much more tame in the anime. The swim club girl behind Furuhashi is wearing a bra in the anime, and is naked on this page.
Like udon
Ep4 was there so yeah.
This one would result in a broken teeth or at least lips bleeding irl. Look how high she was there.
The original one had them at the rooftop with /lit bringing her telescope. I wonder why they changed it?
Why does the animation studio give her different hair styles like in the manga?
>tfw best boy didn't make it into the anime
It does.
Is that so?
Some stitches.
What do you mean?
Well too bad for you
How hairy is she?
Version A.
She changes her hair style each chapter
Version B.
next week we will finally have an episode worth watching
The anime changes it too. See
Wow, how can a woman at that height at that age be this fucking flat?
Because it is easier to have the character have a single hairstyle for animators and betweeners to deal with.
Even a downgraded-looking Mafuyu is still best.
Dunno... seems not very.
It's just a meme.
Move Senpai up one to make it most agreeable.
light skinned uruka, sasuga
finally she's likeable
Clean-shaven, assuming she's serious about swimming. Excess body hair adds drag in the water.
What the fuck where have those rare gems been hidden this whole time?
And last one.
Many times, but not every chapter. Hair style #1 is what she sports most of the time.
This is actually the most agreeable ranking.
Thanks stitchbro
I don't see why people bitch about Reddit so much. It's pretty much just Yea Forums for grown-ups
Rare Rizu.
They used to be posted regularly, where have you been?
>I don't see why people bitch about Reddit so much. It's pretty much just Yea Forums for grown-ups
>It's pretty much just Yea Forums for grown-ups
Do you have the Rizu with the flower on her head?
V11 only ranked for a week.
>Saeako that low
>even if it has more characters still no Ikeda
The other is better.
I've been in these threads after anime got announced
Meaning of those runes being?
No wonder. Colored pages used to be a bigger thing.
Hmm, I guess Sawako should be bumped at least to A, or S with her dear Rizu. I'll fix it next time.
fumino volume flopped even with anime "boost"
I want numbers tho
>MC is just helping out of the kindness of his heart. Nothing happens
I see you also watch anime. I happen to be an anime expert myself
Not even worth a (You)
>She's just a teacher. No way he's pulling his manwhore tricks on her.
>Meanwhile, he's cooking her dinner at her place because she's wiped and needs a husband.
I think I'm starting to see why nips and gooks love NTR so much.
He's right thought. Using english titles is retarded. Only retarded normalfags are using translated titles.
What anime boost? The anime is adapting the worst part of the manga.
Are you actually reatded? Look who I @d.
senpai belongs in shit tier tho
Back when the threads were a lot smaller, people used the names with no consistency and so threads would go unnoticed or made in duplicate. This way made it easier for everyone to find the current thread.
Well, here's more updated data. It should be self-obvious from just the numbers.
The anime is a complete disaster.
I love Mafuyu
Thank you
We know, Tsutsui and Nariyuki
Are these data for that week or total?
Make a Webm please
Many thanks stitchanon
Wait, so why are they skipping a bunch of Uruka chapters?
Looks like they're skipping the bike chapter, or at the very least consolidating it since it does appear in the OP. They're probably trying to finish at or before the school festival, which means they only need Uruka's princess competition chapter since it's actually important during the festival
Because no one wants a million Uruka chapters.
Nariyuki's future wife is so cute.
Irrelevant chapters serve no purpose. Skipping them is a good thing.
onii-chan isn't pure anymore, some bug stole his first kiss.
Or it's the first occurrence of her esper powers in the anime.
Why is so much of her scenes (including originals) in this?
>skipping the bike chapter,
The only time when Uruka doesn't run away from Nariyuki? So she'll be ultimately irrelevant even in the anime, good to know.
Sekijou should be at least at Miharu's tier, other then that seems al right.
Brown, ugly, boyish, rude, insecure, can't admit her feelings, wastes the efforts of everyone around her, and takes up manga time better spent on everyone else.
Half tanned.
She's pretty.
Has been said to be the most girlish of the bunch.
That's Fumino.
She's cute.
Just use Chrome and let it auto-translate, easy to navigate through the site.
>can't admit her feelings
She does admit her feelings though, just didn't confess.
That's Fumino you're talking about.
are you talking about fumino?
how so?
that'd be Fumino
>can't admit her feelings,
Fumino again
>wastes the efforts of everyone around her,
>and takes up manga time better spent on everyone else.
She's the best out of the main 3 by far
Definitely ugly compared to everyone else
>most girlish of the bunch
She likes girlish things but even she admits they're not for her.
Same thing in practice
That's not a disagreement
>how so?
Hitting, interrupting, the usual
Except that every time people support her romantically, or when Nariyuki tries to teach her, she either backs out or is too dumb to improve.
>best out of the main 3
Definitely not a biased look at her
>That's not a disagreement
The only aspect in which she can be considered "boyish" is how she's athletic. Fumino is actually the most boyish character for obvious reasons.
>Hitting, Interrupting, the usual
Yeah, sure. Def. happened
>Except that every time people support her romantically, or when Nariyuki tries to teach her, she either backs out or is too dumb to improve.
She literally confessed and kissed him you faggot. She's the only character that has made actual progress at expressing her feelings
>Definitely not a biased look at her
Well of course it's unbiased, since I like Sensei the best.
Tho a Fuminigger like you definitely seems fuming because of the superiority of Uruka.
Why is Sawako at such a low level?
Dead series.
I love Uruka
I thought this series was more popular than 5-toubun no Hanayome, so I'm surprised these threads die so fast, even when a new episode is released.
Bokuchads, pls stop dabbing on 5toubun. We have it bad enough already.
Not the same user but you have Fumino living rent free in your head.
Calm down.
So do I
Ladies and gents, the alive 5toubun threads, 1000+ posts and 108 posters in that very thread.
At least there was discussion and not retarded waifu wars.
> I thought this series was more popular than 5-toubun no Hanayome
Whatever it is that you've been smoking lately, you might want stop asap. Have you been reading both series or are you an anime only?
How's the salesboost? Did it double the numbers?
the manga doesn't show nipples right? so theres no chance of nudity in the BDs
No there wasn't faggot. Just autistic shitpost and when the thread reached 800 posts they started circlebumping to reach 1000. It's that bad of an autism case.
Too early to tell. With these things you need to wait a few months.
Not him but I only read WNL. I never tried to read 5-toubun no hanayome. I just see more WNL threads.
The anime itself doesn't seem to be really popular, but it's too early to see any sales boost. 5toubun got a pretty huge bump, but with Bokuben airing so soon after it I feel like it's just being dismissed as a knock-off
All in all I don't care about the anime being less popular. It's way better than 5toubun's in every aspect. Only episode 11 was acceptable for 5toubun. So Bokubros got the better anime anyway.
Today's Lesson:
Press B to jump.
>108 posters
>almost 10 posts per IP
at 91 IPs we aren't that far, but holy circlejerk
in a 5toubun thread? Yeah right.
>Too early to tell. With these things you need to wait a few months.
Bullshit. 5toubun and Kaguya got sales boosts almost immediately.
>Rizu becomes the winner early
>Sekijou being a top bro
>omake queen
Looks like we finally made it to the good (relative) chapters.
press L to lift Ogata
Rizu > Sensei > who cares
>Needs to go moer.
Which girl do animeonlies like the most?
>omake queen
not even, those were all anime original in this episode
Hard to tell with all the mangafags pretending to be animeonlies to make their girl seem popular.
Press I to imagine Rizu
I really want that anime-original imouto end. Everything would be worth it for that.
I've been watching this and realized I can do math anymore
Where should I go to study math?
>and realized I can do math anymore
Same. I used to be pretty good at it, but it's been years since I started relying on a calculator and now sometimes it's hard for me to even make a division manually. Shame on me.
>tfw was top of my class in highschool, senior year 4 years ago
What happened to us bro
How is this AA?
How much? There are usually boosts but the size is what matters. WNL already sells very well so its boost will look smaller but it isn't really.
Is well known that girls with heigth complex prefeers to make their things ignoring the inconveniences that brings their low height, even if that means look like a stupid.
5toubun doubled its number of copies in print and all of the volumes regularly made into Oricon rankings. This was just shortly after the anime aired. Bokuben is almost halfway done airing and there has literally been no sign of a boost. The BD sales are so bad they're worse than the gay frog anime and the generic isekai LN adaptation.
Senpai when?
Short stack gabu > vampire gabu
Who is this vampire gab you are talking about?
Doubling from 60 thousand to 120 thousand isn't that big of a deal. WNL's market may be more saturated than 5-toubun.
>anime sales
Not relevant. Streaming matters and WNL is popular with Koreans, Chinese, and other asians.
>Doubling from 60 thousand to 120 thousand isn't that big of a deal.
I'm not talking about Oricon estimates you faggot. I'm talking about official numbers from the magazine that don't rely on some third party to report it, and shortly after the anime it was at three million. Now it's at least 4.5 million. Jump makes anime to sell manga volumes and if it's not selling them it's an utter embarrassment, end of discussion. Aniplex is also funding the anime and they're going to be pissed when it flops in the disc market.
As far as deserving to win goes. Going back to early bokuben and looking at where things are now, Rizu really feels like main girl.
We are ending volume 2 and we're at episode 5
She is introduced in the middle of volume 4, so somewhere between episodes 8-10 , unless they'll start to cut more.
I'd prefer to know where my love interest have been before I get together with her.
She also cares about Nariyuki's happiness more than the other 2 sluts.
>I'm talking about official numbers from the magazine
Wouldn't those be inflated? Oricon doesn't have a stake so they wouldn't have any reason to mess with the numbers.
>Jump makes anime to sell manga volumes and if it's not selling them it's an utter embarrassment
Let the cake finish baking before you say it tastes bad.
>Now it's at least 4.5 million
Bokuben has sold about that much before the anime.
>Wouldn't those be inflated?
No, because there's no real reason to lie. Oricon is straight up trash for print because those have much longer tails and not all stores report to it.
>Rizu really feels like main girl.
Just go back to the cultural festival:
You have irrelevant shenanigans with all the girls, but everything is contained in the story of Nariyuki helping Rizu sell her Udon, You have a cute scene with a unconscious proposal and accidental sharing of the same noodle. And too bookend all you have Rizu realizing how much she comes to rely on Nariyuki. Of course everyone's eyes are on the firework's jinx girl so nobody notices that and still calls her a mascot.
I consider the festival arc the part where 22i sorted out the clowns from the main heroine.
Bullshit. It's only sold 2 million, and that includes digital.
>Of course everyone's eyes are on the firework's jinx girl so nobody notices that and still calls her a mascot.
Yes, because that's actually the center of attention of that arc. The festival arc was one disorientating mess of everything. Rizu's realization of Nariyuki is just in part with her character development and self-issues. But the main focus is the fireworks girl, even though I have no idea how 22i is gonna bring that up.
Please stop this.
It will be forgotten or turned into a joke only serving as a distraction. Just like the mascot kiss was. It's only a center of attention, because this kind of shit usually is used in that manner. It never was important before the festival and wasn't relevant after.
>It will be forgotten or turned into a joke only serving as a distraction.
I already thought this is what you were insinuating. Rizu the "true main heroine" will swoop in a steal the win, right?
>Just like the mascot kiss was.
Let me tell you right here, that your reasoning is pretty far if you're going to assume the fireworks girl is going to be used as a joke because that's what happened to the kiss. Entirely different situations.
The fireworks girl will be Sensei and it will be played as a "end up working together" instead of a romantic meaning.
it's no longer a simple want
I WILL eat sensei ass
Who makes these?
They are aesthetically beautiful
>The fireworks girl will be Sensei
It's either Uruka, Asumi or Mafuyu. And since Uruka would combust on the spot and Asumi never given such a role, it's likely Mafuyu.
>"end up working together" instead of a romantic meaning.
likely, also far better than whatever this means
Judging by your reaction, you're likely the delusional one.
It's clear that is going to be one of the main girls.
Not him, but you must be new to romcom.
Fireworks girl doesn't mean end girl.
Well, you made it sound like that's what you were getting at.
The mangaka himself.
I literally said it won't be played in a romantic way, you retard.
Because they are main girls and they still getting development.
Rizu understands better other people emotions, Fumino is unsure about hers, Uruka is out, Asumi came way too late, and no matter how much senseifags try to meme it, there's no real romantic feeling between her and Nariyuki.
What does any of that have to do with any of them being the fireworks girl?
Those are official arts.
>No, because there's no real reason to lie.
>"look at how popular it is! Please buy it."
I am not sure about your source but 2 million isn't bad. The source is from before the anime aired too btw. It isn't that old of a manga and romcoms don't sell well.
>speed reads a post
>tries to tells anons shit about a harem romcom
You're one sad fuck
>It's clear that is going to be one of the main girls.
Actually, no it's not. Rizu and Fumino have been completely excluded from being the fireworks girl because of pic related. And just so we are clear this time
>Fireworks Girl does not have to end girl
For anons who can't probably read a post.
Ponytail is best. Always liked girls with ponytails.
I fucked it hard sorry.
Oh, well look who just lost all his credibility as a reader.
except it can't be fumino because of the paneling rule
I've been away for a few weeks, is the anime as bad as 5toubons?
It's a bit better, but that's not really an accomplishment.
Nothing you said had remotely anything to do with the topic at hand and nobody was even saying about anything romantic between sensei and Nariyuki. The real meme is your post right here.
It's normal.
I already apologized, cut me some slack.
worst mafuya outfit desu
mafuyu's outfits look best on my floor
Hey I'm a Fuminofag but I still think the individual Sensei chapters are better than hers.
>black hand
Uruka confirmed winner of the MCbowl
>10 posts per IP
I'd say around 600 posts are more than likely just 2 or 3 autists though.
>first episode makes it clear that blue haired main girl is the winner
She seems like the best girl but there's no real point in going through about 6 filler arcs of irrelevant losers for an obvious outcome
The Oricon data is only the sales for that week, you can confirm this yourself by seeing how the numbers actually /decrease/ week-to-week. With that in mind:
>Volume 11 released 04/04
>Week 1 sales (04/01-04/07): 63,097
>Week 2 sales (04/08-04/14): 28,748
>Drops of out top 30 for week 3, if you have an Oricon subscription there should be an extended list you can access
>Total sales: 91,845
Compare with volume 10:
>released 02/04
>Week 1 sales (02/04-02/10): 74,374
>Week 2 sales (02/11-02/17): 18,648
>Drops out of top 30
>Total sales: 93,561
The art and animation is better, but the voices and overall pacing/comedic timing feels worse.
In all honesty, that the anime wasn't successful isn't really that big a deal. The sales aren't bad enough for an immediate axe, and the manga has been going into wrap-up territory for a while , Maybe if you really wanted a second season this would be sad, but I doubt there are a whole of those.
5toubun sold pretty well.
Was talking about the quality, not sales.
I am just saying quality doesn't seem to matter when people like the source.