webms you cannot stop playing
Other urls found in this thread:
Really hard to tolerate this anymore. This MC archetype is just grating.
this is the gayest mc I've ever seen.
Pussy allergy is a serious illness.
What's the context?
long story short TERF is Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist, fat old white women who spend their time whining about trannies on twitter.
the TERF in the video is crying in the UK Parliament about pic related being posted
fuck off
It's normie twitter trash. Not even /pol/ shit because it's leftists being attacked by more extreme leftists. Just because they used an anime image macro doesn't make it Yea Forums related.
its lily from ZLS, from the OP
based thunderchad
seething terfs
based terf slayer
Masao a shit
so whats the deal with this character, is it a tranny? i know Yea Forums likes to pretend traps and other degenerate fag shit is somehow better but i keep hearing this character isnt just a trap, theyre legit trans
imagine being a fucking bong lmfao
your parliament having serious discussions about sinister twitter memes
what a fucking joke of a country.
>is it a tranny?
So it’s a guy that wanted to be referreed to by a girls name and change their gender?
The enhancement to this thread is now here.
Y'all need Jesus.
No, it's a girl who was born with a penis
How does Ai manage to be the best Saga jeune when she's not even from Saga?
And for that matter, how weak is Mamoru that a 92 pound teenage girl who died of full body third degree burns can just lay him out like that?
They all have super zombie strength.
I've never understood why you guys always say that people who aren't horny or pushing for an entrance to someone's hot slot 24/7 are gay desu
What's the source?
what does zombie sweat taste like?
Watch this while focusing entirely on Kamina's arms
holy shit delete this please
How can someone be that fucking insufferable. Does he even realize all the trouble she went through? If she was gross I would understand but fuck.
Ultraman can beat Superman, Goku, and Saitama all at the same time.
You now hear Scarborough Fair.
not webm but fuck it
Is there a webm of him losing it and bouncing around the nurse's office in the first episode?
I wish I was a cute anime girl and another cute anime girl would tard wrangle me when I sperg out
A boy acting cute and girly, actuals trans retards are clinging on to this character in an attempt to coopt it and make it their mascot.
based Kyoani
This does not look right without music but I can hear it in my head so it's okay.
How wide is he?
The sword looks as if it's gonna go on forever
Salty fish.
Ah yes,the paint openings,the true epitome of sakuga and QUALITY combined.
It was a really old roll of bread
how many days old? at least three?
>when some heretics are being led to the gallows.
He's just a little boy pretending to be a girl now that he's dead.
this looks so fucking adorable
Why is toku so hardcore at times?
"How very extravagant, throwing away women like that. Some day they may be scarce."
He is an idolfag after all
He's a paedophile. Did you notice the little girl in the background?
That's his real girlfriend.
The last one was very rude.
Uncanny valley.
You did watch Kemurikusa last season.
Did you?
Thought it was different webm.
Egao was shit.
I want to be that keycard
Flying prostitutes : The Anime
That fucking dragon did nothing but job to everyone, holy shit.
It doesn't look right period, mainly because the dance looks dumb
everyone's good looking in anime. i sort of get where that fag comes from cuz i'm a huge fag myself. still, this is painful to watch.
I need more lolis, JesĂºs doesn't do it for me.
warning: cute
If the genders were switched this would be molestation
>Puts arm around MC's shoulder instead of lying on it
> Agressively sniffs MC's hair
>Pulls room card out of urethra
Holy kek this look like shit
The old lady in blue is like
>I am too old for this shit, are we seriously wasting time on this? I just dunno anymore if laugh or cry
Why did she not fight back?
Did she enjoy it?
Masao/Lily isn't even a tranny on top of that
What was the name of that show with the creepy monkey-faced people again? "Something, Somehing, As Long As It's My Sister It's Ok"?
imouto sae areba ii?
me kneeling in the water.
You'd have to be more specific. What I can tell you is that Imouto Sae Ireba Ii, despite being AOTY 2017 and a must-watch, does not have monkey-faced people in it.
is it normal if I got a boner while watching this?
Both were drunk.
That smug fade away was the best
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
No, the one from the webm I was quoting, the noodly looking fucks with the rounded Super Monkey Ball character ears.
Uh... shit, got the name wrong, it was Onii-chan no Koto Nanka ZenZen etc, etc, etc... "I don't like my Big Brother at all"
They all tend to run together after a while.
funcunny valley more like
I need sauce, my dick is about to explode
Seikon no Qwaser.
Kill yourself.
You 1st. Then shut the fuck up.
I refuse to acknowledge his identity.
There's a difference between being desperate and refusing all sexual interest anyone has in you forever.
A big one.
Please learn it.
I wonder what ever happened to that guy.
Legend has it that he still masturbates to this day.
terrible wish fulfillment garbage
he's probably still posting among us.
What the shit. Firefox just deactivated noscript, ublock and umatrix (also tampermonkey/4chanx) and won't allow me to reactivate them?
I'm kind of panicking right now. What the shit am I supposed to do now?
I doubt it's some kind of crackdown on these sorts of things. It's probably some kind of error. It will be daijobu.
install gentoo.
/g/ has the answer, the tranny devs fucked something up while trying to code during dilation
I haven't had as much fun watching a guy masturbate in a long time.
They fucked something up and all addons are disabled right now.
I'm going to bed and praying that everything will be fine when I wake up.
the fix is pretty simple though. where the fuck do you live, it isn't even midnight here
> Firefox just deactivated noscript, ublock....
Same here aniki
I really should play Rondo Duo.
But I have so much porn to fap to.
Use chrome
> Jewgle
Is Urobuchi's puppet autism worth watching or is it just a meme?
I legit thought it was all some elaborate meme but it ended up being pretty fucking fun
i'd say it's worth watching
based puppet kino
Can't speak about S2, as I've yet to watch the movie, but S1 was great.
Fucking do it!
Watching vape duck getting BTFO is really satisfying.
It's been sitting on my hd since feb 2018. Don't rush me.
oh god I remember when I was in that thread, was hilarious then, still hilarious now.
use ungoogled chrome
>Dude let us in, we're fairies
You can't avoid jewgle if you want to use the internet anymore. It's all built on google infrastructure now.
Rinri-kun you fucking faggot
Someone keep that girl away from Mexico.
did she shit her pants? I don't get it.
You're an idiot.
suck a dick
>You'll never have Tae nibble on your head contently
Post something better then.
Why are they kicking this child?
The fuck?
I had a dream about being on the receiving end of this. How the hell does this happen only one episode in?
Source: Princess Principal
She's a pickpocket
finally something good
>Webms without sound
Feel free to post some then
I never thought the anime would actually make that part form the manga
>Puls room card out of urethra
The question should be why aren't they kicking her more
Didnt she get "cured" in the manga or something?
she becomes an absolute monster of a women, tallest in the series and looks like an SS officer
He's better in Utaha's spinoff.
How new?
>"reverse gender meme"
Must be because boys are literally 2 times stronger than girls so if he wanted he could easily push her away, he have no reason to be scared of her raping him, hell is nearly impossible to a female to rape a man because most males don't get erect against their will.
That show was shit but she was damn cute
That little hand motion at 0:13 is entirely too sexy for its own good
i fucking hate beta glasses-kuns so much
>most males don't get erect against their will
This is how I know you're a dumb bitch. Also, harassment doesn't have to go all the way to rape.
>You are a true ass man
Seriously. It's why I can't watch harem comedies.
>Wait, a beautiful girl grabbing my crotch and licking her lips?
>"W-w-wh-where are you putting your hands???"
>"W-What are you doing??"
Gosh chief, I dunno. Great question. It's a fucking mystery.
wtf i love rotoscoping now
Hello! Welcome to four channel!
It's love.
Seikon no Qwaser
pleasure doin bidnis wit'cha no need to thank me brother
It's biggest weaknesses are Urobuchi's weaknesses as a writer (1D characters, Lots of Deus ex machina) everything else is super solid.
I hate big tittied monsters, but she is definitely the best girl of that series. Maid a close second though.
Why not
Just how fast must those breasts be moving for the bullet to pass through them like that?
Someone actually calc'd it, I don't remember what or have the image but in short
Impossibly fast
Are they special needs?
I'm going to need more info on this one brother
Highschool DxD 3rd season ep. 1
you a real one chief
Anyone have the dabbing Tae webm?
Ow, that's got to hurt
Unusual for japs not to add boob physics.
got you covered senpai
god I wish that was me
Truly legendary
God i wish that was me.
this is purityfags fault , not matter how much tease happens all the girls have to remain virgins.
What anime, What episode, plus any additional information please.
episode 2, boku no pico, good anime.
season 2
fucking ever
Bazett is rude
Kek, that's fucking hilarious
Wait, are those Fate characters? Which Boku no Pico is that from?
stop spamming this shit you fucking discord tranny.
Prisma Illya.
>Was reading the manga when the anime was nothing but a pipe dream and no one on Yea Forums gave a shit about KB
>Just didnt go to the threads when the anime was airing for some reason
I missed out on all the fun, again!
Let be guess, she still loses despite curbstomping them, right?
You must have seen the webms of all the tongue down the throat kissing of the main girls. I had them, but deleted them when I realised that it'd be difficult to explain.
>n-no you don't understand she needs to drink the bodily liquid of her in order to maintain her presence in the material realm and it's OK they're technically sisters... wait no I mean a clone... wait no I mean sisters... oh god no no don't call the police, stop! This is all I have.
seriously though, name and episode?
Not him but Toaru Majutsu no Index III - Episode 19. I'd advise you to invest in plugins.
Bazett? More like BASEDzett amirite?
I honestly thought las gordas we're going to appear
Comments like this one are why killing Accelspammer was a mistake...
Thank you
And it is part of a series, so you're gonna have to do the other ones.
if only the rest of the show was like this and not fucking boring
That's unfortunately true nor are the girls allow to find other boyfriends.
And the commie sisters canonically won too in the novel
Kill yourself.
Say ree.
Thanks for reminding me how much I miss the flip flappers threads
> you will never manhandle these two semen daemons and use them to slaughter whatever it is that they killed in Soul Eater.
These two were pretty cute. It's a shame the only thing from this series thatI remember clearly is how much I hate blackstar.
Based as fuck.
Nope, she leaves with almost all of the cards they're fighting over after razing their mansion to the ground. Also she murdered Pegasus.
> forced animation
This but unironically. There's far too much going on, especially during Berserker's initial charge and the explosion in the wake of Excalibur Morgan. Good visuals should only serve to express the characteristics of the combatants and draw attention to what makes a specific fight great, be it strategy, the skill of the combatants, the stakes of the battle, and so on. This excerpt shows a fight scene where the animators cared more about showing off than doing any of that. We see a lot of destruction, but what's the point of that if the scale of destruction is irrelevant to this fight? There are a shit-tone of flying particles, but that's just kind-of cool instead of telling us something about what's going on. Berserker starts off with a blast and flies straight at saber, but he does it in a fairly generic way. Just in a straight line with the camera being focused on his face and his bulging muslces. In the VN, he's compared to a whirlwind both visually and in terms of narration. I think that suits him better. They did it well in the Realta Nua opening for Heaven's feel, where we see him run at Shirou during their face-off at Einzbern forest, zigzagging and knocking shit with every step. Much more in line with the whirlwind characterization. As for Saber, we don't see much of her either. She stops his punch and and punches back, only to activate Excalibur. That doesn't really show her off as a fighter. I guess it is robotic and efficient like one would expect, but it's just a couple of movements. Why do that when you could animate them both actually fighting for a short while? As for Excalibur Morgan, there's so much shit flying around and swirling mana streams and explosion after explosion after explosion. Why? It's impressive from a technical standpoint but completely excessive otherwise. I would've much preferred to watch more detailed fight choreography over particle effects.
the visuals are fucking awesome
Isnt it the point that its over the top? To be in the Throne of Heroes these are beings that are the pinnacle of humans sung in exaggerated tall tales and legends yet, to be called into this war, these are the apex of pinnacles to fight to get a wish granting device. Of course their fighting abilities are going to be beyond human.
What I'm complaining about is not that their abilities are over the top. I'm talking about the way it's presented. To summarize what I wrote earlier, I want to see their super-human status expressed through something more elaborate than a tonne of flashing and swirling lights. Instead of showing us Berseker's very detailed muscles and facial expressions, show us how he uses his A+ agility to fly circles around Saber like a hurricane and deliver hundreds of blows, which she would then block with cold precision and efficiency. Give me more well-choreographed action and less glowy shit.
To elaborate, watch this: youtube.com
There's just a short bit with Berserker at the 0:55 minute mark, but it does a much better job of representing berserker than the clip I replied to. It's far less detailed in terms of animation but it captures the character better, even though it's BLACKED berserker and not the real one.
kino tier animation
i'm glad they're dead
wait, what is this?
Name? Source? Throw me a bone here
Boku no Pico.
SeeAndYou're welcome.
Am thank
>she will never give you a lesson
You fuckers crucified Last Exile because of CG, and now everyone accepts rotoscoping techniques. Honest to god fuck all your slow ass tastes, just to put it on the record.
I don't know why people still bring up this dishonest piece of animation.
I love how what passes as idol dance moves nowadays in Japan consists of looking as extremely retarded as humanly possible.
Continuation never ever.
Anyone have the Amagi shitposting one?
I don't know, but I found some other stuff while looking for it
Black Star is fucking based in the manga
Does anyone have that webm of the shitty ms paint intro to some movie that was way better than the original?
>no one posted this and thread almost hits bump limit
What a waste
is the chomp anime worth it?
>Lu Boobs
They did a very good use to that technique
Nothing gonna break my stride...
So huh what happened to her virginity?
I remember this looking horrible but it was really enjoyable, what was the manga ending like?
Lucky, ain't he? If only he didn't puss out.
I need to know what movie this is.
unf, plump sensei
Brilliant dialogue Nisio you truly are THE Artist.
>When all the budget goes to animating feet