Is animation saved?

Is animation saved?

Attached: sdfsdfsd.jpg (610x684, 59K)

Actually doesn't look so bad, def iron giant influence but that's not bad. Apparently it's 3D cgi with a filter that gives it the 2D look. If japanese anime went this route 3D might not look so bad

They can't even draw their lips right



Fuck off


>Brown loli
Yep, or at least they're heading to the right direction



They did with all ufotable anime

is for western animation, if they even care about that

Go away Yea Forums.


ew niggers

Animation is animation. Would you have scoffed it if it was made by the Chinese?

I mean, Yea Forums will always welcome brown lolis, but this is pretty much a cartoon so yeah, go to Yea Forums before "they" see it and start talking about politics.


Yes, retard. This a board for JAPANESE animation. Fuck off with this shit.

you sure this is 3D in any way? If so, that'd be great

Rules are rules, chinese/korean shit have already been stated to belong in Yea Forums by the mods, at least for the time being, everything else is a cartoon and belong to Yea Forums.

Animation is animation, but Yea Forums is Yea Forums. And non-japanese animation was purged from here on a regular basis.


Attached: 1334393122146.jpg (1912x1076, 111K)


Not every drawn child is a loli. This ugly thing definitely isn't one.

Why y'all gotta be racist?

>Developed by UK
Not anime
>Brown girls
Smells like sjw shit

Literally not anime related. Mods please ban this shit.

>If japanese anime went this route 3D might not look so bad
Japanese has been using this technology for a long time. Especially in Live 2D smartphone games.
But it actually takes time to produce quality CGI. And that's what you guys need to fucking understand. They generally don't have the time with the shitty schedule of their TV anime. The best you'd get with this are the Precure ED an UFO's bullshit.