What caused ecchi anime to start becoming more tame? Was there a new censorship law I missed or something? Older anime went all out in its content
What caused ecchi anime to start becoming more tame? Was there a new censorship law I missed or something...
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Seikon no Qwaser was exceptional even among older anime, it stands out and I love it.
anime titty is in recline
You need to realise that Qwaser was an exception and no the norm
less people like that kind of anime is my guess
IMS are literally dead.
xebec was absorbed by sunrise, tnk is dying, and hoods is basically dead. arms suddenly came back to life but it doesn't seem like it's going to last
Collarbones are so my thing in anime.
>the mother of all boobie animes
absolutely based
Watch more anime.
and it sold like shit.
Vast majority of titty anime do not sell.
Hoods should be dead after what they did with Blazblue.
>not buying the VHS casettes of this
fucking faggots
>t. incel
Watch anime
It says right here, in the book, that you're both huge fucking faggots.
I love wacky ecchi shit as much as the next guy, but SnQ was fucking cringe as fuck and I couldn't even watch 1 episode.
i'm almost definitely sure this is only popular because it was a generation of 12 year olds' first ecchi anime.
This thread isn’t advertiser friendly..I demand for you all to STOP!
Nah you're wrong it said some of the hottest scenes in anime - Katja/Hana scenes were just perfect from a master/slave perspective.
fuck off discord tranny
When did 2016-2019 did ecchi get so horrible
So you're saying it should have been entirely a scene oriented hentai? not an anime?
DxD and QB sold really well at the time, with an average of 10k. I have no idea why none of Kaneko's shit sells at all. They're well animated and hot as fuck.
Nope, Hana especially was built up through the scenes and interactions with the other characters. She was witty and fun and a bit of a tease/bully which only made it better when Katja humiliated her. Season 2 was amazing for those moments when she was partnered with Sasha even if it was a filler season.
S2 ending was insanely hot with how it just hit you with all the fanservice.
I wish all ecchi anime would have nude endings.
QB sold because it had preexisting fanbase and excellent character designs. That fanbase is dead now since QB sequels had worse character designs.
I have no idea why DxD sold, it's generic garbage.
Meh. That's on you, and your mindset. Look at it from another pov and it's funny as shit.
Standards in Japanese media just change over time its no real law.
They censored all the deep holes in DB Kai
No more panty shots in kids anime anymore
Tokusastu has been flip flopping but nothing like webem related has ever happen again on TV
but then you got weird shit like that ghost Inn Shoenen Jump Manga which has bare tits despite original To-Love ru having to be censored
Rebellion wasn't that bad but it slowed some of the hype. Beautiful Fighters was really well received, especially with Bitoushi Carnival. Vanquished Queens was lambasted for bad animation and being way too soft. Reina never got her Ape husband. Grimoire was excellent, but it didn't light the world on fire. It should have gotten an anime because there was fervor.
Unlimited probably killed interest, but White Triangle is doing well given you can use the old character designs instead. Here's to hoping HobbyJapan goes back and actually fixes shit. But they're probably working on Death Ball and the moment.
Ghost Tits is censored until the volume release like original TLR. Darkness is lewder than a lot of shit.
well fuck even then its still associated with the weekly shoenen Jump Brand, I remember all the articles that popped up about people upset with it in Nipoon land
Kuuga was just fucking strange. I don't even remember Agito being this violent. The last fight is literally just Godai and the big bad beating the shit out of each other until they're spitting up blood like some sort of yakuza movie
This is a very recent decline in all honesty, but there isn't any easy ecchi adaptations due to a lot of manga and LNs being lewd as fuck nowadays.
How is her chin that huge? That is some bad animation right there
Shuiesha has a lot of ecchi series under its belt. Hell, they had Harenji Gakuen in it which created the modern day ecchi.
Back to plebbit.
Their was still some weird violent shit in early heisei Kamen Rider and not in sentai , Like the monster in Agito that just fucking buried people alive or the spider orphenoch murdering people casually
It’s always been there for the past 3-4 years, but I have noticed a decline in quality rather than quantity. I reckon it’s going through a cycle. gets it.
>deep holes in DB Kai
Wait, what?
If there was a new censorship law (which there isn’t), then it would be spammed here like no tomorrow.
but thats what im saying Harenji Gakuen was early 70s (Or shit was it late 60s?) Tits were allowed back then in both anime and mango.
The 2008 Yatterman even makes a joke how they cant show Doronjo tits anymore
Plenty of people still die. Build was killing civilians left and right and some aliens even got genocided so there's that. I just mean Kuuga had a grizzly sort of violence. I guess it's not on old Ultraman's level but it pretty distinct compared to the heisei and newer shows that followed it
In Dragonball kai any injury that left a fucking bloody hole was changed to just a scuffle. (also I think random shit like Reccom giving the finger was removed)
There's increased western pressure and we've been getting less loli fanservice it feels like but maybe I'm imagining things, it's certainly affecting Japanese video game companies (see: sony's removal of all sexual content affecting japanese devs)
Civilians have been dying again in kamen Rider yeah, but none of it has been as gruesome as say the way fangire sucked the life out of people
It feels like there's a ton of random light ecchi/fanservice stuff in non-ecchi anime now that wasn't necessarily so blatant before, so actual ecchi where the filth is the main draw is kind of redundant
Also everybody's streaming things at home now instead of buying stuff at a video store, there's no reason to have a separate category for something that's basically porn but it's tame enough to be stocked by a retailer anymore
>There's increased western pressure
I really don't get this. What exactly are they going to do if studios ignore them? They have no power.
Okay, I see. It’s been ages since I touched anything DB.
Make considerably less money than their peers who are still able to license to western/chinese audiences
And it is known that Tokyo especially has been keen on increased censorship when it comes to loli content
It’s a mix of the two given the circumstances. There’s the Sony mess and Olympics being held next year, but aside from porno mags being removed from convenience stores, there’s been no other news about it relating to the industry. In extension, it’s just your standard “quick, hide the stash” and “smile, look friendly, and don’t make the whole country look bad” stuff like with any other nation hosting it.
>Make considerably less money than their peers who are still able to license to western/chinese audiences
Give me a break. The people whining about it aren't the ones making money out of it.
>And it is known that Tokyo especially has been keen on increased censorship when it comes to loli content
But they haven't done it.
This sounds more plausible. I would like to know how Sony arrived at the decision, though.
you dumbasses underestimate Tokyo's housewives
They moved their US headquarters to California and since then have made a number of decisions for example - to have questionable content even by Japanese developers reviewed by the people in California and eventually deciding to put firm guidelines that just remove any sexual gameplay.
Are they magical girls?
The main core of the market is China now, getting too lewd would get the series banned in China, like YUNO did recently
That's even more mental and further invites wondering why they would do that. I mean, fucking Commiefornia?
Clearly China needs to go.
What was the best ecchi series before Ikkitousen? I feel like ARMS and especially HobbyJapan with QB sort of paved the way for ecchi in anime. Before 2009, all of the best ecchi was relegated to OVA releases that were meant for the most hardcore Otaku. QB was way easier to come across and market. Unless I'm forgetting Xebec's stuff, especially from the Ladies vs Butlers guy.
I'm just saying ecchi will probably find a new foothole. Bikini Warriors proved that borderline H content can succeed on BDs.
Qwaser anime or manga?
Both, Anime is great and really brings out the characters, season 2 is weak and largely filler but it's good fun then you can continue the manga.
Communists on both sides of the Pacific censoring all the sexual content they can get their hands on looks like it's the future because somehow they run all the big corporations now
That is not a sentence I could have imagined writing 20 years ago but there it is
No, they underestimate the PTA.
Well, Switch and PC releases have come about unscathed. Not sure if it’s gonna stay this way, but it’s clear we’re living in a Bizarro world with video games.
name an ecchi you don’t think is cringe.
As someone who loves the Qwaser anime and Kaneko's involvement, I really hope we get a more straightforward adaptation of Dharani. Like keep the high production quality, but not every girl needs to have unique nipple erection animation.
Anime hentai have been and always will be fucking dogshit
God SnQ was so hot. I started watching for the elements fights but stayed for the tits then stayed for the lactation then stayed for the sub/dom scenes. The one scene where Hana's nipple got erect was the hottest thing ever for like a year for me.
To be fair, it's not like certain people weren't warning about this all along. It was just ignored because admitting that there was a massive conspiracy to weaponize institutions against mainstream culture was too scary for most people.
China's banned a ton of PC games. China's banned most of the games I play, actually, which is probably in a factor in some of them not getting sequels. And Tencent is doing all kinds of shady shit to take control of the whole games market. The global games market is already being heavily affected by Chinese censorship. Pretty much anything with a proprietary platform or advertiser-driven business model is going to kowtow to the Chinese Communist Party no matter where in the world they are, it's fucked.
I doubt it was because of Japan rules or some shit. Probably just the trend at the time.
Raimi's spidey has green goblin waverider crash'd by his own glider, some jumpscare, and erect nipples. You won't see those anymore in modern capeshit.
>What caused ecchi anime to start becoming more tame?
>read Rakujitsu No Pathos
>expected NTR
>it's two extremely horny people having mutual masturbation sessions
God damn, not having a faggot in an ecchi setting is pretty refreshing considering he's willing to ruin his teacher's married life for fucking
i'm so dissapointed the 2020 mascots are what they are and not sentai based on the olympic ring colors
wasted opportunity
I didn't knew athletes and casual olympic viewers watched lewd anime that airs in midnight
They don't. Which is why when they accidentally stumble upon it after a night of failing to get laid they'll start twittering about the degenerate offensive cartoon they just saw.
>implying they need to watch 2d tits while having sex orgies already
You don't know shit user
>Black ring, white costume
Tumblrinas can't even.
that show was something else
Imagine if something like Seikon no Qwaser was airing during the 2020 Olympics and the international media latched onto it and explained what a loli was and why she was drinking breast milk to 7 billion normies around the world
Would US porn production stop if the olympics were hosted there? Because this is how this sounds.
When London hosted the Olympics the bongs basically shut down anything too sex-related and put out a huge restrictive list of new regulations on porn to stop 'human trafficking'
In the end they didn't find a single actual confirmed case of human trafficking despite hysterical claims from activists about thousands of trafficked women being brought in for the Olympics
Various governments in the US have essentially shut down the adult industry temporarily on a few occasions and threatened to on many more, I think they might, yeah, governments get absolutely stupid and totalitarian before they host the Olympics
That's odd. I guess it's to keep up appearances. Nobody will catch any human trafficking because it's too high level and basically just a luxury for the ruling class.
1968. It started in the very first issue of Shonen Jump.
Also, he may have accidentally invented the braaaap meme
Why does everything have to be run by insane tyrants.
1968. It started in the very first issue of Shonen Jump.
Also, he may have accidentally invented the braaaap meme
>not posting the better one
Xebec died too I think and was snapped up by Sunrise.
>when you question your reason for being alive but then suddenly you find it
Urada was the best
Hey Chifusa!
>started watching for the elements fights
I unironically watched SnQ for the plot. The titties was just a really awesome bonus
>No more panty shots in kids anime anymore
Didn't they show nipples in Magi a couple years back?
will this really catalyse a boom in anime popularity worldwide
Isnt because they are trying to pleasure the westerns?
Why did you describe Manyuu?
SnQ is far superior.
Why is yuri so hot?
We'll never again have a show that was this great.
Because they don’t sell that well?
We need Yaoi and fujos to break the boundaries again.
Yuri is far too tame and you can't rely on
yuri-neckbeards since they don't really have money to pay for stuff they like.
Maybe people are too embarassed to buy the DVDs. They should make a premium streaming service with classic and original titty.
People got borred.
It's like harem and loli series.
Years ago we always had a "show about X but with lolis" each season, but not anymore.
Fads come and go.
>Years ago we always had a "show about X but with lolis
Now we have "show with lolis" and it's great.
>to break the boundaries again
Fuck off with your gay shit, but this. Good ecchi isn't just about circles representing boobies and butts. It's all about the context, yes, the plot. It's about the fucking plot. Okay? That's what makes sexy encounters exciting.
It's not the whole story, but partly because the Japs realized that in order to tab into some of the foreign normie markets they had to tone down the fanservice.
>communists run all big corporations now
This is your brain on /pol/
Nande Koko ni Sensei ga is the clear winner of this season at the moment. It's winning beacause of shitty practices, but it is still winning.
What about nobunaga and Kora! sensei? both are ecchi
They also forgot about Xebec entirely.
Does Ochako have cheek hair?
hobby japan switched to producting shorts instead of full length shows
arms had several failed shows in a row. hoods made a bunch of terrible non-titty shows. tnk fucked up high school dxd s3. basically the main players behind anime titty all fucked up around the same time which started a downward trend.
Same with China when they held their Olympics in the past. It temporarily shut down factories and stands that sold dog meat, and they’re still producing it like nothing happened.
Same. If anything, the BBC will cry crocodile tears if one guy gets caught with "souvenirs", and then forget about it a week after.
I haven't really heard anything about this pertaining to the industry as of recent.
HobbyJapan also saw returns on their shorts. Bikini Warriors did really well when it became borderline H. Just look at all the figure sales and stuff.
Read the manga. It's better.
While I have an interest looks like shit, which is more the norm for the show
So how was the Tsugumomo anime? Worth a watch?
are you saying that once the olympics are over were going to enter a new golden age of ecchi anime
The plot was something 12 year old would write. It was very bad.
Can you recommend me a series to get started on Kamen Rider? I am a big Martial Arts fan and i think i read every MA manga out there (And Kengan Omega just drops every week, i dont read any other series right now) and KR was from what i heard always decent with fighting stuff
What the fuck is a QB?
I just want more pantyshots in anime.
Possibly. Ecchi and hentai always go through cycles, and the industry can never really go under because sex sells and there's always a bunch of people willing to pay for it.
I want casual, natural pantyshots back.
Ironic that A.I.C.O. of all things had some.
Chio-chan also had some.
But compared to decades ago, they're dead.
Queen's Blade which basically set the standard for ecchi anime.
Good show. Wish there was stuff this good still airing.
What's that from?
Uh, are we a bit slow today?
Doesn't get a budget if it's too lewd.
What do all those things mean? Arms, hoods, tnk, ims, other.
What happened to Xebec?
"On November 20, 2018, the studio's previous parent company, IG Port, sold XEBEC to Sunrise after constant deficits that the subsidiary had in different years.[2][3]
In March 2019, Sunrise announced that they established a new company called Sunrise Beyond at Xebec's current address with Xebec's current operations being transferred to it.[4]
Xebec will cease to exist as a business entity on May 31, 2019. Xebec's post-production teams, which were not part of the sale to Sunrise, will be broken up and consolidated into several IG Port companies, but Production I.G will inherit the company's assets. Copyright of Xebec's past works will revert to the IG Port group as a whole.[5]"
I think it has more to do with sources being way tame, or way lewd (like actual fucking straight out in vol 1), so how do you deal with that? Do you do the tame stuff because the networks don't want to air graphic sex on TV, or do you keep the ecchi stuff and cut the more H stuff from the too lewd source and have the fans shit on your head for cutting it out of the anime? In terms of cost-effectiveness, you do the tame show.
The only way we'll get school days tier lewd in anime is when it becomes stream based because it cuts the advertiser's complains out of the equation, but it doesn't bring nearly as much money for studios/production committees, so that's another problem in itself.
Kamen Rider can have crazy action but I wouldnt really say its martial arts level.
The (semi) recent shows are a great Start W, Forze, and Gaim
Plus Fourze is written by Gurren Laggon/Kill la kill dude and Gaim is wriiten by Madoka/Pysco pass nigga
and dont listen to this man he is dangerous
Isekai Qwaser needs an anime.
Thanks um but why is Hibiki bad? I would have been suspicous if he said Hentai Kamen Rider but is Hibiki not good or something?
Fuck off.
We need to kill you along with hetshit
This is why I hate housewives with a passion and let women in the workplace.
good, we need ass now
>not showa amazon
The people pushing communism arn't going to give up their stuff in the new utopia they are going to take yours.
The origin of all this shit is Muricans that don't want to admit that their country foundational values are shit
Hibiki's good up till a point, theres still good shit afterwards but man does it dip in quality.
Also Hibiki a very different Kamen Rider I wouldn't recommend to someone as their first.
My assumption:
It's unprofitable.
With the decline of physical media you pretty much have to make it airable on TV or make hentai.
I just want more shit on ValkDrive/Shinmai/Qwaser level every second season. Mere panty shots/mysterious steam cloud/LIGHTBEAM for 30 seconds per episode does not constitute 'TitsNAss' fan-service to me, reach to borderline porn/smut or don't do it at all.
>just go watch porn
Not really the point I'm trying to make either. There's an audience for this sort of softcore stuff.
How long ago was Valkyrie Drive?
Always makes me hard.
Just like any other genre, the characters need to be at least moderately interesting. If you take away the ecchi, are the characters still remotely entertaining/engaging? If not, then your series isn't going to last. Pic related is an example of ecchi done right. Not only is Aika hot, but she beats the ever-loving shit out of people. There needs to be more to the ecchi series than just fap material, is the gist of what I'm trying to say.
Too long ago. It's been 4 years.
>tnk is dying
Well maybe you shouldn't just completely change your big money maker's canon on the fucking fly and act like it won't be a big deal.
Yanagisawa flew too close to the sun. Cramming 3 volumes into a season when the established 2 per season also doesn't help.
TNK also worked on Sin Nanatsu no Taizai, which was good for the first three episodes, but then faltered.
Yeah I'm retarded but I literally didn't know it was an ecchi anime before I started watching.
Ecchi is dead and I'm sad bros.
Based and pisspilled, to be quite honest with you senpai.
thats old, i bet you're old