Who was the best Stratos, and why is it still Cecilia?

Who was the best Stratos, and why is it still Cecilia?

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I agree.

I liked this bitch

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Should have had more Stratos fighting along with the harem. Better yet, have the entire harem take on Phantom Task.

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did you find a time machine and get lost? nu-Yea Forums has never heard of this show


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I cannot stop loving Rin.

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The only choice is Chizuru

Same seiyuu as C2.

Houki is best.

Deutschland uber alles

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Correct and redpilled

Perfect waifu material. Good maid. Good cook. Good cosplay.

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Not even a contest.

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It was Char, desu

And still is.

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Chifuyu > Charles > Laura > Charlotte >> everyone else

>spawned an entire battle harem subgenre
>never actually went anywhere in the end

>kraut over anything
German girls are always shit and the worst.

Its weird that I kinda miss them. Isekai sort of replaced the genre.

>making an anime that's pretty much IS except notChar wins

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Why does only one user here have good taste.

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Seeing these threads makes me kinda miss the autistic spic Houkifag that used to shit up the place on a daily basis ;_:

>Ywn eat her jam sandwiches
Sucks mane.

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She's lucky she's rich because her food is shit desu wa~.

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Her food tastes good if you love her.
It's the magic of Merlin.

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>the future
>white English and French people
Japanese sure are weird ideas

Japanese sure have weird ideas.*
What you just said was that Japanese are an idea or concept and not an actual physical thing.
Please learn English before posting more.
Your poor understanding of the language is making this board a worse place.

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Author completely dropped the ball.

It's unbelievable how much they fucked this series up.

A Railgun style spin-off of IS would sell like crazy.

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>Please explain?

Sorry but Houki is better

>dude is butthurt that his favorite girl is unpopular so starts destroying other girls on purpose
>fans are fucking mad and point this out
>fag goes in full butthurt mode and pretty much stops writing
>when he finally makes another volume it's trash and everybody hates it

I guess he's talking about how the author loved Houki and wanted her to win but England and France were the most popular girls in Japan?

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white is redundant but otherwise correct

Isn't it ending in next volume that's supposed to be out soon?

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Imagine a game based off this concept with an Armored Core vibe to it. Customising your IS to your specifications and battling it out in the Arena. And dating girls. And fighting Phantom Task (properly this time instead of having the plot sidetracked for harem antics over and over). And running around in a massive explorable Academy.

The rich in Western Europe will always be over 90% white.

Harem is a dead genre. What IS needs is a spin-off with only girls.

>dating girls
i'm interested
like half of london is owned by russians, jews and the chinese

Is the Ln officially dead yet?

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There is supposed to be one final volume coming out.

so long as men dream, harem will never die

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Men want to self insert as lesbians now.

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trapfags, transgees and trannies are ruining genderbend though

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Whoever took the time to do this
You have autism

what we need is more body swap

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>all women are whores and shameless to fall to you dog!
>one ep later

I have a folder dedicated to her beauty.

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Same shit!


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>dude is butthurt that his favorite girl is unpopular so starts destroying other girls on purpose


Insane mad scientist girls who can summon SAM launchers are always the best.

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Karen Kujo
Jotaro Kujo

Correct opinion

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I used to hate her a lot.
But now I can't stop being in love with her.

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they're the same age, both half english half japanese
they're twins

>Same seiyuu as Nanoha and Rika Furude

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I miss Houki mouthshooper edits. Anyone still have any saved? I lost them awhile back.

Turned them into dumb whores. For example when they get into VR all of them dream about getting raped while amazing pure waifu Houki is different.

Best girl. She's also the final boss surprising no one.

Chloe is also great.

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>dream about getting raped
he has literally done those characters dirty

She clearly needs to be that on by Gordon Ramsay for such shit cooking.

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Still funny.

Charlotte will always forever be the best Stratos girl.

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What do Tatenashi's tits feel like?

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So is Hundred good or atleast decent to watch. I have actually watched it and I must say it is pretty much just like IS especially with it's whole premise.

Only huge difference is the main setting involves evil bio-mechanical ayy lmaos and the whole anime is twelve episodes in total.

It may have not been harem waifu material but atleast did not suffer the fact of having a retarded man child author who threw a hissy fit at the audience for not liking his favorite girl.

Reminder that Tabane is an inconsiderate and belligerent terrorist who has endangered the national security and sovereignty of numerous countries around the world by leet hacking missiles everywhere.

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Can someone post those pics which are edits or redraws of actual images featuring The Stratos girls with Ichika. Except it's redrawn or edited to be with sister Chifuyuyu?

It is worth a watch if you don't hate battle harem. Still undeniably an IS clone, but represent what IS could have been if it weren't gutless generic harem trash and actually had a little bit of ambition.

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It really hurts what could've been.

If this only wasn't generic harem shit it could spawn a big mecha musume franchise.

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I kinda like the author torpedoing his own series because of the fans
I hate fans and they deserve to be punished more often
especially haremfags fighting.

In the long run all he did was cost himself money and might have gotten himself blacklisted by lots of people in the industry.

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Oh I have no delusions about haremfags not learning a single thing. But hey there are plenty of people who liked the girls and if the group could've just shut up you would've all gotten more normal stuff of your girl.
So not getting this small stuff is nice.

>Oh I have no delusions about haremfags not learning a single thing
The thing is haremfags can and did move on, the author is still trying to recover from the fiasco.


Did it finally happen? Did the herbivores fully take over?

I love this girl. Shame IS completely fell apart.

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Has anyone wondered how the Middle East and or Arab World is like in the world of Infinite Stratos considering the IS can only be operated by girls so far, save for a special snowflake harem Protagonist.

And we all know them horror stories about how women are treated in the Arab World/Middle East.

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They are probably worthless shitholes like they are today.

Game introduced some nice new girls. It's really sad to see this franchise slowly die like that. It still has potential.

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>check pixiv
>it still gets a lot of art

The power of mecha musume is something else. Why the hell won't they just revive the series? It would be so easy. Just make a yuri spinoff or something.

This show was the worst bait and switch ever. Wanted to see qt grills in exo armor kicking ass, but got Love Hina 2.0.

Top tier body
Bottom tier waifu

>Just make a yuri spinoff or something.

Try looking up the game Honkai Impact and maybe it's what ur look for.

Somebody has a link of download of Infinite Stratos Archetype Breaker pics

Most of them are Charlotte-fags and laura-fags

Came here to post it.

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Cute but still a fucking shit
Cof cof waifu bait cof cof

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It's Houki.

That rack, though. Probably bigger than Houki.

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Even on nip wiki a lot of pictures are missing.

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Old art or new art, anons?

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Yeah, she's big.

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Choco is far better.

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I can't remember more stacked girl. In the series, at least, I didn't read the LN.
We're pretty white.

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Going back and comparing the fan translation with the official releases, the old translation does seem kinda jank.

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I like the mango art

Chifuyu and Maya are the best you pleb.

Tabane is so good. Nanoha really needs to voice more evil girls.

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Tabane and Nazi clones are best, but Maya is not far behind.

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Could somebody who's read the novels tell me what this chick's plan is?
I know she made Ichika able to pilot the IS, and she cloned Chifuyu, but apart from that she hasn't really done anything questionable in the anime.

Final volume is supposed to give real answers.

Old hag and a massive cunt

Except the author was specifically mad that Houki wasn't the most popular, and sabotaged everyone else to make her look better. That's when the fans started the bitching.

I had to download the pics from Twitter and I did not know that I could also download it with orig

What is there to like about it? It makes him look like a little bitch. Then again, he did create Houki and pushed her to no end. I guess he never was anything other than a fag.

I like haremfags not getting more because they are annoying.
I don't really care about the author but I bet the timeline is more like people constantly shitting on him because he was giving the main girl any attention rather than nobody liking her.
All of them are basically the same written by the same guy so they are not that different quality wise.

Yamada is bigger bunny is #2.

This show really didn't need to be a harem. Ichika was a walking joke anyways.

Is there any explicit content is this series? Like HXH or Shinmai maou?

Not really. IS is a fun series with great mecha musume designs. It was carried by that and never really needed explicit fanservice. This thing sold like 40k.

Alice Gear is basically IS without the shitty parts. Can't wait for anime.

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you mean Houki?
either why, all IS girls are equally shit (except Rin, she is the most shit)

Fuck off Izuru.

I'm expecting a real clusterfuck to be honest. There's a lot out there as far as Tabane, Madoka, etc. Phantom Task is just the IS equivalent of Team Rocket at this point.

Evil lesbians are always great.

especially when they get dicked into heterosexuallity


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Big shame that anime version lacks stockings.

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This one? I'm pretty sure it's official art.

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Yep, that's artwork from the mangaka (Yuuki Homura)

Vol.12 was already a mega clusterfuck.

Reminder that this thing sold almost as much as F/Z.

How do you even ruin something so big so fast? It should be a big franchise with a bunch of spin-offs and games.

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You forgot the most important one.

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yeah, they put out a ton of shit in a short amount of time with little if any explanation on some of it. Now they gotta do something with it in the final volume.

Agreed, but the drama with the author seemed to poison the well. Now new volumes just get review bombed on Amazon and elsewhere while the small fandom waits to see if anything else might come.

There was a bit of hope with the mobile game, but it fizzled fast. At least there was new artwork. Now the only other thing besides the LN is the manga which is still on hiatus.

That game was really bad really. If they want to revive it they just need to move away from Ichika and harem crap.

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Char. But Cecilia was good too.

yep, I'd like to see something done with the mecha personally. Or explore the characters more, a bunch of the girls seemed to have shit in their past before going to the academy.

Is Tabane totally gay or bi? This is very important.

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How long is this manga on hiatus?

>Railgun style spinoff
>just lesbian/yuribait antics that draw in a crowd even worse than the base series' fans
Lets not.

don't kid yourself
bottom tier waifu was always broom

Nobody watched this for Ichika anyways. Char/Laura episodes were the best in the series.

Isn't Yumizuru actually a really sick dude? I remember how he supposedly started IS in hospital.


>Old hag
What the fuck, man?

Old art no contest, choco art is fucking garbage.

Where's her burka?

When people bothered to keep up with the series, she apparently hit a point in the LN where her food still had appearance issues but at least was palatable.

S2 will always annoy me for the character development it cut out for Cecilia to shoehorn in the Kyoto arc, even more so because she technically wins against Madoka instead of jobbing 10 seconds in during the anime fight. The only saving grace of S2 really boiled down to Katanashi being everything we hoped she'd be while her sister and the bad pacing was a shit.

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>rich UK aristocracy

Faggot muslims are garbage cleaners and kebab sellers. The rich 10% is over 90% white with some Russians and Indians.

S2 was a disaster but to be fair novels also went full retard around that time.

You sir are a man of good taste.

Why is Yukarin so good as evil girls?

Old art is pretty off-model sometimes.

This show set the standard for all the forgettable harem LN adaptations we have today, and my god were the threads awful.

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