His anime doesn't have a Monopoly version released for it

>his anime doesn't have a Monopoly version released for it

Attached: D3LMni1XsAEvG1Y.jpg (800x683, 154K)

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No friends to play with it either.

I wonder how Hori feels knowing that his manga is so popular in the West, considering he's such a fucking Westaboo.

No fucking way this is real i dont believe you

>Aoyama higher than Momo

Those pieces are trash. What is the rocket even supposed to represent? Mineta's dick?

the one they used during that test when Lida was pretending to be a villain along with Bakugo


Attached: 20190212_225432.jpg (326x320, 21K)

talk about cringy merchandise

It probably is, even Warhammer 40k of all things is getting a monopoly version