Post best girl of their series

Post best girl of their series.

Attached: 75202AC7-C98C-4531-B734-5347E7EB2E93-22887-00001C16F4AFFDA8.jpg (360x714, 91K)

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Attached: A5A779D7-4913-42EA-B701-FE118C056648.jpg (1200x734, 260K)

What the FUCK was hotarun's problem?

Attached: 1553273876587.png (856x830, 878K)

Attached: 1491423041017.jpg (1275x1727, 265K)

Attached: 1555620930791.jpg (3080x1794, 1.33M)

Whoops forgot picture

Attached: 7A33BC9B-C3CA-4FD9-BB89-095CD70D916C-22887-00001C1B35D62654.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

Attached: 1516710080089.jpg (1280x1380, 789K)

Attached: 1538751786526.jpg (1400x1400, 822K)

>15 years tits

>twin tails

Attached: 1514739569353.jpg (325x220, 22K)

Attached: 4233215.png (369x572, 289K)

Attached: CFE39E9A-B71C-4C1A-89B7-DD37891A52EE.jpg (500x288, 24K)

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Attached: 1500951333925.png (3848x4430, 3.8M)


Attached: 131175 baka_to_test_to_shoukanjuu bikini cleavage haga_yui himeji_mizuki swimsuits.jpg (1578x2123, 467K)

Attached: 1498319011440.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Absolute garbage taste

Attached: twintails.jpg (2714x1242, 1.28M)

Attached: 67A603FD-EAA6-4220-9DA9-595C652FE72F.jpg (526x366, 157K)

Attached: __misaka_mikoto_to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun_and_etc_drawn_by_puma_hyuma1219__c112c2cea9dd73616dbce00eb5 (1032x1457, 232K)

Attached: adachitrash.png (400x225, 88K)

Attached: 1554071285512.png (616x678, 535K)

So many wrong and the thread just started

Attached: 3257A26A-0D16-44D7-B600-C1072D04DFD3.jpg (480x480, 33K)

Attached: 848B4FB4-9F44-4544-8358-B8B3BD863D43.png (510x570, 95K)

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Attached: 142b788bd278435fe2ef6d2c6ae73358.jpg (320x218, 15K)

Attached: 1504240677996.jpg (1280x1440, 358K)

Attached: 1553339381134.jpg (1109x835, 167K)

Nothing. She just loves her senpai.

Attached: 1533847389399.png (901x915, 663K)

Attached: 1ipeZoI.gif (502x436, 284K)

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Attached: 1444494401639.jpg (1280x1366, 305K)

Attached: 63fe7d3201a19bf27771726196f89b93.png (675x750, 773K)

Attached: happy nadeshiko.jpg (1920x1080, 766K)

Attached: 1511116645524.jpg (1920x1665, 1.13M)

Attached: Beautifulsmile.jpg (1280x720, 351K)

Attached: 1250879802690.jpg (513x768, 77K)

Attached: slasher birb.jpg (882x806, 135K)

Attached: chikacherrycola.jpg (1280x720, 142K)


Attached: D647063E-1EC0-48E8-9EFE-E8B4B560D2E9.jpg (750x1334, 154K)

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Attached: 1534482803554.jpg (1136x975, 132K)

Attached: 1446399840933.jpg (1280x1323, 708K)


Attached: Utaha.png (787x1152, 468K)

Attached: Shizuku.jpg (3047x4312, 847K)

Attached: Shizuno.png (1066x1600, 1.05M)

Attached: Shirayuki.jpg (2414x3482, 567K)

That's creepy.

Attached: Yoruka.jpg (640x800, 113K)

Attached: Ikaruga.png (547x422, 257K)

Attached: Ayaka.jpg (4819x3320, 889K)

Attached: syaro.png (550x374, 324K)

Attached: Fujiko.jpg (3500x1969, 339K)

Attached: Karen.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Attached: Restia & Est.jpg (1200x864, 229K)

Attached: Belldandy.jpg (3508x2415, 763K)

Attached: Mariel.jpg (1147x1716, 288K)

Attached: 1553208222881.jpg (800x800, 56K)

Attached: 131214.jpg (573x640, 59K)

Attached: 1550148081870.png (912x1150, 1.05M)

Attached: 2588-377892497.jpg (640x480, 55K)

Attached: 1483159504420.jpg (1617x1140, 209K)

While the show was trash... You are indeed correct.


Attached: 1528601125263.png (1644x1246, 1.36M)

>yuru yuri

Attached: 1528345518526.jpg (487x487, 47K)

Fumino a shit

Attached: Displeased Renchon.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Attached: 1520875150656.jpg (705x720, 102K)

Attached: 64896342_p0.jpg (1900x1200, 948K)

Attached: yuzu.png (1000x794, 341K)

Whose the autist that keeps posting the same series of images. starting with one from kampfer

Attached: saika totsuka.gif (500x649, 1.01M)

Them eyebrows tho

Comedy: Fell flat. Getting bashed over the head with the same 5 punchlines over and over for 3 seasons didn't convince me it was funny.

Characters: Tiny handful of defining traits per character, none of which were particularily interesting.

Yuri: Appealing to a spesific class of degenerates, didn't improve upon anything.

Attached: EC76CF60-11D8-47F0-ADE1-EB01E5A42954.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

Attached: Baka.png (750x699, 158K)

Attached: ffb4c93964ca694bcd61ce66f0fc1e89e482d44a_hq.gif (500x281, 1.98M)

Attached: FightingAi.gif (400x225, 1.37M)

Attached: Komachi.gif (500x500, 451K)

Attached: PrincessKomi.png (1018x1600, 826K)

Send me your address faggot

1.5 gigakeks at all the triggered saberfags who will see this

Attached: mWQ5YujG.jpg (512x512, 36K)


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Attached: Aiko_c145p4.PNG.png (460x386, 218K)

That is some aces shading on her face. I love artists that really give dimension to anime faces.

Attached: 37246347_p0.jpg (1280x960, 1.34M)

He said girls, user.

Is there some kind of program for stitching like this? Every time I try the color is off balance and you can see each image or the background is moving at a different speed so it just looks like a mess.

Attached: Urara-Meirochou-10-02.jpg (1280x738, 105K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.54.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Stella was hot if not a little indistinguishable from other sexy redheads.

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Attached: 67138313_p0.jpg (800x1131, 348K)

Attached: 1501891558072.png (407x1189, 365K)

>Drinks no name brand cola
Wtf I hate Chika now

Attached: [Formula]_Shugo_Chara!_-_22_[E3879E9B].mkv_snapshot_18.21_[2016.08.22_18.18.53].jpg (704x1060, 151K)

Attached: 2B4F1106-20E4-4932-9C47-EEC127D70AF2.jpg (639x1001, 144K)

Attached: 26915.png (1280x720, 861K)

Kana a besto


Attached: Dw-V6YFWkAAQwzo.jpg (1540x865, 150K)

Attached: normal is BEST.png (704x400, 326K)

Attached: mpc-hc 2016-12-02 00-07-37-90.jpg (1920x1080, 445K)

Attached: 68736-1476585733839.jpg (507x503, 38K)

Attached: 1543777560171.png (1280x720, 715K)

He is a turboautist who shows up in any thread involving "best" or "girl".

So best that they had to reduce her scenes so that she wouldn't completely overshadow the main characters.

Attached: 077f6ed9.jpg (900x720, 81K)

Why was Yayaka denied her coconut?

Attached: 1534621610364.jpg (850x1200, 198K)

Attached: HANSAMU.png (1920x1080, 1.85M)

we all agree she should've won right?

Attached: BTBBxUe[1].png (1280x720, 917K)

Attached: dg bsfd fgnd z.jpg (446x647, 61K)

Attached: DqQp2_vXQAA-2_N.jpg (1200x887, 243K)

I love my gorgeous wife!

Attached: Mahiru (19).png (540x720, 723K)

This girl is so cute, so graceful,so powerful, she transcends all limits. You could say she's Godzilla tier
No, not even killing her over and over will stop her. She'll keep coming back every time.

Attached: kaiju_gijinkas____mothra_by_gdog00-d8t27p1.png (777x605, 200K)

Attached: 22615v1.jpg (1801x2560, 399K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] One Punch Man S2 - 02 [720p].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Go back cancer

Attached: 1537372995301.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

I'm sorry to have upset you.
Here's a non-ironic post.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 05 [1080p].mkv - 0003.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

At the end she was just a worthless cum disposal dragging punpum down lole

She's great. Definitely second-best in her series and that's not to be sneezed at.

Enclosed: the reason she's second-best.

Attached: Nadeshiko.jpg (1920x1080, 83K)

Attached: 1535721883235.jpg (848x720, 96K)

Attached: smug shovel.gif (514x667, 776K)

I'm cheating.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 04 [1080p].mkv - 0008.jpg (1920x1080, 251K)