Why is gender bender so unpopular?

Why is gender bender so unpopular?

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What makes you think it's unpopular?

because most people aren't faggots

It's not

Why did nipples disappear

that's kind of gay

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That's just a trap, of course it's fucking gay.

Boys don't want to be girls anymore.

what exactly do you mean by gender bender?

this type of manga ?

it's the equivalent of fucking a trans person.

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anime fans are autogynephilic incels

Because they're all boring and use all same same tropes.

>Why is gender bender so unpopular?
Because manufacturer good sellers and licensees don't buy into those shows. So the production committee lacks upfront sponsors for the show's production costs.

Bros make the best hoes.

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What happens if as a woman ranma gets pregnant, and then he reverts back to being a man?

so still gay

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because few people care about a woman without any semblance of femininity (genderbenders like Ranma keep their masculine personalities). if you want a boyish female, tomboys are a much better option because they're just tsundere about their femininity instead of being literal males in female bodies

i'm straight, but i'd rather fuck a feminine acting, crossdressing traps like Ruka or Astolfo than a masculine genderbender

It used to be popular. Go find a time machine to 2013 and meet up in one of the regular gender bender or Boku Girl LiveTL threads.

And take me with you

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they are just trans but they can actually reproduce in their new gender.

Would be better if you're stuck as a woman only from the moment the baby starts forming til childbirth or abortion.

>wanting gender bender to be popular in the current age
Do you want to give tranny-obsessed twittercunts, Yea Forumsermin and /pol/yps another chance to come up and shit up the board?

Who cares.

Crossdressing>Feminization>Transformation>Body Swapping

>not wanting the ability to swap bodies on a whim
I would guess that almost anyone would want that

>Body Swapping
Gay shit.

Yikes, imagine being this much of a closet fag.

>still caring about what subhumans do or say


Says the one advocating for crossdressing and feminization.

Anyone taking magical, imaginary gender bender as equalling real life shit is retarded. And I'm talking about both sides here.

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Because it's gay.

based and redpilled

Ranma would be really popular nowadays.

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100% straight guy here:

only good when the character is already girl-like like the one from Prunus Girl
shit because it implies the character started off as masculine
again, only good if the character was already feminine like the one in Boku Girl
>Body Swapping



Because only faggots are comfortable with fucking people who are mentally male. Liking traps is gay, but at least it's less gay than wanting to fuck literal males just because they're in female bodies.

it's still gay

only mentally gay. or physically gay if its yuri

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>mentally male

Do you also think that fucking tomboys is gay?

Came to post this.



Because it is boring. Only thing that would make it interesting if it was a girl turning into a boy.

Japan doesn't want to encourage increase in trans degenerates

Genderbender threads used to be good but now threads on every board get invaded by /pol/ retards on a crusade against 'degeneracy' who equate it with real life transsexuals.

because freaks took it too far and are doing it in real life. what was once a funny and impossible situation is now a politically-filled topic that no one is comfortable around.

Because most guys would love to be around a girl who genuinely acts and has the mentality of a man. Unfortunately most girls who are "just one of the guys" are actually anti-social whores who other women won't interact with. If a guy turns into a girl, though, her sexual history is pretty much guaranteed to be nonexistant.
So you get the dream combo - a woman without offputting amounts of sexual experience who can also act like an adult and not a mentally impaired child.
Protip, this is also why most men in their teens/twenties will cave to gay/exploratory sex if they think they can avoid the social repercussions.

Trannies ruined the world.
Randma was a hit until the trannies came out into the open with their MUH human rights. Since then, every gender bender is ew and the fandom is so small because it is super niche.

You truly know nothing about this topic and are making shit up to fit your retarded narrative.

It's only good when the girl becomes a boy.

Gayest shit I've read today.

Yes it's super gay, and?

You'd think with ranma being so popular it sprout a shit ton of gender bender but its a lot of body swap and crossdressing. maybe there is a ton of them out there and people just dont translate them? I only see whats being hosted on manga sites so i have no idea how many gender bender material is out there.

Why isn't everyone exploding all the time?

>Can turn XY into XX
>it's the equivalent of fucking a trans person.
This is what trainnies actually think.

It's just the show's gimmick, I'm sure only broken people ever gave it a second thought.



Reminder that the ultimate form of gender bender is when the MC dies and is reincarnated as a girl. Either that or he turns into a girl, but reality changes so that as far as anyone was concerned, he was always born a girl.

Good, they shouldn't want to be.

Gay. Best is when it's gradual and they fight it and eventually succumb to it and get pregante.

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Birdy is the only acceptable gender bender. Ranma, d'eon and shut hell shitters need not apply.

>Iiking those circumstances in situations where it literally wouldn't have mattered anyway since they already look/act the part
Genderbender may be dead but this is a big reason why.

It's the most weird form if wish fulfilment. Wanting to be a girl and be fucked by your best friend it's too gay.

The LGBT and internet feminism movements have soured people on fun things like yuri and genderbending. That and an increasing number of subhuman IQs getting on the internet and not understanding fetish material with nuance beyond "unga dick in pussy."

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>i'm straight
>i'd rather fuck a feminine acting, crossdressing traps
Pick one.

The ultimate truth
Watching gender bender porn makes me feel that same disgusting feeling as watching gay porn

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Those were great times.

Just started watching Ranma last week. Really enjoying it. Seems like Akane is despised, but I don't find her overly annoying at all.

Gender bending is great when it has a time skip component, especially if the skip includes a more feminine and busty figure.

>wait ages for a gender bender thread to be made to talk about Asuka Hybrid finally getting translations again after a million years
>Entire thread is a god damn shitstorm
I picked the wrong genre to be a fan of, didn't I?

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That's not even a genderbender, that's just Rin.

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The hell? You guys used to fucking love this shit. Did you all actually get more normal as time went on? I see this with yuri a lot too. Everyone used to be down with girl on girl and now the sheer mention of it seems to get people livid to the point that there's now a division between people who like Yuri and people who like Het.

You're all slowly becoming normalfags

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how does ryoga resist just fucking ranma like a dog right then and there?

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There needs to be a proper fanservicey masturbation scene for gender benders.

Shame modern anime just can't get past the censors

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I grew to dislike yuri due to the fans wanting to shove it in everywhere.

Like, the adaptations for Fate/Extra and Fate/Grand Order had people sperging cause they went went the generic male self-insert instead of the generic female. There's literally no difference, except now they can't get their /u/-bait. And when a series does go full yuri? There's a weird smugness about it. Like, "haha, we got our gay, now threads are going to be nothing but /u/ shit."

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For me it's a lack of gender bender omorashi that's all.

Yeah, this too.

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The people equating genderbending with real life transsexuals are those retards who can't stop posting about how much they hate transsexuals everywhere on Yea Forums and who claim that anyone who likes genderbending is one. Unfortunately they're everywhere on the site these days and shit up every genderbending thread they come across.

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>Why is gender bender so unpopular?

Ranma was like the last time it was done with innocent intent (despite the fetishes that spawned from it).

Nowadays it's done for fetish fuel first and foremost, or if not that the subject matter makes the mentally ill trannies throw a shitfuck fest about it, ruining everyone else's fun.

The age of innocence is over.

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Literally the first genderbending manga from the 70s (Boku no Shotaiken) had the protagonist become mentally female and ended with her giving birth. Claiming that genderbending got too extreme after Ranma is quite simply wrong.

Though those harem series that have the MC becoming temporarily a girl to provide extra fanservice (e.g. Ranma, Twintails, Kampfer) is the most 'mainstream' version of genderbending. Though of course genderbending is a rather minor element in those stories and isn't explored in depth.

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the boku girl translating user transitioned btw, absolutely disgusting

Because it's more queer than most people want to go (or are willing to admit, even to themselves).

makes normalfags uncomfortable

>let me chase you till the ends of the earth to bang you
>I-I'm a man

repeat this.

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genderbending is only gay for the one who got genderbended

>those doujins where the genderbended MC is fucked by his best friend
why would someone want to fuck his best friend?

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I see, those lenses are not as good as real sunglasses.

words of truth

>why would someone want to fuck his best friend?
It's the ultimate power play. Fucking your newly female friend would establish you as the superior friend, and so they will be at your beck and call from then on, even if they turn back into a guy.

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people say to marry your best friend so...

because ranma is perfection

I want to let her know the pleasures of being a mother.

>Boku no Shotaiken
And I still can't find anything outside of the first volume.

It's an obscure 70s manga. Makes sense it has mostly disappeared.

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Baby should go to storage, same with the bobs/vagene or penis when transformed into female.

Wasn't he afraid of women? I'd bet next scene in the sequence is Ryoga realizing the transformation(why didn't he turn into a pig?) and shooting blood through his nostrils before making a hasty retreat, only to maybe be found naked by one of the other girls livjng in the dojo. Ranma was comedy first, I think.


Yea Forums is slowly turning into normalfag central infested with shounen fags. The demographic has shifted and a few oldfags only remains. You'll see a glimpse of old Yea Forums on some threads like buyfag and aifure threads. Now it's mostly Yea Forumsermin posting meme posts and responses.

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Not so much afraid, just doesn't really know how to deal with them. And knowing Ranma is really a man and his old enemy/rival at that overrides any lust he might have. Worth noting that when Ranma in female form puts on a disguise, Ryoga does find it pretty attractive. Until he finds out.

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Because no one is doing anything interesting with it. Everyone just keeps using it more as a selling point or excuse for rape than do anything new. Or they are just trying to copy Ranma. I think the last time something did anything interesting with the premise was that BlazBlue manga that tried to bring wholesomeness into it.

Someone should just already bring something new to the table is all, get the guy pregnant, or portray it as body horror as guy's bone structure is changing. No one wants to tackle premise of
>Oh shit I am changed into a girl
>What do I do now, how do I walk to school, how did this happen, I don't have any girl clothes, should I even let others know it's me? If I don't where do I go, if I do what do I do about it.
Realistically. Like, not how Ranma did it for gags, but actually just guy turned into a girl. I think currently the only one who does something interesting with that premise rn is Bitter Change.

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It's not like things that do it a bit differently don't exist, it's just that they're little known. Jun to Kaoru, for example, is about a guy and girl who have lived next door to each other since they were little, and every day at midnight they change genders. And they go about their daily lives adjusting for that; they trade uniforms every day, when they go clothes shopping they buy guy and girl clothes for themselves and each other, etc. I know it's not the pushing the envelope type stuff you seem to be looking for, but it's different yet nice and comfy.

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it's an invasion of Yea Forums and /pol/

last time we had a ranma thread there were little to no discussion about gender bending.i think thats because at this point we all know that the whole thing is was made to re-use the same characters over and over again or have a way to introduce new enemies/opponents that male ranma couldn't just defeat as male(mr.picolet for example) and make the story go forward,another instance of this is genma selling his son all around china and japan for food.

back to the main topic gender bending is niche because of all the reason explained in this thread already like being too weird for getting good sponsors and straight people avoid fapping or choosing the gender bender character as waifu.
>no waifu
>no merchandise being sold
>no reason to pick more gender bender mangos for producing anime
probably this influence mangakas into discarding gender bending stories or not bothering with it
in short its all about money.if you want more just buy more gender bender merchandise

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Honestly, the biggest problem with the anime and manga fandom and industry is the whole attitude of "if I can't waifu someone in the cast, I'm not interested" and pandering to that.

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>What do I do now, how do I walk to school, how did this happen, I don't have any girl clothes, should I even let others know it's me? If I don't where do I go, if I do what do I do about it.

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>if I can't waifu someone in the cast, I'm not interested
sadly there isn't a painlessly way to remove this cancer unless the industry crash/shrink a lot and fun becomes the center of all again.i am rewatching time bokan and urusei yatsura and the amount of mindless/stupid/pure fun i am having is incredible

when the only objective of creative people is making millions,pandering to the lowest common denominator with the lowest amount of work/effort is a necessity this includes other entertainment industries too like music and videogames.i know we use this argument a lot on Yea Forums but it doesnt mean its a lie

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Anyone playing this gender bender mobage?

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Can't speak chink. I heard there's going to be a JP version soon.

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It came out 9 days ago. I'm playing it now.

I can understand chink but fuck having to get a chink phone number.

Thats fake she is female and always was there is no genderbender

Yeah. If memory serves the demon or genie or whatever it was turned out to be too low level to do anything on the level of changing someone's gender; all it did was made Megumi think she used to be a boy.

the only instance when it's unpopular is when it's animated H.

Onii-chan is Done For is currently the most popular one in the 2chan gender bender threads

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Mai Natsume got the most votes out of all female characters in the most recent Blazblue popularity poll, so I think that genderbent characters can be popular.

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I am a fag. Your post is invalid

But you aren't most people user, you're uniquely you!

O-oh you..

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I'd be down for a series where a guy transforms into a girl, gets kicked out by his parents because they have no idea who this weird girl is who broke into their house, and has to find a way to pick his life back up while struggling to understand his new body. Start it off depressing but get more and more wholesome as the story progresses. Basically a reverse, gender bending Emergence.

>gets kicked out by his parents because they have no idea who this weird girl is who broke into their house
Shit like this is always contrived since it would be easy to prove your identity by talking about stuff no stranger could possibly know.

You could easily play that off like them thinking she's some sort of stalker and call the cops. What's more reasonable for the parents in that moment, that your son has become a girl, or that some freaky stalker chick is in your son's room with you son nowhere to be seen?

Calling the cops right away doesn't seem likely, since it's not like a girl would pose a physical threat. What seems more likely is that the parents would insist on questioning her to figure out how she knows those things, and at some point the depth of her knowledge about even small details and her mannerism being the same as the son would give it away.

Roofs should have Just put it in.

Well i think that you have female body make you female and should end with male other than that it is gay

Yeah, that's a good point. You'd really have to write the parents to be the most unreasonable people possible to make it work. I'm sure there's some sort of middle ground, but I'm blanking on it.

>guy with mutilated dick and pumped full with hormones that will inevitably lead to cancer
>the same as biological female
being this delusional should be against the law

Canon speaking this isn't the case. There was a story line that detailed a Chinese tribe that took wild animals, threw them into the spring of drowned girl, threw them with magic water that kept the curse in place so that hot water wouldn't turn them back. They did this and then married the animal/woman, and their children would have the traits of the animal.

Ranma got splashed with it along with the son of the chief or the leader of the tribe. Also Moose and Ryoga thought they could use it to stay human but it made them stay in animal form until they all found a way to lift the curse.

Of course, but ero doujinshi never let canon get in the way of a good masturbation fantasy.

>Dive into the drowned girl spring
>Eat the de-agingmushroom
>Use the magic water to keeep the curse in place
>Live the rest of your life as a cute loli
Is Ranma's universe the best?

I think it depends on how the character is done. Done a certain way they can be popular e.g. Cagliostro in Granblue.

Every series would be better if the male MC was genderbent.

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Well no but that's because right now when you picture a person you picture them as they are. If your best friend was magically transformed into a hot bitch then you may be singing a different tune after a week.

Genderbent idea.

The protagonist is cursed with a form of vampirism that requires him to feed on masculinity by absorbing it through touch, this has the side effect of turning his victims into women. The protagonist does not want to but extreme hunger and accidents happen.

Best friend, school bully, gym teacher.

Because nowadays everyone will go on about "muh trans" and shit.

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At least people are still ok with yaoi.

Is this pasta? This is the most incel text I've seen on Yea Forums yet

Nope you are just a virgin. Girls being just "one of the guys" is a bad sign. If a girl has male friends but no female friends it's a sign she's probably not nice to be around aside from wanting to try and fuck her.

Niche fetish genre that's worn out it's own tropes to the point of exhaustion.
>Jun to Kaoru
I bring this up any GB thread I'm in but this series really is the most interesting genderbending story I'm following purely because it manages to be a fun read despite no action, crazy drama, or shenanigans. It's just a slice of life story about two kids in a weird situation and very chill about the whole thing. Personally I think that the best place for gender bending is to not make it the main focus of the story. Because when it is authors are only going to articulate it in a couple of ways.

Make the story about something else and genderbending is just a secondary concern; this is what worked for Ranma 1/2 and it works for a lot of other series too in my opinion.

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>all it did was made Megumi think she used to be a boy.
what of her friend? did they both imagine the entire event?

Oh yeah, her too. It's not that they imagined the event, it's that the event didn't change what they thought it did. All it did was made Megumi and her friend falsely remember Megumi being a boy.

The spirit simply rewrote both of their memories.

Truth dubs

shoujo gender bender is the best

I've always wanted to read Ranma, but I have never found good scans or the Viz.


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anime is mainstream and Yea Forums took in a lot of newfigs because of it.

Id read/watch that

Not him but I can't be assed to do that for two reasons: the friend will still be 3D, and I have a waifu.

by my guess about 40% of the fans stopped posting at some point, not sure why though

now this is kino

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what show is this? reverse image provides nothing
i tried watching that show kokoro connect but it wash shite

Is this bait?

>Like, the adaptations for Fate/Extra and Fate/Grand Order had people sperging cause they went went the generic male self-insert instead of the generic female
You sure that wasn't mostly waifufags complaining?

>Anonymous 05/04/19(Sat)19:58:20 No.187847784▶
fuck you not everybody saw every anime ever in the universe

Ranma ½

Fuck you and your crippled mother.

Holy shit why the fuck do old shows have such a buttload of fucking episodes.

I never watched that anime or read its manga and even I recognised it on sight.

Less competition and they made ranma on the cheap, don't even bother animating the faces of background characters.

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Please don't lewd the giant cyberwarrior superhero.

I could see it except when the MC is buff

Doesn't it get boring?

Used to read a manga with a somewhat similar premise. I forgot all about it though because the translators abandoned it.

Isnt Tanya's anime a gender bender?

Ye, but it don't really focus on the aspect. You can scrap it and the story would stay the same.

No it's full of charm, the humour is on point and the characters are all likeable except akane

Gender bender is best when they give into the cute.

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I started thinking about it and changing gender to female wouldn't change that much, periods would probably be the worst part. It's not like you can't be lesbian after that

Had you thought about your new budget on clothes, cute accessories, and make-up? Or did you plan on quitting your expensive hobby to afford it

Why would I need expensive clothes, accessories or make up if I didn't care about getting interest from men?

Having a sense of fashion which is unneeded in men

only the body would change, if you start to edit personality there are no limits to changes, it becomes a new person only based on previous

If I got turned into 10/10 girl my best friend would be my first choice probably.

I don't have friends so I guess I will just hit the club and gobble dicks in the parking lot

>It's not like you can't be lesbian after that

If the transformation turned your brain into that of a heterosexual woman then you'd be attracted to men. Becoming a lesbian then would be the equivalent of forcing yourself to have gay sex now.

Not only that, but if having kids before you have to commit to it anyways.

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Not enough of it.
The best way to make something popular is to shove it down people's throats

Megumi a cute

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>What do I do now, how do I walk to school, how did this happen, I don't have any girl clothes, should I even let others know it's me? If I don't where do I go, if I do what do I do about it.
That only gives them enough for one or two anime episodes. The only way to extend that is to make it about her deciding on her new sexuality or finding a way to turn back

don't die

Yea Forums‘s sins have been atoned by spbp user.

It doesn't work like that. Normal men are far more put off by gay sex because it's emasculating and goes against your instinct to find women and breed. Women don't have a strong instinct to find men, just pick them when they come knocking, it's why women using sex toys or even sleeping with other women doesn't illicit the same revulsion as man doing those things.

Absolutely Based

>person you get along the most with suddenly makes your dick hard
Dunno man I can see why

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Some gender bender manga to look into in no particular order:

Tensei Pandemic - A bit formulaic, but it takes a turn with the genre by making the gender bender source a virus that is transferred through saliva and stuff.

Ame Nochi Hare - Ended a while ago, but it's pure and good. Very little fanservice, but those aren't the sort of beats its trying to follow.

Shishunki Bitter Change - Body swap manga that follows through several years of the main characters lives as they deal with the possibility that they might never switch back. Last chapter just got translated last month.

Kare wa Kanojo ni Kawaru no de - Updates are a bit slow and it's not super special story beats wise, but still enjoyable.

Jun and Kaoru: Pure and fragrant - Mentioned earlier in the thread, two childhood friends live next to each other and switch genders every day at the stroke of midnight. It's really good, and the authors other works are also excellent.

>I need more stuff to crunch through. This genre doesn't get enough love.

Ranma 1/2 did it too well.
There is nothing left to tell.


If I impregnate Ranma what happens, haha

>not helping your best friend lose his v card
It's just being a good wingman.

>genderbending is only gay for the one who got genderbended
What if the dude has a girlfriend?

>Ranma was like the last time it was done with innocent intent

Ranma didn't exist just for you to fap to it. But I think it's a pretty big stretch to call it innocent.

What was the one where a gay guy falls in love with his male best friend, dies, and then gets a second chance from god to come back as a girl so he can fall in love with his best friend who only loves girls?

Underrated genre

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*tips fedora*

>Body Swapping

these are all good things I want to see more of.

Never mind, I found it in my Godoka notification settings. It's Kami-sama no Ekohiiki. Not really the best, but gender bending content is slim pickings as it is.

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yes. the worst type of story telling, yet these are the ones that end up with a anime at the most.

have sex


Various gender bender manga:

Blaz Blue Remix Heart
Sekainohate de Amashou
Ore Nante Galge?
Fukigen Cinderella
Unbalance School Life
Nyotaika Yankee Gakuen Ore no Hajimete, Nerawaretemasu.
Shitei Bouryoku Shoujo Shiomi-chan
Kanojo ni Naru Hi
Kanojo ni Naru Hi Another
The Story of a Yakuza Boss Reborn as a Little Girl
Tadashi Ore wa Heroine Toshite
Mida Love
Ore ga... Yuri!?
About a Lazy High School Guy Who Woke Up as a Girl One Morning
Magical Trans!
Onii-chan is Done For
Chichi ga Loli na Mono de
Megu Miruku

Quality may vary.

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Boku wa Mari no naka

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>gender bender


Waifufags were fine with it.

Women who dress up like guys is disgusting. You could have big breasts and 10/10 looks, but wearing oversized man shirts and big pants will kill that appeal greatly.

There is a reason why women's pants suck ass since they don't have pockets or they have useless small pockets, but they dare not buy guys's pants, even if they are more functional.

Likewise, that is also why you don't see women wear a guy's shirt unless she just had sex with a dude and she has nothing to wear the morning after.

Oversize shirts don't show off your figure, and it can be potentially very unflattering for a busty girl (even if she is very skinny), since it makes her look 20 lbs heavier.

>>gender bender

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This is fake

There aren't enough non-H manga to adopt into an anime.

I can imagine Eiyuu Musume getting an anime adaptation since it is getting popular, but there isn't much source material to use.

All of them except Mida love ended with genderbender MC choose male partner

......and Mida Love is in eternal hiatus, and if it ever starts back up again, it is likely to end with a male winning since the MC was the big childhood crush of the main guy.

I blame Ranma for coming into my childhood and making me have these fucked up fetishes.

Oops, let me rephrase it, aside from Eiyuu Musume, I don't see any gender bender get adapted into an anime, because there isn't much gender bender to adapt from a manga or LN that has an established market.

Thank you, user!

>Twirl is currently in the lead
>Not Phoenix Guildy, Aika, Maido, or Erika
Bad move, I hope next volume fixes that.

Not gonna lie, I trust my best bro more than any other guy, so yeah, my dude would be my first choice too.

You realize that marriage is typically two best friends of the opposite sex (or same sex) who want to be locked into a lifetime contact together? Marriages of convenience, need, or for politics are rare nowadays.

Unfortunately it seems that you are

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>Ore ga... Yuri!?
Lesbian fox goddess doesn't seem that interested in hooking up the MC with a dude...

Not a gender bender. just a mentally ill girl

What if a guy gets genderbent by an evil sorcerer taking revenge on the hero's descendants but the guy's already androgynous though so no real change is visible. The only one who notices is his mom who also used to be a dude who tells him to buckle up fuckaroo and catch a man cause there's no going back. His time is spent searching for a way to reverse the curse and helping his male childhood friend lay the girl they both had a crush on by infiltrating the girls' circle. She occasionally wears makeup and dresses and comes to respect all the work women have to do to pretty themselves up. There's no rape or hijinks because she's not as pretty as the other girls and she has to deal with not being pushed to the side by some of the most eligible bachelor's in the school. A wholesome slice of life.

You have a good concept for a Dogakobo anime.

I would also like to see more done with girls turning into boys and dealing with the physical and social differences. I've hardly ever come across body switch of girl to guy. it's usually just crossdressing.


that's one of the best aspects of gender benders, that unless it's just for mindbreak porn, then in regular plot driven works it's about the characters physically changing not mentally. then watching how they adapt to the change and how they grow. that's what makes it fun and interesting imo.

Bitter Change just ended by the way.

A lot of gender bender fetishists fell for the tranny meme when really being AGP and transitioning is probably the worst thing you can do.

How do you know?

>A lot of gender bender fetishists fell for the tranny meme

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you wouldn't. especially if it's not to attract a man's attention. though looking nice would attract lesbians too. if it's off first impression.
lol thinking pants hanging below the waste, or cargo shorts and socks will attract any woman. there is a reason women often pick men in well fitted suits as one of the sexiest fashions on men. fashion matters as a man too unless you don't mind being laughed at.

wait what about girl meets girl? or was that anime only?

several artists i know and several tumblrtards i knew fell for it and transitioned

probably would read.

I think it's the other way around. they've poisoned the old fandom classics of gender benders, cross dressing, traps, etc because they're miserable children who couldn't pretend to be lesbians to feel special and different until they grew out of it like the 90s/00s teens and young adults did.

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Yeah, you're right. That actually kinda hurts to hear, but you're absolutely right. History repeats itself and all that.

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Thank you for speaking the truth user.

What if they are reborn as an asexual slime and then absorb the soul of a girl and project her form? Would it still be gay?

Then its a special kind of faggotry, because if they are a fucking slime then can become anything.

Someone have the source of this?

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They hated him because he told them the truth

(C93) [TSF no F (meito)] Ore ga Osananajimi no Koibito ni Naru nante Zettai Arienai (TSF no F no Hon Sono 4) [English] [derp89]

It's been, what, 8 years, and this one still hurts.

Based and also red pilled

>he says, on a site where everybody is a faggot

Because they made conservatives uncomfortable.

Seriously just slip it in mid argument.

Sometimes the truth comes out in doubles

Anyone who doesn't want to give Tanya another D just because she used to be an ojisan in another world is a bigger faggot than all the OPs combined.

Just wait till her haircut. It's no coincidence that her popularity went away with her hair.

But what if it was Archer in Rin's body?

based af, also include me in the screencap


>What's more reasonable for the parents in that moment, that your son has become a girl, or that some freaky stalker chick is in your son's room with you son nowhere to be seen?
Considering I live on the topmost floor of an apartment building, and am not in the habit of opening the bedroom window on account of flying cockroaches(and even if I did, there's a cast-iron grille across it), the transformation would be more readily accepted.

>get splashed with the twins water
>multiple times
>become lowest upkeep harem/baby factory

Strong contracts, and faith in the product to see it through multiple seasons.

Happosai too. Got to the point I was almost yelling "just die already!" every time they dragged out a death scene for sympathy.

Probably not for me. My best bro is bald, hairy, smoker, questionable hygiene, and rather stinky. We're friends because we can talk shit about lolis and doujins with one another.

It was a daytime kids show those are always long

Just finished Unbalance School Life. That was horsehit. What was that ending? Did it get canceled two days before the final chapter was due?


>Cockroaches transforming into cute girls
If only life were that fair.

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Because men really know how to pleasue other men

>rule 63ed terra formar
Fuck. That just crept into my consciousness, so now I'm sharing the gift.

When did Yea Forums become a tranny colony? I was away for a while

cope tranny


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If only.

Thanks for the spoilers

>still no remix heart sequel tl

Some people dislike aggressive girls in general, but most of the hate for Akane comes mostly from the filler episodes in later seasons (or filler scenes in canon stuff). Midway through the 3rd season the anime becomes mostly filler and they love writing stories where Akane and Ranma get closer by then she needs to get angry at him for a dumb reason to reset their relationship.

It was a day time family show. They could get away with a lot more nudity back in the 90s. You still have very long tv shows running noways during daytime.

It's the late night stuff that's short.

Gender bender is mostly shit but it can be pretty good when done right and even improves the character. Pick related.

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I think it's way too specific to really work as the main conflict in a big series, which is why there are many short genderbending manga, but few long ones or mainstream shows.

And the one long mainstream series featuring genderbending (Ranma) had a lot more going for it, with the martial arts battles or the promised marriage, with the genderbending as just a complication on top of all that.

Really, I think genderbending as a side-element in a bigger series or franchise is the best way to do it, which is why Mai from Blazblue turned out to be popular. There's a lot more going on there than just her genderbending itself, but the genderbending itself makes her an appealing character.

>And the one long mainstream series featuring genderbending (Ranma) had a lot more going for it, with the martial arts battles or the promised marriage, with the genderbending as just a complication on top of all that.
Ranma is a fighting/comedy manga that features genderbending, rather than really being a genderbender manga, which paradoxically makes it one of the best genderbender manga.

Pic related is also were genderbending works best as a secondary element to the story.

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I'm not sure about it being a side or secondary element being best, but definitely it needs to not be the only thing going on. Also for preference not a "this is permanent, gotta change back" type setup, something more like Ranma or Jun to Kaoru where it changes back and forth, but not necessarily at will.

You're welcome. It's a crappy manga anyway

Ranma was a harem and martial arts comedy manga with genderbending thrown in rather than a genderbending series. I don't think it's a good example of a long series since the characters and their relationships never really changed and its stories felt pretty repetitive. It felt like a sitcom that just recycled the same basic stories.

As for Mai from Blazblue, the genderbending was central to the story of Remix Heart, which was the manga that introduced Mai. Though that was a 25 chapter manga and by its end Mai has accepted herself as a woman. He genderbending does come up in later works, but she no longer has any inner conflict about it.

Attached: BlazBlue Remix Heart v04 c23-110.png (1200x1712, 666K)

Of course, gender bending is like all fetishes, if it is the sole focus, of course it wouldn't last long since the "gimmick" wears thin on its own. For example, people have a thing for girls with inverted nipples. If you had a story about inverted nipped girl and the literal focus is one that thing, the story would last maybe a volume at most.

Now, if it was an epic adventure of a beauty with a great cast of characters, amazing storytelling, wonderful storyline, and the main chick just happens to have inverted nips, it would be a 30 volume epic.

Same thing with gender bending, it is not a panacea for weak storytelling, poor characterization, and world building. If anything, it can make a good manga better, but it can't save a terrible manga from getting canned.

Ranma 1/2 was incredibly popular, because, first and foremost, it was one the of funniest manga ever made. If gender bending never happened, Ranma 1/2 would still be one of the funniest manga ever made. Gender bending enhances the humor and misunderstandings. That is the big mistake of many modern gender benders now, the manga still has to be damn good without it.

....and to follow up on my post.

Let's use that BlazBlue manga spinoff with Mai as an example. It is a pretty popular gender bending manga, but let's say your remove the gender bending element and make Mai a hot, big, breasted girl with daddy issues.

The manga would still be strong since the entire story focuses on Mai growing out of her fathers shadow and her inferiority complex. The slice of life and world building would still be strong since it was in the manga.

If gender bending was completely absent from the manga. It would still be popular because all the other elements are strong.

>maint still not over
I'm fucking missing my dailies god damn it. They'd better give apologems for this.

The MC is overpowered and there is zero sense of crisis and conflict. It's the same with lesbian vampire and milk drinking succubus, they are too strong that it is hard building a scenario where they feel threatened.

It's weird how reincarnation isekai is starting to be a strong pillar in the genre.

Late night anime are pretty infomercials for their source, they are also shrinking, becoming less relevant, and focusing on a dying market.

I don't think that one is reincarnation. You thinking of Eiyuu Musume perchance?

Eiuyuu Musume has no right being as good as it is. I was pleasantly surprised how good it is, and I heard it gets way better once the main story starts in the academy.


Thanks for recommendations

Can't wait until the manga goes to volume 4 of the LN and Reid/Nicole learns how to transform into her 16 year old self, which to her dismay is sexy and busty.

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That's a problem with almost every isekai that originates from Narou. They almost always have insanely overpowered protagonists.

>Seeing a NEET getting mind broken by his little sister
>Slowly becomes so feminine and girly she has a tomboy who is thirsty as fuck for her
Why the fuck is this manga so good? This manga shouldn't be so good because you are literally seeing a dude get mindbroken by society.

To be fair, lesbian Loli vampire seems to be found a way.

Just has a vampire who is evil, even more lesbian. And more OP than the main girl(boy). Holy crap is Elise hot

Where is the fun in that, many shonen stuff is popular because of growth and development. It is far more exciting to see a character to grow from someone who is weak to OP through hard work.

Like it is fun seeing a gender bender where a character grows slowly from a flat girl, to noticeable boobs, to a titty monster. It is not fun to see big out of nowhere.

They are 3 chapter behind, what the fuck is wrong with the translators?

his school email didn't change but the first name changed

Seriosuly, why didn't he fuck her right then and there? Is he gay?

ranma was one of the most popular series in japan, it had multiple seasons movies, a short remake, several games, and a long running manga?

That's not gay if your turn into a girl and fuck boys.

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Oh shit

But Ranma wasn't popular because it was a genderbender, it was a comedy series that happened to have genderbending.

If is a case of the product being good, like how that movie that was the highest grossing anime of all time had genderbender, but it was a damn good movie first and foremost.

It would be because it is funny. You can still grab a random volume and bust a gut because it is great.

There haven't been a manga as funny as ranma in a long time.

He knows that Ranma is a dude and his childhood rival also at that time he was in love with Akane and fucking Ranma would make uncomfortable their relationship in the future.

Sometimes common sense can override carnal desires, a foreign concept to some people.

Agreed. The genderbending in Remix Heart was important but Mai also had to deal with other personal issues in addition to adjusting to life as a girl.

One other thing I liked was that Mai actually spent time with a group of girls and adjusted to living as a girl in that way rather than being paired up with a male best friend.

These isekai stories are pure wish-fulfillment power fantasies, which is why the generic self-insert MC gains vast cosmic power with little to no effort and then proceeds to dominate the world he finds himself in. Which of course results in a very uninteresting story.

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Because people has not read true based stories about this genre

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That's the problem with modern isekai stories, they are wish fulfillment power fantasies. The concept of isekai isn't inherently bad, in fact, it could potentially have great stories and unlimited potential. It is just being squandered because they are designed for people who hate their lives and wish they could end it all, and what happens on the other side is a life of perfection where you get power, pussy, and more pussy.

Yeah, I agree. A talented author could do anything with a 'transported to another world' premise. That's why I specified Narou isekai in my previous post, as these are written by complete amateurs copying each other and they scrape the very bottom of the barrel. These posts have a good analysis of this phenomenon.

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Yup, that nails it pretty well.

That's why while Eiyuu Musume is not isekai, but a reincarnation gender bender, it is great because it harkens to an age when the MC wasn't this god-tier overpowered lead.

Nicole has to work her ass off to even be remotely on the same level she was before she died as Reid. Not only that, she was born with more skills and techniques in her second life, but she has to adopt that to having a more frail, feminine body.

So when she grows and improves, the audience also feels a sense of accomplishment with the MC.

That is rare nowadays, which is sad.

same reason battle harems went out of style

Boku Girl started out kinda doing this but then the author got an extension and didn't know what to do with it so the series went to shit.

Gender bending was never in style, name a time where there was a golden age of gender bending and you had dozens of manga and LN's being released and it got adapted into several anime each season?

There isn't any, heck, you can argue we are in the first golden age now where there are tons of gender bending LN and manga, and not a single one got adapted into an anime.

I can see Eiyuu Musume getting adapted in the next year or two, but it is a damn good story, even without gender bending.

>Aereus transitioned
Always thought it would be the Japanese Flu or Truck-kun that would get him, guess he's gonna suicide in the 27-hour store

Eiyuu Musume seems promising. The scene where the MC is a baby lusting after her mom's tits was awkward but I do want to see where the story will go.

Yeah, Boku Girl is a series that would have been better if it had been shorter. The author really didn't know what to do with it.

If Boku Girl ended when it should have. It could have been one of the "great pillars" of gender bending.

The problem is that drawing it out with zero direction turned a great manga into pure dogshit.

>The scene where the MC is a baby lusting after her mom's tits was awkward but I do want to see where the story will go.
That was awkward as fuck and I hope the anime adaptation just skips that shit because it is a blight in an otherwise SUPERB gender bending story.

If you like gender bending, you have zero excuse to not read Eiyuu Musume. It's probably the best and the highest quality new gender bender story.

i remember there were like 3 or 4 genderbend mangas running concurrently a few years back, boku girl was one, fuck if i can remember the others.
anyway trends come and go but stuff dribbles out occasionally even in times of drought.

no no, not Aereus , TC

Already know of all of them but still you're doing god's work buddy.

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While Eiyuu Musume is excellent, there are several niggling things I have against it.

The first is the anachronisms, like whiteboards in the school lessons and office wear and sweaters. The author needed consistency for world-building and they bungled it.

The second is everyone's connection to Reid. Literally every major character sans Michelle and her family have some deep attachment to Reid. The amount of connection between the main character's past life and her current life is too strong to be believable. It is one thing to have the Hero's friends, but add random elves, cute girls, princes, and it gets annoying.

The last one is this, once the story moves to the academy it stalls, basically you have volume one of the LN has her grow 7 years. Then volume 2-4 covers several months, several months? What the heck??? I want her to grow out and start hitting adolescence and puberty.

Yeah heh, would be weird right?

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Re: World Building

It takes hundreds of hours to map out a fictional world's layout, cosmology, geography, history, properly. For most storytellers, they start developing world building once they know a project is going to be successful. That's why generally, world building isn't done for first time manga-ka, LN writers, novelists, because why waste tons of time doing world building for a project that has a huge chance of failure.

Generally, artists who have a track record spend more time world building, since they know they have a built in market. The ones who aren't established, but do world building as a first timer is because it is a passion project, and they have a regular job or career to rely on.

It's isekai you're thinking of tensei

>full titty torture
I can't find anything that comes close to this.

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The one time there was some world building going on in isekai the mangaka died.

Guro isn't my thing

thank god there's another patrician in this board

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dude, that's not guro.
Try to read it

>I can see Eiyuu Musume getting adapted in the next year or two, but it is a damn good story, even without gender bending.

I would love for this to be true just by virtue of someone picking up the LN translation, and because it will inspire more GB manga.

If the otome-isekai boobs, I clearly can see a future where 2 or 3 GB isekai/ fantasy anime will air.

Like Bakarina or not, that anime will definitely lead to an otome isekai boom.

The hero we need.

A degenerates fetish at best.

Let's get some patrician discussion in here.

Do you prefer a person transforms into a titty monster to begin with or they GB at a younger age and grow into a busty girl?

The option that doesn't involve a guy turning into a girl.

Attached: Integrity.png (640x478, 392K)

Breast_expansion is hot as fuck. Age_progression/regression is, too. I'll take all of the above.

>crossdressing>body swaping
fuck off homo.

Imagine your bewbs growing slowly, becoming bigger than your school friend and start a forbidden love relationship with her

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>GB at a younger age and grow into a busty girl
That doesn't happen enough, but why busty? It would also be great for her to grow into a girl with average sized breasts or even small breasts.

both sound nice

Define "busty," are we talking about D cups that can fill a hand and then some, or are we taking F cups where it is almost head sized and a hand can barely even cover the bottom of the tits?

>ITT Guys who don't know cup sizes
"D cup" could be a big as a "F cup" depending on the underbust

D cups are literally the average in the West, they only look big on very small frames. The meme about it being the cow tits threshold is from men and girls who didn't fit their bras properly

Chichi ga Loli na Mono de has genderbender and features a cockroach turned into a loli

Attached: Chichi ga Loli na Mono de.jpg (773x560, 104K)

As you said, it's all about the frame.

If a girl is stick and bones, D cups are huge. They are gigantic on a skinny girl. If a girl is fag, her boobs will actually look pretty flat with D's.

Because it's too good. If this shit was popular, we would have an explosion of trannies irl, so the japanese government actively tries to stop genderbender anime from airing.

Just passing by to remind everyone that if you don't secretly wish to be a cute girl, then you don't belong here.

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is unpopular in the west because trannies later get obsessed

>japanese government actively tries to stop genderbender anime from airing.

sauce? greasemonkey has stopped working so all my scripts are fucked

>If a girl is fag

You clearly do not have female friends.

If a person has bigger boobs than the other girls, they talk shit about her behind her back. They spread rumors about being a slut so other guys won't go near her.

They basically destroy her socially, while wearing a smile when they see her face to face. Women are tucking scary when they see a girl who "has it all"

The most beautiful thing in life, for me, is seeing a cute girl who used to be a boy becoming a mother.


Are you affected by that Firefox thing? You should be able to re-enable it by going to about:debugging and loading the .xpi as a temporary addon.

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libshits have been trying to come here and say otherwise

I won't go into blogshit, but yes, women are scary when they feel threatened.

Fuck off back to /pol/ with your delusions.

That's why I said your school friend, before being a busty girl. Besides, having a tomboyish personality, for being a guy before, helps to deal with these sluts and I'm not sure I like the idea of being surrounded by guys being a busty girl.

Faggotry can be recognized without /pol/ shit getting involved user.

That won't help you at all.

Don't underestimate the power of female jealously. It's why I always have a laugh at gender bender stories and the mysterious busty girl becomes the center of attention, because that happens, but not because she is popular with the other girls.

Fucking hell, this

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Most Narou isekai reuse almost identical Dragon Quest clones as their settings, which is one of the reasons they're so awful. If an author can't handle worldbuilding they shouldn't be creating a new world.

I bet it's this.

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And you base that on what? Claiming that all women are sociopaths out to destroy one another is kind of absurd. And women don't care about breast size as much as is shown in anime.

Having the genderbent character suddenly make every man want to fuck her and every woman to like her is pretty stupid because nobody would evoke that reaction. It's pure wish fulfillment and I prefer series where it doesn't happen.

The second,
Navy Tanya is the CUTEST

>cute girl who used to be a boy becoming a mother.
i wish this happens in non-h

There are a few series where it happens.

Attached: SS_Sekainohate_de_Aimashou_v8_193.png (1099x1600, 448K)

they never did in the fist place. I'm glad the faggot era is coming to a close.

IT does, just rarely.

if it's just for short porn, probably the former.
if it's for actual plot and development, probably the latter.

>>ITT Guys who don't know cup sizes
>"D cup" could be a big as a "F cup" depending on the underbust
lol ain't it. we need more fem anons in here

For what fucking purpose? Also threadly reminder that new magical trans chapter fucking when?

you either have no real female friends or have hung around shit friends, cause this isn't universal, it's what shitty people do. and not all girls want big boobs and are actually happy with their figure. they're more concerned about being looked at as fat.

please yes

spin-off translation never

I wish I were a girl but I'm not going to take HRT and drop six figures on surgery just to look like a fucking alien
When somebody figures out how to turn an adult man into a cute JC like in Onii-chan Is Done For that'll be a serious concern, but right now I wouldn't worry about it

Agreed. Unless you already have a feminine/androgynous body or transition really early, you're bound to look like a monster. For people who started reading genderbending manga too late, the only solution is a head transplant.

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This right here. We all want to be girls, but that doesn't mean we will waste thousands of bucks to butcher yourself and make yourself look like a fag and act all girly just to overcompesate, at the end of the day you'll always be a man. Now if we can MAGICALLY turn into a cute little girl then I welcome my new life.

best genderbender i've ever seen

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yuuri was fun

Is that a manga?

>tfw you were born too early to be able to upload your brain into the body of a cute little girl

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So what's the disparity between gender bender manga that end with the victim remaining their own gender, and manga where the victim remains the other gender? I feel like there's less gender benders where they find a way out rather than ones where they just accept their new life.

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Unless you're very old or terminally ill, it's far too early to say that. At the very least you might get to see decent VR within your lifetime. There's no harm in holding on to hope.

Living the pervert dream.

I wanna see boys turning into women and succumbing to base feminine urges. I think that's what most gender bender fetishists like.

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fucking this

I didn't look very hard but I not sure I've ever seen one where they managed to switch back.

Nice dubs of truth

Rate my GB story idea, anons
>MC's parents died in accident
>MC moved back to rural town
>be best friend with a pair of sibling.
>inseparable group of three, even dating the sister
>bro hanged himself for unknown reason
>group broke apart, MC broke up with sister
>secretly blaming himself for not being able to help bro
>developed suicidal tendencies but barely managed to keep that in check
>moved to city attending colleges
>fucking kaijins attacking
>MC used the power of contracts, magic and video games to transform into magical girls.
>the rest of the story is typical toku/magical girls fighting stuff
>grand theme is about moving on with life, even with great loss and changes to your own life, whether it's a loved one's death, moving to a completely different place or completely change to one life/gender


Osananajimi wa Onnanoko ni Naare kind of ends with the MC staying a guy. Though it's also kind of a Ranma situation where he would change back and forth throughout the story despite the bitch fairy's attempts to keep him a girl.

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As most people in this thread have stated, writing with gender-bending as the primary focus is difficult. I’ve seen constant stories on Fictionmania and TG Storytime which have a transformation and nothing else - they thought of the premise only so much up until the MC became a chick, but not afterwards. Plus, it’s sometimes difficult to write when you have a fetish based around it - getting aroused over something you made yourself isn’t common.

A good rule of thumb - if you can remove gender bending from the premise and still have a good concept for a story, it’s probably going to have promise.

Also, don’t get blinded by the transsexual hateboner Yea Forums has here. /pol/ has infused anons with an unhealthy amount of machismo, to the point where they triggered whenever they sense an attack on their masculinity.

Has potential.

Ranma wasn't really a harem. Sure it had enough girls interested in Ranma, but one of the defining aspects of a harem series is that there aren't any other (potential) romantic relationships. Each of Ranma's suitors have suitors of their own, and I think one or two of the suitors' suitors have one too. It's a complicated web of people who are in love with people who are in love with other people. Harems are literally just one guy and a bunch of girls interest in him and only him, with no other even potential options.

got some themes in there I like and I generally got a soft spot for gender bender magical girls. b

magical trans is the only acceptable version of trans

>posts one of the most popular gateway anime of the 90's

I'm currently writing an isekai novel where the MC starts out genderbent, and finds it to be an unpleasant pain in the ass due to his situation.
He hates it at first, but as time goes by he starts to accept it as he grows used to it, though he never really starts thinking like a woman. Eventually however, he ends up being happy and is playful about the situation.
there's also a big focus on insanity, and it plays a big part in the magic system and how gods are born
The MC's companions are in fact hallucinations, and represent aspects of the MC himself. He happens to come across these companions at points where he's extremely mentally stressed. This is hinted at through dialogue and character interactions throughout the story. He slowly comes to realize this fact, and once he makes the realization they all disappear, causing him to go batshit crazy. As a result, he begins his apotheosis and his power explodes. He warps reality and creates them anew from his own memories, except this time they're real. His waifu calms him down, and his apotheosis stops halfway.
The one who isekai'd the MC was in fact himself, years and years into the future after his apotheosis. At the end of the story he'll have to make the choice of whether to do it to himself again and create a closed causal loop, or break the loop and destroy himself.
Thoughts? Would any of you give it a chance?


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Assuming the whole main party's hallucination, it will be pretty to pull off battle scenes and scenes where they interacted with other characters who are real

This is a good one thanks user, can sneak this without the libfags seeing it.

No, a harem should be defined as a protagonist who has multiple characters that are romantically interested in them. Ranma has multiple girls who are after him and doesn't pick one until the very end. Also a lot of the stories are about one of the girls trying to get him for themselves or some villain trying to steal a girl away from Ranma who then has to stop them. It's most certainly a harem.

I like when the MC has imaginary friends and the story makes it seem at first like a SOL for crush it with the POV of a side character that reveals the insanity of MC.

>Series with a genderbent, my fetish
>The best girl is always someone else
every time

It's not appealing if it's a series I know, especially one I'm attached to like Puyo Puyo. It's gotta be its own story for me.

I'm fine with myself as I am, but I wouldn't mind being a girl. Heck I might even enjoy it for about a month or so. But I would want to be a girl, not a weird inbetween thing.

Giving in to cocklust is the hottest part

Which girl do you prefer then?

I do like that Mai's sexual orientation changes, as it forces her to stop viewing herself as a boy in a girl's body and opens the way for her eventually accepting herself as a woman.

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What an awful thread

Tsubaki. I haven't read much remix heart but I've played all the games. I admire her sense of justice, her cuteness, and the lengths she's willing to go to for the one she loves.

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Tsubaki starts out loyally serving a totalitarian regime controlled by a monster who wants to murder everyone and then tries to kill one of her best friends because she got appointed as the secretary of the dude she loves instead of herself. If anything I'd say Tsubaki improves when she realizes she shouldn't monomaniacally pursue Jin and shouldn't show blind obedience to authority.

He has a harem, but that's not quite the same thing as it being a harem series.

Her development helps her a lot, yeah, especially after she was literally blinded by her listening to authority and then literally opening her eyes with help from her friends, but even aside she's still super cute and we're getting off topic here.

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Ranma is a harem series. A lot of the stories are about girls trying to get Ranma and the question of who Ranma will choose in the end hangs over the plot, as Ranma refuses to commit to a girl until the very end.

Hey, you can't call /pol/lacks and danger hairs that. You're offending the subhumans

I'd read it if it wasn't genderbender, seems pointless in this case

Should have ended on the second reply. Yet here we are almost 2 days later.

Absolutely based

I'm having a lot of fun with it, actually.
No lewds, just issues caused by having a different body.

He's a different height and weight. His strength and grip are different. His stride and sense of balance are all off compared to his muscle memory. When he talks to people, he's treated like a woman even if he doesn't act like one, which annoys him. He's expected to act like a woman, even though he doesn't want to, which further annoys him. He can't sleep with straight women, which greatly upsets him. If he wanted to bear a child he'd have to sleep with a man, which disgusts him.

Part of his journey is trying to get his old body back through magic.
He never really accepts it, but he does slowly grow more comfortable in his new body as time goes on and his priorities change. I haven't decided whether to have him finally find a way to get his old body back so he can have a child with his waifu or not. I may well do that, because i like vanilla.
no harem, obviously. comfy adventures and exploration with waifu, tiny fairy and pet, uncovering the secrets and history of an ancient world.

only uncloset faggots and manlets can't enjoy gender bender without feel gay

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Kanjo ni naru hi goes that direction.

i love katia

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Because trannies are grotesque

this manga made me sad, it was nice in the first half, and then it had some mistakes.

yeah it clearly got axed, which is a shame since it was cute; the president was best girl

major feels bad

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Because a lot of them are either faggots in the unmasculine sense or closeted actual homos.

It's how you get the leap of logic that makes fucking a man that dresses like a woman less gay than fucking a woman who acts like a guy.

have you read those historical works by geneva? i like them

>genderbend manga becomes a battle shounen (shoujo)
Is this peak anime?

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I'm amazed that dumbass actually managed to become the breadwinner in the spin-off.

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which manga

He shouldn't have swapped back

the brat ended up well too

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That series was pretty bad. It has an awful blank slate self-insert MC and the comedy was pretty bad as well. Only thing it had going for it was the nice art.

Because if done right you get a nice story a guy trying to reverse his condition and realizing there is no way back and accepting his circumstances (Or persevering and turning back).
And if done wrong (This is almost always the case) you get tranny wish fullfilment where they are distressed for 1-2 chapters and immediately after the genderbending plot point becomes pointless and they are lusting after dick, extra points if this was on a daily life setting and no one batted an eye.

I can't comment on female to male (Alone) genderbending because I have never seen any.

>New magical trans chapter out
Eh, pestering works sometimes.

>mc wore a sailor uniform
the absolute madman

In case anyone here can read moonrunes, there's the Japanese ver of a Chinese mobage called Witch's Weapon on DMM with the MC turned into a Witch after absorbing part of the Holy Grail or something.
It's very basic but Twitter's reactions seemed to be quite positive and if lucky we may have English translation and doujins in the future.

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MC has a really good design that can pull off both cool and cute expressions.

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As of typical soshage, the rest of the characters are cute girls and there's plenty of yuri going around.

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